조반 선

Jōban Line
조반 선
조반 라인 시리즈 E531
네이티브 이름常磐線
소유자JR 로고(동쪽). 동일본 철도 회사(JR East)
로캘도쿄, 지바, 이바라키, 후쿠시마, 미야기
터미니포리(시나가와까지 연장 운행)
이와누마( 센다이(미야기)까지 연장 운행)
우에노-도쿄 선로4번길
유형헤비 레일
연산자JR East, JR Freight
열린1889년 1월 16일 (1889-01-16)
완료된1905년 4월 1일 (1905-04-01)
트랙 길이368.0km(168.7mi)
트랙 게이지1,067mm(3ft 6인치)
전기화1,500 V DC & 20 kV AC 50 Hz 오버헤드 카트리네일
JR Joban Line linemap.svg
마쓰도와 가나마치 역 사이의 E531계 전동차 EMU
(영상) 다른 조반선 열차가 다른 방향으로 통과할 때 조반선 열차에 탑승

조반선(일본어: 常磐線, 일본어 발음: [조반센])동일본 철도 회사(JR East)가 운영하는 일본의 철도 노선이다.미야기이와누마이와누마 역에서 정식으로 노선이 끝나기 , 도쿄 아라카와 시의 닛포리 역에서 공식적으로 노선이 시작된다.[1]그러나 우에노 개국 이후.도쿄 선, 조반 선은 시나가와 선이나 우에노 선에서 출발한다. 마찬가지로 조반 선은 이와누마를 지나 도호쿠 본선 선로에서 센다이 선로까지 이어진다.[2]이 선은 지바, 이바라키, 후쿠시마 현의 태평양 연안과 거의 평행하다.

조반(趙 former)이라는 명칭은 옛 히타치 지방(일본어: 常陸)과 이와키 지방(일본어: 磐城)의 이름에서 따온 것으로, 노선으로 연결되어 도쿄에 닿는다.

후쿠시마 제 1 원자력 용융을 둘러싼 배타구역을 관통하는 토미오카~나미에 사이의 조반선 구간은 2011년 도호쿠 지진과 쓰나미, 후쿠시마 제 1 원자력 재해의 여파로 폐쇄되었다.일부 주요 수리를 거쳐 2020년 3월 14일 9년간 무보수 공사를 거쳐 재개장했다.[3]


  • 측정 시스템, 거리:
    • 동일본 철도 회사(JR East) (서비스 및 선로)
      • 니포리 – 하라노마치 – 이와누마: 343.1km(213.2mi)
      • 미카와시마 – 스미다가와 – 미나미센주(스미다가와 화물지점): 5.7km(3.5mi)
      • 미카와시마 – 타바타(타바타 화물 지점): 1.6km(1.0mi)
    • 일본화물철도회사(JR화물) (서비스)
      • 미카와시마 – 하라노마치 – 이와누마: 341.9km(212.4mi)
      • 미카와시마 – 스미다가와 – 미나미센주(스미다가와 화물지점): 5.7km(3.5mi)
      • 미카와시마 – 타바타(타바타 화물 지점): 1.6km(1.0mi)
  • 이중/쿼드러플 추적:
    • 4중:아야세 – 토라이드
    • 더블: 니포리 – 아야세, 토리데 – 요쓰쿠라, 히로노 – 키도, 오노 – 후타바
  • 전기화:
    • 1,500 V DC: 니포리 – 토리데, 미카와시마 – 스미다가와 – 미나미센주, 미카와시마 – 타바타
    • 20kV AC, 50Hz:후지시로 – 이와누마.이 선의 이 구간은 이바라키쓰쿠바 급행(모리야 – 쓰쿠바)의 인근 구간과 함께 이시오카에 있는 인근 카키오카 자기 관측소와의 간섭을 최소화하기 위해 교류를 이용한다.[4]
    • 데드 구간은 토리데와 후지시로 사이에 있다.
  • 철도 신호 전달:
  • 작전 통제
    • 아토스: 우에노 – 하토리, 지역 열차 트랙 아야세 – 토리데
    • CTC: 기타 모든 섹션


조반선은 도쿄와 도호쿠 지방을 연결한다.1982년 도호쿠 신칸센이 개통된 후 이와키에서 조반선이 두 갈래로 갈라졌다.이와키 남부는 주로 더블 트랙(아야세 - 토리데는 쿼드 트랙)이며, 이와키 북부는 싱글 트랙이 주를 이룬다.2011년 후쿠시마 참사 이후 이와키~센다이 구간에 조반선이 추가로 분할된다.

시나가와 – 우에노 – 이와키

이 전체 섹션은 다양한 서비스가 제공되며, 아래에서 해당 서비스가 운영되는 섹션에 의해 설명될 것이다.

전 구간에서 제한된 급행 열차가 운행된다.

시나가와 – 우에노 – 토리데

이 구간은 주로 그레이터 도쿄 지역에 서비스를 제공하는 고속 중거리 열차 운행에 의해 운행된다.

  • JL Local (各駅停車):These local trains are commonly referred to as the Jōban Line (Local) 常磐線各駅停車.모든 지방 열차는 도쿄 지하철 지요다 선과 아야세 선과 지요다 선이 만나는 아야세를 경유하여 요요기-우에하라 선까지 운행하며, 일부 열차는 오다큐 오다와라 선에서 혼아쓰기 선이나 오다큐 타마 선에서 카라키다 선까지 운행한다.기차는 보통 아비코에서 출발/종착한다.러시아워에는 토리데에서 기차가 출발/종착한다.때때로 기차마츠도나 가시와에서 발원/종료하면서 너무 멀리 가지 않을 것이다.
  • JJRAPID (快快):급행열차는 일반적으로 조반선(Rapid) 常磐線快速速 as라고 한다.이 서비스는 우에노의 남쪽 종착역이나 시나가와(우에노-를 경유) 사이에 운행한다.도쿄 선) 도리데 북쪽 종착역까지.일부 열차는 아비코를 경유하여 나리타 으로 나리타 선까지 운행하며, 조반·나리타 선(常磐·成ita線)으로 통칭된다.급행열차는 기타센주와 아비코 사이의 일부 역을 건너뛰게 되며, 위에서 언급한 지역 서비스가 중단될 것이다.
    • 지역 (중간 거리) (普間) : 여기서 "지역"은 토리데를 넘어 북쪽으로 운행하고 토리데 북쪽의 모든 역에 정차하는 중거리 열차를 말한다.토리데 남부에서는 급속한 서비스로서 운영되고 있으며, 이를 가리킨다.
  • 특수급행(特別快行) : 특수급행열차는 시나가와와 쓰치우라 사이를 시시각각으로 비급행 시간대에 운행한다.이 기차들은 심지어 급행열차가 멈추는 역들을 건너뛴다.이 서비스는 인접한 철도 노선인 쓰쿠바 익스프레스와 경쟁하기 위해 만들어졌다.

시나가와 – 우에노 – 미토 – 가쓰타

토리데를 넘어 달리는 열차는 래피드(Rapid)라는 용어가 없는 조반선(趙常線, 常磐線)으로 뚜렷이 언급되고 있다.조반선(Rapid)이라 불리는 열차는 구간에 사용되는 전기화의 일종인 교류로 롤링 스톡을 가동할 수 없어 토리데를 넘어설 수 없다.

이 구간은 주로 지방 열차가 운행한다.

  • 지역 (普地) : 이 열차들은 토리데 북쪽의 모든 역에 정차한다.그래서 "로컬"이라는 이름이 붙었다.지역 열차에는 두 가지 유형이 있다.
    • 중거리 : 이 중거리 열차는 위에서 언급한 바와 같이 도쿄 중심부에서 토리데 북쪽까지 운행하며, 그곳의 모든 역에서 정차한다.쓰치우라, 미토, 가쓰타 등 여러 역에서 종착한다.
      • 특수급행(特別快行) : 특수급행열차는 토리데와 쓰치우라 사이의 모든 역에 정차하기 때문에, 중거리 열차와 본질적으로 동일하지만, 토리데 남쪽을 지나면 다른 서비스가 된다.
    • 서비스를 통한 미토 선 : 이 열차는 토모베 역을 경유하여 미토 선까지 운행하며, 오야마에서 가쓰타까지 운행한다.

미토 – 이와키

이 구간은 주로 지방 열차가 운행한다.

  • 현지(日本) : 미토와 다카하시 사이를 운행하는 이 열차는 역마다 정차한다 / 이와키
    • 중간 거리 / 서비스를 통한 서비스:이른 아침과 늦은 밤, 이 구간의 중간쯤에 위치한 다카하시까지 기차를 통한 중거리 열차와 미토 선은 거의 운행되지 않는다.

이와키 – 센다이

후쿠시마 다이이치 원자력 재해2011년 도호쿠 지진·쓰나미 이전에는 지역 열차와 한정 급행 열차가 전 구간을 운행하곤 했다.그러나 재해 후 발생한 피해로 토미오카~하루노마치 구간은 폐쇄해야 했고, 서비스도 중단됐다.노선의 일부 구간을 재건축한 후, 점차 정기적인 서비스가 재개될 수 있도록 허용되었다.

이와키 – 토미오카

이 구간은 지역 서비스 열차가 운행한다.이 구간은 2011년 도호쿠 지진과 쓰나미로 인한 피해로 폐쇄됐으나 이후 재개장했다.(아래 참조).

토미오카 – 나미에

후쿠시마 제 1 원자력 용융을 둘러싼 배제구역을 통해 확장되는 이 구간은 2011년 재난 이후 중단되었다.이 구간은 2020년 3월 14일에 다시 개통되었다.[3]이 날짜 이전에 임시 버스 서비스에 의해 서비스가 제공되었다.

나미에 – 센다이

이 구간은 대 센다이 지역을 운행하는 현지 서비스 열차가 운행한다.

이 구간은 2011년 참사로 한때 일부 폐쇄됐다가 이후 단계적으로 재개장했다.하마요시다소마 사이의 재구성된 구간은 2016년 12월 10일에 재개봉되었으며, 그 전에 임시 버스 운행으로 서비스를 제공하였다.[5][6][7]JR 이스트는 현재 나미에와 오다카 사이 구간을 점검 중인데, 주변이 정리될 것에 대비해 재정착을 위한 준비를 하고 있다.[8]나미에와 오다카 사이의 열차 운행은 2017년 4월 1일 재개되었다.[9]다쓰타와 토미오카 간 열차 운행은 2017년 10월 21일 재개되었다.[10]

스테이션 목록


  • 위의 도표는 그레이터도쿄 내의 조반선 서비스 패턴을 나타낸 것이다.
  • 제한 급행 서비스에 대한 자세한 정보(예:히타치, 토키와), 각각의 페이지를 보라.

시나가와 – 우에노 – 미토 – 이와키

  • 열차는 "●"로 표시된 역에 정차하고 "|"로 표시된 역을 통과한다.
  • △△라고 표시된 역에 정차하는 열차는 거의 없다.
공이라인테 일본인입니다 리(km) 국부적 래피드


스페셜 래피드






송송 트랙스 위치

합계 (니포리로부터) 간코




도카이도 본선 시나가와
品川 12.6 도쿄 지하철 지요다 선, 오다큐 오다와라 선, 오다큐 다마 선으로[* 1]/출발한다. 두 개 미나토 도쿄
新橋 4.9 7.7
東京 1.9 5.8 치요다
도호쿠 본선
上野 3.6 2.2 Taitō
日暮里 2.2 0.0 Arakawa
Jōban Line
三河島 1.2 1.2
南千住 2.2 3.4 Subway TokyoHibiya.pngTokyo Metro Hibiya Line (H-21)
Tsukuba Express (04)
北千住 1.8 5.2 [* 2] Subway TokyoChiyoda.pngTokyo Metro Chiyoda Line (C-18)

Subway TokyoHibiya.pngTokyo Metro Hibiya Line (H-22)
TSTobu Skytree Line
Tsukuba Express (05)

綾瀬 2.5 7.7 Subway TokyoChiyoda.pngTokyo Metro Chiyoda Line (C-19) Four
亀有 2.2 9.9 Katsushika
金町 1.9 11.8 Keisei Kanamachi Line
JJ06 JL22
松戸 3.9 15.7 Shin-Keisei Line Matsudo Chiba
北松戸 2.1 17.8
馬橋 1.3 19.1 Nagareyama Line
新松戸 1.6 20.7 JMMusashino Line
Nagareyama Line (Kōya)
北小金 1.3 22.0
南柏 2.5 24.5 Kashiwa
JJ07 JL28
2.4 26.9 TD Tobu Urban Park Line
北柏 2.3 29.2
JJ08 JL30
我孫子 2.2 31.3 [* 3] Narita Line (Abiko Branch Line), some through services for Narita Abiko
JJ09 JL31
天王台 2.7 34.0 [* 4]
JJ10 JL32
取手 3.4 37.4 [* 4] Jōsō Line Toride Ibaraki
End of suburban section, boundary of 1,500V DC (south) and 20kV 50 Hz AC (north) electrification systems
Fujishiro 藤代 6.0 43.4 Two
Ryūgasakishi 龍ケ崎市 2.1 45.5 Ryūgasaki Line (Sanuki) Ryūgasaki
Ushiku 牛久 5.1 50.6 Ushiku
Hitachino-Ushiku ひたち野うしく 3.9 54.5
Arakawaoki 荒川沖 2.7 57.2 Tsuchiura
Tsuchiura 土浦 6.6 63.8
Kandatsu 神立 6.1 69.9
Takahama 高浜 6.5 76.4 Ishioka
Ishioka 石岡 3.6 80.0
Hatori 羽鳥 6.5 86.5 Omitama
Iwama 岩間 5.4 91.9 Kasama
Tomobe 友部 6.9 98.8 Mito Line (some trains through to Mito)
Uchihara 内原 4.7 103.5 Mito
Akatsuka 赤塚 5.8 109.3
Kairakuen 偕楽園 4.1 113.4 [* 5]
Mito 水戸 1.9 115.3 Suigun Line
Kashima Rinkai Railway Ōarai Kashima Line
Katsuta 勝田 5.8 121.1 Minato Line Hitachinaka
Sawa 佐和 4.2 125.3
Tōkai 東海 4.7 130.0 Tōkai, Naka District
Ōmika 大甕 7.4 137.4 Hitachi
Hitachi-Taga 常陸多賀 4.6 142.0
Hitachi 日立 4.9 146.9
Ogitsu 小木津 5.5 152.4
Jūō 十王 4.2 156.6
Takahagi 高萩 5.9 162.5 Takahagi
Minami-Nakagō 南中郷 4.5 167.0 Kitaibaraki
Isohara 磯原 4.6 171.6
Ōtsukō 大津港 7.1 178.7
Nakoso 勿来 4.5 183.2 Iwaki Fukushima
Ueda 植田 4.6 187.8
Izumi 7.2 195.0
Yumoto 湯本 6.5 201.5
Uchigō 内郷 3.5 205.0
Iwaki いわき 4.4 209.4 Banetsu East Line
  1. ^ All trains through to/from Yoyogi-Uehara; some trains continue through on the Odakyu Odawara Line to/from Hon-Atsugi and the Odakyu Tama Line to/from Karakida
  2. ^ Local trains to/from the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line use the underground Chiyoda Line platforms.
  3. ^ Some rapid trains run between Ueno and Narita via Abiko
  4. ^ a b Only mornings and evenings between Abiko and Toride. From March 2021, services are going to run only on weekday mornings and evenings.
  5. ^ Daytime Mito-bound trains stop here only during the Japanese plum blossom season

Iwaki – Iwanuma – Sendai


  • Trains stop at stations marked "●" and pass those marked "|"
  • Few trains stop at stations marked "△"
  • Stations marked "◇" are located on passing loops and allow trains in opposite directions to pass each other
Official line name Station Japanese Distance (km) Local




Transfers Tracks Location Prefecture
Total (from Nippori)
Jōban Line Iwaki いわき 209.4 Two Iwaki Fukushima
Kusano 草野 5.4 214.8
Yotsukura 四ツ倉 4.4 219.2
Hisanohama 久ノ浜 4.8 224.0
Suetsugi 末続 3.6 227.6
Hirono 広野 4.8 232.4 Two Hirono, Futaba District
J-Village Jヴィレッジ駅 3.5 235.9 Naraha, Futaba District
Kido 木戸 1.9 237.8
Tatsuta 竜田 3.1 240.9
Tomioka 富岡 6.9 247.8 Tomioka, Futaba District
Yonomori 夜ノ森 5.2 253.0
Ōno 大野 4.9 257.9 One Ōkuma, Futaba District
Futaba 双葉 5.8 263.7 Futaba, Futaba District
Namie 浪江 4.9 268.6 Namie, Futaba District
Momouchi 桃内 4.9 273.5 Minamisōma
Odaka 小高 4.0 277.5
Iwaki-Ōta 磐城太田 4.9 282.4
Haranomachi 原ノ町 4.5 286.9
Kashima 鹿島 7.5 294.4
Nittaki 日立木 6.7 301.1 Sōma
Sōma 相馬 5.9 307.0
Komagamine 駒ヶ嶺 4.4 311.4 Shinchi, Sōma District
Shinchi 新地 4.4 315.8
Sakamoto 坂元 5.4 321.2 One Yamamoto, Watari District Miyagi
Yamashita 山下 4.5 325.7
Hamayoshida 浜吉田 3.9 329.6 Watari, Watari District
Watari 亘理 5.0 334.6
Ōkuma 逢隈 3.2 337.8
Iwanuma 岩沼 5.3 343.1 Tōhoku Main Line (for Fukushima) ^ Iwanuma
Tōhoku Main Line
Tatekoshi 館腰 3.7 346.8 Two Natori
Natori 名取 3.5 350.3 Sendai Airport Line
Minami-Sendai 南仙台 2.7 353.0 Taihaku-ku, Sendai
Taishidō 太子堂 2.2 355.2
Nagamachi 長町 1.0 356.2 Sendai Subway Namboku Line
Sendai 仙台 4.5 360.7 Shinkansen-E.png Tohoku Shinkansen

Shinkansen-E.png Akita Shinkansen

Tohoku Main Line (for Ichinoseki and Rifu)

Senzan Line

Senseki Line
Sendai Subway Namboku Line

Sendai Subway Tōzai Line

Aoba-ku, Sendai

Rolling stock

Local / Rapid service stock

Shinagawa – Ueno – Iwaki

Iwaki – Sendai

Limited express stock



The Mito Railway opened the line in sections between 1889 and 1905. The dates of the individual section openings are given below. After the line was nationalised in 1906, a program of double-tracking commenced in 1910, with the 219 km section between Nippori and Yotsukura completed in 1925. The Hirono - Kido and Ono - Futaba sections were double-tracked in 1976.

The first section electrified was Nippori - Matsudo (at 1,500 V DC) in 1936, and extended to Toride in 1949. The Toride - Kusano section was electrified at 20 kV AC between 1961 and 1963, and extended to Iwanuma in 1967.

The 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami caused severe disruption to the line, with services to Iwaki (209.4 km from Nippori) re-established by 17 April, to Yotsukura (a further 9.8 km) by 14 May, and to Hirono (another 13.2 km) by 10 October 2011. Services on the 8.5 km Hirono - Tatsuta section returned on 1 June 2014.

At the northern end, services on the isolated 20.1 km Haranomachi - Soma section were restored on 21 December 2011, with services from Iwanuma to Hamayoshida (13.5 km) restored on 16 March 2013. Services resumed on the 9.4 km Haranomachi - Odaka section on 12 July 2016 and the 22.6 km Hamayoshida - Soma section was rebuilt at a higher, tsunami-proof level, and reopened on 10 December 2016, re-establishing the connection to Sendai for stations north of Odaka. The line fully reopened on 14 March 2020.[3]


  • January 16, 1889: Mito Railway (Mito — Oyama) begins operation.
  • November 26, 1890: Mito Railway Freight Line (Mito — Nakagawa) begins operation.
  • March 1, 1892: Mito Railway becomes part of the Nippon Railway.
  • November 4, 1895: Nippon Railway Tsuchiura Line (Tsuchiura — Tomobe) begins operation.
  • December 1, 1895: Hatori Station opens.
  • December 25, 1896: Tsuchiura Line (Tabata — Tsuchiura), Sumidagawa Line (Tabata — Sumidagawa) begin operation.
  • February 25, 1897: Iwaki Line (Mito — Taira [present-day Iwaki]) begins operation.
  • May 17, 1897: Tsuchiura Line Kameari Station opens.
  • August 29, 1897: Iwaki Line (Taira — Kunohama) begins operation.
  • November 10, 1897: Iwaki Line (Nakamura [present-day Sōma] — Iwanuma) begins operation.
  • December 27, 1897: Tsuchiura Line Kanamachi Station opens.
  • January 1898: Kitasenju — Sumidagawa connection opens.
  • April 1, 1898: Ishigami Station opens.
  • April 3, 1898: Iwaki Line (Haranomachi — Nakamura) begins operation.
  • May 11, 1898: Iwaki Line (Odaka — Haranomachi) begins operation.
  • August 6, 1898: Tsuchiura Line Mabashi Station opens.
  • August 23, 1898: Iwaki Line (Kunohama — Odaka) begins operation, connecting Tabata and Iwanuma. Tsuchiura Line and Mito Line (Tomobe — Mito) and Iwaki Line are collectively renamed the Kaigan Line.
  • December 1, 1898: Taka Station is renamed Iwaki-Ōta Station.
  • August 4, 1900: Sanuki Station opens.
  • November 22, 1904: Ōno Station opens.
  • April 1, 1905: With the completion of the Mikawashima — Nippori connection, the present-day route is finished. Nippori and Mikawashima Stations open. Service from Ueno to Tabata and back is abolished.
  • November 1, 1906: Nippon Railway is nationalized.
  • March 25, 1909: Tatsuta Station opens.
  • October 12, 1909: Kaigan Line split and renamed: Jōban Line (Nippori — Iwanuma) and Sumidagawa Line (Tabata — Sumidagawa). Jōban Line also handles freight services.
  • February 16, 1910: Minami-Nakagō Station opens.
  • March 18, 1910: Katsuta and Ogitsu Stations open.
  • May 1, 1911: Kita-Kogane Station opens.
  • May 5, 1911: Sumidagawa Line is merged into the Jōban Line.
  • June 1, 1915: Yoshida Station is renamed Hamayoshida Station.
  • March 15, 1921: Yonomori Station opens.
  • August 15, 1922: Nittaki Station opens.
  • February 2, 1925: Kōen-Shimo Station opens, but only operates during the ume blossom-viewing season.
  • October 28, 1925: Nippori — Taira connection finished (joined with northern tracks in 1965).
  • December 11, 1936: Nippori — Matsudo tracks are electrified.
  • October 1, 1939: Shimomago Station is renamed Hitachi-Taga Station.
  • October 20, 1939: Sukegawa Station is renamed Hitachi Station.
  • February 15, 1944: Momouchi signal box is built between Namie and Odaka.
  • February 20, 1944: Suetsugi signal box is built between Kunohama and Hirono.
  • June 1, 1947: Suetsugi signal box becomes Suetsugi Station.
  • August 10, 1948: Momouchi signal box becomes Momouchi Station.
  • May 10, 1949: Shimoyama Station opens.
  • June 1, 1949: Matsudo — Toride tracks are electrified.
  • July 6, 1949: In what is known as the Shimoyama incident, JNR president at the time, Shimoyama Sadanori, is mysteriously found dead between Kita-Senju and Ayase Stations.
  • May 10, 1950: Sekimoto Station is renamed Ōtsukō Station.
  • May 1, 1952: Kita-Matsudo Station opens.
  • July 10, 1952: Komagamine Station opens.
  • October 1, 1953: Minami-Kashiwa Station opens.
  • December 20, 1956: Tsuzura Station is renamed Uchigō Station.
  • April 1, 1957: Ishigami Station is renamed Tōkai Station.
  • June 1, 1958: Semi-express Tokiwa begins operation.
  • October 10, 1958: The Limited express Hatsukari begins operation (Ueno — Aomori). It stops at Ueno, Mito, Taira, and Sendai Stations when it runs on the Jōban Line tracks.
  • October 1, 1959: Nagatsuka Station is renamed Futaba Station.
  • October 1, 1960: Kanayama signal box is built between Tatsuta and Tomioka. Ōkuma signal box is built between Watari and Iwanuma.
  • March 20, 1961: Nakamura Station is renamed Sōma Station.
  • June 1, 1961: Toride — Katsuta tracks are electrified.
  • May 3, 1962: The Mikawashima Rail Crash occurs between Mikawashima and Minami-Senju when an Iwaki-bound passenger train crashes into the wreckage of a crash between an Ueno-bound passenger train and an Ueno-bound freight train. 160 people die and 296 are injured in the incident.
  • October 1, 1962: Katsuta — Takahagi tracks are electrified.
  • May 1, 1963: Takahagi — Taira tracks are electrified.
  • April 20, 1963: Takahira signal box is built between Haranomachi and Kashima.
  • September 30, 1963: Taira — Kusano tracks are electrified.
  • March 5, 1966: Tokiwa semi-express becomes an express.
  • February 1, 1967: Kōen-Shimo Station is renamed Kairakuen Station.
  • August 20, 1967: With the electrification of the Kusano — Iwanuma tracks, the entire Jōban Line becomes electrified.
  • October 1, 1968: Hatsukari express is rerouted to the Tōhoku Main Line.
  • October 1, 1969: Kairakuen Station becomes a temporary station. Seasonal Hitachi express begins operation.
  • April 10, 1970: Freight line Kita-Kashiwa Station opens.
  • October 1, 1970: Hitachi operates as a regular express.
  • April 20, 1971: Construction of the Kita-Senju — Abiko Joban Local Line is finished and runs through service to the Eidan Subway Chiyoda Line (present-day Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line). (The Chiyoda Line only ran as far as Kasumigaseki at the time). Tennōdai Station opens and Kita-Kashiwa Station is open to passengers.
  • April 1, 1973: Shin-Matsudo Station opens.
  • March 31, 1978: With the extension of its tracks to Yoyogi-Uehara Station, the Chiyoda Line shares tracks with the Odakyu Odawara Line up to Hon-Atsugi Station. 203 series trains are introduced to run through service to the Chiyoda Line.
  • November 15, 1982: Jōban Line Local Service extended from Abiko — Toride.
  • February 1, 1984: Mito — Nakagawa freight line is closed.
  • March 14, 1985: Bampaku-Chūō Station is temporarily opened (until September 16) for the Tsukuba Expo '85. The Uchigō-System-Ku is abolished. The Tokiwa express is discontinued.
  • April 1, 1987: With the split of JNR, the Joban Line becomes part of JR East.
  • August 2, 1988: Ōkuma signal box becomes Ōkuma Station.
  • March 11, 1989: 651 series Super Hitachi limited-express EMUs enter service.
  • February 1, 1993: Kanayama signal box is abolished.
  • February 10, 1993: Takahira signal box is abolished.
  • December 3, 1994: Taira Station is renamed Iwaki Station.
  • December 1, 1995: E501 series begins service between Ueno and Tsuchiura.
  • October 1, 1997: E653 series Fresh Hitachi limited-express EMUs enter service.
  • March 14, 1998: Hitachino-Ushiku Station opens where Bampaku-Chūō Station used to stand.
  • December 7, 1998: 485 series Hitachi limited-express EMUs are retired.
  • March 3, 2002: New E231 series EMUs introduced on commuter services.
  • March 13, 2004: Kawajiri Station is renamed Jūō Station. Regular trains begin making stops at Mikawashima and Minami-Senju Stations throughout the day.
  • October 16, 2004: Medium-distance trains are called rapid trains for the section between Ueno and Toride.
  • July 9, 2005: New E531 series dual-voltage EMUs enter service on line. Special Rapid Service begins between Ueno — Tsuchiura. Commuter Rapid service from Ueno ends. One Commuter Rapid service still runs from Mito to Ueno.
  • March 17, 2006: All Commuter Rapid Service ends.
  • May 15, 2006: Women-only cars introduced on Joban Local Line trains [7:10 – 9:30 AM measured by the time the trains pass through Ayase station] from Toride running through to Yoyogi-Uehara on the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line.
  • January 6, 2007: Double-deck Green cars are phased in on E531 series EMUs running between Ueno and Takahagi. No Green car supplement is required until the start of the new timetable on 2007-03-18.
  • February 21, 2007: E501 series EMUs removed from Ueno – Tsuchiura services.
  • March 18, 2007: Full Green car service commences on E531 series EMUs running between Ueno and Takahagi; E501 series EMUs reassigned to Mito Line and Jōban services north of Tsuchiura become 10-car or 5-car formations only
  • March 15, 2008: Suica use extended to stations between Hitachi and Takahagi
  • March 14, 2009: Suica use extended to Takahagi – Iwaki and Haranomachi – Yamashita sections
  • September 9, 2009: E233 series 10-car EMUs introduced on Chiyoda Line through services
  • March 11, 2011: During the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, a 4-car train on the line was picked up off the tracks by the tsunami surge and overturned at Shinchi and Tomioka stations. All passengers from the train were evacuated before the tsunami came ashore. Tomioka was affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster and was prohibited entrance without legal permission.
  • January 8, 2014: Thales is selected to design Japan's first communications-based train control system (CBTC) on the line.[12]
  • May 2014: Test-running commenced on the section of the line between Hirono and Tatsuta stations closed since the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, with the intention of resuming passenger services on this section from 1 June.[13]
  • June 1, 2014: Train operations resumed between Hirono and Tatsuta.[14]
  • July 12, 2016: Train operations were resumed between Odaka and Haranomachi stations in Minami-Soma, Fukushima Prefecture.[15]
  • December 10, 2016: The 23 km reconstructed section between Soma and Hamayoshida reopened.[3]
  • April 1, 2017: Train services from Odaka south to Namie resumed.[9]
  • October 21, 2017: Train services resumed north from Tatsuta to Tomioka.[16]
  • March 14, 2020: The section between Tomioka and Namie reopens 9 years after the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami reconstruction, bringing the full line back to service.[17]
  • March 13, 2021 (planned): Automatic train operation will be activated on the Jōban Line (Local) between Ayase and Toride using the STO (Semi-Automatic) standard.[18][19]

Former connecting lines

Tsukuba Railway train at Iwase station
Kashima Light Railway RM3 (see Mito station entry)
Kashima Sangu Railway train
  • Tsuchiura Station: The Tsukura Railway opened a 40 km line to Iwase on the Mito Line in 1918. Freight services ceased in 1981, and the line closed in 1987.
  • Tsuchiura Station: A 5 km line to Ami, electrified at 600 VDC, was operated by the Southern Electric Railway Co. between 1926/28 and 1938.
  • Mito Station: The Mito Seashore Electric Railway Co. opened a line eventually extending 21 km between Kamimito and Nakaminato-Cho, electrified at 600 VDC, between 1922 and 1930. It closed in sections between 1953 and 1966. At Onuki station (12 km from Mito) on this line the Kashima Light Railway Co. operated a 17 km 762mm gauge line between 1926 and 1930 to Hokota (see Ishioka station entry below).
  • Mito Station: The Mito Electric Railway Co. operated an 11 km line to Okunotani (not electrified, despite the company name) between 1929 and 1936.
  • Ishioka Station: The Kashima Sangu Railway opened a 27 km line to Hokota between 1924 and 1929. Freight services ceased in 2002 and the line closed in 2007.
  • Akatsuka Station: A 25 km line to Gozenyama was opened by the Ibaraki Railway Co. in 1926/27. In 1944/45 the first 4 km of the line to Minami Hakamatsuka was electrified. The line closed in sections between 1965 and 1971.
  • Tokai Station: The Ibaraki Prefectural Government operated a 4 km 762 mm (2'6") gauge line to Muramutsu between 1926 and 1933.
  • Omika Station: An 11 km line to Johoku Ota (now Hitachi-Ota on the Suigun Line) was opened by the Johoku Electric Railway in 1928/29. In 1944 the company merged with the Hitachi Electric Railway, and a 7 km line to Akukawa was opened in 1947. Both lines were electrified at 600 V DC from opening. CTC signalling was commissioned in 1969, and in 1971 the lines became the first electric railway in Japan converted to a one-person operation. Both lines closed in 2005.
  • Izumi Station: The Onahama Horse tram opened a 762 mm gauge line 5 km to its namesake town in 1907, and extended the line a further 5 km to Ena in 1916. The Onahama - Ena section closed in 1936, the company renamed itself the Onahama Port Railway in 1939, and converted the line to 1,067 mm gauge in 1941. The Ena Railway rebuilt the Onahama - Ena section as 1,067 mm gauge in 1953. In 1965 a typhoon caused the collapse of a retaining wall, and the Onahama - Ena section formally closed in 1967. The passenger service on the Izumi - Onahama section ceased in 1972, the line is now freight-only operated by the Fukushima Rinkai Railway.
  • Yumoto station: The 10 km 762mm gauge Iwaki Coalmine Railway operated to Onahama between 1905 and 1944.
  • Yumoto station: A 6 km 762mm gauge line to Nagahashi was operated by the Iwaki City Council between 1914 and 1929.
  • Uchigo station: The Furukawa Co. built a 7 km 762mm gauge line to the Kita-Yoshima coal mine in 1905. In 1908 the line was rebuilt to 1067mm gauge and shortened by 1 km. The mine and line closed in 1969.
  • Iwaki station: The Yoshima and Akai local railways connected here, details of these lines are not currently available.

See also


  1. ^ "Jōban Line". Japan Visitor.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. ^ "JR Jōban Line: Connecting Tokyo with Tohoku Region". Japan RailPass.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ a b c d "Tsunami-hit railway line partially reopens - News - NHK WORLD - English". .nhk.or.jp. Retrieved 2016-12-10.
  4. ^ 河尻, 定 (24 April 2015). "座れぬ・行き先?… 乗客の声で検証、上野東京ライン". Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Retrieved 24 April 2015.
  5. ^ JR East press release: "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-01-30. Retrieved 2016-03-14.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  6. ^ Hongo, Jun, "A year on, Tohoku stuck in limbo", The Japan Times, 11 March 2012, p. 1.
  7. ^ "水戸駅・常磐線|JR東日本旅客鉄道株式会社 水戸支社|東日本大震災による列車影響と運転見込みについて". Jrmito.com. Retrieved 2016-12-10.
  8. ^ http://www.jreast.co.jp/pdf/damage03.pdf
  9. ^ a b "Photo Journal: All aboard". Mainichi Daily News. 1 April 2017. Retrieved 21 March 2018.
  10. ^ "7-km part of Joban Line reopens in Fukushima". The Japan Times Online. 21 October 2017. Retrieved 21 October 2017.
  11. ^ 203系が営業運転から離脱 [203 series withdrawn from revenue service]. Japan Railfan Magazine Online (in Japanese). Japan: Koyusha Co., Ltd. 28 September 2011. Retrieved 28 September 2011.
  12. ^ Briginshaw, David (January 8, 2014). "JR East selects Thales to design first Japanese CBTC". hollandco.com. Holland. Retrieved January 9, 2014.
  13. ^ JR常磐線、広野―竜田で試運転を開始 [Test-running starts on JR Joban Line between Hirono and Tatsuta]. Asahi Shimbun Digital (in Japanese). Japan: The Asahi Shimbun Company. 2014-05-11. Retrieved 2014-05-12.
  14. ^ "Train services resume in evacuation zone". The Japan news. Japan: The Yomiuri Shimbun Company. 2014-06-01. Archived from the original on 2014-06-06. Retrieved 2014-06-07.
  15. ^ "Evacuation order lifted in Minami-Soma after 5 years". The Asahi Shimbun. Japan: The Asahi Shimbun. 2016-07-12. Retrieved 2016-07-12.
  16. ^ "JR East partially reopens line halted since 2011 nuclear disaster - The Mainichi". Archived from the original on 2017-10-21.
  17. ^ https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2020/03/12/editorials/remains-undone-post-3-11-reconstruction/#.XmsBGy9GShA
  18. ^ "JR東日本で初めてとなる自動列車運転装置(ATO)の使用開始について" [About the start of the first use of Automatic Train Operation (ATO) in JR East] (PDF) (Press release) (in Japanese). East Japan Railway Company. 16 February 2021. Retrieved 16 February 2021.
  19. ^ "常磐線、自動運転3月から開始へ JR東日本で初めて" [Joban Line automatic train operation to start from March for the first time in JR East]. kahoku.news (in Japanese). Kahoku Shimpō. 16 February 2021. Retrieved 16 February 2021.

External links