
TEG-15 L1.jpg

TEG-15봄바디어교통과달라하라 경전철 시스템을 위해 제작한 경전철 차량 모델이다.[1][2] 과달라하라 계약을 위해 12개의 다른 회사들이 경쟁했다.[3] 이 계약은 2015년 말 체결됐으며 약 2년 만에 성사됐다.[4][5]


이 차량의 길이는 29.56m(97.0ft)이며 최고 속도는 시속 80km(50mph)로 설계됐다.[2] 이 차량들은 40명의 승객을 위한 좌석과 최대 250명의 승객을 위한 것으로 설계되었다.[6]


첫 차량 세트 2대는 2017년 3월 인도됐다.[2][7][8][9] 12명의 결승전은 2017년 11월 초에 이루어졌다.[5]


  1. ^ "Bombardier increasing light rail capacity in Guadalajara". Canadian Manufacturing. 2017-03-28. Archived from the original on 2017-03-28. Retrieved 2018-07-06. The TEG-15 LRV is part of Bombardier’s Mexican light rail product line, with more than 100 trains in service in Mexico’s three largest cities: Guadalajara, Monterrey and Mexico City. The project is being managed by teams working out of Bombardier’s Ciudad Sahagún facility in the State of Hidalgo.
  2. ^ a b c "Siteur receives first TEG-15 LRV from Bombardier". Railway Technology magazine. Archived from the original on 2018-08-28. Retrieved 2018-07-06. Sistema de Tren Eléctrico Urbano (Siteur) has received the first TEG-15 light rail vehicle (LRV) model from Bombardier in Guadalajara, Mexico. The LRV is part of an order placed by Siteur on 29 December 2015 with Bombardier to supply 12 two-car LRVs.
  3. ^ Douglas John Bowen (2012-09-19). "Bombardier, EMD team up to export locomotives". Railway Age. Archived from the original on 2018-07-07. Retrieved 2018-07-06. The joint venture builds upon a similar collaboration between both companies at Bombardier’s manufacturing site in Ciudad Sahagun, Mexico. Bombardier will manufacture certain components, including underframes and bogies, and assemble the EMD locomotives at its Savli, Gujarat facility in India.
  4. ^ "Bombardier Gana Contrato de Tren Ligero de Guadalajara". Forbes Mexico. 2016-01-06. Archived from the original on 2018-07-07. Retrieved 2018-07-06.
  5. ^ a b Laura Elizabeth Trejo (2017-11-08). "Manda Bombardier Ultimo Tren Ligero Guadalajara" [Send Bombardier last light train to Guadalajara]. El Indepientiente De Hidalgo. Archived from the original on 2018-09-04. Retrieved 2018-07-06.
  6. ^ "Arriba GDL Primera Unidad Tren Ligero". T21 MX. 2017-03-21. Archived from the original on 2017-03-27. Retrieved 2018-07-06.
  7. ^ 2017-03-21. "Guadalajara takes delivery of first TEG-15 trainset". Metro Report International. Archived from the original on 2018-07-07. Retrieved 2018-07-06. The new trains are expected to increase peak capacity by 50% on Line 1. Each two-car trainset is 29·6 m long. They are expected to run in pairs, and will have a maximum speed of 80 km/h.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: 숫자 이름: 작성자 목록(링크)
  8. ^ "Bombardier delivers trains for Guadalajara Line 1". International Railway Journal. 2017-03-21. Archived from the original on 2018-07-07. Retrieved 2018-07-06. The 750 V DC two-car TEG-15 trains are being built at Bombardier’s plant in Sahagún, Mexico, under a Pesos 752M ($US 31.5M) contract awarded by Guadalajara Urban Electric Train Company (Siteur) at the end of 2015.
  9. ^ "Bombardier's First Train for SITEUR Arrives in Guadalajara". Mass Transit magazine. 2017-03-27. Archived from the original on 2018-07-07. Retrieved 2018-07-06. The train will run on SITEUR's Line 1 as part of the Jalisco government's plan to extend and modernize the line. The last train is scheduled to be delivered by the end of November 2017.