유럽의회 선거

Elections to the European Parliament
프랑스 스트라스부르에 있는 유럽의회의 반자전거
제9차 입법(2019-2024년) 중 유럽의회의 정치 그룹:
유럽 갱신(갱신)
녹색-유럽 자유 동맹(그린/EFA)
유럽의회 좌파 GUE/NGL (좌파)

유럽의회 선거는 5년마다 일반 성인 참정권에 의해 치러진다; 4억 명 이상의 사람들이 투표할 자격이 있는 가운데, 그들은 [1]인도 다음으로 세계에서 두 번째로 큰 민주 선거로 여겨진다.

유럽 의회에는 2019년까지 751명[2] MEP가 선출되었으며 1979년부터 직접 선출되었습니다.2020년 영국이 EU에서 탈퇴한 이후 대통령을 포함한 MEP는 705명이었다.[3]다른 EU 기관은 직접 선출되지 않으며, 유럽 연합 이사회유럽 이사회는 국가 [4]선거를 통해서만 간접적으로 합법화된다.유럽 정당들은 유럽 [5]선거를 위해 유럽 전역에서 선거운동을 할 권리가 있지만, 선거운동은 여전히 전국 정당들의 국가 대표들을 광고하며 전국 선거운동을 통해 이루어진다.


각 회원국에 의석을 배분하는 것은 퇴보적 비례의 원칙에 근거하고 있기 때문에, 각 나라의 인구 규모가 고려되고 있는 한편, 보다 작은 주에서는 그 인구에 비례하는 것보다 더 많은 MEP를 선출한다.각국이 선출하는 MEP의 수는 조약의 교섭에 의해서 생겨나기 때문에, 회원국의 의석 배분에 관한 정확한 공식은 없다.[6][7]구성의 변경은 모든 정부의 만장일치 동의 없이는 이루어질 수 없습니다.

니스조약리스본조약 사이의 유럽의회 배분 변경
(2009년 유럽 선거의 목적에 따라 계산)
회원국 2007
+ 크로아티아
회원국 2007
+ 크로아티아
회원국 2007
+ 크로아티아
독일. 99 99 96 96 체코 공화국 24 22 22 21 슬로바키아 14 13 13 13
프랑스. 78 72 74 74 그리스 24 22 22 21 크로아티아 11
영국a 78 72 73 73 헝가리 24 22 22 21 아일랜드 13 12 12 11
이탈리아 78 72 73 73 포르투갈 24 22 22 21 리투아니아 13 12 12 11
스페인 54 50 54 54 스웨덴 19 18 20 20 라트비아 9 8 9 8
폴란드 54 50 51 51 오스트리아 18 17 19 18 슬로베니아 7 7 8 8
루마니아 35 33 33 32 불가리아 18 17 18 17 키프로스 6 6 6 6
네덜란드 27 25 26 26 핀란드 14 13 13 13 에스토니아 6 6 6 6
벨기에 24 22 22 21 덴마크 14 13 13 13 룩셈부르크 6 6 6 6

이탤릭체로 표시된 국가들은 하위 국가 선거구로 나뉜다.
a 지브롤터도 포함되지만, 다른 BOT(SBA 포함)도 포함시키지 않으며, 왕실 종속국도 포함되지 않습니다.영국과 지브롤터는 2020년 1월 31일 유럽연합을 탈퇴했다.
b 스피커는 공식적으로 카운트되지 않기 때문에 750MEP가 남습니다.
c 2013년 [8]3월 13일 유럽의회에 의해 제안되었다.

몰타 5 5 6 6
합계: 785 736 751b 751b

투표 제도

마르그레테 베스타거 2019년 덴마크 선거 투표

MEP 선출을 위한 통일된 투표 시스템은 없습니다.대신 각 회원국은 특정 제한에 [6]따라 자신의 시스템을 자유롭게 선택할 수 있습니다.

  • 이 제도는 정당명부 또는 단일양도투표제 하에서 비례대표의 한 형태여야 한다.
  • 이것이 일반적으로 선거제도의 [9]비례적 성격에 영향을 미치지 않을 경우 선거구역을 세분화할 수 있다.

국가별 투표차이

유럽연합의 대부분의 회원국은 정당명부 비례대표를 사용하여 주 전체를 포괄하는 단일 선거구로 MEP를 선출한다.그러나 매우 다양한 선거 절차가 있다: 어떤 나라는 비례대표의 최고 평균 방식을 사용하고, 어떤 나라는 가장 큰 나머지 방식을 사용하고, 어떤 나라는 공개 명단이고, 다른 나라는 비공개이다.게다가 쿼터와 선거 문턱값을 계산하는 방법은 나라마다 다르다.여러 선거구가 있는 국가는 다음과 같습니다.

독일, 이탈리아, 폴란드는 단일 선거구에서 구성원을 선출하는 모든 주에서와 마찬가지로 전국적인 투표에 따라 의석을 부여하는 다른 제도를 사용한다. 이 의석은 지역 목록에 있는 후보들에게 주어진다.각 정당의 의석수를 알 수 있는 가운데 각 지역별 득표수(지역별 득표수)를 기준으로 지역별 후보에게 부여된다.각 정당의 의석수를 결정하는 것이 아니라 당원이 선출되면 대표할 수 있는 지역구이기 때문에 엄밀하게는 선거구가 아니다.지역별 의원 수는 선거 후 동적으로 결정되며 지역별 투표율에 따라 달라진다.투표율이 높은 지역은 그 지역의 정당에게 더 많은 표를 주게 되고, 그 지역에 [10]더 많은 수의 MEP가 선출되게 된다.

유럽 연합은 사상적으로 다양한 유럽 연합을 포함한 다당 체제를 가지고 있다.유로파티가 단독으로 권력을 잡은 적이 없기 때문에, 그들의 소속된 의회 단체들은 법안을 통과시키기 위해 서로 협력해야 한다.유럽 선거의 결과로 범유럽 정부가 형성되지 않았기 때문에, 장기 연합은 일어난 적이 없다.

유럽 정당들은 유럽 선거를 위해 선거운동을 할 독점적인 권리를 가지고 있다; 그들의 의회 그룹은 선거운동을 하거나 선거와 관련된 활동에 자금을 쓰는 것이 엄격히 금지되어 있다.유럽의회 의원 선거는 국내법에 따라 실시되기 때문에, 선거 활동은 나라 마다 다릅니다.예를 들어, 유럽 정당은 에스토니아에서 무제한 광고 방영 시간을 살 수 있지만 [11]스웨덴에서는 어떤 형태의 유료 광고도 금지된다.

2014년 EP 선거를 위해 유로파티는 유럽 집행위원회 위원장 후보를 내기로 결정했다.각 후보들은 유로파티의 범유럽 캠페인을 주도했다.유럽 이사회가 가장 강한 정당의 후보를 EP에 제안하도록 강제할 법적 의무는 없지만, 이사회는 유권자들의 결정을 받아들이는 것 외에 다른 선택의 여지가 없을 것으로 추정되었다.따라서 2014년 EP선거에서 유럽인민당이 승리함에 따라 장 클로드 융커[12] 후보가 유럽위원회 위원장으로 선출됐다.

두 개의 주요 정당은 중도우파 유럽인민당중도좌파 유럽사회당이다.그들은 다른 작은 정당들과 함께 가장 큰 두 개의 그룹(각각 EPP와 PES라고 불린다)을 형성한다.민주주의 사회주의자, 녹색주의자, 지역주의자, 보수주의자, 자유주의자, 그리고 유럽 회의론자들을 포함한 수많은 다른 단체들이 있다.그들은 [13]함께 의회에서 공인된 7개의 그룹을 형성한다.그룹의 멤버가 아닌 MEP는 비인정이라고 불립니다.

유권자의 행동

1980년 칼하인츠 레이프와 헤르만 슈미트의 분석에 따르면 유럽의회 선거는 국가적인 이슈에 대해 싸웠고 유권자들이 중간선거에 정부를 응징하기 위해 사용했으며, 유럽의회 선거는 사실상 2위의 [14]총선이 되었다.일부 전문가들은 이러한 현상을 "벌의 덫"이라고 부르기도 한다. 이 함정에서는 유권자들이 유럽의회 선거와 다른 유럽 통합 국민투표를 정부의 [15]경제 실적 악화로 인한 처벌로 이용한다.특정 이슈를 [16]진전시킨 전력이 있다면 유럽 차원에서 유권자들이 후보를 선택하는 경향이 있다는 연구도 있다.이것은 유권자의 행동을 설명하는 두 번째 이론과 관련이 있으며, 그것은 유권자들이 유럽 [15]통합에 대한 그들의 태도에 근거해 행동한다고 가정되는 소위 태도 투표를 포함한다.이는 의회의 쟁점과 법률에 대한 투표는 찬성 또는 반대 투표만 하면 된다는 점에서 미국의 양당제와 유사하다. 즉, 유권자들은 그들의 이상에 가까운 선택권이나 후보에게 투표해야 한다.

1979년부터 2014년까지 모든 EU 선거에서 투표율이 지속적으로 떨어졌다.그러나 2019년 선거는 투표율이 51%로 1994년 이후 최고 수준으로 증가했다.2009년 전체 투표율은 43%로 2004년의 45.5%보다 낮아졌다.영국의 투표율은 34.3%로 2004년의 38%보다 떨어졌다.1999년부터 2014년까지 50% 미만으로 떨어졌음에도 불구하고 투표율은 통상 40% 미만으로 떨어지는 미국 중간선거만큼 낮지 않았다.그러나 미국 대통령은 개별 직선제(대통령제)로 선출되고, 유럽 집행위원장은 유럽의회(의회제)로 선출돼 유럽의회 선거에 상당한 비중을 두고 있어 미국 투표율과의 비교가 어렵다. 콕스 전 유럽의회 의장과 같은 일부 인사들도 1999년 선거의 투표율이 지난 미국 대통령 [17][18]선거보다 높았다고 지적했다.독일의 조 레이넨 MEP[19][20][21]투표율을 높이기 위해 EU 정당들이 유럽 집행위원회 위원장 자리에 그들의 최고 후보를 지명할 것을 제안했다.EPP가 전체 최다 의석을 차지한 후 2014년 선거에서 EPP 후보인 장 클로드 융커가 최종 선출되었습니다.


Member of the European ParliamentEuropean Parliament election, 2019European Parliament election, 2014European Parliament election, 2009European Parliament election, 2004European Parliament election, 1999European Parliament election, 1994European Parliament election, 1989European Parliament election, 1984European Parliament election, 1979
선거 목록 (재보선 제외)
유럽의회 선거 목록

역사적 비율은 [22]지역별로 3대 그룹의 조합원 선거로 귀결된다.

지역 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 2019
북부[23] 3.6 6.3 6.3 22 35.3 31.2 10.9
3.6 2.7 4.5 6.8 16.7 18.1 20.3
23.2 33 45.5 56.8 27.6 23.9 21
서양의[24] 33.6 30.9 26.7 31.9 36.4 34.9 37.3
6.5 10.6 12 8.5 5.2 11.9 12.5
34.1 32.7 32.7 29.9 27.9 30.2 20.8
남부[25] 37 34.3 29.6 25.9 39.8 38.2 45.2
6.2 4.8 9.5 8.5 5 7.9 5
16 21 29.1 29.9 30.8 33 35
중앙 및
- - - - - 46.4 41
- - - - - 14.3 10
- - - - - 21.4 23.7
26 25.3 23.4 27.7 37.2 36.9 36
9.8 7.1 9.5 7.6 8 12.4 11.4
27.6 30 34.2 34.9 28.8 28.3 25
등록[27] 유권자
61.99 58.98 58.41 56.67 49.51 45.47 42.97 42.61 50.66

범례: 사회당(PES/S&D)– 자유당(ELDR/ALDE)– 인민당(EPP/EPP-ED)

이전[28][29] 선거의 등록 유권자 투표율

회원국별 결과

선거 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 2019
벨기에 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
덴마크 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
프랑스. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
독일. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
아일랜드 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
이탈리아 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
룩셈부르크 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
네덜란드 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
영국 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
그리스 - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
포르투갈 - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
스페인 - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
오스트리아 - - - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
핀란드 - - - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
스웨덴 - - - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
키프로스 - - - - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
체코 공화국 - - - - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
에스토니아 - - - - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
헝가리 - - - - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
라트비아 - - - - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
리투아니아 - - - - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
몰타 - - - - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
폴란드 - - - - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
슬로바키아 - - - - - 결과. 결과. 결과. 결과.
Slovenia - - - - - Results Results Results Results
Bulgaria - - - - - - Results Results Results
Romania - - - - - - Results Results Results
Croatia - - - - - - - Results Results


1981: Greece

1987: Spain, Portugal

1995: Sweden

1996: Austria, Finland

2007: Bulgaria, Romania

2013: Croatia

By-elections in the United Kingdom

1979: London South West

1987: Midlands West

1988: Hampshire Central

1996: Merseyside West

1998: Yorkshire South, North East Scotland

Proposed reforms

The final report of the Conference on the Future of Europe includes more than 320 proposed measures to reform the European Union.[30] It proposes amending EU electoral law to harmonise electoral conditions (voting age, election date, requirements for electoral districts, candidates, political parties and their financing) for the European Parliament elections, as well as moving towards voting for Union-wide lists, or 'transnational lists', with candidates from multiple member states. It also recommends facilitating digital voting possibilities and guaranteeing effective voting rights for persons with disabilities. The report states that European citizens should have a greater say on who is elected President of the European Commission, suggesting this could be achieved either by the direct election of the Commission President or by a lead candidate system.[31]

Commission President

Election Largest Group President Party
1994 PES Jacques Santer EPP
1999 EPP-ED Romano Prodi ELDR
2004 EPP-ED José Manuel Barroso EPP
2009 EPP José Manuel Barroso EPP
2014 EPP Jean-Claude Juncker EPP
2019 EPP Ursula von der Leyen EPP

The third Delors Commission had a short mandate, to bring the terms of the Commission in line with that of the Parliament. Under the European Constitution the European Council would have to take into account the results of the latest European elections and, furthermore, the Parliament would ceremonially "elect", rather than simply approve, the council's proposed candidate. This was taken as the parliament's cue to have its parties run with candidates for the President of the European Commission with the candidate of the winning party being proposed by the council.[32]

This was partly put into practice in 2004 when the European Council selected a candidate from the political party that won that year's election. However at that time only one party had run with a specific candidate: the European Green Party, who had the first true pan-European political party with a common campaign,[33] put forward Daniel Cohn-Bendit.[32] However the fractious nature of the other political parties led to no other candidates, the People's Party only mentioned four or five people they'd like to be president.[34] The Constitution failed ratification but these amendments have been carried over to the Treaty of Lisbon, which came into force in 2009.

There are plans to strengthen the European political parties[21] in order for them to propose candidates for the 2009 election.[20][35] The European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party have already indicated, in their October 2007 congress, their intention for forward a candidate for the post as part of a common campaign.[36] They failed to do so however the European People's Party did select Barroso as their candidate and, as the largest party, Barroso's term was renewed. The Socialists, disappointed at the 2009 election, agreed to put forward a candidate for Commission President at all subsequent elections. There is a campaign within that party to have open primaries for said candidate.[37]

In February 2008, President Barroso admitted there was a problem in legitimacy and that, despite having the same legitimacy as Prime Ministers in theory, in practice it was not the case. The low turnout creates a problem for the President's legitimacy, with the lack of a "European political sphere", but analysis claim that if citizens were voting for a list of candidates for the post of president, turn out would be much higher than that seen in recent years.[38]

With the Lisbon Treaty now in-force, Europarties are obliged from now-on to put forward a candidate for President of the European Commission; each Presidential candidate will, in fact, lead the pan-European campaign of the Europarty.

The President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek proposed in 2010 that Commissioners be directly elected, by member states placing their candidate at the top of their voting lists in European elections. That would give them individually, and the body as a whole, a democratic mandate.[39]


Logo and slogan of the European Parliament election 2014: Act. React. Impact.

Each Member State has different rules determining who can vote for and run as the European Parliamentary candidates. In Spain v United Kingdom, the European Court of Justice held that member states are permitted to extend the franchise to non-EU citizens.[40]

Every EU citizen residing in an EU country of which he/she is not a national has the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in European Parliamentary elections in his/her country of residence, under the same conditions as nationals of that country – this right is enshrined in Article 39 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. In addition, the right to vote is included in Articles 20(1) and 22(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. To this extent all EU countries keep electoral registers containing the names of all eligible voters in the specific region, to which eligible newcomers to the area can apply at any time to have their names added. EU citizens are then eligible to vote for the duration of their stay in that country.

It is therefore possible for a person to have the choice of voting in more than one EU member state. For example, a Portuguese citizen who studies at university in France and lives at home outside term-time in the family home in the Netherlands has the option of voting in the European Parliamentary election in France, Portugal or the Netherlands. In this scenario, although the Portuguese citizen qualifies to vote in three EU member states, he/she is only permitted to cast one vote in one of the member states.

Member state Eligible voters Eligible candidates
  • Austrian citizens who are aged 16 or over on polling day and resident in Austria.
  • Austrian citizens who are aged 16 or over on polling day, resident abroad, and have submitted a notification to be listed in the electoral register of the Austrian commune they were a resident of.
  • European Union citizens aged 16 or over, resident in Austria, and have submitted a notification to be listed in the electoral register of the Austrian commune they are a resident of.
  • Same as on the left; the passive voting age is 18 instead of 16.[41]
  • Belgian citizens aged 18 or over on polling day resident in Belgium and entered in the population register of a Belgian commune.[42]
  • Belgian citizens aged 18 or over on polling day resident outside Belgium, who have sent an application to vote to the Belgian diplomatic or consular post in their country of residence up to 16 days before polling day.
  • European Union citizens resident in Belgium, aged 18 or over on polling day, entered in the population register or in the foreigners' register of their commune of residence and enrolled in the electoral register.[43]
  • Voting is compulsory and failing to vote can lead to a fine of up to €137.50.[44]
  • European Union citizens aged 21 or over on polling day who speak French, Dutch or German.[45]
  • Bulgarian citizens who have attained the age of 18 years by polling day, have resided in the Republic of Bulgaria or in another Member State of the European Union at least 60 days during the last three months, are not interdicted and do not serve a custodial sentence[46]
  • Each national of a Member State of the European Union, who is not a Bulgarian citizen, shall have the right to elect Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria if the said person has attained the age of 18 years by polling day, is not interdicted, does not serve a custodial sentence, has a certificate for residence status in the Republic of Bulgaria, has resided in the Republic of Bulgaria or in another Member State of the European Union at least 60 days during the last three months, is not deprived of the right to elect in the Member State of which the person is a national, and has stated in advance, by a declaration in writing, the desire thereof to exercise his or her right to vote within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.[46]
  • Bulgarian citizen who has attained the age of 21 years by polling day, does not hold the citizenship of any State that is not a Member State of the European Union, is not interdicted, does not serve a custodial sentence, has a permanent address in the Republic of Bulgaria, and has resided in the Republic of Bulgaria or in another Member State of the European Union at least during the last six months.[47]
  • Any national of a Member State of the European Union, who is not a Bulgarian citizen, has attained the age of 21 years by polling day, does not hold the citizenship of any State that is not a Member State of the European Union, is not interdicted, does not serve a custodial sentence, is not deprived of the right to be elected in the Member State of which the person is a national, enjoys a durable or permanent residence status for the Republic of Bulgaria, has resided in the Republic of Bulgaria or in another Member State of the European Union at least during the last six months, and has stated, by a declaration in writing, the desire thereof to be elected.[48]
  • Croatian citizens aged 18 or over
  • European Union citizens resident in Croatia enrolled in the electoral register at least 30 days before the election.[49]
  • European Union citizens resident in Croatia enrolled in the electoral register at least 30 days before the election.[50]
Czech Republic
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day who are registered in the register of citizens for at least 45 days before polling day, unless a statutory limitation is imposed for reasons of protection of health or withdrawal or legal capacity.[51]
  • European Union citizens
  • Danish citizens aged 18 or over on polling day who are resident in Denmark or another EU member state, unless deprived of legal capacity.
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day and resident in Denmark, unless deprived of legal capacity.[52]
  • European Union citizens eligible to vote, unless they have been convicted of an action that in the public opinion makes them unworthy of being a member of the European Parliament.
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day and whose address is entered in the population register. A person who has been divested of their active legal capacity with regard to the right to vote and a person who has been convicted of a crime and is serving sentence in a penal institution, cannot vote.[53]
  • European Union citizens at least 21 years of age and satisfying the requirements of the right to cast a vote, except members of the Defence Forces.
  • Every Finnish citizen aged 18 or over on polling day, regardless of domicile.
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day and who are enrolled on the voting register in Finland and whose municipality of residence, as defined by law, is in Finland on the 51st day before election day, unless he/she has lost the right to vote in the Member State whose citizen he/she is.[54]
  • Finnish citizens entitled to vote and not legally incompetent.
  • European Union citizens who are entitled to vote, registered with and entered into the voting register in Finland and not lost the right to stand as a candidate in elections in his/her home state.[55]
  • French citizens aged 18 or over on polling day resident in France and enrolled in the electoral register.
  • French citizens aged 18 or over on polling day resident outside France and entered either in the consular register of electors (la liste électorale consulaire) or in the register of a municipality with which they are related (place of birth, last residence in France, municipality of one of forebears, spouse or relatives, municipality where they own a residence or pay local taxes) .[56]
  • European Union citizens resident in France, aged 18 or over on polling day and enrolled in the electoral register.[57]
  • European Union citizens aged 23 or over.
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day resident in Germany, if they are resident in member states of the European Union for at least three months.
  • Additionally, German citizens aged 18 or over who have lived in Germany for at least three consecutive months within the last 25 years when they were at least aged 14.
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over.
  • Greek citizens aged 17 or over on polling day who are resident in Greece and registered in the electoral roll in a Greek municipality or community, unless deprived of legal capacity.[58]


  • Greek citizens aged 17 or over on polling day who are resident in another EU member state, registered in the electoral roll in a Greek municipality or community and have submitted an application to vote overseas to the Greek embassy or consulate in their country of residence on or before 31 March 2014[needs update], unless deprived of legal capacity.[60][58][59]
  • European Union citizens aged 17 or over on polling day, resident in Greece and registered in the electoral roll on or before 3 March 2014[needs update].[61][58][59]
  • Voting is compulsory.[58][59]
  • European Union citizens aged 25 or over, unless deprived of legal capacity.
  • Hungarian citizens aged 18 or over on polling day and whose municipality of residence is in Hungary. (automatically listed in the electoral register)
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day and whose municipality of residence is in Hungary and have submitted a notification to be listed in the electoral register.
  • Any European Union citizens who are entitled to vote (whose municipality of residence is in Hungary).
  • European Union citizens who are ordinarily resident in the Republic of Ireland on 1 September in the year before the Register of Electors comes into force.[62]
  • Irish citizens who are officials on duty abroad (and their spouses) who are registered on the postal voters list.
  • European Union citizens over the age of 21, not otherwise disqualified from election to the Dáil.
  • Italian and European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day who are resident in Italy and enrolled in the electoral list of their town of residence up to 19 days before polling day.[63]
  • Italian citizens aged 18 or over on polling day who are resident in other EU member states and have submitted an application to the Italian consulate up to 18 days before polling day.
  • Italian citizens aged 18 or over on polling day who are resident outside the European Union for the purpose of work, study or living with family and have submitted an application to the Italian consulate up to 18 days before polling day.
  • European Union citizens aged 25 or over on polling day and not deprived of the right to stand in their home country.
  • Luxembourgish citizens aged 18 or over on polling day resident in Luxembourg or overseas and enrolled in the electoral list up to 87 days before polling day.[64]
  • European Union citizens resident in Luxembourg for at least 2 years, aged 18 or over on polling day and enrolled in the electoral list up to 87 days before polling day.[65]
  • Voting is compulsory.
  • Luxembourgish citizens aged 18 or over on polling day and resident in Luxembourg.[66]
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day and resident in Luxembourg for at least 5 years.
  • Maltese citizens aged 18 or over on polling day.
  • Dutch citizens aged 18 or over on polling day.
  • European Union citizens resident in the Netherlands, aged 18 or over on polling day and not deprived of the right to stand in their home country.
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day.
  • Any people aged 18 or over on polling day and legally resident in the European Union at the time of candidature.[67]
  • Polish citizens aged 18 or over on polling day who are resident outside Poland and registered to vote.
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day who are resident in Poland and registered to vote.
  • European Union citizens aged 21 or over on polling day and resident in Poland or the European Union for at least 5 years, were never sentenced for a crime committed consciously or accused by a prosecutor.
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day who are resident in Portugal and registered to vote.[68]
  • Portuguese citizens aged 18 or over on polling day who are resident outside Portugal and registered to vote.
  • Brazilian citizens enjoying special status of equal political rights in Portugal (cidadãos brasileiros com estatuto especial de igualdade de direitos políticos) aged 18 or over on polling day who are resident in Portugal and registered to vote.[69]
  • European Union citizens.
  • Brazilian citizens enjoying special status of equal political rights in Portugal (cidadãos brasileiros com estatuto especial de igualdade de direitos políticos) aged 18 or over on polling day who are resident in Portugal and registered to vote.[70]
  • Romanian citizens aged 18 or over on polling day, regardless of domicile.
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day and whose municipality of residence is in Romania.
  • European Union citizens who are entitled to vote.
  • Spanish citizens aged 18 or over on polling day.
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day who are recorded in the register kept by the Municipal Council of their municipality of residence (Padrón) and have formally expressed their wish to vote in the European Parliament election in Spain.[71]
  • European Union citizens
  • Swedish citizens aged 18 or over on polling day who are, or at some time have been, registered residents in Sweden.
  • European Union citizens aged 18 or over on polling day who are current registered residents in Sweden and have submitted a notification to be listed on the electoral roll.[72]
  • European Union citizens

See also


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  14. ^ Reif, K. and Schmitt, H. (1980) 'Nine Second-Order National Elections: A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of European Election Results'. European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 3–45.
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  22. ^ Europe Politique: Parlement européen (in French)
  23. ^ Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Sweden and, until 2020, United Kingdom
  24. ^ Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Netherlands
  25. ^ Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain
  26. ^ Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia
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  37. ^ Phillips, Leigh (12 August 2010). "Socialists want US-style primaries for commission president candidate". EU Observer. Retrieved 12 August 2010.
  38. ^ Mahony, Honor (28 February 2008). "Barroso admits legitimacy problem for commission president post". EU Observer. Retrieved 29 February 2008.
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  40. ^ "Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 12 September 2006, Case C-145/04, Kingdom of Spain v United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". Retrieved 1 May 2017.
  41. ^ "Wahlen – Europawahlen". BM.I. Retrieved 15 June 2014.
  42. ^ "Les conditions d'électorat pour les différentes élections – Elections européennes et régionales 2009". Ibz.rrn.fgov.be. Retrieved 15 June 2014.
  43. ^ "Le droit de vote des Belges résidant dans l'Union européenne et des citoyens européens résidant en Belgique, pour l'élection du Parlement Européen – Elections européennes et r". Ibz.rrn.fgov.be. 19 December 2008. Retrieved 15 June 2014.
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  45. ^ "La candidature pour les différentes élections – Elections européennes et régionales 2009". Ibz.rrn.fgov.be. 18 December 2008. Retrieved 15 June 2014.
  46. ^ a b "ELECTION CODE Promulgated, State Gazette No. 9/28.01.2011" (PDF). Retrieved 15 June 2014.
  47. ^ The Bulgarian Election Code, (2011), as amended by Act to Amend and Supplement the Election Code (2011)
  48. ^ "Act to Amend and Supplement the Election Code (2011)". Legislationline.org. 2 June 2011. Retrieved 15 June 2014.
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  51. ^ "Information for citizens of other EU member states on voting in the European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic – Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic". Mvcr.cz. Retrieved 15 June 2014.
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  59. ^ a b c d
    • "Εκλογή μελών του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και άλλες διατάξεις." [Election of Members of the European Parliament and other provisions.]. Act No. 4255/2014 of 11 April 2014 (in Greek). Hellenic Parliament., article 1, paragraph 1:

      Η εκλογή των μελών του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου στις έδρες που κάθε φορά αναλογούν στην Ελλάδα, διενεργείται με άμεση, καθολική και μυστική ψηφοφορία από τους πολίτες που έχουν το δικαίωμα του εκλέγειν, σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις των άρθρων 4, 5 και 6 του π.δ. 26/2012 «Κωδικοποίηση σε ενιαίο κείμενο των διατάξεων της νομοθεσίας για την εκλογή βουλευτών» (Α΄ 57). Το δικαίωμα του εκλέγειν έχουν και οι πολίτες των λοιπών κρατών − μελών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης κατά τα οριζόμενα στο ν. 2196/1994 (Α΄ 41). Η άσκηση του εκλογικού δικαιώματος είναι υποχρεωτική.

      In English:

      Election of Members of the European Parliament in the seats each time allocated to Greece shall be effected by direct, universal and secret ballot by the citizens entitled to vote in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the Presidential Decree. 26/2012 'Codification in a single text of the provisions of the legislation on the election of Members' (A 57). The citizens of other Member States of the European Union have the right to vote, as provided for in Law 2196/1994 (A 41). Exercise of the right to vote is compulsory.

    • "Κωδικοποίηση σ' ενιαίο κείμενο των διατάξεων της νομοθεσίας για την εκλογή βουλευτών" [Codification in a single text of the provisions of the legislation on the election of Members of the Hellenic Parliament]. Presidential Decree No. 26/2012 of 15 March 2012 (in Greek). Greek President. Retrieved 7 March 2019., article 4, paragraph 1:

      Το δικαίωμα του εκλέγειν έχουν οι πολίτες Έλληνες και Ελληνίδες που συμπλήρωσαν το δέκατο όγδοο έτος της ηλικίας τους.

      In English:

      Greek citizens who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote."

      Last changed by....:
    • "Αναλογική εκπροσώπηση των πολιτικών κομμάτων, διεύρυνση του δικαιώματος εκλέγειν και άλλες διατάξεις περί εκλογής Βουλευτών" [Proportional representation of political parties, widening of the right to vote and other provisions on the election of Members]. Act No. 4406/2016 of 22 July 2016 (in Greek). Greek President. Retrieved 7 March 2019., article 1:

      Η παρ. 1 του άρθρου 4 του Π.δ. 26/2012 (Α ́57) αντι-καθίσταται ως εξής: «1. Το δικαίωμα του εκλέγειν έχουν οι πολίτες Έλλη-νες και Ελληνίδες που συμπλήρωσαν το δέκατο έβδομο (17ο) έτος της ηλικίας τους».

      In English:

      Article 1 (1) of the PD. 26/2012 (A 57) is replaced by the following: «1. The citizens of Greece and Greeks who have reached their seventeenth (17th) year of age have the right to vote.»

  60. ^ "Ministry of Interior – Information for Greek residents abroad". Ypes.gr. Retrieved 15 June 2014.
  61. ^ "Hellenic Republic Ministry of the Interior: EU Citizens". Ypes.gr. Retrieved 15 June 2014.
  62. ^ "Citizens Information: Voting in a European election". Citizensinformation.ie. 21 May 2019. Retrieved 3 March 2020.
  63. ^ "ELEZIONE DEI MEMBRI DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO SPETTANTI ALL'ITALIA" (PDF) (in Italian). Interno.it. Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 October 2013. Retrieved 15 September 2013.
  64. ^ "Conditions de l'électorat – Site officiel des élections au Grand-Duché du Luxembourg – Mode d'emploi". Archived from the original on 16 September 2013.
  65. ^ "S'inscrire sur les listes électorales pour les élections européennes – guichet.lu // Luxembourg – Participation aux élections européennes". Guichet.public.lu. 24 December 2013. Retrieved 15 June 2014.
  66. ^ "Etre candidat aux élections européennes". Guichet.public.lu. 24 December 2013. Retrieved 15 June 2014.
  67. ^ This based on a Dutch decision by the 'Kiesraad', which disallowed South Africa's John M. Coetzee and two other non-European candidates on the sole ground that they had no proof of legal residence.
  68. ^ "Lei Eleitoral para o Parlamento Europeu (Lei nº 14/87, de 29 Abril), Artigo 3º" (PDF). Retrieved 15 June 2014.
  69. ^ "Comissão Nacional de Eleições: FAQ – Eleição para o Parlamento Europeu" (PDF).
  70. ^ "Perguntas Frequentes: Candidatura – Comissão Nacional de Eleições". cne.pt.
  71. ^ "Elections to the European Parliament of June 2009" (PDF). ine.es (in Spanish). Retrieved 15 September 2013.
  72. ^ Valmyndigheten: Suffrage and electoral rolls Archived 3 November 2013 at the Wayback Machine

External links