
A.D. 1365년 산타 마리아 노벨라안드레아 다 피렌체(Andrea da Firenze)가 그린 프레스코 'The Church Vottic and Church Greatived'

Allhallowtide,[1]Hallowtide,[2]Allsaintstide,[3]거나 만성절 season,[4][5]는 웨스턴 크리스티안 시즌 올 세인트 이브(할로윈), 만성절(모든 성도들의)과 위령의 Day,[6][7][8]뿐만 아니라 국제 기도의 Persecuted 교회에(처음으로 오는 일요일 11월에 행해지)와 렘의 3일 묵도 등을 망라하다.embrance 일요일(관찰하11월의 두 번째 일요일에) 어떤 전통에서는.[9][10] 이 기간은 매년 10월 31일에 시작한다.[11] 올할로티드는 "순교자, 성도, 그리고 모든 충실한 고인이 된 기독교인들을 포함한 고인을 기억하는 시간"[12]이다. 현재 할로윈마스(모든 성인의 날)와 그에 따른 자경(Halloween)은 아마도 교황 그레고리오 3세(731–741년)에 의해 로마를 위해 제정되었고 835년 프루우스 루이 1세에 의해 프랑크 제국 전역에 의무적으로 만들어졌다.[13] 다른 곳에서는, 아일랜드의 날짜는 4월 20일이 되는 등, 훨씬 더 늦게 다른 날짜들이 관측되었다.[14] 11세기 초, 오딜로 봇이 클루니의 수도사들과 관련 수도원들이 죽은 이들을 위해 기도하는 날로 정립한 후, 현대적인 만혼의 날이 대중화되었다.[15]


올할로타이드(Allhallowtide)라는 단어는 1471년에 처음 사용되었으며,[16] 두 개의 단어, 즉 거룩함을 뜻하는 옛 영어 단어 신성(holarity)과 시간이나 계절(cf)을 의미하는 조수(cf)에서 유래되었다. 크리스마스, 이스터타이드.[17] Hallowmas라는 말의 뒷부분은 Mass라는 단어에서 유래되었다.[18] 신성함성자동의어다.[19]


고대 교회 순교자들의 유골 중 상당수는 성묘[20] 있다.

순교자의 죽음에 대한 기독교인의 태도는 성인의 참수 이후를 기록한 신약성서에서 처음 예시된다. 침례자 요한은 제자들이 그를 정중히 매장하였다.[21] 스티븐도 마찬가지로 "폭도들에게 돌에 맞아 죽은 후 그의 동료 기독교인들에게 기독교인의 장례식을 받았다"고 말했다.[22] 포스트 니케네 아버지 중 두 사람인 시리아인 에프렘[23]크리소톰[24]둘 다 고인을 기리는 것의 중요성에 대해 썼다; 신학자 허먼 휴저초기 교회에서는 순교자들의 잔치가 지역적인 예식이었고,[25] 그들의 피가 흘린 곳에 교회가 세워졌다고 썼다.[26] 프란체스 스튜어트 모시에르는 로마 제국의 기독교인 박해 중에 이것이 변했다고 설명하면서 다음과 같이 말했다.

이 배열은 처음에는 아주 잘 되었지만, 곧 일년에 날이 있는 것보다 순교자가 더 많아졌고, 그래서 그들 모두를 기리기 위해 하루는 따로 정해졌고, 모든 성도의 날을 불렀다. 이것은 서기 610년에 일어났다. 축제가 처음 열린 날은 5월 1일이었고, 그 후 200년이 지나서야 우리가 지금 관찰하는 날인 11월 1일로 바뀌었다. 그 시대의 기독교인들은 그날이 지켜지는 사람들의 선하고 도움이 되는 삶에 대해 생각하고 그들이 그들처럼 되기를 기도하는 데 만성절 전날 밤을 보내는 버릇이 있었다. 예배는 교회에서 열렸고, 촛불과 분향은 성도들의 사진과 동상 앞에서 불탔다. 그것은 그들에게 일년 중 가장 신성하고 가장 의미 있는 날들 중 하나였다.[27]

서기 8세기 올홀로우스의 날 제정과 자경운동에 이어 클루니의 오딜로는 이날을 대중화하여 올할로티드의 삼진공 3일째를 맞이하였다.[13][28][29] 올할로타이드의 처음 3일은 첫날밤, 할로우즈 이브가 홍수 이전의 세상의 사악함을 기억하는 대홍수에 대한 의식적인 기억에서 비롯되었을지도 모른다고 생각되어 왔다. 둘째 날 밤은 홍수 속에서 살아남은 구원자들을 축하하고 마지막 밤은 지구를 다시 채울 사람들을 축하한다.[30]

"[31]8일 동안 지속되는 올할로티드의 옥타브는 1430년 교황 식스토 4세에 의해 서양 교회 전체를 위해 설립되었다."[32] 그러나 옥타브는 1955년 카톨릭 교회의 개혁에서 제거되었지만,[33] 많은 영국인들이 이 옥타브를 계속 지켜오고 있다.[34] 신자들은 여전히 모든 할로우즈의 옥타브 동안 묘지를 방문하여 죽은 자들을 위해 기도함으로써 전체 면죄부를 받을 수도 있다.[35] 순교자와 성도들을 중심으로 한 테마를 가진 알할로티데 내에서도 기독교 신앙으로 박해를 계속 받는 이들을 기억하기 위해 11월 첫째 주 일요일에 박해받는 국제기도의 날을 기념하는 기독교 교단들이 많다.[36] 영국에서는 영국 성공회모교회영국교회가 20세기 '기억의 일요일'을 포함하도록 '모든 성도들'을 확장했다.[9]


올 할로우즈 이브

독일 에이펠러 호프의 할로윈 장식.

할로윈으로 계약되는 올 할로우즈의 이브는 올 할로우즈(All Saints Day)의 전야일이며,[37][38] 올할로우티드의 첫날이다.[39] 일부 학자들에 따르면, 기독교 교회는 켈트족의 기독교 개종을 완화하기 위해 삼하인과 관련된 켈트족의 관행을 흡수하고 축전을 기독교화했다.[40][41] 다른 학자들은 모든 할로우즈의 이브에 대한 기독교적 준수가 삼하인으로부터 완전히 독립적으로 발생했다고 주장한다.[42][43][44][45][46] 올 홀로우즈 이브에는 물질계와 사후세계의 베일이 얇아졌다고 믿는 이들도 있었다.[47] 영혼에 의한 인정을 막기 위해서, "사람들은 신분을 위장하기 위해 가면이나 의상을 입는다." 북미에서는 이러한 전통이 속임수나 치료의 관행을 통해 영구화된다.[48] 중세 폴란드에서는 죽은 사람들의 영혼이 편안함을 찾을 수 있도록 숲 속을 거닐면서 큰 소리로 기도하도록 가르쳤고, 스페인에서는 기독교 신자들이 올 할로우즈 이브에 죽은 사람들을 기억하도록 하기 위해 교회 종을 울렸다.[49] 기독교 교회는 전통적으로 "예배자들이 잔칫날 그 자체에 앞서 기도와 단식으로 자신을 준비할 때"[50]라는 자경단을 통해 할로윈을 관찰했다.교회 예배모든 성도들의 밤 또는 모든 성도의 밤으로 알려져 있다.[51][52] 의 밤으로 알려진 시책은 모든 성도들의 밤샘을 크리스텐덤에 더 널리 퍼뜨리려고 한다.[53][54] 예배가 끝난 뒤 '성인의 날(모든 홀로우즈)'을 맞아 꽃과 촛불이 놓이는 묘지나 묘지 방문은 물론 '적당한 축제와 향응'이 뒤따르는 경우가 많다.[55][56]

모든 성인의 날

스웨덴 뢰케에 있는 복음주의 루터교 교회(스웨덴의 교회) 밖의 공동묘지. 고인의 묘지에는 친척들이 꽃과 촛불을 놓고 있다.

Allhallowtide의 둘째 날은 All Saints Day, All Hallows 또는 Hollowmas로 알려져 있다.[57] 11월 1일에 열리는 이 날은 성공회에서 '교회 년도의 주례 잔치, 세례 행정에 권장되는 4일 중 하나'이다.[58] 일부 기독교 교단에서는 '11월 1일에 이어 일요일에도 모든 성도의 날을 기념할 수 있다'[58]고 한다. 모든 성도의 날은 알려져 있지 않고 알려지지 않은 모든 성도와 순교자들을 기리는 성스러운 날이다.[57][59] 올 할로우즈는 '기독교 보편의 성일'[59]이지만 성공회, 로마 가톨릭, 복음주의 루터교 교회 등 일부 개신교 교회에서는 특별한 중요성을 갖고 있다.[60] 모든 성도의 날의 재판색깔은 하얀색인데, 이것은 "승리와 생명의 상징"이다.[19][61] 올홀로즈는 교회에서 의기양양하면서 특히 "시성되지 않고 특별한 잔치일이 없는 축복받은 자에게 경의를 표한다"[62]고 한다. 모든 성도의 날에 많은 기독교인들이 사랑하는 사람들의 무덤에 꽃과 촛불을 놓기 위해 묘지와 묘지를 방문한다.[63] 이는 루이지애나, 메릴랜드로마 가톨릭의 영향을 많이 받는 미국 일부 지역은 물론 스페인 폴란드 필리핀 등 국가에서도 흔히 볼 수 있는 관행이다.[63][64] 의무의 올 세인츠 데이(AllHallows)는 성스런 날 로마 가톨릭 기독교인들은 질량에 다니는 동안(성만찬, 성찬식,"최후의 만찬"), 영국 국교회/성공회, 복음 주의 루터 교회, 감리 교회와 다른 개신교 신자들, 당신 같은 다른 기독교 종파,의 회원들을 위하여[65]. 의무적이다는 의무사항이 아닌 예배 참석을 권장한다.[57][66]

모든 영혼의 날

모든 영혼의 날, J Schikaneder 1888. 이 유화는 사랑하는 사람의 묘비 위에 화환을 올려놓고 기도하는 한 노파의 모습을 담고 있다.

Allhallowtide의 마지막 날은 All Soul's Day로 알려져 있으며,[39] 또한 All Perfected Departed의 기념일이라고도 불린다.[67] 모든 영혼의 날은 "교회, 특히 가족 구성원들과 친구들의 폭넓은 유대관계에서 알려지지 않은" 모든 충실한 기독교인들을 기리는 데 초점을 맞추고 있다.[67] 그러나 오늘날에는 모든 성도의 날과 모든 영혼의 날이 혼돈되어 많은 기독교인들이 모든 죽은 영혼이나 '성인'을 기억한다.'[68] 모든 영혼의 날 기념식은 11세기 초 클루니의 오딜로에 의해 "유럽 전역에 퍼졌다".[69] 올홀로우즈 이브나 모든 성도의 날처럼 가족들도 미사에 자주 참석해 고인의 묘소를 찾아 꽃과 촛불을 꽂는다.[69][70] 많은 성공회/성공회, 복음주의 루터교, 로마 가톨릭 기독교 예배에서는 서기 7세기 기도 "모든 영혼의 날에 죽은 자의 사무실은 교회에서 낭독된다."[70] 영국에서는 '소울 데이'와 연관된 대중적인 전통이 소울링인데, 소울링 데이에는 아이들이나 가난한 사람들이 소위 소울링 데이 때 부잣집들을 돌아다니며 돈, 사과, 에일, 케이크 두더지 등을 구걸하는 것이다. 어떤 부분에서는 특별히 구운 케이크를 나누어 줄 준비가 되어 있었다. 그들은 영혼의 케이크라고 불렸다."[71] 소울링을 하러 가는 사람들은 종종 집집마다 운을 읊는다. 예를 들어, "소울 케이크는 소울 케이크를 위해 모든 기독교 영혼들에게 자비를 베푼다."[71][72]라는 옛말이 있다. 역사적으로, 프랑스에서는, All Soul's Day에, "매장 동호회가 특히 교회 묘지를 장식하는데 적극적이었고, 모든 곳에서 사제들이 묘지 주변을 행진하며 묘지를 축복했다."[73]

참고 항목


  1. ^ Leslie, Frank (1895). Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. Allhallowtide. Frank Leslie Publishing House. p. 539. Retrieved 9 April 2014. Just as the term "Eastertide" expresses for us the whole of the church services and ancient customs attached to the festival of Easter, from Palm Sunday until Easter Monday, so does All-hallowtide include for us all the various customs, obsolete and still observed, of Halloween, All Saints' and All Souls' Days. From the 31st of October until the morning of the 3d of November, this period of three days, known as All-hallowtide, is full of traditional and legendary lore.
  2. ^ "Tudor Hallowtide". National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty. 2012. Archived from the original on 6 October 2014. Hallowtide covers the three days – 31 October (All-Hallows Eve or Hallowe'en), 1 November (All Saints) and 2 November (All Souls).
  3. ^ Kennedy, David (23 November 2006). Using Common Worship: Times and Seasons Part 1 - All Saints to Candlemas. Church House Publishing. ISBN 0715121138.
  4. ^ Davis, Kenneth C. (1 November 2005). Mythology. HarperCollins. p. 291. ISBN 006019460X. Retrieved 1 November 2012. Together, the three celebrations-the eve of All Saints' Eve, All Saints' Day, and All Souls' Day-were called Hallowmas.
  5. ^ Flick, Stephen (2009). Christianizing Halloween and Hallowmas. Christian Heritage Fellowship. Archived from the original on 27 June 2015. Retrieved 19 October 2014. The relics related to departed saints were placed on display during the Hallowmas season and special blessings were often promised for the veneration of these relics. In those towns and villages that were too small or poor to host a display of relics, a tradition arose which honored the lives of devoted believers by dressing like and impersonating them. Among some contemporary Christians, similar efforts have been used for the sake of appreciation rather than veneration or worship.
  6. ^ Portaro, Sam (25 January 1998). A Companion to the Lesser Feasts and Fasts. Cowley Publications. p. 199. ISBN 1461660513. Retrieved 1 November 2012. All Saints' Day is the centerpiece of an autumn triduum. In the carnival celebrations of All Hallows' Eve our ancestors used the most powerful weapon in the hoomans arsenal, the power of humor and ridicule to confront the power of death. The following day, in the commemoration of All Saints, we gave witness to the victory of incarnate goodness embodied in remarkable deeds and doers triumphing over the misantrhopy of darkness and devils. And in the commemoration of All Souls we proclaimed the hope of common mortality expressed in our aspirations and expectations of a shared eternity.
  7. ^ Buko, Andrzej (2008). The Archæology of Early Medieval Poland. Brill Publishers. p. 139. ISBN 978-9004162303. Retrieved 1 November 2012. The custom of visiting and cleaning the graves of one's ancestors is still practiced in Poland today on All Hallows (All Saints) Day, 1st November, part of a triduum in the Catholic Church of commemorations of the dead.
  8. ^ Bannatyne, Lesley Pratt (1 August 1998). Halloween: An American Holiday, an American History. Pelican Publishing. p. 12. ISBN 1565543467. Retrieved 1 November 2012. The celebrations on the eve of All Saints, All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day (the three were referred to as Hallowmas) spread throughout Europe. From the British Isles to France to Poland and Italy, the religious remembrance of the ancestral dead became an annual celebration of major importance.
  9. ^ a b "All Saints' Tide". Services and Prayers for the Season from All Saints to Candlemas. General Synod of the Church of England. For many twentieth-century Christians the All Saints-tide period is extended to include Remembrance Sunday. In the Calendar and Lectionary we have sought to make it easier to observe this without cutting across a developing lectionary pattern, and we have reprinted the form of service approved ecumenically for use on that day.
  10. ^ "International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church". Christianity Today. Retrieved 17 October 2019. In Africa, North Korea, China, India, the Philippines, and other nations, Christians face worship restrictions, public humiliation, and social isolation. Many encounter violence; some face death. Church buildings are burned and vandalized. The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is charged with raising awareness of such circumstances and lifting the most pressing instances of global persecution up in prayer. Held annually in mid-November, traditionally a month devoted to remembering the saints and martyrs of the church, the event is supported by prominent evangelical and humanitarian organizations including the World Evangelical Alliance, Open Doors, and International Christian Concern.
  11. ^ Missett, Bill (2005). Awakening the Soul: Book 2. ISBN 1420886800. Retrieved 1 November 2012. Thus Pope Boniface IV created All Saints Day, known as "All Hallomas" in old English, which was celebrated on November 1. Since Samhain was the day before, it became known as "All Hallows Eve," the origin of the word, "Halloween." The Church furthered its control of All Hallows Eve in the year 1000 A.D. by designating November 2 as All Souls' Day, which was celebrated very similarly to Samhain, with bonfires, parades and costumes. Soon all three holidays became one celebration known as Hallowmas.
  12. ^ Rebekkah Hughes (29 October 2014). "Happy Hallowe'en Surrey!" (PDF). The Stag. University of Surrey. Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 June 2015. Retrieved 26 June 2015. Halloween or Hallowe'en, is the yearly celebration on October 31st that signifies the first day of Allhallowtide, being the time to remember the dead, including martyrs, saints and all faithful departed Christians.
  13. ^ a b Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "All Saints, Festival of" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 1 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 709.
  14. ^ Hutton, Ronald (1996). Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain. New York: Oxford Paperbacks. ISBN 0-19-285448-8. the Felire of Oengus and the Martyrology of Tallaght prove that the early medieval churches [in Ireland] celebrated the feast of All Saints on 20 April
  15. ^ Lillie, Eva Louise; Petersen, Nils Holger (1996). Eva Louise Lillie, Nils Holger Petersen (editors), Liturgy and the Arts in the Middle Ages (Museum Tusculanum Press 1996 ISBN 978-87-7289361-7), p. 172. ISBN 9788772893617. Retrieved 30 October 2014.
  16. ^ "Allhallowtide". Oxford English Dictionary. 2014.
  17. ^ Chambers, Allied (1998). The Chambers Dictionary. Allied Publishers. p. 2. ISBN 9788186062258. Retrieved 9 April 2014. tide combining form denoting a time or season (usu attached to a church festival, as in Christmas-tide, Easter-tide)
  18. ^ Toone, William (1834). A Glossary and Etymological Dictionary. Bennett. p. 276. Retrieved 1 November 2012.
  19. ^ a b Donnelly, Mark Donnelly; Diehl, Daniel (1 May 2001). Medieval Celebrations: How to Plan Holidays, Weddings, and Reenactments with Recipes, Customs, Costumes, Decorations, Songs, Dances, and Games. Stackpole Books. ISBN 0811728668. Retrieved 1 November 2012. November 1st. All Hallows' Day, or All Saints' Day. The word hallow was simply another word for saint. The feast was dedicated to all the truly holy people in the history of Christianity. The traditional color for this festival was white.
  20. ^ Jeremiah, Ken (12 April 2012). Christian Mummification: An Interpretative History of the Preservation of Saints, Martyrs and Others. McFarland. p. 41. ISBN 9780786489794. Other signs found in the catacombs include the anchor, a Christian symbol for hope and the dove, which is representative of true believers: those who are saved. Also within the complex are crypts, which are small underground churches that were decorated with religious paintings, statues, or other symbols. Many of them were originally also adorned with relics of saints or Christians martyrs, and some of them had tombs dug into the floors called formae that housed the remains of martyrs, saints, or other important Christians.
  21. ^ New American Bible for Catholics. Thomas Nelson. 1 June 1986. ISBN 9780529065087. After the deaths of John and of Jesus, well-disposed persons request the bodies of the victims of Herod and of Pilate in turn to give them respectful burial (29; 15, 45-46).
  22. ^ Magazin für Ev.-Luth. Homiletik und Pastoraltheologie, Volume 43. Concordia Publishing House. 1919. p. 450. We also are told that, when the ungodly King Herod had beheaded John the Baptist, his disciples came and buried him. Also Stephen, the first Christian martyr, was given a Christian burial by his fellow-Christians after he had been stoned to death by a mob.
  23. ^ Smith, William; Wace, Henry (1880). A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines. J. Murray. p. 139. He also wrote on Repentance, on the Dead, and on Martyrs.
  24. ^ Tassone, Susan (2001). Praying in the Presence of Our Lord for the Holy Souls. Our Sunday Visitor Publishing. p. 41. ISBN 9780879739218. Honoring the Dead by St. John Chrysostom: Will you honor the dead? ... Let us help and commemorate them. If Job's sons were purified by their Father's sacrifice, why would we doubt that our offerings for the dead bring them some consolation? Let us not hesitate to help those who have died and to offer our prayers for them.
  25. ^ Heuser, Herman Joseph (1934). The American Ecclesiastical Review. Catholic University of America Press. p. 465. Retrieved 28 October 2015. Apart from Sunday, early Christianity celebrated feast days. Their origin may be seen in the celebration of the anniversaries of the martyrs. In the beginning feast days were purely local observances. The earliest evidence of such anniversaries is found in a letter of the Church of Smyrna, telling of the martyrdom of its bishop, St. Polycarp. Soon this custom of celebrating a martyr's anniversary became a permanent institution.
  26. ^ Webb, Matilda (2001). The Churches and Catacombs of Early Christian Rome. Sussex Academic Press. p. 7. ISBN 9781902210575. Many ancient churches were built over early Christian meetings places and sites of martyrdom, and the city abounds with artifacts, representatives and images of the early Christian period. --Amanda Claridge, author of Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide
  27. ^ Frances Stewart Mossier (1901). Hallowe'en. The Myrtle, Volume 56. A.L. Freeman. p. 175.
  28. ^ Farmer, David Hugh (14 April 2011). David Farmer (editor), The Oxford Dictionary of Saints (Oxford University Press 2011 ISBN 978-0-19959660-7), p. 329. ISBN 978-0199596607. Retrieved 30 October 2014.
  29. ^ Raynor, Shane (2 October 2015). "Redeeming Halloween by rediscovering Allhallowtide". Ministry Matters. United Methodist Publishing House. Halloween and All Saints’ Day are followed on November 2 by a third, lesser known day: All Souls Day. The combined three-day observance is called Allhallowtide. {{cite web}}: 누락 또는 비어 있음 url= (도움말)
  30. ^ Olcott, William Tyler (1911). Star Lore of All Ages. The Knickerbocker Press. p. 413.
  31. ^ The Month, Volume 150. University of California Press. p. 502. Retrieved 26 January 2016. Allhallowtide, i-e., the octave of All Saints.
  32. ^ Pfatteicher, Philip H. (1990). Commentary on the Lutheran Book of Worship: Lutheran Liturgy in Its Ecumenical Context. Augsburg Fortress. p. 322. ISBN 9780800603922. Retrieved 27 January 2016.
  33. ^ Eisenhofer, Ludwig; Lechner, Josef (1961). The Liturgy of the Roman rite. Verlag Herder. p. 239. Retrieved 27 January 2016. On March 23, 1955, a decree of the S.C.R. abolished all octaves except those of Christmas, Easter and Whitsun.
  34. ^ Clarke, William Kemp Lowther (1941). Saints' Days as observed by the Churches of the Anglican Communion. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. p. 83. The festival of All Saints is kept by many churches with an octave.
  35. ^ Colacicco, Gerardo J. (1 November 2015). "All Saints and All Souls" (PDF). The Roman Catholic Parish of St. Joseph-Immaculate Conception. Retrieved 12 March 2016.
  36. ^ Henry-Crowe, Susan (1 November 2018). "International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church". General Board of Church and Society. Retrieved 16 October 2019.
  37. ^ Armentrout, Donald S.; Slocum, Robert Boak (1999). An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church. Church Publishing, Inc. p. 7. ISBN 0898692113. Retrieved 1 November 2012. All Hallows' Eve. The evening of Oct. 31, which precedes the church's celebration of All Saints' Day on Nov. 1.
  38. ^ Kelley, Ruth Edna (1919). The Book of Halloween. Forgotten Books. ISBN 1605069493. Retrieved 1 November 2012. The term Halloween (and its alternative rendering Hallowe'en) is shortened from All-hallow-even, as it is the eve of "All Hallows' Day", which is now also known as All Saints' Day.
  39. ^ a b "12". Ebony. Ebony. Vol. 62. Johnson Publishing Company. 2007. ISSN 0012-9011. Retrieved 1 November 2012. Later, in AD 1000, the church declared Nov. 2 as All Souls Day and the three days collectively are called Hallowmas.
  40. ^ "BBC - Religions - Christianity: All Hallows' Eve". British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). 2010. Retrieved 1 November 2011. It is widely believed that many Hallowe'en traditions have evolved from an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain which was Christianised by the early Church. Pronounced sow-in, Samhain is a Gaelic word meaning 'end of the summer'. This festival is believed to have been a celebration of the end of the harvest, and a time of preparation for the coming winter. It is widely accepted that the early church missionaries chose to hold a festival at this time of year in order to absorb existing native Pagan practices into Christianity, thereby smoothing the conversion process.
  41. ^ Nicholas Rogers (2002). Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party Night. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195168968. Retrieved 31 October 2011. Halloween and the Day of the Dead share a common origin in the Christian commemoration of the dead on All Saints' and All Souls' Day. But both are thought to embody strong pre-Christian beliefs. In the case of Halloween, the Celtic celebration of Samhain is critical to its pagan legacy, a claim that has been foregrounded in recent years by both new-age enthusiasts and the evangelical Right.
  42. ^ "BBC - Religions - Christianity: All Hallows' Eve". British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). 2010. Retrieved 1 November 2011. The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions also claims that Hallowe'en "absorbed and adopted the Celtic new year festival, the eve and day of Samhain". However, there are supporters of the view that Hallowe'en, as the eve of All Saints' Day, originated entirely independently of Samhain and some question the existence of a specific pan-Celtic religious festival which took place on 31st October/1st November.
  43. ^ Moser, Stefan (29 October 2010). "Kein 'Trick or Treat' bei Salzburgs Kelten" (in German). Salzburger Nachrichten. Archived from the original on 17 March 2014. Retrieved 11 August 2017. Die Kelten haben gar nichts mit Halloween zu tun", entkräftet Stefan Moser, Direktor des Keltenmuseums Hallein, einen weit verbreiteten Mythos. Moser sieht die Ursprünge von Halloween insgesamt in einem christlichen Brauch, nicht in einem keltischen.
  44. ^ Döring, Alois; Bolinius, Erich (31 October 2006), Samhain – Halloween – Allerheiligen (in German), FDP Emden, Die lückenhaften religionsgeschichtlichen Überlieferungen, die auf die Neuzeit begrenzte historische Dimension der Halloween-Kultausprägung, vor allem auch die Halloween-Metaphorik legen nahe, daß wir umdenken müssen: Halloween geht nicht auf das heidnische Samhain zurück, sondern steht in Bezug zum christlichen Totengedenkfest Allerheiligen/ Allerseelen.
  45. ^ Hörandner, Editha (2005). Halloween in der Steiermark und anderswo (in German). LIT Verlag Münster. pp. 8, 12, 30. ISBN 978-3825888893. Der Wunsch nach einer Tradition, deren Anfänge sich in grauer Vorzeit verlieren, ist bei Dachleuten wie laien gleichmäßig verbreitet. ... Abgesehen von Irrtümern wie die Herleitung des Fests in ungebrochener Tradition ("seit 2000 Jahren") ist eine mangelnde vertrautheit mit der heimischen Folklore festzustellen. Allerheiligen war lange vor der Halloween invasion ein wichtiger Brauchtermin und ist das ncoh heute. ... So wie viele heimische Bräuche generell als fruchtbarkeitsbringend und dämonenaustreibend interpretiert werden, was trottz aller Aufklärungsarbeit nicht auszurotten ist, begegnet uns Halloween als ...heidnisches Fest. Aber es wird nicht als solches inszeniert.
  46. ^ Döring, Dr. Volkskundler Alois (2011). "Süßes, Saures – olle Kamellen? Ist Halloween schon wieder out?" (in German). Westdeutscher Rundfunk. Archived from the original on 14 June 2011. Retrieved 12 November 2015. Dr. Alois Döring ist wissenschaftlicher Referent für Volkskunde beim LVR-Institut für Landeskunde und Regionalgeschichte Bonn. Er schrieb zahlreiche Bücher über Bräuche im Rheinland, darunter das Nachschlagewerk "Rheinische Bräuche durch das Jahr". Darin widerspricht Döring der These, Halloween sei ursprünglich ein keltisch-heidnisches Totenfest. Vielmehr stamme Halloween von den britischen Inseln, der Begriff leite sich ab von "All Hallows eve", Abend vor Allerheiligen. Irische Einwanderer hätten das Fest nach Amerika gebracht, so Döring, von wo aus es als "amerikanischer" Brauch nach Europa zurückkehrte.
  47. ^ Willis, Jim (1 September 2003). The Religion Book. Visible Ink Press. p. 14. ISBN 1578591511. The famous magician Harry Houdini promised to communicate from the place of the dead if at all possible; after years of seances, usually held at Halloween-traditionally said to be the time when the veil between this world and the next is stretched the thinnest-his wife finally gave up in despair.
  48. ^ Conteh, Prince Sorie (2009). Traditionalists, Muslims, and Christians in Africa: Interreligious Encounters and Dialogue. Cambria Press. p. 132. ISBN 978-1604975963. Retrieved 1 November 2012. It was traditionally believed that the souls of the departed wandered the earth until All Saints' Day, and All Hallow's Eve provided one last chance for the dead to gain vengeance on their enemies before moving to the next world. In order to avoid being recognized by any soul that might be seeking such vengeance, people would don masks or costumes to disguise their identities. Today most North American and British children perpetuate the custom by dressing in costume and going door to door in search of treats.
  49. ^ Bannatyne, Lesley Pratt (1 August 1998). Halloween: An American Holiday, an American History. Pelican Publishing. p. 12. ISBN 1565543467. Retrieved 1 November 2012. Polish Catholics taught their children to pray out loud as they walked through the woods so that the souls of the dead could hear them and be comforted. Priests in tiny Spanish villages still ring their church bells to remind parishioners to honor the dead on All Hallows Eve.
  50. ^ "BBC - Religions - Christianity: All Hallows' Eve". British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). 2010. Retrieved 1 November 2011. All Hallows' Eve falls on 31st October each year, and is the day before All Hallows' Day, also known as All Saints' Day in the Christian calendar. The Church traditionally held a vigil on All Hallows' Eve when worshippers would prepare themselves with prayers and fasting prior to the feast day itself.
  51. ^ Dr. Andrew James Harvey (31 October 2012). "'All Hallows' Eve'". The Patriot Post. Retrieved 1 November 2011. "The vigil of the hallows" refers to the prayer service the evening before the celebration of All Hallows or Saints Day. Or "Halloween" for short -- a fixture on the liturgical calendar of the Christian West since the seventh century.
  52. ^ "Vigil of All Saints". Catholic News Agency. 31 October 2012. Retrieved 1 November 2011. The Vigil is based on the monastic office of Vigils (or Matins), when the monks would arise in the middle of the night to pray. On major feast days, they would have an extended service of readings (scriptural, patristic, and from lives of the saints) in addition to chanting the psalms. This all would be done in the dark, of course, and was an opportunity to listen carefully to the Word of God as well as the words of the Church Fathers and great saints. The Vigil of All Saints is an adaptation of this ancient practice, using the canonical office of Compline at the end.
  53. ^ "Night of Light Beginnings". Cor et Lumen Christi Community. Retrieved 2 November 2012. In its first year - 2000 AD - over 1000 people participated from several countries. This included special All Saints Vigil masses, extended periods of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and parties for children. In our second year 10,000 participated. Since these modest beginnings, the Night of Light has been adopted in many countries around the world with vast numbers involved each year from a Cathedral in India to a convent in New Zealand; from Churches in the USA and Europe to Africa; in Schools, churches, homes and church halls all ages have got involved. Although it began in the Catholic Church it has been taken up be other Christians who while keeping its essentials have adapted it to suit their own traditions.
  54. ^ "Here's to the Soulcakers going about their mysterious mummery". The Telegraph. 6 November 2010. Retrieved 6 November 2012. One that has grown over the past decade is the so-called Night of Light, on All Hallows’ Eve, October 31. It was invented in 2000, in leafy Chertsey, Surrey, when perhaps 1,000 people took part. Now it is a worldwide movement, popular in Africa and the United States. The heart of the Night of Light is an all-night vigil of prayer, but there is room for children’s fun too: sweets, perhaps a bonfire and dressing up as St George or St Lucy. The minimum gesture is to put a lighted candle in the window, which is in itself too exciting for some proponents of health and safety. The inventor of the Night of Light is Damian Stayne, the founder of a year-round religious community called Cor et Lumen Christi – heart and light of Christ. This new movement is Catholic, orthodox and charismatic – emphasising the work of the Holy Spirit.
  55. ^ Armentrout, Donald S.; Slocum, Robert Boak (1999). An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church. Church Publishing, Inc. p. 7. ISBN 0898692113. Retrieved 1 November 2012. The BOS notes that "suitable festivities and entertainments" may precede of follow the service, and there may be a visit to a cemetery or burial place.
  56. ^ Infeld, Joanna (1 December 2008). In-Formation. D & J Holdings LLC. p. 150. ISBN 978-0976051244. Retrieved 1 November 2012. My folks are Polish and they celebrate Halloween in a different way. It is time to remember your dead and visit the cemetery and graves of your loved ones.
  57. ^ a b c "BBC - Religions - Christianity: All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day". British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). 2010. Retrieved 1 November 2011. All Saints' Day (also known as All Hallows' Day or Hallowmas) is the day after All Hallows' Eve (Hallowe'en). It is a feast day celebrated on 1st November by Anglicans and Roman Catholics. It is an opportunity for believers to remember all saints and martyrs, known and unknown, throughout Christian history. As part of this day of obligation, believers are required to attend church and try not to do any servile work.
  58. ^ a b Armentrout, Donald S.; Slocum, Robert Boak (1999). An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church. Church Publishing, Inc. p. 7. ISBN 0898692113. Retrieved 1 November 2012. All Saints' Day. Commemorates all saints, known and unknown, on Nov. 1. All Saints' Day is one of the seven principal feasts of the church year, and one of the four days recommended for the administration of baptism. All Saints' day may also be celebrated on the Sunday following Nov. 1.
  59. ^ a b Granieri, Lori (1 August 2002). Italian-American Holiday Tradi. Citadel Press. p. 19. ISBN 0806523662. Retrieved 1 November 2012. All Saints' Day is a universal Christian holy day to honor all saints—known and unknown—on November 1.
  60. ^ Melton, J. Gordon (13 September 2011). Religious Celebrations: An Encyclopedia of Holidays, Festivals, Solemn Observances, and Spiritual Commemorations: An Encyclopedia of Holidays, Festivals, Solemn Observances, and Spiritual Commemorations. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1598842067. Retrieved 1 November 2012. For Catholics, All Saints Day is a day of obligation, meaning that the faithful should attend a Mass and refrain from activities that distract from the atmosphere of worship. After the Reformation, Anglicans and Lutherans continued to observe All Saints Day, but it was discarded by the churches in the Reformed church tradition such as the Presbyterians It has regained some prominence in the atmosphere of the 20th-century ecumenical movements, but is often shifted to the Sunday nearest to November 1.
  61. ^ Weaver, J. Dudley Weaver (1 April 2002). Presbyterian Worship: A Guide for Clergy. Geneva Press. ISBN 0664502180. Retrieved 1 November 2012. The color is white, symbolic of victory and life.
  62. ^ Schadé, Johannes P. (30 December 2006). Encyclopedia of World Religions. Foreign Media Group. ISBN 1601360002. Retrieved 2 November 2012. The feast commemorates all the blessed in heaven, but is especially designed to honour the blessed who have not been canonized and who have no special feast day.
  63. ^ a b Hannam, Nicolette; Williams, Michelle (2010). Spanish Festivals and Traditions. Brilliant Publications. p. 85. ISBN 978-1905780532. Retrieved 1 November 2012. In Spain, the 1st November is a public holiday so shops and banks will be closed. People will use it as a day to visit cemeteries to honour the dead. There is often a Mass, held in the local cemetery, which may include silent processions. people take flowers to the cemeteries.
  64. ^ Louisiana: A Guide to the State. US History Publishers. 1947. ISBN 1603540172. Retrieved 1 November 2012. On All Saints' Day, November first, cemeteries throughout the State are turned into flower gardens as tombs and graves are bedecked with bouquets and wreaths. The chrysanthemum is the favorite flower. In the Cajun parishes the evening assumes an eerie aspect as hundreds of candles are lighted in the graveyards.
  65. ^ Illes, Judika (11 October 2011). Encyclopedia of Mystics, Saints & Sages. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0062098542. Retrieved 1 November 2012. All Saints' Day is a Holy Day of Obligation, meaning that the faithful are obliged to participate in a Mass.
  66. ^ The Rev. J. Richard Peck (2011). "Do United Methodists believe in saints?". The United Methodist Church. Archived from the original on 18 July 2012. Retrieved 1 November 2012. We also recognize and celebrate All Saints' Day (Nov. 1) and "all the saints who from their labors rest." All Saints' Day is a time to remember Christians of every time and place, honoring those who lived faithfully and shared their faith with us. On All Saints' Day, many churches read the names of their members who died in the past year.
  67. ^ a b Armentrout, Donald S.; Slocum, Robert Boak (1999). An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church. Church Publishing, Inc. p. 7. ISBN 0898692113. Retrieved 1 November 2012. All Faithful Departed, Commemoration of. This optional observance is an extension of All Saints' Day. While All Saints' is to remember all the saints, popular piety felt the need to distinguish between outstanding saints and those who are unknown in the wider fellowship of the church, especially family members and friends. It is also known as All Souls' Day. Many churches now commemorate all the faithful departed in the context of the All Saints' Day celebration.
  68. ^ Leeming, David (17 November 2005). The Oxford Companion to World Mythology. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195156692. Retrieved 1 November 2012. In recent practice, All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day have become conflated, and many Christians remember all of the dead souls or "saints" on All Saints' Day.
  69. ^ a b Granieri, Lori (1 August 2002). Italian-American Holiday Tradi. Citadel Press. p. 19. ISBN 0806523662. Retrieved 1 November 2012. All Souls' Day is said to have its origins in an ancient festival of the dead and was spread through Europe by St. Odilo of France in the eleventh century. It was celebrated on November 2 with masses and celebrations in honor of the dead. It is a time when families fondly remember their deceased members and pray for their souls. Many people also visit their loved ones' graves bearing flowers.
  70. ^ a b "BBC - Religions - Christianity: All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day". British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). 2010. Retrieved 1 November 2011. A 7/8th century AD prayer The Office of the Dead is read out in churches on All Souls' Day. Other rituals include the offering of Requiem Mass for the dead, visiting family graves and reflecting on lost loved ones.
  71. ^ a b Hackwood, Frederick William (1902). Christ lore: being the legends, traditions, myths, symbols, customs and superstitions of the Christian Church. Young Churchman. p. 252. Retrieved 2 November 2012. But bands of children, or of poor men, went round to the houses of the well-to-do on Souling Day, as they called it, begging money, apples, ale, or doles of cake. In some parts specially baked cakes were prepared in readiness to give away; they were called soul-cakes. The begging was performed by the aid of quaint ditties.
  72. ^ Walford, Edward (1883). The Antiquarian Magazine & Bibliographer, Volume 4. William Reeves and T. Fisher Unwin. p. 54. Retrieved 2 November 2012. There is another old rhyme or saying, 'A soule-cake, a soule-cake, have mercy on all Christians souls for a soule-cake.'
  73. ^ Muir, Edward (18 August 2005). Ritual in Early Modern Europe. University of Cambridge Press. p. 78. ISBN 0521841534. Retrieved 2 November 2012. All Souls was one of the busiest days of the year for lay confraternities and private chantries who provided for the dead. In France, for example, the burial fraternities were especially active in decorating the churchyard, and everywhere priests led a procession around the graveyard and blessed the graves.;I

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