1974년 미국 하원의원 선거

1974 United States House of Representatives elections
1974년 미국 하원의원 선거

1972년 1974년 11월 5일 1976년

미국 하원의 435석 전석
과반수에 218석 필요
다수당 소수당
Speaker Albert - portrait.jpg JohnRhodes.jpg
지도자 칼 알버트 존 로즈
파티 민주적인 공화당원
이후 리더 1971년 1월 21일 1973년 12월 7일
리더석 오클라호마 3차 애리조나 1차
지난 선거 242석 192석
좌석 획득 291 144
시트 체인지 Increase 49 Decrease 48
일반 투표 30,054,097 21,271,332
퍼센티지 57.5% 40.7%
흔들다 Increase5.4% Decrease5.8%

1974 House Elections updated.png
민주당 홀드 민주적 이득
공화당의 홀드 공화당의 이익

선출 전 발언자

칼 알버트

선출된 발언자

칼 알버트

1974년 미국 하원의원 선거는 1974년 워터게이트 사건으로 리처드 닉슨 대통령이 제럴드 포드를 위해 사임해야 했던 하원의원 선거였다. 스캔들은 높은 [1]인플레이션과 함께 중간선거에서 민주당49석을 차지하여 과반수를 3분의 2 이상으로 늘리면서 큰 이득을 보게 했다.1975년 1월 3일 소집된 94대 의회에는 모두 93명의 신입생 대표가 있었다(이 중 76명은 민주당 소속).그 해에 공직에 선출된 사람들은 "워터게이트 베이비"[2]로 통칭되었다.민주당의 49석 확보는 1958년 이래 최대 규모였다.

2022년 현재, 민주당이 하원 선거에서 45석 이상을 얻은 것은 이번이 마지막이다.

전체 결과

291 144
민주적인 공화당원

1974년 11월 5일 미국 하원의원 선거[3] 결과 요약

파티들 좌석 일반 투표
1972 1974 +/- 투표 % 바꾸다
민주당 242 291 +49 66.9% 30,054,097 57.5% +5.4%
공화당 192 144 -48 33.1% 21,271,332 40.7% -5.8%
독립계 1 0 -1 - 340,501 0.7% +0.5%
아메리칸 파티 0 0 - - 238,265 0.5% +0.2%
보수당 0 0 - - 115,980 0.2% -0.1%
자유당 0 0 - - 56,714 0.1% -0.1%
평화자유당 0 0 - - 35,984 0.1% -
미국 노동당 0 0 - - 26,342 0.1% +0.1%
경제정의당 0 0 - - 16,932 0.1% 미만 -
헌법당 0 0 - - 16,822 0.1% 미만 -
사회주의 노동자당 0 0 - - 13,982 0.1% 미만 -0.1%
조지 월러스 당 0 0 - - 11,943 0.1% 미만 -
공산당 0 0 - - 10,627 0.1% 미만 -
사회노동당 0 0 - - 10,564 0.1% 미만 -
자유연합당 0 0 - - 9,961 0.1% 미만 -
독립시민행동당 0 0 - - 9,520 0.1% 미만 -
금지 파티 0 0 - - 8,387 0.1% 미만 -
생명, 자유, 정의당 0 0 - - 8,199 <>0.1% -
인권은 0 0 - - 6,700 <>0.1% -
민족 민주당 0 0 - - 5,723 <>0.1% -0.1%
좋은 이웃은 0 0 - - 4,266 <>0.1% -
정치인들이 사장당 있나 0 0 - - 3,460 <>0.1% -
자유당 0 0 - - 3,099 <>0.1% -
독립 Vermonters 당 0 0 - - 2,641 <>0.1% -
뉴 리더십당 0 0 - - 1,778 <>0.1% -
정규민주당 0 0 - - 1,451 0.1% 미만 -
국민회의당 0 0 - - 1,241 0.1% 미만 -
집권당의 청렴성 0 0 - - 1,182 0.1% 미만 -
반독점 정당 0 0 - - 1,177 0.1% 미만 -
기독교당 0 0 - - 583 0.1% 미만 -
통합시민당 0 0 - - 529 0.1% 미만 -
다른이들 0 0 - - 6,543 0.1% 미만 -
435 435 0 100.0% 52,313,457 100.0% -
일반 투표
하우스 시트
주(州)에서 복수 보유 정당별 하원 의석수
80 % 이상의 민주당
80 % 이상의 공화당원
60~80%의 민주당
공화당원 60~80%
최대 60%의 민주적
최대 60%의 공화당원
6+민주적 이익
공화당의 6% 이상의 이익
3 ~ 5 민주당의 이익
공화당 지지율 3-5
1-2 민주당 지지율
공화당이 1-2로 승리
순변동 없음

특별 선거

이 선거들은 1975년 1월 3일에 끝나는 남은 기간 동안 실시되었다.

현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
펜실베이니아 12 존 세일러 공화당원 1952 현직은 1973년 10월 28일 사망했다.
1974년 2월 25일 특별 선거실시되었다.
민주적 이득.
  • Green tick YJohn Murtha (민주당) 49.9%
  • 해리 M.폭스(공화) 49.7%
  • Duane H. McCormick (헌법) [4]0.4%
미시간 5 제럴드 포드 공화당원 1948 현직은 1973년 12월 6일 사임하여 미국의 부통령이 되었다.
1974년 2월 18일 특별 선거실시되었다.
민주적 이득.
오하이오 1 빌 키팅 공화당원 1970 1974년 1월 3일 현직은 The Cincinnati Inquirer의 사장직을 위해 사임했다.
1974년 3월 5일 특별 선거실시되었다.
민주적 이득.
  • Green tick YTom Luken (민주당) 51.9%
  • 그레이디슨(공화) 48.[6]1%
미시간 8 제임스 하비 공화당원 1960 현직은 1974년 1월 31일 사임하고 미국 동부지방법원의 판사가 되었다.
1974년 4월 16일 특별 선거실시되었다.
민주적 이득.
  • Green tick YBob Traxler (민주당) 51.5%
  • 제임스 M. 스파링 주니어 (공화) 48.[7]5%
캘리포니아 6 빌 메리어드 공화당원 1952 현직은 1974년 3월 5일 사임하여 미주기구 미국대사가 되었다.
1974년 6월 4일 특별 선거실시되었다.
민주적 이득.
  • Green tick YJohn 버튼 (민주당) 50.0
  • 토마스 카일러(공화) 21.2%
  • 테런스 맥과이어(민주당) 8.7%
  • 장월(공화) 5.8%
  • 션 매카시(공화) 5.3%
  • 앨런 F. 리브스 (민주당) 4.1%
  • 웨슬리 윌크스(공화) 2.8%
  • 레슬리 A.보조금(민주당) 2.[8]1%
캘리포니아 13 찰스 티그 공화당원 1954 현직은 1974년 1월 1일 사망했다.
1974년 6월 4일 특별 선거실시되었다.
공화당의 홀드.
  • Green tick YBOB Lagomarsino (공화) 53.6%
  • 제임스 D.Loebl (민주당) 18.8%
  • 제임스 A.브라우닝(민주당) 7.8%
  • 로저 A.이콜라(민주당) 6.3%
  • E.T. Jolicouer (민주당) 6.0%
  • 데이비드 H. 밀러(민주당) 3.2%
  • R. W. Handley (민주당) 2.4%
  • F. Joe Beauchamp (민주당) 1.9%[9]

앨라배마 주

현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
앨라배마 1호 잭 에드워즈 공화당원 1964 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YJack Edwards(공화) 59.5%
  • 오거스타 A.윌슨(민주당) 37.0%
  • Mary B. McCarthy (Nat Dem) 3.6%
앨라배마 2 윌리엄 루이 디킨슨 공화당원 1964 현직 재선.
앨라배마 3 윌리엄 플린트 니콜스 민주적인 1966 현직 재선.
앨라배마 4 톰 베빌 민주적인 1966 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YTom Bevill (민주당)
  • 무반대
앨라배마 5 로버트 E. 존스 주니어 민주적인 1947년(특수) 현직 재선.
앨라배마 6 존 홀 뷰캐넌 주니어 공화당원 1964 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YJohn Hall 뷰캐넌 주니어 (공화) 57.0%
  • 니나 밀리오니코(민주당) 41.3%
  • 엘리자베스 S. 딜라드(금지) 1.7%
앨라배마 7 월터 플라워스 민주적인 1968 현직 재선.
  • Green tick Y월터 플라워 (민주당)91.0%
  • Frank P. Walls (콘) 6.4%
  • Lewis Black (Nat Dem) 2.6%


현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
알래스카 전체 돈영 공화당원 1973년 (특수) 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YDon Young (공화) 53.8%
  • 윌리엄 L.헨슬리(민주당) 46.2%

애리조나 주

현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
애리조나 1호 존 제이콥 로즈 공화당원 1952 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YJohn 제이콥 로즈 (공화) 51.1%
  • Pat Fullinwider (민주당) 42.3%
  • J.M. Sanders (무소속)6.6%
애리조나 2 모우달 민주적인 1961년 (특수) 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YMo Udall (민주당) 62.0%
  • 키스 돌가드(공화) 38.0%
애리조나 3 샘 스타이거 공화당원 1966 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YSAM Steiger (공화) 51.1%
  • Pat Bosch (민주) 48.9%
애리조나 4 존 버트런 콘란 공화당원 1972 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YJohn Bertrand Conlan (공화) 55.3%
  • Byron T. "Bud" Brown (민주당) 44.7%

아칸소 주

현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
아칸소 1호 윌리엄 볼리 알렉산더 주니어 민주적인 1968 현직 재선.
아칸소 2 윌버 밀스 민주적인 1938 현직 재선.
아칸소 3 존 P. 해머슈미트 공화당원 1966 현직 재선.
아칸소 4 레이 손턴 민주적인 1972 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YRay Thornton (민주당)
  • 무반대


현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
캘리포니아 1 해롤드 T.존슨
제2구역에서 선거구 제한
민주적인 1958 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 2 도널드 H. 클라우슨
제1구부터 선거구 제한
공화당원 1963년 (스페셜) 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 3 존 E. 모스 민주적인 1952 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 4 로버트 L. 레겟 민주적인 1962 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 5 존 L. 버튼
제6구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1974 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 6 필립 버튼
제5구역에서 선거구 제한
민주적인 1964 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 7 제롬 R.월디
제14구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1966 현직은 캘리포니아 주지사 선거에 출마하기 위해 은퇴했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주주의 홀드.
  • Green tick YGeorge Miller (민주당) 55.6%
  • 게리 페르난데스(공화) 44.4%
캘리포니아 8 론 델럼스
제7구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1970 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YRon Dellums (민주당) 56.5%
  • 잭 레든(공화) 39.7%
  • 존 홀랜드(미국 무소속) 3.8%
캘리포니아 9 피트 스타크
제8구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1972 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YPete Stark (민주당) 70.6%
  • 에드슨 애덤스(공화) 29.4%
캘리포니아 10 돈 에드워즈
제9구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1962 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YDon Edwards(민주당) 77.0%
  • 존 M. 엔라이트(공화) 23.0%
캘리포니아 11 리오 라이언 민주적인 1972 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YLeo Ryan (민주당) 75.7%
  • Brainard "Bee" Merdinger (공화당) 21.3%
  • 니콜라스 W. 쿠드로브제프(미국 무소속) 3.1%
캘리포니아 12 피트 매클로스키
17번 구역에서 선거구 제한
공화당원 1967년 (특수) 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YPete McCloskey (공화당)69.1%
  • 게리 G. 길모어(민주당) 30.9%
캘리포니아 13 찰스 S.굽서
제10구부터 선거구 제한
공화당원 1952 현직은 퇴직했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주적 이득.
캘리포니아 14 존 J. 맥폴
15번 지역구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1956 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YJohn J. McFall (민주당) 70.8%
  • 찰스 M. 척 깁슨(공화) 24.1%
  • 로저 A.블레인(미국 독립당) 5.1%
캘리포니아 15 버니스 F.시스크
16번 구역부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1954 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 16 버트 L. 탤콧
제12구부터 선거구 제한
공화당원 1962 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YBurt L. 탈콧(공화) 49.2%
  • 줄리안 카마초(민주당) 47.9%
  • D. 제프 마우로 (미국 무소속) 3.0%
캘리포니아 17 밥 마티아스
18번 구역에서 선거구 제한
공화당원 1966 현직은 재선에 실패했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주적 이득.
  • Green tick YJohn Hans Krebs (민주당) 51.9%
  • 마티아스(공화) 48.1%
캘리포니아 18 윌리엄 M.케첨
제36구부터 선거구 제한
공화당원 1972 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 19 로버트 J. 라고마르시노
13구역에서 선거구 제한
공화당원 1974 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 20 베리 골드워터 주니어
27번 구역에서 선거구 제한
공화당원 1969년 (특수) 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 21 제임스 C.코만
제22구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1960 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 22 카를로스 무어헤드
제20구부터 선거구 제한
공화당원 1972 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YCarlos Moorhead (공화) 55.7%
  • 리처드 할린(민주당) 44.3%
캘리포니아 23 토마스 M.리스
26번 구역에서 선거구 제한
민주적인 1965년 (특수) 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 24 없음(지구 생성) 새 좌석입니다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주적 이득.
  • Green tick YHenry Waxman (민주당) 64.2%
  • 엘리엇 스톤 그레이엄(공화) 32.8%
  • 데이비드 E.데이비스(미국 무소속) 3.0%
캘리포니아 25 에드워드 R.로이발
제30구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1962 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 26 존 H. 루셀로
24구역에서 선거구 제한
공화당원 1970 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 27 알폰조 E. 벨 주니어
28번 구역에서 선거구 제한
공화당원 1960 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 28 이본 브라스웨이트 버크
제37구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1972 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 29 아우구스투스 F.호킨스
제21구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1962 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 30 조지 E.다니엘슨
29번 지역구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1970 현직 재선.
쳇 홀리필드
19지역에서 Redistricted.
민주적인 1942 현직은 퇴직했다.
민주적 손실.
캘리포니아 31 찰스 H.윌슨 민주적인 1962 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 32 글렌 M.앤더슨
제35구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1968 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 33 델 M. 클로슨
제23구부터 선거구 제한
공화당원 1963년 (스페셜) 현직 재선.
  • Green tick Y델 M. 클로슨 (공화) 53.4%
  • 로버트 E.흰색(민주당) 43.1%
  • 제임스 C.그리핀(미국 무소속) 3.5%
캘리포니아 34 크레이그 호스머
32번 구역에서 선거구 제한
공화당원 1952 현직은 퇴직했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주적 이득.
캘리포니아 35 빅터 베이시
43번 지역구에서 선거구 제한
공화당원 1970 현직은 재선에 실패했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주적 이득.
캘리포니아 36 조지 브라운 주니어
38번 지역구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1962
1970년 (퇴직)
현직 재선.
  • Green tick YGeorge Brown 주니어 (민주당) 62.6%
  • Jim Osgood (공화) 32.3%
  • 윌리엄 에머리 패슬리 (미국 무소속) 5.1%
캘리포니아 37 제리 페티스
제33구부터 선거구 제한
공화당원 1966 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YJerry Pettis (공화) 63.0%
  • 바비 레이 빈센트(민주당) 33.1%
  • 존 H. 오르트만(미국 독립당) 3.9%
캘리포니아 38 리처드 T.한나
제34구역에서 선거구 제한
민주적인 1962 현직은 퇴직했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주주의 홀드.
캘리포니아 39 찰스 E.위긴스
25번 구역에서 선거구 제한
공화당원 1966 현직 재선.
캘리포니아 40 앤드류 힌쇼
제39구부터 선거구 제한
공화당원 1972 현직 재선.
  • Green tick 얀드루 힌쇼(공화) 63.3%
  • 로데릭 J. 로드 윌슨 (민주당) 31.0%
  • 그레이슨 L. 왓킨스(미국 무소속) 5.7%
캘리포니아 41 밥 윌슨
40번 지역구에서 선거구 제한
공화당원 1952 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YBOB Wilson (공화) 54.4%
  • 콜린 마리 오코너 (민주당) 43.1%
  • 로버트 W. 프랜슨(미국 무소속) 2.5%
캘리포니아 42 라이오넬 반 디얼린
제41구부터 선거구 제한
민주적인 1962 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YLionel Van Derlin (민주당) 68.9%
  • Wes Marden (공화) 31.1%
캘리포니아 43 클레어 버그너
42번 구역에서 선거구 제한
공화당원 1972 현직 재선.


현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
콜로라도 1 패트리샤 슈뢰더 민주적인 1972 현직 재선.
콜로라도 2 도널드 브로츠먼 공화당원 1966 현직은 재선에 실패했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주적 이득.
콜로라도 3 프랭크 에반스 민주적인 1964 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YFrank Evans(민주당) 67.9%
  • E. 키스 레코드(공화) 32.1%
콜로라도 4 제임스 폴 존슨 공화당원 1972 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YJames Paul Johnson (공화) 52.0%
  • 존 캐럴(민주당) 48.0%
콜로라도 5 윌리엄 L.암스트롱 공화당원 1972 현직 재선.


현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
코네티컷 1 윌리엄 R.코터 민주적인 1970 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YWilliam R. 코터(민주) 62.7%
  • 프란시스 M.버클리(공화) 35.9%
  • 찰리 A버크(조지 월러스) 1.4%
코네티컷 2 로버트 H.스틸 공화당원 1970 현직은 코네티컷 주지사 선거에 출마하기 위해 은퇴했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주적 이득.
  • Green tick YChris Dodd (민주당) 59.0%
  • 사무엘 B.헬리어(공화) 39.2%
  • 앤서니 디세폴로(공화) 1.8%
코네티컷 3 로버트 자이모 민주적인 1958 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YRobert Giaimo (민주당) 65.1%
  • 제임스 알탐 주니어 (공화당) 31.4%
  • 피터 콜티핀(조지 월러스) 2.1%
  • 조엘 R.피시맨(공산당) 1.3%
코네티컷 4 스튜어트 맥키니 공화당원 1970 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YStewart McKinney (공화) 53.2%
  • 제임스 G. 켈리스(민주당) 45.2%
  • 앨런 B. 포데먼 (조지 월러스) 1.6%
코네티컷 5 로널드 A.사라신 공화당원 1972 현직 재선.
코네티컷 6 엘라 T. 그라소 민주적인 1970 현직은 코네티컷 주지사 선거에 출마하기 위해 은퇴했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주주의 홀드.
  • Green tick YToby Moffett (민주당) 63.4%
  • 팻시 J. 피스코포 (공화) 36.1%
  • Louis J. Marietta (무소속) 0.4%


현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
델라웨어 전체 피에르 S. 뒤퐁 4세 공화당원 1970 현직 재선.


현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
플로리다 1 밥 시크스 민주적인 1940 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YBob Sikes(민주당)
  • 무반대
플로리다 2 돈 푸카 민주적인 1962 현직 재선.
플로리다 3 찰스 에드워드 베넷 민주적인 1948 현직 재선.
플로리다 4 빌 채펠 민주적인 1968 현직 재선.
플로리다 5 빌 건터 민주적인 1972 현직은 미국 상원의원에 출마하기 위해 은퇴했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
공화당이 득세하다.
  • Green tick YRichard Kelly (공화) 52.8%
  • JoAnn Saunders (민주당) 44.8%
  • 기타 (쓰기) 2.5%
플로리다 6 빌 영 공화당원 1970 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YBill Young (공화) 75.8%
  • 미키 먼로즈(민주당) 24.2%
플로리다 7 샘 기븐스 민주적인 1962 현직 재선.
플로리다 8 제임스 A.헤일리 민주적인 1952 현직 재선.
플로리다 9 루이스 프레이 주니어 공화당원 1968 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YLouis Frey Jr. (공화당) 76.7%
  • 윌리엄 D.Rowland (민주당) 23.3%
플로리다 10 바팔리스 건너뛰기 공화당원 1972 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YSkip Bafalis (공화) 73.7%
  • 에블린 터커(민주당) 26.3%
플로리다 11 폴 로저스 민주적인 1954 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YPaul Rogers(민주당)
  • 없음 ★★★★★★
주 12월 12일 허버트 J. 허버트 버크 1966 현직 재선.
주 13일 리먼 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 1972 현직 재선.
  • Green tick Y윌리엄 리먼(민주당)
  • 없음 ★★★★★★
14세 페퍼 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 1962 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YClaude Pepper (민주당) 69.1%
  • A. 9% Carricarte (공화) 30.9%
15도 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 1954 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YDante Fascell(민주당) 70.5%
  • Capua S. 29.5%

현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
조지아 1 로널드 "보" 긴 민주적인 1972 현직 재선.
조지아 2 도슨 매티스 민주적인 1970 현직 재선.
조지아 3 잭 토머스 브링클리 민주적인 1966 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YJack Thomas Brinkley (민주당) 87.7%
  • 칼 새비지 주니어 (공화당)12.3%
조지아 4 벤자민 B.블랙번 공화당원 1966 현직은 재선에 실패했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주적 이득.
조지아 5 앤드류 영 민주적인 1972 현직 재선.
  • Green tick 얀드루 영(민주당) 71.6%
  • 와이먼 C.Lowe (공화) 28.4%
조지아 6 잭 플린트 민주적인 1954 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YJack Flynt (민주당) 51.5%
  • 뉴트 깅리치(공화) 48.5%
조지아 7 존 W. 데이비스 민주적인 1960 현재 재지명이 상실되었습니다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주주의 홀드.
조지아 8 W. S. 스투키 주니어 민주적인 1966 현직 재선.
조지아 9 필립 M. 랜드럼 민주적인 1952 현직 재선.
조지아 10 로버트 그리어 스티븐스 주니어 민주적인 1960 현직 재선.


현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
하와이 1 스파크 마츠나가 민주적인 1962 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YS파크 마쓰나가(민주당) 59.3%
  • 윌리엄 B.폴(공화) 40.7%
하와이 2 팻시 밍크 민주적인 1964 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YPatsy 밍크(민주당) 62.6%
  • 칼라 W. 코레이(공화) 37.4%


현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
아이다호 1호 스티브 심스 공화당원 1972 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YSteve Symms (공화) 58.3%
  • J. 레이 콕스 (민주당) 41.7%
아이다호 2 오르발 H. 한센 공화당원 1968 현재 재지명이 상실되었습니다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
공화당의 홀드.

일리노이 주

현존재 이 레이스
멤버 파티 초선 결과. 후보
일리노이 1 랄프 멧칼프 민주적인 1970 현직 재선.
일리노이 2 모건 F.머피 민주적인 1970 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YMORGAN F. 머피(민주당) 87.5%
  • 제임스 J. 긴더스키(공화) 12.5%
일리노이 3 로버트 P.한라한 공화당원 1972 현직은 재선에 실패했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주적 이득.
일리노이 4 에드 더윈스키 공화당원 1958 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YEd Derwinski (공화) 59.2%
  • 로널드 A.로저(민주) 40.8%
일리노이 5 존 C. 클루친스키 민주적인 1950 현직 재선.
일리노이 6 해롤드 R.콜리어 공화당원 1956 현직은 퇴직했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
공화당의 홀드.
일리노이 7 카디스 콜린스 민주적인 1973년 (스페셜) 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YCardiss Collins (민주당) 87.9%
  • 도널드 L.메츠거(공화) 12.1%
일리노이 8 댄 로스텐코프스키 민주적인 1958 현직 재선.
일리노이 9 시드니 R.예이츠 민주적인 1964 현직 재선.
일리노이 10 새뮤얼 H. 영 공화당원 1972 현직은 재선에 실패했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주적 이득.
일리노이 11 프랭크 아눈지오 민주적인 1964 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YFrank Annunzio (민주당) 72.4%
  • 미첼 G. 자드로즈니(공화) 27.6%
일리노이 12 필 크레인 공화당원 1969년 (특수) 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YPhil Crane (공화) 61.1%
  • 베티 C.스펜스(민주당) 38.9%
일리노이 13 로버트 매클로리 공화당원 1962 현직 재선.
일리노이 14 존 N. 얼렌본 공화당원 1964 현직 재선.
일리노이 15 레슬리 C.아렌즈 공화당원 1934 현직은 퇴직했다.
새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다.
민주적 이득.
일리노이 16 존 B. 앤더슨 공화당원 1960 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YJohn B. 앤더슨(공화) 55.5%
  • 마셜 헝네스 (민주당)28.7%
  • W. John Schade 주니어 (무소속) 15.8%
일리노이 17 조지 M. 오브라이언 공화당원 1972 현직 재선.
일리노이 18 로버트 H.미셸 공화당원 1956 현직 재선.
일리노이 19 톰 레일즈백 공화당원 1966 현직 재선.
  • Green tick YTom Railsback (공화당) 65.3%
  • 짐 젠데(민주당) 34.7%
일리노이 20 폴 핀들리 공화당원 1960 현직 재선.
일리노이 21 에드워드 렐 마디건 공화당원 1972 현직 재선.
일리노이 22 조지 E.시플리 민주적인 1958 현직 재선.
Illinois 23 Melvin Price Democratic 1944 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YMelvin Price (Democratic) 80.5%
  • Scott Randolph (Republican) 19.5%
Illinois 24 Kenneth J. Gray Democratic 1954 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
  • Green tick YPaul Simon (Democratic) 59.5%
  • Val Oshel (Republican) 40.5%


Results in Indiana
District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Indiana 1 Ray J. Madden Democratic 1942 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YRay J. Madden (Democratic) 68.6%
  • Joseph D. Harkin (Republican) 31.4%
Indiana 2 Earl F. Landgrebe Republican 1968 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Indiana 3 John Brademas Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJohn Brademas (Democratic) 64.1%
  • Virginia R. Black (Republican) 35.9%
Indiana 4 J. Edward Roush Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Indiana 5 Elwood Hillis Republican 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YElwood Hillis (Republican) 56.6%
  • William T. Sebree (Democratic) 43.4%
Indiana 6 William G. Bray Republican 1950 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Indiana 7 John T. Myers Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Indiana 8 Roger H. Zion Republican 1966 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Indiana 9 Lee H. Hamilton Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
Indiana 10 David W. Dennis Republican 1968 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Indiana 11 William H. Hudnut III Republican 1972 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Iowa 1 Edward Mezvinsky Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
Iowa 2 John C. Culver Democratic 1964 Incumbent retired to run for U.S. senator.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
  • Green tick YMike Blouin (Democratic) 51.1%
  • Tom Riley (Republican) 48.1%
  • James W. Whitford (American) 0.8%
Iowa 3 H. R. Gross Republican 1948 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Republican hold.
Iowa 4 Neal Smith Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YNeal Smith (Democratic) 63.9%
  • Chuck Dick (Republican) 35.5%
  • Donna Le Porte (American) 0.6%
Iowa 5 William J. Scherle Republican 1966 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Iowa 6 Wiley Mayne Republican 1966 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Kansas 1 Keith Sebelius Republican 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
Kansas 2 William R. Roy Democratic 1970 Incumbent retired to run for U.S. senator.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
Kansas 3 Larry Winn Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YLarry Winn (Republican) 62.9%
  • Samuel J. Wells (Democratic) 35.0%
  • Ted E. Oakes (American) 2.1%
Kansas 4 Garner E. Shriver Republican 1960 Incumbent re-elected.
Kansas 5 Joe Skubitz Republican 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJoe Skubitz (Republican) 55.2%
  • Frank Gaines (Democratic) 44.8%


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Kentucky 1 Frank Stubblefield Democratic 1958 Incumbent lost renomination.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
Kentucky 2 William Natcher Democratic 1953 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
Kentucky 3 Romano L. Mazzoli Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YRomano L. Mazzoli (Democratic) 69.7%
  • Vincent N. Barclay (Republican) 26.6%
  • William P. Chambers (American) 3.1%
  • Luther J. Wilson (Independent) 0.7%
Kentucky 4 Gene Snyder Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YGene Snyder (Republican) 51.7%
  • Kyle T. Hubbard (Democratic) 48.3%
Kentucky 5 Tim Lee Carter Republican 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
Kentucky 6 John B. Breckinridge Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
Kentucky 7 Carl D. Perkins Democratic 1948 Incumbent re-elected.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Louisiana 1 F. Edward Hebert Democratic 1940 Incumbent re-elected.
Louisiana 2 Lindy Boggs Democratic 1973 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YLindy Boggs (Democratic) 81.8%
  • Diane Morphos (Republican) 14.6%
  • Jules W. "Ted" Hillery (Independent) 3.5%
Louisiana 3 Dave Treen Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YDave Treen (Republican) 58.5%
  • Charles Grisbaum Jr. (Democratic) 41.5%
Louisiana 4 Joe Waggonner Democratic 1961 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
Louisiana 5 Otto Passman Democratic 1946 Incumbent re-elected.
Louisiana 6 John Rarick Democratic 1966 Incumbent lost renomination.
New member elected.
Republican gain.
  • Green tick YHenson Moore (Republican) 54.1%
  • Jeff La Caze (Democratic) 45.9%
Louisiana 7 John Breaux Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJohn Breaux (Democratic) 89.3%
  • Jeremy J. Millett (Independent) 10.7%
Louisiana 8 Gillis William Long Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Maine 1 Peter N. Kyros Democratic 1966 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Republican gain.
Maine 2 William Cohen Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Maryland 1 Robert Bauman Republican 1973 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YRobert Bauman (Republican) 53.0%
  • Thomas J. Hatem (Democratic) 47.0%
Maryland 2 Clarence Long Democratic 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YClarence Long (Democratic) 77.1%
  • John M. Seney (Republican) 22.9%
Maryland 3 Paul Sarbanes Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YPaul Sarbanes (Democratic) 83.8%
  • William H. Mathews (Republican) 16.2%
Maryland 4 Marjorie Holt Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YMarjorie Holt (Republican) 58.1%
  • Fred L. Wineland (Democratic) 41.9%
Maryland 5 Lawrence Hogan Republican 1968 Incumbent retired to run for Governor of Maryland.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
  • Green tick YGladys Spellman (Democratic) 52.6%
  • John B. Burcham Jr. (Republican) 47.4%
Maryland 6 Goodloe Byron Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YGoodloe Byron (Democratic) 73.7%
  • Elton R. Wampler (Republican) 26.3%
Maryland 7 Parren Mitchell Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Maryland 8 Gilbert Gude Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Massachusetts 1 Silvio Conte Republican 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YSilvio Conte (Republican) 71.1%
  • Thomas R. Manning (Democratic) 28.9%
Massachusetts 2 Edward Boland Democratic 1952 Incumbent re-elected.
Massachusetts 3 Harold Donohue Democratic 1946 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
  • Green tick YJoseph D. Early (Democratic) 49.5%
  • David J. Lionett (Republican) 38.4%
  • Douglas J. Rowe (Independent) 12.0%
Massachusetts 4 Robert Drinan Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YRobert Drinan (Democratic) 50.8%
  • Jon Rotenberg (Independent) 34.7%
  • Alvin Mandell (Republican) 14.4%
Massachusetts 5 Paul W. Cronin Republican 1972 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Massachusetts 6 Michael J. Harrington Democratic 1969 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
Massachusetts 7 Torbert H. MacDonald Democratic 1954 Incumbent re-elected.
Massachusetts 8 Tip O'Neill Democratic 1952 Incumbent re-elected.
Massachusetts 9 Joe Moakley Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJoe Moakley (Democratic) 89.3%
  • Laurence R. Sherman (Labor) 10.7%
Massachusetts 10 Margaret Heckler Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Massachusetts 11 James A. Burke Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
Massachusetts 12 Gerry E. Studds Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Michigan 1 John Conyers Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJohn Conyers (Democratic) 90.7%
  • Walter F. Girardot (Republican) 8.7%
  • Hattie L. McCutcheon (Socialist Workers) 0.4%
  • Jacqueline M. Cotton (Labor) 0.2%
Michigan 2 Marvin L. Esch Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 3 Garry E. Brown Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 4 J. Edward Hutchinson Republican 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 5 Richard Vander Veen Democratic 1974 Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 6 Charles E. Chamberlain Republican 1956 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Michigan 7 Donald W. Riegle Jr. Democratic 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 8 J. Bob Traxler Democratic 1974 Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 9 Guy Vander Jagt Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 10 Elford Albin Cederberg Republican 1952 Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 11 Philip Ruppe Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YPhilip Ruppe (Republican) 50.9%
  • Francis D. Brouillette (Democratic) 48.8%
  • Theodore G. Albert (Human Rights) 0.2%
  • Brian Elam (Socialist Workers) 0.05%
Michigan 12 James G. O'Hara Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 13 Charles Diggs Democratic 1954 Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 14 Lucien Nedzi Democratic 1961 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 15 William D. Ford Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 16 John Dingell Democratic 1955 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
Michigan 17 Martha W. Griffiths Democratic 1954 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
Michigan 18 Robert J. Huber Republican 1972 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Michigan 19 William Broomfield Republican 1956 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YWilliam Broomfield (Republican) 62.6%
  • George Montgomery (Democratic) 36.7%
  • Maurice Geary (Human Rights) 0.4%
  • Rudolf Zeller (Socialist Workers) 0.1%
  • James Jaber (Labor) 0.08%
  • Matthew Moriarty (Labor) 0.07%


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Minnesota 1 Al Quie Republican 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
Minnesota 2 Ancher Nelsen Republican 1958 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Republican hold.
Minnesota 3 Bill Frenzel Republican 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Minnesota 4 Joseph Karth Democratic (DFL) 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
Minnesota 5 Donald M. Fraser Democratic (DFL) 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
Minnesota 6 John Zwach Republican 1966 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic (DFL) gain.
Minnesota 7 Bob Bergland Democratic (DFL) 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Minnesota 8 John Blatnik Democratic (DFL) 1946 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Mississippi 1 Jamie Whitten Democratic 1941 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJamie Whitten (Democratic) 88.2%
  • Jack Benney (Independent) 11.8%
Mississippi 2 David R. Bowen Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YDavid R. Bowen (Democratic) 66.1%
  • Ben F. Hilbun Jr. (Republican) 27.7%
  • H. B. Wells (Independent) 6.2%
Mississippi 3 Gillespie V. Montgomery Democratic 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Mississippi 4 Thad Cochran Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YThad Cochran (Republican) 70.2%
  • Kenneth L. Dean (Democratic) 28.8%
  • Leonard R. Young (Independent) 1.0%
Mississippi 5 Trent Lott Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YTrent Lott (Republican) 73.0%
  • Walter Wilson Murphey (Democratic) 14.4%
  • Karl Martz (Independent) 8.9%
  • Glenn E. Gilley (Independent) 2.7%
  • Earnest J. Creel (Independent) 1.0%


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Missouri 1 Bill Clay Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YBill Clay (Democratic) 68.3%
  • Arthur O. Martin (Republican) 31.7%
Missouri 2 James W. Symington Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
Missouri 3 Leonor Sullivan Democratic 1952 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YLeonor Sullivan (Democratic) 74.3%
  • Jo Ann P. Raisch (Republican) 24.3%
  • Marie S. Nowak (Independent) 1.4%
Missouri 4 William J. Randall Democratic 1959 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
Missouri 5 Richard Bolling Democratic 1948 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YRichard Bolling (Democratic) 69.1%
  • John McDonough (Republican) 29.9%
  • Edward Verburg (Independent) 1.0%
Missouri 6 Jerry Litton Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJerry Litton (Democratic) 78.9%
  • Grover H. Speers (Republican) 21.1%
Missouri 7 Gene Taylor Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YGene Taylor (Republican) 52.3%
  • Richard L. Franks (Democratic) 47.7%
Missouri 8 Richard Howard Ichord Jr. Democratic 1960 Incumbent re-elected.
Missouri 9 William L. Hungate Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
Missouri 10 Bill Burlison Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YBill Burlison (Democratic) 72.8%
  • Truman Farrow (Republican) 27.2%


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Montana 1 Richard G. Shoup Republican 1970 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Montana 2 John Melcher Democratic 1969 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJohn Melcher (Democratic) 63.0%
  • Jack McDonald (Republican) 37.0%


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Nebraska 1 Charles Thone Republican 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Nebraska 2 John Y. McCollister Republican 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Nebraska 3 David T. Martin Republican 1960 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Republican hold.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Nevada at-large David Towell Republican 1972 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.

New Hampshire

District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
New Hampshire 1 Louis C. Wyman Republican 1966 Incumbent retired to run for U.S. senator.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
New Hampshire 2 James Colgate Cleveland Republican 1962 Incumbent re-elected.

New Jersey

District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
New Jersey 1 John E. Hunt Republican 1966 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
  • Green tick YJames J. Florio (Democratic) 57.5%
  • John E. Hunt (Republican) 38.5%
  • James Perry (Independent) 2.3%
  • Bradley L. Kirsch (Independent) 0.6%
  • Elizabeth L. Drevs (Independent) 0.5%
  • Raymond Carotenuto (Independent) 0.3%
  • Julius Levin (Socialist Labor) 0.2%
  • Pedro J. Torres (Independent) 0.1%
New Jersey 2 Charles W. Sandman Jr. Republican 1966 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
New Jersey 3 James J. Howard Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJames J. Howard (Democratic) 68.9%
  • Kenneth W. Clark (Republican) 29.8%
  • Joseph A. Rogers (Independent) 0.8%
  • Thomas W. Palven (Independent) 0.5%
New Jersey 4 Frank Thompson Democratic 1954 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YFrank Thompson (Democratic) 66.8%
  • Henry J. Keller (Republican) 33.2%
New Jersey 5 Peter Frelinghuysen Jr. Republican 1952 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Republican hold.
New Jersey 6 Edwin B. Forsythe Republican 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
New Jersey 7 William B. Widnall Republican 1950 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
New Jersey 8 Robert A. Roe Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
New Jersey 9 Henry Helstoski Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YHenry Helstoski (Democratic) 64.5%
  • Harold A. Pareti (Republican) 32.9%
  • Herbert H. Shaw (Independent) 2.2%
  • Robert W. Funsch (Independent) 0.3%
New Jersey 10 Peter W. Rodino Democratic 1948 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YPeter W. Rodino (Democratic) 81.0%
  • John R. Taliferro (Republican) 15.2%
  • Sandra Hill (Independent) 3.8%
New Jersey 11 Joseph G. Minish Democratic 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
New Jersey 12 Matthew John Rinaldo Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YMatthew John Rinaldo (Republican) 65.0%
  • Adam K. Levin (Democratic) 32.4%
  • Anthony Carbone (Independent) 1.1%
  • Catherine O'Toole French (Independent) 0.8%
  • Robert A. Steiner (Independent) 0.7%
New Jersey 13 Joseph J. Maraziti Republican 1972 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
New Jersey 14 Dominick V. Daniels Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YDominick V. Daniels (Democratic) 79.9%
  • Claire J. Sheridan (Republican) 16.1%
  • John A. Alston (Independent) 4.0%
New Jersey 15 Edward J. Patten Democratic 1962 Incumbent re-elected.

New Mexico

District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
New Mexico 1 Manuel Lujan Jr. Republican 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
New Mexico 2 Harold L. Runnels Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.

New York

District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
New York 1 Otis G. Pike Democratic 1960 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 2 James R. Grover Jr. Republican 1962 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
New York 3 Angelo D. Roncallo Republican 1972 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
New York 4 Norman F. Lent Republican 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YNorman F. Lent (Republican) 56.3%
  • Franklin Ornstein (Democratic) 43.7%
New York 5 John W. Wydler Republican 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 6 Lester L. Wolff Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 7 Joseph P. Addabbo Democratic 1960 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 8 Benjamin Stanley Rosenthal Democratic 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 9 James J. Delaney Democratic 1948 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 10 Mario Biaggi Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 11 Frank J. Brasco Democratic 1966 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
New York 12 Shirley Chisholm Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 13 Bertram L. Podell Democratic 1968 Incumbent lost renomination.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
New York 14 John J. Rooney Democratic 1944 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
New York 15 Hugh L. Carey Democratic 1960 Incumbent retired to run for Governor of New York.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
New York 16 Elizabeth Holtzman Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 17 John M. Murphy Democratic 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 18 Ed Koch Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 19 Charles B. Rangel Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 20 Bella Abzug Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 21 Herman Badillo Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 22 Jonathan Brewster Bingham Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 23 Peter A. Peyser Republican 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 24 Ogden R. Reid Democratic 1962 Incumbent retired to run for Governor of New York.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
New York 25 Hamilton Fish IV Republican 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 26 Benjamin A. Gilman Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 27 Howard W. Robison Republican 1958 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
New York 28 Samuel S. Stratton Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 29 Carleton J. King Republican 1960 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
New York 30 Robert C. McEwen Republican 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 31 Donald J. Mitchell Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 32 James M. Hanley Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 33 William F. Walsh Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 34 Frank Horton Republican 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 35 Barber Conable Republican 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
New York 36 Henry P. Smith III Republican 1964 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
New York 37 Thaddeus J. Dulski Democratic 1958 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
New York 38 Jack Kemp Republican 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJack Kemp (Republican) 72.1%
  • Barbara C. Wicks (Democratic) 27.9%
New York 39 James F. Hastings Republican 1968 Incumbent re-elected.

North Carolina

District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
North Carolina 1 Walter B. Jones Sr. Democratic 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
North Carolina 2 Lawrence H. Fountain Democratic 1952 Incumbent re-elected.
North Carolina 3 David N. Henderson Democratic 1960 Incumbent re-elected.
North Carolina 4 Ike Franklin Andrews Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
North Carolina 5 Wilmer Mizell Republican 1968 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
North Carolina 6 L. Richardson Preyer Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
North Carolina 7 Charlie Rose Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
North Carolina 8 Earl B. Ruth Republican 1968 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
North Carolina 9 James G. Martin Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
North Carolina 10 James T. Broyhill Republican 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
North Carolina 11 Roy A. Taylor Democratic 1960 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YRoy A. Taylor (Democratic) 66.0%
  • Albert F. "Doc" Gilman (Republican) 34.0%

North Dakota

District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
North Dakota at-large Mark Andrews Republican 1963 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Ohio 1 Tom Luken Democratic 1974 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Republican gain.
Ohio 2 Donald D. Clancy Republican 1960 Incumbent re-elected.
Ohio 3 Charles W. Whalen Jr. Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Ohio 4 Tennyson Guyer Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YTennyson Guyer (Republican) 61.5%
  • James L. Gehrlich (Democratic) 38.5%
Ohio 5 Del Latta Republican 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YDel Latta (Republican) 62.5%
  • Bruce Edwards (Democratic) 37.5%
Ohio 6 Bill Harsha Republican 1960 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YBill Harsha (Republican) 68.8%
  • Lloyd Allan Wood (Democratic) 31.2%
Ohio 7 Bud Brown Republican 1965 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YBud Brown (Republican) 60.5%
  • Patrick L. Nelson (Democratic) 28.7%
  • Dorothy Franke (Independent) 10.8%
Ohio 8 Walter E. Powell Republican 1970 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Republican hold.
  • Green tick YTom Kindness (Republican) 42.4%
  • T. Edward Strinko (Democratic) 38.0%
  • Don Gingerich (Independent) 19.6%
Ohio 9 Thomas L. Ashley Democratic 1954 Incumbent re-elected.
Ohio 10 Clarence E. Miller Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Ohio 11 J. William Stanton Republican 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
Ohio 12 Samuel L. Devine Republican 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
Ohio 13 Charles Adams Mosher Republican 1960 Incumbent re-elected.
Ohio 14 John F. Seiberling Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Ohio 15 Chalmers P. Wylie Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Ohio 16 Ralph Regula Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YRalph Regula (Republican) 65.6%
  • John G. Freedom (Democratic) 34.4%
Ohio 17 John M. Ashbrook Republican 1960 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJohn M. Ashbrook (Republican) 52.7%
  • David D. Noble (Democratic) 47.3%
  • Clifford J. Simpson (Independent) 0.002%
Ohio 18 Wayne L. Hays Democratic 1948 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YWayne L. Hays (Democratic) 65.6%
  • Ralph H. Romig (Republican) 34.4%
Ohio 19 Charles J. Carney Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Ohio 20 James V. Stanton Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Ohio 21 Louis Stokes Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YLouis Stokes (Democratic) 82.0%
  • Bill Mack (Republican) 18.0%
Ohio 22 Charles Vanik Democratic 1954 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YCharles Vanik (Democratic) 78.7%
  • William J. Franz (Republican) 21.3%
Ohio 23 William Edwin Minshall Jr. Republican 1954 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Oklahoma 1 James R. Jones Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJames R. Jones (Democratic) 67.9%
  • George Alfred Mizer Jr. (Republican) 32.1%
Oklahoma 2 Clem McSpadden Democratic 1972 Incumbent retired to run for Governor of Oklahoma.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
Oklahoma 3 Carl Albert Democratic 1946 Incumbent re-elected.
Oklahoma 4 Tom Steed Democratic 1948 Incumbent re-elected.
Oklahoma 5 John Jarman Democratic 1950 Incumbent re-elected.
Oklahoma 6 John Newbold Camp Republican 1968 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Oregon 1 Wendell Wyatt Republican 1964 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Oregon 2 Albert C. Ullman Democratic 1956 Incumbent re-elected.
Oregon 3 Edith Green Democratic 1954 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
Oregon 4 John R. Dellenback Republican 1966 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Pennsylvania 1 William A. Barrett Democratic 1948 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 2 Robert N. C. Nix Sr. Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 3 William J. Green III Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 4 Joshua Eilberg Democratic 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJoshua Eilberg (Democratic) 71.0%
  • Isadore Einhorn (Republican) 29.0%
Pennsylvania 5 John H. Ware III Republican 1970 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Republican hold.
Pennsylvania 6 Gus Yatron Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 7 Lawrence G. Williams Republican 1966 Incumbent lost renomination.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Pennsylvania 8 Edward G. Biester Jr. Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 9 Bud Shuster Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YBud Shuster (Republican) 56.5%
  • Robert D. Ford (Democratic) 43.5%
Pennsylvania 10 Joseph M. McDade Republican 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 11 Daniel J. Flood Democratic 1954 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 12 John Murtha Democratic 1974 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJohn Murtha (Democratic) 58.1%
  • Harry M. Fox (Republican) 41.9%
Pennsylvania 13 R. Lawrence Coughlin Republican 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 14 William S. Moorhead Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 15 Fred B. Rooney Democratic 1963 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 16 Edwin D. Eshleman Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 17 Herman T. Schneebeli Republican 1960 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 18 H. John Heinz III Republican 1971 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 19 George Atlee Goodling Republican 1966 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Republican hold.
Pennsylvania 20 Joseph M. Gaydos Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 21 John H. Dent Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJohn H. Dent (Democratic) 69.9%
  • Charles L. Sconing (Republican) 30.1%
Pennsylvania 22 Thomas E. Morgan Democratic 1944 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 23 Albert W. Johnson Republican 1963 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 24 Joseph P. Vigorito Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
Pennsylvania 25 Frank M. Clark Democratic 1954 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Republican gain.

Rhode Island

District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Rhode Island 1 Fernand St. Germain Democratic 1960 Incumbent re-elected.
Rhode Island 2 Robert Tiernan Democratic 1967 (Special) Incumbent lost renomination.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
  • Green tick YEdward Beard (Democratic) 78.2%
  • Vincent J. Rotondo (Republican) 21.8%

South Carolina

District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
South Carolina 1 Mendel Jackson Davis Democratic 1971 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YMendel Jackson Davis (Democratic) 72.7%
  • George B. Rast (Republican) 25.9%
  • Charles Amaker (Independent) 0.8%
  • Benjamin Frasier (United Citizens) 0.6%
South Carolina 2 Floyd Spence Republican 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YFloyd Spence (Republican) 56.1%
  • Matthew J. Perry (Democratic) 43.0%
  • Paul Proveaux (Independent) 0.9%
South Carolina 3 William Jennings Bryan Dorn Democratic 1950 Incumbent retired to run for Governor of South Carolina.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
South Carolina 4 James R. Mann Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJames R. Mann (Democratic) 63.3%
  • Robert L. Watkins (Republican) 36.7%
South Carolina 5 Thomas S. Gettys Democratic 1964 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
  • Green tick YKenneth Lamar Holland (Democratic) 61.4%
  • Lenard Phillips (Republican) 37.8%
  • Bert Sumner (Independent) 0.8%
South Carolina 6 Edward Lunn Young Republican 1972 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.

South Dakota

District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
South Dakota 1 Frank E. Denholm Democratic 1970 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Republican gain.
South Dakota 2 James Abdnor Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJames Abdnor (Republican) 67.8%
  • Jack M. Weiland (Democratic) 32.2%


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Tennessee 1 Jimmy Quillen Republican 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJimmy Quillen (Republican) 64.2%
  • Lloyd Blevins (Democratic) 35.8%
Tennessee 2 John Duncan Sr. Republican 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
Tennessee 3 LaMar Baker Republican 1970 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Tennessee 4 Joe L. Evins Democratic 1946 Incumbent re-elected.
Tennessee 5 Richard Fulton Democratic 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
Tennessee 6 Robin Beard Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YRobin Beard (Republican) 56.7%
  • Tim Schaeffer (Democratic) 43.3%
Tennessee 7 Ed Jones Democratic 1969 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
Tennessee 8 Dan Kuykendall Republican 1966 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Texas 1 Wright Patman Democratic 1928 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YWright Patman (Democratic) 68.6%
  • James W. Farris (Republican) 31.4%
Texas 2 Charles Wilson Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 3 James M. Collins Republican 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 4 Ray Roberts Democratic 1962 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YRay Roberts (Democratic) 74.9%
  • Dick LeTourneau (Republican) 25.1%
Texas 5 Alan Steelman Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YAlan Steelman (Republican) 52.1%
  • Mike McKool (Democratic) 47.9%
Texas 6 Olin E. Teague Democratic 1946 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 7 William Reynolds Archer Jr. Republican 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 8 Robert C. Eckhardt Democratic 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 9 Jack Brooks Democratic 1952 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJack Brooks (Democratic) 61.9%
  • Coleman R. Ferguson (Democratic) 38.1%
Texas 10 J. J. Pickle Democratic 1963 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJ. J. Pickle (Democratic) 80.4%
  • Paul A. Weiss (Republican) 19.6%
Texas 11 William R. Poage Democratic 1936 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YWilliam R. Poage (Democratic) 81.6%
  • Don Clements (Republican) 17.2%
  • Laurel N. Dunn (Independent) 1.1%
Texas 12 Jim Wright Democratic 1954 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YJim Wright (Democratic) 78.7%
  • James S. Garvey (Republican) 21.3%
Texas 13 Bob Price Republican 1966 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Texas 14 John Andrew Young Democratic 1956 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 15 Kika de la Garza Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 16 Richard C. White Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 17 Omar Burleson Democratic 1946 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 18 Barbara Jordan Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 19 George H. Mahon Democratic 1934 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 20 Henry B. Gonzalez Democratic 1961 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 21 O. C. Fisher Democratic 1942 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
Texas 22 Robert R. Casey Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 23 Abraham Kazen Democratic 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Texas 24 Dale Milford Democratic 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YDale Milford (Democratic) 76.1%
  • Joseph Beaman Jr. (Republican) 20.4%
  • Earl W. Armstrong (American) 3.5%


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Utah 1 K. Gunn McKay Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Utah 2 Douglas W. Owens Democratic 1972 Incumbent retired to run for U.S. senator.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Vermont at-large Richard W. Mallary Republican 1972 (Special) Incumbent retired to run for U.S. senator.
New member elected.
Republican hold.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Virginia 1 Thomas N. Downing Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
Virginia 2 G. William Whitehurst Republican 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
Virginia 3 David E. Satterfield III Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
Virginia 4 Robert Daniel Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YRobert Daniel (Republican) 47.2%
  • Lester E. Schlitz (Democratic) 35.9%
  • Curtis W. Harris (Independent) 16.9%
Virginia 5 Dan Daniel Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
Virginia 6 M. Caldwell Butler Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YM. Caldwell Butler (Republican) 45.1%
  • Paul J. Puckett (Democratic) 27.0%
  • Warren D. Saunders (Independent) 26.1%
  • Timothy A. McGay (Independent) 1.8%
Virginia 7 J. Kenneth Robinson Republican 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Virginia 8 Stanford Parris Republican 1972 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Virginia 9 William C. Wampler Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Virginia 10 Joel T. Broyhill Republican 1952 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Washington 1 Joel Pritchard Republican 1972 Incumbent re-elected.
Washington 2 Lloyd Meeds Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YLloyd Meeds (Democratic) 59.7%
  • Ronald C. Reed (Republican) 38.9%
  • Paul Roberts (Labor) 1.3%
Washington 3 Julia Butler Hansen Democratic 1960 Incumbent retired.
New member elected.
Democratic hold.
  • Green tick YDon Bonker (Democratic) 60.9%
  • A. Ludlow Kramer (Republican) 38.1%
  • Evelyn K. Olafson (Labor) 1.0%
Washington 4 Mike McCormack Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
Washington 5 Tom Foley Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YTom Foley (Democratic) 64.3%
  • Gary G. Gage (Republican) 35.7%
Washington 6 Floyd Verne Hicks Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
Washington 7 Brock Adams Democratic 1964 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YBrock Adams (Democratic) 71.1%
  • Raymond Pritchard (Republican) 28.9%

West Virginia

District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
West Virginia 1 Bob Mollohan Democratic 1968 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YBob Mollohan (Democratic) 59.7%
  • Joe Laurita Jr. (Republican) 40.3%
West Virginia 2 Harley O. Staggers Democratic 1948 Incumbent re-elected.
West Virginia 3 John M. Slack Jr. Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
West Virginia 4 Ken Hechler Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Wisconsin 1 Les Aspin Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YLes Aspin (Democratic) 70.5%
  • Leonard W. Smith (Republican) 29.5%
Wisconsin 2 Robert W. Kastenmeier Democratic 1958 Incumbent re-elected.
Wisconsin 3 Vernon Wallace Thomson Republican 1960 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Wisconsin 4 Clement J. Zablocki Democratic 1948 Incumbent re-elected.
Wisconsin 5 Henry S. Reuss Democratic 1954 Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YHenry S. Reuss (Democratic) 80.0%
  • Mildred A. Morries (Republican) 20.0%
Wisconsin 6 William A. Steiger Republican 1966 Incumbent re-elected.
Wisconsin 7 Dave Obey Democratic 1969 (Special) Incumbent re-elected.
  • Green tick YDave Obey (Democratic) 70.6%
  • Josef Burger (Republican) 29.4%
Wisconsin 8 Harold Vernon Froehlich Republican 1972 Incumbent lost re-election.
New member elected.
Democratic gain.
Wisconsin 9 Glenn Robert Davis Republican 1964 Incumbent lost renomination.
New member elected.
Republican hold.
  • Green tick YBob Kasten (Republican) 52.9%
  • Lynn S. Adelman (Democratic) 45.0%
  • William D. Quirk (American) 2.1%


District Incumbent This race
Member Party First elected Results Candidates
Wyoming at-large Teno Roncalio Democratic 1970 Incumbent re-elected.

See also


  1. ^ James M. Naughton (November 6, 1974). "Senate and House Margins Are Substantially Enlarged". New York Times. Archived from the original on 2016-03-05. Retrieved October 31, 2014.
  2. ^ Lawrence, John A. (May 26, 2018). "How the 'Watergate Babies' Broke American Politics". Politico Magazine. Retrieved October 12, 2019.
  3. ^ Election Statistics - Office of the Clerk
  4. ^ "PA District 12 – Special Election (1974)". ourcampaigns.com. Retrieved October 28, 2019.
  5. ^ "MI District 5 – Special Election (1974)". ourcampaigns.com. Retrieved October 28, 2019.
  6. ^ "OH District 1 – Special Election (1974)". ourcampaigns.com. Retrieved October 28, 2019.
  7. ^ "MI District 8 – Special Election (1974)". ourcampaigns.com. Retrieved October 28, 2019.
  8. ^ "CA District 6 – Special Election (1974)". ourcampaigns.com. Retrieved October 28, 2019.
  9. ^ "CA District 13 – Special Election (1974)". ourcampaigns.com. Retrieved October 28, 2019.