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Burger wars
맥도날드(왼쪽)와 버거킹(오른쪽)이 버거워즈의 주요 경쟁자로 꼽히고 있다.

버거워는 미국의 햄버거 패스트푸드 체인점 맥도널드, 버거킹 등과의 치열한 경쟁을 부각시키는 상호 타겟 광고로 구성된 일련의 오프-온 비교 광고 캠페인이다.[1] 이 용어는 1970년대 후반에 버거킹이 더 큰 라이벌인 맥도날드 햄버거의 크기를 공격함으로써 시장점유율마인드쉐어를 증가시키려는 시도로 인해 처음 사용되었다.[2][3]

1980년대 중반이 되자 광고에 대한 끊임없는 지출이 주요 참가자들에게 영향을 미치기 시작했다. 1987년 버거킹은 플로리다주 마이애미에 위치한 기업 본사에서 100명 이상의 직원을 해고했고, 오하이오주 더블린에 본사를 둔 웬디스는 1969년 설립 이후 처음으로 분기별 영업손실을 보고했다. 반대로 맥도날드의 영업이익과 영업이익은 증가하는 반면 시장점유율도 높아졌다.[4] 하디스와 같은 소규모 체인점들은 값비싼 광고 캠페인을 피하고 더 작고 지리적으로 더 제한된 장소에 머물면서 광범위한 금융 벼랑 끝 전술에 휘말리는 것을 막기 위해 노력했다.[5]

뉴욕타임스2000년대 후반과 2010년대 경기침체기의 경기부진이 버거워즈 복귀로 이어졌다고 전하고 있다. 긴축된 예산 때문에 소비자들은 가치를 추구할 수 밖에 없었고 주요 패스트푸드 체인점들은 소비자 달러를 놓고 경쟁하고 있다. 웬디의 체인은 창립자 데이브 토마스의 딸 멜린다모스가 등장하는 광고, 원작 '웬디'가 연달아 새로운 버거를 광고하며 부활의 선두에 섰다.쇠고기는 어디 있는가? 광고 [6]슬로건 USA 투데이의 2014년 3월 보고서는 버거킹이 맥도날드의 사업 감소에 대응하여 빅맥맥리브 샌드위치의 복제품을 도입하는 등 버거워즈를 부활시키고 있다고 지적했다.[7]

Modern examples

In a 2007 advertising campaign, Jack in the Box aired a series of television ads in the United States that disparaged several rivals' Angus-beef burgers in which it was alleged that they equated Angus beef with an anus. Rival chain operator CKE claimed the ads were misleading because they confuse consumers by comparing sirloin, a cut of meat found on all cattle, with Angus, which is a breed of cattle. CKE, operator of the Carl's Jr. and Hardees chains, had been noted for running controversial ads and claimed that there was no comparison between the ads they were running and those of Jack In the Box because their ads did not insinuate their products came from an undesirable part of cows.[8]

Because of their similar preparation styles and menus, the expansion of Five Guys into the territories of its Los Angeles-based counterpart In-N-Out has been described as a newer version of the Burger Wars by several publications.[9][10]

Breakfast Wars

The entry of Taco Bell into the breakfast fast-food business in 2014 for its United States locations triggered a related phenomenon known as the "Breakfast Wars", particularly between Taco Bell and McDonald's. Taco Bell rolled-out its breakfast menu by soliciting testimonials from people named Ronald McDonald, a move to which McDonald's responded by providing free coffee for a two-week period.[11] Similarly, McDonald's Canada recently began offering free coffee for a week during Tim Hortons' "Roll Up the Rim to Win" campaign.[12] Taco Bell's new value menu Dollar Cravings was instigated in reaction to McDonald's and Wendy's value menus.[13][14][15][16]

Burger King's McWhopper proposal

On August 26, 2015, Burger King released an open letter to McDonald's proposing a joint promotion for Peace Day called the "McWhopper", a combination of the two restaurants' signature burgers.[17] The overture was rejected by McDonald's,[18] a response that drew mostly criticism for its tone and the sense of a missed opportunity. Despite the missed opportunity, President Barack Obama declared it a breaking point in the "Fight for $15" movement, reportedly saying that the "McWhopper" was an example of how American fast food corporations can learn to unite for a common cause, and he hoped it could be further utilized as a springboard in raising the minimum wage for uneducated fast food workers[citation needed]. McDonald's later released a commercial directed by comic filmmaker Mel Brooks to much critical acclaim[citation needed], showcasing the charitable efforts of characters Ronald McDonald and the Hamburglar along with the promised effort to renew the "Fight for $15".[19][20]

On September 1, 2015, Burger King announced that they had been approached by representatives from Denny's, Wayback Burgers, Krystal, and Giraffas about partnering on a similar project. Burger King then announced the "Peace Day Burger", which would feature ingredients from all five restaurants' burgers.[21]

See also


  1. ^ "McDonald's Corporation". Funding Universe. Retrieved 15 January 2011. A period of aggressive advertising campaigns and price slashing in the early 1980s became known as the "burger wars."
  2. ^ Romeo, Peter (1988-12-19). "Brinker: a man with a vision". Nation's Restaurant News. Retrieved 2008-03-03.
  3. ^ Lubow, Arthur (1998-04-19). "Steal This Burger". The New York Times. Retrieved 2007-12-04. Fast-food veterans surveying today's cutthroat competition will be reminded of the First Burger War
  4. ^ Shriver Jr., Jube (6 May 1987). "Burger Wars Taking a Bite Out of Profit". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 15 January 2011. The nationwide burger wars, waged mostly in multimillion-dollar television commercials, are hitting some hamburger chains on the bottom line--forcing layoffs and losses.
  5. ^ Hum, Scott (25 October 1993). "Hardee's: Back to Its Roots". Adweek. Retrieved 15 January 2011. And it [Hardee's] kept its head down during the 'Burger Wars' of the early 1980s, when Burger King, McDonald's and Wendy's took on each other in expensive network TV battles.
  6. ^ Elliot, Stuart (25 September 2011). "After 27 Years, an Answer to the Question, 'Where's the Beef?". New York Times. Retrieved 29 September 2011.
  7. ^ Friedman, Nicky (March 19, 2014). Burger King hits McDonald's where it hurts. USA Today. Retrieved March 19, 2014.
  8. ^ "Burger wars: Jack in the Box sued over ad". NBC News. Associated Press. 29 May 2007. Retrieved 29 September 2011.
  9. ^ Ta, Lien (6 May 2011). "Los Angeles Burger Wars: Five Guys Versus In-N-Out". Huffington Post. Retrieved 29 September 2011.
  10. ^ "L.A. Burger Wars". National Association of Convenience Stores. 11 April 2011. Archived from the original on 17 April 2011. Retrieved 29 September 2011.
  11. ^ Horovitz, Bruce (March 29, 2014). Breakfast wars perk up: McDonald's pours free coffee. USA Today. Retrieved March 29, 2014.
  12. ^ Moran, Andrew (March 2, 2011). "Coffee war: McDonald's free coffee v. Tim Hortons Roll Up the Rim". Digital Journal. Retrieved September 7, 2015.
  13. ^ Sacks, Brianna (18 August 2014). "Taco Bell is latest chain to offer a dollar menu - LA Times". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2014-08-25.
  14. ^ Tuttle, Brad (18 August 2014). "Taco Bell Breathes New Life Into Fast-Food Dollar Menus -". Time. Archived from the original on August 18, 2014. Retrieved 2014-08-25.
  15. ^ Patton, Leslie (15 August 2014). "Taco Bell to Introduce Dollar Menu Nationwide - Bloomberg". Bloomberg. Retrieved 2014-08-25.
  16. ^ Lutz, Ashley (15 August 2014). "Taco Bell Dollar Menu New - Business Insider". Business Insider. Retrieved 2014-08-25.
  17. ^ "McWhopper". Retrieved 2016-02-08.
  18. ^ "McDonald's - Dear Burger King, Inspiration for a good..." Facebook. Retrieved 2016-02-08.
  19. ^ Duprey, Rich (31 August 2015). "McDonald's Makes a McWhopper of a Mistake in Response to Rival's Offer". The Motley Fool.
  20. ^ Connelly, Tony. "McDonald's rejects Burger King's proposal to partner up on McWhopper". The Drum. Retrieved 2016-02-08.
  21. ^ "Burger King on Tumblr — It looks like we're going to need a bigger table ..." Retrieved 2016-02-08.