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포털: 아키텍처


아키텍처 포털

View of Florence showing the dome, which dominates everything around it. It is octagonal in plan and ovoid in section. It has wide ribs rising to the apex with red tiles in between and a marble lantern on top.
15세기 초에 플로렌스 대성당에 돔을 추가하면서 건축가 필리포 브루넬레스키는 건물과 도시뿐만 아니라 건축가의 역할과 지위도 변화시켰다.

건축(Architectura, 고대 그리스어 arkhitékton, arkhitékton, arkhi-, arkhi-, ''''''''''''''''''''''''''ivingiving'''' conceivingivingiving,' architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect architect건축 작품은 건물의 물질적 형태에서 종종 문화적 상징이자 예술 작품으로 인식된다.역사적 문명은 종종 그들의 남아있는 건축적 업적과 동일시된다.

건축은 시행착오에서 성공적인 복제로 발전한 시골의 구전식 건축으로 시작되었습니다.고대 도시 건축은 그리스와 로마 건축이 시민 덕목으로 초점을 옮기기 전까지 통치자의 정치적 힘을 상징하는 종교적 구조와 건물을 짓는데 몰두했다.인도와 중국의 건축은 아시아 전역에 영향을 미쳤고, 특히 불교 건축은 다양한 지역적인 맛을 가져왔습니다.사실, 유럽 중세에, 로마네스크와 고딕 양식의 성당들과 수도원장들의 범유럽 양식이 등장한 반면, 르네상스는 이름으로 알려진 건축가들에 의해 구현된 고전적인 형태를 선호했다.이후 건축가와 엔지니어의 역할이 분리되었다.현대 건축은 제1차 세계대전 이후 중산층과 노동자 계층의 요구를 충족시키는 데 초점을 맞춘 전후 사회경제 질서에 적합한 완전히 새로운 스타일을 개발하려는 아방가르드 운동으로 시작되었다.현대 기술, 재료, 단순화된 기하학적 형태에 중점을 두면서 고층 상부 구조의 길을 열었다.많은 건축가들은 그들이 부정적이고 반감정적이라고 인식한 모더니즘에 환멸을 느끼게 되었고 포스트모던현대 건축이 발달했다.

오랜 세월에 걸쳐, 건축의 분야도 확대되어 선박 설계로부터 인테리어에 이르기까지의 모든 것을 망라하고 있습니다.(전편...)

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Gateshead Millennium Bridge는 남쪽 뱅크의 Gateshead Arts 쿼터(Gateshead Arts 쿼터)와 북쪽 뱅크의 Newcast upon Tyne's Quayside(타인 부두) 지역 사이에 있는 Tyne 강을 가로지르는 보행자 및 자전거 경사진 다리입니다.그것은 건설된 최초의 경사교였다.2001년에 일반인에게 공개되어 수상 경력이 있는 이 구조물은 건축 실무자인 윌킨슨 에어와 구조 엔지니어링 회사인 기퍼드에 의해 구상되고 설계되었습니다.이 다리는 모양과 기울어진 방법 때문에 '깜빡이는 눈 다리' 또는 '깜빡이는 눈 다리'로 불리기도 한다.밀레니엄 다리는 도시에서 20번째로 높은 구조물로, 인접한 타인 다리보다 높이가 짧습니다.(전문...)

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Architects: Matthew Brettingham, William Bruce, William Burges, John Douglas, Charles Holden, El Lissitzky, Benjamin Mountfort, I. M. Pei, Albert Speer, Rudolf Wolters. Buildings: 7 World Trade Center, Angkor Wat, Baden-Powell House, Belton House, Borobudur, BP Pedestrian Bridge, Bramall Hall, Buckingham Palace, Buildings and architecture of Bristol, Buildings of Jesus College, Oxford, Buildings of Nuffield College, Oxford, Building of the World Trade Center, Castell Coch, Catherine de' Medici's building projects, Chartwell, Chicago Board of Trade Building, Cragside, Heian Palace, Holkham Hall, IG Farben Building, House with Chimaeras, Hoysala architecture, City of Manchester Stadium, Monnow Bridge, Mosque, Michigan State Capitol, New Orleans Mint, Oregon State Capitol, Oriel College, Oxford, Palazzo Pitti, Palladian architecture, Pennsylvania State Capitol, Round Church, Preslav, Sandringham House, Sanssouci, Santa Maria de Ovila, Scottish Parliament building, Sicilian Baroque, St Donat's Castle, St. Michael's Cathedral, Qingdao, St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery, St Nicholas, Blakeney, Vkhutemas, The Tower House, West Wycombe Park

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Chicago Landmarks, National Treasures of Japan (castles), National Treasures of Japan (shrines), Pritzker Prize, New churches by John Douglas, Church restorations, amendments and furniture by John Douglas, Houses and associated buildings by John Douglas, Non-ecclesiastical and non-residential works by John Douglas, Scheduled monuments in Maidstone, Works by Charles Holden, Grade I listed buildings in:Bath and North East Somerset, Maidstone, Mendip, North Somerset, Sedgemoor, South Somerset, Taunton Deane, West Somerset, List of tallest buildings in:Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Dubai, Hong Kong, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles, Manchester, Miami, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Providence, San Francisco, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo, Toronto, Tulsa, Vancouver, Listed buildings in:Runcorn (urban area), Runcorn (rural area), Widnes

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Architects: William Adam, Eustace Balfour, Antoni Gaudí, Thomas Harrison, Zvi Hecker, Bjarke Ingels, E. G. Paley, Timothy L. Pflueger, Antonin Raymond, Kenzo Tange. Buildings: 108 North State Street, 5th Avenue Theatre, Algonquin Hotel, Andriyivskyy Descent, AT&T Corporate Center, Ballard Carnegie Library, Baths of Zeuxippus, Beaumont House, Benjaminville Friends Meeting House and Burial Ground, Blackstone Library, Boughton Monchelsea Place, The Casbah Coffee Club, Central Troy Historic District, Chana School, Chester Rows, Chicago Spire, Chicago Theatre, Chrysler Building, Churche's Mansion, Clinton Presidential Center, Crown Fountain, Dolphinarium, Eaton Hall, Cheshire, Édifice Price, Edinburgh Place Ferry Pier, Ellwood House, The Exchange, Bristol, Forbidden City, Harold Washington Cultural Center, Heller House, Historic Michigan Boulevard District, Hull House, Imbrex and tegula, Imperial War Museum North, Jay Pritzker Pavilion, Joffrey Tower, Joseph F. Glidden House, Linton Park, Liverpool Town Hall, Louvre, Manila Hotel, Marquette Building (Chicago), Millennium Stadium, National Gallery, London, National Police Memorial, New Bedford Historic District, Old Louisville, One Bayfront Plaza, One Times Square, Onion dome, Oregon Public Library, Pavillon de Flore, Presidio of Santa Barbara, Queen's Pier, Rancho Camulos, Robot Building, Rock N Roll McDonald's, Roman Baths (Bath), Rookery Building, Senate House (University of London), Shamrock Hotel, Sycamore Historic District, Taipei 101, TCF Bank Stadium, United States Institute of Peace Headquarters, University Mall (Little Rock, Arkansas), University of Illinois Observatory, University of Virginia, Upper Brook Street Chapel, Manchester, Valley of the Kings, Via della Conciliazione, Victoria Rooms (Bristol), Waller Hall, Wales Millennium Centre, World Trade Center. Castles and fortifications: Beaumaris Castle, Berkhamsted Castle, Bowes Castle, Buckton Castle, Caernarfon Castle, Caludon Castle, Château Gaillard, Château de Chinon, Conwy Castle, Dolbadarn Castle, Dunstaffnage Castle, Fort Greble, Fort Pasir Panjang, Fortress of Klis, Golubac fortress, Goodrich Castle, Haapsalu Castle, Hadleigh Castle, Halton Castle, Himeji Castle, Hylton Castle, Kaunas Fortress, Kenilworth Castle, Loch Leven Castle, Longtown Castle, Okehampton Castle, Oxford Castle, Peckforton Castle, Castle Rising, Roslin Castle, Smederevo Fortress, St Briavels Castle, Vilnius Castle Complex, Walls of Constantinople, Walls of Dubrovnik, York Castle. Religious buildings: Akhtala monastery, Akshardham Temple, Al-Aqsa Mosque, Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, Bath Abbey, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Hong Kong), Chester Cathedral, College of All Saints, Maidstone, Elgin Cathedral, Etchmiadzin Cathedral, Ganting Grand Mosque, Hurva Synagogue, Jesuit Missions of Chiquitos, Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral, Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral, Mezhyhirskyi Monastery, Old St Paul's Cathedral, St Mary's Church, Acton, St Mary's Church, Nantwich, St Mary's Church, Nether Alderley, St Thomas the Martyr's Church, Oxford, Sunol Water Temple, Uppsala Cathedral, Wells Cathedral, Zagreb Synagogue, Zhenguo Temple. Cities, countries and regions: Architecture of Denmark, Architecture of Leeds, Architecture of Madagascar, Architecture of Norway, Architecture of Scotland, Architecture of the medieval cathedrals of England, Buildings and architecture of Bath, Castles in Great Britain and Ireland, Grade I listed buildings in Somerset, Architecture of the Song Dynasty, Fatimid architecture.

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