Amiens아미앵 | |
현과 코뮤니티 | |
아미앵 대성당을 배경으로 한 도심 | |
![]() | |
좌표:49°53°31°N 2°175656eE/49.892°N 2.299°E좌표: 49°53°31°N 2°17°56°E / 49.892°N 2.299°E / | |
나라 | 프랑스. |
지역 | 오츠드프랑스 |
부서 | 솜므 |
아롱디스망 | 아미앵 |
칸톤 | 아미앵-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 및 7 |
인터커뮤니티 | 아미앵 메트로폴 |
정부 | |
• 시장(2020–2026) | 브리짓 푸르제 |
지역 1 | 49.46km2(19.10평방마일) |
인구. (2019년 [1]1월) | 134,706 |
• 밀도 | 2,700/km2 (7,100/160 mi) |
시간대 | UTC+01:00 (CET) |
• 여름 (DST) | UTC+02:00 (CEST) |
INSEE/우편번호 | 80021/80000 |
승진 | 14~440m(46~348피트) (평균 33m 또는 108ft) |
1 프랑스2 토지 등록부 데이터는 호수, 연못, 빙하 > 1km(0.386 평방 미 또는 247 에이커)와 강 하구를 제외한다. |
아미앵(영어: /ˈmjé̃/[2] 또는 /æminnz/AM-ee-nnz),[3] 프랑스어: [amjɛ̃]; 피카르:앙미앙(Anmien), 앙미앙(Anmien), 앙미앙(Anmien)은 프랑스 북부에 있는 도시로, 파리에서 북쪽으로 120km, 릴에서 남서쪽으로 100km(62m) 떨어져 있다.오트 드 프랑스 지역에 있는 솜 주의 주도이다.2021년에 아미앵의 인구는 135,429명이었다.[4]이 도시의 중심 명소는 프랑스에서 가장 큰 고딕 양식의 대성당인 아미앵 대성당입니다.아미앵은 또한 1,200개의 병상을 수용할 수 있는 프랑스에서 가장 큰 대학 병원 중 하나를 가지고 있다.작가 쥘 베른은 1871년부터 1905년 사망할 때까지 아미앵에 거주하며 15년 동안 시의회에서 일했다.현직 프랑스 대통령인 에마뉘엘 마크롱은 아미앵에서 태어났다.
그 마을은 두 번의 세계 대전 동안 많은 피해를 입었고, 양측이 반복적으로 점령했다.1918년 아미앵 전투는 독일과의 휴전으로 직결된 백일 공세의 시작 단계였다.영국 공군은 제2차 세계대전 중에 그 도시에 폭격을 가했다.그 여파로, 도시는 교통 체증을 완화하기 위해 더 넓은 도로와 함께 피에르 뒤포의 계획에 따라 재건되었다.이 새로운 구조물들은 주로 벽돌, 콘크리트, 그리고 슬레이트 지붕을 가진 하얀 돌로 지어졌다.건축가 오귀스트 페레는 Gare d'Amiens 기차역과 인근 Tour Perret을 설계했다.
아미앵은 중요한 역사적, 문화적 유산을 가지고 있으며, 여기에 상당한 양의 관광이 기반을 두고 있다.대성당과는 별도로, 호티요네주 쥘 베른 하우스 투르페레(tour perret), 피카르디 박물관(Musée de Picardie), 동물원 생 르우와 생 모리스의 숙소가 있습니다.기념물 목록에는 총 60개의 기념물이, 문화재 일반 에는 1600개가 넘는 장소와 기념물이, 기념물 목록에는 187개의 유물이 등록되어 있다 12월 동안, 그 마을은 프랑스 북부에서 가장 큰 크리스마스 시장을 개최합니다.'마카롱 다미앵', 아몬드 페이스트 비스킷, '투일 아미앵', 초콜릿 및 오렌지 곡면 비스킷, 페이스트리의 오리 파테, 오븐에 구운 치즈를 크레페에 넣은 '라 피카르데', '포아미앵', '포아미앵'을 포함한 몇몇 현지 음식으로 알려져 있다.
이 지역에 처음 정착한 것으로 알려진 곳은 갈리아의 주요 부족 중 하나인 암비아니 부족의 중심 정착지인 사마로브리바(Samarobriva, "솜므 다리")였다.로마인들은 그 마을을 암비아누스라고 이름 지었는데, 이는 암비아니 사람들의 정착지라는 뜻이다.아미앵은 5세기부터 프랑시아의 일부였다.노르만인들은 859년과 882년에 그 도시를 약탈했다.1113년, 그 도시는 프랑스의 왕 루이 6세에 의해 인정되었고, 1185년에는 프랑스 왕국과 연결되었다.1597년, 헨리 4세가 지배권을 되찾기 전까지 6개월간의 아미앵 공성전 동안 스페인 병사들이 도시를 장악했다.18세기와 19세기 동안 아미앵의 섬유 전통은 벨루어로 유명해졌다.프랑스 혁명의 결과로, 프랑스의 지방들은 해체되었고 영토는 부서로 조직되었다.피카르디의 대부분은 아미앵을 수도로 하여 솜므의 신설된 주가 되었다.산업 혁명 기간 동안, 도시 성벽이 허물어지면서, 도시 중심부 주변의 큰 길들을 위한 공간이 생겼습니다.도시의 남쪽에 있는 헨리빌 지역은 이 무렵에 개발되었습니다.1848년, 최초의 철도가 아미앵에 도착했고, 그 도시는 불로뉴쉬르메르와 연결되었다.1870년 아미앵 전투 동안, 그 도시는 침략한 프러시아 군대에 의해 점령되었다.
이 마을은 제1차 세계 대전과 제2차 세계 대전 동안 서로 싸우고, 상당한 피해를 입었으며, 양측에 의해 여러 차례 점령당했다.1918년 아미앵 전투는 전쟁을 끝낸 독일과의 휴전으로 직결된 백일 공세의 시작 단계였다.제2차 세계대전 당시 영국 공군의 폭격을 많이 받았다.이 도시는 교통 혼잡을 완화하기 위해 거리를 넓히는 데 초점을 맞추어 피에르 뒤포의 계획에 따라 재건되었다.이 새로운 구조물들은 주로 벽돌, 콘크리트, 그리고 슬레이트 지붕을 가진 하얀 돌로 지어졌다.건축가 오귀스트 페레는 Gare d'Amiens 기차역과 인근 Tour Perret을 설계했다.
피카르디의 지방현인 아미앵은 이 지역의 3개 주(오이즈, 아이네) 중 하나인 솜므주의 현으로서도 기능하고 있다.파리 분지에 위치한 이 도시는 파리, 릴, 루앙, 런던, 브뤼셀과 가까운 지리적 위치로부터 혜택을 받고 있습니다.유럽 주요 여행 노선(A1, A16 및 A29)의 교차로에 있는 이 도시는 또한 주요 철도 스타의 중심에 있습니다.
까마귀가 날면서 이 도시는 파리에서 북쪽으로 115km(71마일), 릴에서 남서쪽으로 97km(62마일), 루앙에서 북동쪽으로 100km(62마일), 르아브르에서 북동쪽으로 162km(101마일), 랑스에서 북서쪽으로 144km(89마일) 떨어져 있다.지역 차원에서 아미앵은 보베에서 북쪽으로 53km(33mi), 생퀘탱에서 서쪽으로 71km(44mi), 콩피에뉴에서 66km(41m), 라온에서 102km(63mi) 떨어져 있다.
아미앵은 솜에서 크레시앙퐁티외와 오르노이르부르그에 이어 세 번째로 큰 정착지입니다.
지질 및 구호
코뮤니티의 면적은 4,946ha(12,220에이커)이며, 고도는 14~106m(46~348피트)[5]이다.
수로: 솜므와 운하, 아브레와 셀레
솜므강의 주요 줄기는 아미앵을 통과하며, 몇 주 동안 지속되는 예외적인 홍수(2001년 봄 등)를 제외하고는 대체로 온화하다.남동쪽 외곽에는 카몽과 롱게우, 왼쪽 둑의 주요 지류와의 합류점(남쪽)과 에이브레 강과도 가깝습니다.두 팔(오뜨 셀레 포함)이 유니콘 스타디움 뒤편, 전시장, 거인, 경마장을 지나 산책로 끝과 아미앵 동물원을 지나 사이노테오 오파고네 섬 앞 수처리장 오른쪽을 지나 아미앵 북서쪽에서 들어온다.아미앵에 있는 라 마들렌 묘지.
도시는 생피에르에 있는 피카르 [citation needed]고원의 가장자리가 발달했기 때문에 호티요네주 의 수준에서 자연스럽게 강이 좁아졌다.아미앵 성채는 피카르 고원의 이 석회암 부트에 지어졌으며 루 생피에르 성채는 북쪽에서 도시를 떠나는 약간 기울어진 길입니다.이 협소함에 따라, 좁은 운하의 네트워크는 중세에는 섬유 공장을 포함한 다리와 건물의 건설로 이어졌다.
솜 강의 오래된 바닥의 늪은 이탄을 파는데 사용되었다.농부들은 진흙을 제거함으로써 리외, 운하, 도랑을 유지했고, 그것을 그들의 채소밭인 호틸론에 추가하는데 사용했다.20세기부터 호틸론의 후손들은 운하를 유지하는 것을 중단했고 그 지역들은 점차 휴면하거나 [6]배를 타고 갈 수 있는 놀이 정원을 만든 개인들에게 팔렸다.
수로망은 항상 시에서 운영하는 중요한 자산이었다.그 강은 풍경, 도시, 경제 영역의 정체성을 형성하는 데 도움을 주었다.이곳은 Saint-Leu, Somme 강에 접한 Saint-Maurice, 그리고 고대부터 발전해 온 현재의 도시 중심부의 행정 구역과 시민 구역의 대부분이다.
Canal de la Somme는 19세기 초로 거슬러 올라가며, 성채 기슭에 있는 다리는 2차 세계대전 이후에 건설되었다.
아미앵은 프랑스 북부의 전형적인 해양성 기후로 겨울은 비교적 온화하고 여름은 서늘하며 1년 내내 비가 잘 내린다.
아미앵은 일드프랑스와 북부 프랑스, 노르망디, 베네룩스, 프랑스와 영국 사이의 중심지이다.아미앵은 현재 A1 고속도로와 파리-릴 TGV 열차 노선과 같은 유럽의 주요 도로와 철도 동맥에 직접 연결되어 있지 않습니다.
그러나 릴과 파리의 중간 지점에 위치한 아미앵은 자동차 전용도로(A16과 A29의 교차로)를 포함한 서비스와 접근성이 좋은 조건을 갖추고 있습니다.
아미앵 역은 루앙, 칼레, 릴, 랭스, 콩피에뉴, 파리-노르드를 포함한 지역 열차 서비스를 제공합니다.도시의 서쪽에 있는 생로크(Somme) 역은 루앙과 아브빌로 향하는 로컬 열차가 운행합니다.TGV 오뜨-피카르디 역이 있는 일반 버스 노선도 샤를 드-갈레 공항 역에 접근할 수 있습니다.2025년 [7]지평선에서 루아시-피카디 링크는 파리 샤를 드 골 공항과 그 TGV 역에서 55분 거리에 아미앵을 놓는다.
열차로 아미앵은 다음 위치에 있습니다.
고대부터 아미앵은 중요한 길의 교차로였다.현대 도시에는 A16과 A29 오토루트가 운행되고 있습니다.943m(3,094ft) 길이의 쥘 베른 고가교는 솜 강을 건너 도시의 동쪽에 있으며 고속도로 형태의 도로를 통해 도시를 우회할 수 있습니다.A16과 A29 오토루트, RN1과 RN25는 사람들이 로케이드 다미엔[아미앵의 순환 도로]라고 부르는 우회형 고속도로를 형성한다.처음에는 오늘날 주로 부서 도로로 격하된 국도를 구성하고 있으며, 아미엔의 더 큰 도시 지역은 다음과 같은 서비스를 제공한다.
아미앵은 여러 자동차 전용도로에서 운행됩니다.
- A16 - 아브빌과 불로뉴쉬르메르 경유 칼레행
- 보베를 경유하여 파리로 가는 A16
- A29 - Neufchétel-en-Bray 경유 루앙 및 르아브르행
- A29는 Saint-Quentin과 Laon을 경유하여 랭스로 향합니다.
- 아미앵에서 둘렌을 경유하여 릴로 가는 A24 오토루트는 2006년에 취소되었다.
2013-2023년 동안 2013년 12월 19일 승인된 도시 교통 계획 [ ](PDU)에 따르면, 아미엔에는 [8]주차 공급이 풍부한 것으로 간주된다.중요하긴 하지만 주차 수요는 사용 가능한 용량보다 적습니다(용량 예비량은 여전히 20% 이상임).도로가 포화 상태가 될 경우 지하주차장의 점유율은 전 세계적으로 100% [8]미만으로 유지된다.)
2013년, 시는 도심과 인근 지역의 8,400여 곳을 포함해 약 70,000개의 공영 주차 공간을 집계했으며,[8] 이 주차 공간에는 70%가 유료입니다.
- 고속도로 4,400대(유료 1,600대 포함 도심 1,420대)
- 지하 주차 공간 4,000개(Gare La Valée 개발 구역 프로젝트에 620개의 다른 새로운 장소가 프로그램됨)
도심에 있는 지하 주차장은 다음과 같이 구성되어 있습니다.
이름. | 에 의한 액세스 가능 | 에 가깝다 | 스페이스 수 |
할레스 | 루 뒤 게네랄 르클레르 | 종탑 할레스 상업 중심지 | 468 |
센트럼 | 루 프레데리크 쁘띠 | 콜로세움 | 190 |
호텔 드 빌 | 루 드 보베 | 에스파스 피에토니에, 시청 | 80 |
자코뱅 | 자코뱅 루 | 에스파스 피에토니에(현) | 587 |
생류 | 루 데 후셰르 | 법학부, 정치학, 경제경영학부, 대성당 | 585 |
트로이 카일루 | 루 로베르 드 루자르슈 | 에스파스 피에토니에, 법원, 성당 | 486 |
아미앵 2 | 달라스 로렌 거리, 라 발레 주 | 아미앵 2 상업 센터, 버스 정류장, SNCF 철도역 | 724 |
페레트 | 벨포르 대로, 불프랑-워메 | 시네마, SNCF 역 | 490 |
게레 라 발레 | 루 드 라 발레 | SNCF 역, Gare La Valée 개발 구역 | 840 |
2007년 현재[update], SNCF 역 이용자에 의한 도로 혼잡에 대처하기 위해 Saint-Anne 구에 주거용 주차 시스템이 배치되어 있다.2008년 시 선거 운동 기간 동안 주차는 [9]토론의 중요한 주제 중 하나였다.다수당이 바뀐 지 1년 후, Gilles Demailly 팀은 [10]주민들과 협의를 시작했다.2011년부터 주거용 주차장이 Gare-La-Valé 및 Riolan 인근으로 확장되었고, 2012년에는 Noyon 인근 및 Riolan 섹터 동쪽 지역으로 확장되었습니다.2014년에는 2,600대의 주차공간이[11] 영향을 받아 도로에서의 차량 회전을 촉진하고 고속도로를 어지럽히는 차량으로 인한 공공 공간의 영구 점유율을 줄이기 위해 도시 주민들이 집 근처에 주차할 수 있게 되었다.
아미앵은 1887년 개통된 10.7km(6.6마일)가 넘는 2개의 노선에서 운행됐다.그들은 라 마들렌 묘지 생아슐 교회, 카냐르 다리, 루 드 노이옹과 루 줄 바르니를 연결하는 갬베타 광장에서 교차하고, 다른 하나는 생 피에르 교회에서 경마장으로, 생 르우, 프레베르 콜레데리크 거리에서 교차합니다.1899년에 전기화된 이 네트워크는 1906년에 총 19km(12마일)의 7개 노선으로 확장되었습니다.1932년부터 롱게우는 아미앵과 버스 운행으로 연결되었다.1940년 독일군의 폭격으로 도심 대부분이 파괴되었고 쥘-페리 도로 가 강타하여 전차 함대가 완전히 파괴되었다.롱게오 버스만 살아남았다.몇몇 오래된 파리 버스들도 매우 적은 운행으로 사용되었다.살아남은 버스뿐만 아니라 이 버스들도 도시 가스로 바뀌었고 거대한 흰색 돔으로 덮인 지붕 위에 탱크가 설치되었다.이 서비스는 약 1946년까지 계속되었다.도시 노선은 두 개뿐이었다.동쪽-서쪽 라인(생-아슐-몽티에르)과 북동쪽-남서쪽 라인(보빌-루앙으로 가는 길)이 있습니다.전쟁 후 롱게우까지 가는 한 노선의 트롤리 버스를 이용하기로 결정되었다.이것은 생아슐, 루앙, 라 마들렌, 생피에르를 섬김으로써 부분적으로 실현되었다.1964년, 트롤리버스는 버려졌고 버스는 아미앵 [12]교통수단 어디에나 있게 되었다.
버스 네트워크는 현재 Ametis 혼합 경제 회사 에 의해 관리되고 있습니다.이 회사는 아미앵의 집적지인 아미앵 메트로폴을 망으로 하고 있습니다.전용 버스 전용 차로의 개설은 2006년에 시작되었다.질 드 로비앙 전 시장은 트램의 창설을 구상했지만 비용과 후원 등의 이유로 전용 버스 노선을 선택하는 것이 선호되어 왔다.그의 후임인 길레스 데마일리 은 수도권의 TSCP 개발을 고려하고 있었다.수많은 연구와 회의 결과, 선출된 대표자들은 2012년 11월 15일 시의회에서 전차 제작에 찬성표를 던졌다.이 프로젝트는 2012년 12월 18일 Communauté d'agglomération Amiens Métropole에 의해 승인되었으며, 첫 번째 남북 트램 노선 [fr 의 시운전은 2018/[13]2019년으로 예정되어 있었다.프로젝트의 대부분의시 및 커뮤니티 캐리어에게 패배한 2014년 [ 선거 후, 아미앵 브리기트 푸르제의 새로운 시장, 그리고 그 연장선상에서 아미앵 메트로폴 알랭 게스트의 새로운 사장은 적어도 각각의 명령 기간 동안 프로젝트를 중단하기로 결정하고, 이에 따라 캠페인(campaign)을 적용했다.(TVR 타입의)[15][16] 타이어 트램 프로젝트 발표에도 불구하고 [14]am은 논란의 핵심이었습니다.대중 교통의 개선은 버스 네트워크의 개선만이 될 것이다.실제로, 같은 해 12월, 지역사회 평의회는 2019년 3월에 가동되어야 하며 전기 차량이 [18]가능한 고속 교통 버스 네트워크 BHNS)의 구축과 관련된 연구에 대한 [17]자금 지원을 승인했다.
아미앵의 대중교통 네트워크 버스[
순환 네트워크

Amiens는 두 가지 자전거 서비스를 개발했습니다.Buscyclette와 Velam
- Buscyclette는 1999년 5월에 만들어진 온디맨드 대여 자전거 서비스입니다.2014년에는 거의 2,400대의 "친환경 자전거"를 대여할 수 있으며, 기본적으로 도심 자전거뿐만 아니라 전기 자전거(VAE), 접이식 자전거 및 특정 자전거(어린이 자전거, 어린이 트레일러, 산악 자전거, 화물 자전거, 탄뎀 등)도 대여할 수 있습니다.대여 기간은 반나절에서 1년까지 다양하다.
- Velam [fr 는 2008년 2월 16일 JCDecaux에서 관리하는 사이클로시티 [ 시스템을 채택한 자전거 공유 시스템(VLS)으로, 리옹의 Velo'v와 파리의 Vélib'와 유사합니다.Vélam [ 은 아미앵의 중심에서 300~400m마다 313대의 자전거를 제공하고 26개의 정거장을 제공합니다.
2012년, 아미앵 메트로폴은 자전거를 [8]타는 사람들을 위한 100km(62mi)의 루트를 가지고 있었다.자전거 전용도로의 500km(310mi) 개발을 계획하고 있던 1997년의 자전거 계획 개발에도 불구하고, 이 지역의 경로 네트워크는 아직 불완전하다.
집적지(SDAC)의 자전거 시설 청사진은 10년(2014-2024년)[8]에 걸쳐 188km(117mi)의 자전거 경로를 제공하고 490개의 자전거 주차 공간을 갖추고 있습니다.이 계획에는 자전거 이용자들이 자주 찾는 시설과 가까운 도시 전역에 주차 시설을 배치하는 것뿐만 아니라 신호등에서 자전거 우회전 기존 시설의 유지 보수도 포함됩니다
세 가지 철도역이 있습니다.
- 파리-불로뉴 및 아미앵-루앙 선의 두 역:
- 아미앵 역, Gare du Nord로 알려진 중앙역은 그것을 만든 Compagnie du Nord를 추모하는 것입니다.매일 15,000명의 여행객들이 7개의 [19]노선을 이용한다.
- 생로크 역
이 두 역에서 아라스 및 두와이를 경유하는 릴, 아브빌을 경유하는 불로뉴, 크릴 또는 콩피에뉴를 경유하는 파리-노르, 터그니에를 경유하는 랭스, 루앙으로 가는 연결편이 있습니다.
- 아미앵 남쪽과 롱에우, 카니, 보베스 등의 코뮤니티를 운행하는 롱에우의 파리-릴 선에 있는 역.
- Longueau 역은 Longueau에 있는 역사적인 철도 허브의 승객 역입니다.매일 2,500명의 여행객들이 두 개의 [19]노선을 이용한다.
- Montieres 역 [fr 운송에 할당된 역으로, 아미앵의 산업 구역에만 서비스를 제공합니다.이 역은 Doulens의 옛 철도 노선에 위치해 있습니다.
많은 지역 및 기타 지역 링크(노르망디, 그랜드 에스트 및 일드 프랑스)가 아미앵을 통과하며, 특히 TER 하우스 드 프랑스를 경유합니다.
Amiens에서 45km(28mi) 떨어진 곳에 있는 스테이션, Oute-Picardie TGV 스테이션에서는 TGV 네트워크에 접속할 수 있습니다.아미앵에서 버스가 운행됩니다.그것의 고립된 특성 때문에 건설 [20]당시, 그것은 gare des betteraves, 즉 gare betteraves라는 이름을 얻었다.
항공 운송
중심에서 5km(3.1m) 떨어진 마을 동쪽 가장자리에 접해 있는 아미앵 글래시 비행장 외에도 근처에 여러 공항이 있습니다.
- Albert – Picardie 공항은 도시에서 북동쪽으로 20분 거리에 있습니다.
- 보바이스-틸레 공항은 프랑스 공항 중 9번째로 큰 공항으로, 시내 남쪽에서 차로 45분 거리에 위치해 있으며 아미앵에서 버스가 운행되고 있습니다.
- 릴 공항, A29 및 A1을 사용하여 기차 또는 도로로 도착 가능.
- 파리 샤를 드골 공항, A29와 A1, 또는 A16과 N104를 사용하여 기차 또는 도로로 접근 가능.크릴-루아시 간 철도가 건설되면 [21]2020년까지 아미앵은 파리 샤를 드골 공항에서 55분 거리에 있게 된다.
솜 운하는 마을을 지나 영국 해협까지 이어진다.이 운하는 노르드 운하(파리~릴 메트로폴리탄 지역)와 연결되어 있습니다.
아미앵은 생류, 생모리스, 앙리빌, 생아슐을 포함한 그들만의 특성을 가진 많은 동네(프랑스어로 쿼티어)로 구성되어 있다.
생류 구역
St-Leu는 도심 북쪽에 있는 아미앵의 일부를 형성한다.그것은 오래된 목조 및 벽돌 집들과 여러 개의 운하를 가지고 있다.운하로 가로지르는 대성당 기슭에 있는 이 아름다운 지역은 1990년대에 대부분 복구되었다.그것은 좀 더 북쪽에 위치한 솜 운하까지 뻗어있고, 코트 생피에르 기슭에 있으며, 이 곳에 시타델이라고 불리는 장 의요새가 세워졌습니다 역사적으로, 그곳은 정육점 주인, 태닝업자, 염색업자들이 모여든 도시의 가난한 지역이었다.
1960년대부터 존재해 온 아미엔 대학의 이학부는, 때때로 보수와 증축이 행해지고 있습니다.법과 경제 대학도 1990년대 중반부터 캠퍼스(도시 남쪽)에서 성당 [note 1]기슭에 있는 새로운 장소로 이전되었습니다.노천 주차장을 대체한 것은 제2차 세계대전 당시의 풍경 속 "틈새"였다.그럼에도 불구하고, 그것은 성당을 방해받지 않고 볼 수 있게 해 주었다.대부분의 건물들은 개조되어 주택으로 개조되었으며, 그 중 상당수는 학생용이며, 그 중 상당수는 학생용이다.
이 지역은 아미앵인들의 저녁의 중심지가 되었고, 플라즈 뒤 돈, 퀴 벨루 등에 많은 시설(바, 레스토랑 등)이 있었다.
이 교회는 과학 및 법률경제학부(UPJV) 바로 사이에 위치한 루 생 르우에 있다.
이 구역에는 체 카보탕(피카르트어로 된 강아지 쇼)과 생 르우 교회 기슭에 있는 메종 뒤 테트르의 두 극장이 설립되었습니다.콘서트 홀인 La Lune des Pirates도 있습니다.
생모리스 구역
시타델레 서쪽과라 마들렌 묘지 에 위치한 이 아주 오래된 아미앵의 노동자 계층 구역은 18세기에 산업 중심지 역할을 했습니다.그것은 현재 상당한 주택 개축과 개발이 진행 중이다.
Canal de la Somme에 접해 있으며, 자물쇠를 통과해야 하는 레저 보트를 위한 경유지를 제공합니다.
이 도시의 옛 염료 공장의 벽은 현재 ESAD뿐만 아니라 Ecole supérieure d' d'are d'Amiens [fr (ESAD)의 벽도 있습니다.Ecole supérie d'ingénieurs electronique et electrotechnique(ESIEE)도 같은 분기에 있다.시타델레로 2015년에는 건축가 렌조 피아노에 의해 레터, 역사 지리, 언어, ESPE, 의 집, 연구실, 대학 도서관 등의 대학부(UFR 가 들어서게 됩니다.
도시 내 자르댕 뒤 로이(Jardin du Roy)로 알려진 자르댕 데 플랑테스 도 이 지역에 위치하고 있습니다.
앙리빌 쿼터
앙리빌 지역은 대부분 19세기에 성벽이 허물어진 후 지어졌다.그것은 시내 중심가의 남쪽에 있다.이곳은 신고전주의, 트러바두르, 신고딕을 포함한 그 시대의 건축 양식을 혼합한 주로 벽돌로 된 수많은 부르주아 주택과 타운하우스를 가지고 있다.아클로크 저택과 쥘 베른의 집과 같은 개인 저택도 있다.
생아슬 구역
생아슐 구역(IPA: [aœ]l])은 선사시대부터 그곳에 사람들이 살았기 때문에 아미앵이 태어나기 전에 존재했다.이곳은 19세기 고고학 발굴이 이 동네의 이름을 딴 "아슐리안" 이전 시대의 전형적인 선사 도구 세트를 발견한 곳이다.그곳에서는 민간인들이 자유롭게 고고학적 정원을 방문할 수 있다.
북쪽으로 37km(23마일) 떨어진 생아슐의 코뮤니티와 혼동하지 말고 생아슐의 1/4은 제1차 세계대전(1914-1918년)의 군사묘지가 있던 곳이다.
또한 생아슐 교회와 Lycée Robert-de-Luzarches가 된 이전의 사범학교도 포함되어 있습니다.옛 생아슐 묘지에는 베카신 J.P. 핀촌을 만든 사람 등 유명 인사들과 저항군들이 많이 묻혀 있다.이 분기의 일부에는 전형적인 영국식 주택이 있는 소위 "잉글랜드 동네"가 포함되어 있습니다.이 지역의 기슭에는 운하가 교차하는 늪지대인 호티요나주(hortillonnages 가 있다.
기타 지역
아미엔은 다른 대도시와 마찬가지로 대형 HLM 고층 타워블럭을 보유하고 있습니다.
- 도시 북쪽에는 주말 시장으로 유명한 피그니에 광장, 메신저, 모차르트, 파페-브로슬렛-라 시테, 발자크, 레오 라그랑주-슈바이처 등이 있다.
- 도시 남동쪽:빅토리네-오티에, 필리어스 르베그, 콩도르세, 피에르-롤린
- 서부: Etouvie와 Montiéres (19세기 벽돌 [22]건물이 있는 이 산업 공간에서 생태 제한이 제공됩니다.)
- 동쪽: 생아슐라시테와 클로즈 드 라브르.
이 지역들은 많은 사회적 문제를 겪고 있으며 정기적으로 폭동이 일어나고 있다.1994년, 1999년과 2000년(도시의 여러 지구, 아미앵의 이웃과 Creil의 지구 사이의 사이의 충돌)에 2006년과 2008년(파리 교외에서 사건의 여파로)[표창 필요한]과 2012년 8월 최근의 젊은이는 사이에 갈등 따르는 폭력적인 행사의 북쪽 곳은 현장그는 경찰.길레스 데마일리 Gilles Demailly [fr 에 따르면 아미앵 북부에서 발생한 최근의 반달리즘으로 인한 비용은 400만에서 600만 유로에 이를 것이라고 한다.이 극도로 폭력적인 폭동으로 16명의 경찰관이 [23]부상을 입었다.
최근 HLM 타워 블록의 철거와 특히 학교를 위한 새로운 인프라가 건설되면서 이러한 지역의 광범위한 재개발 프로그램이 시작되었습니다.2009년에는 아미앵 집적의 대중교통망이 대폭 수정되었다.
2017년에는 자치구의 총 주택 수가 73,541가구였고,[24] 1999년에는 63,178가구였다.
이 중 1차 주거가 88.7%, 2차 주거가 2.1%, 빈 주거가 9.2%였다.이들 주거지는 주택의 35.6%, 아파트의 [24]63.4%였다.
거주자의 재산인 주요 주택의 비율은 31.9%로 2007년(34.4%)보다 낮아졌다.빈 임대주택(사회주택)의 점유율은 2007년의 29.4%에서 29.8%로 증가했으며, 그 수는 18,268에서 19,[24]431로 증가했다.그러나 이 비율은 5만 명 이상의 도시와 집적에 대한 연대 및 도시재생법( 이 요구하는 20%보다 훨씬 높다.
이 도시의 정체성은 주택 재고의 특수성에 의해 강하게 나타나며, 단독주택, 단독주택 또는 부르주아 주택의 많은 비율로 구성되어 있다.교외에 있는 벽돌로 된 이러한 전통 주택들은 산업 혁명 기간과 후에 도시의 확장과 본질적으로 연결되어 있었다.
심플한 아미노이즈는 1층에 있는 창문과 다락방과 지하실을 위한 바닥을 포함합니다.그것은 너비가 몇 미터나 되는 부지 위에 지어졌지만 매우 깊고, 푸른 섬과 희박한 지역들로 심장을 형성하고 있는 정원을 포함하고 있다.아미노이즈 더블은 각 층에 두 개의 창이 있습니다.그랜드 아미노이즈와 타운하우스는 큰 방이 있는 최소 2층까지 올라갑니다.그들은 포장된 [25]안마당으로 통하는 문을 열 수 있다.
공식 건물이나 저택은 돌창과 문틀로 장식된 사암 기초 위에 벽돌 파사드를 사용한다.
Chanoines 구역에는 돌로 된 전면이 있습니다.
생르 구역과 같은 역사적인 지역에서는 파사드가 목재, 반목재 또는 측목재, 와틀과 도우를 널리 사용합니다.
개발 프로젝트
- 아미앵 2030: 아미앵은 Communauté d'agglomération Amiens Métropole의 맥락에서 아미앵 [26]2030이라고 불리는 마스터 개발 계획을 개발하고 있습니다.이 전략적 아웃리치 프로젝트는 집적의 경제, 사회 및 문화 개발의 우선순위 문제에 초점을 맞추고 있다.전체 성찰 과정이 2030년까지 대도시의 발전을 좌우할 것이다.
- 라 [fr 이 집적의 플래그십 프로젝트에는, La Satelle 부지에 있어서의, Picardie 대학의 서신, 언어, 역사, 지리, 철학, 사회학, 심리학, 및 칼리지의 교육과 교육 ESPE)의 트레이닝과 연구 유닛의 통합이 포함되어 있습니다.도심 외곽 18에이커(7.3ha)에 설치될 예정이다.이 대학 건설 프로그램은 지역 경쟁력 강화와 고등교육 및 연구 개발을 목적으로 한다.이탈리아 건축가 렌조 피아노에게 맡겨진 이 프로젝트는 모든 주민이 이용할 수 있게 된다.
- ZAC Gare-la-Vallé:이 프로젝트는 지역 수도로서의 아미앵의 역할을 강화하고 시내 중심부에 진정한 상업지구를 조성할 수 있도록 하기 위한 것이다.1억5700만유로의 예산이 투입된 이 프로젝트는 역과 도심에서 제3의 활동, 상점, 그리고 서식지 산책로를 결합한 것이다.첫 번째 건물은 2008년에 문을 열었다.개발의 2단계는 2012년부터 2017년까지 연장되었습니다.최고 건축가인 Paul Chemetov의 관리 하에, 이 구역에는 2,000채의 주택, 200,000평방미터(2,200,000평방피트)의 사무실 및 두 개의 도시 공원이 수용되어야 하며, 시내, 솜 강, 호티요나게스[27] 사이에 가시적인 연결을 형성해야 합니다.
- ZAC 캠퍼스 간:도시 남쪽에 있는 이 새로운 주택 및 서비스 구역에는 [28]2030년까지 1,900개의 주택이 들어설 것으로 예상된다.850가구의 최초 트랜체는 2015년에 인도되어야 한다.캠퍼스와 CHU d'Amiens의 바로 근처에 위치하고 있으며, 향후 TCSP가 서비스를 제공할 예정입니다.80헥타르(200에이커)의 생태지대는 녹지 공간과 정원을 제공할 것으로 예상되며, 전체 면적의 60%는 건설되지 않을 것이다.여기에는 12헥타르의 [29]정원이 포함될 것이다.
- ZAC Paul Claudel:이 새로운 주택 및 서비스 구역은 40헥타르(99에이커)로 도시의 남쪽 입구에 위치해 있습니다.작은 동네로 계획된 이곳은 1,400채와 1,800평방미터(19,000평방피트)의 상업 공간을 수용해야 합니다.주민과 함께 4조각으로 설계되어 2013년에 [30]개발의 최종 단계에 들어섰다.
- ZAC Renancourt:이 새로운 구역은 서쪽 도시의 발전을 보장해야 한다.그라체 계곡, 셀레 계곡, 레낭쿠르 구역과 교외 사이에 위치한 이 계획 구역은 도시의 자연스러운 전망입니다.도시의 상징적 시설과도 인접해 있다.아미앵의 천정, 스타드 드 라 리콘 그리고 함 2018년까지, 이 주택지에는 1,400채의 주택, 호텔, 시설, [31]상점이 들어설 것으로 예상된다.
- 버스고속철도(BRT): 3개의 BRT 노선으로 구성된 프로젝트는 2년간의 작업이 끝나는 2019년에 시운전될 예정이다.세금 제외 8500만 유로로 추산되며, 44km(27마일)에 이르는 이 프로젝트에는 새로운 버스 차고 건설과 4개의 주차 및 승차 [32]정류장 건설이 포함됩니다.이 프로젝트는 2008년부터 2014년 사이에 시 팀이 승인한 트램 프로젝트가 취소된 데 따른 것이다.
현지 이름은 4세기에 사마로브리바 fr 라는 마을의 옛 이름을 대체한 지역 갈리아 사람들의 이름인 암비아니에서 유래되었다.아미앵은 그 후 주교 [33]본부가 되었다.피카르에서 아미앵은 Anmyen이라고 불린다.
정치와 행정
정치적 동향과 결과
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주민 수는 10만~14만999명, 시의회 의원은 [34]55명으로 추산된다.
2014년 프랑스 지방선거 결과 의석 배분은 다음과 같다.
아미앵 시의회(2014년~2020년)[35]목록. | 파티 | 대통령 | 좌석 | 상황 |
그루페 "Rassembles pour Amiens"(RPA) [아미앵을 위해 모인 그룹] | UDI-UMP-MoDem | 브리짓 푸르제 | 42 | 다수 |
그루페 데 에를루스 사회주의당 [사회당 당선자 모임] | PS | 디디에 카르동 | 5 | 반대 |
그루프 유럽 에콜로지 레 베르츠 [Group Europe 생태 – The Greens] | 장어 | 토마스 후틴과 마리온 르프레슬 (공동이사장) | 2 | 반대 |
그루프 데 에를루시 공산당 [공산당 당선자 모임] | PCF | 자크 레사르 | 2 | 반대 |
그루프 아미앵 블루 마린 [그룹 아미앵 네이비 블루] | FN | 이브 듀필 | 4 | 반대 |
아미앵은 7개의 주로 나뉩니다.
칸톤 | 선거구 | 부서 평의원 | 파티 | 인구. | 광둥어 코드 |
아미앵 1주 | 아미앵의 코뮤니티 내에 완전히 있다. | 클로드 차이드론과 돌로레스 에스테반 | FG | 26,762 | 80 06 |
아미앵 2주 | 아미앵의 일부와 알롱빌, 베르탕글스, 카르도넷, 코이시, 몽톤빌러, 풀랭빌, 퀴리우, 레인빌, 생그라티엔, 빌레르보카주 코뮤니티로 구성됨 | 조라 다라스&프란시스 렉 | DVG – PS | 23,827 | 80 07 |
아미앵 3주 | 아미앵의 일부와 오비니, 부시레두르, 까몽, 다우르, 라모테-브레비에르, 리베리, 베케몽의 코뮤니티로 구성됨 | 마리옹 르플레와 장 클로드 르노 | EELV | 27,020 | 80 08 |
아미앵 주-4 | 아미앵의 일부와 블랑기-트론빌, 카키, 젠텔레스, 글레이시, 롱게오, 빌레르-브레토뉴의 코뮤니티로 구성됨 | 나탈리 마르샹과 장 루이 피오 | PCF – PS | 24,853 | 80 09 |
아미앵 주-5 | 아미앵의 일부와 카니 보베스의 코뮤니티에서 형성되었습니다. | 필리프 카시에와 블랑딘 데니스 | PS – EELV | 24,535 | 80 10 |
아미앵 6주 | 아미앵의 일부와 두리, 에베쿠르, 루미니, 세인앙아미에누아, 생푸시앙의 코뮤니티로 구성됨 | 휴버트 드 젠리스와 프랑스 퐁게우스 | UDI | 25,969 | 80 11 |
아미앵 주-7 | 아미앵의 일부와 Pont-de-Metz, Salux, Saloul, Vers-sur-Selles의 코뮤니티에서 형성되었습니다. | 마르고 들레뜨와 올리비에 자르데 | UMP – UDI | 27,188 | 80 12 |
아미앵은 두 개의 입법구로 나뉜다.
- 솜므 제1구역 [ 북서부 아미앵II, 동부 아미앵IV, 북부 아미앵II 포함):Pascal Demarthe (PS) (2014년 8월 26일 제2차 발스 정부의 여성 권리에 대해 국무장관으로 임명된 Pascale Boistard 후임)
- 솜므 제2구역 [ 아미앵 I 웨스트, 아미앵 III 북동부, 아미앵 V 남동부, 아미앵 VII 남서부, 아미앵 VI 남부 포함):바바라 퐁필리 (EELV)
시장 목록
2014년 4월 4일, 길레스 데마일리PS)의 뒤를 이어 브리짓 포레(IDU)가 되었다.2014년 3월 30일 2차 투표에서 50.39%의 득표로 당선되었다.[36]
1944년 이래의 역대 시장 목록시작 | 끝. | 이름. | 파티 | 기타 상세 |
1944년 9월 24일 | 1950년 5월 27일 | 모리스 바스트 | SFIO | 사업가였던 그는 "이골"의 기름과 지방 사업을 운영했다.1944년 9월 24일 시장.1950년 5월 27일 사임.1950년 6월 7일까지 시장직을 수행하였다. |
1950년 6월 7일 | 1950년 7월 7일 | 투표율을 웃도는 모리스 바스트[fr 가 사임한 후, 도시는 외젠 졸리보아가 이끄는 특별 대표단에 의해 관리되었다. | ||
1950년 7월 7일 | 1953년 5월 7일 | 모리스 바스트 | SFIO | |
1953년 5월 7일 | 1959년 3월 22일 | 카밀 고레 | SFIO | 변호사 |
1959년 3월 22일 | 1971년 3월 28일 | 모리스 바스트 | SFIO 및 DVG는 UNR과 제휴 | |
1971년 3월 28일 | 1989년 3월 24일 | 르네 램프 | PCF | 대학 일반교육과 교사 겸 교수 [ |
1989년 3월 24일 | 2002년 6월 27일 | 질 드 로비앙 | UDF-PR 후 UDF | 보험중개인과 대출담당자입니다.2002년에 사임하고 정부에 합류했다. |
2002년 6월 27일 | 2007년 3월 29일 | 브리짓 푸르제 | UDF | 민간법률의 차이점입니다.길 드 로비앙이 돌아오자 사임했다. |
2007년 3월 29일 | 2008년 3월 21일 | 질 드 로비앙 | UDF 후 NC | |
2008년 3월 21일 | 2014년 4월 4일 | 질레스 데마일리 | PS | 설탕의 화학 전문가인 | fr
2015년 4월 1일 | 진행중 | 브리짓 푸르제 | UDI (NC) |
사법 및 행정 당국
아미앵은 강력한 사법 전통으로 특징지어지는 도시이며, 항소 법원, 법원 다미앵Cour d'apel d'amiens 사법 명령 1급과 2급 모든 이 역사적으로 존재한다 아미앵 항소법원은 피카르디의 3개 부서를 관할하며 9개의 고등법원이
최근 아미앵은 다음과 같은 거점이 되었습니다.
환경 정책
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트윈타운 – 자매도시
아미앵은 중국의 톈양, 호주의 [38]아미앵과도 우호적인 관계를 맺고 있다.
인구와 사회
아미앵의 주민들은 아미누아라고[39] 불리며, 그들의 블레이슨 포퓰레어는 견과류를 먹는 사람들인 Ché maqueux d'gueues입니다.
아미앵 인구는 19세기 중반 이후 급격히 증가했다.인구는 1850년에서 1960년 사이에 50,000명에서 100,000명으로 두 배가 되었고, 즉 110년의 이 기간 동안 50,000명이 증가하였고, 그 이후 약 30,000명이 증가하였다(이번에만 50년 이상).
인구통계학적 진화
2017년에 코뮤니티의 인구는 [40]134,057명이었다.
과거 인구
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1962년부터 1999년까지: 이중계산을 하지 않은 인구; 이후 수년간: 시 인구. 출처 : Ldh/EHESS/Cassini 1999년까지[41] 및 INSEE(1968-2017)[40] |
연령 구조
아미앵은 그 인구의 젊음으로 구별된다.2017년에는 도시 인구의 25% 이상이 20세 미만이었다.60세 이상 인구 비율(19.3%)도 국가 비율(25.5%)이나 부서 비율(25.4%)보다 낮다.국가별, 부서별 할당과 마찬가지로, 자치체의 여성 인구는 남성 인구에 비해 52.5%로 많은 반면, 전국 비율은 51.6%이다.
이 도시의 교육 기관은아미앵 아카데미[43]fr]의 감독 하에 있으며, 아미앵 아카데미[fr]는 Somme에 따라 커리큘럼을 개발한다.
2010년 9월 1일, 10,658명의 어린이가 아미앵 공립학교에 등록되었다.보육학교는 4,341명, 초등학교는 6,317명[44] ].
2011년 아미앵 집적지에는 어린이집 46곳, 초등학교 6곳, 사립학교 11곳을 포함한 초등학교 54곳이 포함됐다.9개의 공립대학과 6개의 사립대학이 있었다.아미앵에는 24개의 학교가 있습니다.
- 실업계 고등학교:Acheuléen, Edouard-Branly, Edouard-Gand, La Providence(프라이빗), Montaigne, Romain Rolland, Sacré-C [ur [ 프라이빗), Saint-Martin(프라이빗), Saint-Rémémi(프라이빗) 및 Saint-Riquier(프라이빗).
- General and technological high schools: Robert de Luzarches, La Hotoie, Jean Baptiste Delambre, La Providence (private), Sacré-Cœur (private), Saint-Martin (private), Saint-Rémi (private), Saint-Riquier (private) and Sainte-Famille (private).
- General secondary schools: Louis Thuillier , Madeleine Michelis (former high school for girls, established in 1883 by Marie Hugonin, wife of Charles Eugène Bertrand, mother of Paul Bertrand and niece of Bishop Flavien-Abel-Antoine Hugonin , Bishop of Bayeux and Lisieux – the inaugural speech was delivered by Jules Verne.)
- Technological lycées: Édouard-Branly, Edouard-Gand.
Higher education
The Amiens metropole welcomes one of the largest student populations in France. In 2013, the city had 26,000 students (3,300 in short-term)[45] and 800 researchers[46] who are divided into some 40 institutions of higher education, 32 laboratories, and 10 units associated with the National Scientific Research Centre or the French Institute of Health and Medical Research.
- The University of Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) is headquartered in Amiens and has a broad range of courses:
- Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
- Faculty of Law, Politics and Economics
- Faculty of Sciences
- IUP MIAGE (computing in companies)
- Faculty of Human Sciences, Literature, Languages, Sport Sciences
- IUT (Institut Universitaire Technique) of Management, Administration, Computing, Mechanical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Commercial Management.
- Faculty of Arts
- Preparatory courses for sciences, economics, biology schools and others
- ESIEE (Engineering School of Electronics and Electrical Technology)
- Business school
- ESC Amiens (Business school)
- ESAD (School of Art and Design)
- Brevet de technicien supérieur (advanced vocational diploma) in audio-visual methods
- School of Nursing
- Midwifery college
- Physiotherapy and Massage School
- Teacher training college
The Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) or, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire of Amiens Picardie, is organized around four sites:
- South Hospital, Avenue René-Laënnec
- North Hospital, Place Victor-Pauchet
- Saint-Victor Centre, 354 Bis Boulevard de Beauville
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology Centre, 124 Rue Camille-Desmoulins
Since 2014, the four sites have been gradually gathered on the current site of the South Hospital, with the exception of the long stay units for the elderly remaining in the Saint-Victor Centre. This merger will be completed in 2016 and allow the CHU of Amiens to increase its national and inter-regional dimension. This group represents the largest hospital construction of France and one of the most important in Europe with more than €630 million for work and equipment. At the end of the work, the total space of the CHU of Amiens will be 172,000 square metres (1,850,000 sq ft). It will total three blocks of hospitals with 400 beds each. The CHU of Amiens is the largest employer in the Picardy region. At the end of the merger, there will be 6,700 employees, 1,300 students of the health professions, and 1,250 consultants who will go there each day.[47]
In order to maintain the availability of health units to the north of the city, a health center will open its doors in the first quarter of 2016, at the crossroads of the Avenue de l'Europe and the Rue Maurice-Ravel. This health space of 1,200 square metres (13,000 sq ft) will host general practitioners and specialists of the CHU such as: cardiologist, a service of gynaecology-obstetrics, psychologists, dentist, and masseurs-physiotherapists. There is a promise of a permanence of care , 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.[48]
Alongside the CHU, there are three private clinics, resulting from the consolidation of old clinics in the city. These care and hospitalisation institutions for medical, surgical, and obstetrics came together to create a private hospital center in the Vallée des Vignes quarter, south of the city.
- Polyclinic of Picardy, 43 Rue Alexandre Dumas
- Clinic of Europe, 5 Allée des Pays-Bas
- Victor Pauchet Heath Group, 2 Avenue Irlande
The CHU of Amiens figured in 11th place in the 2013 awards of the hospitals and clinics of the magazine Le Point.[49] In this ranking, the CHU stands out for ankle surgery (3rd), hip prosthesis (5th), foot surgery (7th) and paediatrics (14th). In this same classification, the Victor Palmer Health Group, equipped with a solid "mother-to-child hub", gained a 5th place in the table for the gynaecological clinics and an 8th place for breast cancers.
In 2005, the CHU of Amiens became of international renown thanks to Professor Bernard Devauchelle, a native of the city, where his team performed the first partial face transplant in the world.[50]
Thanks to a large proportion of youth in its population and the dynamism and the success of its sports clubs, Amiens has been awarded the title of "Sportiest city of France" by the L'Equipe newspaper in 1999. The city had already won the title in 1969. In 2013, Amiens Métropole had nearly 300 sports associations and Sports Recreation: approximately 150 associations are grouped within the Office of Amiens Metropole Sports[51] and 150 others are referenced without being adherents.[52] According to this same Office for Sports, Amiens has 25,000 members of sports clubs, excluding school and university members.
The Amiens Spartiates, operating in the top-level Ligue Élite de Football Américain, have been champions of France in 2004, 2010 and 2012. Created in 1987, the club has more than 400 licensees.
The Compagnie d'Arc d'Amiens is an archery club founded on 14 November 1803.
AUC Athlétisme is a multidisciplinary athletic club which particularly developed Stella Akakpo, specialist of the sprint and the relay. Bertrand Moulinet specialist of the 20 km and 50 km walk.
The AUC Badminton (Amiens University Badminton Club) was founded in 1986. Labeled "French school of badminton" by the French Badminton Federation, the club had 205 members in 2014.[53] The city hosted the French National Badminton Championships in 2011.
Each 15 August at the Parc de la Hotoie, Amiens receives the final stages of Ballon au poing.
The Circle of Fencing of Amiens Métropole is one of the oldest French clubs. It was succeeded in the Hall of arms of Amiens opened in 1886. The circle has approximately 150 members and remains a major club of French fencing with many qualifications and results at the French Fencing Championships . The club held the Elite French Championships in 2001 and 2011.
The Amiens Sports Club , currently playing in League Elite D1), were men's champions of France in 1981, 1982, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 and women's champions France in 1983, 1984, 1993, and 1995.
The Hoplites d'Ambiani , D1 . A second team is evolving in D2 .
The main club in the city is Amiens SC. The team was finalist of the Coupe de France in 2001 and reached semifinals in 1930 and 2008, and played top-division Ligue 1 last time in 2020. Its associated women's team is CS Amiens Club. Before the 2012–2013 season, the team was known under the name of CS Amiens Montieres Etouvie.
AC Amiens is the second biggest club in the city, currently playing in semi-professional Championnat National level.
The Golf Club D'amiens was founded in 1924. The men's team plays in D1 , women team in D2. The club has 530 members in 2013.[54]
The Amiens Picardie Hand (APH), currently playing in National 2 (D4). The club, a result of the merger of several Amiens clubs, was created in 1991.
The Gothiques d'Amiens, currently playing in Ligue Magnus (D1), were champions of France in 1999 and 2004, and runners-up in France for 1989, 1997, 1998, 2003 and 2006. The team plays at the Coliséum on the largest area of permanent ice in France (3800 seats). Amiens hosted Division I of the 2006 Ice Hockey World Championships.
Amiens won the Championship of France in 6/6, 10 times.
The Écureuils d'Amiens , Elite League (D1), were the runners-up of France in 2010, finalists of the Coupe de France in 2007 and finalists of the European Cup of clubs in 2008.[55]
The Sport Nautique d'Amiens (SNA) was founded in 1866. Located on the edge of the Parc Saint-Pierre, it is labeled "French rowing school 3 stars" by the French Federation of rowing . With 465 members in 2013,[56] the club currently competes in the 2nd division.
The Rugby Club Amiénois (RCA) was founded in 1900. The men's first team plays in Fédérale 3.
The Amiens Métropole swim team, is that of Jérémy Stravius, who was a triple world champion of swimming and Olympic champion in the 4 × 100 m relay. The club hosted the French Youth Championships in 2012 at the Coliséum
The Amiens Sport Table Tennis (ASTT) was founded in 1945. It was twice crowned champion of France in 1968 and 1969. The men's first team also won the Coupe de France in 1966 and 1967.
Amiens Athletic Club (AAC) was founded in 1904. It is one of the 10 biggest clubs in France with almost 1,000 members in 2013.[57]
The Amiens Longueau Métropole Volley-Ball (ALMVB) including women's first team plays in Women's Elite Division (D2) and the Amiens Métropole Volley-Ball (AMVB). The men's first team plays in Nationale 1 (D3).
The Coliséum
The Gothiques d'Amiens in 2008
Jérémy Stravius, member of the Amiens Métropole Natation club
Since the start of the Tour de France in 1903, Amiens has hosted the start of a stage on ten occasions (1932, 1962, 1964, 1967, 1970, 1971, 1975, 1979, 1999, 2004) and the stage finish ten times (1932, 1962, 1964, 1967, 1970, 1971, 1975, 1993, 1999, 2015). Amiens hosted the finish of Stage 8 of the 2018 Tour de France.
On 29 April 2006, Amiens hosted the French Federation of ice hockey created during the World Cup of Ice Hockey of Group B (antechamber of the world elite) organised in Amiens at the same time. It is now installed at Issy-les-Moulineaux.
Each 15 August at the Parc de la Hotoie, the city receives the final stages of the Picardy sports and in particular those of the most emblematic, traditional Picard sport: The Ballon au poing. This Picard game is played by teams of six. To be able to hit the ball, players surround their hand and their wrist with a strip of canvas or leather.
From August 29 to September 1, 2012, the Compagnie d'Arc d'Amiens organizes the French FITA Archery Championships at the Hippodrome du petit Saint-Jean .
Newspapers and news magazines
- Le Courrier picard , the principal regional newspaper was founded in 1944. Its headquarters are located at 29 Rue de la République (it sold 64,587 copies in 2013).[58]
- Fakir , an independent journal was founded in Amiens in 1999 by François Ruffin.
- Le Télescope d'Amiens, pure player of local information, was in publication from September 2012 to April 2014.[59]
Free newspapers Metro and 20 minutes are distributed in the city, including in Amiens railway station.
Since 7 February 1996,[60] the Communauté d'agglomération Amiens Métropole distributes a free weekly local newspaper: JDA (Journal des Amiénois). This publication, which appears every Wednesday, is distributed to all homes in the metropolitan area and is made available in public places (taken at about 95,000 copies)[60] as well as on the internet site of the city in its digital version. Over time, the journal has evolved through various forms. Carried out by the Directorate of communication of Amiens Métropole, the latest form dates to 16 January 2015.[60] In addition to the JDA which is attached to information on the whole of the territory of Amiens Métropole, the city has also had monthly publications specific to the city, which no longer exist today: Amiensville then Amiens Forum[60] (from April 2009 to June 2014).
The people of Amiens have other sources of information on their territory, such as the monthly publication of the Picardy regional Council , Agir en Picardie. The Departmental Council of the Somme also sees its magazine distributed each month to the samariens homes, Vivre en Somme. Since 2006, the regional tourism committee of Picardy publishes Esprit de Picardie , a travel magazine on the Picardy region, every six months.
Several associative journals and specialised magazines are also distributed free of charge in public places: L'Écho des Amphis (student monthly), Bon Temps (quarterly magazine dedicated to the culture of Amiens and the art of living), Style & Co Amiens (deco magazine, trends and lifestyle), Night Clubbing Magazine (magazine of the nightlife in Amiens), Picardie la Gazette (economics weekly), Entreprises 80 (monthly of the Chamber of commerce and industry of Amiens-Picardie ).
Television channels

- The headquarters of France 3 Picardie, the channel that broadcasts Picardie Matin - Picardy Morning among other programming, is located on Rue Roger Martin du Gard, to the north of the city.
- Canal Nord, a local channel created in the mid-1980s in the northern districts, is now extended to the entire city via the Wibox network;
- Wéo Picardie , (broadcast suspended since 8 January 2014).
- TV Amiens , a local television channel on the internet.
- WebTV Picardie, an internet television channel of the Regional Council of Picardie .
FM radio stations
Most of the national radio stations broadcast their programs in the Amiens area and can be added to France Bleu Picardie (100.2 MHz) and local stations Radio Campus Amiens (87.7 MHz) and Radio Galaxie programme Évasion (97.7 MHz).
Frequency | Station | RDS | Transmitter | Power |
87.7 MHz | Radio Campus Amiens | CAMPUS | Amiens/Campus | 500W |
88.4 MHz | Radio Nova | NOVA | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 1 kW |
89.3 MHz | France Musique | MUSIQUE | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 2 kW |
90 MHz | Radio Métropolys | METRO | Amiens/Dury 3 | 500W |
91 MHz | Mouv' | MOUV' | Amiens/Dury TDF | 1 kW |
91.4 MHz | Rire & Chansons | RIRE & | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 1 kW |
91.8 MHz | Fun Radio | F U N | Amiens/Dury TDF | 1 kW |
92.2 MHz | Nostalgie | NOSTALGI | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 1 kW |
92.6 MHz | France Inter | INTER | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 2 kW |
93.6 MHz | Virgin Radio (Amiens) | VIRGIN | Amiens/Dury TDF | 1 kW |
94.2 MHz | Contact | CONTACT | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 1 kW |
95.4 MHz | France Inter | INTER | Amiens/Saint-Just TDF | 20 kW |
96.3 MHz | Radio FG | RADIO FG | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 1 kW |
97 MHz | France Culture | CULTURE | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 2 kW |
97.7 MHz | Radio Galaxie programme Évasion | EVASION | Amiens/Dury TDF | 500W |
98.4 MHz | Skyrock (Amiens) | SKYROCK | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 1 kW |
99 MHz | NRJ (Amiens-Abbeville) | NRJ | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 1 kW |
99.4 MHz | France Musique | MUSIQUE | Amiens/Saint-Just TDF | 20 kW |
99.8 MHz | TSF Jazz | TSF JAZZ | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 400W |
100.2 MHz | France Bleu Picardie | BLEU.PIC | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 2 kW |
101 MHz | Chérie FM (Amiens-Abbeville) | CHERIEFM | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 1 kW |
101.4 MHz | Radio Classique | CLASSIQ | Amiens/Dury TDF | 1 kW |
102.5 MHz | France Culture | CULTURE | Amiens/Saint-Just TDF | 20 kW |
103.2 MHz | RTL2 | RTL2 | Amiens/Dury TDF | 1 kW |
104.3 MHz | RTL | RTL | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 1 kW |
104.7 MHz | Europe 1 | EUROPE 1 | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 1 kW |
105.5 MHz | France Info | INFO | Amiens/Dury Towercast | 1 kW |
106.1 MHz | France Maghreb 2 | FMAGHREB | Amiens/Dury TDF | 1 kW |
107.3 MHz | RMC | RMC INFO | Amiens/Dury TDF | 500W |
107.7 MHz | Sanef 107.7 | 107.7 FM | Péage d'Argœuves | 200W |
107.7 MHz | Sanef 107.7 | 107.7 FM | Péage de Dury | 200W |
107.7 MHz | Sanef 107.7 | 107.7 FM | Guignemicourt/Le Poirier | 200W |
107.7 MHz | Sanef 107.7 | 107.7 FM | Péage de Glisy | 200W |
107.7 MHz | Sanef 107.7 | 107.7 FM | Péage de Saleux | 200W |
Digital terrestrial radio stations
As of 1 March 2015, the CSA has not selected Amiens for broadcast or experimentation of this broadcasting standard.
The city of Amiens is covered for:
- Cable by Wibox/Cityplay since 2002.[61]
- Fibre optic by Wibox/Cityplay since 2007[62] and by Orange since 2013.[63]
- ADSL, with five telephone exchanges, the majority of which are unbundled, by SFR, Free, Bouygues Telecom and Completel .[64]
Houses of worship
The Zen Sōtō Zen centre affiliated with the international Zen Association, on Rue Vulfran Warmé.
- Notre-Dame Cathedral, Place Notre-Dame
- Chapelle du Bon Pasteur (first of the name): Situated on Rue Daire, it belonged to the Conseil général de la Somme . Leased to the Society of St. Pius X from 1983 to 2007, it was sold, with the property complex to which it belonged, to Picardy in May 2007.
- Chapelle Saint-Vincent-de-Paul , situated on Rue Jules Barni, the offices are run by the Society of St. Pius X according to the Tridentine Mass (an extraordinary form the Roman rite).
- The church of Saint Honoré known as the église de Beauvais,[65] Rue Dom Bouquet
- The church of Saint-Acheul, Chaussée Jules Ferry
- The church of Saint-Firmin-le-Martyr, 137 Rue du Faubourg du Hem
- The church of Saint-Germain-l'Écossais , Rue Pingre
- The church of Sacré-Cœur, Rue de Mareuil
- The church of Saint-Jacques, Rue Saint-Jacques
- The church of Saint-Leu , Rue Saint-Leu
- The church of Saint-Martin, Rue Morgan
- The church of Saint-Maurice, Rue Turgot
- The church of Saint-Pierre, Rue St Pierre
- The church of Saint-Rémi , Rue des Cordeliers
- The church of Saint-Roch, Rue de l'Abbaye
- The church of Sainte-Anne , Rue Vulfran Warmé
- The church of Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc, Route de Rouen
- The church of Saint-Paul, Rue de l'Île-de-France
- The church of Saint-Pierre in the Montières quarter
- The church of Sainte-Marie-Madeleine in the Renancourt quarter
- The church of Sainte-Thérèse, Avenue de la Paix
- The church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Rue de Cagny
The synagogue in Amiens is located at 12 Rue du Port d'Amont, near Pont-Beauville.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a place of worship on the Doullens road.
The city of Amiens has the largest Muslim community of Picardy and one of the largest in the north of the France. Places of worship are evolving, several mosques are in a phase of expansion or relocation. The city has fifteen Muslim places of worship including eight independent prayer rooms and seven mosques:[66]
- The An-Nour mosque where sits the Institute of the Arab-Muslim world of Picardy in Rue de la Hotoie.
- The Al-Fath mosque (currently moving premises), also the Association of Worship and Culture of Muslims in Picardy located at 375 Boulevard Beauvillé.
- The Al Badr mosque, also the Association of workers and Moroccan traders of Amiens, located at 33 Rue Winston-Churchill.
- The Masjid Al Muhsinin mosque located on the Rue de l'île-de-France.
- The Sounnahs mosque located Rue Victorine-Autier.
- The Chekkar mosque, also Association of the Committee of the Briqueterie located at 40 Rue Ronsard.
- The Mosque of the "19" is located at 19 Avenue de l'Europe and is home to the Association of Muslims in Picardy.
Several independent prayer rooms are present in the urban community. On the other hand, Muslim committees and associations exist in the image of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Amiens in the Rue de Savoie, the Muslim Cultural Freedom Association – Institute of Enlightenment and also the Association of residents of the home at 21 Route d'Allonville.
The Protestant Church of Amiens, Rue Saint-Jacques.
As both an industrial hub and a services center, Amiens enjoys a large pool of workers with a labor pool of over 350,000 inhabitants and numerous professional training courses.
The magazine L'Entreprise elected Amiens "Most attractive city of France" for businesses, in 2009 and 2007, for the category less than 200,000 inhabitants. The city finished second in 2010, 2008 and 2006. The strengths of the city include a developed real estate business and taxation around the average for French cities. In addition, its geographical position in the center of the triangle "Paris – London – Brussels", is between three major European cities.
The magazine Challenges has also designated Amiens as "Best managed city of France", for the category large cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, in 2011, 2010 and 2008.
Income of the population and taxation
In 2010, the median taxable household income was €22,539, which placed Amiens at 177th place among the 31,525 communes with more than 39 households in metropolitan France.[67]
In 2017, the proportion of taxable households was 45%.[24]
In 2017, the population aged 15 to 64 years amounted to 91,555 persons, among which there were 64.5% of assets including 51.4% having a job and 13.1% of unemployed.[24]
There were 78,284 jobs in the employment area, against 80,908 in 2007. The number of assets employed and residing in the area of employment being 47,588. The concentration of jobs indicator[note 2] is 164.5%, which means that the employment area offers three jobs for every two active inhabitants.[24]
Public services | Tertiary sector | Industry | Construction | Agriculture | |
Amiens | 42.7% | 42.3% | 10.5% | 4.3% | 0.2% |
Source: Insee[24] |
Agriculture has very little representation among Amiens jobs with only 0.2%, just as the construction sector which represents 4.3% of jobs. Unlike these two sectors whose share is below the national average, the tertiary sector (trade, transport, services) represents a significant part of the Amiens workforce, 42.3%. Public services (public administration, education, health, social work) accounts for 42.7%. Industry includes 10.5% of jobs.[24]
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company announced more than 400 job cuts in May 2008 at the Amiens plant, which has had 1,450 employees; in March 2009, the management announced new collective redundancies of a thousand jobs.[68]
Businesses and shops
On 31 December 2015, at Amiens, there were 10,436 businesses: 51 in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, 394 in industry, 685 in construction, 7,110 in trade, transportation and various services and 2,196 were related to the administrative sector.[24]
In 2018, 1,505 companies had been recorded as being established in Amiens, including 1,206 companies owned by sole proprietors.[24]
Philatelic publishers Yvert et Tellier (catalogues of quotes) and l'Écho de la timbrologie (magazine) have their management in Amiens, even if they have more of their services in the Paris region. The Gueudet Group, one of the largest car dealers in France, was established at Amiens in 1918. The old textile tradition of the city remains with the factory of Lee Cooper France (122 employees).
Since the end of World War II, much of the city's economy was tied to automotive equipment with companies such as Valeo, Goodyear and Sumitomo-Dunlop tires. In 2003, the American Goodyear company bought Dunlop. These two companies suffered financially through late 2007 and early 2008, and in response, the American Goodyear company headquarters in the United States offered workers a change to their working hours and the number of posts, which a high percentage of staff refused.
Procter & Gamble, settled in Amiens in 1964 to produce soap, and inaugurated its new detergents unit in 1966. Established on over more than 45 hectares (110 acres), it is one of the largest factories in the world for laundry cleaning products (Ariel, Dash, Bonux, Gama) and for domestic cleaning products (Mr. Clean, Febreze). More than 85% of its production is intended for export.
The Amiens plant employs approximately 930 people.
Since the mid-1990s, the city has tried to convert the economy towards the internet and telephony industries. Many call centres (Intracall center, Coriolis France, Médiamétrie)[69] have opened mainly within the city, region or state. The Unilog (now Logica) computer service company has installed a service center in Amiens (the CSA).
Amiens is the seat of the Regional Chamber of commerce and industry of Picardy . It is also the seat of the Chamber of commerce and industry of Amiens . It manages the Amiens - Glisy Aerodrome.
Culture, tourism and heritage
The strategic position of Amiens makes it an attractive destination for a weekend or a few days, from Paris, Lille or Brussels. Amiens also benefits from the proximity of the Baie de Somme, a tourist hotspot registered at the Club des plus belles baies du monde and labelled Great Site of France .
Amiens has the label of Towns and Lands of Art and History since 1992. Within this framework, the host of the heritage organises guided tours on themes intended for an audience of adults and children, with educational workshops. A signposted circuit allows an independent tour of the town, with information panels offering comment on places and notable buildings.
Amiens has an important historical and cultural heritage, and an accessible and varied natural heritage, on which tourism is based. The main attractions are the cathedral, which is included in the world heritage of UNESCO, the hortillonnages , Jules Verne House , the Tour Perret, the Musée de Picardie, the zoo , and the quarters of Saint-Leu and Saint-Maurice.
Places and monuments
The commune has an exceptional heritage: 60 monuments listed in the inventory of monuments historiques and over 1600 places and monuments listed in the general inventory of cultural heritage ;[70] and on the other hand, 187 objects listed in the inventory of monuments historiques and 254 objects listed in the general inventory of cultural heritage.[71] The information given below is relative only to a brief selection.
Notre-Dame d'Amiens
It's a lovely old woman, this Cathedral is a Virgin. ... Point of pain confusion, here, point of exaggeration or smell. It is absolutely empirical of supreme swelling.
Amiens Cathedral deserves the name given by M. Viollet-le-Duc, 'the Parthenon of Gothic architecture'.
— John Ruskin, The Bible of Amiens
The city is famous for its Notre-Dame Cathedral, masterpiece of Gothic art and one of the largest cathedrals in the world by its interior volume (200,000 m3 (7,100,000 cu ft)).[72] The largest religious and medieval building of France, its interior could twice hold Notre Dame de Paris.[73]
The cathedral measures 145 metres (476 ft) long and its spire rises 112 metres (367 ft) high. The vaults of the central nave, finished in 1247, are 42.3 metres (139 ft), close to the maximum limit for this architecture.
Dating back to the 13th century, its construction is due to the wealth of the city in the Middle Ages and to the fire of the Romanesque cathedral which stood previously. Three architects, including Robert of Luzarches succeeded to complete the construction.
Amiens Cathedral is notable for the coherence of its plan, the beauty of its three-tier interior elevation, the particularly fine display of sculptures on the principal façade and in the south transept, and inlays of its floor. It is also described by John Ruskin as "Gothic, clear of Roman tradition and of Arabian taint, Gothic pure, authoritative, unsurpassable, and unaccusable."
Regarded as the archetype of the classic Gothic style, the cathedral also presents some elements of the radiant Gothic style and flamboyant Gothic. The speed of construction, barely 70 years for the shell (1220 to 1269), explains this remarkable homogeneity of style. Its façade is decorated with more than 3,000 statues, gargoyles and chimeras.
Registered since 1981 as a World Heritage Site of UNESCO, it is a "masterpiece of world heritage". For a second time in 1998, it is a monumental step on the Camino de Santiago. Despite the two World Wars of the 20th century, which severely affected the city, it managed to stay intact.
A show of the reproduction of the original polychromy[74] of façades, discovered as a result of recent laser cleaning, is given annually for free in December and during the summer period. The show is a projection on the façade of slides in color.
The zodiac is a set of reliefs on the foundations of the western façade formed series of quatrefoil medallions, carved in a representative agrarian calendar and the signs of the zodiac.
The statue of the weeping Angel that is on a tomb carved by Nicolas Blasset , and the reliefs evoking Saint-Firmin and St. John the Baptist, are some of the well-known works of the cathedral.
At ground level lies the intact labyrinth of 234 metres (768 ft) long.
On the north side of the cathedral is the former Palace of the Bishop of Amiens , occupied by the École supérieure de commerce in Amiens.
The origin of the Belfry of Amiens dates back to the establishment of the commune of Amiens by Louis VI. It is mentioned for the first time in an arbitral award issued by the chapter of Amiens in 1244.
Symbolizing the independence of the commune, it was formerly used for meetings of the notables of the city and then as archive rooms, weapons store and prison. A spotter nearby monitored arrivals and warned the population of the external dangers. During the Middle Ages, the building was repeatedly engulfed by fire.
The belfry is composed of a base in white cut stone, built in the 15th century between 1406 and 1410, a stone superstructure bell tower built from 1749 with Baroque volutes at its base, and a dome covered with slate and then the renowned arrow weather vane. At the time, a huge 11-ton bell was installed inside, it was later destroyed along with the dome, whose copper component melted, in the bombardment and fire of the city on 19 May 1940. Abandoned and devoid of a roof since World War II, the monument was fully restored between February 1989 and July 1990.
Located on the Place au Fil, the old central square of the city before the arrival of the railway and the rise of the Rue des Trois Calloux, the belfry is adjacent to Les Halles and the back of the city hall.[75] At a height of 52 metres (171 ft), it rings every hour of the day.
Since July 2005, the belfry of Amiens is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as part of a set of 56 Belfries of Belgium and France which were inscribed because of their architecture and their importance in the rise of municipal power in Northern France and Belgium.[76] The belfry is also recorded in the inventory of Historic Monuments.
Cirque Jules-Verne
In 1845, the traditional fair of Saint-Jean, formerly held at Place René Goblet, was transferred to Place Longueville. It is a wide esplanade that took the place of the Longueville bastion, after the demolition of the city walls in the early 19th century. Each year, a temporary circus is established for this occasion.
In 1865, a circus company emerged to claim a permanent circus, which would be built in wood by the Schytte contractor in 1874. However, expensive maintenance prompted the municipality to consider the construction of a new building. The decision was made in 1886 under the leadership of Mayor Frédéric Petit and the work began.
The Chief Architect of the Somme, Émile Ricquier , a disciple of Gustave Eiffel, was responsible for its construction. It was inspired by the Cirque d'hiver of Paris but with a cast metal frame, supplemented by brick from the local countryside. The architect of civil buildings, Charles Garnier, claimed that the frames should be hidden with a plaster imitating stone. The "moderninst" design of Ricquier, who chose to display the structure, and to favor local material such as brick, is visible at the rear of the monument.
With its 16-sided polygonal shape and a diameter of 44 metres (144 ft), it includes lodges and stalls in its enclosure. As a completely modern project, it hosted two steam engines, dedicated to fully electric lights and central heating. Since its construction, it was also the first circus which included a buffet and a refreshment bar. The cost of the construction of the building finally reached double the forecast.[77] In 1888, the new city councilor responsible for festivals and celebrations, Jules Verne, was responsible for monitoring the work, and it was he who opened it on Sunday 23 June 1889, for the opening of the fair and the centenary of the French Revolution:[78]
The new circus is a work of art that your municipal administration wanted to build with all of the enhancements of modern industry. It is the very best, undoubtedly, it is also the most comprehensive, with its facilities and equipment, to have been built in France and abroad.
The roof was damaged by a shell in 1916. The circus was the setting for Federico Fellini's The Clowns (1971), and the film by Jean-Jacques Beineix, Roselyne et les lions (1989), with Isabelle Pasco as lead actress. The largest of the circuses of the province with its 3,000-seats, the building has acquired a multidisciplinary use for decades of performances of theatre, dance, concerts, galas, sports and public meetings.
Renovated in 2003, it now bears the name of Cirque Jules Verne. After hosting the performances of Cirque Rancy , it hosts resident Cirque Arlette Gruss .
Since 1 January 2011, the circus has been labelled "national hub circus and street arts", managed by an EPCC . It is one of seven in France and is still in use today.[79]
The house of Jules-Verne
In 1882, Jules Verne and his wife, Honorine, rented the house at the corner of Rue Charles-Dubois and Boulevard Longueville until 1900. Acquired in 1980 by the city, the house is labeled Maisons des Illustres by the Ministry of Culture. Restored in 2006, thanks to the work of the Centre international Jules-Verne , this 19th-century mansion, listed in the supplementary inventory of historic monuments , traces through the exhibition of more than 700 objects, the personality, the sources of inspiration and memories of Jules Verne.
Tour Perret
Opposite the Gare d'Amiens, is located the Tour Perret (from the name of its architect Auguste Perret). Over 100 metres (330 ft) high, it was one of the first skyscrapers built in Europe, and the highest for a long time.[80]
The Church of Saint-Leu
This church was built at the end of the 15th century, on the model of the hall-churches. It is dedicated, as its district, to Saint Leu, referring to the 7th century bishop who was exiled to the Vimeu. It has three naves. A flamboyant portal adorns the base of the steeple. The latter, struck by lightning, had to be rebuilt at the beginning of the 16th century. The ends of beams are carved. Stone and wood statues date from the 17th century. The choir houses the glory of the Duthoit brothers.
Other notable buildings or monuments
Architecture from antiquity
- Numerous archaeological excavations have uncovered remains from proto-historic times to the Roman era. Two skylights cut in the last development of Place Gambetta, allow observation of a few remains of the forum. And, important remnants of a large Gallo-Roman theatre uncovered in early 2007, have been dismantled and stored in accordance with the rules of archaeological conservation, during the redevelopment of the Gare quarter in March 2007.[81]
- The archaeological garden of Saint-Acheul testifies to the presence of Paleolithic man in the Somme Valley some 450,000 years ago. A stratigraphic cut, classified as an historic monument since 1947, allows visualisation of successive strata of the Somme Valley.
Architecture from the Middle Ages
- The Church of Saint-Germain, is disused, but where exhibitions are regularly held on the colourisation of the cathedral and the St-Germain quarter, and historical competitor of the Saint-Leu quarter. The animosity, between the populations of the two districts has marked the history of Amiens. This church has a high and oddly leaning tower. Affected by the bombing of 1940, it was returned temporarily to worship in October 1965, after a thorough restoration.
- The remains of the Hôtel-Dieu (Saint-Leu district, between the CRDP and the Faculty of Sciences),
- The mills Passe avant and Passe arrière[82] (at Saint-Leu).
Architecture from the Renaissance
- The renaissance façade of the Maison du Sagittaire (moved to adjoin the Logis du Roy).
- The Logis du Roy (Faculty of Arts until 2003).[83]
- The House of the Bailiwick or Malmaison.
- The Citadelle: First ravelin, erected north of the Montrescu gate, the fortress was located in 1531 by F. di Giorgio on the order of Francis I (Francis I gate, with sculpted salamanders). After the capture by the Spaniards and its takeover by Henry IV (1597), Jean Errard received the charge to rebuild the defences of the city.
The Maison du bailliage ou Malmaison, former residence of the bailli of Amiens, constructed in 1541.
Architecture from the 17th and 18th centuries
- Abbey of Saint-Jean-des-Prémontrés of Amiens (cloister Dewailly)
- Abbey of Saint-Acheul (17th and 18th centuries) and the Church (built in 1760 on the vault of Fermin of Amiens)
- The water tower and fountains of Amiens (1753)
- The façade of the former theatre (now a bank). It was moved 4 metres (13 ft) to the line of the Rue des Trois-Cailloux.
- The façade of the Stengel barracks (currently an apartment building)
- The Palace of the Bishop of the 17th and 18th centuries.
- The Seminary of the Lazarists: located on Rue Jules-Barni, it was built between 1736 and 1741 and benefitted from several extensions of which the last was built under the aegis of François-Auguste Cheussey in 1828. Seized by the State , following the Act of 1905, the seminary was the barracks office (named after the general assigned to the Committee of fortifications, Pierre Charles Dejean) from 1909 to 1993. During this period, it housed the headquarters of the 8th infantry division.
- The city hall (partly 18th century and partly 19th century). Made in the regional style of stone and brick, with bedrock of sandstone, and stone pavilions. On the pediment is found the statues of King Louis VI and Bishop Geoffroi, which granted freedom to Amiens in 1115.[84]
Abbaye Saint-Jean-des-Prémontrés (18th century, historic monuments, 1992).
Architecture from the 19th century
- The Palace of Justice was built from 1865 to 1880[85] on the site of the Abbey of Saint-Martin-les-Jumeaux (1073 to 1634) established at the supposed place of the sharing of the cloak of Saint Martin and the convent of the religious Order of the Celestines (1634 to 1781). Les Célestins, whose order was abolished in 1778, left the premises in 1881.[86]
- Henriville quarter, including the hotel Acloque (neo-Louis XIII style) and the Saint-Martin Church (neo-Gothic, built by Louis Antoine in 1874).
- The home of Jules Verne ,[87][88] which was reopened after renovation, in 2006, including the present neo-Gothic dining room and antique desk. The tower was covered with an armillary sphere commissioned from artist François Schuiten, who also signed the mural extending the imaginary garden of yesteryear.
- The Madeleine Cemetery (Cimetière de la Madeleine)[89][90] contains a number of listed monuments including the sculpture on Jules Verne's Tomb. His tomb is decorated with a sculpture by Albert Roze symbolising the resurrection: Jules Verne lifting the slab to glimpse the modern world.
- Saint-Acheul cemetery where various Amiens personalities are buried and where there is a domed tomb with a sculpture by Auguste Rodin.
- The Dewailly clock, by Émile Ricquier (completely redone in 1999), supplemented by the statue of Marie-sans chemise of Albert Roze, originally in the Place Gambetta.
- The former insurance house, Rue Marotte, built by E. Ricquier in 1893 (now a bar).
- The Louis Aragon library , Rue de la République, built by François-Auguste Cheussey in 1823, neoclassical style with a peristyle with columns in Tuscan drums.[91]
- The monastery of the visitation, built between 1839 and 1841 by Herbault.
- The Palace of Justice, new buildings constructed by Cheussey in 1834 and 1846.
- The renovations by Cheussey (1816–1848) of the cathedral.
- Place Saint-Denis (now place René Goblet) is designed in 1839 by the architect François Auguste Cheussey.
- The parish church Saint-Firmin-le-Martyr by Cheussey in 1843.[92]
- The Church of Sainte-Anne of the architect Victor Delefortrie .
- The Church St-Rémi of architect Paul Delefortrie .
Architecture from the 20th century
- The hotel Bouctot-Vagniez (seat of the Regional Chamber of commerce and industry), built by Louis Duthoit in 1909, a rare Art Nouveau building in Amiens.[93]
- The English quarter, located on the road from Longueau, including a British phone box. An island of London in the heart of Amiens.
- The ESIEE Amiens, designed by the architects Jean Dubus and Jean-Pierre Lott. A modern building identified by its saucer.
- Complex of Art Deco buildings on Rue Cauvin, as well as the Gueudet garages[94] (Rue des Otages).
- Église Saint-Honoré, rebuilt between 1957 and 1961, by Paul Tournon, on the plans of the pontifical pavilion of the universal exhibition in Paris in 1937.[65][95]
- The hotel Vagniez-Renon (current headquarters of the administrative tribunal): A former residence of Henriville, it houses a Moorish-style hydrotherapy room, designed by Émile Ricquier .
- The Saint-Pierre church, destroyed in 1940 and rebuilt in 1949 by Evrard, in glass and concrete, with a brick bell tower.
- Le Courrier Picard : The headquarters of the daily life of Amiens, first Progrès de la Somme, belongs to a set of Art Deco buildings.
- The monument of Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque by Jan and Joël Martel in 1950.
- The Carmel of the Holy Spirit, on the Montjoie Hill, built in 1965 by architect Pierre Pinsard .
- The House of culture of Amiens , inaugurated on 19 March 1966 by André Malraux, built by Jean Duthilleul .[96]
- The Coliséum, inaugurated on 5 January 1996, built by the architect Pierre Parat (designer of the Palais omnisports de Paris-Bercy).
- The Stade de la Licorne, built in 1999 by architects Philippe Chaix and Jean-Paul Morel.
Architecture from the 21st century
- The Cinema Gaumont Amiens opened in 2005. It is the work of architects Philippe Chaix and Jean-Paul Morel . The interior decoration is the work of Christian Lacroix and artists Alain Balzac and François Michel.
- The Verrière de la place de la gare d'Amiens, also called the Canopy. It is the work of architect Claude Vasconi, known especially for the Forum des Halles in Paris. A subject of a controversy when it opened in March 2008, the canopy is designed to create a link between the pedestrian zone of the city center and the ZAC Gare la Vallée, and to become a business district of Amiens. Criticised[97] for its massive and imposing area of more than 10,000 square metres (110,000 sq ft), the canopy rises to 15 metres (49 ft) in height and is composed of pixellated glass panels created by Bernard Pictet .[98] This is one of the largest canopies in Europe.
- The Zenith of Amiens by Massimiliano Fuksas, in the Renancourt quarter between the Mégacité and the Hippodrome. Construction was completed in 2008.
Environmental heritage
With 270 hectares (670 acres) of green space (excluding communal woodland)[99] 118,300 hectares (292,000 acres) of hortillonnages , 300 hectares (740 acres) of forests, 30 hectares (74 acres) of marshland, and its river and its streams, Amiens proves to be green and blue city.
Floral City awarded the maximum score of 4 flowers in the floral contest of cities and villages of France to Amiens,[100] and it offers a particularly rich wooded heritage. With 38,650 trees (excluding woodland),[101] of which 17,000 are situated on highways,[102] Amiens to win the national tree award. In 2014, the city ranked in the top 10 greenest cities of France.[103]
Presenting itself as a city concerned with the environment, Amiens has made the link between the city and nature a central axis of its metropolitan development project called Amiens 2030.[104]
The Hortillonages
Amiens is also known for the hortillonnages , gardens on small islands in over 300 hectares (740 acres) of marshland between the River Somme and River Avre, surrounded by a grid network of man-made canals (locally known as "rieux"). They are also known as the "floating gardens of Amiens".[105] The hortillonnages are sometimes called "Little Venice of the North", because of the canals.
Hortillon means market garden in Picard, and derives from the Latin hortillus, small garden. It is navigated in flat bottom boats, formerly called barque à cornet [Cornet boat], due to the very raised front, which allows the boats to easily dock on the fragile shores of the cultivated fields. It is the upstream port, located at the foot of the cathedral, where a weekly market is held on the water, although the arrival the growers by boat can only be accomplished once a year, in summer.
Amiens Metropolitan Zoo
Prior to its opening in May 1952, the Amiens Zoo is a green space bordering the basin of the Park of the Hotoie . It was the mayor of the time, Maurice Vast , who decided to develop the site in 1949. Originally intended as an entertainment venue, the zoo began its mission of conservation, education and research between 1970 and 1980. Between 1990 and 2000, the zoo was completely renovated and became a permanent member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) in 2001 and the National Association of Zoological Parks (ANPZ) in 2002. Today, there are 300 animals, representing approximately 75 species from all continents, cohabiting on 6.5 hectares (16 acres).[106] They live in environments, which are close to their natural environment, favouring their well-being. In 2014, the zoo received 161,128 visitors.[107] Traditionally, entry is free on 14 July, Bastille Day.
Red ruffed lemur (Varecia rubra)
Lar gibbons (Hylobates lar)
Red panda (Ailurus fulgens)
South American coati (Nasua nasua).
Jena and Praya, the two Asian elephants (Elephas maximus).
California sea lion (Zalophus californianus)
Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti)
The main parks and gardens
- Parc Saint-Pierre , between the quarter of Saint-Leu and the Hortillonnages , poumon vert de 22 hectares (54 acres) in the heart of the city, which was awarded the Prix du paysage in 2005.[108]
- Parc du Grand Marais , along the Somme Canal, to the west of the city. Covering over 25 hectares (62 acres), this park has many sports facilities: American football stadium, skate bowl, football field, play structures.
- Jardin des plantes originally called the Jardin du Roy. Created in 1751, it is the oldest garden of Amiens on the Boulevard du jardin des plantes.
- Square Pierre Marie Saquez on Rue des Cordeliers
- Parc de l'Evéché d'Amiens , at the foot of the cathedral on Place Saint-Michel
- Jardin médiéval on Impasse Joron
- Square Beauregard on Rue Louis Thuillier
- Parc Jean Rostand on Rue Vulfran Warmé
- Parc du Château de Montières on Rue Baudoin d'Ailly
- Parc du Petit Marais on the Avenue des cygnes
- Square Paul Gauguin on the Avenue de la paix
- Parc de la Hotoie
- Marais des trois vaches
- Parc du Château blanc, on the Route de Rouen
- Bois Bonvallet
- Square de la rose des vents on Rue du Docteur Fafet
- Plaine Saint Ladre
- Parc Léon Pille on Rue de l'Agrappin
- Zoo d'Amiens on the Esplanade de la Hotoie
- Cimetière de la Madeleine , on Rue Saint Maurice
- Le Square Saint-Denis
- Square Montplaisir, on Place Joffre
- Square Aimé Césaire, on Boulevard de Belfort
- Clos Alexandre , jardin floral et paysager privé
- Cimetière Saint-Acheul , on Rue de Cagny
- Jardin archéologique de Saint-Acheul , on Rue de Boutillerie
As a floral city, 4 flowers were awarded in 2013 by the National Council of Cities and Villages of France for the competition of floral cities and villages.[109] The national Council of Cities and Villages awarded the 2012 National Tree Prize to the city for "its exceptional and innovative management of its wooded heritage" with its 37,000 trees, some more than a century old.[110]
Cultural heritage
- The Musée de Picardie is a key site in the history of the National Museum, since it is the first building to have been built in France to serve as a museum.[111] Built under the Second Empire on the model of the new Louvre of Napoleon III, it opened its doors to the public in 1867 after the visit of the emperor. Considered the French model of a 19th-century museum, it was nicknamed the "Little Louvre of the Province".[112] It hosted very early rich collections which are now divided into four departments:[113] Archaeology in the basement, the Medieval art on the ground floor, fine arts on the ground floor and the first floor, and modern and contemporary art on the first floor. Rooms are also devoted to temporary exhibitions. The department of fine arts brings together paintings by Van Dyck, Jordaens, Ruysdael, El Greco, Ribera, Tiepolo, Guardi, Fragonard, Chardin, Boucher, Quentin de La Tour, Vouet, Corot and Courbet. The modern and contemporary collection is represented by Picasso, Picabia, Balthus, Dubuffet, Hélion, Bacon, Miró and Manessier. Access to the picture galleries of the first floor is by a mounumental staircase in a setting dedicated to the famous wall compositions of Pierre Puvis de Chavannes.[114]
- The Hotel de Berny Museum is a regional museum of local art and history. This building, typical of the Louis XIII architecture, was built in 1634 as a mansion of the treasurers of France. Property of Gérard de Berny, Senator of the Somme in the first half of the 20th century, has restored the façades and settled its collections. Located a few metres from the cathedral, this Museum of France retains an exceptional collection of woodwork, furniture and objets d'art (tapestries, ceramics, ironworks) and memories (objects and arrays) of Amiens personalities:[115] Jules Verne, Choderlos de Laclos, Édouard Branly, Jean-Baptiste Gresset, Vincent Voiture, Joseph Pinchon, Maréchal Leclerc. The museum is currently undergoing a complete renovation of its buildings and an overhaul of the installation of its museum collections.

- The House of Jules Verne , labeled Maisons des Illustres, is the home of the most translated writer in the world after Agatha Christie:[116] Jules Verne. He lived here from 1882 to 1900 with his wife Honorine, and wrote part of his work in this mansion of the 19th century. To visit is to enter into the intimate and creative universe of the author. The building largely retains its original decor and opens almost all of its rooms, from the ground floor to the attic. The permanent collections are presented on two floors, in the attic, the tower and the belvedere of the house: Approximately 700 collected objects evoke the personality, sources of inspiration and memories of Jules Verne.[117] Costumed tours, performances, parties and literary encounters of thematic conferences are also regularly organised.[118]
- The Gallery of stained glass is located in the workshop of master glassmaker Claude Barre, in a 16th-century house near to the cathedral. It presents a large collection to the public, including religious stained-glass windows and interiors, from the 11th to the 19th century. The gallery also offers demonstrations on the techniques of stained glass.
- The House of culture of Amiens (MCA or MACU) was inaugurated on 19 March 1966 by André Malraux. A major cultural institution in the region, it has two exhibition halls for contemporary art; the Matisse Hall and the Giacometti Room, which both regularly host exhibitions of sculptures, photographs and plastic arts.
- The Fonds régional d'art contemporain of Picardie (FRAC Picardie), created in 1983, aims to promote contemporary art, in particular through dissemination actions. As early as 1985, FRAC Picardie had specialised its action in the field of the design and its contemporary dimensions. It is also interested in new media, on and off paper, since artists are now working through the video medium. This has allowed it to acquire a good reputation in France and abroad.[119] In 30 years, the FRAC has brought together a unique collection of a thousand drawings which include major names of contemporary art, such as Basquiat, Dubuffet, Oppenheim, Twombly, Matta, Manessier, etc.[120] In 2001, discussions are undertaken to construct a new building to accommodate the fonds and its collections.[121]
Amiens was strongly tipped to host the Louvre II.[122]
Concert halls
The city has a number of concert spaces, mostly small venues, and pubs also host numerous concerts throughout the year.
- The Zenith of Amiens was inaugurated in September 2008. With a capacity of 6,000 seats, it is the work of the Italian architect Massimiliano Fuksas.[123] Holder of the required Zénith label, this facility allows the hosting of national and international headline acts and ensures a high level of services and organisation. The accessibility of the place by motorway (A16, A29, A1), and the possibilities of free parking, the venue radiates to Belgium and to the Paris region.[124]
- The megacity is the Park of the Congress and Exhibitions of Amiens. Located in immediate proximity of the Zenith of Amiens and the Stade de la Licorne, there are two auditoriums of 350 and 1,000 places[125] where concerts and comedy shows are programmed.
- Cirque Jules-Verne , the biggest grand circus of France, has about 1,700 seating spaces since its renovation in 2003. It welcomes, among other shows, concerts.
- The House of culture of Amiens offers many live shows and concerts. It manages also New Dreams, a room for 120 seated or 300 standing, which also hosts concerts.
- The Auditorium Henri Dutilleux is the auditorium of the Conservatoire à rayonnement régional d'Amiens . With high acoustic quality, it offers 370 seats on three levels. It offers mainly classical concerts.
- La Lune des Pirates is the stage of contemporary music (SMAC) of the city. Created in 1987 in a former banana warehouse of the Belu Wharf, La Lune has a capacity of 250 seats.
- The House of Culture of Amiens has the Scène nationale accreditation from the Ministry of Culture. Cultural place of the city, its mission is broad and covers many disciplines: theatre, music, dance, cinema and visual arts. It brings together two theatres: the Grand Théâtre (1,070 seats) and the Petit Théâtre (300 seats).
- The Comédie de Picardie (ComDePic) is one of the city's main theatres. This Scène conventionnée was founded in 1989 by the Regional Council of Picardie and offers fifteen plays every year. The theatre has a room of 400 places and houses its own company.
- The Maison du Théâtre was established in April 1988 in the historic quarter of Saint-Leu . Its activities range from creation to dissemination, training and theatrical information. Focused on contemporary theatre, the Maison du Théâtre also hosts local theatrical companies and their creations.[126]
- The puppet theatre "Chés cabotants of Amiens", founded in 1933, is the heir of some eighty cabotan theatres which were created in Amiens in the 19th century. Amiens is known as the French capital of the puppet son.[127] Since 1997, a theatre is dedicated to Chés Cabotans of Amiens and his popular hero Lafleur . It is located in the heart of the Saint-Leu quarter.
- The Boîte à Rire is a café-théâtre, created in September 2012.[128] This 48-seat hall is located near to Amiens Cathedral, and proudly displays a one-man show and Boulevard theatre.
Cultural Centers
Amiens Métropole has nine cultural centers which cover much of the metropolitan area: Six in various districts of Amiens, and three in the neighbouring communes of Longueau, Camon and Glisy. These outreach facilities working in the field of art and creation are openly oriented "venues". Open to all, they offer an eclectic programme; theatre and concerts, shows for young people and dance, projections of films, exhibitions, meetings and debates, etc. In 2013, they accommodated 48,000 people.[129]
- The Briqueterie was installed in 2001 on the site of the former Friant military barracks in the Elbeuf quarter.[130] As part of its programming, it hosts concerts, as well as exhibitions, public theatre and shows for youths. To this end, it has a room that can accommodate 120 people.
- The Jacques Tati cultural center is located in the heart of the Pierre Rollin.[131] Opened in January 2008, the Jacques Tati theatre has 198 seats[132] and hosts plays, public youth performances, concerts, etc.
- The Léo-Lagrange cultural center is located in Saint Germain district.[133] A venue for exhibitions, meetings and performances of music, theatre, dance and circus, it has a room of 85 seats named the chapel.
- The CSC is installed in the heart of the Etouvie quarter.[134] Its missions include the dissemination of exhibitions and performances. To this end, it has a room of 150 seats.
- The Étoile du sud is located in the neighbourhood Victorine-Autier. This cultural center is specialized in urban cultures and has the peculiarity of having a computer (MAO) recording studio.
- The Safran is located in the north quarter of Amiens. This 'multidisciplinary and experimental' Scène conventionnée offers diverse programming:[135] Drama, public youth shows, dance and exhibitions. Its theatre hall, known as Gérard-Philipe has 220 spaces.[136] Saffron also hosts a music complex, the Cité Carter, which offers rehearsal studios, recording sessions and organises concerts of contemporary music in its 250-seat hall.[137]
Libraries currently constitute a network of 28 facilities spread over the whole territory of the metropolis. The heart of this network is the Louis Aragon library, located on Rue de la République. Built between 1823 and 1826, it is one of the oldest municipal libraries in France.[138] It experienced several improvements, including campaigns of work between 1982 and 1993, which have endowed it with new spaces: Two auditoriums, a youth space, a library and an art library.[139]
Registration and borrowing is free for all of the people of Amiens in all libraries. Two libraries also provide service to neighborhoods and the communes of the agglomeration, and there is home delivery of documents for people with reduced mobility.
There are three cinemas:
- The Cinema Gaumont Amiens (12 rooms, 2,700 seats) was inaugurated in September 2005. Located just steps from the Amiens railway station, it has a large lobby and a 600-seat room. A 500-space car park is located under the cinema. It is the work of the architects Philippe Chaix and Jean-Paul Morel and its interior decoration was entrusted to Christian Lacroix.[140] In 2011, this multiplex received 887,000 cinemagoers.[141]
- The Cine-Saint-Leu (one room with 250 seats) was inaugurated in October 2000,[142] after the closure of the Regent Cinema located near the railway station. An arthouse cinema, it is part of the major cultural facilities of the Cathedral Centre. Its eclectic and cinephile programming offers the possibility to see the original version of contemporary films.
- The Studio Orson Welles (one room with 180 seats in the Maison de la culture d'Amiens ). An arthouse cinema operated by the Maison de la culture d'Amiens , it offers arthouse films as well as retrospectives of great names of the seventh art, old or contemporary.[143]
Cultural events and festivals
Throughout the year, Amiens is the seat of many cultural, traditional or economic events.

Month | Event | Subject | Number of editions (In 2015) |
January | Festival Tendance Europe | This festival, organised by the Maison de la culture d'Amiens , is dedicated to contemporary creation. Programming highlights emerging European artists in a variety of areas: Theatre, dance, music, circus arts and visual arts. | 9 |
February | Salon des Antiquaires | The Salon des Antiquaires of the city is held, every year, at the Megacity . Its reputation makes it one of the most important events of its kind in the north of the France. | 12 |
March | Festival du jeu et de l'imaginaire : À toi de Jouer | This festival is dedicated to fun activities: Board games, card games, role plays, video games, comics, manga, etc. Many tournaments are organized during this event which takes place at Megacity . The first edition was held on 12 and 13 May 2012 with Simon Astier for sponsor. | 4 |
Salon du chocolat et gourmandises en Picardie | For three days at the Megacity , the fair offers demonstrations, parades, contests around the theme of chocolate and food in general. | 5 | |
April | Grande réderie de printemps | The Grande réderie de printemps (jumble sale) is a popular event that takes place twice a year: in spring (the last Sunday in April) and autumn (the first Sunday in October). After the Braderie de Lille, the Réderie of Amiens is the second largest event of its kind in France. It hosts more than 2,000 professional traders and individuals as well as 80,000 to 100,000 visitors to each edition.[144] | – |
May | Leitura furiosa | This festival, organized by the association "Cardan", offers various free activities relating to the world of words: Workshops, calligraphy, typography, writing games, slam and shows. | 23 |
June | Foire Exposition de Picardie | It takes place at the park of the congress and exhibitions of Amiens, the Megacity . During nine days, it hosts approximately 50,000 visitors, 300 exhibitors and more than 20 activities.[145] | 76 |
Rendez-Vous de la Bande Dessinée d'Amiens | This comic strip festival, organised by the association "Explorers on the bubble", is one of the most important comic strip festivals in France.[146] Created in 1996, it takes place each first weekend in June, in the University Library of the Cathedral hub. Various activities in connection with the festival are also organized at different places in the city. | 20 | |
Fête dans la ville | This international festival of street theatre is also known under the name of "The street is in Amiens". Created in 1977, it invited 20 companies for four days of performances, parades, fairground theatre, circus, etc. in the streets of the city. | 38 | |
Marché sur l'eau | Once a year, in the context of the "Festival in the city", the walking on water takes place. Growers (gardeners) in traditional costumes boat down the Somme with their crafts loaded with fruit and vegetables from the hortillonnages. | – | |
June to July | Foire de la Saint Jean | It is the largest funfair in the north of the France.[147] It takes place during 3 weeks between mid-June and mid-July on the esplanade of Hotoie . | – |
June to September | Amiens, la cathédrale en couleurs | Created in 1999, this son et lumière show is the first world.[148] Daily from mid-June to mid-September as well as in December, in the dark, the medieval colors of the portals of the façade of the cathedral are reborn thanks to projections of digital images. Since its inception, nearly two million people have attended the free event. | 15 |
Un été en musique | This summer event, conducted from June to September, offers a series of free concerts outdoors (at Place René Goblet and Place Gambetta, and the Jules Bocquet bandstand). Programming is mainly of local artists. | – | |
June to October | Festival Art, villes et paysage – Hortillonnages Amiens | This festival, organized by the Maison de la culture d'Amiens , was born in 2010 under the heading "Imagine it now". Invited are landscapers, visual artists, architects and designers involved in the hortillonnages. In total, twenty artists facilities and landscaped gardens are located in several places in the "hortillonnages" . These unusual works (floating sculptures, reinvented huts, diverted gardens, revisited gardens etc.) are visible either by walking track or boat, from June to October. | 6 |
July | Voyage au cœur de l'été | The event, which takes place every July in the Espace Dewailly. The programming consists of live performances around world cultures, traditions, folklore and modernity. | 11 |
Bal du 14 juillet | This ball takes place on the Place de l'hôtel de ville. It is followed by a fireworks display at the parc de la Hotoie . | – | |
July to August | Un été à Amiens | This summer event, conducted by the city hall of Amiens, brings together four concepts spread across three sites in the city: "Amiens-les-Bains" (children) and "Beach Attitude" (adolescents) in the Parc Saint Pierre, "Zen Attitude" in Place Gambetta and "Sportez-vous bien" at Grand Marais. | 2 |
August | Défi Jules Verne | This event, also known as "Montgolfiade", commemorates the first balloon flight (1873) of the most illustrious adopted son of Amiens: Jules Verne. Its uniqueness lies in the take-off of many balloons and unusual machines (between 20 and 30) from the Parc de la Hotoie . Music with readings of excerpts from novels by Jules Verne accompany their flight in the sky of the city. Subject to favourable weather conditions, this event takes place every month of August. | 10 |
Bal de la libération | This festive event, which is held at the Place de l'hôtel de ville, celebrates the liberation of the city on 31 August 1944. It joins the various commemorations and tributes traditionally organised there on this day. | 6 | |
September | Fête au bord de l'eau | This traditional festival, organised by the association "Jacobins Traditions and history", plunges the historic quarter of Saint-Leu into a medieval atmosphere for two days: Market and medieval camps, trades of yesteryear, parades in the streets and on the water, activities, etc. It is on this occasion that the popular tournament of water jousting runs. Created in 1990, this free event takes place every second weekend of September and gathers an average of 80,000 visitors. | 25 |
October | Grande réderie d'automne | The autumn edition of the Grande réderie d'Amiens is held every first Sunday in October. | – |
Ô mon Cloître | Evolution of the Nuit Blanche (9 editions), this event is dedicated to the performing arts and visual arts and is held in the cloister of the grey nuns. | 1 | |
Festiv'Art | This festival, held since 2006 by the association of "Free radicals", allows regional, national and international artists to find themselves on the same stage for an evening which is followed by street arts and circus, theatre, concerts and graphic services. | 8 | |
November | Amiens International Film Festival | This international film festival ranks among the five largest film festivals in France.[149] Created in 1980, it is held for nine days in November and records more than 60,000 entries each year. | 35 |
Picardie Mouv | This festival of musiques actuelles , organized by the Picardy regional Council , offers eclectic programming that mixes a collage of artists of international, national and local groups. | 10 | |
December | Christmas Market of Amiens | The largest Christmas market in the north of France,[150] it attracts over one million visitors each year.[151] The market consists of approximately 135 chalets in the city center and offers various animations (a Son et lumière show, Amiens, la cathédrale en couleurs, Ferris wheel, ice rink, village of Santa Claus, parades, rides, etc.). | 18 |
Amiens, la cathédrale en couleurs | Winter Edition of the Son et lumière show of the cathedral. | – |
Month | Event | Subject | Regularity | Last edition (Number) |
March | Rencontres internationales Jules Verne | These meetings, organised by the Centre international Jules-Verne , are held every two years since 1997. | Biannual | 2015 (10) |
Even if it rarely achieves national notoriety (with the notable exceptions of Les Fatals Picards, The Rabeats , Olympe, Albin de la Simone, Disiz and Rokia Traoré), the Amiens music scene is active and developed. In this dynamic, the New French Rock scene holds a central place and is organised around a collective, Amiens Burning, which is responsible for networking the breeding ground for the local rock scene, to accompany its projects, and organize concerts.[152]
Since their creation, La Lune des Pirates and Cité Carter also provide support to the local scene. For example, the Cité Carter produces a compilation each year, with local groups.[153]
Here is an overview of the Amiens music scene:
- Rock: The Rabeats (cover band of The Beatles), The Beyonders, Molly's, Sobo, The Void, Violent Scaredy Cats, Elegant Fall, Gene Trio
- Electro: The Name (who created the soundtrack for the series Bref), The Blue
- Pop: Olympe, Nathaniel Isaac Smog, Ribo
- Metal: Anorak, DSK, Vakarm, Decline of Humanity, Altered beast, Infected Society
- Hip Hop/Rap: Disiz (born in Amiens), D.S.C. (Dirty South Crew), Lj Crackus
- French singers: Albin de la Simone (born in Amiens), EmilieAnneCharlotte
- World Music: Rokia Traoré (Malian-born singer who lived in Amiens in the 1990s)
- Multiple genres: Les Fatals Picards, Zic Zazou (group of nine musicians created in 1982 and winner of La Grande Battle in November 2012)
Classical music is represented by the Orchestre de Picardie and the University Orchestra of Picardy. Vocal practice is represented by the Regional Choir of Picardy, the University Choir of Picardie, and the Choir of France Picardy.
One can also include the Harmony Saint-Pierre, a fanfare of 70 musicians, which has become a local institution since its inception in 1894.[154]
The city has the Conservatoire à rayonnement régional d'Amiens , seat of strong musical activity (framed by 70 teachers, an administrative and technical team with an additional 20 people).[155]
Amiens saw rise, over the centuries, to major writers.[156] In the first half of the 17th century, Vincent Voiture, poet and letter writer, was the darling of the Précieuses for the fluidity of his style. In 1634, he was member of the 1st Académie française. In 1678, Charles du Fresne, sieur du Cange, nicknamed "the French Varro", published his Glossarium in 3 volumes. This glossary of medieval Latin is still authoritative today. In 1750, Jean Baptiste Gresset, a playwright and poet who was celebrated in his time and was a member of the Académie française, founded the Academy of Amiens which is still active today. He was named perpetual president.
In 1782, the Amiens native Choderlos de Laclos published Les Liaisons dangereuses where he staged a depraved nobility. Considered one of the masterpieces of 18th-century literature, the book has toured the world and is known as an Oscar-winning film adaptation.
Here I am quite citizen of Amiens. It seems to me that I was born. I live very happy, although uncomfortable to work. Amiens is a wise city, even-tempered, and the company is friendly and literate. It is near Paris, close enough to have the highlights without unbearable noise and bustle.
In the 19th century, there was a brilliant literary life around the Académie des sciences, des lettres et des arts d'Amiens with historian Albéric de Calonne and the Yvert family. However, the great name of Amiens literary life is Jules Verne. He animated all intellectual activity, giving balls and parties, while his wife held a famous salon. He often attended the library of the industrial society, which subscribed to numerous scientific journals. A member of the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Amiens from 8 March 1872, he was elected Director in 1875, and in 1881 and, on this occasion, he delivered several speeches of welcome, especially for one of his friends, Amiens cartoonist Gédéon Baril , who signed illustrations of Dix heures en chasse with Hetzel. Engaged in local life, he was Councillor of Amiens from 1888 to 1904. He was closely interested in the affairs of the city, wrote many reports on the theatre and brought its support to the construction of the municipal circus .
Amiens does appear explicitly in his novels but there are however characteristic elements of the city such as the cathedral and the river. This is the case, for example, for the imaginary city of Ragz in Le secret de Wilhem Storitz. In the novel Une fantaisie du docteur Ox, the inhabitants of the fictional town of Virgamen, the Virgamenois, refer directly to the Amiénois and their prudent nature.[157]
In 1875, he delivered before the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Amiens a speech entitled "An ideal city: Amiens in the year 2000" where he portrays himself wandering in a forward-thinking city of Amiens. Since then, the city has built a tourist route from this text.
He died in Amiens in 1905, and he deeply marked the town's footprint, so that today many places, monuments and events bear his name. He rests at La Madeleine cemetery where one can read on his tomb: Vers l'immortalité et l'éternelle jeunesse. [Towards immortality and eternal youth].
Such as it is with his distinctive smile, how much I love the Golden Virgin, with her smile of heavenly hostess; how much I love its home at the door of the Cathedral in its adornment exquisite and simple of hawthorns.
— Marcel Proust (about the portal of the Virgin Golden of the Cathedral of Amiens)
In 1885, Englishman John Ruskin published the Bible of Amiens, which was translated into French, extensively annotated and prefaced, in 1904, by Marcel Proust. This book dedicated to Notre-Dame d'Amiens was the opportunity for Proust to recall his admiration for the English author and the Cathedral of Amiens.
I would like to give the reader the desire and the means to spend a day at Amiens in a sort of Ruskinesque pilgrimage. It was not worth starting by asking him to go to Florence or Venice, when Ruskin wrote a whole book on Amiens.
— Marcel Proust
In the second half of the 19th century, Jules Barni , Member of Parliament for the Somme , Associate Professor of philosophy and brilliant scholar translated Kant's work in French and thus enabled its dissemination in France.
A native of Amiens, Paul Bourget published Le Disciple in 1889, a novel today considered his major work. He was elected, 5 years later, to the Académie française.
Born in Sainte-Anne district in 1885, Roland Dorgelès published Les Croix de bois in 1919. A masterpiece written from his notes taken at the Front, the novel won the Prix Femina the same year. Though capable of obtaining the Prix Goncourt, it was beaten by À l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs by Marcel Proust, 6 votes against 4. A member of the Académie Goncourt in 1929, he was elected president in 1954 until his death in 1973.[158]
In 1926, the Amiens native Henri Deberly, won the Prix Goncourt with Le Supplice de Phèdre , a novel inspired by his home city.
Several films or scenes from films were shot in Amiens and its surroundings.[159]
- 1946: Jéricho by Henri Calef with Nadine Alari, Pierre Brasseur and Jacques Charon
- 1959: Head Against the Wall, film of Georges Franju, with Pierre Brasseur and Jean-Pierre Mocky
- 1970: The Clowns of Federico Fellini around the Cirque Jules-Verne
- 1973: La Rose de Fer of Jean Rollin with Françoise Pascal, Hugues Quester and Nathalie Perrey
- 1976: La Saga des Français: La Rumeur, film of Michel Pamart and Marcel Trillat
- 1980: La femme enfant, film of Raphaële Billetdoux, with Klaus Kinski
- 1989: Roselyne et les lions of Jean-Jacques Beineix, with Isabelle Pasco filmed around Cirque Jules-Verne
- 1991: Walking a Tightrope of Nico Papatakis, with Michel Piccoli also filmed around Cirque Jules-Verne
- 1994: Sister My Sister of Nancy Meckler with Julie Walters and Joely Richardson
- 1997: Arlette of Claude Zidi, with Josiane Balasko and Christopher Lambert
- 1999: Je suis né d'une cigogne, film of Tony Gatlif, with Romain Duris
- 2000: Elle et lui au 14e étage of Sophie Blondy , with Guillaume Depardieu and Benoît Magimel[160][161]
- 2000: Confort moderne of Dominique Choisy
- 2002: Carnage of Delphine Gleize
- 2002: Paris selon Moussa, film of Cheik Doukouré
- 2008: Paul Rondin est...Paul Rondin, short film of Frédéric Vin, with François Berland
- 2008: Blanche, short film of Eric Griffon du Bellay, with Romane Bohringer and Clémence Poésy
- 2008: Louise Hires a Contract Killer, film of Gustave Kervern and Benoît Delépine, with Yolande Moreau and Benoît Poelvoorde filmed around the Tour Bleue (before its destruction), in the Étouvie quarter.
- 2008: Française, film of Souad El-Bouhati , with Hafsia Herzi
- 2009: Ricky of François Ozon with Alexandra Lamy
- 2010: Copacabana, film of Marc Fitoussi, with Isabelle Huppert
- 2012: Les Fraises des bois , film of Dominique Choisy
- 2013: La Tête la première , film of Amélie Van Elmbt
Amiens is a stronghold of comics in France. A whole generation of designers and Amiens writers make the city an important creative center of the 9th art. The main actors in this generation, include Régis Hautière , Norédine Allam who notably led the recolouring of the 33 Asterix albums in the framework of the project "The great collection" and also Antoine Dodé , David François , Fraco, Hardoc , Greg Blondin, Nicolas Hitori De, etc.[162]
The city was also the birthplace or home of big names in the comic strip universe, such as the Amiens native Joseph Pinchon, creator of the character of Bécassine; Paul Gillon, winner of the Grand Prix de la ville d'Angoulême and also Philippe Thirault .
Actor of this dynamic around the BD, the association On a marché sur la bulle [Explorers on the bubble] organises the Rendez-vous de la bande dessinée d'Amiens , one of the greatest French comic book festivals.[163] Active throughout the territory, the structure also manages a resource center and has an editorial department with the Éditions de la Gouttière .
Regional culture
- Chés Cabotans d'Anmien or the Cabotins of Amiens is a small Picardy traditional puppet theatre founded in 1933. Lafleur , the hero, was created around 1811 at Saint-Leu . He talks in Picard, exclusively. Traditionally a lackey costume (wearing a red velvet tricorne hat) dressed, Lafleur is cheerful, dynamic, independent and resourceful; its motto is: "bin mier, bin boere, pis did rin foere!" (Drink well, eat well and then do nothing).
- The Picard language is recognised regional language. It is spoken in France in the Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais regions, and in Belgium in the Province of Hainaut. Various associations work for the promotion and development of Picardy culture expressed in theatre, song, in spoken tales but also in writing: Novels, journals, poetry, etc. Since 1993, the Conseil régional de Picardie has developed within the "Office Culturel Régional de Picardie" a cultural policy for the language and the Picardy culture. "The Agency for Picard", created in 2008, is headquartered in Amiens.[164] Picard is taught at the University of Amiens.
- The blasons populaires are surnames or the nicknames given to the inhabitants of cities and the Picardy villages. These surpitchets sometimes come from the history of the city, sometimes a verbal game, sometimes through a mockery of people. The nickname of the inhabitants of Amiens is: Chés Maqueus d'gueugues d'Anmien [Amiens nut eaters] in reference to an episode of the Spanish invasion. On 11 March 1597, the Spanish armies developed a ploy to seize the city: The soldiers of Hernán Tello de Portocarrero, Governor of Doullens, disguised as peasants, came to the gates of the walls with nuts. The starving citizens of Amiens opened the doors and the Spaniards took the city.
Gastronomic specialities
During December, the town hosts the largest Christmas market in northern France.[165] Amiens, in the image of the Picardy region, has a rich gastronomic heritage.[166] Here are some of the specialities:[167]
Amiens is known for a few local foods, including "macarons d'Amiens", small, round-shaped biscuit-type macaroons made from almond paste, fruit and honey, which were first recorded in 1855;[168] "tuiles amienoises" , chocolate and orange curved "tuiles" or biscuits; Pâté de canard d'Amiens – duck pâté in pastry, made since the 17th century;[169] and "la ficelle Picarde", an oven-baked cheese-topped crêpe with ham and mushroom filling,[165][170] then topped with fresh cream flavoured with nutmeg, white pepper, and sprinkled with grated cheese before being browned in the oven. The region is also known for "flamiche aux poireaux", a puff pastry tart made with leeks and cream.[171]
Other dishes include:
- The soup des hortillons: A spring soup which, as its name suggests, originated in the hortillonnages and their vegetable wealth.
- The bisteu or bigalan: Potatoes, onions and bacon pie.
- The Andouillette amiénoise : Pork dumpling mixed with a panade and onions.
- Beignet d'Amiens so-called pets d'âne [donkey pets]: Small round doughnuts and fried fresh goat's cheese and beef marrow.
- The Gâteau battu : Golden yellow brioche crumbs with an aerated texture. It is rich in eggs and butter.
- The galopin: A French toast made from brioche bread cooked like a big pancake.
- The Picardy rabotte: Apple wrapped and baked in a puff pastry.
- The Dariole of Amiens: A popular pastry from the 18th century, topped with a cream with almonds.
- Amiens barley sugar.
The Summer Rambo apple cultivar originated near Amiens in the 16th century.
Notable people

- Magnentius (303–353), usurper of the imperial title 18 January 350 to 11 August 353
- Godeberta (640–670), nun and abbess, patron saint of Noyon, France
- Ansgar (801–865), known as Oscar or Ansgar, evangeliser of Scandinavia. Ansgar is the patron saint of Denmark
- Peter the Hermit (?–1115), preacher in the First Crusade
- André d'Ypres , (before 1428–1450), painter and illuminator; La Crucifixion du Parlement de Paris is attributed to him
- Simon Marmion (1425–1489), painter and illuminator
- Michel de Vascosan (1500–1576), king's printer and the University of Paris, bookseller
- Jean Bullant (1515–1578), architect notably of the Château d'Écouen
- François Dubois (1529–1584), painter
- Jean Riolan the Elder (1539–1605), physician, professor of anatomy and Dean of the Faculté de médecine de Paris
- François de Louvencourt (1569–1638), writer, poet and historian
- Nicolas Cornet (1592–1663), Catholic theologian who was one of the main opponents of Jansenism
- Vincent Voiture (1597–1648), known as " le bel esprit " [the beautiful spirit], poet of Un Précieux and academic
- Nicolas Blasset (1600–1659), sculptor
- Antoine de Cousu (beginning of the 17th–1658), music theorist and composer of church music
- Charles du Fresne, sieur du Cange (1610–1688), historian and philologist
- Claude François, known in religion as Brother Luc, (1614–1685), painter
- Jacques Rohault (1618–1672), physician and proselyte of Mechanism
- Nicolas Barré (1621–1686), religious, beatified in 1999 by John Paul II[172]
- Charles Aubert de La Chesnaye, (1632–1702), businessman the richest and largest landowner of New France
- Charles Varlet known as La Grange, (1639–1692), comedian who belonged to Molière's company and was one of the most renowned
- Charles Cressent (1685–1768), master cabinetmaker, main representative of Regency style
- Jean-Baptiste Dupuis (1698–1790), sculptor
- Jean-Baptiste Gresset (1709–1777), poet (author of Vert-Vert and Le Méchant), member of the Académie française
- Jean-Baptiste Vaquette de Gribeauval (1715–1789), officer and engineer who reformed the field artillery of the French army
- Père Féry (1716–1773), engineer of the château-d'eau
- Joseph Dinouart (1716–1786), preacher, polemicist, compiler of sacred sciences and apologist for French feminism
- Noël François de Wailly (1724–1801), grammarian
- Louis Antoine Vimeux (1737–1814), general of the Revolution and First Empire, Knight of the Royal order and military of Saint-Louis, Commander of the Légion d'honneur, hereditary baron, Governor of the Place de Luxembourg (from 1802 to 1814)
- Jacques-Firmin Vimeux (1740–1728), sculptor in the Cathedral of Amiens[173]
- Choderlos de Laclos (1741–1803), writer, author of Les Liaisons dangereuses
- Pierre Morand du Puch cadet , (1742–1822), general of the armies of the Revolution, died in Amiens
- Jean-Baptiste Delambre (1749–1822), author of the definition of the metre
- Charles Dallery (1754–1835), mechanical engineer, inventor of the steam engine to tubular boiler
- Jacques-Polycarpe Morgan (1759–1843), general of the armies of the Republic and the Empire, born in Amiens and died at Chamarande (Essonne)
- Charles Guillaume Alexandre Bourgeois (1759–1832), painter, engraver, physicist and chemist
- Pierre Amable Jean-Baptiste Trannoy (1772–1833), botanist, physician and hygienist
- François Marie Clément de La Roncière (1773–1854), general of the armies of the Republic and the Empire (name engraved under the Arc de Triomphe of the Star: 11th column)
- Pierre-François-Marie-Auguste Dejean (1780–1847), general and entomologist
- François-Alexandre Desprez (1778–1833), general of the armies of the Republic and the Empire
- Aimé and Louis Duthoit sculptors of the 19th century who, among other things, helped the restoration of the cathedral alongside Eugène Viollet-le-Duc which qualified them for this "last image of the Middle Ages"
- Charles Alexandre (1797–1870), hellenist and lexicographer
- Gédéon de Forceville (1799–1886), sculptor
- Pierre Thuillier, (1799–1859), landscape painter associated with the Barbizon school
- Alphonse Sagebien (1807–1892), engineer, inventor of a type of water wheel, alderman from 1878 to 1888
- Édouard Paris (1814–1874), translator in Picard of the Gospel of Matthew
- Antoine Daveluy, (1818–1866), Catholic saint, missionary Bishop in Korea
- Jules Barni (1818–1878), philosopher and politician, Member of Parliament for the Somme
- Eugène Jolibois (1819–1896), politician
- Pierre Puvis de Chavannes painter (1824–1898), idealistic murals (Panthéon, Sorbonne)
- Ferdinand Pouy (1824–1891), bibliographer died in Amiens
- Albert Dauphin (1827–1898), politician, Minister of Finance in the Government of René Goblet
- René Goblet (1828–1905), journalist and politician, head of the Government, President of the Council, Minister of) the Interior in the Second Government of Charles de Freycinet , Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Government of Charles Floquet
- Jules Verne (1828–1905), city councillor from 1888 to his death, and before all a writer known to all; he rests in the Cemetery of La Madeleine[note 3]
- Charles Tellier (1828–1913), inventor of artificial refrigeration
- Gédéon Baril (1832–1906), cartoonist
- Frédéric Petit (1836–1895), Mayor of Amiens and Third Republic Senator of the Somme
- Édouard Lucas (1842–1891), inventor of mathematical games and puzzles
- Édouard Branly (1844–1940), physicist, inventor of the coherer, the first very sensitive detector of radio waves and physician. A high school as well as a lecture hall, one of the ESIEE, bear his name
- Victorine Autier (1840–1874), heroic nurse of the War of 1870
- Paul Bourget (1852–1935), writer and member of the Académie française
- Marie-Georges Picquart (1854-Amiens, 1914), general, Minister of War and French politician. He played a central role in the Dreyfus affair and provides evidence of the innocence of Alfred Dreyfus.
- Louis Thuillier (1856–1883) physicist and biologist, born and studied at Amiens, buried in the cemetery of La Madeleine
- Albert Roze (1861–1952), sculptor
- Eugène Cosserat (1866–1931) mathematician and astronomer
- Lucien Lecointe (1867–1940), politician
- Mathilde Auguez (1858–1955), light soprano
- Victor Pauchet (1869–1936), surgeon; a clinic founded in 1896 and a square bear his name
- Victor-Ferdinand Bourgeois (1870–1957)[174]
- Joseph Pinchon (1871–1953), cartoonist, creator of Bécassine
- Auguste Sérieyx (1865–1949), musicologist, composer
- Germaine Dulac (1882–1942), film director, film theorist
- Henri Deberly (1882–1947), writer, winner of the Prix Goncourt in 1926
- Clovis Brunel (1884–1971), philologist
- Roland Dorgelès (1885–1973), writer
- Clovis Trouille (1889–1975), painter
- Alphonse Métérié (1887–1967), poet
- Jean Catelas (1894–1941), member of Amiens in 1936, guillotined on 24 September 1941, under the regime of Philippe Pétain
- Alfred Georges Regner (1902–1987), painter, engraver
- Odette Hallowes (1912–1995), World War II heroine
- Léon Lamotte (1912–2011), sculptor
- François Spoerry (1912–1999), architect, originally behind the construction of the tower created by Auguste Perret in Amiens
- Dolorès Vanetti (1912–2008), actress, poet
- Madeleine Michelis (1913–1944), World War II resistant
- Maurice Boitel 1919–2007, painter, lived at 65 Rue Richard de Fournival
- Jeanne Joulain (1920–2010), classical organist
- Florien Decodavaine (1920–1942), painter hermit, resistant during the World War II
- Philippe Pinchemel (1923–2008), geographer
- Roger Agache (1926–2011), archaeologist, pioneer of aerial archaeology
- Pierre Garnier , (1928–2014), poet, creator of spatialism
- Véronique Silver (1931–2010), actress
- Michou (1931–2020), director of the Cabaret Michou in Paris
- Jacques Darras (1939–), poet, essayist and translator
- Sylvain Cambreling (1948–), conductor
- Olivier Blanchard (1949–), Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund, Professor at the MIT
- Philippe Dessaint (1953–), journalist, former director of FR3 Picardie
- Jean-Pierre Pernaut (1950–2022), journalist, television host
- Bernard Devauchelle (1950–), professor of medicine
- Geneviève Fioraso (1954–), Minister of Higher Education and Research in the Jean-Marc Ayrault Governments I and II, Secretary of State responsible for Higher Education and Research in the First and Second Valls Government
- Ivar Ch'Vavar (1951–), creative poet of the L'Invention de la Picardie
- Éric Carreel (1959–), engineer and entrepreneur
- Frank Berton (1962–), lawyer
- Liêm Hoang Ngoc (1964–), economist and politician
- Anne Brochet (1966–), actress
- Jeanne Savary (1966–), comedian
- Éric Berger (1969–), actor
- Philippe Leclerc (1969–), footballer
- Pierre Notte (1969–), playwright, Director and former Secretary general of the Comédie-Française
- Albin de la Simone (1970–), musician, singer-songwriter
- Emmanuel Macron (1977–), President of France
- Najat Vallaud-Belkacem (1977–), Minister of Women's Affairs and spokesperson for the Government[175] in the Government of Jean-Marc Ayrault; grew up in Amiens[176] and is a graduate of the University of Picardie
- Disiz (1978–), rapper, writer and actor
- Raphaël Poulain (1980–), actor and Rugby Union player
- Julien Benedetto (1981–), television reporter on France 2
- François-Henri Désérable (1987–), writer and ice hockey player
- Olympe (1989–), singer
- Théo Gosselin (1990–), photographer
- Pierre Baruzy, (1897–1994), boxer and Savate coach; between 1922 and 1935, he was crowned 11 times as middleweight champion of France
- Urbain Wallet, (1899–1973), footballer
- Robert Marchand, (1911–), world record holder of the fastest centenarian cycling 100 km
- Alfred Letourneur, (1907–1975), cyclist, world speed record holder on flat ground and behind shelter
- Georges Vallerey, (1927–1954), swimmer, Olympic medalist
- Pal Benko (1928–2019), chess grandmaster
- Gisèle Vallerey, (1930–2010), swimmer
- Bernard Quennehen, (1930–), cyclist
- Michel Macquet, (1932–2002), javelin thrower
- Jean-Luc Van Den Heede, (1945–), sailor, sailing single-handed world record holder
- Pierre Mankowski, (1951–), football player and manager
- Daniel Senet, (1953–), weightlifter, Olympic medalist
- Chantal Langlacé, (1955–), long-distance runner, former holder of the world record for the marathon
- Antoine Richer, (1961–), ice hockey player
- François Farout , (1963–), table tennis player, triple champion of France and European champion by team in 1984
- Christophe Léotard (1966–), chess grandmaster
- Étienne Thobois, (1967–), badminton player
- Gérald Baticle, (1969–), football player and manager
- Nicolas Chatelain, (1970–), table tennis player
- Philippe Gaumont, (1973–2013), cyclist
- Marie Collonvillé, (1973–), heptathlete
- Éric Chaulvet, (1974–), basketball player
- Franck Perque, (1974–), cyclist, double world track cycling champion
- Amélie Cocheteux, (1978–), tennis player
- Mathieu Mille, (1981–), ice hockey player
- Julie Coin, (1982–), tennis player
- Cédric Ouattara, (1983–), footballer
- Yannick Salem, (1983–), footballer
- Kévin Hecquefeuille, (1984–), ice hockey player
- Lucie Louette Kanning , (1985–), judoka
- Thomas Roussel, (1985–), ice hockey player
- Brian Henderson, (1986–), ice hockey player
- Caroline Loir, (1988–), canoeist
- Pierre Soudry , (1988–), handballer
- Jérémy Stravius, (1988–), swimmer, Olympic champion
- Greg Houla, (1988–), footballer
- Yohan M'Vila, (1988–), footballer
- Dorian N'Goma, (1988–), footballer
- Grégory Beron, (1989–), ice hockey player
- Princesse Goubo, (1991–), basketball player
- Yann M'Vila, (1990–), footballer
- Rudy Gobert, (1992–), basketball player
- Clément Chevrier, (1992–), cyclist
- Mélanie Henique, (1992), butterfly swimmer
- Corentin Ermenault, (1996–), cyclist
Linked to the city
- Saint Martin, Roman soldier, shared his coat with a beggar in Amiens in a gesture which has been remembered
- Saint Honoré, Bishop of Amiens and Patron Saint of bakers
- Lafleur, hero and main character of puppet Amiens "Chés cabotans".
- Jean-Marie Roland de La Platière (1734–1793), Economist and statesman, lived in Amiens and was Inspector of factories in the city
- Antoine Parmentier, (1737–1813), military pharmacist, agronomist, nutritionist and hygienist. Member of the Academy of sciences of Amiens,[177] he popularized the consumption of potatoes
- Jacques Delille or Abbé Delille, (1738–1813), poet and translator, a member of the French Academy, was a professor at the college of Amiens
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829), naturalist who laid the foundations of the theory of the evolution of species
- Jean-Baptiste Cousin de Grainville, (1746–1805), philosopher, poet, priest in Amiens and pioneer of fantasy literature
- Madame Roland (1754–1793), figure of the French Revolution, face of the Girondist party, lived in Amiens
- Marguerite Georges, (1787–1867), famous actress, lived at Amiens and began her career there
- Camille Léon de Chassepot de Beaumont , (1808–1893), colonel in the National Guard who, under his command, distinguished himself on 17 November 1870[178]
- Jules Lefebvre, (1836–1911), painter, student of the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts of Amiens[179]
- Jón Sveinsson, (1857–1944), Icelandic priest and author of popular children's books, studied and did his novitiate in Amiens
- Auguste Perret, (1874–1954), architect, creator of the Tour Perret
- Jean Moulin (1899–1943), prefect and resistant, was Secretary general of the prefecture of Somme
- Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque (1902–1947), Marshal of France, began his studies at the college of the Providence[180]
- Alfred Manessier, (1911–1993), painter, pupil of the École des beaux-arts of Amiens
- Robert Mallet, (1915–2002), civil servant, writer and man of French radio, founder and Rector of the Academy of Amiens
- Jacques Le Goff, (1924–2014), medievalist historian, he taught at the Lycée Louis-Thuillier
- Alain Bombard, (1924–2005), medical biologist and navigator, lived in Amiens for twenty years
- André Crépin (1928–2013), essayist, linguist and medievalist, Member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, lived in Amiens
- Gilbert Richard , (1928–), television producer and host on the first television channel (1960–1992)
- Vladimir Volkoff, (1932–2005), writer, lived in Amiens
- Stéphane Le Foll, (1960–), politician, Minister of agriculture in Jean-Marc Ayrault I and II, Manuel Valls I and II Governments, graduated from the agricultural college of Amiens Le Paraclet
- Grégoire Delacourt, (1960–), writer, had part of his studies at the school of Providence in Amiens
- Catherine Fleury-Vachon, (1966–), judoka, Olympic champion; head of the "pôle Espoirs" of Amiens un 1998–2005
- Frédéric Cuvillier, (1968–), politician, Deputy Minister of transport and maritime economy in Jean-Marc Ayrault I and II, Manuel Valls I Governments, graduated in law at the University of Picardy
- Laurent Delahousse (1969–), journalist and television presenter, grew up in Amiens
- Pascale Boistard, (1971–), politician, Secretary of State for the rights of women in the Second Valls Government, Member of Parliament for Somme's 1st constituency (Northern Amiens)
- Benjamin Biolay, (1973–), singer-songwriter, lived in Amiens[181]
- Miss Kittin, (1973–), DJ, studied in Amiens
- Élodie Gossuin-Lacherie, (1980–), television presenter, radio host, Miss France and Miss Europe 2001, registered at the Picardy regional Council since 2004.[182]
- Nicolas Duvauchelle, (1980–), actor and model, has lived in Amiens[183]
- Édouard Louis, (1992–), writer and academic, studied at the Lycée Madeleine Michelis and the University of Picardy
Heraldry, logo and motto
The arms of Amiens are blazoned : "Of gules to ivy of argent, the chief azure sown of fleurs-de-lis Or." Motto: "Liliis tenaci vimine jungor",[184] which means 'a strong bond unites the lilies'. Amiens, a fortress city, suffered attacks and resisted, staying French. Its coat of arms symbolise this attachment to France, commitment symbolised by ivy. France being symbolised by the seedlings of fleurs-de-lis authorised by the Kings of France.[185]
In the full arms of the city, holding and support are two unicorns, support is of acanthus leaves, while the crest is a castle keep of five parts. The two figures emblazoned in the arms of Amiens are lily and ivy, which today still decorate the city logo. The unicorn is a symbol of the knightly virtues of purity and attraction to beauty and delicacy. Even today, the unicorn makes a number of references in the city: The eponymous stadium, the coat of arms of the Amiens football team as well as the award of the Amiens International Film Festival.[186]
- Logo of the city of Amiens
In 1991, the municipality formed around Gilles de Robien designed a new logo, incorporating the Fleur-de-lis and the Ivy leaf present on the coat of arms, placed side by side in red with a background of grey or white, depending on usage.
- A stamp representing the arms of the city was issued in 1962, this issue fitted into one of the Arms of cities. Its power of postage was five cents. It was issued on 23 January 1962 and withdrawn from sale on 23 January 1977. A first day was arranged in Amiens on 21 July 1962. It was designed by Robert Louis . Artist Arman made a board collage of this stamp.[187]
See also
- ^ Work had also been delayed, because some people wanted to "preserve the cathedral", the situation was exceptional.
- ^ The concentration of employment indicator equals the number of jobs in the area per 100 people in active employment residing in the area, according to the Insee definition.
- ^ He lived for 18 years in a mansion located in Henriville, which includes an observatory atop a tower. His house, now classified as an Historical Monument, was acquired by the city of Amiens in 1980. Reopened on 24 March 2006 after a year of work, the Jules Verne House is a museum. The University of Picardie is called "Jules Verne". A viaduct east of the city and a lecture hall of ESIEE also bear his name.
- ^ "Populations légales 2019". The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies. 29 December 2021.
- ^ "Amiens". The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (5th ed.). HarperCollins. Retrieved 7 March 2020.
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- ^ a b Benoit Delespierre, Longueau, l'autre gare d'Amiens, Courrier picard, 11 avril 2013.
- ^ This expression, which dates from before 2004, is due to a Socialist politician from the Haute-Vienne, Jacques Santrot , the expression which was then adopted by a geographer, Jean-François Troin, which also cited the TGV stations of Vendôme, Mâcon, and Le Creusot. "Analyse de l'impact du TGV-Est sur les agglomérations de Metz, Nancy, Épinal et Thionville" (PDF). 16 November 2004. p. 33. rapport de phase 2, I.S.I.S. Ingénierie.
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- ^ Code de la sécurité sociale , art. R. 143–16, issued with the décret no.2003-614 of 3 July 2003.
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- ^ Nick Rider (1 May 2005). Short Breaks Northern France. New Holland Publishers. p. 135. ISBN 9781860111839.
- ^ Michelin (16 April 2010). Michelin Green Guide Northern France & Paris Region. Michelin. p. 62. ISBN 9781906261887.
- ^ Russel Cousins; Ron Hallmark; Ian Pickup (15 December 1994). Studying and Working in France: A Student Guide. Manchester University Press ND. p. 111. ISBN 9780719042201.
- ^ Alan Rogers (1 January 2007). Alan Rogers France 2007. Alan Rogers Guides Ltd. p. 88. ISBN 9780955048647.
- ^ "Consacré à Nicolas Barré". Archived from the original on 16 October 2015.
- ^ Dictionnaire des sculpteurs de l'école française au siecle XVIII, Stanislas Lami
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- ^ "Décret du 16 mai 2012 relatif à la composition du Gouvernement". Journal officiel de la République française. 7 May 2012.
- ^ Jacques Bertoin, « Najat Belkacem, la vie en rose » Archived 27 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine, Jeune-afrique.com, 18 March 2007.
- ^ "La ville est tout à fait fondée à parler de Parmentier". Le Courrier picard. 10 February 2013. Archived from the original on 11 November 2013. Retrieved 24 April 2013.
- ^ Battle of Amiens (1870)
- ^ "LADY GODIVA Amiens Musée de Picardie" (PDF). culturecommunication.gouv.fr. 20 June 2012. Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 September 2015. Retrieved 21 May 2013.
- ^ José Brice, Patton-Leclerc, éd. Société des Ecrivains, 2014, ISBN 978-2-342-02324-4, 190 p., p. 21; Christine Levisse-Touzé et Musée Jean Moulin, Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque, 1902–1947: la légende d'un héros, éd. Paris-Musées, 2002, ISBN 978-2-84734-033-4, 159 p., p. 19; Michel Marmin, Leclerc, Éditions Chronique, 2013, ISBN 979-10-90871-96-0, 136 p., Philippe fait ses études chez les Jésuites
- ^ "Vite dit". Amiens Forum n°40. April 2013. Archived from the original on 28 June 2013. Retrieved 29 April 2013.
- ^ "LACHERIE-GOSSUIN Elodie". Conseil Régional de Picardie. 2010. Archived from the original on 22 October 2014. Retrieved 22 October 2014.
- ^ Romain Blondeau (26 March 2011). "J'ai rendu visite à la mamie d'Amiens de Nicolas Duvauchelle". Les Inrockuptibles. Retrieved 29 April 2013.
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- ^ "Les armoiries d'Amien". amiens.fr. Archived from the original on 23 April 2013. Retrieved 22 April 2013.
- ^ Œuvre listed under the No. APA #8005.62.010 Arman archives in New York.
Further reading
: Document used to draft this article.
- Estienne, Jean; Vasselle, François (1967). Le Bel Amiens [The beautiful Amiens]. Picardie (in French). Amiens: Martelle éditions. p. 203. ISBN 2-87890-014-6.
- Roy, Paule; Duvanel, Maurice (1988). Amiens : De Daguerre à Jules Verne, 1849-1905 [Amiens: De Daguerre to Jules Verne, 1849-1905] (in French). Amiens: Éditions Poiré-Choquet. p. 155. ISBN 978-2-9502147-2-0.
- Breitman, Marc; Krier, Rob (1989). Le Nouvel Amiens [The new Amiens]. Villes (in French). Bruxelles: Mardaga/Institut Français d'Architecture. p. 471. ISBN 2-87009-368-3.
- Alain Trogneux (1991). Amiens entre deux guerres : Fêtes, spectacles et distractions [Amiens between two wars: parties, performances and entertainments]. Hier (in French). Amiens: Encrage Éditions. p. 208. ISBN 2-906389-29-3.
- Barbier, Bruno (1992). La grande guerre à Amiens [The great war in Amiens]. Hier (in French). Amiens: Encrage Éditions. p. 192. ISBN 2-906389-39-0.
- Cultru, Hervé (1994). Amiens "Belle Epoque". Vie culturelle et artistique [Amiens "Belle Époque". Cultural and artistic life]. Hier (in French). Amiens: Encrage Éditions. p. 160. ISBN 2-906389-56-0.
- Mabire, Pierre; Ropars, Claude; Héritier, Jacques (1995). Amiens Mémoire [Amiens memory]. mémoire (in French). Edi Loire. p. 128. ISBN 978-2-84084-030-5.
- Bondois, Olivier (1996). Les banques à Amiens à l'époque de Jules Verne [Amiens banks at the time of Jules Verne]. Revue Jules Verne (in French). Centre International Jules Verne. pp. 90–103.
- Trogneux, Alain (1997). Amiens, années 50 : De la Libération à la Ve République [Amiens, 50s: from Liberation until the Fifth Republic]. Hier (in French). Amiens: Encrage Éditions. p. 224. ISBN 2-906389-83-8.
- Curie, Michel; Cry, Didier (1999). Amiens au fil du regard [Amiens over look] (in French). Amiens: Martelle éditions. p. 111. ISBN 978-2-87890-074-3.
- Trogneux, Alain (2000). Amiens, années 60 : Naissance d'une capitale régionale [Amiens, 1960s: birth of a regional capital]. Hier (in French). Amiens: Encrage Éditions. p. 224. ISBN 2-911576-25-X.
- Delattre, Daniel; Delattre, Emmanuel (2005). Amiens, ses rues, ses faubourgs [Amiens, its streets, its suburbs] (in French). Éditions Delattre. p. 192. ISBN 978-2-915907-15-5.
- Carpi, Olivier (2005). Une République imaginaire : Amiens pendant les troubles de religion (1559-1597) [An imaginary Republic: Amiens during the troubles of religion (1559-1597)]. Histoire et société (in French). Belin. p. 254. ISBN 2-7011-3239-8.
- Groseil, Véronique (2005). Amiens Jardins [Amiens Gardens] (in French). Amiens: Éditions Librairie du Labyrinthe. p. 144. ISBN 2-9523061-2-5.
- Beauvalet, Scarlett; Hurpin, Gérard (2005). Amiens à l'époque moderne (1500-1850) : Aspects d'une société urbaine en Picardie [Amiens at the modern era (1500-1850): Aspects of an urban society in Picardy]. Hier (in French). Amiens: Encrage Éditions. p. 336. ISBN 2-911576-60-8.
- Ruffin, François (2006). Quartier Nord [North quarter] (in French). Fayard. p. 517. ISBN 2-213-62901-3.
- Lando, Pascal; Poiret, Emmanuelle (2007). Amiens et le pays de Somme [Amiens and the Lands of Somme]. Tranches de France (in French). Paris: Éditions Déclics. p. 80. ISBN 978-2-84768-098-0.
- Bailly, Xavier; Gauthier, Karine (2007). Amiens, ville d'art et d'histoire [Amiens, city of art and history] (in French). Éditions du patrimoine, Centre des monuments nationaux. p. 144. ISBN 978-2-85822-933-8.
- Barbedor, Isabelle; Lefébure, Thierry (2008). Églises et chapelles des siecles XIXe et XXe (Amiens métropole) [Churches and chapels of the 19th and 20th centuries (Amiens metropole)]. Parcours du Patrimoine (in French). Lyon: Éditions lieux-Dits. p. 72. ISBN 978-2-914528-47-4.
- Duvanel, Maurice; Mabire, Pierre (2008). Les Amiénois : De la terre et de l'eau [Amiens: of the earth and water] (in French). Crèvecœur-le-Grand: Éditions du Moulin-Alidor. p. 143. ISBN 978-2-917190-03-6.
- Duvanel, Maurice; Mabire, Pierre (2008). Les Amiénois : A pied, à cheval, en avion [The Amiens: On foot, on horseback, by plane] (in French). Crèvecœur-le-Grand: Éditions du Moulin-Alidor. p. 143. ISBN 978-2-917190-05-0.
- Duvanel, Maurice; Mabire, Pierre (2009). Les Amiénois : Des rires, du sang, des larmes [Amiens: Laughs, blood, tears] (in French). Crèvecœur-le-Grand: Éditions du Moulin-Alidor. p. 144. ISBN 978-2-917190-06-7.
- Duvanel, Maurice; Mabire, Pierre (2009). Les Amiénois : De l'ombre à la lumière [Amiens: Shadow in the light] (in French). Crèvecœur-le-Grand: Éditions du Moulin-Alidor. p. 143. ISBN 978-2-917190-08-1.
- Fouré, Jean-Marie (2009). Amiens : du Tram au Bus [Amiens: Of the tram to Bus] (in French). Crèvecœur-le-Grand: Éditions du Moulin-Alidor. p. 96. ISBN 978-2-917190-07-4.
- Dourouri, Kaltoume (2009). Amiens d'Antan : Amiens à travers la carte postale ancienne [Yesteryear Amiens: Amiens through old postcards]. La France d'antan (in French). HC Éditions. p. 110. ISBN 978-2-35720-007-4.
- Tillier, Claude; Delautre, Franck (2011). Amiens à l'heure bleue [Amiens to the blue hour] (in French). Engelaere Éditions. p. 72. ISBN 978-2-917621-11-0.
- Delattre-Arnould, Nathalie; Delattre, Daniel (2012). Les rues d'Amiens, promenade dans le temps, Tome 1, les rues de A à D [The streets of Amiens, walk in time, volume 1, the streets of A to D] (in French). Éditions Delattre. p. 96. ISBN 978-2-364640-16-0.
- Leleux, Philippe (2012). Hortillonnages et hortillons [Vegetable farming and farms] (in French). Amiens: Éditions Librairie du Labyrinthe. p. 80. ISBN 978-2-918397-07-6.
- Bou, Pierre (2012). 12 juillet 1913 : Le Grand Prix de l'Automobile Club de France [12 July 1913: The Grand Prix of the Automobile Club of France]. Amiens un jour (in French). Amiens: Encrage Éditions. p. 96. ISBN 978-2-36058-034-7.
- Roger, Delphine (2013). Histoire d'une ville: Amiens [History of a city: Amiens]. série parcours d'Histoire (in French). Centre régional de documentation pédagogique d'Amiens. p. 161. ISBN 978-2-86615-391-5.
- Tixier, Nicolas (2013). Amiens 2030 : Le quotidien en projets [Amiens 2030: The daily projects] (in French). Bazar Urbain éditions. p. 490. ISBN 978-2-9545249-0-0.
- Sanchez, Manuel; Bouton, Solène; Dourouri, Kaltoume (2013). Amiens : Grand Amiénois - Circuit du souvenir 1914-1918 [Amiens: Grand Amiénois - Circuit of remembrance 1914-1918]. Cartoville (in French). Paris: Gallimard Loisirs. p. 52. ISBN 978-2-7424-3527-2.
- Trogneux, Alain (2014). Amiens, années 70 : La fin des Trente Glorieuses [Amiens, 1970s: The end of the "Glorious Thirty"]. Hier (in French). Amiens: Encrage Éditions. p. 224. ISBN 978-2-36058-040-8.
External links