영국의 금융 서비스

Financial services in the United Kingdom

영국의 금융 서비스는 2004년 [1]영국 경제에 총 860억 파운드의 가치를 기여했습니다.이는 영국, 유럽 및 세계 [2][3]경제에 큰 이익을 가져다 줍니다.업계에서는 2012년 3분기에 약 120만명의 종업원을 고용했습니다(영국 노동자의 약 4%).금융 서비스 섹터가 2012년 3월 31일까지 납부한 총 세금은 630억 파운드로 영국 정부[4]세금의 11.6%입니다.

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  1. ^ "United Kingdom National Accounts The Blue Book 2006" (PDF). 2006-07-21. Retrieved 2013-03-20.
  2. ^ "The Bank of England's approach to the authorisation and supervision of international banks, insurers and central counterparties". Bank of England. Retrieved 2018-03-02. Having a large financial sector brings substantial benefits to the UK. A deep and liquid financial market lowers the cost of finance to households and businesses. The financial services sector accounts for 7% of output and is a source of over 1 million jobs, two thirds of which are outside London. It contributes around £70bn, or 11%, of annual tax revenues. The UK’s financial sector also brings substantial benefits to EU households and firms, allowing them to access a broad range of services efficiently and reliably. UK-located banks underwrite around half of the debt and equity issued by EU companies. UK-located banks are counterparty to over half of the over-the-counter (OTC) interest rate derivatives traded by EU companies and banks. As many as 30 million EEA policyholders are insured through a UK-based insurer. Central counterparties (CCPs) located in the United Kingdom provide services to EU clients in a range of markets. UK-located asset managers account for 37% of all assets managed in Europe. Globally, the UK has the largest share of cross-border bank lending, foreign exchange trading and interest rate derivatives. It also has the second largest asset management industry and the fourth largest insurance industry in the world. This concentration of activity increases efficiencies in the provision of finance, which in turn support international trade and cross-border investment.
  3. ^ "Brexit: the United-Kingdom and EU financial services" (PDF). Economic Governance Support Unit of the European Parliament. 9 December 2016. Retrieved 2 March 2018.
  4. ^ "The Total Tax Contribution of UK Financial Services" (PDF). December 2012. Retrieved 2013-04-19.