핀드 삼멜란

Pind Sammelan

Pind Sammelan 또는 Spindsi힌두교에서 누군가 죽은 지 13일째 되는 날에 행해지는 의식이다. 이 의식은 죽은 영혼을 조상과 하나님께 바치기 위해 행해진다. 제사 전에는 죽은 영혼이 프레타(악령)가 되고, 이 의식을 행한 후에는 영혼이 '피터'(굿 스피릿)가 되어 조상에 포함될 것으로 생각된다.

북인도에서는 이 의식을 테라빈이라고 부른다.[1][2][3]

참고 항목


  1. ^ K. S. Singh; Amir Hasan; B. R. Rizvi; J. C. Das (2005), Uttar Pradesh, Manohar, 2005, ISBN 978-81-7304-114-3, ... Ashes of the dead are immersed in a river, preferrably [sic] Ganga. The thirteenth day or final day of mourning is known as terahvin. It can be held any day after the ashes are immersed though generally is observed no later than the thirteenth day. It is a way of bidding goodbye to the soul. Daan, that is, gift of a new bed, shoes, clothes, quilt, ...
  2. ^ Steven W. Ramey (2008-09-15), Hindu, Sufi, or Sikh: contested practices and identifications of Sindhi Hindus in India and beyond, Macmillan, 2008, ISBN 978-0-230-60832-0, ... Other Hindus, they pray from the Gita or other slokas. And on the 13th day from death, Sikhs who have turbans, they necessarily have Guru Granth Sahib path. For 13 days they go on reading, and on the last day it is completed and special functions are held ...
  3. ^ Madan Lal Sharma; A.K. Bhatia (1994), Haryana, Anthropological Survey of India, 1994, ISBN 978-81-7304-091-7, ... On terahvin, five pandits are called to perform purificatory puja and havan. Brahmans are treated to fried food, sweets and also given cash and presentations like a string-cot, bed, a stick, juti (shoes) and four or five utensils by way ...