안도라의 아나키즘

Anarchism in Andorra

Anarchism in Andorra peaked during the 1930s, when anarchist ideas were at the forefront of revolutionary politics in the Catalan countries.


During the time of the Second Spanish Republic, the Spanish state questioned the role of co-prince of the bishop of La Seu d'Urgell, Justí Guitart i Vilardebó. The same situation was repeated as during the French Revolution. Spain did not conceive that one of its citizens had the sovereignty of another state. The Spanish and Catalan press began to criticize the role of co-prince, exclaiming that it was possible that the Andorran people had no sovereignty and would be subject to two feudal princes.

From Catalunya, the Catalanist and anarcho-syndicalist atmosphere greatly influenced Andorran immigrants. In 1933, the Joves Andorrans (a trade union related to the CNT-FAI) occupied the General Council, demanding universal suffrage for Andorran citizens - igniting the Andorran Revolution, which saw the General Council elected with universal male suffrage and the implementation of civil liberties.

The Spanish republic denied the bishop the right to be co-prince of Andorra, with annexationist intentions behind it. The anticlericalism of the Second Republic was very offensive to the Catholic Church which led to the bishop joining the nationalists[1] When the Spanish Civil War broke out in July 1936 the bishop went into exile in Sanremo. He was in the Aran Valley when he learned of the military coup. On the night of his escape, a group of anarchists went to wake him up by standing under the window where he was staying to sing the Internationale with their fists raised.[1] Before leaving, he left the episcopal delegation in the hands of Miquel Mateu. Once in San Remo, the nationalists convinced him to sign the collective letter of the bishops of 1937. It was a manifesto in which the Catholic Church supported fascism.[1]

Refugees and border control

With the outbreak of the revolution in Catalunya, libertarian communism was proclaimed in Urgell. The atmosphere became radicalized and many people from Urgell temporarily fled to Andorra, thinking that the coup would fail like the Sanjurjada. At first the country hosted nationalists that had fled from republican positions in Catalunya.[2][3] Towards the end of the conflict, a second wave of refugees fled to Andorra, these were anarchists, republicans and socialists, fleeing from the nationalist offensive. Andorra welcomed everyone, on both sides of the conflict. The FAI was even installed on the Andorra–Catalunya border, where they began to take control of smuggling operations. Puigcerdà was also the border with the second-most escapes.[1]

FHASA workers and Andorrans before the war

FHASA workers were affiliated with the CNT and the FAI, they agitated in Andorra and invited their anarchist friends to stay in the country too. Once in Andorra, they took the opportunity to register the names of the nationalists who had taken refuge and then denounced them. The FHASA's director Miquel Mateu was, on the other hand, a declared fascist and helped the nationalists as best he could. In Sant Julià de Lòria the population joined the fascist side, where Andorra la Vella and Escaldes-Engordany became anarchist refuges. Three bars of the time stand out in particular: the Hotel Mirador and the Casino d’Escaldes (republicans) and the Bar de Burgos (fascists). The lower parishes were usually more akin to the trends circulating in Castile or Catalunya while the higher ones followed the French temperament. The constant movement of people through Andorra made it impossible to take a neutral position and its people opted for one side or the other. In Sant Julià the border was blocked during the war to prevent anarchists from entering the country. Border control was so strict that even a valid pass or passport did not guarantee escape or entry into Andorra. The Andorran youth largely sympathized with the republican cause and wanted to proclaim an Independent Republic of Andorra. The older generations, on the other hand, were largely followers of fascism and hoped that it would establish "order" in Andorra. There were also Andorrans who helped the refugees on both sides by giving them food and sleep.[1]

양측은 종종 산속에서 서로 총을 쏘며 이견을 해결했는데, 이는 안도란 당국으로부터 익명을 제공했다. 그 나라 안에서는 공화당과 민족주의자들이 실제 무기를 가지고 소규모 전쟁을 벌이고 있었다. 안도라 입성 중 총에 맞은 난민들의 도착을 관리하기 위해 FHASA에 급조된 병원을 세워야 했다.

젠더메리의 개입

안도란 당국에 따르면 가장 불안정을 일으킨 집단은 FHASA 노동자들이며, FHASA 노동자들은 이 나라에서 공화정 혁명을 위해 무기를 모았다고 한다. 겨울 동안 프랑스 쪽의 항구가 막혀 있다는 점을 이용하겠다는 계획이었다. 그러나 총회가 프랑스의 개입을 과반수 찬성으로 승인한 후 그 시도는 실패했다. 스페인에는 개입하지 않았지만 프랑스 공동왕자 알베르트 르브룬은 안도라에는 개입했다. 그 공동체는 교구 회의를 소집했는데, 교구 회의는 그 개입을 거부했고, 이에 대해 어떻게 해야 할지를 결정했다. 마을 스스로도 공명의 도움을 받아 한 부대의 병력을 배치하여 겐다르므족파스 카사 국경 너머를 지나는 것을 막기로 했다. 그런데도 레네 바울라드 장군은 다시 한번 나라를 점령했다.[1]

안도라의 무정부주의자와 민족주의자의 목록이 작성되었다. 점령 후, 많은 무정부주의자들은 그들에게 머물 수 있는 허가를 요청해야 했다. 이후 국경을 넘은 스페인, 바스크, 카탈루냐, 갈리아인들프랑스 강제 수용소로 보내졌다.[1] 전쟁으로 인한 우경화로 많은 정치적 이정표가 취소되었다. 보편적인 남성 참정권이 정지되고 표현의 자유가 박탈되었다. 사람들은 전쟁이나 프랑코주의에 대해 공공연히 말하는 것을 두려워했다.[4] 전쟁과 함께, 특히 홀로코스트 생존자들이 유럽을 떠나거나 안도라와 같은 고립된 국가로 피난할 수 있도록 돕는 탈출 네트워크가 만들어졌다. 마르크스 통일 노동자당 소속 안토니 포르네주우가 안도란 탈출망을 조직하는 데 일조했다.[4][5][6]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g 소리아노 2005.
  2. ^ Rubio i Coromina 2015, 페이지 385.
  3. ^ 바디아 아이 바탈라 1997, 페이지 171–221.
  4. ^ a b 포르타 & 세브리안 2009.
  5. ^ 라히세갈라스 2012 페이지 85-87.
  6. ^ Melich Gutiérrez, Enric; Camacho Escamez, Diego (21 July 2012). "Entrevista a Enric Melich Gutiérrez, maquis de la resistència francesa, passador de jueus i clandestins, activista anarquista, llibreter i sindicalista". En contra: els Poders i els seus servidors. Entrevistes Catalunya i altres (in Catalan). VilaWeb. Retrieved 25 July 2021.

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