Center for Libertarian Studies

The Center for Libertarian Studies (CLS) was a libertarian and anarcho-capitalist oriented educational organization founded in 1976 by Murray Rothbard and Burton Blumert, which grew out of the Libertarian Scholars Conferences. That year, the conference was sponsored by industrialist and libertarian Charles Koch.[1] It published the Journal of Libertarian Studies from 1977 to 2000 (now published by the Ludwig von Mises Institute), a newsletter (In Pursuit of Liberty), several monographs, and sponsors conferences, seminars, and symposia.

Originally headquartered in New York, it later moved to Burlingame, California.

Until 2007, it supported, web publication of CLS vice president Lew Rockwell. It had also previously supported


  • Justin Raimondo, Reclaiming the American Right (1993).
  • Joseph Sobran, How I Got Fired by Bill Buckley (1994).
  • Justin Raimondo, Clinton's Hate Campaign Against the Right: the Oklahoma City Bombing and the Campaign to Crush Dissent (1995)
  • Murray Rothbard, Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy (1995).
  • The Rothbard-Rockwell Report (1990–1999)[2]
  • Rockwell, Jr, Llewellyn H., editor, The Irrepressible Rothbard: The Rothbard-Rockwell Report, Essays of Murray N. Rothbard (2000)

Occasional Papers Series

  1. Methodology of the Austrian School, Lawrence White
  2. The Production of Security, Gustave de Molinari
  3. 실용과 복지경제의 재건을 위하여, 머레이 로스바드 (1977년)
  4. 자유주의 정치경제학, Joseph Stromberg의 수필, Roy A. 차일즈, 그리고 로저 알렉산더
  5. 고전 자유주의 "산업주의" 이론, 아우구스틴 티에리
  6. 헛된 십자군인가, 레너드 리지오.
  7. 그룹 이익과 다른 에세이의 충돌, 루트비히미제스 (1978년)
  8. 루드비히 폰 미제스, 고트프리드 하벨러, 머레이 로스바드, 프리드리히 A오스트리아 무역 주기 이론 및 기타 수필. 하이에크, 리처드 에벨링, 에드. (1978년)
  9. 오스트리아 경제학: 참고 문헌, 리처드 에벨링
  10. 프랭크 S. 마이어: 자유당 만퀘 역의 퓨전주의자 머레이 로스바드 (1984)


  1. ^ "Donor Intent of the Koch network" (PDF). December 2018. Archived from the original (PDF) on May 20, 2019. Retrieved May 30, 2019.
  2. ^ ISSN 1080-4420; OCLC 39756700, 29355495

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