Series (mathematics)에 관한 일련의 기사의 일부 |
미적분학. |
수학에서 급수는 대략적으로 말하면 주어진 [1]시작량에 무한히 많은 양을 하나씩 더하는 연산을 기술하는 것이다.급수에 대한 연구는 미적분과 그 일반화, 수학적 분석의 주요 부분이다.급수는 수학의 대부분의 영역에서 사용되며, 함수를 생성함으로써 유한 구조(조합학 등)를 연구하는 데도 사용됩니다.무한 급수는 수학에서의 보편성 외에도 물리학, 컴퓨터 과학, 통계학 및 재무와 같은 다른 양적 분야에서도 널리 사용됩니다.
오랫동안, 그러한 잠재적으로 무한한 합계가 유한한 결과를 낳을 수 있다는 생각은 역설적으로 여겨졌다.이 역설은 17세기 동안 한계라는 개념을 사용하여 해결되었다.아킬레우스와 거북이에 대한 제노의 역설은 무한한 양의 이 반직관적인 속성을 보여준다.아킬레우스는 거북이를 쫓아가지만, 경주 초반에 거북이의 위치에 도달했을 때 거북이는 두 번째 위치에 도달했고, 그가 두 번째 위치에 도달했을 때 거북이는 세 번째 위치에 도달했습니다.제노는 아킬레우스가 거북이에게 절대 다가갈 수 없고, 따라서 움직임이 존재하지 않는다고 결론지었다.제노는 아킬레우스가 거북이를 잡는 데 걸리는 총 시간을 시리즈로 나누기 위해 무한히 많은 서브레이스로 레이스를 나눴다.역설의 해결은 비록 이 시리즈가 무한한 수의 용어를 가지고 있지만, 유한한 합을 가지고 있기 때문에 아킬레우스가 거북이를 따라잡는 데 필요한 시간을 벌어준다는 것이다.
현대 용어로는 임의의 (순서 있는) 무한 시퀀스 1, 2, 3, {의 용어(즉, 숫자, 함수 또는 추가할 수 있는 모든 것)가 시리즈를 정의합니다.이것은 a를 차례로i 추가하는 연산입니다.항이 무한히 많다는 것을 강조하기 위해 급수를 무한 급수라고 할 수 있습니다.그러한 급수는 다음과 같은 표현으로 표현된다(또는 표현된다).
연속에 의해 암시되는 무한의 덧셈 시퀀스는 (적어도 한정된 시간 내에) 효과적으로 수행될 수 없습니다.그러나 항과 그 유한합이 속하는 집합이 한계 개념을 가지고 있는 경우, 때때로 급수의 합이라고 불리는 값을 급수에 할당할 수 있습니다.이 값은 n번째 부분합이라고 하는 n개의 급수 첫 번째 항의 유한합(한계가 존재하는 경우)이 무한대인 경향이 있기 때문에 한계값입니다.그것은,
표기법 i {\ _}}는 두 급수를 모두 나타낸다. 즉, 급수가 수렴하는 경우, 급수의 합을 의미한다.이것은 a와 b의 합을 더하기(추가 과정)와 그 결과 모두와b의합을 +로 유사한 규약을 일반화한 것입니다.
일반적으로 급수의 항은 환(실수의 R 또는 복소수의 C(\에서 유래합니다.이 경우, 모든 급수의 집합은 그 자체로 링(및 연관 대수)이며, 여기서 덧셈은 항별로 급수를 더하는 것으로 구성되고 곱셈은 코시 곱입니다.
무한 급수 또는 단순 급수는 형태의[3] 무한 표현으로 표현되는 무한 합계이다.
아벨 군 A 항에 한계 개념이 있는 경우(예: 미터법 공간인 경우), 일부 급수, 즉 수렴 급수는 급수의 합이라고 불리는 A의 값을 갖는 것으로 해석될 수 있습니다.이것은 미적분학의 일반적인 경우를 포함하는데, 그 군에는 실수장이나 복소수장이 있다. s n n{ s = \_ {일 때, k번째 부분합은[2] 다음과 같다.
직렬 δa는n 부분합의 배열 s가k 유한한 경우 수렴 또는 수렴이라고 한다.s의 한계가k 무한하거나 존재하지 않는 경우 [4][2]급수는 분산된다고 합니다.부분 합계의 한계가 존재하는 경우, 이를 시리즈의 값(또는 합)이라고 합니다.
무한 급수가 수렴할 수 있는 쉬운 방법은 모든 a가n 충분히 큰 n에 대해 0인 경우입니다.이러한 급수는 유한합으로 식별될 수 있기 때문에 사소한 의미에서만 무한하다.
무한히 많은 항이 0이 아니더라도 수렴하는 급수의 특성을 알아내는 것이 급수 연구의 본질입니다.를 들어 보겠습니다.
사자성어는 다른 동등한 계열 개념으로 확장될 수 있다.예를 들어, 에서와 같이 반복되는 10진수
이러한 급수는 항상 실수에 수렴하기 때문에(실수의 완전성 속성이라고 불리기 때문에) 이러한 방식으로 급수에 대해 말하는 것은 그들이 서 있는 숫자에 대해 말하는 것과 같습니다.특히 소수점 확장 0.111...1/9로 식별할 수 있습니다.이것은 9 × 0.111이라는 논쟁으로 이어진다. = 0.999... = 1 - 급수에 대한 제한 법칙이 산술 연산을 보존한다는 사실에만 의존합니다. 이 인수에 대한 자세한 내용은 0.999......
의 예
- 기하 급수는 각 연속 항에 상수(이 문맥에서는 공통 비율이라고 함)를 곱하여 생성되는 항입니다.예를 [2]들어 다음과 같습니다. 기하급수, 기하급수, 기하급수, 기하급수, 기하급수, 기하급수, 기하급수, 기하급수.z< \ z <\ \ 1z}로 컨버전스 되는 만.
- 고조파 급수는 다음과 같은 급수입니다[5]. 조화 급수는 발산한다.
- 교대 급수는 항이 번갈아 나타나는 급수입니다.예:(교류 고조파 급수) 및
- 망원경 시리즈 sequenceb가n 제한 L로 수렴되면(n이 무한대로) 수렴됩니다.그러면1 열 값은 b - L이 됩니다.
- 산술-기하 급수는 기하 급수의 일반화로서, 산술 수열의 항과 동일한 공통 비율의 계수를 가진다.예:
- p시리즈 는 p > 1일 경우 수렴하고 p ,1로 분기합니다.이것은 컨버전스 테스트에서 다음에 설명하는 적분 기준을 사용하여 나타낼 수 있습니다.p의 함수로서, 이 급수의 합은 리만의 제타 함수이다.
- 하이퍼 지오메트릭 시리즈:그리고 그 일반화(기본 초기하 급수와 타원 초기하 급수와 같은)는 적분 가능한 시스템과 수리 [6]물리학에서 자주 나타난다.
- 수렴이 아직 알려지지 않았거나 입증되지 않은 일부 초등 계열이 있습니다.예를 들어, 플린트 힐스 시리즈가 이 시리즈에 속하는지 여부는 알려지지 않았다. 수렴 여부를 지정합니다.컨버전스는 유리수에서는 불명를 정도 근사할 수 있는지에 따라 달라집니다.구체적으로는 합계에 큰 수치 기여 n의 값은 1, 3, 22, 333, 355, 103993, ...(OEIS의 시퀀스 A046947)로 시작하는 시퀀스인(\의 연속 분수 변환의 분자입니다.이들은 일부 정수 에 대해 n { n}에 정수이므로 sin n { n}은 0에 가깝고 그 역수가 큽니다.Alekseyev(2011)는 시리즈가 수렴될 경우(\의 불합리성 측정치가 2.5보다 작아 현재 알려진 한계인 7.10320533보다 [7][8]훨씬 작다는 것을 증명했다.
2 연 2
자연 로그 기저 e
부분적합은 시퀀스n a를 입력으로 하고, 다른 시퀀스 S를N 출력으로 한다.따라서 시퀀스에 대한 단항 연산입니다.또, 이 함수는 선형이며, 따라서 δ로 나타나는 시퀀스의 벡터 공간상의 선형 연산자이다.역 연산자는 δ로 표시된 유한 차분 연산자입니다.이들은 실수 변수의 함수가 아닌 급수(자연수의 함수)에 대해서만 적분 및 미분화의 이산 유사체처럼 작동합니다.예를 들어, 시퀀스(1, 1, 1, ...)는 부분 합계로 시리즈(1, 2, 3, 4, ...)를 가지며, 이는 1 x . _}^{x})라는 사실과 유사합니다
급수는 수렴 또는 발산 여부뿐만 아니라 용어n a(절대 또는 조건부 수렴), 급수의 수렴 유형(점수, 균일), 용어n a의 클래스(실수, 산술 급수, 삼각함수) 등에 의해서도 분류된다.
이지 않은 용어
a가 n마다 음이 아닌 실수일 경우n 부분합 S는N 감소하지 않습니다.따라서 부분 합계의 시퀀스N S가 경계가 되는 경우에만 음수가 아닌 항을 갖는 급수 δa가n 수렴됩니다.
를 들어, 시리즈 「」, 「」가 .
당신이 시리즈를 시리즈가 다시 분류, 그렇게Riemann 시리즈 정리 적용되지 않는다 일어나지 않는다.기존 시리즈 converges 새로운 시리즈, 새로운 시리즈니 집을 뜻하는 원래 시리즈의 결과로 그 부분적 액수를 가질 것이다.하지만 다른 시리즈에 예 1-1+1-1+에 대한 사실이 아니다...그룹마다 두가지 요소 0+0+0+을 만들 것이다...시리즈, 수렴 있다.반면에, 새로운 시리즈의 발산은 원래 시리즈만 가끔 유용하다, 오렘의 교정처럼 다를 수 있다는 것이다.
또는 복잡한 실수를 일련의 되기 위해 조건부로 수렴(또는semi-convergent)이라 절대적으로 수렴되지 않수렴한다고 합니다유명한 예는 교대의 시리즈.
Abel's test는 반수렴 급수를 처리하는 데 중요한 도구입니다.시리즈에 다음 형식이 있는 경우
잘라내기 오류의 평가는 수치 분석(특히 검증된 숫자와 컴퓨터 지원 증명)에서 중요한 절차입니다.
대대 altern altern altern altern altern altern
교대직렬시험의 조건이 S 0µ - ) m { S:=\0}^{\m 충족되면 정확한 [9]오차평가가 이루어진다. {\n을(를) : ∑ (-) { } =\_ { (-으로 설정합니다. 다음 부등식이 유지됩니다.
테일러의 정리는 테일러 급수가 잘릴 때의 오차항의 평가를 포함하는 진술이다.
이 비율을 사용하면 하이퍼기하 급수가 [10]잘렸을 때의 오차항의 평가를 얻을 수 있습니다.
지수 행렬의 경우:
특정 급수가 수렴하는지 또는 발산하는지 여부를 확인하는 데 사용할 수 있는 검정이 많이 있습니다.
- n번째 기간 테스트: lim → a n0 { _ {to 0인 경우 이 분산됩니다. n { _ { \} } 0인 경우, 최종 테스트가 되지 않습니다.
- 비교 테스트 1(직접 비교 테스트 참조): })이 n \C}이고,(\c이 큰 n(\ n에 (\)인 경우.{은는) 절대적으로 수렴됩니다. \b_{vert \이가) 분할되어 있는n(\vert b_n}\right도 실패합니다.예를 들어 alternate in sign의 조건부로 수렴할 수 있습니다.
- 비교 검정 2(한계 비교 검정 참조): 이 n+ n + 1 n { \ \left\vertb_n})인 경우 rightb_n}는 절대 수렴 급수입니다.{\}}도 완전히 수렴됩니다 이(가) 하여 + n + n 스타일 { {\ { {}) {vert} {right인 경우 a_도 절대 컨버전스에 실패합니다(예를 들어 {\n}} alternate in sign 등 조건부로 컨버전스 할 수 있습니다).
- 비율 테스트:충분한 n n에 n+ a < \ left \ \ { + { n } \ right \ < 가 완전히 되도록 C<\ \ n} 이 하는 경우n이 비율이 11)이고 1 1 일 경우 컨버전스는 가능하지만 이 테스트에서는 확립되지 않습니다.
- 루트 테스트: <1 \ style C < C \ \ a { n} \ \ vert ^ { \ { { } { n} \C { \ a _ n} { { { { { { { {、 n \ styleq C가 으로 수렴되도록 .
- 적분 테스트: f { f가 f a_인구간에서된 의단조 감소 함수인 , f(x {style { )} = n {f(n =인 , convergregation stylement [1, 에서 정의되는 경우에만n가 . 1 ( x ) x \1}^{\ , finterm}는 유한하다
- Cauchy의 응축 검정:이 음이 아닌 a_ 및a(의 2개 은 같은 성질의 컨버전스 또는 양쪽 발산입니다.
- 교대 직렬 검정:})(> > 의 일련의 형식을 교대형이라고 합니다. 시리즈는 시퀀스 n{\이(가) 모노톤 감소일 경우 수렴되며0 {\ 0으로 수렴됩니다.그 반대는 일반적으로 사실이 아니다.
- 일부 특정 유형의 직렬에는 보다 전문적인 수렴 테스트가 있습니다. 예를 들어 푸리에 직렬에는 Dini 테스트가 있습니다.
의 기능 ★★★★★★
일련의 실수 또는 복소수 함수
시리즈가 E의 각 x에 대해 일반적인 실수 또는 복소수 시리즈로 수렴하는 경우 집합 E에서 점으로 수렴합니다.마찬가지로, 부분 합계는
일련의 함수의 수렴에 대한 보다 강력한 개념은 균일한 수렴입니다.함수 δ(x)로 점수집합하고 N번째 부분합에 의한 한계 근사 오차가 있으면 급수는 균일하게 수렴한다.
Uniform convergence is desirable for a series because many properties of the terms of the series are then retained by the limit. For example, if a series of continuous functions converges uniformly, then the limit function is also continuous. Similarly, if the ƒn are integrable on a closed and bounded interval I and converge uniformly, then the series is also integrable on I and can be integrated term-by-term. Tests for uniform convergence include the Weierstrass' M-test, Abel's uniform convergence test, Dini's test, and the Cauchy criterion.
More sophisticated types of convergence of a series of functions can also be defined. In measure theory, for instance, a series of functions converges almost everywhere if it converges pointwise except on a certain set of measure zero. Other modes of convergence depend on a different metric space structure on the space of functions under consideration. For instance, a series of functions converges in mean on a set E to a limit function ƒ provided
Power series
A power series is a series of the form
The Taylor series at a point c of a function is a power series that, in many cases, converges to the function in a neighborhood of c. For example, the series
Unless it converges only at x=c, such a series converges on a certain open disc of convergence centered at the point c in the complex plane, and may also converge at some of the points of the boundary of the disc. The radius of this disc is known as the radius of convergence, and can in principle be determined from the asymptotics of the coefficients an. The convergence is uniform on closed and bounded (that is, compact) subsets of the interior of the disc of convergence: to wit, it is uniformly convergent on compact sets.
Historically, mathematicians such as Leonhard Euler operated liberally with infinite series, even if they were not convergent. When calculus was put on a sound and correct foundation in the nineteenth century, rigorous proofs of the convergence of series were always required.
Formal power series
While many uses of power series refer to their sums, it is also possible to treat power series as formal sums, meaning that no addition operations are actually performed, and the symbol "+" is an abstract symbol of conjunction which is not necessarily interpreted as corresponding to addition. In this setting, the sequence of coefficients itself is of interest, rather than the convergence of the series. Formal power series are used in combinatorics to describe and study sequences that are otherwise difficult to handle, for example, using the method of generating functions. The Hilbert–Poincaré series is a formal power series used to study graded algebras.
Even if the limit of the power series is not considered, if the terms support appropriate structure then it is possible to define operations such as addition, multiplication, derivative, antiderivative for power series "formally", treating the symbol "+" as if it corresponded to addition. In the most common setting, the terms come from a commutative ring, so that the formal power series can be added term-by-term and multiplied via the Cauchy product. In this case the algebra of formal power series is the total algebra of the monoid of natural numbers over the underlying term ring.[14] If the underlying term ring is a differential algebra, then the algebra of formal power series is also a differential algebra, with differentiation performed term-by-term.
Laurent series
Laurent series generalize power series by admitting terms into the series with negative as well as positive exponents. A Laurent series is thus any series of the form
Dirichlet series
A Dirichlet series is one of the form
Like the zeta function, Dirichlet series in general play an important role in analytic number theory. Generally a Dirichlet series converges if the real part of s is greater than a number called the abscissa of convergence. In many cases, a Dirichlet series can be extended to an analytic function outside the domain of convergence by analytic continuation. For example, the Dirichlet series for the zeta function converges absolutely when Re(s) > 1, but the zeta function can be extended to a holomorphic function defined on with a simple pole at 1.
This series can be directly generalized to general Dirichlet series.
Trigonometric series
A series of functions in which the terms are trigonometric functions is called a trigonometric series:
History of the theory of infinite series
Development of infinite series
Greek mathematician Archimedes produced the first known summation of an infinite series with a method that is still used in the area of calculus today. He used the method of exhaustion to calculate the area under the arc of a parabola with the summation of an infinite series, and gave a remarkably accurate approximation of π.[15][16]
Mathematicians from Kerala, India studied infinite series around 1350 CE.[17]
In the 17th century, James Gregory worked in the new decimal system on infinite series and published several Maclaurin series. In 1715, a general method for constructing the Taylor series for all functions for which they exist was provided by Brook Taylor. Leonhard Euler in the 18th century, developed the theory of hypergeometric series and q-series.
Convergence criteria
The investigation of the validity of infinite series is considered to begin with Gauss in the 19th century. Euler had already considered the hypergeometric series
Cauchy (1821) insisted on strict tests of convergence; he showed that if two series are convergent their product is not necessarily so, and with him begins the discovery of effective criteria. The terms convergence and divergence had been introduced long before by Gregory (1668). Leonhard Euler and Gauss had given various criteria, and Colin Maclaurin had anticipated some of Cauchy's discoveries. Cauchy advanced the theory of power series by his expansion of a complex function in such a form.
Abel (1826) in his memoir on the binomial series
corrected certain of Cauchy's conclusions, and gave a completely scientific summation of the series for complex values of and . He showed the necessity of considering the subject of continuity in questions of convergence.
Cauchy's methods led to special rather than general criteria, and the same may be said of Raabe (1832), who made the first elaborate investigation of the subject, of De Morgan (from 1842), whose logarithmic test DuBois-Reymond (1873) and Pringsheim (1889) have shown to fail within a certain region; of Bertrand (1842), Bonnet (1843), Malmsten (1846, 1847, the latter without integration); Stokes (1847), Paucker (1852), Chebyshev (1852), and Arndt (1853).
General criteria began with Kummer (1835), and have been studied by Eisenstein (1847), Weierstrass in his various contributions to the theory of functions, Dini (1867), DuBois-Reymond (1873), and many others. Pringsheim's memoirs (1889) present the most complete general theory.
Uniform convergence
The theory of uniform convergence was treated by Cauchy (1821), his limitations being pointed out by Abel, but the first to attack it successfully were Seidel and Stokes (1847–48). Cauchy took up the problem again (1853), acknowledging Abel's criticism, and reaching the same conclusions which Stokes had already found. Thomae used the doctrine (1866), but there was great delay in recognizing the importance of distinguishing between uniform and non-uniform convergence, in spite of the demands of the theory of functions.
A series is said to be semi-convergent (or conditionally convergent) if it is convergent but not absolutely convergent.
Semi-convergent series were studied by Poisson (1823), who also gave a general form for the remainder of the Maclaurin formula. The most important solution of the problem is due, however, to Jacobi (1834), who attacked the question of the remainder from a different standpoint and reached a different formula. This expression was also worked out, and another one given, by Malmsten (1847). Schlömilch (Zeitschrift, Vol.I, p. 192, 1856) also improved Jacobi's remainder, and showed the relation between the remainder and Bernoulli's function
Among the early writers was Wronski, whose "loi suprême" (1815) was hardly recognized until Cayley (1873) brought it into prominence.
Fourier series
Fourier series were being investigated as the result of physical considerations at the same time that Gauss, Abel, and Cauchy were working out the theory of infinite series. Series for the expansion of sines and cosines, of multiple arcs in powers of the sine and cosine of the arc had been treated by Jacob Bernoulli (1702) and his brother Johann Bernoulli (1701) and still earlier by Vieta. Euler and Lagrange simplified the subject, as did Poinsot, Schröter, Glaisher, and Kummer.
Fourier (1807) set for himself a different problem, to expand a given function of x in terms of the sines or cosines of multiples of x, a problem which he embodied in his Théorie analytique de la chaleur (1822). Euler had already given the formulas for determining the coefficients in the series; Fourier was the first to assert and attempt to prove the general theorem. Poisson (1820–23) also attacked the problem from a different standpoint. Fourier did not, however, settle the question of convergence of his series, a matter left for Cauchy (1826) to attempt and for Dirichlet (1829) to handle in a thoroughly scientific manner (see convergence of Fourier series). Dirichlet's treatment (Crelle, 1829), of trigonometric series was the subject of criticism and improvement by Riemann (1854), Heine, Lipschitz, Schläfli, and du Bois-Reymond. Among other prominent contributors to the theory of trigonometric and Fourier series were Dini, Hermite, Halphen, Krause, Byerly and Appell.
Asymptotic series
Asymptotic series, otherwise asymptotic expansions, are infinite series whose partial sums become good approximations in the limit of some point of the domain. In general they do not converge, but they are useful as sequences of approximations, each of which provides a value close to the desired answer for a finite number of terms. The difference is that an asymptotic series cannot be made to produce an answer as exact as desired, the way that convergent series can. In fact, after a certain number of terms, a typical asymptotic series reaches its best approximation; if more terms are included, most such series will produce worse answers.
Divergent series
Under many circumstances, it is desirable to assign a limit to a series which fails to converge in the usual sense. A summability method is such an assignment of a limit to a subset of the set of divergent series which properly extends the classical notion of convergence. Summability methods include Cesàro summation, (C,k) summation, Abel summation, and Borel summation, in increasing order of generality (and hence applicable to increasingly divergent series).
A variety of general results concerning possible summability methods are known. The Silverman–Toeplitz theorem characterizes matrix summability methods, which are methods for summing a divergent series by applying an infinite matrix to the vector of coefficients. The most general method for summing a divergent series is non-constructive, and concerns Banach limits.
Summations over arbitrary index sets
Definitions may be given for sums over an arbitrary index set [18] There are two main differences with the usual notion of series: first, there is no specific order given on the set ; second, this set may be uncountable. The notion of convergence needs to be strengthened, because the concept of conditional convergence depends on the ordering of the index set.
If is a function from an index set to a set then the "series" associated to is the formal sum of the elements over the index elements denoted by the
When the index set is the natural numbers the function is a sequence denoted by A series indexed on the natural numbers is an ordered formal sum and so we rewrite as in order to emphasize the ordering induced by the natural numbers. Thus, we obtain the common notation for a series indexed by the natural numbers
Families of non-negative numbers
When summing a family of non-negative real numbers, define
When the supremum is finite then the set of such that is countable. Indeed, for every the cardinality of the set is finite because
If is countably infinite and enumerated as then the above defined sum satisfies
Any sum over non-negative reals can be understood as the integral of a non-negative function with respect to the counting measure, which accounts for the many similarities between the two constructions.
Abelian topological groups
Let be a map, also denoted by from some non-empty set into a Hausdorff abelian topological group Let be the collection of all finite subsets of with viewed as a directed set, ordered under inclusion with union as join. The family is said to be unconditionally summable if the following limit, which is denoted by and is called the sum of exists in
Because is not totally ordered, this is not a limit of a sequence of partial sums, but rather of a net.[19][20]
For every neighborhood of the origin in there is a smaller neighborhood such that It follows that the finite partial sums of an unconditionally summable family form a Cauchy net, that is, for every neighborhood of the origin in there exists a finite subset of such that
When is complete, a family is unconditionally summable in if and only if the finite sums satisfy the latter Cauchy net condition. When is complete and is unconditionally summable in then for every subset the corresponding subfamily is also unconditionally summable in
When the sum of a family of non-negative numbers, in the extended sense defined before, is finite, then it coincides with the sum in the topological group
If a family in is unconditionally summable then for every neighborhood of the origin in there is a finite subset such that for every index not in If is a first-countable space then it follows that the set of such that is countable. This need not be true in a general abelian topological group (see examples below).
Unconditionally convergent series
Suppose that If a family is unconditionally summable in a Hausdorff abelian topological group then the series in the usual sense converges and has the same sum,
By nature, the definition of unconditional summability is insensitive to the order of the summation. When is unconditionally summable, then the series remains convergent after any permutation of the set of indices, with the same sum,
Conversely, if every permutation of a series converges, then the series is unconditionally convergent. When is complete then unconditional convergence is also equivalent to the fact that all subseries are convergent; if is a Banach space, this is equivalent to say that for every sequence of signs , the series
Series in topological vector spaces
If is a topological vector space (TVS) and is a (possibly uncountable) family in then this family is summable[21] if the limit of the net exists in where is the directed set of all finite subsets of directed by inclusion and
It is called absolutely summable if in addition, for every continuous seminorm on the family is summable. If is a normable space and if is an absolutely summable family in then necessarily all but a countable collection of ’s are zero. Hence, in normed spaces, it is usually only ever necessary to consider series with countably many terms.
Summable families play an important role in the theory of nuclear spaces.
Series in Banach and seminormed spaces
The notion of series can be easily extended to the case of a seminormed space. If is a sequence of elements of a normed space and if then the series converges to in if the sequence of partial sums of the series converges to in ; to wit,
More generally, convergence of series can be defined in any abelian Hausdorff topological group. Specifically, in this case, converges to if the sequence of partial sums converges to
If is a seminormed space, then the notion of absolute convergence becomes: A series of vectors in converges absolutely if
If a countable series of vectors in a Banach space converges absolutely then it converges unconditionally, but the converse only holds in finite-dimensional Banach spaces (theorem of Dvoretzky & Rogers (1950)).
Well-ordered sums
Conditionally convergent series can be considered if is a well-ordered set, for example, an ordinal number In this case, define by transfinite recursion:
- Given a function into an abelian topological group define for every a function whose support is a singleton Thenin the topology of pointwise convergence (that is, the sum is taken in the infinite product group ).
- In the definition of partitions of unity, one constructs sums of functions over arbitrary index set While, formally, this requires a notion of sums of uncountable series, by construction there are, for every given only finitely many nonzero terms in the sum, so issues regarding convergence of such sums do not arise. Actually, one usually assumes more: the family of functions is locally finite, that is, for every there is a neighborhood of in which all but a finite number of functions vanish. Any regularity property of the such as continuity, differentiability, that is preserved under finite sums will be preserved for the sum of any subcollection of this family of functions.
- On the first uncountable ordinal viewed as a topological space in the order topology, the constant function given by satisfies (in other words, copies of 1 is ) only if one takes a limit over all countable partial sums, rather than finite partial sums. This space is not separable.
See also
- Continued fraction
- Convergence tests
- Convergent series
- Divergent series
- Infinite compositions of analytic functions
- Infinite expression
- Infinite product
- Iterated binary operation
- List of mathematical series
- Prefix sum
- Sequence transformation
- Series expansion
- ^ Thompson, Silvanus; Gardner, Martin (1998). Calculus Made Easy. ISBN 978-0-312-18548-0.
- ^ a b c d e Weisstein, Eric W. "Series". mathworld.wolfram.com. Retrieved 2020-08-30.
- ^ a b Swokowski 1983, p. 501
- ^ Michael Spivak, Calculus
- ^ "Infinite Series". www.mathsisfun.com. Retrieved 2020-08-30.
- ^ Gasper, G., Rahman, M. (2004). Basic hypergeometric series. Cambridge University Press.
- ^ Max A. Alekseyev, On convergence of the Flint Hills series, arXiv:1104.5100, 2011.
- ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Flint Hills Series". MathWorld.
- ^ Positive and Negative Terms: Alternating Series
- ^ Johansson, F. (2016). Computing hypergeometric functions rigorously. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.06977.
- ^ Higham, N. J. (2008). Functions of matrices: theory and computation. Society for industrial and applied mathematics.
- ^ Higham, N. J. (2009). The scaling and squaring method for the matrix exponential revisited. SIAM review, 51(4), 747-764.
- ^ How and How Not to Compute the Exponential of a Matrix
- ^ Nicolas Bourbaki (1989), Algebra, Springer: §III.2.11.
- ^ O'Connor, J.J. & Robertson, E.F. (February 1996). "A history of calculus". University of St Andrews. Retrieved 2007-08-07.
- ^ K., Bidwell, James (30 November 1993). "Archimedes and Pi-Revisited". School Science and Mathematics. 94 (3).
- ^ "Indians predated Newton 'discovery' by 250 years". manchester.ac.uk.
- ^ Jean Dieudonné, Foundations of mathematical analysis, Academic Press
- ^ Bourbaki, Nicolas (1998). General Topology: Chapters 1–4. Springer. pp. 261–270. ISBN 978-3-540-64241-1.
- ^ Choquet, Gustave (1966). Topology. Academic Press. pp. 216–231. ISBN 978-0-12-173450-3.
- ^ Schaefer & Wolff 1999, pp. 179–180.
- Bromwich, T. J. An Introduction to the Theory of Infinite Series MacMillan & Co. 1908, revised 1926, reprinted 1939, 1942, 1949, 1955, 1959, 1965.
- Dvoretzky, Aryeh; Rogers, C. Ambrose (1950). "Absolute and unconditional convergence in normed linear spaces". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 36 (3): 192–197. Bibcode:1950PNAS...36..192D. doi:10.1073/pnas.36.3.192. PMC 1063182. PMID 16588972.
- Narici, Lawrence; Beckenstein, Edward (2011). Topological Vector Spaces. Pure and applied mathematics (Second ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. ISBN 978-1584888666. OCLC 144216834.
- Swokowski, Earl W. (1983), Calculus with analytic geometry (Alternate ed.), Boston: Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, ISBN 978-0-87150-341-1
- Walter Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis (McGraw-Hill: New York, 1964).
- Pietsch, Albrecht (1972). Nuclear locally convex spaces. Berlin,New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-05644-0. OCLC 539541.
- Robertson, A. P. (1973). Topological vector spaces. Cambridge England: University Press. ISBN 0-521-29882-2. OCLC 589250.
- Ryan, Raymond (2002). Introduction to tensor products of Banach spaces. London New York: Springer. ISBN 1-85233-437-1. OCLC 48092184.
- Schaefer, Helmut H.; Wolff, Manfred P. (1999). Topological Vector Spaces. GTM. Vol. 8 (Second ed.). New York, NY: Springer New York Imprint Springer. ISBN 978-1-4612-7155-0. OCLC 840278135.
- Trèves, François (2006) [1967]. Topological Vector Spaces, Distributions and Kernels. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. ISBN 978-0-486-45352-1. OCLC 853623322.
- Wong (1979). Schwartz spaces, nuclear spaces, and tensor products. Berlin New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-09513-6. OCLC 5126158.
External links
- "Series", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, EMS Press, 2001 [1994]
- Infinite Series Tutorial
- "Series-TheBasics". Paul's Online Math Notes.
- "Show-Me Collection of Series" (PDF). Leslie Green.