에콰도르의 COVID-19 대유행
COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador에콰도르의 COVID-19 대유행 | |
![]() 확인된 환자 100~499명 보고 확인된 환자 500~2499명 보고 확인된 환자 2500~4999명 보고 확인된 환자 5000~7499명 보고 확인된 환자 7500~9999명 확인된 환자 10000-1999명 보고 확인된 환자 20000~399999명 400 4만 건 확인 건수 | |
질병 | COVID-19 |
바이러스 균주 | 사스-CoV-2 |
위치 | 에콰도르 |
첫 발병 | 우한, 후베이, 중국(글로벌) 스페인(로컬) |
인덱스 케이스 | 과야킬 |
도착일자 | 2020년 2월 14일 (2년 5개월 2주 1일) 2020년 2월 29일 확정 (2년 5개월) |
확인된 사례 | 922,398[1][2] |
회복했다 | 870,666 [1][2] |
사망. | 35,755[1][2][a] |
치사율 | 6.49% |
정부 웹사이트 | |
coronavirusecuador www |
에콰도르의 COVID-19 대유행은 심각한 급성 호흡기 증후군 코로나 바이러스 2(SARS-CoV-2)에 의해 야기되는 전세계 코로나 바이러스 질병 2019(COVID-19) 대유행의 일부이다.이 바이러스는 2020년 2월 29일 에콰도르로 확산된 것으로 보고되었으며, 그 때 70대 여성이 바이러스 양성 반응을 보였다.에콰도르는 지난 4월 과야킬시가 거리에 [6]시신이 방치될 정도로 압도당하면서 [5]라틴 아메리카에서 유행병이 발생할 수 있는 "특수 지역"으로 부상하고 있다고 묘사됐다.
에콰도르에서는 시신 후송에 어려움을 겪고 [7][8][needs update]있어 2020년 4월 현재 골판지 관을 보급하고 있다.정부는 [9]거리에 버려진 시신을 처리하기 위해 비상 묘지를 만들었다.유가 하락을 초래한 대유행은 [10]그 나라에 심각한 경제적 영향을 미쳤다.
사망자의 수는 검사율이 낮기 때문에 공식 수치보다 훨씬 더 많은 것으로 알려져 있으며, 평상시 [11][12]수치에 비해 수천 명의 초과 사망자가 보고되었다.뉴욕타임스의 분석에 따르면 2020년 3월 1일부터 2020년 4월 15일까지 사망률이 평소의 3배까지 치솟으면서 7,600명의 초과 사망자가 발생했으며, 이는 당시 공식 사망자 수가 15배까지 과소평가되었음을 보여준다. 이후 분석에서는 3월에서 9월 사이에 3차례에 걸쳐 36,200명의 초과 사망자가 발생한 것으로 나타났다.특히 COVID-19 [13][14]사망자의 공식 수.
2020년 5월 14일, 40명의 시위대가 COVID-19로 사망한 사람들의 시신을 부적절하게 처리하고 대유행에 충분한 자금을 제공한 것에 대해 정부에 대해 평화적으로 항의했다고 보도되었다.경찰은 시위대에게 돌격하여 [15]그 과정에서 부상을 입혔다.
1월 12일 세계보건기구(WHO)는 2019년 [16][17]12월 31일 WHO에 보고된 중국 후베이성 우한시의 한 집단에서 신종 코로나바이러스가 호흡기 질환의 원인임을 확인했다.
2003년의 사스와 달리, COVID-19의 경우 사망률은 훨씬 낮았지만, 총 사망자 [20][18]수가 상당할 정도로 전염력은 훨씬 더 컸다.
The following section includes all the daily reports published by national media, communicating the updates of the new confirmed cases from the Ministry of Health or the INSPI (Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Salud Pública, in English National Public Health Research Institute).
February 2020
On 29 February, the Minister of Public Health in Ecuador, Catalina Andramuño, confirmed the first case of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the country.[21] The patient was a woman in her 70s and an Ecuadorian citizen who resided in Spain. She arrived in Guayaquil on 14 February.[21] According to Andramuño, she had no symptoms when she arrived in the country. Following her arrival, she began experiencing symptoms including a fever and mild muscle pain. She was taken to a healthcare facility in serious condition and with reserved prognosis. Further details about the woman and the hospital where she is located were not disclosed due to security measures. Also, 80 people who had contact with the infected woman were put under observation.[22][23]
March 2020
On 1 March, Andramuño announced that 5 new cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed in Ecuador.[24] On 4 March 3 new cases were announced by the Ministry of Health.[25] The last report, according to the INSPI (Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Salud Pública, in English National Public Health Research Institute), confirmed a total of 14 positive cases.[26]
On 8 March, the Ministry of Health in Ecuador announced through social media a new case of the coronavirus in the country. According to the statement, the patient became infected from contact with the first case confirmed in the region. At this time there were 15 confirmed cases in the country.[27]
On 10 March, the Ministry of Health in Ecuador announced 2 new cases of the coronavirus in the country. These cases are in the provinces of Guayas and Los Ríos. One of the cases is related to the first case in the country, and the other is related to the first case in Paraguay.[28]
As of 13 March, 23 cases had been confirmed by the Government.[29] There were cases reported in Pichincha (5), Guayas (8), and Los Rios(10). The Government suspended class attendance for students at all levels. Additionally, the first death (the first Ecuadorian infection case) was reported by the Minister of Public Health, Catalina Andramuño, during a press conference in Guayaquil.[30]
On 14 March, Ecuador's government announced the closure of its borders from 15 March to all foreign travelers due to the spread of the coronavirus, after local authorities confirmed a second death from the infection. Vice President Otto Sonnenholzner, in a televised statement, said all aerial, land and maritime transport into the Andean country will be prohibited. Ecuadorian citizens and foreigners with Ecuadorean residency had until the end of 16 March to return, he said. Ecuador at this point had confirmed 28 cases of the coronavirus, including two deaths, and authorities banned all public activities.[31]

On 15 March, 37 cases had been confirmed by the Government. Guayas had 19 cases, Los Rios 10 cases, Pichincha 6 cases, Sucumbios 1 case and Azuay 1 case.[32] Citizens of Ecuador, El Salvador, Perú, and Chile were stranded at Benito Juárez International Airport in Mexico City on 16 March because of the virus.[33] 58 cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed in Ecuador, including a new case in Manta, Manabi. Guayas Province had 38 infected, Los Ríos Province 10 infected, Pichincha Province 7 infected, Sucumbíos Province 1 case, Azuay Province 1 infected, and Manabi 1 case.[34]
On the morning of 17 March, the Ecuadorian government confirmed a total of 111 positive cases.[35] The following day the Ecuadorian government confirmed a total of 155 positive cases.[36] increased to 168 positive cases in the afternoon.[37] The number of confirmed cases increased daily,[38] by the morning of 20 March, the number of confirmed cases had increased to 367, with 582 suspected cases, 5 deaths and 4 recoveries.[39]
On 21 March, the government confirmed 532 positive cases, 870 suspected cases, 7 deaths and 3 recovered.[40] On that day the Ecuador's Minister of Public Health Catalina Andramuño resigned; in her letter of resignation she said that the government had not allocated any additional budget to her ministry for the COVID-19 emergency.[41] She was replaced by Dr. Juan Carlos Zevallos.[42]
On 23 March, the Ecuadorian government reported 981 confirmed cases and 18 deaths.[43] On 24 March, the Ecuadorian police moved to dismantle open markets to limit large groups of people coming together.[44] On the afternoon of 30 March, the new Minister of Public Health of Ecuador, Juan Carlos Zevallos announced that 54 people had recovered.[45]
April 2020

By early April, the health system in Guayas Province was overwhelmed, and many of Ecuador's COVID-19 deaths were reported there. Corpses were abandoned on the street as local funeral homes were incapable of handling so much work.[46]
On 2 April president Lenín Moreno said that the government was building a "special camp" for the victims of the coronavirus in Guayaquil.[47] Two-thirds of COVID-19 cases of Ecuador were reported to be in Guayaquil and its surrounding areas, and local authorities have ordered cardboard coffins, and said that a new cemetery would be opened and freezer units would be used to store the corpses.[48]
Data emerged on 17 April suggesting that the number of death due to COVID-19 may be much higher than that officially reported – 10,939 people had died in six weeks since the start of March in the Guayas province, compared to a normal figure of 3,000 for the region,[11] with nearly 6,000 more deaths than average reported in Guayaquil in the first two weeks of April alone.[12] Both the Interior Minister María Paula Romo and President Lenín Moreno admitted that the official numbers for COVID-19 were too low due to insufficient testing.[49]
On 21 April, the government announced plans to restart its economy as well as allowing flights home for its citizens abroad, although controls on education and transport and the ban of large gatherings of people remained.[50]
On 23 April, Health Minister Juan Carlos Zevallos doubled the number of confirmed cases, adding 11,000 new infections to the previous total of 11,183 infections. The doubling of cases was the result of delayed testing of patients.[51]
It has been estimated that there were over 9,000 excess deaths in Guyaquil in the months of March and April. The chaotic conditions in hospitals had led to misidentification of the deceased with many bodies of the dead going missing.[52][53]
May 2020
On 4 May, the number of confirmed cases had reached over 30,000, with 31,881 cases reported, 1,569 reported deaths and a further 1,336 possible deaths caused by the virus.[54]
By 15 May, the situation in Guayaquil appeared to have stabilized, although it still had 55% of the total 31,467 cases in Ecuador. However, increasing numbers in Quito were reported, with 2,400 coronavirus cases and 181 deaths registered in the Pichincha Province.[55]
The Financial Times estimated that between January and mid-May, there were over 19,200 excess deaths in Ecuador, 12,000 of which were from Guayaquil alone.[10]
June 2020
On 13 June, a major laboratory involved in testing for coronavirus was forced to close and stop its tests due to a lack of basic lab equipment.[56]
July 2020
On 23 July, Quito surpassed Guayaquil in the number of cases, becoming the epicenter of the disease in Ecuador.[57]
August 2020
On 11 August, the Pichincha province surpassed Guayas as the province with the highest number of cases.[58]
On 21 August, confirmed positive cases were reported in all 24 provinces, with Quito being the hardest-hit area. According to "Compassion Ecuador," the indigenous population is particularly vulnerable.[59]
Cumulative cases
By province
Daily cases
Current number of cases by provinces
Provinces | Confirmed cases | Confirmed deaths | Probable deaths |
![]() | 25,374 | 519 | 44 |
![]() | 6,738 | 111 | 23 |
![]() | 8,751 | 284 | 3 |
![]() | 6,030 | 137 | 22 |
![]() | 8,569 | 530 | 141 |
![]() | 11,572 | 580 | 129 |
![]() | 21,830 | 1,099 | 256 |
![]() | 8,946 | 392 | 85 |
![]() | 1,469 | 10 | 12 |
![]() | 65,886 | 2,757 | 1,918 |
![]() | 15,329 | 424 | 28 |
![]() | 17,160 | 567 | 160 |
![]() | 12,712 | 493 | 424 |
![]() | 32,234 | 2,551 | 1,183 |
![]() | 6,146 | 60 | 9 |
![]() | 3,583 | 109 | 4 |
![]() | 3,494 | 96 | 23 |
![]() | 3,319 | 87 | 19 |
![]() | 165,854 | 3,197 | 386 |
![]() | 4,418 | 428 | 281 |
![]() | 11,684 | 697 | 142 |
![]() | 5,460 | 173 | 6 |
![]() | 14,459 | 619 | 376 |
![]() | 2,934 | 100 | 14 |
![]() | 463,951 | 16,020 | 5,688 |
On 16 December 2020, the Ecuadorian medical authority ARCSA granted emergency use of the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.[61] Vaccination is planned to start in January 2021 for senior home residents and medical workers, with mass vaccination beginning in March.[62]
Economic impact
The government is paying informal workers $60 per month to stay at home. An estimated 500,000 Venezuelan migrants in Ecuador are especially vulnerable because they do not have access to the stimulus payments.[63] The country was already in economic difficulties before the pandemic, but the COVID-19 pandemic and fall in oil prices during the pandemic had led to severe economic problems in the country. All government officials and teachers had been asked to take a pay cut, a number of national companies such as the national airline TAME were liquidated, and Ecuador was unable to pay its foreign debt. The budget deficit for 2020 is expected to be at least $12bn, which is about 11 per cent of Ecuador's gross domestic product.[10] A law to make labour law more flexible was also passed.[64] Government announcement of cuts has led to protests by demonstrators.[65]
The poverty rate reached 32.4 percent in December 2020 (up 7.4 percentage points from December 2019) according to government data. The recession in 2020 is estimated at 10 percent.[66]
See also
- ^ a b c "Ecuador COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer".
- ^ a b c "Salud_Ec". Twitter (in Spanish). Ministerio de Salud Pública. 31 May 2022. Retrieved 1 June 2021.
- ^ "COVID-19: Ecuador struggles to bury the dead as bodies pile up".
- ^ "Ecuador's virus-hit Guayaquil begins burials of 1,000, opens 2 hospitals". www.efe.com.
- ^ "Uncollected bodies lie for days in the streets of Ecuador the emerging epicentre of the coronavirus in Latin America". Stuff/Fairfax. 4 April 2020.
- ^ "Ecuador coronavirus: Bodies are being left in the streets in an overwhelmed city". msn.com. Retrieved 5 April 2020.
- ^ Phillips, Tom; Moncada, Blanca (5 April 2020). "Ecuador: cardboard coffins distributed amid coronavirus fears". The Guardian. Retrieved 8 April 2020.
- ^ "Ecuador distributes cardboard coffins to cope with Covid-19". CNN. Retrieved 8 April 2020.
- ^ "Ecuador builds emergency cemeteries due to coronavirus outbreak". Reuters. 8 April 2020. Retrieved 8 April 2020.
- ^ a b c Stott, Michael; Long, Gideon (15 June 2020). "'This is a real world war': Ecuador's president on the virus". Financial Times.
- ^ a b Collyns, Dan (17 April 2020). "Ecuador's death rate soars as fears grow over scale of coronavirus crisis". The Guardian.
- ^ a b "Coronavirus nightmare in Ecuador's main city Guayaquil – pictures". BBC. 17 April 2020.
- ^ Wu, Jin; McCann, Allison; Katz, Josh; Peltier, Elian; Singh, Karan Deep (21 April 2020). "The Pandemic's Hidden Toll: Half a Million Deaths". The New York Times.
- ^ Cabrera, José María León; Kurmanaev, Anatoly (23 April 2020). "Ecuador's Death Toll During Outbreak Is Among the Worst in the World". The New York Times. Retrieved 23 April 2020.
- ^ "Police Beat and Injure Ecuador's Covid-19 Protesters". Human Rights Watch. 25 May 2020. Retrieved 25 May 2020.
- ^ Elsevier. "Novel Coronavirus Information Center". Elsevier Connect. Archived from the original on 30 January 2020. Retrieved 15 March 2020.
- ^ Reynolds, Matt (4 March 2020). "What is coronavirus and how close is it to becoming a pandemic?". Wired UK. ISSN 1357-0978. Archived from the original on 5 March 2020. Retrieved 5 March 2020.
- ^ a b "Crunching the numbers for coronavirus". Imperial News. Archived from the original on 19 March 2020. Retrieved 15 March 2020.
- ^ "High consequence infectious diseases (HCID); Guidance and information about high consequence infectious diseases and their management in England". GOV.UK. Archived from the original on 3 March 2020. Retrieved 17 March 2020.
- ^ "World Federation Of Societies of Anaesthesiologists – Coronavirus". wfsahq.org. Archived from the original on 12 March 2020. Retrieved 15 March 2020.
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- ^ "Ministerio de Salud confirma primer caso de coronavirus en Ecuador". El Comercio (in Spanish). Retrieved 29 February 2020.
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- ^ El Comercio [@elcomerciocom] (1 March 2020). "#ATENCIÓN La ministra de Salud, Catalina Andramuño, informa cinco nuevos casos positivos de #COVID19 en Ecuador. Los afectados son del círculo primario familiar de la paciente. Y se encuentran con sintomatología leve y se mantiene la vigilancia permanente Vía: @jandresgonz73 t.co/Qj6wWotOZs" (Tweet) (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 13 March 2020. Retrieved 4 January 2022 – via Twitter.
- ^ El Comercio [@elcomerciocom] (4 March 2020). "#URGENTE Tres nuevos casos por #covid19 en Ecuador. Los nuevos casos son contactos directos de la primera paciente con coronavirus, informa el Ministerio de Salud t.co/NukRvBhK44" (Tweet) (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 19 March 2020. Retrieved 4 January 2022 – via Twitter.
- ^ "Extranjero, el caso número 14 de contagiados con coronavirus en Ecuador". El Universo (in Spanish). 6 March 2020.
- ^ "Coronavirus: 15 contagiados con el nuevo COVID-19 en Ecuador". El Universo (in Spanish). 8 March 2020.
- ^ El Comercio [@elcomerciocom] (10 March 2020). "#ATENCIÓN Ministerio de Salud confirma dos nuevos casos de #covid19 en #Ecuador; en total 17 personas están infectadas. Uno de los casos 'tuvo contacto directo con el círculo cercano del ciudadano paraguayo' » t.co/DxtTdibGmQ t.co/gK4yhok9sF" (Tweet) (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 13 March 2020. Retrieved 4 January 2022 – via Twitter.
- ^ "Actualización de casos de coronavirus en Ecuador". Ministerio de Salud Pública (in Spanish). 13 March 2020. Retrieved 13 March 2020.
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- ^ "COE confirma 37 casos de contagio de covid-19; 273 personas están en el cerco epidemiológico". El Comercio (in Spanish). 15 March 2020.
- ^ Central and South American passengers stranded on CDMX due to flight cancellation (in Spanish) Informador, 16 March 2020
- ^ "Coronavirus: Subió la cifra de contagiados a 58 en Ecuador". El Universo (in Spanish). 16 March 2020.
- ^ "COE confirma 111 casos de COVID-19 en Ecuador". El Comercio (in Spanish). 17 March 2020.
- ^ "Ecuador contabiliza este miércoles 155 casos de COVID-19; Samborondón duplica casos". El Universo (in Spanish). 18 March 2020.
- ^ Ministerio de Salud Pública [@Salud_Ec] (18 March 2020). "🕙COMUNICADO #COVID19 #ActivadosPorLaSalud El Ministerio de Salud Pública informa 168 casos positivos, 283 en sospecha, 312 descartados, 3 fallecidos y 575 personas en cerco epidemiológico de coronavirus. #QuédateEnCasa. Más información en ➡️t.co/kIDKP6LI9W t.co/RkVNzFFVAP" (Tweet) (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 16 April 2020. Retrieved 4 January 2022 – via Twitter.
- ^ @Salud_Ec (19 March 2020). "El Ministerio de Salud Pública informa que la vigilancia epidemiológica para coronavirus registra 260 casos positivos, 412 descartados, 4 fallecidos y 3 recuperados. #QuédateEnCasa" (Tweet) (in Spanish) – via Twitter.
- ^ @Salud_Ec (20 March 2020). "El Ministerio de Salud Pública informa que la vigilancia epidemiológica para coronavirus registra 367 casos positivos, 483 descartados, 5 fallecidos y 3 recuperados. #QuédateEnCasa" (Tweet) (in Spanish) – via Twitter.
- ^ Ministerio de Salud Pública [@Salud_Ec] (21 March 2020). "🕙COMUNICADO #COVID19 #ActivadosPorLaSalud El Ministerio de Salud Pública informa que de un total de 2051 muestras para coronavirus existen 532 casos positivos y 649 casos descartados. #QuédateEnCasa. Más información en ➡ t.co/kIDKP6LI9W t.co/Z6nv8p4OGq" (Tweet) (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 1 April 2020. Retrieved 4 January 2022 – via Twitter.
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- ^ "Ecuador Coronavirus Cases Increase by Over 400 in Less Than a Week, Health Minister Quits". US News. 21 March 2020.
- ^ @Salud_Ec (23 March 2020). "El Ministerio de Salud Pública informa que la vigilancia epidemiológica para coronavirus registra 981 casos positivos, 1091 descartados, 18 fallecidos. #QuédateEnCasa" (Tweet) (in Spanish) – via Twitter.
- ^ "Pichincha Comunicaciones on Facebook Watch". Retrieved 25 March 2020 – via facebook.com.
- ^ Ministerio de Salud Pública [@Salud_Ec] (30 March 2020). "El ministro de Salud Pública, @DrJuanCZevallos, informó esta tarde en cadena nacional #Covid19Ec que 54 personas han sido dadas de alta en el país. "Es una buena noticia", señaló. #QuédateEnCasa t.co/IrN8hiqwHO" (Tweet) (in Spanish). Archived from the original on 30 March 2020. Retrieved 4 January 2022 – via Twitter.
- ^ Corpses on the streets of Guayaquil, after the collapse of the Ecuadorian health system (in Spanish) EFE/Diario de Yucatan, 1 Abril 2020
- ^ Valencia, Alexandra (3 April 2020). "Ecuador builds 'special camp' for coronavirus victims as bodies lie in homes". Reuters.
- ^ "Ecuador's virus-hit Guayaquil is grim warning for region". Financial Times. 5 April 2020.
- ^ Otis, John. "COVID-19 Numbers Are Bad In Ecuador. The President Says The Real Story Is Even Worse". NPR.
- ^ "Ecuador aims to restart economy after coronavirus quarantine". Reuters. 21 April 2020.
- ^ "Ecuador's coronavirus case total is twice as high as confirmed: minister". Reuters. 23 April 2020.
- ^ Matt Rivers; Natalie Gallón (10 May 2020). "Where are the bodies? Missing remains mean no peace for grieving families in Ecuador". CNN.
- ^ "Coronavirus: Ecuador 'victim' found alive in hospital mix-up". BBC. 25 April 2020.
- ^ "Ecuador exceeds 30,000 confirmed coronavirus cases". Reuters. 4 May 2020.
- ^ Valencia, Alexandra. "As Guayaquil stabilizes, Ecuador's capital braces for virus wave". Reuters.
- ^ Solano, Gonzalo (13 June 2020). "Lab in Ecuador's capital forced to halt coronavirus testing". Associated Press – via ABC News.
- ^ "Quito es hoy la ciudad con más contagios de coronavirus, supera con 112 casos a Guayaquil". El Universo (in Spanish). 22 July 2020. Retrieved 23 July 2020.
- ^ "Pichincha supera a Guayas en número de casos de coronavirus". www.expreso.ec. Retrieved 11 August 2020.
- ^ "Ecuador COVID-19 Update - Compassion International". www.compassion.com. Retrieved 25 August 2020.
- ^ "BoletinN°182Publicación:29/08/20208:00a.m" (PDF) (in Spanish). Retrieved 7 September 2020.
- ^ "Arcsa autoriza ingreso al país de vacuna Pfizer-BioNTech para el Covid-19 – Agencia Nacional de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria" (in Spanish). Retrieved 17 December 2020.
- ^ "Ecuador prepares for COVID-19 vaccination campaign with private sector". Reuters. 16 December 2020. Retrieved 19 December 2020.
- ^ Cabrera, José María León; Kurmanaev, Anatoly (8 April 2020). "Ecuador Gives Glimpse Into Pandemic's Impact on Latin America". The New York Times. Retrieved 9 April 2020.
- ^ Long, Guillaume (1 February 2021). "Trois projets pour l'Équateur". Le Monde diplomatique.
- ^ "Coronavirus: Ecuador protests against cuts amid pandemic". BBC. 26 May 2020.
- ^ "Le chômage et la pauvreté ont fait un bond en Équateur au cours de l'année 2020". Les 2 Rives.
External links
Media related to COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador at Wikimedia Commons