베이 에리어 고속철도
Bay Area Rapid Transit베이 에리어 래피드 트랜짓(BART) | |||
개요 | |||
로캘 | 샌프란시스코 만 지역(알라메다, 콘트라 코스타, 샌프란시스코, 샌 마테오 및 산타 클라라 카운티) | ||
트랜짓 타입 | 고속철도, 경전철, 자동가이드웨이 트랜짓(AGT) | ||
회선수 |
| ||
스테이션 수 | 50 (7회 예정/일정) | ||
일일 승차자수 | 108,400 (평일, 2021년 [1]4분기) | ||
연간 승차자수 | 26,026,800 (표준)[1] | ||
최고 경영자 | 로버트[2] 파워스 | ||
본사 | 2150 웹스터 스트리트 오클랜드 (캘리포니아 주) | ||
웹 사이트 | bart | ||
작동 | |||
가동 개시 | 1972년 9월 11일( | ||
오퍼레이터 | 샌프란시스코 베이 에리어 고속 교통구 | ||
성격 | 지상부, 고가부 및 지하부로 완전히 분리됨 | ||
차량수 | 총 789대, 618대의 레거시 차량과 171대의 신차,[3] 8대의 DMU 차량 세트(eBART),[4] 4대의 AGT 차량 세트 | ||
열차 길이 | 4-10대 (최대 216m) 2대의 차량 유부녀(DMU) 차량 3대(AGT) | ||
전진 | 15~30분 (회선별)[5] | ||
테크니컬 | |||
시스템 길이 | 131.4 mi (211.5 km)[4] | ||
트랙 게이지 | 5피트(1,676mm)[4] eBART:4ft 8+1µ2인치(1,435mm) 표준[4] 게이지 | ||
최소 곡률 반지름 | 120 m (394 피트) | ||
전화 | 서드 레일, 1,000 V DC[4][6] | ||
평균 속도 | 56km/[4]h(35mph) | ||
최고 속도 | 130km/h(최대) 80mph 110km/h (70mph) (통상 동작시)[7][4] | ||
에 관한 일련의 기사의 일부 |
BART(Bay Area Rapid Transit)는 캘리포니아의 샌프란시스코 베이 에리어를 운행하는 고속 교통 시스템입니다.BART는 디젤 복수 유닛 열차를 사용하는 콘트라 코스타 카운티 동부의 10마일(16km) 스퍼 라인과 오클랜드 국제 공항까지 3.2마일(5.1km)의 자동 가이드웨이 수송 라인을 포함하여 6개 노선의 6개 노선을 따라 50개 역을 운행합니다.2021년 4분기 현재 평일 평균 108,400명, 2021년 연간 26,026,800명의 승객을 보유한 BART는 미국에서 5번째로 혼잡한 중전철 고속철도 시스템이며 1957년에 설립된 베이 에리어 고속철도 구역에 의해 운영된다.초기 시스템은 1972년부터 1974년까지 단계적으로 문을 열었다.이 시스템은 2020년 6월 13일 밀피타스 역과 베리에사 역/노스산 호세 역이 산타클라라 밸리 교통국([8]VTA)과 협력하여 실리콘 밸리 BART 연장선의 일부로 개통되면서 가장 최근에 연장되었다.
출처, 계획 및 지리적 범위
베이 에리어 래피드 트랜짓 시스템의 현재 커버리지 영역 중 일부는 한때 키 시스템이라고 불리는 전동 노면 전차와 교외 열차 시스템에 의해 서비스되었습니다.이 20세기 초 시스템은 한때 베이 브리지의 하부 갑판을 가로지르는 정기적인 트랜스포트 베이 교통을 가지고 있었지만, 1950년대에 해체되어 1958년에 마지막 트랜스포트 베이가 통과하면서 고속도로로 대체되었다.1950년대 베이 지역의 교통 문제에 대한 연구는 베이 지역의 교통 문제에 대한 가장 비용 효율적인 해결책은 도시와 [9]교외를 연결하는 새로운 고속 철도 시스템의 건설과 운영을 담당하는 교통 구역을 형성하는 것이라고 결론지었다.마빈 E.샌프란시스코의 재판 변호사이자 시 감독 위원회의 멤버인 루이스는 대안적인 만 건널목과 지역 [10]교통망의 가능성을 높이기 위해 풀뿌리 운동을 주도했다.
BART에 대한 공식적인 계획은 1957년 BART 시스템을 관리하는 카운티 소재 특수 목적 지구 단체인 Bay Area Rapid Transit District를 설립하면서 시작되었습니다.처음에는 5명의 회원으로 시작되었으며, 이들 모두 BART 회선을 받을 것으로 예상되었다.알라메다 카운티, 콘트라 코스타 카운티, 샌프란시스코 시 및 카운티, 샌 마테오 카운티 및 마린 카운티.산타클라라 카운티의 감독관들은 처음에는 반도선이 팔로알토에만 멈춰 서고 산호세의 교외 개발에 방해가 된다는 불만 때문에 BART에 참여하지 않기로 결정했고, 대신 고속도로와 고속도로 건설에 집중하기를 선호했다.이 제도는 2020년에 산타클라라 카운티로 확장되었지만, 여전히 지역구 구성원은 아니다.
1962년 San Mateo County 감독관들은 유권자들이 주로 산타클라라 카운티 주민들을 태우기 위해 세금을 낼 것이라고 말하며 BART를 떠나기로 투표했습니다(아마도 I-280, SR 92, SR [11]85를 따라).샌마테오의 이탈로 인해 지역 전체의 과세 기반이 약화되었고, 마린 카운티는 한 달 후에 철수해야 했다.Marin은 당초 88% 수준에서 BART 참여에 찬성표를 던졌지만, BART의 예상 비용에서 차지하는 몫은 한계 과세 기준에서 충분히 흡수할 수 없었다.Marin의 철수에 대한 또 다른 중요한 요인은 Golden Gate Bridge의 하부 갑판에서 열차 운행 가능성에 대한 공학적 논란이었다. 이는 BART [12][13][14]시스템의 나머지 부분으로부터 30년 후까지 연장 예상된 것이다.Marin과 San Mateo의 철수는 원래 시스템 계획의 크기를 축소하는 결과를 낳았습니다.그것은 팔로 알토만큼 남쪽으로, San Rafael을 지나 북쪽으로 뻗어나갔을 것입니다.나머지 [15]3개 카운티 유권자들은 1962년 프레몬트, 리치몬드, 콩코드, 댈리시티에서 터미니를 포함한 잘린 제도를 승인했다.
시스템의 건설은 1964년에 시작되었고, 샌프란시스코, 오클랜드, 버클리의 지하철 터널 굴착, 특히 알라메다와 콘트라 코스타 카운티의 베이 에리어 전체에 걸쳐 항공 구조물을 건설하는 것, 콩코드 라인의 버클리 언덕을 통해 터널을 뚫는 것을 포함한 많은 주요 공학적 난제를 포함했습니다.시스템의 중심축인 오클랜드와 샌프란시스코를 연결하는 트랜스베이 튜브를 샌프란시스코만 [16]바닥에 준설된 참호로 연결한다.
초기 및 열차 제어 문제
승객 서비스는 1972년 9월 11일에 시작되었으며 처음에는 맥아더와 프레몬트 사이였습니다.나머지 시스템은 1974년 트랜스베이 튜브를 통한 트랜스베이 서비스가 시작되면서 [17]단계적으로 개통되었다.새로운 BART 시스템은 시스템의[19] 안전성과 네트워크 [20]구축에 필요한 막대한 지출에 관한 질문들이 제기되었지만 지하철 기술의 [18]큰 발전으로 환영받았다.승객 수는 1970년대 내내 예상치를 훨씬 밑돌았고, 댈리 시티에서 리치몬드 및 프리몬트까지 직통 서비스는 시스템이 개통된 후 몇 년이 지나서야 단계적으로 도입되었다.
초기 안전 문제들 중 일부는 시스템이 운영 초기 몇 년 동안 수많은 열차 제어 고장을 겪었을 때 충분히 근거가 있는 것으로 보였습니다.1969년, 수익 서비스가 시작되기 전에, 몇몇 BART 엔지니어들은 자동 열차 제어 (ATC) 시스템의 안전 문제를 확인하였습니다.BART 이사회는 그들의 우려를 무시하고 그들을 [21]해고함으로써 보복했다.시스템이 개통된 지 한 달도 채 되지 않은 1972년 10월 2일, ATC 고장으로 인해 열차가 터미널 프레몬트 역의 고가 선로 끝을 벗어나 지상으로 추락하여 4명이 [22][23]부상을 입었다."프리몬트 플라이어(Fremont Flyer)"는 열차 제어 장치를 포괄적으로 재설계하는 결과를 낳았으며, 캘리포니아 주 상원, 캘리포니아 공공 유틸리티 위원회, 미국 교통 안전 위원회(National Transportation Safety Board)[24]에 의해 여러 조사가 개시되었습니다.1974년 주 의회가 BART의 재정 관리 부실에 대한 청문회를 통해 1974년 5월 총지배인은 사임해야 했고, 같은 해 의회가 새 이사회의 선출과 임명된 이사들의 [25][26][27][28][29][30]종료를 위한 법안을 통과시키면서 이사회 전체가 교체되었다.
BART 시스템이 오픈하기 전부터, 계획자들은 몇 가지 가능한 확장을 예상했습니다.Marin County는 원래 시스템에서 제외되었지만, 1970년 Golden Gate Transportation Facilities Plan은 Golden Gate 또는 다리 위의 두 번째 갑판 아래의 터널을 고려했지만,[31] 이러한 계획들은 추구되지 않았다.BART 시스템의 첫 번째 확장이 1996년 콜마와 피츠버그/베이 포인트로 완료되기까지 20년 이상이 걸릴 것이다.1997년 더블린/플리저튼으로의 확장은 BART 역사상 처음으로 시스템에 다섯 번째 라인을 추가했다.이 시스템은 2003년에 샌프란시스코 국제공항으로, [32][33]2014년에 자동화된 가이드웨이 교통 스퍼 라인을 통해 오클랜드 국제공항으로 확장되었습니다. eBART는 피츠버그와 안티오키아를 연결하는 기존 철도 인프라를 따라 디젤 복수 유닛을 사용하는 연장선입니다. eBART는 2018년 5월 26일에 개통되었습니다.BART의 가장 중요한 현재 확장 프로젝트는 실리콘 밸리 BART 확장입니다.1단계는 2017년 초에 프레몬트 라인을 웜 스프링스/사우스 프레몬트까지 연장했고, 2단계는 2020년 6월 13일에 베리에사/노스 새너제이까지 서비스를 시작했다.산타클라라로의 3단계는 2020년 5월[update] 현재 자금 배분에 따라 결정되지만 2030년까지 완료될 계획이다.
더블린에서 리버모어로의 연장 계획은 오랫동안 제기되어 왔지만,[34] 가장 최근의 제안은 2018년에 BART 이사회에 의해 거부되었습니다.다른 계획에는 헤라클레스까지 연장하는 것, 680번 고속도로 복도를 따라 가는 노선,[needs update][35] 오클랜드를 통과하는 네 번째 선로가 포함되어 있다.기존 노선의 어빙턴과 캘러베러스와 같은 최소 4개의 인필 역이 [36]제안되었다.트랜스베이 튜브가 만원에 가까워짐에 따라, 장기 계획에는 샌프란시스코 만 아래에 기존의 터널의 남쪽과 평행으로 달리고 트랜스베이 터미널에서 캘트레인 및 미래의 캘리포니아 고속철 시스템으로 연결되는 새로운 4개의 보어 트랜스베이 튜브가 포함되었다.4개의 보어 터널은 BART를 위한 2개의 터널과 재래식/고속 철도를 위한 2개의 터널을 제공합니다.BART 시스템과 기존 미국 레일은 서로 다른 호환 레일 게이지와 서로 다른 하중 게이지를 [4]사용합니다.2018년에 BART는 두 번째 트랜스포징 설치를 위한 타당성 조사를 다음 [37]해에 시작할 것이라고 발표했습니다.2019년까지 캐피톨 코리더 합동 전력국은 BART와 협력하여 다중 모드 교차로를 연구하였다. 이는 캐피톨 코리더와 샌 호아킨 루트가 샌프란시스코에 [38]직접 서비스를 제공할 수도 있다.
또한 BART는 밀도와 탑승자 수가 가장 많은 핵심 시스템에서 서비스와 신뢰성을 개선하는 방법을 연구해 왔습니다.최근의 탐색적 아이디어에는 Salesforce Transit Center에서 South of Market, Van Ness Avenue를 거쳐 Geary Boulevard 복도, Presidio 또는 North [citation needed]Beach를 따라 샌프란시스코 서부로 이어지는 노선이 포함되어 있습니다.
시스템 현대화
1990년대 중반부터 BART는 시스템을 [39][disputed ][better source needed]현대화하려고 노력해 왔다.함대 재활은 이 현대화의 일부이다.2009년에는 화재경보기, 화재스프링클러, 황색 촉각 플랫폼 가장자리 돔, 시멘트 고무 타일이 설치되었다.승강장 가장자리에 있는 까만색의 거친 타일은 다가오는 열차의 출입구 위치를 표시하여 승객들이 탑승하기에 알맞은 장소에서 기다릴 수 있게 한다.모든 요금표와 자동판매기는 [citation needed]교체되었다.
2007년에 BART는 각 노선의 혼잡하지 않은 (야간과 주말) 차로를 15분으로 개선하겠다는 의도를 밝혔다.이 시간대의 20분간의 이동은 탑승객에게 [40]장애물이 된다.2007년 중반 BART는 주 세입 예산 부족 때문에 대기 시간이 단축되지 않을 것이라고 일시적으로 입장을 번복했습니다.그럼에도 불구하고 BART는 결국 2008년 [41]1월까지 이 계획의 실행을 확정했다.계속되는 예산 문제로 인해 확대된 비수기 서비스가 중단되었고 2009년에는 [42]비수기 서비스가 20분으로 되돌아갔습니다.
2008년, BART는 2야드, 유지 보수 시설, 그리고[43] Orinda 역([43]설치 비용을 정당화할 만큼 충분한 양의 햇빛을 받는 유일한 역)에 태양 전지판을 설치할 것이라고 발표했다.
2012년, 캘리포니아 교통 위원회는 실리콘 밸리 베리에사 익스텐션의 개통을 예상하여 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority를 통해 BART 시설 확장을 위한 자금을 제공할 것이라고 발표했습니다.5천만 달러는 헤이워드 정비 [44]단지 개선에 일부 쓰일 것이다.
2019년 3월, BART는 결제를 위해 직불 및 신용카드를 사용할 수 있도록 유료 지역 내 티켓 추가 요금 기계를 업데이트하기 시작할 것이라고 발표했다(Clipper 카드에 [45]한함).2020년 12월, BART는 클리퍼로의 전환을 완료하고, 매거진 티켓의 발행을 중지했습니다.기존 종이 티켓은 유효합니다.[46]
1989년 로마 프리타 지진 때 BART 장비는 대부분 손상되지 않았다.2010년[47] 연구에 따르면 일부 베이 에리어 고속도로와 함께 BART의 일부 오버헤드 구조물이 30년 [48]이내에 발생할 가능성이 큰 대지진으로 붕괴될 수 있다.이러한 결함을 해결하기 위해 최근 몇 년 동안 내진 개조가 수행되었으며, 특히 트랜스베이 튜브에서 그렇습니다.
사회 기반 시설
베이 에어리어 고속철도 시스템 다이어그램 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The entirety of the system runs in exclusive, grade-separated right-of-way. BART's rapid transit revenue routes cover about 120 miles (190 km) with 50 stations. On the main lines, approximately 28 miles (45 km) of lines run through underground sections with 32 miles (51 km) on elevated tracks.[4]
The main system uses an unusual 5 ft 6 in (1,676 mm) broad gauge[4][49] (mostly seen in India and Pakistan) and mostly ballastless track. Originally using flat-edge rail and wheelsets with cylindrical treads, BART is now[when?] switching to conical tread to reduce the noise caused by flange/rail contact and loss of adhesion of one of the wheels on curves.[50] DC electric current at 1,000 volts is delivered to the trains over a third rail.[6] An automated guideway transit line and an additional station were opened in 2014 and use off-the-shelf cable car technology developed by DCC Doppelmayr Cable Car: the Cable Liner. The section of the Antioch-SFO/Millbrae line east of the Pittsburg/Bay Point station runs on conventional unelectrified 1,435 mm (4 ft 8+1⁄2 in) standard gauge rail.
Schedules call for trains to operate at up to 70 miles per hour (110 km/h), but certain segments (in particular, the Transbay Tube) are designed for 80 mph (130 km/h) operation when making up delays.[4][51][7]
Rapid transit trains have 4–10 cars, the maximum length of 710 feet (216 m) being the longest of any metro system in the United States and extending slightly beyond the 700-foot (213 m) platforms.[52] Cars are 10.5 feet (3.2 m) wide, the maximum gradient is four percent, and the minimum curve radius is 394 feet (120 m).[53] The combination of unique loading gauges and unusual rail technologies has complicated maintenance and increased cost of the system, as rolling stock requires custom wheelsets, brake systems, and power systems.[49][54]
Many of the original 1970s-era stations, especially the aerial stations, feature simple Brutalist architecture, but newer stations are a mix of Neomodern and Postmodern architecture. The additional double tracked four mile long upper deck of the Market Street Subway and its four underground stations were built by BART for Muni Metro.
BART has elements of both traditional rapid transit (high-frequency urban service with close station spacing) and commuter rail/regional rail (lower-frequency suburban service with wider station spacing). BART, like other transit systems of the same era, endeavored to connect outlying suburbs with job centers in Oakland and San Francisco by building lines that paralleled established commuting routes of the region's freeway system.[55] In the 1970s, BART had envisioned frequent local service, with headways as short as two minutes between trains on the quadruple-interlined section in San Francisco and six minutes on each individual line.[56] Present service has 16 trains per hour (3.75-minute headways) through the Transbay Tube on weekdays and Saturdays, with lower frequency on evenings and Sundays; headways on the individual services are 15 to 30 minutes.
Lines and services
BART operates five named and interlined heavy rail services plus one separate automated guideway line. All of the heavy rail services run through Oakland, and all but the Richmond–Berryessa line run through the Transbay Tube to San Francisco. All five services run every day until 9 pm; only three services operate evenings after 9 pm, as well as on some Sundays due to maintenance work. All stations are served during all service hours.[57] The eastern segment of the Antioch–SFO+Millbrae line (between Antioch and the transfer platform east of Pittsburg/Bay Point) uses different rolling stock and is separated from the rest of the line.
Unlike most other rapid transit and rail systems around the world, BART lines are not primarily referred to by shorthand designations or their color names (although the colors used on maps have been constant since 1980). The services are mainly identified on maps, schedules, and station signage by the names of their termini. However, the new fleet displays line colors more prominently, and BART has begun to use color names in press releases and GTFS data.[58][59]
Route name | First service | Lines used | Service times | |
Berryessa/North San José–Richmond line | September 11, 1972 | R, K, A, S | Operates during all service hours. | |
Antioch–SFO+Millbrae line | May 21, 1973 | C, K, M, W, Y, E | Operates during all service hours. Daytime service ends at SFO; evening (after 9 pm) service ends at Millbrae. Uses DMU trains (eBART) between Antioch and Pittsburg/Bay Point. | |
Berryessa/North San José–Daly City line | September 16, 1974 | S, A, M | No evening (after 9 pm) service. | |
Richmond–Millbrae+SFO line | April 19, 1976 | R, K, M, W, Y | No evening (after 9 pm) service. | |
Dublin/Pleasanton–Daly City line | May 10, 1997 | L, A, M | Operates during all service hours. | |
Coliseum–Oakland International Airport line | November 22, 2014 | H (AGT line) | Operates during all service hours. |
The heavy rail routes run on nine named track segments ("lines"), which are internally but not commonly known by letters. In addition, the two light rail services are designated the E- and H-Lines.[4][60][61]
Line | Endpoints | Opened | Right of way |
Heavy rail | |||
A-Line | Oakland Wye – Fremont | September 11, 1972 | Former Western Pacific Railroad right-of-way (UP Oakland Subdivision), tunnel near the Oakland Wye |
C-Line | Rockridge – Pittsburg/Bay Point | May 21, 1973 (to Concord) December 16, 1995 (to North Concord/Martinez) December 7, 1996 (to Pittsburg/Bay Point) | SR 24 median, Berkeley Hills Tunnel, former Sacramento Northern Railway right-of-way, SR 4 median |
K-Line | Oakland Wye – Rockridge | September 11, 1972 (to MacArthur) May 21, 1973 (to Rockridge) | Tunnel under Broadway, SR 24 median |
L-Line | Bay Fair – Dublin/Pleasanton | May 10, 1997 | Median of I-238, median of I-580 |
M-Line | Oakland Wye – Daly City Yard (north of Colma) | November 5, 1973 (Daly City – Montgomery Street) September 16, 1974 (Montgomery Street – Oakland Wye) December 9, 1988 (to Daly City Yard) | Elevated above 5th and 7th streets, Transbay Tube, tunnel under Market Street and Mission Street, former Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way (SF&SJ) |
R-Line | MacArthur – Richmond | January 29, 1973 | Elevated above Martin Luther King Jr. Way, tunnel under Adeline St and Shattuck Ave, former Santa Fe right-of-way |
S-Line | Fremont – Berryessa/North San José | March 25, 2017 (to Warm Springs/South Fremont) June 13, 2020 (to Berryessa/North San José)[8] | Tunnel under Fremont Central Park, former Western Pacific Railroad right-of-way (San Jose Branch) |
W-Line | Daly City Yard – Millbrae | February 24, 1996 (to Colma) June 22, 2003 (to Millbrae) | Former Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way (SF&SJ), shared Caltrain right-of-way |
Y-Line | W-Line – San Francisco International Airport | June 22, 2003 | Elevated wye into San Francisco International Airport |
Light rail | |||
E-Line | Pittsburg/Bay Point – Antioch | May 26, 2018 | SR 4 median |
H-Line | Coliseum – Oakland International Airport | November 22, 2014 | Mostly elevated above Hegenberger Road, depressed section below Doolittle Drive |
BART was one of the first U.S. rail transit systems of any size to be substantially automated. Routing and dispatching of trains, and adjustments for schedule recovery are controlled by a combination of computer and human supervision at BART's Operations Control Center (OCC) and headquarters at the Kaiser Center in Downtown Oakland. Station-to-station train movement, including speed control and maintenance of separation between successive trains, is entirely automatic under normal operation, the operator's routine responsibilities being issuing announcements, closing the doors after station stops, and monitoring the track ahead for hazards. In unusual circumstances the operator controls the train manually at reduced speed.[citation needed]
Rolling stock
Car types
The mainline BART network operates six types of electrically operated, self-propelled railcars, built from four separate orders. The first four types, built from 1968 until 1996, total 669 cars (although 662 are currently[when?] available for revenue service), and have two sets of passenger doors on each side of the car.[62] The newer two types, which are technologically incompatible with the older types, are in the process of manufacturing, delivery, and commissioning, and are due to replace all older types by 2022 while simultaneously expanding the fleet for future extensions. They will all feature three sets of passenger doors on each side of the car to speed up passenger boarding.[63]
BART trains are unique among American rapid transit systems as they have proper gangway connections and passengers are permitted to walk between cars, not unlike an open gangway system.
To run a typical peak morning commute, BART requires 579 cars. Of those, 535 are scheduled to be in active service; the others are used to build up four spare trains (essential for maintaining on-time service).[62][64] At any one time, the remaining 90 cars are in for repair, maintenance, or some type of planned modification work.[65]
The Coliseum–Oakland International Airport line uses a completely separate and independently operated fleet as it uses cable car-based automated guideway transit technology. It uses four Cable Liner trains built by DCC Doppelmayr Cable Car, arranged as three-car sets, but the system can accommodate four-car trains in the future.
The vehicle procurement for eBART included eight Stadler GTW diesel railcars, with two options to purchase six more. The first of these trains were delivered in June 2016.[66] The Stadler GTW trains are diesel multiple units with 2/6 articulated power units, and are based on models previously used in Austin, Texas; Denton, Texas (greater Dallas) and New Jersey.[67][68]
Lines | Manufacturer | Class[a] | Image | Number | Car numbers | Built | Notes |
BART main lines | Rohr | A | 59 | 1164–1276 | 1968–1975 | To be phased out by August 2023 and replaced by the "D" and "E" cars.[69] | |
B | 380 | 1501–1913 | 1971–1975 | ||||
Alstom | C1 | 150 | 301–450 | 1987–1989 | |||
Bombardier | Movia D | 310 | 3001–3310 | 2012– | Order being filled/testing, entered service on January 19, 2018. | ||
Movia E | 465 | 4001–4465 | |||||
Oakland Airport Connector | Doppelmayr Cable Car | Cable Liner | 4 | 1.3–4.3 | 2014 | automated guideway transit trainsets | |
eBART | Stadler | GTW | 8 | 101–108 | 2016 | diesel multiple units |
Lines | Manufacturer | Class | Image | Number | Car numbers | Built | Notes |
BART main lines | Morrison–Knudsen | C2 | 80 | 2501-2580 | 1994–1996 | Retired between 2019 and 2021.[70] |
- ^ Family name also mentioned if applicable
Next-generation railcars
BART has ordered 775 new cars from manufacturer Bombardier Transportation:[71][72] 310 cab cars (D-cars, which must be the end cars, and can be at any position in a train, although unlike both types of C-cars will not permit passengers to move freely between cars past the operator cab) and 465 non-cab cars (E-cars, which cannot be "end cars").[73][58] The new cars have three doors on each side (increased from the current two, to speed station stops), bike racks, 54 seats per car, and interior displays giving next-stop information.[58] The new cars' couplers are incompatible with all prior cars and must run in separate trains. The first test car was unveiled in April 2016;[67] upon approval, the first 10 cars were expected to be in service in December 2016, however, glitches delayed entry into service for one year. In early November 2017, a test train failed a CPUC regulatory inspection due to door issues, leaving the planned revenue service date in doubt.[74] The first ten-car train received CPUC certification on January 17, 2018,[75] with revenue service beginning two days later.[76] Delivery of all 775 cars is expected to be completed by Fall 2022.[77]
The first maintenance yards built for the core BART system were in Richmond, Concord, and Hayward. An additional yard was added at Colma in the 1980s. A yard will be added near the planned Santa Clara station in 2029, upon completion of Phase II of the Silicon Valley BART extension.
The Coliseum–Oakland International Airport line uses the Doolittle Maintenance and Storage Facility as a car barn for the line's guideway trains. eBART trains use a facility in Antioch for maintenance and service.
Hours and frequencies
BART has five rapid transit services, all of which share tracks. As BART operates between the traditional rapid transit and commuter rail service types, frequencies are lower than most rapid transit systems. Trains on each primary service run every 15 minutes on weekdays, and every 30 minutes evenings and weekends. (Yellow Line service also runs every 15 minutes on Saturdays until 8 pm). Segments served by multiple lines have higher frequencies, the busiest of which is the section between Daly City and West Oakland, which has around 16 trains per hour per direction at peak hours. The eBART section of the Antioch–SFO/Millbrae line matches the frequency of the rest of the line except on Saturdays. The Coliseum–Oakland International Airport line runs "on demand", typically on headways of 10 minutes or less.
The first inbound trains leave outer terminals around 5:00 am on weekdays, 6:00 am on Saturdays, and 8:00 am on Sundays and most holidays. (The previous 4:00 am weekday start time was changed to 5:00 am for three years starting on February 11, 2019, to accommodate retrofitting of the Transbay Tube.)[59] The last inbound trains leave their terminals around midnight, with the final Antioch–SFO + Millbrae line and Berryessa/North San José–Richmond line trains in both directions meeting at MacArthur station for guaranteed transfers.
Two of the five rapid transit services (Berryessa/North San José–Daly City line and Richmond–Millbrae + SFO line) do not operate after 9 pm, though all stations are served at all service hours. Some Sundays also have three-line service due to single-tracking work.[57]
Two different bus networks operated by regional transit agencies run during the overnight hours when BART is not operating. The All Nighter is a regional network providing basic overnight service to much of the Bay Area. Most BART stations are served (directly or within several blocks) by the All Nighter system except for the Antioch–Rockridge and Bay Fair–Dublin/Pleasanton segments plus Warm Springs/South Fremont station.[78] A network of seven BART-specific routes operated by regional agencies run between 3:50 am and 5:30 am to replace early-morning weekday BART service during the Transbay Tube retrofit project. Two San Francisco/Peninsula routes and five Transbay routes run between a limited number of major BART stations, with the San Francisco/Peninsula and Transbay routes meeting at the Temporary Transbay Terminal. The original Early Bird Express network introduced on February 11, 2019, had fifteen routes.[79] One East Bay-only route was discontinued on June 17, 2019, and another on December 16, 2019.[80][81] Six routes were discontinued on April 27, 2020, with the remaining seven routes being cut to 1–2 trips each.[82]
Connecting services
Connections to local, regional, and intercity transit – including bus, light rail, commuter rail, and intercity rail – are available across the BART system. BART also runs directly to two of the three major Bay Area airports: San Francisco International Airport and Oakland International Airport.
Three Amtrak intercity rail services – the California Zephyr, Capitol Corridor, and San Joaquin – stop at Richmond station; the Capitol Corridor also stops at Oakland Coliseum station. The Oakland – Jack London Square station and Emeryville station hubs, which are served by those three routes plus the Coast Starlight, are not located near BART stations. Amtrak Thruway Motorcoach also stops at several BART stations. Connection between BART and Caltrain commuter rail service is available at Millbrae station. Free shuttle bus service runs from Altamont Corridor Express (ACE) commuter rail stations to West Dublin/Pleasanton, Dublin/Pleasanton, and Fremont stations.
BART and all lines of the Muni Metro light rail system share four stations (Embarcadero, Montgomery Street, Powell Street, and Civic Center/UN Plaza), in the two-level Market Street Subway. Connections are also available to three lines at Balboa Park station and one line at Glen Park station. Milpitas station provides a connection to the Orange Line of VTA Light Rail.
BART is served by bus connections from regional and local transit agencies at all stations, most of which have dedicated off-street bus transfer areas. Many connecting routes (particularly in suburban areas) serve primarily as feeder routes to BART, while others are largely independent. Larger bus systems connecting to BART include Muni in San Francisco, AC Transit in the East Bay, SamTrans in San Mateo County, County Connection and Tri Delta Transit in eastern Contra Costa County, WestCAT in western Contra Costa County, WHEELS in the Tri-Valley, VTA in the Santa Clara Valley, and Golden Gate Transit. Smaller systems include Emery Go-Round in Emeryville, Alliance on the Peninsula, San Leandro LINKS, Dumbarton Express, and Union City Transit. The Transbay Transit Center regional bus hub is located one block from Embarcadero and Montgomery stations.
Several transit agencies offer limited commuter-oriented bus service from more distant cities to outlying BART stations; these include VINE from Napa County, Solano Express from Solano County, Rio Vista Delta Breeze, Stanislaus Regional Transit Authority from Stanislaus County, and San Joaquin RTD from Stockton. Many BART stations are also served by privately run employer and hospital shuttles, and privately run intercity buses stop at several stations.
Fare media
From BART's inception, fares were payable only using refillable paper-plastic-composite tickets,[83] on which fares are stored via a magnetic strip, to enter and exit the system. The exit faregate prints the remaining balance on the ticket each time the passenger exits the station, and a paper ticket with zero balance is captured by the exit gate. The magnetic strip-based technology for the paper tickets was developed by Cubic Transportation Systems with a contract awarded in 1974.[84] The paper ticket technology is identical to the Washington Metro's former paper fare card, though the BART system does not charge higher fares during rush hour. BART formerly relied on unused ticket values on discarded low-value cards for additional revenue – as much as $9.9 million annually.[85]
In 2006, BART began piloting a smart card for fare payment called EZ Rider; this program was abandoned in 2010 in favor of the regional Clipper card.[86][87]
In 2009, BART became one of the first five transit agencies to accept TransLink (later renamed Clipper) cards for fare payment[88] and began phasing out paper tickets, beginning with high-value discount tickets. As of December 2020, all BART ticket machines, except for add-fare machines inside of paid areas, have been converted to Clipper use only. New paper tickets are no longer issued, though existing paper tickets continue to be accepted at faregates.[46] A 50-cent surcharge per trip (25 cents for discounted fares) is applied to all journeys made on paper tickets.[89]
Fare schedule
Fares on BART are comparable to those of commuter rail systems and are higher than those of most subways, especially for long trips. The fare is based on a formula that takes into account both the length of the trip and the counties passed through. A surcharge is added for trips traveling through the Transbay Tube, to Oakland International Airport, to San Francisco International Airport, and/or through San Mateo County, a county that is not a member of the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District.
The minimum fare is $2.10 (except San Mateo County trips) under 6 miles (9.7 km).[90] The maximum one-way fare including all possible surcharges is $17.50, the journey between San Francisco International Airport and Oakland International Airport.[90] The farthest possible trip, from Antioch to Berryessa/North San José, costs less ($9.95 with Clipper) because of the $4 additional charge added to SFO trips and $6 additional charge added to OAK trips.
Entering and exiting the same station within three hours incurs an excursion fare of $6.20 (subject to the additional 50-cent surcharge if using a paper ticket). Failure to exit the system within three hours of entering incurs the maximum fare possible from the entrance station (also subject to the paper ticket surcharge).
Passengers without sufficient fare to complete their journey must use an add-fare machine to pay the remaining balance in order to exit the station.
Discounted fares
Unlike many other rapid transit systems, BART does not have an unlimited ride pass, and the only discount provided to the general public is a 6.25% discount when "high value tickets" (only available on Clipper with autoload) are purchased with fare values of $48 and $64, for prices of $45 and $60 respectively. A 50% discount is available to youth aged 5–18 using Youth Clipper cards, and a 62.5% discount is provided to seniors and disabled people using Senior Clipper cards and RTC Clipper cards respectively.[91] Children aged 4 and under ride free.[91] The Clipper START program for low-income adults provides a 20% discount.[92]
A 62.5% special group discount is available for student field trips for elementary, middle and high school students attending school in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, and San Mateo counties. To be eligible for this discount, students must be chaperoned by adults and travel as a group; the adult chaperones pay the full, undiscounted fare.[93] These tickets are only available by mail order from the BART group sales office; they cannot be purchased at ticket vending machines.[93]
The San Francisco Muni "A" monthly pass (only available on Clipper) provides unlimited rides within San Francisco, with no fare credit applied for trips outside of the city. As of 2010, the SFMTA paid $1.02 for each trip taken under this arrangement.[94]
Fare enforcement
Fares are enforced[citation needed][dubious ] by BART Police and station agents, who monitor activity at the fare gates adjacent to the window and at other fare gates through closed circuit television and faregate status screens located in the agent's booth. All stations are staffed with at least one agent at all times, though not every entrance is staffed at all times.
Proposed simplification
Proposals to simplify the fare structure abound. A flat fare that disregards distance has been proposed, or simpler fare bands or zones. Either scheme would shift the fare-box recovery burden to the urban riders in San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley and away from suburban riders in East Contra Costa, Southern Alameda, and San Mateo Counties, where density is lowest, and consequently, operational cost is highest.[95]
Ridership levels
For most of its history, BART's ridership has reflected the U.S. economy, growing modestly during periods of economic expansion and dropping slightly during recessions.[96] A major exception occurred in 1989 in the aftermath of the Loma Prieta earthquake, which severely damaged the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge, causing its closure for a month. BART became the only direct route between the East Bay and San Francisco, resulting in a nearly 17% ridership jump for the 1990 fiscal year.[96] Ridership would not drop back to previous levels after the repair of the bridge until the COVID-19 pandemic began to affect the Bay Area in March 2020.
Between 2010 and 2015, BART ridership grew rapidly, mirroring strong economic growth in the Bay Area. In 2015, the system was carrying approximately 100,000 more passengers each day than it had five years earlier.[97] High gasoline prices also contributed to growth, pushing ridership to record levels during 2012, with the system recording five record ridership days in September and October 2012.[98]
After six straight years of expansion, ridership growth began to slow in late 2016, dropping by 1.7% in October 2016 from the prior year.[99] Although the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, showed an average weekday ridership of 423,395, the second-highest in BART's history, this was a 2.3% drop from FY 2016.[96] Ridership continued to decline by approximately 3% per year between 2016 and 2019, mirroring a nationwide decline in mass transit ridership in the second half of the decade.[100] Some see this decline as linked to changes in commute patterns, the fall in gasoline prices since 2014, and competition from the private sector in the form of ride-hailing services such as Uber and Lyft.[101][102] Ride-hailing has especially affected ridership on the lines to the San Francisco International Airport and the Oakland International Airport. At SFO, ride-hailing services grew by a factor of almost six or nearly 500% at the airport between 2014 and 2016.[103] BART planners believe that competition from Uber and Lyft is reducing overall ridership growth and BART's share of airport transit.[104][105]
Stations in the urban cores of San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley have the highest ridership, while suburban stations record lower rider numbers. During fiscal year 2017, the busiest station was Embarcadero with 48,526 average weekday exits, followed by Montgomery Street with 45,386. The busiest station outside of San Francisco was 12th Street Oakland City Center with 13,965 riders, followed by 19th Street Oakland with 13,456. The least busy station was Oakland International Airport with 1,517 riders, while the least busy standard BART station was North Concord / Martinez with 2,702 weekday exits.[106]
BART's one-day ridership record was set on Halloween of 2012 with 568,061 passengers attending the San Francisco Giants' victory parade for their World Series championship.[107] This surpassed the record set two years earlier of 522,198 riders in 2010 for the Giants' 2010 World Series victory parade.[108] Before that, the record was 442,100 riders in October 2009, following an emergency closure of the Bay Bridge.[109] During a planned closure of the Bay Bridge, there were 475,015 daily riders on August 30, 2013, making that the third highest ridership.[110] On June 19, 2015, BART recorded 548,078 riders for the Golden State Warriors championship parade, placing second on the all-time ridership list.[111]
BART set a Saturday record of 419,162 riders on February 6, 2016, coinciding with Super Bowl 50 events and a Golden State Warriors game.[112][113] That easily surpassed the previous Saturday record of 319,484 riders, which occurred in October 2012, coinciding with several sporting events and Fleet Week.[114] BART set a Sunday ridership record of 292,957 riders in June 2013, in connection with the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade,[115] surpassing Sunday records set the previous two years when the Pride Parade was held.[115]
Ridership dropped sharply during the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns beginning in March 2020, during which BART was forced to drastically cut service.[116] Ridership in the weeks immediately following the start of the Bay Area's lockdown (on March 17, 2020) fell by as much as 93%.[116] As of May 2021[update], weekday ridership remains about 85% below pre-pandemic levels and weekend ridership remains about 75% below pre-pandemic levels.[116]
A majority of riders report household income below $50,000, and do not own a vehicle. Compared to the region, BART riders are more likely to be Black or Latino, and less likely to be White or Asian.[117]
Many BART stations offer parking; however, underpricing causes station parking lots to overflow in the morning.[118] Pervasive congestion and underpricing forces some to drive to distant stations in search of parking.[119]
BART hosts car sharing locations at many stations, a program pioneered by City CarShare. Riders can transfer from BART and complete their journeys by car. BART offers long-term airport parking through a third-party vendor[120] at most East Bay stations. Travelers must make an online reservation in advance and pay the daily fee of $5 before they can leave their cars at the BART parking lot.
Parking at stations in Santa Clara County (Milpitas and Berryessa/North San José) is managed by Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority rather than BART.
All BART trains have dedicated spaces for wheelchair users and every station has accessible elevators.[121] Estimated train arrival times and service announcements are both displayed on platform-level screens and announced audibly over the public address system. Station platforms are equipped with tactile paving to aid those with visual impairments, and Braille/tactile signs are present throughout stations.[122]
Platform elevators
At some stations, the elevator to the platform (which is inside the paid area) is accessed from an unpaid area of the station. To enter the BART system at one of these stations, passengers using the elevator must first pass through a faregate into the paid area and then exit back through the swing gate adjacent to the station agent booth before taking the elevator to the platform. To exit the system from one of these stations, passengers must do the reverse: take the elevator from the platform to the concourse level, enter the paid area through the swing gate, and then process their ticket at a faregate to exit the paid area once again. Station agents may be able to assist upon request.[121] The configuration of these stations enables fare evasion and causes confusion for passengers.[123]
As of 2020, eighteen stations[a] had a platform elevator outside of the paid area.[124] Of these, three stations[b] had ticket processing machines near the elevators that allowed elevator users to avoid having to enter, then exit, then re-enter the paid area; however, these did nothing to deter fare evasion.[121] BART has begun to correct this issue at stations either by expanding the paid area on the concourse level or by installing a single accessible faregate in front of the elevator doors.[123][124] By December 2021, the number of stations with elevators outside the paid area had been reduced to eight.[c][125] Seven of these stations are planned to have elevator faregates installed in 2022, while the paid area on the concourse level at 19th Street Oakland is being expanded to include the elevator as part of an ongoing renovation.[125][126][127]
Cell phone and Wi-Fi
In 2004, BART became the first transit system in the United States to offer cellular telephone communication to passengers of all major wireless carriers on its trains underground.[128] Service was made available for customers of Verizon Wireless, Sprint/Nextel, AT&T Mobility, and T-Mobile in and between the four San Francisco Market Street stations from Civic Center to Embarcadero. In 2009, service was expanded to include the Transbay Tube, thus providing continuous cellular coverage between West Oakland and Balboa Park.[129] In 2010, service was expanded to all underground stations in Oakland (19th Street, 12th Street/Oakland City Center, and Lake Merritt).[130] Uninterrupted cellular coverage of the entire BART system is a goal. As of 2012[update] passengers in both the Berkeley Hills Tunnel and the Berkeley subway (Ashby, Downtown and North Berkeley) received cell service. The only sections still not covered by cell service are short tunnel that leads to Walnut Creek BART, and San Mateo County subway stations (including service to SFO and Millbrae).
In 2007, BART ran a beta test of Wi-Fi Internet access for travelers. It initially included the four San Francisco downtown stations: Embarcadero, Montgomery, Powell, and Civic Center. It included above ground testing to trains at BART's Hayward Test Track. The testing and deployment was extended into the underground interconnecting tubes between the four downtown stations and further. The successful demonstration provided for a ten-year contract with WiFi Rail, Inc. for the services throughout the BART right of way.[131] In 2008, the Wi-Fi service was expanded to include the Transbay Tube.[132] BART terminated the relationship with Wi-Fi Rail in December 2014, citing that WiFi Rail had not submitted an adequate financial or technical plan for completing the network throughout the BART system.[133]
In 2011, during the Charles Hill killing and aftermath BART disabled cell phone service to hamper demonstrators.[134] The ensuing controversy drew widespread coverage[135] that raised legal questions about free speech rights of protesters and the federal telecommunications laws that relate to passengers.[136] In response, BART released an official policy on cutting off cell phone service.[137]
Organization and management
2012 statistics | |
Number of vehicles | 670 |
Initial system cost | $1.6 billion |
Equivalent cost in 2004 dollars (replacement cost) | $15 billion |
Hourly passenger capacity | 15,000 |
Maximum daily capacity | 360,000 |
Average weekday ridership | 365,510 |
Annual operating revenue | $379.10 million |
Annual expenses | $619.10 million |
Annual profits (losses) | ($240.00 million) |
Rail cost/passenger mile (excluding capital costs) | $0.332 |
The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District is a special district consisting of Alameda County, Contra Costa County, and the City and County of San Francisco. San Mateo County, which hosts six BART stations, and Santa Clara County, which hosts two, are not part of the BART District. A nine-member elected Board of Directors represents nine districts. BART has its own police force.[138]
While the district includes all of the cities and communities in its jurisdiction, some of these cities do not have stations on the BART system. This has caused tensions among property owners in cities like Livermore who pay BART taxes but must travel outside the city to receive BART service.[139] In areas like Fremont, the majority of commuters do not commute in the direction that BART would take them (many Fremonters commute to San Jose)[citation needed]. This would be remedied with the completion of the Silicon Valley BART extension. Phase I of the extension opened on June 13, 2020, giving San Jose its first BART station, Berryessa/North San José station.
In 2005, BART required nearly $300 million in funds after fares. About 37% of the costs went to maintenance, 29% to actual transportation operations, 24% to general administration, 8% to police services, and 4% to construction and engineering. In 2005, 53% of the budget was derived from fares, 32% from taxes, and 15% from other sources, including advertising, station retail space leasing, and parking fees.[140] BART reported a farebox recovery ratio of 75.67% in February 2016,[141] up from 2012's 68.2%.[142] BART train operators and station agents have a maximum salary of $62,000 per year with an average of $17,000 in overtime pay.[143] (BART management claimed that in 2013, union train operators and station agents averaged about $71,000 in base salary and $11,000 in overtime, and pay a $92 monthly fee from that for health insurance.)[144]
Incidents and controversies
BART Police shootings
Oscar Grant III
On January 1, 2009, a BART Police officer, Johannes Mehserle, fatally shot Oscar Grant III.[145][146] BART held multiple public meetings to ease tensions led by BART Director Carole Ward Allen[147] who called on the BART Board to hire two independent auditors to investigate the shooting, and to provide recommendations to the board regarding BART Police misconduct.[148] Director Ward Allen established BART's first Police Department Review Committee and worked with Assemblyman Sandre Swanson to pass AB 1586 in the California State Legislature, which enforced civilian oversight of the BART Police Department.[149] BART Director Lynette Sweet said that "BART has not handled this [situation] correctly,"[150] and called for the BART police chief and general manager to step down, but only one other BART Director, Tom Radulovich, has supported such action.[151]
Eyewitnesses gathered direct evidence of the shooting with video cameras, which were later submitted to and disseminated by media outlets and watched hundreds of thousands of times[152] in the days following the shooting. Both peaceful and violent demonstrations occurred protesting the shooting.[153]
Mehserle was arrested and charged with murder, to which he pleaded not guilty. Oakland civil rights attorney John Burris filed a US$25 million wrongful death claim against the district on behalf of Grant's daughter and girlfriend.[154] Oscar Grant III's father also filed a lawsuit claiming that the death of his son deprived him of his son's companionship.
Mehserle's trial was subsequently moved to Los Angeles following concerns that he would be unable to get a fair trial in Alameda County. On July 8, 2010, Mehserle was found guilty on a lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter.[155] He was released on June 13, 2011, and is now on parole.[156]
Charles Hill
On July 3, 2011, two officers of the BART Police shot and killed Charles Hill at Civic Center Station in San Francisco. Hill was allegedly carrying a knife.[157]
On August 12, 2011, BART shut down cellphone services on the network for three hours in an effort to hamper possible protests against the shooting[158][159] and to keep communications away from protesters at the Civic Center station in San Francisco.[160] The shutdown caught the attention of Leland Yee and international media, as well as drawing comparisons to the former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in several articles and comments.[161] Antonette Bryant, the union president for BART, added that, "BART have lost our confidence and are putting rider and employee safety at risk."[162]
Members of Anonymous broke into BART's website and posted names, phone numbers, addresses, and e-mail information on the Anonymous website.[163][164]
On August 15, 2011, there was more disruption in service at BART stations in downtown San Francisco.[165][166][167] The San Francisco Examiner reported that the protests were a result of the shootings, including that of Oscar Grant.[168][169] Demonstrations were announced by several activists, which eventually resulted in disruptions to service. The protesters have stated that they did not want their protests to results in closures, and accused the BART police of using the protests as an excuse for disruption.[170] Protesters vowed to continue their protests every Monday until their demands were met.
On August 29, 2011, a coalition of nine public interest groups led by Public Knowledge filed an Emergency Petition asking the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to declare "that the actions taken by the Bay Area Rapid Transit District ("BART") on August 11, 2011, violated the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, when it deliberately interfered with access to Commercial Mobile Radio Service ("CMRS") by the public" and "that local law enforcement has no authority to suspend or deny CMRS, or to order CMRS providers to suspend or deny service, absent a properly obtained order from the Commission, a state commission of appropriate jurisdiction, or a court of law with appropriate jurisdiction".[171][172]
In December 2011 BART adopted a new "Cell Service Interruption Policy" that only allows shutdowns of cell phone services within BART facilities "in the most extraordinary circumstances that threaten the safety of District passengers, employees and other members of public, the destruction of District property, or the substantial disruption of public transit service".[173] According to a spokesperson for BART, under the new policy the wireless phone system would not be turned off under circumstances similar to those in August 2011. Instead police officers would arrest individuals who break the law.[174]
In February 2012, the San Francisco District Attorney concluded that the BART Police Officer that shot and killed Charles Hill at the Civic Center BART station the previous July "acted lawfully in self defense" and will not face charges for the incident. A federal lawsuit filed against BART in January by Charles Hill's brother was proceeding.[175]
In March 2012, the FCC requested public comment on the question of whether or when the police and other government officials can intentionally interrupt cellphone and Internet service to protect public safety.[174]
Employee and firefighter fatalities
1979 fatal electrical fire
In January 1979, an electrical fire occurred on a train as it was passing through the Transbay Tube. One firefighter (Lt. William Elliott, 50, of the Oakland Fire Department) was killed in the effort to extinguish the blaze. Since then, safety regulations have been updated.[176]
James Strickland
On October 14, 2008, track inspector James Strickland was struck and killed by a train as he was walking along a section of track between the Concord and Pleasant Hill BART stations. Strickland's death started an investigation into BART's safety alert procedures.[177] At the time of the accident, BART had assigned trains headed in opposite directions to a shared track for routine maintenance. BART came under further fire in February 2009 for allegedly delaying payment of death benefits to Strickland's family.[178]
October 2013 incident
On the afternoon of October 19, 2013, a BART employee and a contractor, who were inspecting tracks, were struck and killed near Walnut Creek by a train being moved for routine maintenance. A labor strike by BART's two major unions was underway at the time, which caused BART to use an undertrained operator. Instead of the usual 14 weeks of the training, the operator only received four. The BART trainer was not in the cab with the operator at the time of impact but was instead in the passenger compartment. The National Transportation Safety Board concluded that the accident occurred because BART facilitated access to the railway line.[179] BART was fined $600,000 for the incident.[180]
In mid-2017, BART came under severe criticism for suppression of video evidence of crimes committed at Oakland stations. That year, in at least three incidents, groups of people had boarded stopped trains and attacked and robbed train riders.[181] BART responded to criticism of the suppression of this evidence by saying that "to release these videos would create a high level of racially insensitive commentary toward the district [...] and in addition it would create a racial bias in the riders against minorities on the trains." According to a memo distributed to BART Directors, the agency did not issue a press release on the June 30 theft because it was a "petty crime" that would make BART look "crime ridden." Further, it would "unfairly affect and characterize riders of color, leading to sweeping generalizations in media reports."[181] In September 2017, six victims of the robberies/assaults filed suit against BART for gross negligence, claiming BART does not provide adequate security for its riders.[182]
On July 22, 2018, a man fatally stabbed 18-year-old Nia Wilson with a knife as she exited a train car at the MacArthur station.[183] This was the third homicide at a BART station within five days.[184] In June 2019, the Alameda County Civil Grand Jury released a report documenting a 128% increase in thefts on BART between 2014 and 2018, and an 83% increase in aggravated assault during the same time period.[185]
See also
- List of Bay Area Rapid Transit stations
- List of San Francisco Bay Area trains
- List of California railroads
- List of metro systems
- List of United States rapid transit systems by ridership
- ^ 12th Street Oakland City Center, 19th Street Oakland, Balboa Park, Bay Fair, Civic Center, Coliseum, Concord, Downtown Berkeley, El Cerrito del Norte, El Cerrito Plaza, Embarcadero, Montgomery, North Berkeley, Orinda, Powell, Rockridge, South Hayward, and Walnut Creek
- ^ Coliseum, North Berkeley, and Walnut Creek
- ^ 19th Street Oakland, Civic Center, El Cerrito Plaza, North Berkeley, Orinda, Powell, Rockridge, and Walnut Creek
- ^ a b "Transit Ridership Report Fourth Quarter 2021" (PDF). American Public Transportation Association. March 10, 2022. Retrieved June 7, 2022.
- ^ Fracassa, Dominic; McBride, Ashley (July 25, 2019). "BART selects Robert Powers as new general manager". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved July 25, 2019.
- ^ "New Train Car Project". San Francisco Bay Area. December 29, 2020. Retrieved March 28, 2021.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "BART System Facts". San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District. Retrieved April 8, 2021.
- ^ "BART returns to near-regular service starting 8/2/21". Bay Area Rapid Transit (Press release). August 2, 2021. Retrieved December 17, 2021.
- ^ a b "BART – Car Types". Bay Area Rapid Transit. Retrieved April 8, 2021.
- ^ a b "BART Sustainable Communities Operations Analysis" (PDF). San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District. June 2013. p. 23. Retrieved February 5, 2014.
Certain sections of the BART system are designed for 80 mph operations, however the maximum operating speed BART currently uses today is 70 mph. It is unlikely that 80 mph operating speeds will be used again due to the increase in motor wear and propulsion failures at the higher rate. There are also higher impacts on track maintenance. In addition, the 80 mph segments tend to be short, and the higher speed benefits are limited as train speeds become inconsistent.
- ^ a b Glover, Julian (May 19, 2020). "BART announces service start date for long-awaited Milpitas, San Jose Berryessa stations". ABC7 News. Retrieved May 19, 2020.
- ^ "A History of BART: The Concept is Born". Bay Area Rapid Transit. Retrieved October 8, 2019.
- ^ Healy, Michael C. (2016). BART : the dramatic history of the Bay Area Rapid Transit system. Berkeley, California. ISBN 9781597143707. OCLC 948549791.
- ^ "History of BART to the South Bay". San Jose Mercury News. March 12, 2013. Retrieved October 22, 2013.
- ^ "A History of BART: The Concept is Born". Bart.gov. Retrieved October 22, 2013.
- ^ "A History of BART: The Concept is Born". Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART). Retrieved January 7, 2007.
- ^ See BART Composite Report, prepared by Parsons Brinkerhof Tutor Bechtel, 1962
- ^ "A History of BART: the Concept is Born". Retrieved December 1, 2018.
- ^ "A History of BART: The Project Begins". Bay Area Rapid Transit. Retrieved December 1, 2018.
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- ^ Lembke, Daryl (November 16, 1972). "BART Manager Denies System Was Overcharged by Designers". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved March 2, 2011.
- ^ Stephen Unger (April 29, 2010). "The BART Case". The Online Ethics Center for engineering and science. Archived from the original on July 28, 2020. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
- ^ "Troubles Beset Transit System in San Francisco Bay Area". The New York Times. December 9, 1972. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
- ^ Bill Northwood (November 29, 1972). "What is BART, and why are we saying such terrible things about it?". KPFA Pacifica Radio. p. 2 min : 00 sec. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
- ^ "Automatic Train Control in Rail Rapid Transit" (PDF). United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment. May 1, 1976. pp. 45–49. Retrieved March 15, 2017.
Investigations of BART were undertaken by the California Senate, the California Legislative Analyst, the California Public Utilities Commission, and the National Transportation Safety Board. The cause of the accident was traced to a faulty crystal oscillator…
- ^ Peter Sheerin (October 1, 1990). "Bill Wattenburg's Background: BART—Bay Area Rapid Transit System". Retrieved March 15, 2017.
Wattenburg challenged the credentials of three successive chief engineers at BART. All of them left or were fired.
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David Hammond, BARTD's assistant general manager submitted his resignation…
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After the state legislature held a month-long series of hearings on the financial mismanagement at Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), Alan Post recommended the firing of BART's general manager.
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When BART reaches its full level of service, headways will be reduced to 2 minutes in San Francisco and 6 minutes elsewhere during peak periods...
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BART's train line to the San Francisco International Airport is losing riders and losing money. And that culprit is competition from the private sector, BART staff said. Uber and Lyft in particular have seen their ridership at SFO rise by almost six times over from 2014 to 2016, according to data provided by SFO to the San Francisco Examiner...BART's SFO ridership was discussed during a presentation at the Board of Directors meeting.
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parking after 10 a.m. at any BART station is difficult. Here are the southern Alameda County stations where you might get lucky and find parking in this order: South Hayward, Hayward, Union City, West Dublin/Pleasanton and Castro Valley.... BART is testing the feasibility of posting real-time information that would let a driver check whether spots are available at a particular station. Right now, the best it can do is to provide estimates on its website for when parking lots will be full.
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this unilateral action raised significant legal questions as to whether this was authorized under federal telecommunications law relating to the right of the passengers to access the telephone network and the legality of a shutdown by a quasi-governmental authority such as BART. Additionally, BART's actions raised issues concerning the First Amendment rights of the passengers and protesters to freedom of speech and assembly.
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Further reading
- Owen, Wilfred (1966). The metropolitan transportation problem. Anchor Books.
- BART: a study of problems of rail transit. California. Legislature. Assembly. Committee on Transportation. 1973.
- Richard Grefe (1976). A history of the key decisions in the development of Bay Area Rapid Transit. National Technical Information Service.
- E. Gareth Hoachlander (1976). Bay Area Rapid Transit: who pays and who benefits?. University of California.
- Cervero, Robert (1998). The transit metropolis: a global inquiry. Island Press. ISBN 1-55963-591-6.
- University of California (1966). The San Francisco Bay area: its problems and future, Volume 2. University of California.
External links
Route map: