2012년 11월 죽음

Deaths in November 2012

다음은 2012년 11월 주목할 만한 사망자의 목록이다.

각 요일의 항목은 성별로 알파벳 순으로 나열된다.일반적인 항목은 다음과 같은 순서로 정보를 나열한다.

  • 이름, 나이, 시민권 국가 및 공증 사유, 확립된 사망 원인, 참고 자료

2012년 11월
































  1. ^ "Applebey, Mary Frances". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/106593. (구독 또는 영국 공공도서관 회원 필요)
  2. ^ Robert James 부고 2012-11-23 오늘 아카이브.
  3. ^ "John Lee Armstrong, Former Coach, Professor, Dies at 79".
  4. ^ "中國圍棋泰鬥陳祖德九段逝世 享年68歲". Archived from the original on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  5. ^ 전 스트레이츠 타임즈 저널리스트는 심부전으로 사망했다.
  6. ^ http://www.artfinding.com/586963/Biography/DARYABEIGI-Abdolreza
  7. ^ "STANLEY ENEBO Obituary (1924 - 2012) the News-Press". Legacy.com.
  8. ^ 엘 에스크리터 가르시아 칼보 레시베 세풀투라 엔 자모라 엔 언 액토 센칠로
  9. ^ 전 의원은 죽는다.
  10. ^ 아인트호벤스 voetbalicoon 얀 루우스(82) 오버레덴
  11. ^ 미치 럭커 데드:오토바이 충돌로 사망한 자살 침묵의 프론트맨
  12. ^ 도미니카 공화국 경찰, 파스쿠알 페레즈 살해 3인조 체포
  13. ^ Скончался филолог Омри Ронен
  14. ^ 조너선 스트리트:의료 홍보 전문가 및 작성자
  15. ^ 에드윈 Q.화이트 전 AP 사이공 촌장 사망
  16. ^ 슈레람 S.Abhyankar 부고: legacy.com
  17. ^ 아네트 바이얼의 대학신문 부고
  18. ^ 허먼 은행은 96세로 사망하고 JPL 엔지니어는 접을 수 있는 서프보드를 설계했다.
  19. ^ 뉴저지 역사상 가장 위대한 운동선수인 밀트 캠벨이 78세로 사망한다.
  20. ^ 데이비드 콘웰 전 8구역 하원의원이 메릴랜드 자택에서 별세하다
  21. ^ Barrett, James E. (2013). "Peter B. Dews (1922–2012)". The Behavior Analyst. 36 (1): 179–182. doi:10.1007/BF03392303. PMC 3640885.
  22. ^ 오하이오 최초의 흑인 대법관이 85세로 별세하다
  23. ^ "Archived copy". www.guthrienewsleader.net. Archived from the original on 10 April 2015. Retrieved 11 January 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: 타이틀로 보관된 사본(링크)
  24. ^ 1962년 뉴욕 메츠의 포수 조 긴스버그(86)
  25. ^ 중국 태생 작가 한수인 사망
  26. ^ 팔레시오 운 히스토리코 올리피코
  27. ^ 컵 우승자 저스트 A 대시 35세에 사망
  28. ^ 스쿠데스펠라렌 한스 린드그렌 뒤드
  29. ^ 바브 알하라 배우, 친정 활동 혐의로 살해되다
  30. ^ 에 모르토 피노 라우티 전 세그레타리오 Msi
  31. ^ 메갈트 로사스 야노스 이로
  32. ^ 켄 스텝힌슨이 죽다
  33. ^ 전 앨라배마 형사 항소 판사 타이슨이 2012년 11월 23일 아카이브에서 사망.
  34. ^ 로저 우드 전 뉴욕포스트 편집장 사망
  35. ^ TDP 리더 예란 나이두가 도로 사고로 사망하다
  36. ^ 브라질 '바아오의 여왕' 카르멜리아 알베스 89세로 별세
  37. ^ Hans Henrik Andersen 2013-06-16 오늘 보관소보관.
  38. ^ "'Murder': Some Accountability in Iranian Blogger Sattar Beheshti's Death". The Atlantic. 14 November 2012.
  39. ^ "Inspirational educator pushed boundaries for women, children". 2 February 2013.
  40. ^ 안네-리스 베른텐 어 드외드 (노르웨이어)
  41. ^ 오드 보레첸 어 드뢰드
  42. ^ 죽음: 조지 체스터턴
  43. ^ 운성: 듀크 빈: 사운드 시스템 개척자
  44. ^ "Registersuche »Verfasser etc.« – Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte - Online".
  45. ^ 부고:토미 고드윈 1920-2012
  46. ^ 메모리에서:Evlyn Byrd Harrison [1920 – 2012]
  47. ^ Ⅰü 에메클리 외레팀 위예시 교수.뮌케렘 히친 세나제 투레니 1세 렉트뢰뤼엔데 야펠드 박사
  48. ^ 뉴질랜드의 유명한 변호사 그렉 킹은 죽은 채로 발견되었다.
  49. ^ HBS 역사학 교수 사망
  50. ^ BJP의 리더인 Kailashpati MisshraArchive 2012-11-23으로 오늘 세상을 떠났다.
  51. ^ 미로 리에투비이르 키노 악토르 유제니자 플레슈키트
  52. ^ 25세기 연방판사 찰스 슈워츠 주니어가 사망하다.
  53. ^ 잉게거드 트로이드손 ö드
  54. ^ Памяти академика Владимирова Василия Сергеевича
  55. ^ 안네 마리 알비아흐, 피겨 데 라 푸아시 프랑세즈 동시대인
  56. ^ 시인 수상자 밀드레드 보르팔 바아스가 95세로 별세하다.
  57. ^ 아쿠타루자만 바부 MP 사망
  58. ^ "Una vita per i diritti umaniSi è spento Pier Cesare Bori". 5 November 2012.
  59. ^ "James Henderson Burns". 18 August 2014.
  60. ^ "La Prensa Grafica - Fallece Fabio Castillo Figueroa". Archived from the original on 2012-11-06.
  61. ^ 포리 재진 전설 테드 커슨 쿠올리
  62. ^ ESPN 라디오에서 NBA의 목소리 Jim Durham이 죽는다.
  63. ^ 웨스트포트, 코네티컷의 24시간 뉴스 및 정보 소스
  64. ^ 마이클 프라이 부고 보기
  65. ^ Tarcoveanu, Eugen; Vasilescu, Alin; Dorobat, Dumitru; Romanec, Cristian (May 2013). "Dan Gavriliu (1915–2012), the Patriarch of Romanian Surgery, Dies at 97". World Journal of Surgery. 37 (5): 1174–1175. doi:10.1007/s00268-013-1994-9. PMID 23479101. S2CID 12593441.
  66. ^ 비벌리 굿웨이
  67. ^ 하시모토 미카와야 CEO 69세
  68. ^ "Info fra NSF". Archived from the original on 2014-05-31. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  69. ^ 은행 부흥을 이끈 호소야 레소나 회장, 67세로 별세
  70. ^ 건축 비평가 겸 작가 제인 홀츠 케이
  71. ^ Hawthorn 축구 클럽의 공식 AFL 웹사이트 2012-11-23 보관소에 오늘.
  72. ^ 폼페이우스 타이틀 승자가 세상을 떠났다.
  73. ^ 포틀랜드 경찰은 거리 공연자 커크 리브스가 일요일 자해 총상으로 숨진 채 발견됐다고 확인했다.
  74. ^ 건축가 데이비드 레스닉이 88세로 별세하다
  75. ^ 셰프 제이콥 사하야 쿠마르 아루니가 첸나이에서 심장마비로 사망하다
  76. ^ 글렌 모건 윌리엄스
  77. ^ Verle Franklin Wright 주니어
  78. ^ "Assem Salam : l'Etat un partenaire absent !". 6 February 2012.
  79. ^ 정의(퇴임) 우메쉬 C 배너지가 세상을 떠난다.
  80. ^ 틴 판 골목 작곡가 버니 비어맨 104세로 별세
  81. ^ 올리버 보우어스 주교가 죽다
  82. ^ 앙투아네트 올리엠페 (브라드나) 윌호이트 부고
  83. ^ "Prolific Australian playwright Julia Britton has died, aged 98 News". 20 November 2012.
  84. ^ "AFA's first African American graduate dies". Archived from the original on 2012-11-23. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  85. ^ 작곡가 엘리엇 카터가 103세에 사망하다
  86. ^ https://teamengland.org/commonwealth-games-history/vancouver-1954/athletes
  87. ^ "Douglas, Paul L".
  88. ^ 제임스 R.빈민의 수호자 덤프슨, 103세에 사망
  89. ^ 아르헨티나 영화감독 레오나르도 파비오는 74세의 나이로 사망하였다.
  90. ^ CSIS의 창시자 로버트 카플란은 75세의 나이로 암 투병 끝에 사망했다.
  91. ^ 라자울라 칸
  92. ^ 리스 레밍
  93. ^ 미국인 애니메이터 마가렛 니콜스 82세로 사망
  94. ^ 루이 피에나의 죽음에 대한 엇갈린 반응 2014-05-31 웨이백 기계보관
  95. ^ 키스 리플리
  96. ^ 저명한 코미디언 시칸다르 사남(Sikandar Sanam)이 사망하다
  97. ^ 스토킹 캣은 54세의 나이로 사망하였다.
  98. ^ 전 블루 스티븐이 세상을 떠났다.
  99. ^ Bertram Wyatt-Brown, 찬사를 받은 역사가 2013-06-14 웨이백 기계보관
  100. ^ Former state rep Alexander dies
  101. ^ Askofu Balina kuzikwa Shinyanga Archived 2013-05-10 at the Wayback Machine
  102. ^ Hetty 'Zuster Klivia' Blok overleden
  103. ^ https://obits.tennessean.com/obituaries/tennessean/obituary.aspx?n=ronald-edmond-braden&pid=160983440&fhid=13983
  104. ^ Miami Herald
  105. ^ L'artiste carolo Charles Delporte est décédé
  106. ^ "RotoWire Fantasy Football, Baseball, Basketball and More". Archived from the original on 2007-04-10.
  107. ^ Dad's Army actor Clive Dunn dies aged 92
  108. ^ Samuel Guo Chuan-zhen Archived 2014-02-04 at the Wayback Machine
  109. ^ Cartoonist, animator Vladimír Jiránek dies Archived 2014-06-01 at the Wayback Machine
  110. ^ State high court judge dies of heart attack
  111. ^ Carmen Martínez Sierra fallece a los 108 años
  112. ^ Cops: Wife kills former pro boxer in self-defense
  113. ^ Bulgarian Orthodox Patriarch Maxim Dies at 98
  114. ^ Famed 'talking' ape dies at Iowa sanctuary, others sick
  115. ^ Former Wales midfielder Ivor Powell has died aged 96.
  116. ^ Frank J. Prial, 82, wine columnist for New York Times
  117. ^ "Εκοιμήθη ο μητροπολίτης Μαρωνείας και Κομοτηνής Δαμασκηνός". Archived from the original on 2012-11-23. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  118. ^ Скончался директор СДЮШОР Карпат Богдан Цап
  119. ^ Carmen Warschaw, Calif. Democratic leader and philanthropist, dies
  120. ^ Boxing Hall of Famer Carmen Basilio dies at age 85
  121. ^ "Australia farewells wine pioneer Ray Beckwith".
  122. ^ Скончался советский олимпийский чемпион А.Беркутов: Другие виды Archived 2012-11-09 at the Wayback Machine
  123. ^ "VfL trauert um Heinz-Jürgen Blome". Archived from the original on 2016-11-17. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  124. ^ Parliament of Victoria
  125. ^ "TV producer Henry Colman dies". 11 November 2012.
  126. ^ Alan Coxon dies
  127. ^ Ellen Douglas, Novelist of Southern Life, Dies at 91
  128. ^ Memorial Obituaries O'Donnell Jr., Kevin Archived 2013-01-30 at the Wayback Machine
  129. ^ "David Ian Olive Obituary". Archived from the original on 2012-11-23. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  130. ^ ESPNcricinfo profile of Glenys Page
  131. ^ Vale: Major General 'Sandy' Pearson
  132. ^ Hee Haw' co-creator Frank Peppiatt dies
  133. ^ Richard Robbins Dies
  134. ^ Ex-University of Texas football coach Royal dies in Austin, age 88; had Alzheimer's disease
  135. ^ Former Councilman Art Snyder, a City Hall 'character,' dead at 79
  136. ^ "Elliott Stein (1928-2012)". Archived from the original on 2012-11-11. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  137. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2012-03-16. Retrieved 2020-12-05.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  138. ^ The Smurfs Star Lucille Bliss Dies
  139. ^ "Robert Blumenthal - the Mathematics Genealogy Project".
  140. ^ Tuskegee Airman retired Lt. Col. Herbert Carter died today, reports state
  141. ^ Elhunyt Danis György
  142. ^ "Evans, Bruce Jame". Archived from the original on 2006-08-23. Retrieved 2014-07-07.
  143. ^ Doncaster Rovers mourn the death of Bobby Gilfillan
  144. ^ Zmarł Gerard Gramse
  145. ^ Roger Hammond obituary
  146. ^ Cornel Lucas dies
  147. ^ Lee MacPhail dies at 95; former American League president and Hall of Fame member
  148. ^ RIP Pete Namlook
  149. ^ Bishop Patrick Francis Sheehan
  150. ^ Robert J. Swenning
  151. ^ "Archived copy". www.eduskunta.fi. Archived from the original on 10 December 2011. Retrieved 11 January 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  152. ^ John Attenborough, youngest brother of David and Richard Attenborough
  153. ^ Wyandotte Chief Bearskin dies Archived January 1, 2013, at the Wayback Machine
  154. ^ Fitterman, Lisa (26 November 2012). "NFB stalwart loved telling stories of his native Quebec to rest of country and world". The Globe and Mail.
  155. ^ "L'Assassinat d'Aïssatou Boiro entraîne une levée de boucliers en Guinée". 13 November 2012.
  156. ^ Activist Brandon Lacy Campos Dead at 35
  157. ^ Hall, Leonor (8 March 2017). "Nora Bustamante, nuestra historiadora académica" [Nora Bustamante, our academic historian] (PDF) (in Spanish). Maracaibo, Venezuela: Versión Final. p. 18. Retrieved 21 March 2021.
  158. ^ First Post-Revolution PM Milan Cic Dies (80)
  159. ^ Iurie Darie A Murit Archived 2013-01-30 at the Wayback Machine
  160. ^ Former Congressman Joseph Early dies
  161. ^ The Second Mrs. Eliot
  162. ^ "Isaac Fadoyebo".
  163. ^ Former Negro League pitcher Gould passes away
  164. ^ Philly sound' R&B singer Major Harris dies at 65
  165. ^ Actress Bobbi Jordan Dies at 75
  166. ^ Actrice Will van kralingen (61) overleden
  167. ^ Boxer Herbie Kronowitz dies (1923-2012)
  168. ^ Association of Registered Nurses of British Columbia notice of death of Helen Mussallem Archived 2014-05-31 at the Wayback Machine
  169. ^ 9 ноября на 108-м году жизни скончался выдающийся российский математик Сергей Никольский
  170. ^ Joseph W. O'Brien, Jr. Obituary
  171. ^ Former SL first-class batsman Bernard Perera dies
  172. ^ Paul J. Petrie Obituary
  173. ^ Pat Renella, Who Played a Bad Guy in ‘Bullitt’, Dies at 83
  174. ^ Jim Sinclair, towering figure in Aboriginal history, dies at 79
  175. ^ Malcolm Smith
  176. ^ Medal of Honor Recipient James L. Stone Passes Away at 89 Archived 2012-11-23 at archive.today
  177. ^ Bill Tarmey, Coronation Street star, dies
  178. ^ INRIA Alumni Archived 2013-01-16 at the Wayback Machine
  179. ^ http://m24arg02.naspers.com/argief/berigte/dieburger/2012/11/13/SK/8/skeugenegeneraal.html
  180. ^ Air Commodore Robert Carter
  181. ^ "Aboriginal campaigner Isabel Coe dies". ABC News. 12 November 2012.
  182. ^ Courtroom revealed the passionate side of Judge Coffey Archived 2012-12-23 at the Wayback Machine
  183. ^ "Eric Day: An Appreciation". Archived from the original on 2012-11-17. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  184. ^ "Bishop Eric Devenport". Archived from the original on 2015-11-30. Retrieved 2012-12-24.
  185. ^ http://www.nasonline.org/publications/biographical-memoirs/memoir-pdfs/freedman-stuart.pdf[bare URL PDF]
  186. ^ http://in.blouinartinfo.com/news/story/840404/indian-art-world-mourns-the-loss-of-gallerist-kekoo-gandhy[dead link]
  187. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2020-07-16. Retrieved 2021-05-14.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  188. ^ Politikwissenschaftler Wilhelm Hennis gestorben
  189. ^ Sandor Kiss
  190. ^ Lives Remembered: Marian Lines
  191. ^ Actress Mitsuko Mori dies of heart failure at 92 Archived November 24, 2013, at the Wayback Machine
  192. ^ Actor Mynavathi passes away
  193. ^ World's fattest man, Ricky Naputi, ate himself to death at almost 900 pounds
  194. ^ Russian whistleblower Alexander Perepilichnyy was warned his name was on gang hit list
  195. ^ Oud-KVP- en CDA-politicus Piet van Zeil overleden
  196. ^ Nigeria: Alhaji Lam Adesina dies at 73
  197. ^ "SKBL.se - Edith Marie Anrep".
  198. ^ Joe Egan, the great Wigan hooker, has died at age 93
  199. ^ Tomaž Ertl, Last Communist-Era Interior Minister, Dies
  200. ^ Alex Esclamado, Filipino Media Pioneer and Community Advocate, Dies at 84
  201. ^ Welsh Army veteran robbed as he lay dying after a heart attack
  202. ^ Former PPP law minister Iqbal Haider passes away
  203. ^ Sir Rex Hunt Falklands Governor during the Argentine invasion dies Archived 2015-09-24 at the Wayback Machine
  204. ^ Farish Jenkins
  205. ^ جلال منصوری، پیشکسوت وزنهبرداری درگذشت
  206. ^ Vic Mees, Soulier d'Or 1956 et Diable Rouge à 68 reprises, est mort
  207. ^ Mourning author Patricia Monaghan (1946–2012)
  208. ^ Vladimir Putin condoles native Ilya Oleynikov Archived 2014-10-27 at the Wayback Machine
  209. ^ 'Playboy' Brummie boxer Johnny Prescott dies at 74
  210. ^ Harry Wayland Randall (1915-2012)
  211. ^ CSM President Tarachand Sahu passes away
  212. ^ Former Jackson-area lawmaker Hal Ziegler dies at 80, remembered for his never-ending love of politics
  213. ^ "President Rawlings commend late Lt. Col Charles Kofi Agbenaza". 9 February 2013.
  214. ^ "Authorities Say Ali Irsan Stole Out of Greed and Murdered Out of Honor".
  215. ^ F.C. Hansa Rostock E.V.
  216. ^ Portait [sic] artist Bouldin III dies
  217. ^ "David Cahill Obituary - Irvine, California - Holy Sepulcher Cemetery".
  218. ^ Robert J. Cotter, Johns Hopkins medical school professor
  219. ^ Angela Cropper, 66, passes away in UK
  220. ^ Boston University Mourns the Passing of Anthony di Bonaventura, School of Music Professor and Legendary Pianist, Boston University Archived 2012-12-02 at the Wayback Machine
  221. ^ Bob French, longtime Original Tuxedo Jazz Band leader and WWOZ deejay, has died
  222. ^ Fotografen Hans Hammarskiöld död
  223. ^ Alan Hopkins
  224. ^ Помер єпископ УГКЦ Михаїл (Гринчишин)
  225. ^ Harry McShane: 1950s Manchester United stalwart
  226. ^ Ayer fue sepultado Mario Murillo Archived 2012-11-30 at the Wayback Machine
  227. ^ Retired Chicago cop, former champion bodybuilder dies
  228. ^ Fred Ridgeway obituary
  229. ^ È morto lo psicanalista Daniel Stern
  230. ^ "Ronald Stretton dies". Archived from the original on 2012-12-29. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  231. ^ Willis Whitfield, Inventor of Clean Room That Purges Tiny Particles, Dies at 92
  232. ^ Veteran Modernist John Winter dies at age 82
  233. ^ Wilbur K. Woo dies at 96; a leader of L.A.'s Chinese community
  234. ^ Walt Zeboski Photographer who chronicled Ronald Reagan's 1980 presidential campaign
  235. ^ Ex-Mocs coach Arnold dies at 74
  236. ^ Will Barnet painter dies
  237. ^ http://www.altpresse.com/mobile/permalink/3233.html
  238. ^ Bryce Bayer, Kodak scientist who created ubiquitous Bayer Filter for color digital imaging, has passed away
  239. ^ "The Home of CricketArchive".
  240. ^ Zmarł fotograf Solidarności
  241. ^ Bishop Kenneth Cragg Remembered
  242. ^ Earl Ferrers
  243. ^ Poet Jack Gilbert dies
  244. ^ Ve věku 80 let zemřel bývalý ministr Milan Horálek
  245. ^ John Kelly
  246. ^ "Manolo Peña, muere el artífice del primer "pucelazo" en el Camp Nou". Archived from the original on 2015-09-24. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  247. ^ Former Doncaster Dons boss John Sheridan will be missed
  248. ^ 皖籍"世界第一女巨人"姚德芬去世 女性 半岛网 Archived 2012-12-09 at the Wayback Machine
  249. ^ Ray Zone, the '3D King of Hollywood,' Dies at 65
  250. ^ Alex Alves, ex-Palmeiras e Cruzeiro, morre no interior de São Paulo
  251. ^ Beech, 92 Archived 2012-11-23 at archive.today
  252. ^ "Hal Christensen was ultimate attorney and mentor, say friends, family".
  253. ^ "L'Ancien député William Cusano est mort". 14 November 2012.
  254. ^ Qld rugby league legend Brian Davies has passed away
  255. ^ Co-founder of Chieftains dies, aged 76
  256. ^ Roadshow' personality dead at 83
  257. ^ Ex-TSU coach Joe Gilliam Sr. dies
  258. ^ "Daniel Goodman Obituary (1945 - 2012) Bozeman Daily Chronicle". Legacy.com.
  259. ^ Chemist Norman Greenwood dies
  260. ^ Boyd Gail Harris, Jr. obituary
  261. ^ Texas executes man who abducted, murdered single mother
  262. ^ IDF kills top Hamas commander
  263. ^ LAFERTÉ, Lucien 1919-2012
  264. ^ Ranchie' McLean is dead
  265. ^ Death of Paddy Meegan
  266. ^ Bispo emérito de Jaboticabal morre aos 84 anos após cirurgia
  267. ^ Olusola Saraki dies at 79 Archived 2012-11-28 at the Wayback Machine
  268. ^ Devastated Widow Of Former Rugby League Player Appeals For His Ex Colleagues To Help Investigation
  269. ^ Crime reporter shot dead in Tehuacán, as reign of violence and impunity continues
  270. ^ Former African Footballer of the Year Abega dies aged 58
  271. ^ "NÉCROLOGIE: Décès de Kader Bhayat".
  272. ^ Portuguese motorcycle racer Luis Carreira has died Archived 2014-05-31 at archive.today
  273. ^ "Harry Christiani profile and biography, stats, records, averages, photos and videos".
  274. ^ "Från Harlem till Söder".
  275. ^ "Why veteran actor, Pete Eneh, died after leg amputation -". 19 November 2012.
  276. ^ The Economist
  277. ^ Stereo Era's Singer-Songwriter Khin Maung Toe Passes Away
  278. ^ Ruder-Legende Josef Kloimstein gestorben
  279. ^ Kunavore passes away
  280. ^ Moosa Mangera
  281. ^ Gerrit Oosting (71) overleden
  282. ^ Former Defence Minister KC Pant dead
  283. ^ David Oliver Relin, Co-Author of ‘Three Cups of Tea’, Dies at 49
  284. ^ Bishop José Song Sui-Wan, S.D.B. †
  285. ^ Frode Thingnæs er død
  286. ^ William Turnbull, Scottish artist, dies at the age of 90
  287. ^ A Tribute to Rev Dr Canon Stuart Barton Babbage AM
  288. ^ Tony Blair's father Leo dies at the age of 89
  289. ^ [Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, Volume 2]
  290. ^ Death of A. J. Broadby Archived 2013-07-30 at archive.today
  291. ^ Eric Burgin obit Archived 2012-11-28 at the Wayback Machine
  292. ^ "Archived copy". yancuic.com. Archived from the original on 16 December 2013. Retrieved 11 January 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  293. ^ Evangelist John Chapman is home at last
  294. ^ Valladolid composer Luis de los Cobos dies in Switzerland
  295. ^ http://www.genealogybank.com/gbnk/ssdi/doc/ssdi/v1:142C3F0B77341480
  296. ^ Subhash Dutta passes away
  297. ^ Patrick Edlinger est mort
  298. ^ "Archived copy". www.thisdaylive.com. Archived from the original on 20 June 2015. Retrieved 11 January 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  299. ^ Former WBZ DJ Jeff "Jefferson" Kaye has passed away
  300. ^ Former Vice President Aliu Mahama Dies
  301. ^ Nota de Falecimento: Hubert Meyer Archived 2012-12-24 at the Wayback Machine
  302. ^ Helen Milliken, former Michigan first lady, dies at 89
  303. ^ Remembering Jim Moseley (1931-2012), the Voltaire of American Ufology
  304. ^ Longest-serving mayor of Beersheba, dies at 92
  305. ^ Tributes paid to All Blacks great Scott Archived 2014-06-01 at the Wayback Machine
  306. ^ Outfielder, passed up by Sox, made his mark in the old Negro Leagues
  307. ^[bare URL PDF]
  308. ^ Гончарук (Goncharuk), Дмитрий (Dmitry) (2012-11-25). "Ушла из жизни Нина Алёшина - архитектор 19 станций московского метро" [Gone from life Nina Aleshin - architect of 19 stations of the Moscow metro]. Комсомольская правда (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2014-04-13. Retrieved 2021-03-21.
  309. ^ https://sv.unionpedia.org/i/Ingrid_Bruce
  310. ^ Ponty Chadha, brother killed in shooting at farmhouse in south Delhi
  311. ^ Cyclisme - l'ancien lieutenant de Rik Van Looy Armand Desmet décède à l'âge de 81 ans
  312. ^ Branko Elsner tot: Trauer um "echten Sir"
  313. ^ Dick Felt obituary
  314. ^ Bonnie Lynn Fields dies at 68; former Mouseketeer
  315. ^ http://tributes.theage.com.au/obituaries/theage-au/obituary.aspx?n=kathleen-fowler&pid=161263077
  316. ^ "Mentalisme, Hypnose & Auto-Hypnose, Manipulation - Décès de Christian Godefroy". Archived from the original on 2012-12-29. Retrieved 2012-12-27.
  317. ^ Lea Gottlieb, queen of Israeli fashion, dies at 94
  318. ^ Zmarł Henryk Grzybowski Archived 2012-11-22 at the Wayback Machine
  319. ^ Notice of death of Katherine Kath at IMDb
  320. ^ Robert Lin, UC Berkeley pioneer in experimental space physics, dies at 70
  321. ^ Toronto photographer Arnaud Maggs dies at 86
  322. ^ Universidad Austral de duelo por muerte de su rector fundador Archived 2014-04-07 at the Wayback Machine
  323. ^ Cliff Pilkey, champion of Canada's progressive labour legislation, dies at 90
  324. ^ Phillies oldest alum, pitcher Schmidt, passes away
  325. ^ Billy Scott Dead: R&B Singer Dies at 70
  326. ^ ITW chief David Speer patient leader everyone liked
  327. ^ Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray, champion of Maharashtra's cause, dies at 86 Archived 2012-12-11 at the Wayback Machine
  328. ^ In Memoriam: Margaret Yorke
  329. ^ "Graham Anderson Obituary - Duncan, BC".
  330. ^ Fallece 'Miliki' a los 83 años
  331. ^ Alan Barblett
  332. ^ "Archived copy". www.sports-reference.com. Archived from the original on 18 April 2020. Retrieved 11 January 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  333. ^ Elena Akhmilovskaya Donaldson, Chess Champ in U.S.S.R. and U.S., Dies at 55
  334. ^ David Eaton
  335. ^ Stan Greig obituary
  336. ^ Phoebe Hearst Cooke, Granddaughter of William Randolph Hearst, Dies at 85 Archived 2012-11-23 at archive.today
  337. ^ Curtains fall on playwright Imbuga
  338. ^ "Former Bok dies". Archived from the original on 2013-12-03. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  339. ^ Former Miss America Neva Fickling dies from cancer Archived 2012-11-28 at the Wayback Machine
  340. ^ Sir Philip Ledger dies
  341. ^ Lord McCarthy
  342. ^ Kenny Morgans passes away
  343. ^ Εκοιμήθη ο Μητροπολίτης Ναυκράτιδος κυρός Κύριλλος
  344. ^ Olympian and USA Fencing Hall of Fame Member Ed Richards passes away
  345. ^ Helmut Sonnenfeldt, top adviser to Kissinger, dies at 86
  346. ^ Don R. Swanson, information science pioneer, dead at 88
  347. ^ James Bassham's obituary
  348. ^ https://www.math.ucla.edu/news/memoriam-david-g-cantor-professor-mathematics-1935-2012
  349. ^ http://tributes.smh.com.au/obituaries/smh-au/obituary.aspx?pid=161161760
  350. ^ "John Cooper profile and biography, stats, records, averages, photos and videos".
  351. ^ Former agriculture minister Omar Dakhqan passes away Archived 2013-10-24 at the Wayback Machine
  352. ^ https://peachbasketsociety.blogspot.com/2016/01/bill-durkin.html
  353. ^ John Hefin: TV director and ex-BBC Wales drama head dies
  354. ^ Viter Juste, Haitian community pioneer and leader, dies at 87
  355. ^ Celebrity chef identifies taxi victims Archived 2014-06-01 at the Wayback Machine
  356. ^ "Omroepster Hannie Lips (88) overleden". Archived from the original on 2012-11-23. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  357. ^ 「女のみち」ぴんからトリオの宮史郎さん死去 69歳
  358. ^ Drummer & Composer Pete La Roca Dies at 74
  359. ^ Parliament pauses to remember Labor great
  360. ^ Former U.S. Sen. Warren Rudman, a Nashua native, died Monday night
  361. ^ Лента новостей - Умер писатель-фантаст Борис Стругацкий
  362. ^ George 'Boots' Weber dies; perennial political candidate
  363. ^ Miris hokejists Kaspars Astašenko
  364. ^ "Oldest Filipino bishop dies". Archived from the original on 2014-06-01. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  365. ^ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jersey-bridgeman-murder-ark-girl-was-suffocated-and-apparently-raped-police-say/
  366. ^ Prominent local publishing heir dead after wrecking car
  367. ^ https://rockcult.ru/po/november-20-michael-dunford-died/
  368. ^ Louis O. Giuffrida obituary
  369. ^ Longtime Oak Park resident Redd Griffin dies Archived 2013-02-03 at archive.today
  370. ^ Willie Grut passes Away Archived 2013-01-30 at the Wayback Machine
  371. ^ "Previous News". Archived from the original on 2014-06-01. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  372. ^ Književnik Ivan Kušan preminuo u 80. godini
  373. ^ Former Congressman David Martin Dies Archived 2012-11-28 at the Wayback Machine
  374. ^ Famed singer Flora Martirosyan dies at 55
  375. ^ Mike Ryan, Seattle soccer pioneer, dies at 77 Archived 2014-05-22 at the Wayback Machine
  376. ^ Pot in Hyde Park and the death of Stephen Abrams
  377. ^ Berthold Albrecht dead: Aldi heir who helped build the company's position of global dominance
  378. ^ http://arhiva.dalje.com/hr-scena/umro-poznati-dirigent-mladen-basi/451272
  379. ^ https://www.olympedia.org/athletes/58036
  380. ^ "I Love Lucy editor Dann Cahn passes away". Archived from the original on 2013-01-24. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  381. ^ Lord Denman: Businessman and philanthropist
  382. ^ Former MP and Kirkland mayor Nick Discepola dead at 62
  383. ^ ["Hal Fiskari", Society for International Hockey Research Database, accessed August 4, 2015.]
  384. ^ TV chef Art Ginsburg — Mr. Food — dies at 81 Archived 2012-11-22 at the Wayback Machine
  385. ^ "Romanian actor Serban Ionescu dies of incurable disease". Archived from the original on 2012-11-30. Retrieved 2012-12-21.
  386. ^ India executes Mumbai gunman Hasab
  387. ^ Ernesto McCausland, homenajeado por EL HERALDO
  388. ^ Vladka Meed, courier for the Jewish resistance during WWII, dies at 90
  389. ^ Edwarda O'Bara, who spent 4 decades in a coma, dies at 59
  390. ^ Nigerian basketball player shot dead in US Archived 2014-06-01 at the Wayback Machine
  391. ^ Obituary: Austin Peralta, 1990–2012 Archived 2012-12-01 at the Wayback Machine
  392. ^ Deborah Raffin, actress and audiobook entrepreneur, dies at 59
  393. ^ Stein Schjærven
  394. ^ Ушел из жизни Рашид Шарафетдинов Archived 2014-05-31 at the Wayback Machine
  395. ^ "Eugene Smith, Tuskegee Airman, dies". Archived from the original on 2013-01-21. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  396. ^ Mirė legendinis Lietuvos boksininkas A.Šocikas
  397. ^ Emily Squires, Emmy-Winning Director of 'Sesame Street', Dies at 71
  398. ^ Bishop Mack B. Stokes
  399. ^ 上海队前主帅王后军去世 曾任国足队长被称小诸葛
  400. ^ Legendary concert promoter Frank Barsalona passes away
  401. ^ "Pete Bennett, Legendary Promotion Man for Beatles, Stones, Many More, Dead at 77". Archived from the original on 2012-12-03. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  402. ^ Bob Burtwell
  403. ^ Pearl Laska obituary
  404. ^ Momentum Vitae
  405. ^ Power of One author Bryce Courtenay dead at 79
  406. ^ "Weldon Drew Coaching Record College Basketball at Sports-Reference.com".
  407. ^ Raimund Krauth verstorben Archived 2012-12-30 at the Wayback Machine
  408. ^ Former Bear McRae passes away Archived 2012-12-04 at the Wayback Machine
  409. ^ Famous Azerbaijani actor died[permanent dead link]
  410. ^ Kerala CPM leader P. Govindapillai passes away
  411. ^ Tribe signs utility player; long time coach dies
  412. ^ В Смоленске оборвалась жизнь легенды конькобежного спорта
  413. ^ Disney design artist Mel Shaw dies at 97
  414. ^ Kuang-hsun Ting dies at 97; leader of Protestant church in China
  415. ^ Czech dissident writer Jan Trefulka dies
  416. ^ Former DMK minister Veerapandi Arumugam passes away
  417. ^ http://www.savababic.net/
  418. ^ https://newspaperarchive.com/elyria-chronicle-telegram-nov-26-2012-p-15/
  419. ^ José Luis Borau, Spanish Filmmaker, dead at 83
  420. ^ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/9848502/Noel-Botham.html
  421. ^ Peter Dawson
  422. ^ Former Congress MP Akkamma Devi passes away
  423. ^ Former Cardinals outfielder Chuck Diering dies
  424. ^ http://www.grayfoydrawings.com/#/exhibition
  425. ^ Meade ‘devastated’ after Go Native suffers fatal injury
  426. ^ Civil Rights Activist Lawrence Guyot Succumbs at 73
  427. ^ Larry Hagman dead at 81, portrayed notorious TV villain J.R. Ewing
  428. ^ Environmentalist Diana, Lady Isaac dies
  429. ^ John Kemeny, forgotten giant of Canadian film, dies at 87
  430. ^ Odszedł Tadeusz Kwapień
  431. ^ Alfonso Montemayor 'El Capi' fallece a los 90 años[permanent dead link]
  432. ^ Art dealer who bought and sold with immaculate timing
  433. ^ Adolph E. Peschke Obituary
  434. ^ Brazilian Olympic medalist Nelson Prudencio dies
  435. ^ Goodbye to ex Crociato Goffredo Stabellini[usurped!]
  436. ^ Robert O. Swados, who helped bring the Sabres to Buffalo, is dead at 93
  437. ^ Former White Sox pitcher Hal Trosky Jr. dies Archived 2014-06-01 at the Wayback Machine
  438. ^ http://www.1310news.com/2012/11/24/former-hull-mayor-ncc-chair-marcel-beaudry-dies/
  439. ^ Hector 'Macho' Camacho removed from life support, dies at 50
  440. ^ The Monitor, History legend Alec Campbell dies
  441. ^ Ian Campbell dies
  442. ^ Veteran Pakistani columnist Cowasjee passes away at 86
  443. ^ George Edward Haynsworth, retired Nicaragua missionary bishop dies
  444. ^ Spitz Kohn overleden
  445. ^ Un ataque al corazón noquea al gran Tony Leblanc
  446. ^ Controversial former Ottawa councillor Shawn Little dead at 48
  447. ^ Psychiatrist known for quick wit, therapy insights
  448. ^ https://www.olympedia.org/athletes/68774
  449. ^ Chris Stamp, Who Helped Launch The Who, Jimi Hendrix, Dead at 70
  450. ^ APSU baseball great Jimmy Stewart dies[permanent dead link]
  451. ^ Nicholas Turro Dies At 74
  452. ^ Former Buffalo Bills TE Ernie Warlick dies at 80[permanent dead link]
  453. ^ "Juan Carlos Calderon, Renowned Spanish Composer, Dead at 74". Archived from the original on 2013-01-15. Retrieved 2012-12-26.
  454. ^ Singer Earl Carroll Dies
  455. ^ "Obituary for Clifford Benjamin Digre". Star Tribune.
  456. ^ "Archived copy". www.record.xl.pt. Archived from the original on 30 November 2012. Retrieved 11 January 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  457. ^ Simeon ten Holt (89) overleden
  458. ^ In Memoriam of Lars Hörmander Archived 2012-12-03 at the Wayback Machine
  459. ^ Trauer um Max-Planck-Direktor Hans Kuhn
  460. ^ Tributes to an Imps stalwart
  461. ^ China praises engineer in aircraft carrier program Archived 2014-05-31 at the Wayback Machine
  462. ^ Boulder's Mark F. Meier, pioneer of glacial melt study, dies
  463. ^ "Murió expresidente boliviano Juan Pereda Asbún". Archived from the original on 2012-12-27. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  464. ^ Tom Robinson, four-time Olympic sprinter for the Bahamas, dies at 74
  465. ^ Professor Roy Severn[permanent dead link]
  466. ^ Former Chelsea manager Dave Sexton dies, aged 82
  467. ^ Actress Dinah Sheridan dies at 92
  468. ^ Martin Smyth
  469. ^ Lary Swoboda obituary
  470. ^ La Crosse native, former Packer Temp dies at age 79
  471. ^ "WKU All-American Towery dies". Archived from the original on 2013-01-05. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  472. ^ Acclaimed director Celso Ad. Castillo dies, 69
  473. ^ Komponist, Organist und Hochschullehrer: Theo Brandmüller ist tot (in German)
  474. ^ http://fredericksburg.com/News/FLS/2012/122012/12012012/740442/#[dead link]
  475. ^ Obituaries
  476. ^ Denis Marshall Haynes obituary
  477. ^ racing-reference.info
  478. ^ "Kulbacki, former NFL player from Youngsville, dies at 74". Archived from the original on 2014-05-31. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  479. ^ John "Mike" Kume, Sr
  480. ^ Vale Peter Marsh Archived 2013-04-03 at the Wayback Machine
  481. ^ Dr. Joseph E. Murray, who performed first successful organ transplant, dies at 93
  482. ^ Former Missouri Lawmaker Peter Myers Dead At 81[permanent dead link]
  483. ^ Theatre personality Venukuttan Nair passes away
  484. ^ Chitrabhanu Namboodiripad passes away
  485. ^ Suri peapiiskop emeeritus Kuno Pajula
  486. ^ Marty Richards, Tony-Winning Broadway and Film Producer, Dies at 80 Archived 2012-11-30 at the Wayback Machine
  487. ^ Fabulous Freebirds Member Buddy Roberts Passes Away At Age 65
  488. ^ "César Sánchez".
  489. ^ David Schwendeman, Museum Taxidermist, Dies at 87
  490. ^ Vår kjære far, svigerfar, bestefar og oldefar Hans-Jørgen Kåre Strugstad Walle-Hansen Archived 2014-05-31 at the Wayback Machine
  491. ^ Richard G. Wilkins Obituary
  492. ^ Commonwealth Universities Yearbook: 1985. 1985. ISBN 9780851430942.
  493. ^ Décès du guitariste de jazz Mickey Baker
  494. ^ "In Memory of Prof V P Belavkin".
  495. ^ Former lieutenant-governor of P.E.I., Gilbert Clements, dies at age 84
  496. ^ Pat Connolly, iconic sports broadcaster, dead at 84
  497. ^ "Get your tickets now for 'Gala for Girls: Kicking it up for Girls'".
  498. ^ Jim Davis, longtime Frankfort politician, dies at 84
  499. ^ Former Dutch coach Fafie dies
  500. ^ Le Monde director Erik Izraelewicz dead at 58 Archived 2012-11-30 at the Wayback Machine
  501. ^ Ex-DRC goalkeeper Kalemba dies Archived 2013-01-06 at the Wayback Machine
  502. ^ Obituary: Bob Kellett
  503. ^ Le peintre engagé Ladislas Kijno s'est éteint Archived 2012-11-30 at the Wayback Machine
  504. ^ "Nyrkkeilyn olympiapronssimitalisti Jorma Limmonen kuoli". Archived from the original on 2014-05-31. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  505. ^ Marvin Miller, the first executive director of the Major League Baseball Players Association, dead at 95 after year-long battle with cancer
  506. ^ Admira Legende Herbert Oberhofer verstorben! Archived 2012-11-30 at the Wayback Machine
  507. ^ Kenyan Boxer Dies in Germany, Family Appeals for Help Archived May 31, 2014, at the Wayback Machine
  508. ^ Lennart Samuelsson avliden
  509. ^ Décèdé hier à Dakar: Le Pr. Assane Seck sera inhumé à Marsassoum Archived 2014-05-31 at the Wayback Machine
  510. ^ Sen. Bennie Turner dies in Jackson, MS
  511. ^ Who Is Jack Wishna? Vegas Bigshot A Suicide
  512. ^ "Archives". Los Angeles Times.
  513. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2019-03-21. Retrieved 2020-12-03.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  514. ^ Akademiledamoten Knut Ahnlund död
  515. ^ Syed Shahid Akbar dies at 54
  516. ^ Sir William Bulmer
  517. ^ Gloria Davy, first African-American to Sing Aida at the Met, Dies at 81
  518. ^ Ex-lateral da Seleção, Fidélis morre vítima de câncer no estômago
  519. ^ Jerry Finkelstein, New York Power Broker, Dies at 96
  520. ^ Prof Jakes Gerwel passes away
  521. ^ Ex-Lancashire cricketer Tom Hardman, 21, found dead at house in Leeds
  522. ^ Ray Heffner
  523. ^ Hodgson, former Secretary of Labor, dies at Malibu home
  524. ^ Jerry Mahlman obituary
  525. ^ Philip Mastin obituary
  526. ^ E' morto Cosimo Vittorio Nocera, il più grande goleador del Foggia
  527. ^ PASSINGS: Zig Ziglar, Don Rhymer, David Courtney
  528. ^ Spain Rodriguez: Zap Comix artist dies
  529. ^ Champion of film as art pushed boundaries
  530. ^ Francis "Franco" Ventriglia obituary
  531. ^ Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar dies at 86 Archived 2013-01-16 at archive.today
  532. ^ http://www.oxfordtoday.ox.ac.uk/news/obituaries%202012[dead link]
  533. ^ Morre aos 75 anos o jornalista Joelmir Beting
  534. ^ "Eldon Edge Sr".
  535. ^ Maddalena Fagandini obituary
  536. ^ Musician, lava lover Bo Lozoff killed in Puna crash
  537. ^ The Music Man Actress Susan Luckey Dies at Age 74
  538. ^ Kagyu Samye Ling - News of Sherab Palden Beru Archived 2012-12-04 at the Wayback Machine
  539. ^ Jacotte Perrier
  540. ^ Former Siskin CEO Merv Pregulman passes away
  541. ^ Früherer Regierender Bürgermeister: Berlin trauert um Klaus Schütz
  542. ^ Werner Seibold's obituary
  543. ^ Joyce Spiliotis dies at 65
  544. ^ Benjamin Tatar: Jackie Gleason's aide, lived with Ava Gardner
  545. ^ Ronald F. Thiemann Dies at 66 Archived 2012-12-12 at the Wayback Machine
  546. ^ "Říkalo se jí pravá viktoriánská dáma". Archived from the original on 2014-06-01. Retrieved 2012-12-08.
  547. ^ Arch Bishop Cuthbert Woodroffe Passes[permanent dead link]
  548. ^ El béisbol cubano está de luto por la muerte de Rogelio Álvarez Archived 2012-12-04 at the Wayback Machine
  549. ^ È morto Mario Ardizzon bandiera del Venezia
  550. ^ "Archives". Los Angeles Times.
  551. ^ "Lars-Gunnar Björklund är död – Norrköpings Tidningar". 30 November 2012.
  552. ^ Retired Record Executive Rick Blackburn Dead at 70
  553. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2014-03-01. Retrieved 2020-12-08.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  554. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2014-07-14. Retrieved 2021-01-06.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  555. ^ "Renowned Malian musician Keletigui Diabate dies". Archived from the original on 2013-01-06. Retrieved 2012-12-07.
  556. ^ "Obituary for Patricia Dolores Mendez at Terranova Funeral Home- Haddon Heights".
  557. ^ "Jacqueline Duc". IMDb.
  558. ^ Former Ala. first lady Jamelle Folsom dies at 85
  559. ^ Stephen Gray, who managed the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, dies at 89
  560. ^ Former Prime Minister IK Gujral dies at age 92
  561. ^ Munir Malik dies, aged 78
  562. ^ R.I.P. Dolores Mantez
  563. ^ Jeff Millar, Chronicle reviewer and comic strip writer, dies at 70
  564. ^ Susil Moonesinghe is no more
  565. ^ Utah's Homer Warner dies
  566. ^ Athar Zaidi