버밍엄의 공공 예술 목록

List of public art in Birmingham
다음을 사용하여 모든 좌표 매핑: 오픈스트리트맵
좌표 다운로드 방법: KML

이것은 영국 웨스트 미들랜즈 카운티에 있는 버밍엄의 공공 예술 목록입니다.이 목록은 야외 공공장소에서 접근 가능한 공공미술 작품에만 적용됩니다.예를 들어, 이것은 박물관에 있는 예술작품을 포함하지 않는다.

센트럴 버밍엄/레이디우드


빅토리아 광장

이미지 제목/제목 장소 및
날짜. 아티스트/디자이너 유형 재료. 치수 지정 소유자/관리자 위키데이터 메모들
Statue of Queen Victoria - geograph.org.uk - 1189730.jpg
기타 이미지
빅토리아 여왕 빅토리아 광장

52°284646nN 1°54′11″w/52.479536°N 1.903073°W/ 52.479536; -1.903073
1901년, 1951년 재현 토머스 브록, 윌리엄 블로이 대좌상 청동과 돌 버밍엄 시의회 Q47460184 브록의[1][2][3] 대리석 조각상에서 블로이가 캐스팅
Victoria Square, Birmingham - geograph.org.uk - 843931.jpg
기타 이미지
강과 청춘 빅토리아 광장

52°28°47°N 1°54′12″w/52.479626°N 1.90322°W/ 52.479626, -1.90322
c. 1993년 드루바 미스트리 조각상 브론즈 버밍엄 시의회 하천, 청춘, 수호자, 사물(변종)[4][5][3]의 일부 2015년 7월 분수를 화단으로 개조하였다.코프톤 보육원이 2020년 [6]11월에 철거했습니다.자쿠지의 플로지는 2021년 10월에 이곳 분수대를 수리하기 [7]위해 창고로 옮겨졌다.그녀는 2022년 4월에[8] 돌아왔고 분수는 2022년 [9]5월 19일에 다시 흐르기 시작했다.
Victoria Square - Sphinx-like Guardian - near the former General Post Office.JPG 수호 스핑크스 1 빅토리아 광장

52°284646nN 1°54′09″w/52.479472°N 1.902429°W/ 52.479472; -1.902429
1993년(1993년) 드루바 미스트리 동상 스톤 버밍엄 시의회 하천, 청소년, 수호자 및 물체의 일부(변종)[5]
Victoria Square - Sphinx-like Guardian - near Christchurch Passage.JPG 가디언 스핑크스 2 빅토리아 광장

52°28°47°N 1°54~07°W/52.479693°N 1.901995°W/ 52.479693; -1.901995
1993 드루바 미스트리 동상 스톤 버밍엄 시의회 하천, 청소년, 수호자 및 물체의 일부(변종)[5]
Object Variations.jpg 오브젝트(변형) 빅토리아 광장 1993 드루바 미스트리 동상 스톤 버밍엄 시의회 하천, 청소년, 수호자물체(변종)[5]의 일부입니다.
Iron Man - geograph.org.uk - 1713131.jpg
기타 이미지
아이언: 맨 빅토리아 광장

52°284646nN 1°54′11″w/52.47948°N 1.90306°W/ 52.47948, -1.90306
1993 앤서니 곰리 동상 버밍엄 시의회 Q12060795 2017년 [10]9월 창고로 이전, 2022년 [11]2월 광장의 새로운 장소로 복귀.

체임벌린 광장

이미지 제목/제목 장소 및
날짜. 아티스트/디자이너 유형 재료. 치수 지정 소유자/관리자 위키데이터 메모들
Joseph Chamberlain Memorial (4618522965).jpg
기타 이미지
조셉 체임벌린 기념관 체임벌린 광장

52°28°48°N 1°54′15″w/52.479877°N 1.904259°W/ 52.479877; -1.904259
1880 존 헨리 체임벌린 메모리얼 스톤 등급 II 버밍엄 시의회 Q5069586 [3][12]
Return to Paradise in Chamberlain Square - Thomas Attwood statue (50109262752).jpg
기타 이미지
버밍엄 맨 체임벌린 광장

52°28°45°N 1°54′21″w/52.479089°N 1.905724°W/ 52.479089; -1.905724
1993 시오반 코핑거 & 피오나 피에버 동상 브론즈 버밍엄 시의회 Q47483006 토마스 애트우드가 비누상자와 함께 "개혁", "투표", "번영"[13][14]이라는 글귀가 적힌 계단에 그려져 있습니다.2015년 11월에 스토리지로 옮겨져 2020년 [15][16][17][3]7월에 반환되었습니다.
James Watt - Statue - Birmingham - 2005-10-13.jpg
기타 이미지
제임스 와트 체임벌린 광장

52°28°47°N 1°54′16″w/52.479825°N 1.904566°W/ 52.479825, -1.904566
1866 알렉산더 먼로 동상 대리석 버밍엄 시의회 Q47467095 동상은 2015년 9월 창고로 옮겨졌으며 2021년 [18][19][15]현재 창고에 보관 중이다.
Chamberlain Square Statue Priestley.jpg
기타 이미지
조지프 프리스틀리 체임벌린 광장

52°28°48°N 1°54′17″w/52.479923°N 1.904601°W/ 52.479923; -1.904601
1874 프랜시스 존 윌리엄슨 동상 브론즈 버밍엄 시의회 Q47467138 1951년 [18]청동으로 다시 주조합니다.동상은 2015년 9월 창고로 옮겨졌으며 2021년 [19][15]현재 창고에 보관 중이다.
Museum Collections Centre - 25 Dollman Street - Garage - Statue of George Dawson.jpg
기타 이미지
조지 도슨 1880 토머스 울너 동상 스톤 등급 II 버밍엄 시의회 Q26339369 예전에 체임벌린 [18][20]광장에 있었지


이미지 제목/제목 장소 및
날짜. 아티스트/디자이너 유형 재료. 치수 지정 소유자/관리자 위키데이터 메모들
Birmingham - Nelson.JPG
기타 이미지
넬슨 자작 호레이쇼 넬슨 동상 불링

52°28°38°N 1°53′38″w/52.477281°N 1.893949°W/ 52.477281; -1.893949
1809 리처드 웨스트매콧 원통형 받침대 위의 조각군 청동과 대리석 그레이드 II* 리스트 버밍엄 시의회 Q7604486 [18][21]
천 개의 무역 도시 버밍엄 벨 스트리트 패스 1987년(표준) 웨스트 미들랜즈 퍼블릭 아트 콜렉티브 안도 기존 세라믹 타일을 사용한 섬유 유리, 샌드 블라스팅으로 식각 당시 웨스트 미들랜즈 카운티 의회로부터 의뢰를 받고 지금은[22] 패소했습니다.
The Bull Ring Bull - geograph.org.uk - 1032158.jpg
기타 이미지
가디언 불링

52°28°40°N 1°53′43″w/52.47732°N 1.895273°W/ 52.47732; -1.895273
2003 로렌스 브로데릭 조각품 브론즈 Q47489116
The Tree of Life - geograph.org.uk - 1712443.jpg
기타 이미지
생명의 나무 에드바스턴 스트리트

52°28°35°N 1°53′44″w/52.476383°N 1.895424°W/ 52.476383, -1.895424
2005 로렌조 퀸 받침대 위의 조각 브론즈 버밍엄 공습의 민간인 희생자를 추모하는 글
Bullring - Spiceal Street - tree sculpture.JPG 나무 조각 스파이스알 스트리트, 불링

52°28°37°N 1°53′38″w/52.476849°N 1.893783°W/ 52.476849; -1.893783
2011 볼프강 버트리스 조각품 구리 불링 이 44피트 높이의 나무는 Spiral Cafe의 구리 지붕을 재활용하여 만들어졌으며, 새로운 레스토랑을 위해 자리를 내주기 위해 제거되었다.[23]
24 Hour Route - Bullring - Birmingham New Street Station side - ramp (16298405480).jpg
기타 이미지
Route 24시간 Bull Ring 근처의 램프(Rotunda Square 양쪽)

N52°28°41°N 53°441. 52.478029°N 1.895602°W/ 52.478029, -1.895602
2004 ★★★ 버밍엄스트리트 기차역과 버밍엄 무어 스트리트 기차역[24] 사이의 중요한 보행자 루트


★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ "/" ★★★★★
Tony Hancock in Old Square Birmingham.jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
핸콕 스퀘어,

285454N 53°431. 52.481777°N 1.895411°W/ 52.481777; -1.895411
1996 윌리엄스 ★★★ [4]
Old Square, Kenneth Budd.jpg 스퀘어 스퀘어,

°285656N 1°53°1. 52.482292°N 1.895002°W/ 52.482292; -1.895002
1967 버드 ★★★
Mosaic at Ballantynes.JPG – – 프리오리 퀸스웨이

N52°28°55°N 53°3452.481916°N 1.892894°W/ 52.481916; -1.892894

보존 구역

★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ "/" ★★★★★
Wattilisk 2.jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
스트리트 / 2

N52°28°58°N 53°341. 52.482739°N 1.892831°W/ 52.482739; -1.892831
1987 인디언 (약 12피트) 이집트 오벨리스크와 북미 원주민 [18][25]토템폴을 바탕으로 제임스 와트 등을 그립니다.
Pitman Chambers, Corporation Street - sculpture on top (3854320166).jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
챔버스 피트만 챔버스 & 머독 챔버스, 코퍼레이션 스트리트 153-161

N52°28°58°N 53 38 38 Ww1. 52.482779°N 1.894026°W/ 52.482779; -1.894026
1896 ★★★ II ii* II* [26]
The Wesleyan - Colmore Square - fountain sculpture (16530038575).jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
외곽 광장

N52°28~59°N 1°53°48°1. 52.483191°N 1.896708°W/ 52.483191; -1.896708
/분수 ★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」

뉴 역

★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ "/" ★★★★★
John Bright Street Sculpture outside Orion Building .JPG 피규어 John Bright Street (힐 스트리트와 네비게이션 스트리트)

N52°28°40°N 1°54-06°W1..47779°N 1.901649°W/ 52.47779; -1.901649
1987 [27] 이 조각상은 2016년에 개축될 예정이다.
Birmingham New Street Station - horse sculpture (7263706396).jpg 뉴 역

N52°28°40°N 1°54°0352.47786°N 1.900827°W/ 52.47786, -1.900827
1987 레일 12마리의 말이 1987년 버밍엄 뉴 스트리트와 울버햄튼 기차역 사이에 취역되었다
Birmingham Pub Bombings Memorial - Birmingham New Street Station (45092365705).jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
버밍엄 술집 폭파 사건 버밍엄스트리트 역 외곽

N52°28°39°N °53~49°W1. 52.477381°N 1.896960°W/ 52.477381; -1.896960
2018 ★★★ x 트리 3 x 15피트 철철 3 3 3 나나 3 레일 1974년 [29][30]11월 21일 버밍엄 술집 폭탄 테러 희생자들을 추모하는 세 그루의 거대한 강철 나무.잎에는 21개의 이름이 있는데,[31] 각 생명을 잃을 때마다 하나씩입니다.


★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ "/" ★★★★★
Birmingham Feeny Art Gallery Bloy.jpg 과 의 우화 Great Charles Street 버밍엄 박물관 & 아트 갤러리 북서쪽 문(피니 갤러리 확장)

N52°28°52°N 54181811°1. 52.4811°N 1.9050°W/ 52.4811, -1.9050
c. 1919 ★★★ II ii* II* [1] [32]
Aesculapius on Birmingham Chest Clinic.jpg 찰스 클리닉

285454N 54171711°1. 52.4817°N 1.9047°W/ 52.4817; -1.9047
1930 ★★★ [1]

개선 Colmore Row

★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ "/" ★★★★★
Charles Gore, First Bishop of Birmingham - geograph.org.uk - 1591651.jpg 찰스 고어 주교 세인트필립

N52°28°52°N 53585811°1. 52.481132°N 1.899408°W/ 52.481132, -1.899408
1914 ★★★ II [18] [33]
Frederick G. Burnaby bust - Burnaby Obelisk - grounds of St Philip's Cathedral - Birmingham.jpg 프레데릭 구스타부스 버나비 기념비 버밍엄 세인트필립 대성당 부지

N52°28°51°N 1°53°541. 52.480950°N 1.898242°W/ 52.898950; -1.898242
1885 의 로버트 II [34] [35]
The Angel Drinking Fountain (3956189713).jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
분수 버밍엄 세인트필립 대성당 - 템플 로우

N52°28°52°N 51°53°1. 52.481156°N 1.897473°W/ 52.481156; -1.897473
1850 II 원래는 Colmore Row와 New Street의 교차점에 있는 Christ Church 에 있었다.1899년 교회가 철거된 후 템플 로우(성필립 [36][37]성당 밖)로 옮겨졌다.
History of Snow Hill 9.jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
힐의 및9 1 99 행 Colmore 행행 2013 버드 ★★★ 버밍엄 스노우을 기념합니다.2007년에 파괴된 세인트 차드의 서커스에 있는 케네스 버드의 벽화 축소판.
Caroussel - Lloyd House - Snow Hill Queensway (4775292992).jpg – 하우스 – 힐 – 로이드 하우스 – 스노우 힐

02°N52°29°02°N 51°53°1. 52.483904°N 1.897598°W/ 52.483904; -1.897598
1962 된 섬유 미들랜즈 예전엔 회전목마 [38]레스토랑이었죠Lloyd House는 2017년에 다시 문을 열었지만, 이것은 돌아오지 않았다.
Birmingham Snow Hill Station - The Commuter and new waiting room (17757166456).jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★

02°N52°29°02°N 53★59★1. 52.483902°N 1.899831°W/ 52.483902; -1.899831
1996 미들랜즈 단장되면서
L&G Assurance Building 7 Waterloo Street - Bloye Wisdom 561.jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
'지혜, 용기, 자선, 믿음' 및 일반 워털루 7번지

N52°28~49°N 54 0000 Ww52.480405°N 1.900024/ 52 . 8405 ; - 1 . 9000 24
1932 릴리프 4개 스톤 외관의 높은 수준의 [1]부조 조각.
New Oxford House 16 Waterloo Street - Bloye capital 507.JPG
이미지 ★★★★★★
의 조각품

N52°28°48°N 1°54 05 05 Ww52.479942°N 1.901489°W/ 52.479942; -1.901489
1935 ★★★ 외관: 2개의 대문자, 문 위 방패와 위층 페디멘트와 퍼토.[1]
Bloye sculptures on Sun Insurance building, Bennetts Hill, Birmingham 84.JPG
이미지 ★★★★★★
인슈어런스 빌딩, 베넷츠

N52°28°48°N 54010111°54′1. 52.47991°N 1.90025°W/ 52.47991; -1.90025
1927 릴리프 ★★★ [1]
Sculpture of Lorenzo Ghiberti on RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland - 79 - 83 Colmore Row, Birmingham.jpg 79 ~ 83 Colmore

N52°28°52°N 54010111°54′1.481241°N 1.900409/ 52.481241; -1.900409
1871 J. A. 트윈 ★★★ II 목록 1871-3년에 윌리엄 스퍼리어에게 지어졌습니다.은세공인[39]
Sculpture of Benvenuto Cellini on RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland - 79 - 83 Colmore Row, Birmingham.jpg 79 ~ 83 Colmore

N52°28°52°N 54010111°54′1.481241°N 1.900409/ 52.481241; -1.900409
1871 J. A. 트윈 ★★★ II 1871-3년에 윌리엄 스퍼리어에게 지어졌습니다.은세공인[39]
Great Western Arcade - from Temple Row (classical detail).jpg 과 의 우화 그레이트 웨스턴 아케이드 템플 열 끝

N52°28, 53°N 1°53°48°1. 52.481479°N 1.896736°W/ 52.481479; -1.896736
1875 W.H. 과 배스, 리리 stone, 리 stone stone, stone stone stone stone stone stone stone 웨스턴 [40]

★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ "/" ★★★★★
William Shakespeare 1564 - 1616 - Cannon Street, Birmingham (5026141842).jpg 스트리트, 버밍엄

N52°284646N 1°53°541. 52.479558°N 1.898220°W/ 52.479558; -1.898220
Sir Walter Scott 1771 - 1832 - Cannon Street, Birmingham (23976861024).jpg 스트리트, 버밍엄

N52°28°47°N 53°531. 52.479708°N 1.898051°W/ 52.479708, -1.898051

★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ (「/」) ★★★★★
Sculpture at Winston Churchill House - Ethel Street, Birmingham (41321243501).jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
하우스 하우스,

N52°28°45°N 1°54°0352.479042°N 1.900934/ 52.479042; -1.900934
1960년대 윈스턴 처칠 하우스 입구 위에 있는 청동 부조.


★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ "/" ★★★★★
Baskerville - Industry and Genius.jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
100주년 광장 바스커빌 하우스 외곽

이전 상태: 52°28°47°N 1°54°26°W / 52.4796°N 1.9072°W / 52.4796; -1.9072
1990 ★★★ 바스커빌[3]추모합니다.
King Edward VII statue Birmingham.JPG
이미지 ★★★★★★
7세 광장

N52°28°47°N 54 25 25 Ww52.479761°N 1.906921°W/ 52.479761; -1.906921
1913 ★★★ ★★★ II 목록 2009년에 복원을 위해 하이게이트 공원에서 이사했습니다.2011년 [41]100주년 광장에 다시 세워졌습니다.
Birmingham - Hall of memory 6.JPG ★★★ 광장

N52°284646N 54262611°1. 52.479371°N 1.907161°W/ 52.479371; -1.907161
1925 I ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★I [42]
Birmingham - Hall of memory 3.JPG ★★★ 광장

N52°284646N 54 25 25 Ww52.479455°N 1.906974°W/ 52.479455; -1.906974
1925 ★★★ I ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★I [42]
Birmingham - Hall of memory 4.JPG 광장

N52°284646N 54 25 25 Ww52.479356°N 1.907028°W/ 52.479356, -1.907028
1925 ★★★ I ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★I [42]
Birmingham - Hall of memory 7.JPG 광장

N52°284646N 54 25 25 Ww52.479508°N 1.907051°W/ 52.479508; -1.907051
1925 I ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★I [42]
Bloye Hall of Memory - Call - Frontline - Return.jpg 최전방 – –– 전 – call call call call call 광장

N52°284646N 54 25 25 Ww52.479508°N 1.907051°W/ 52.479508; -1.907051
1925 ★★★ I ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★I [42] 위.

★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ (「/」) ★★★★★
Centenary Square - geograph.org.uk - 1033492.jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
1991 백주년 기념 [3]광장에서 2013년 현재 버밍엄 박물관 컬렉션 센터에 보관 중
ForwardRaymondMason.jpg (Forward) 광장

N52°28°45°N 54 29 29 Ww1. 52.479113°N 1.908175°W/ 52.479113, -1.908175
1991년(1991년) ★★★ [3] 동상은 2003년 4월 17일 방화로 소실되었다
A Real Birmingham Family.JPG
이미지 ★★★★★★
버밍엄 광장

N52°28°45°N 54 29 29 Ww1. 52.479113°N 1.908175°W/ 52.479113, -1.908175
2014 웨어링 Ikon 갤러리 & Library of Birmingham Q18437761 이 동상은 2017년 5월 말 창고로 옮겨져 [44]2019년 4월에 반환되었다.

★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ (「/」) ★★★★★
Return of Boulton, Watt & Murdoch to Centenary Square (52040366649).jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
100주년 광장 심포니외부

N52°28°43°N 54°331. 52.478671536441524°N 1.9091025439630784°W/ 52.478671536441524; -1.9091025439630784
1956년(표준) gild 의 조각상 Q49742 매튜 불튼, 제임스 와트, 윌리엄 머독묘사한다.1939년에 만들어졌지만 1956년까지 버밍엄 등기소 밖에 설치되지 않았다.2006년에 리빌드.[18][45] 동상은 웨스트사이드 메트로 연장 공사(2019년 말 도서관 트램 [46]정류장까지 개통)로 인해 2017년 8월 말부터 2022년 4월 말까지 보관되었다.2017년 [47]8월 23일부터 보관 중입니다.2019년부터 2021년까지 심포니홀의 로비 리퍼브 작업이 진행되어 동상이 [48][3]1년 더 창고에 보관되었다.그 동상은 2022년 [49]4월 29일 마침내 새로운 장소로 되돌아왔다.

★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ (「/」) ★★★★★
Inner Spirit.JPG 스피릿 리젠시 부두 – Broad Street

N52°28°41°N 54 35 35 Ww52.478173°N 1.909734/ 52.478173; -1.909734
2001 브리즈번 워프
Transformer on Broad Street - Reflex - 80s's Bar (5863375049).jpg 리플렉스 / 80년대 바– Broad Street

N52°28°41°N °54~39°W52.47811°N 1.910749°W/ 52.47811; -1.910749
2011 Reflex Broad Street (Stonegate Pub Company) 트랜스포머 라인 에서 을 받아
Quayside Tower Relief 5.jpg 타워 Broad Street 부둣가 타워 단상

N52°28°38°N 1°54~41°W1. 52.477277°N 1.911278°W/ 52.477277, -1.911278
1965 미첼 릴리프 건축가매딘은 1965년에 미첼에게 의뢰했다.단상 구조에는 약 20개의 패널이 있습니다.
HSBC UK bronze lion statues in Centenary Square (47643965871).jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
HSBC 라이온스 HSBC 영국, 1백주년 광장

N52°28°44°N 54262611°52.478808°N 1.907201°W/ 52.478808; -1.907201
2018 HSBC는 HSBC를 사용합니다.
Black Sabbath Bench on the Black Sabbath Bench, Broad Street, Birmingham (48158919587).jpg
이미지 ★★★★★★
안식일 Bridge

N52°28°40°N °54~39°W1. 52.477811°N 1.910858°W/ 52.477811, -1.910858
2019 ★★★★ The Bench에는 Geezer Butler, Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi 및 Bill [50]Ward의 이미지가 포함되어 있습니다.

ICC 밍밍 icc

★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ "/" ★★★★★
The Battle of Gods and Giants - Sculpture near The ICC.JPG 과 거인의 ICC(Brindleyplace 맞은편)

N52°28°42°N 1°54~41°W1. 52.478406°N 1.9115°W/ 52.478406, -1.9115
1990 그것은 중심지를 재건하려는 버밍엄의 투쟁을 상징하기 위한 것이었다.
ICC Energy Centre - sculpture - Smeaton - 1792 (7909083730).jpg ICC 너 icc icc icc

N52°28°45°N 1°54~46°W1. 52.479219°N 1.912865°W/ 52.479219, -1.912865
1986 버밍엄 페이즐리 운하의 엔지니어(1782년 ~ 1789년)
ICC Energy Centre - sculpture - Telford 1834 (7909081082).jpg ICC 너 icc icc icc

N52°28°45°N 1°54~46°W1. 52.479219°N 1.912865°W/ 52.479219, -1.912865
1986 버밍엄 운하 항행 메인 라인 엔지니어(1824년 ~ 1827년)

★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ "/" ★★★★★
Aquaduct by Miles Davies - Central Square, Brindleyplace - Birmingham.JPG 중앙광장, 브린들리플레이스

N52°28°41°N 54 50 50 Ww52.477988°N 1.9139°W/ 52.477988; -1.9139
1995 데이비스 청동 형광체 이것은 영국 조각가 협회와의 공모전에서 우승한 작품이었다.그것은 두 조각으로 나뉘어져 있고,[51] 수로의 형태이다.
Pergola sculpture in Oozells Square, Brindleyplace.JPG 브린들리플레이스 오젤스퀘어

N52°28°39°N 1°54~46°W52.477412°N 1.912823°W/ 52.477412; -1.912823
1998 ★★★ Icon 갤러리 바로 맞은편
Future - Ten Brindleyplace - Cumberland Street.JPG ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★. 컴벌랜드 스트리트– Brindleyplace

N52°28°37°N °54~47°W52.477032°N 1.912983°W/ 52.477032; -1.912983
2004 바우어스 / / 조각상 8 사이
Canal lock sculptures - roundabout - Sheepcote Street, Birmingham.JPG Sheepcote Street – Brindleyplace

N52°28°35°N 1°54°531. 52.476467°N 1.914586°W/ 52.476467, -1.914586
1995 데이비스

★★★ / ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 와 ★★★★
/디자이너 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★ ★★★ 수수 ★★★ "/" ★★★★★
Waterfront Walk - Worcester & Birmingham Canal - diving sculpture opposite The Cube.jpg 스컬프처 워터프런트 워크 – 우스터 & 버밍엄 운하

N52°28°31°N 54282811°52.4752°N 1.907826°W/ 52.4752; -1.907826
2006 캐시 루이스 조각상 브론즈 찰스 처치 개발 등기소 인근 – 홀리데이 선착장
The Cube - The Lovely People - Urban.JPG 러블리 피플 – Urban 큐브

52°28°31°N 1°54′25″w/52.475213°N 1.906956°W/ 52.475213, -1.906956
2010 템퍼 조각상 브론즈 큐브
Blue and metal sculpture - Washington Wharf - Worcester & Birmingham Canal (13650126533).jpg 펜촉 워싱턴 부두, 우스터 & 버밍엄 운하

52°28°29°N 1°54′29″w/52.474801°N 1.908166°W/ 52.474801, -1.908166


이미지 제목/제목 장소 및
날짜. 아티스트/디자이너 유형 재료. 치수 지정 소유자/관리자 메모들
Anglepoise sculpture.jpg 앵글포이즈 우편함 입구(버밍엄)

52°28°33°N 1°54′16″w/52.4758624°N 1.9045711°W/ 52.4758624, -1.9045711
2014 홈즈 우드, 컨설턴트 조각품

레이디우드 / 파이브웨이즈

5가지 방법

이미지 제목/제목 장소 및
날짜. 아티스트/디자이너 유형 재료. 치수 지정 소유자/관리자 위키데이터 메모들
The Statue of Joseph Sturge at Five ways, Edgbaston.jpg
기타 이미지
조지프 스터지 기념관 메리어트 호텔 앞 파이브웨이 섬(하본 로드 근처)

52°282020nN 1°55′09″w/52.472195°N 1.919195°W/ 52.472195; -1.919195
1862 존 토머스 동상 포틀랜드 석재 기재된 등급 II 버밍엄 시의회 Q15980195 [18][52]
Stainless Steel Scultpure in Five Ways Island - blue sky.JPG 스테인리스 스틸 조각 파이브웨이 섬

52°28°23°N 1°55′07″w/52.472923°N 1.918478°W/ 52.472923, -1.918478
1973년 (최종) 알렉산더 만 조각품 스테인리스강 버밍엄 시의회
Broad Street, Birmingham - Claude Auchinleck statue (23697292286).jpg
기타 이미지
클로드 오친렉 파크 레지스 호텔 외부 - 버밍엄 Broad Street

52°28, 24°N 1°55′01″w/52.473414°N 1.917035°W/ 52.473414, -1.917035
1965 피오레 드 앙리케스 동상 브론즈 파크 레지스 호텔 버밍엄 [18][53][54]
The Connection at Broadway Plaza, Birmingham (51676932243).jpg
기타 이미지
접속 브로드웨이 플라자

52°28°27°N 1°55′17″w/52.474068943436905°N 1.9213085634572367°W/ 52.474068943436905; -1.9213085634572367
2021년 11월 9일(2021-11-09) 루크 버튼 조각품 스테인리스강 브로드웨이 플라자 세계에서 가장 큰 공공 미술품 중 첫 번째 작품이 [55]버밍엄의 브로드웨이 플라자에 설치되었다.브로드웨이 플라자 이후,[56] 이 예술작품은 지구의 모든 구석구석까지 펼쳐질 예정입니다!2021년 11월 9일 브로드웨이 [57]플라자에서 버밍엄 시의원 무함마드 아프잘에 의해 공개되었습니다.


이미지 제목/제목 장소 및
날짜. 아티스트/디자이너 유형 재료. 치수 지정 소유자/관리자 메모들
Blondin sculpture Ladywood.jpg 찰스 블론딘 레이디우드 미들웨이

52°28°36°N 1°55′30″w/52.4766°N 1.9251°W/ 52.4766; -1.9251
1995년 (최종) 폴 리처드슨 조각상 강판, 아연 및 브론즈, 분무 및 패티드 키 300cm.주춧돌 높이 750cm 버밍엄 시의회 유명한 스턴트맨의 캐리커처.예전에는 쇼핑 센터로 안내하는 표지판을 달고 다녔지만 지금은 '레이디우드에 오신 것을 환영합니다'만 붙어 있다.그것은 1990년에 시작된 레이디우드 재생 프로젝트의 일환으로 의뢰되었다.찰스 블론댕은 1873년 [58]9월 6일 외줄타기를 타고 에드바스톤 저수지를 건넌 19세기 프랑스 스턴트맨이었다.
Centro Interchange Ladywood.JPG 질주하는 택배기사 테스코 – 스프링 힐, 레이디우드

52°29006nN 1°55′13″w/52.485124°N 1.920191°W/ 52.485124; -1.920191
대중교통 환승구 강철 웨스트 미들랜즈 네트워크
Centro Ladywood Interchange.JPG 논센스 레이디우드 미들웨이, 스프링힐, 레이디우드

52°29°04°N 1°55′14″w/52.484478°N 1.920468°W/ 52.484478; -1.920468
대중교통 환승구 강철 웨스트 미들랜즈 네트워크
St Thomas's Peace Garden - by Anuradha Patel (16298008678).jpg
기타 이미지
피스가든 난간 세인트 토마스 평화 정원

52°28, 24°N 1°54′22″w/52.4734°N 1.9060°W/ 52.4734; -1.9060
1995 아누라다 파텔 난간 및 게이트 강철 Lea Mason Church of England Secondary School 학생 [59]등의 도움을 받아 작성되었습니다.
Cutting Edge - railings designed by Anuradha Patel - Northbrook Street, Ladywood (25169307451).jpg
기타 이미지
최첨단 노스브룩 스트리트

52°29°08°N 1°55′56″w/52.485661°N 1.932223°W/ 52.485661, -1.932223
2006 아누라다 파텔 난간 강철 버밍엄 운하 본선 위에 [60]위치해 있습니다.


이미지 제목/제목 장소 및
날짜. 아티스트/디자이너 유형 재료. 치수 지정 소유자/관리자 메모들
River Rea - Bham Gooch Street - Memorial.jpg
기타 이미지
베오르마 잉가스 함 하이게이트 구치 스트리트 브리지

52°27~59°N 1°53′34″w/52.466434°N 1.892721°W/ 52.466434; -1.892721
2006 스티브 필드 RBSA 한 쌍의 장식용 아치 강철 버밍엄 시의회 Rea 강의 다리 위에 버밍엄이 처음 정착한 곳 근처를 표시했다.
Highgate Entrance Sculpture Right.JPG
기타 이미지
하이게이트 입구 조형물 Highgate Horton Square 인근 Belgrave Middleway

52°27°54°N 1°53′31″w/52.464937°N 1.8920°W/ 52.464937, -1.8920
2001 스티브 필드 RBSA 한 쌍의 조각 강철 버밍엄 시의회 왼쪽에는 "에테레"가 있습니다.오른쪽에는 "ea"가 있습니다.

이스트사이드 / 애스턴 대학교

이미지 제목/제목 장소 및
날짜. 아티스트/디자이너 유형 재료. 치수 지정 소유자/관리자 메모들
Hebe, Birmingham.jpg
기타 이미지
헤베 제임스 와트 퀸스웨이

52°29°04°N 1°53′32″w/52.484385°N 1.892165°W/ 52.484385; -1.892165
1966 로버트 토머스 동상 브론즈 버밍엄 시의회 이전에는 할로우웨이 서커스에 있다가 아누라다 파텔[18][61]의해 제임스 와트 퀸즈웨이로 옮겨졌습니다.
Head bust at Aston University.JPG
기타 이미지
템퍼스 후깃 내부 애스턴 대학교 도서관

52°29009nN 1°53′20″w/52.485831°N 1.88826°W/ 52.485831; -1.888826
2004 레이 론스데일 부서지다 스테인리스강 애스턴 대학교 Aston University Day [62]Hospital 지난 이야기머리 속에 작은 소년의 형상이 있다.
Chancellors Lake - Lakeside water feature - Aston University (3811950067).jpg
기타 이미지
평화 조각 레이크사이드 근처의 호수– Aston University

52°29°02°N 1°53′22″w/52.484005°N 1.889466°W/ 52.484005; -1.889466
1985 윌리엄 파이 조각/분수 스테인리스강 애스턴 대학교 West Midlands County Councy Council의 의뢰로, 원래는 Ackers [64][65]Park를 위해,
Tipping Triangles.jpg
기타 이미지
기울기 삼각형 애스턴 대학교 본관 뒤편

52°291313nN 1°53′18″w/52.487022°N 1.888377°W/ 52.487022, -1.888377
1994 안젤라 코너 조각/분수 스테인리스강 높이 5.4 m 애스턴 대학교 [66][67]
Aston University Abstract shape newly cleaned Sep 2104.JPG
기타 이미지
애스턴 스톤즈 Aston University 주변의 다양한 장소

52°29009nN 1°53′16″w/52.485714°N 1.88723°W/ 52.485714; -1.88723
1975 - 1977 존 메인 조각품 5점 포틀랜드 석재 높이 범위는 1.05~1.35m 애스턴 대학교 [68]
All the books I should have read - Aston University Students Union (32538220017).jpg
기타 이미지
내가 읽었어야 할 책들 Aston University 레이크사이드, 새로운 Aston 학생 연합 인근

52°29°07°N 1°53′22″w/52.485233°N 1.889364°W/ 52.485233, -1.889364
2019 마르코 매탐 조각품 애스턴 대학교
Eastside City Park - by Andy Mabbett - 23.JPG
기타 이미지
이스트사이드 시티 파크 이스트사이드 시티 파크

52°28°55°N 1°53′16″w/52.4820°N 1.8877°W/ 52.4820, -1.8877
2012 파텔 테일러 조각품 강철 버밍엄 시의회 [69]


이미지 제목/제목 장소 및
날짜. 아티스트/디자이너 유형 재료. 치수 지정 소유자/관리자 위키데이터 메모들
JFK Memorial installation - Floodgate Street, Digbeth.jpg
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Memorial to John F. Kennedy Floodgate Street, Digbeth

52°28′30″N 1°53′11″W / 52.474950°N 1.886312°W / 52.474950; -1.886312
1968 Kenneth Budd Mosaic mural 4.5 by 14 metres (15 by 46 ft) Birmingham City Council Q6105672 [18]
Green Man Custard Factory (5078961961).jpg Green Man Custard Factory – Gibb Street, Digbeth

52°28′31″N 1°53′02″W / 52.475212°N 1.883821°W / 52.475212; -1.883821
2002 (2002) Tawny Gray Statue Stone and vegetation Custard Factory
Dragon on the wall - The Custard Factory - Digbeth - Deritend (4009148513).jpg Dragon Custard FactoryDigbeth

52°28′31″N 1°53′04″W / 52.475327°N 1.884337°W / 52.475327; -1.884337
1993 (1993) Tawny Gray Sculpture Mild steel Custard Factory [70]
Custard Factory - Digbeth - lion sculpture (19607900032).jpg Lion Custard FactoryDigbeth

52°28′31″N 1°53′03″W / 52.475246°N 1.884187°W / 52.475246; -1.884187
() Sculpture Wood Custard Factory
Zellig - Custard Factory - Digbeth - The Deluge (19588743296).jpg The Deluge Custard FactoryDigbeth

52°28′30″N 1°53′04″W / 52.475115°N 1.884311°W / 52.475115; -1.884311
2010 (2010) Toin Adams Sculpture Bronze Custard Factory [71]
Canal Mural Opposite The Bond – Grand Union CanalDigbeth

52°28′43″N 1°52′52″W / 52.478704°N 1.881228°W / 52.478704; -1.881228
2014 (2014) Paul Hirst & Graffiti 4 Hire Mural Spray paint The Bond Photo on Flickr The Bond mural


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Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Holloway Circus, Birmingham - geograph.org.uk - 1041182.jpg
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Horsefair, 1908 Holloway Circus

52°28′30″N 1°54′01″W / 52.474918°N 1.900173°W / 52.474918; -1.900173
1967 (1967) Kenneth Budd Mosaic mural Birmingham City Council
Chinese Pagoda in Holloway Circus.jpg
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Chinese Pagoda Holloway Circus

52°28′29″N 1°54′01″W / 52.474853°N 1.900416°W / 52.474853; -1.900416
1998 (1998) Chinese pagoda Stone Birmingham City Council The pagoda was carved in Fujian, a province of China. It was donated to the city, and forms a landmark of the nearby Chinese Quarter.
Holloway Circus - Guardian Dog's and Beetham Tower (5402806308).jpg
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Chinese Guardian dogs Holloway Circus

52°28′30″N 1°54′02″W / 52.474906°N 1.900645°W / 52.474906; -1.900645
Sculpture Bronze Birmingham City Council
Hurst Street - Missing - statue - Marilyn Monroe (20390164793).jpg Marilyn Monroe Missing - Hurst Street in the Gay Quarter

52°28′25″N 1°53′46″W / 52.473735°N 1.896077°W / 52.473735; -1.896077
() Statue Missing Bar It has been on the wall of Missing since at least 2009 or earlier.
Gay Village metal Rhino sculpture - Hurst Street and Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham (42516180165).jpg
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Rhinestone Rhino Hurst Street and Bromsgrove Street in the Gay Quarter

52°28′24″N 1°53′46″W / 52.473365°N 1.896056°W / 52.473365; -1.896056
2012 (2012) Emma Butler, Vikki Litton and Robbie Coleman Sculpture polystyrene mould, carved into a rhino shape and then coated in fibreglass. Southside BID Unveiled in time for Birmingham Pride in June 2012 [72]

Jewellery Quarter

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Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Jewellery Quarter Interchange 2 (5758206812).jpg Clockwork Jewellery Quarter station, Vyse Street, Hockley (Jewellery Quarter)

52°29′22″N 1°54′46″W / 52.4894°N 1.912775°W / 52.4894; -1.912775
2004 (2004) Mick Thacker and Mark Renn Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network
Charm Bracelet Trail, Birmingham.JPG Padlock Newhall Hill – Jewellery Quarter

52°28′57″N 1°54′39″W / 52.482547°N 1.910892°W / 52.482547; -1.910892
2000 (2000) Mick Thacker and Mark Renn sculpture Steel [73]
William Bloye RBSA Coat of Arms.jpg RBSA bronze plaques Royal Birmingham Society of Artists – 4 Brook Street, Jewellery Quarter

52°29′06″N 1°54′27″W / 52.484891°N 1.907520°W / 52.484891; -1.907520
1919 (1919) William Bloye Bronze plaques Bronze Royal Birmingham Society of Artists Formerly at the Society's old headquarters on New Street[1]
The Jewellery Quarter gateway lamppost - Newhall Street, Birmingham.jpg The Jewellery Quarter – Newhall Street Gateway Newhall Street with Lionel Street, Jewellery Quarter

52°28′59″N 1°54′19″W / 52.483116°N 1.905140°W / 52.483116; -1.905140
2003 (2003) Anuradha Patel Sculpture Steel Birmingham City Council
Vyse Street - Jewellery Quarter - Gateway sculpture.jpg The Jewellery Quarter – Vyse Street Gateway Vyse Street with Great Hampton Street, Jewellery Quarter

52°29′29″N 1°54′40″W / 52.491351°N 1.911202°W / 52.491351; -1.911202
2003 (2003) Anuradha Patel Sculpture Steel Birmingham City Council
Hall Street - Jewellery Quarter - sculpture in the snow 2.jpg The Jewellery Quarter – Hall Street Gateway Hall Street with Great Hampton Street, Jewellery Quarter

52°29′20″N 1°54′28″W / 52.488958°N 1.907824°W / 52.488958; -1.907824
2003 (2003) Anuradha Patel Sculpture Steel Birmingham City Council
3 - 5 St Pauls Square - The Jam House - netted angel (4106943867).jpg Manangel The Jam House – 3 – 5 St Paul's Square, Jewellery Quarter

52°29′06″N 1°54′18″W / 52.484955°N 1.904872°W / 52.484955; -1.904872
2001 (2001) David Begbie Sculpture wire-mesh The Jam House Looks like a netted angel. It was missing since August 2016 [74] but as of January 2017 it is back
Peaky Blinders statue at Assay Lofts - Charlotte Street, Jewellery Quarter (49249894501).jpg
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Peaky Blinders Assay Lofts - Charlotte Street at St Paul's Square

52°29′04″N 1°54′21″W / 52.484320°N 1.905803°W / 52.484320; -1.905803
2019 (2019) Paul Margetts Statue Bronze Eleven Property Group Sitting on a ledge of an open window.[75] Assay Lofts complete and ready to open in December 2019 [76]

Gun Quarter

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Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Swing It was at St Chad's Circus 1988 (1988) Kevin Atherton Sculpture Mild steel (electro-plated) Birmingham City Council Was in St Chad's Circus from 1990, but the site has since been redeveloped and has been removed [77]

Acocks Green

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Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Acocks Green Village in Bloom - Gold (34335994711).jpg
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Acocks Green Village in Bloom - Gold Acocks Green Village Green

52°26′47″N 1°49′25″W / 52.446270°N 1.823506°W / 52.446270; -1.823506
May 2017 (2017-05) Veronica Treadwell Sculpture Acocks Green Village BID Based on the design of a tree. Represents a canal, then a railway [78]
Spring Road Interchange - Olton Boulevard East, Fox Hollies - Acocks Green.jpg Fox and Holly Corner of Olton Boulevard East and Shaftmoor Lane in Acocks Green

52°26′38″N 1°50′05″W / 52.443973°N 1.834728°W / 52.443973; -1.834728
2003 (2003) Rosemary Terry Public transport interchange Wood & Steel West Midlands Network Named after the Fox Hollies area that it is in. The name dates back to 1465.
Bloye Fox and Hollybush sculpture.jpg Fox and Hollybush Lidl – Olton Boulevard East, Acocks Green

52°26′39″N 1°50′03″W / 52.444116°N 1.834154°W / 52.444116; -1.834154
1927 (1927) William Bloye relief sculpture sandstone It used to be on the wall of now demolished Fox and Hollybush pub. Now on the left of Lidl, in the Fox Hollies area of Acocks Green.
Acocks Green Summer Lane.JPG Fox Hollies Lidl sculpture Lidl – Summer Road & Olton Boulevard East, Acocks Green

52°26′39″N 1°50′03″W / 52.444198°N 1.834239°W / 52.444198; -1.834239
Sculpture / railings Painted steel
Great Western pub - Acocks Green, Birmingham - sculpture of a bird.jpg Sculpture of a bird on the Great Western pub Great Western – 10 Yardley Road, Acocks Green

52°27′01″N 1°49′09″W / 52.450171°N 1.819085°W / 52.450171; -1.819085
Curtis Gardens - Fox Hollies - Fish-like sculpture (4237271598).jpg
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John Bridgeman play sculpture Curtis Gardens, Fox Hollies Road, Acocks Green

52°26′26″N 1°50′06″W / 52.440554°N 1.835103°W / 52.440554; -1.835103
c1960 John Bridgeman Sculpture Concrete Grade II listed since 2015[79][80] Birmingham City Council
Westley Vale Millennium Green mural Westley Vale Millennium Green - The Avenue, Acocks Green

52°26′57″N 1°48′57″W / 52.449140°N 1.815860°W / 52.449140; -1.815860
2015 (2015) Hoakser Mural Spray paint Westley Vale Millennium Green, Community First & Arts in the Yard See photo on Flickr Westley Vale Millennium Green mural


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Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Statue of William McGregor outside Villa Park2.jpg William McGregor Villa Park – Trinity Road, Aston

52°30′31″N 1°53′11″W / 52.508744°N 1.886341°W / 52.508744; -1.886341
2009 (2009) Sam Holland statue Bronze Aston Villa
Face to Face sculpture - Waterlinks Boulevard - Park Circus, Aston (31632911241).jpg
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Face to Face Waterlinks Boulevard with Park Circus, Aston

52°30′07″N 1°52′59″W / 52.501829°N 1.882975°W / 52.501829; -1.882975
1993 (1993) Ray Smith Sculpture Painted steel 600 x 400cm Birmingham City Council One of the Gateway to Heartlands sculptures [81]


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Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Lucas' Lion, Wheel, and Flambear emblem - Wheeler Street, Newtown (38719521095).jpg Lucas' Lion, Wheel, and Flambear emblem 36, Wheeler Street, Newtown

52°29′46″N 1°54′14″W / 52.49603°N 1.90376°W / 52.49603; -1.90376
November 1998 (1998-11) John McKenna Stainless steel Midland Area Housing Association On the side of house, built on the site of the former Lucas factory.[82][83]
Joseph Lucas Monument.JPG
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Joseph Lucas Monument Great King Street North, Newtown

52°29′40″N 1°54′32″W / 52.494549°N 1.908981°W / 52.494549; -1.908981
1994 (1994) Sculpture Slate 3m x 60cm x 1m It's on the site of what was the Tom Bowling Lamp Factory that was in Little King Street from 1872.[82][84]
Burbury Park - Wheeler Street, Newtown - Circles within circles sculpture (24747871287).jpg Newtown Jewels Burbury Park, Newtown

52°29′50″N 1°54′16″W / 52.497115°N 1.904381°W / 52.497115; -1.904381
Tom Grimsey Stainless steel [85]
Aston Newtown Interchange - Drum man sculpture - 4257821360.jpg Mondobongo Corner of High Street and Burlington Street in Newtown

52°29′55″N 1°53′42″W / 52.498694°N 1.895002°W / 52.498694; -1.895002
Mark Renn & Mick Thacker Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network
Centro Newtown Swimming Baths.JPG An even bigger splash! Newtown Swimming Pool & Fitness Centre, High Street, Newtown

52°29′57″N 1°53′46″W / 52.499162°N 1.895976°W / 52.499162; -1.895976
Mark Renn & Mick Thacker Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network

Bartley Green

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Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Centro Bartley Green.JPG
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Talking about the Weather Field Lane, Bartley Green opposite Romsley Road

52°26′04″N 2°00′17″W / 52.434333°N 2.004596°W / 52.434333; -2.004596
2004 (2004) Pamina Stewart, Mark Renn & Mick Thacker Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network
Romsley Road - Field Lane, Bartley Green - bus bench sculpture (23178571359).jpg Bus bench sculpture Corner of Romsley Road and Field Lane, Bartley Green

52°26′05″N 2°00′18″W / 52.434678°N 2.005113°W / 52.434678; -2.005113
Bench Painted Steel West Midlands Network Is near the Bartley Green bus terminus area
Newman University, Birmingham - The Globe (23450011672).jpg
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The Globe Newman University, Genners Lane, Bartley Green

52°25′59″N 1°59′40″W / 52.433050°N 1.994405°W / 52.433050; -1.994405
May 2012 (2012-05) Julie Edwards & Ron Thompson of Planet Art Globe sculpture Stainless steel Newman University The Globe represents how Newman University is recognised globally with international links and worldwide connections [86]
Remains of a Pyramid - Senneleys Park, Bartley Green (31752370656).jpg
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Remains of a Pyramid Senneleys Park, Bartley Green

52°26′13″N 1°59′10″W / 52.436911°N 1.986123°W / 52.436911; -1.986123
1989 (1989) - 1991 Avtarjeet Dhanjal Sculpture Portland stone 10 x 10 x 2.5m high Birmingham City Council The bronze figure is missing [87]


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Swan sculpture - roundabout on Brook Lane, Billesley.JPG
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The Swan of Swan Corner Roundabout at Brook Lane (between Coldbath Road and Wheelers Lane), Billesley

52°25′52″N 1°52′36″W / 52.431192°N 1.876752°W / 52.431192; -1.876752
2014 (2014) swan sculpture Wood Swan Corner Unveiled by members of Swan Corner on 18 November 2014 [88]

As of January 2017, the head and half of the neck is missing

Bordesley Green

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Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Centro Bordesley Green Interchange.JPG Juggernaut Victoria Street, Bordesley Green

52°28′36″N 1°51′23″W / 52.47654°N 1.856401°W / 52.47654; -1.856401
2004 (2004) Mick Thacker and Mark Renn Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network
Bordesley Green Face.JPG
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Sleeping Iron Giant Garrison Lane, Bordesley Green

52°28′34″N 1°51′39″W / 52.476064°N 1.860902°W / 52.476064; -1.860902
1992 (1992) Ondre Nowakowski Sculpture Iron, sintered, Polyester resin, on steel reinforced frame 1.4 x 2.44m Birmingham City Council A metaphor for a site with an historic background of manufacturing industry.[89]


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Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
George Cadbury bust.jpg George Cadbury Friends Meeting House – Linden Road, Bournville

52°25′49″N 1°56′09″W / 52.430372°N 1.935903°W / 52.430372; -1.935903
1924 (1924) Francis Wood bust Bronze Bournville Village Trust Seen from the Bournville Village Green
Fountain with a woman and a harp, outside the Cadbury Factory (6204210282).jpg
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Terpischore Cadbury Factory grounds – Bournville Lane, Bournville

52°25′40″N 1°55′58″W / 52.427796°N 1.932671°W / 52.427796; -1.932671
1932 (1932) William Bloye Statue on a fountain Bronze Cadbury [90]

Castle Vale

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Sentinel sculpture TimTolkien 02.jpg
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Sentinel Spitfire Island

52°30′48″N 1°47′55″W / 52.513297°N 1.798673°W / 52.513297; -1.798673
2000 (2000) Tim Tolkien Steel


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Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Centro Cotteridge Interchange.JPG Feathers Of Freedom Near Sophies – Pershore Road South, Cotteridge

52°24′57″N 1°55′51″W / 52.415796°N 1.930945°W / 52.415796; -1.930945
2001 (2001) Paula Woof Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network There is also similar feathers sculpture as the entrance of the overflow car park at Kings Norton Station
Cotteridge Park mural Railway bridge leading into Cotteridge Park near Breedon Road, Cotteridge

52°25′11″N 1°55′35″W / 52.419742°N 1.926491°W / 52.419742; -1.926491
2012 (2012) Daniel "Newso" Lickiss Mural Spray paint Friends of Cotteridge Park, Birmingham City Council & Network Rail Created to prevent vandalism and graffiti on the bridge [91] Please see the photos here on Flickr Cotteridge Park – railway bridge – artwork – dogs – dalmatian


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Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Duddeston Station - sculptures - faces (7264301338).jpg Face #1 Duddeston Station

52°29′16″N 1°52′17″W / 52.487873°N 1.871457°W / 52.487873; -1.871457
sculpture Steel West Midlands Network
Duddeston Station - sculptures - faces (7264305980).jpg Face #2 Duddeston Station

52°29′16″N 1°52′17″W / 52.487873°N 1.871457°W / 52.487873; -1.871457
sculpture Steel West Midlands Network
Duddeston Station - sculptures - faces (7264310406).jpg Face #3 Duddeston Station

52°29′16″N 1°52′17″W / 52.487873°N 1.871457°W / 52.487873; -1.871457
sculpture Steel West Midlands Network
Duddeston Station - sculptures - hand (7264315166).jpg Hand Duddeston Station

52°29′16″N 1°52′17″W / 52.487873°N 1.871457°W / 52.487873; -1.871457
sculpture Steel West Midlands Network
Duddeston Station - sculptures - Red Amber Green (7264319742).jpg Red Amber Green Duddeston Station

52°29′16″N 1°52′17″W / 52.487873°N 1.871457°W / 52.487873; -1.871457
sculpture Steel West Midlands Network
Duddeston Station - sculptures - diving bodies (7264349366).jpg Diving Bodies Duddeston Station

52°29′19″N 1°52′16″W / 52.488673°N 1.871071°W / 52.488673; -1.871071
sculpture Steel West Midlands Network
Youth statue - Melvina Rd, Duddeston 2.JPG Youth Melvina Road, Duddeston

52°29′31″N 1°52′13″W / 52.491864°N 1.870223°W / 52.491864; -1.870223
1958 (1958) Harry Seager statue Concrete Birmingham City Council [92]


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Edgbaston Interchange sculpture (5405403341).jpg Edgbaston Interchange Priory Road, Edgbaston, near Bristol Road (and Century Tower)

52°27′21″N 1°54′35″W / 52.455746°N 1.909746°W / 52.455746; -1.909746
Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network Removed due to the construction of the A38 Cycleway for Birmingham Cycle Revolution (which opened in Summer 2019). It has not returned as of 2021.
Morrisons Fiveways Map Fountain.JPG Map of Edgbaston Morrisons – near Harborne Road, Edgbaston

52°28′17″N 1°55′17″W / 52.471475°N 1.921268°W / 52.471475; -1.921268
2013 (2013) sculpture Steel Morrisons Fountain with leaf design on the reverse
Statue of Robert Peel in Edgbaston, Birmingham.jpg Robert Peel Outside Tally Ho – Pershore Road, Edgbaston

52°27′16″N 1°54′26″W / 52.454546°N 1.907328°W / 52.454546; -1.907328
1855 (1855) Peter Hollins statue Bronze Grade II listed[93] Birmingham City Council Originally on Congreve Street, then moved to Council House Square in 1873 (now Victoria Square). Moved to Calthorpe Park in 1926. Then to Pershore Road in 1963. Original plinth still in Calthorpe Park.

Cannon Hill Park

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Boer War Memorial in Cannon Hill Park.JPG
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Boer War Memorial Cannon Hill Park

52°27′12″N 1°54′04″W / 52.453264°N 1.90099°W / 52.453264; -1.90099
1905 (1905) Albert Toft war memorial statue Bronze Birmingham City Council Refurbished in 2012
Cannon Hill Park - statue of a golfer (21918925696).jpg Golfer Golden Putter Mini-Golf, Cannon Hill Park

52°27′11″N 1°54′06″W / 52.452937°N 1.901794°W / 52.452937; -1.901794
2014 (2014) statue Birmingham City Council A new 36 hole course opened at Cannon Hill Park in 2014 [94]
Nature Centre, Pershore Road, Edgbaston - sign (5236271306).jpg Nature Centre Sign Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park, Pershore Road, Edgbaston

52°27′01″N 1°54′39″W / 52.450345°N 1.910847°W / 52.450345; -1.910847
1990 (1990) Sheila Carter and Family Sculpture Wrought iron, egg-shell black finish and gold leaf highlights Birmingham City Council A large circle representing the months of the year.[95]
Infinite Wave at Cannon Hill Park (33356170568).jpg
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Infinite Wave Cannon Hill Park

52°26′58″N 1°54′14″W / 52.449438°N 1.903875°W / 52.449438; -1.903875
2019 (2019) George King Architects Memorial sculpture Stainless steel Memorial to the British victim of the 2015 Bardo National Museum attack and 30 British victims of the 2015 Sousse attacks in Tunisia, unveiled on 4 March 2019 by Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex.[96][97]

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

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Maternity statue at the Birmingham Women's Hospital.JPG Mother and Child Birmingham Women's Hospital

52°27′13″N 1°56′31″W / 52.453697°N 1.942062°W / 52.453697; -1.942062
1999 Terry McDonald statue Fiberglass and resin Birmingham Women's Hospital
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham - double helix sculpture.JPG To The Future Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

52°27′05″N 1°56′28″W / 52.451473°N 1.94124°W / 52.451473; -1.94124
2013 Richard Thornton Sculpture Stainless steel 8.5 m tall Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham A competition was held in 2012 to name it.[98] In the shape of a Double Helix. Celebrates the coming together of the previous hospitals on one site.[63] Commissioned by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital with the financial support of the Mindleshon Foundation, as an iconic piece for the main entrance to the hospital to celebrate the coming together of several specialist hospitals on to the one site.[99]
Compassion statue - near a path close to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (20576369066) (2).jpg
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The Good Samaritan Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

52°27′05″N 1°56′26″W / 52.451350°N 1.940686°W / 52.451350; -1.940686
1963 Uli Nimptsch Statue Bronze Moved in 2014 to a path between the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and University of Birmingham in Edgbaston.[100]

University of Birmingham

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Statue of King George I outside The Barber Institute of Fine Arts.JPG
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Equestrian Statue Of George I Barber Institute of Fine Arts – Edgbaston Park Road, Edgbaston

52°27′00″N 1°55′38″W / 52.450072°N 1.92715°W / 52.450072; -1.92715
1722 (1722) John van Nost the Elder statue Bronze Grade II listed[101] Barber Institute of Fine Arts Commissioned for Dublin in 1717. Brought by Thomas Bodkin, first director of the Barber Institute in 1937, and brought to its present location [102]
Aston Webb Building Entrance Statues University of Birmingham.JPG Beethoven, Virgil, Michelangelo, Plato, Shakespeare, Newton, Watt, Faraday and Darwin Over the main entrance of the Aston Webb building, Chancellor’s Court, University of Birmingham

52°26′57″N 1°55′50″W / 52.449261°N 1.930518°W / 52.449261; -1.930518
1907 (1907) Henry Pegram frieze of nine life-size statues Darley Dale stone University of Birmingham [102]
Faraday by Paolozzi - geograph.org.uk - 1194328.jpg
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Faraday Westgate, University of Birmingham

52°27′02″N 1°56′10″W / 52.450534°N 1.936202°W / 52.450534; -1.936202
2000 (2000) Sir Eduardo Paolozzi statue Bronze University of Birmingham [102]
University of Birmingham Sculpture.JPG
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Semi abstract sculpture University Road West, University of Birmingham

52°27′01″N 1°56′06″W / 52.450398°N 1.935131°W / 52.450398; -1.935131
() Peter Leadbeater sculpture wood University of Birmingham A celebration of the various branches of the university's endeavours as well as various logo that have reliant connection to the university [103]
University of Birmingham - University Square - Ancestor 1 (20610793231).jpg
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Ancestor 1 University Square, University of Birmingham

52°27′04″N 1°55′51″W / 52.451030°N 1.930908°W / 52.451030; -1.930908
1970 (1970) Dame Barbara Hepworth sculpture Bronze University of Birmingham [102] On loan to the University of Birmingham from 1972 to 2022. It is moving to a new location in Europe. [104]
University of Birmingham - Chancellor's Court - Girl in a Hat (20417432709).jpg
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Girl in a Hat Chancellor's Court, University of Birmingham

52°26′59″N 1°55′53″W / 52.449787°N 1.931377°W / 52.449787; -1.931377
1972 (1972) Bernard Sindall statue Bronze University of Birmingham It was presented by Sir Robert & Lady Aitken on 22 October 1974 [102]
Bloye University of Birmingham Mechanical Engineering bas relief.jpg Engineering Frieze School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham

52°26′56″N 1°56′01″W / 52.448993°N 1.933668°W / 52.448993; -1.933668
1954 (1954) William Bloye Frieze Stone University of Birmingham [102]
University of Birmingham The Wrestlers.JPG The Wrestlers School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham

52°26′58″N 1°56′01″W / 52.449411°N 1.933539°W / 52.449411; -1.933539
1950 (1950) Edward Bainbridge-Copnall Sculpture Granite University of Birmingham [102]
Bloye BUGS mermaid, bronze.jpg
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Mermaid Fountain Mermaid Square, the Guild of Students, University of Birmingham

52°26′57″N 1°55′38″W / 52.449274°N 1.927206°W / 52.449274; -1.927206
1961 (1961) William Bloye Sculpture Bronze and stone University of Birmingham [102]
Birmingham Business School - University of Birmingham - Edgbaston Park Road, Edgbaston - Woman for Heidelberg (38739894335).jpg
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Woman for Heidelberg Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham

52°26′58″N 1°55′29″W / 52.449456°N 1.924796°W / 52.449456; -1.924796
1987 (1987) Michael Sandle Statue Bronze University of Birmingham [102] It's in the Business School Garden


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Josiah Mason - geograph.org.uk - 13861.jpg Sir Josiah Mason Island at Chester Road and Orphanage Road in Erdington

52°31′54″N 1°49′30″W / 52.531575°N 1.825115°W / 52.531575; -1.825115
1951 (1951) William Bloye bust Bronze Birmingham City Council Recast by William Bloye in 1951, from an 1885 statue by Francis John Williamson (now lost).[1]
Insect and Celtic Cross - 2011-09-20.jpg Insect and Celtic Cross Erdington Station

52°31′40″N 1°50′23″W / 52.527844°N 1.839714°W / 52.527844; -1.839714
1998 (1998) Ronald Rae sculpture Stone West Midlands Network [105]
McDonald's - Chester Road and Sutton Road, Erdington - The Feast by Anuradha Patel (14038387089).jpg
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The Feast McDonald's – corner of Chester Road and Sutton Road, Erdington

52°31′59″N 1°49′44″W / 52.533068°N 1.828880°W / 52.533068; -1.828880
() Anuradha Patel Screen Represents a community coming together to celebrate [106]

Garretts Green

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Sheldon Community Fire Station - Garretts Green Lane, Garretts Green - sculpture - mural (33603244426).jpg Fire Fighters Sheldon Community Fire Station - Garretts Green Lane, Garretts Green

52°28′38″N 1°46′51″W / 52.477325°N 1.780816°W / 52.477325; -1.780816
1954 (1954) Robert Pancheri Mural Stone West Midlands Fire Service The fire station opened in December 1956. It was the first fire station to open in Birmingham after World War II.[107]

Great Barr

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Lunar Society Moonstones 36 Boulton.jpg
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Moonstones Periphery of Asda supermarket, Queslett Road

52°33′10″N 1°54′31″W / 52.55273°N 1.90862°W / 52.55273; -1.90862
Steve Field Carvings Sandstone Set of eight memorials to members of the Lunar Society
Scott Arms Interchange.JPG Beech Beacon Shipway – Walsall Road, Great Barr

52°32′40″N 1°55′52″W / 52.54455°N 1.931045°W / 52.54455; -1.931045
Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network
The Towers pub sign front of pub.jpg The Towers Tower Hill, Great Barr

52°32′08″N 1°55′14″W / 52.53567°N 1.92044°W / 52.53567; -1.92044
1936 (1936) William Bloye Stone Front of pub. Bloye was responsible for all the stone carving on this brick building[1]
The Towers pub sign rear of pub.jpg The Towers Tower Hill, Great Barr

52°32′08″N 1°55′15″W / 52.53553°N 1.92072°W / 52.53553; -1.92072
1936 (1936) William Bloye Stone Rear of pub. Bloye was responsible for all the stone carving on this brick building[1]


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Huntsman and Dog on the Green Man pub - Bloye - facing left.jpg Huntsman and Dog The Green Man, High Street, Harborne

52°27′41″N 1°56′35″W / 52.46138°N 1.94301°W / 52.46138; -1.94301
c. 1940 (1940) William Bloye pub sign Wood Painted wooden pub sign.[1]
The Olympic Diamond - High Street, Harborne.jpg The Olympic Diamond High Street, Harborne

52°27′37″N 1°56′41″W / 52.460174°N 1.944817°W / 52.460174; -1.944817
2012 (2012) The children of St Mary's Catholic Primary School and Harborne Primary School. mosaic Commemorates the London 2012 Olympics and the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen[108]

Hall Green

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Dragon Bench outside Hall Green Library.JPG Dragon bench sculpture Hall Green Library – Stratford Road, Hall Green

52°26′02″N 1°50′47″W / 52.433768°N 1.846332°W / 52.433768; -1.846332
2002 (2002), 22/02/2003 (unveiling date event) Graham Jones bench sculpture Wood Hall Green Library Might be based on Smaug from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (who lived nearby in Sarehole in the early 1900s (as a small boy). Created by local woodcarver Graham Jones in 2002 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the opening of the library and was unveiled by Carl Chinn.[109]
Hall Green Library - Lord of the Rings mural.JPG Middle Earth Hall Green Library – Stratford Road, Hall Green

52°26′01″N 1°50′47″W / 52.433649°N 1.846326°W / 52.433649; -1.846326
() Mural Hall Green Library Mural inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien who lived nearby in the early 1900s in the Sarehole area
The River Cole - mosaic of a dragon fly in a heart near the Stratford Road (4193254411).jpg Dragonfly heart Mosaic Greet Mill Meadow - Shire Country Park - Stratford Road, Hall Green

52°26′35″N 1°51′20″W / 52.443154°N 1.855466°W / 52.443154; -1.855466
mosaic Glass tiles Birmingham City Council Not far from the Stratford Road bridge and the River Cole
The River Cole - mosaic of a fish near the flooded Green Road (3636540320).jpg Fish Mosaic Greet Mill Meadow - Shire Country Park - Green Road, Hall Green

52°26′12″N 1°51′21″W / 52.436741°N 1.855766°W / 52.436741; -1.855766
mosaic Glass tiles Birmingham City Council Close to the flooded part of the River Cole on Green Road


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Centro Interchange Soho Boulton Road.JPG Tulip Tree Barn Lane and Soho Road, Handsworth

52°30′14″N 1°56′14″W / 52.503758°N 1.937298°W / 52.503758; -1.937298
Public transport interchange Wood West Midlands Network
Under the Sun 1.JPG
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Under the Sun Soho Hill, corner of St. Michaels Road

52°30′03″N 1°55′24″W / 52.500784°N 1.923367°W / 52.500784; -1.923367
2010 (2010) Saranjit Birdi Sculpture Steel Birmingham City Council
SS Journey - Handsworth Park (48804813046).jpg
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SS Journey Handsworth Park

52°30′39″N 1°55′21″W / 52.510906°N 1.922555°W / 52.510906; -1.922555
6 October 2017 (2017-10-06) Luke Perry Sculpture Bronze and steel Friends of Handsworth Park Part of the Handsworth Park Arts Trail


Handsworth Park November 2018 (2018-11) Claire Cotterill Mosaic mural Ceramic On an external wall of the "Sons of Rest" building, commemorates that movements foundation in the park.[111][112]


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Hockley Flyover Concrete Panel 6.JPG
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Climbing wall Hockley Flyover

52°29′43″N 1°54′55″W / 52.4954°N 1.9153°W / 52.4954; -1.9153
1968 (1968) William Mitchell Cast concrete Grade II Birmingham City Council [113] The mural was Grade II listed by Historic England on 13 May 2022.[114]
Centro Interchange Hockley Flyover.JPG Coin Stack Soho Hill – Hockley Circus – Hockley

52°29′46″N 1°54′57″W / 52.496024°N 1.915815°W / 52.496024; -1.915815
Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network

Kings Heath

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Centro Kings Heath Exchange.JPG
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Wing Wheel Alcester Road South, Kings Heath (opposite The Crown pub)

52°25′16″N 1°53′31″W / 52.421178°N 1.891827°W / 52.421178; -1.891827
2004 (2004) Anuradha Patel Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network The Kings Heath Interchange. Relates to the theme of journey and literal references to transport

Kings Norton

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Kings Norton Station Car Park - overflow - steel sculptures (16994792489).jpg Feathers Kings Norton Station overflow car park

52°24′49″N 1°56′08″W / 52.413557°N 1.935618°W / 52.413557; -1.935618
() Paula Woof Sculpture Steel West Midlands Network Pair of steel feathers above height barriers. Also a feather above a mosaic on the ground
Kings Norton Past to Present Far footbridge – Kings Norton Station

52°24′50″N 1°56′07″W / 52.413977°N 1.935331°W / 52.413977; -1.935331
2012 (2012) Daniel "Newso" Lickiss (with Adeela Ahmad of Kings Norton Girls School and Oliver Blackburn, of Kings Norton Boys School) Mural Spray paint West Midlands Network, Birmingham City Council & Network Rail Footbridge given a makeover by local graffiti artist [115] See photo on Flickr Kings Norton Past to Present


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The Mysterious Green Man - Kingstanding Interchange.JPG The Mysterious Green Man Roundabout between Kingstanding Road and Kings Road, Kingstanding

52°33′10″N 1°53′02″W / 52.552728°N 1.88399°W / 52.552728; -1.88399
2004 (2004) Jason Cleverly Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network
The Multi Faceted Green Man - Kingstanding Interchange.JPG The Multi Faceted Green Man Roundabout between Kingstanding Road and Rough Road, Kingstanding

52°33′12″N 1°53′02″W / 52.553363°N 1.883805°W / 52.553363; -1.883805
2004 (2004) Jason Cleverly Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network


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Longbridge Lane, Longbridge - Longbridge Interchange.jpg
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The Genie of Industry Longbridge Lane, Longbridge

52°23′44″N 1°58′56″W / 52.395518°N 1.982321°W / 52.395518; -1.982321
John McKenna Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network It's close to Longbridge Station, was formerly on the other side of the road (was moved in 2014)
Longbridge Colours (2015) by Stuart Whipps under the Bristol Road South bridge from Austin Park, Longbridge (51837259810).jpg
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Longbridge Colours Under the Bristol Road South Bridge, Longbridge

52°23′44″N 1°59′20″W / 52.39564472337883°N 1.9888669418853175°W / 52.39564472337883; -1.9888669418853175
2015 (2015) Stuart Whipps Sculpture Steel Birmingham City Council Five steel sculptural barriers that separate the tunnel archways from the River Rea. They incorporate the upholstery of the 1979 'Mini City' which was manufactured at Longbridge. Colours used include: Vermillion Red, Ermine White, Pageant Blue, Snapdragon Yellow, Russet Brown, Demin Blue, Reynard Bronze, Java Green, Champagne Beige and Black. They were unveiled by local Northfield MPGary Sambrook.[116]


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Art deco carving by William Bloye (doorway to the Royal Oak Public House, Lozells, Birmingham, England).jpg Royal Oak Former pub – Lozells

52°30′10″N 1°54′02″W / 52.502687°N 1.900501°W / 52.502687; -1.900501
c. 1936 (1936) William Bloye Stone Decoration around the doorway of a former pub (now a shop). Formerly brightly painted.[1]


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Moseley Interchange - Alcester Road, Moseley - Spirit 2.jpg Spirit Alcester Road, Moseley outside Boots

52°26′48″N 1°53′18″W / 52.44662°N 1.888312°W / 52.44662; -1.888312
2003 (2003) Anuradha Patel Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network
Wake Green Road, Moseley - Wake Green Interchange - Cascading Mountain 2.jpg Cascading Mountain Corner of Yardley Wood Road and Wake Green Road in Moseley

52°26′34″N 1°52′18″W / 52.442842°N 1.871585°W / 52.442842; -1.871585
2004 (2004) Anuradha Patel Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network
Moseley Bog and Joy's Wood Local Nature Reserve - sculpture gates (8294697332).jpg Moseley Bog and Joy's Wood gates and height barrier Moseley Bog – Yardley Wood Road, Moseley

52°26′10″N 1°52′08″W / 52.436234°N 1.868888°W / 52.436234; -1.868888
2012 (2012) Adrian Moakes Gates and height barrier Steel Birmingham City Council Unveiled in December 2012 [117]


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Lanchester car sculpture.jpg
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Lanchester Car Monument Bloomsbury Village Green – Heartlands (Nechells)

52°29′35″N 1°52′22″W / 52.4930°N 1.8729°W / 52.4930; -1.8729
1995 (1995) Tim Tolkien Sculpture Steel Birmingham City Council Commemorates the work of Frederick William Lanchester
White Curl - Richard Street and Dartmouth Middleway - Heartlands - Nechells (30937703543).jpg
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White Curl Dartmouth Middleway corner with Richard Street, Heartlands (Nechells)

52°29′26″N 1°53′10″W / 52.490642°N 1.886119°W / 52.490642; -1.886119
1992 (1992) Suzi Gregory Sculpture Mild steel, painted white 7 x 2 m Birmingham City Council One of the Gateway to Heartlands sculptures [118]


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Centro Interchange Northfield Station.JPG
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All Seasons Tree Northfield Station

52°24′29″N 1°57′58″W / 52.408045°N 1.966128°W / 52.408045; -1.966128
1993 (1993) Rosemary Terry Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network
Northfield Station - Town and Country (31466506784).jpg
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Town and Country Northfield Station

52°24′29″N 1°57′56″W / 52.408137°N 1.965445°W / 52.408137; -1.965445
1993 (1993) Rosemary Terry Sculpture Disused railway sleepers West Midlands Network Eleven components based on images of the town and country. The town at one end, the country at the other.[119] There is also a similar sculpture near the entrance to the station car park
Northfield Black Horse statue.JPG Black Horse Black Horse pub garden

52°24′43″N 1°58′26″W / 52.412036°N 1.973911°W / 52.412036; -1.973911
Sculpture Steel Made from car parts from the nearby Longbridge plant

Perry Barr

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William Bloye - Boars Head.JPG The Boar's Head The Boar's Head, Perry Barr

52°31′45″N 1°53′44″W / 52.529153°N 1.895465°W / 52.529153; -1.895465
c. 1938 (1938) William Bloye Wood Painted pub sign comprising a model boar's head, on a pole.[1] Taken from the arms of the Gough-Calthorpe family of nearby Perry Hall
Perry Barr Greyhound Stadium Bloye stag.jpg Running stag Perry Barr Stadium

52°31′09″N 1°53′52″W / 52.519192°N 1.897717°W / 52.519192; -1.897717
1929 (1929) William Bloye; attributed[1] Bas-relief Stone Logo of Birchfield Harriers.[1] Attributed.[1]
St Matthew's, Perry Beeches - 2016-12-08 - Andy Mabbett - 07.jpg Holy Family St Matthew's, Perry Beeches

52°32′22″N 1°53′44″W / 52.539307°N 1.895437°W / 52.539307; -1.895437
Nicholas Mynheer Sculpture Stone St Matthew's, Perry Beeches Installed 2011, but made earlier.[120]


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Four Dwellings Academy - Quinton Road West, Quinton - children's play sculpture (43735646930).jpg Children's play sculpture Four Dwellings Academy, Quinton Road West, Quinton

52°27′21″N 2°00′06″W / 52.455878°N 2.001690°W / 52.455878; -2.001690
John Bridgeman Sculpture Concrete Four Dwellings Academy Seen on the grounds of Four Dwellings Academy on the lawn at the corner of Quinton Road West and Dwellings Lane


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Centro Saltley Interchange.JPG Circular Dance Washwood Heath Road, Saltley

52°29′31″N 1°51′34″W / 52.4919°N 1.859306°W / 52.4919; -1.859306
Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network

Selly Oak

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Pyramid sculpture, Selly Oak railway station - geograph.org.uk - 1280899.jpg
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Cantoo Selly Oak Station

52°26′31″N 1°56′10″W / 52.441976°N 1.936239°W / 52.441976; -1.936239
Eric Klein Velderman & Paula Woof pyramid sculpture Steel cage, filled with coal West Midlands Network A monument to the industries of the area[121]


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Sheldon Interchange - Coventry Road, Sheldon.jpg
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Dakota Bust Corner of Coventry Road and Sheaf Lane in Sheldon

52°27′07″N 1°46′56″W / 52.452011°N 1.782194°W / 52.452011; -1.782194
2004 (2004) Pete Whitehouse Public transport interchange Steel and aluminium West Midlands Network
Sheldon Wheatsheaf.JPG
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Wheatsheaf Travelodge, Hobs Moat Road, Sheldon

52°27′05″N 1°46′57″W / 52.451373°N 1.78237°W / 52.451373; -1.78237
2003 (2003) Claire Davies Public transport interchange Stainless steel and brass West Midlands Network

Small Heath

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Centro Small Heath Interchange.JPG
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Pomegranate Dress Coventry Road, Small Heath

52°28′08″N 1°51′25″W / 52.469001°N 1.856862°W / 52.469001; -1.856862
2004 (2004) Jennifer Collier Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network Commissioned by Centro in 2003. A metal fabricated dress [122]

South Yardley

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South Yardley Library - Yardley Road, South Yardley - Library Emblem.JPG
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Library Emblem South Yardley Library, Yardley Road, South Yardley

52°27′40″N 1°48′58″W / 52.461°N 1.816°W / 52.461; -1.816
1938 (1938) William Bloye library emblem Stone Birmingham City Council [123]


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Centro Sparkbrook interchange.JPG Mirror Image Near Aldi – Stratford Road, Sparkbrook

52°27′33″N 1°52′18″W / 52.459232°N 1.871639°W / 52.459232; -1.871639
John Vaughan Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network
Thomas Attwood statue, Highgate Park, Birmingham.jpg
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Thomas Attwood Was formerly in Larches Green, Sparkbrook 1859 (1859) Peter Hollins statue Marble Grade II listed[124] Birmingham City Council Q26340380 The statue formerly stood in Calthorpe Park. It was heavily vandalised and was moved to storage in 2008.[125]


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Bulrushes - College Road Interchange - Springfield, Sparkhill.JPG
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Bulrushes Springfield Primary School – corner of College Road and Stratford Road in Sparkhill

52°26′36″N 1°51′24″W / 52.443399°N 1.856741°W / 52.443399; -1.856741
2002 (2002) Rosemary Terry Public transport interchange Steel West Midlands Network It is in the Springfield part of Sparkhill near the no 1 and 6 bus routes. Bulrushes can be found alongside the River Cole and the Chinn Brook in the Shire Country Park.
The Bear, Sparkhill crop.jpg The Bear The Bear – Stratford Road, Sparkhill

52°26′54″N 1°51′40″W / 52.448235°N 1.861201°W / 52.448235; -1.861201
c. 1937 (1937) William Bloye Bas-relief Pub sign, depicting feature of the arms of Warwickshire, in which the area was located at the time of installation.[1]
The Antelope pub sign.jpg The Antelope Hajees Spices – Stratford Road, Sparkhill

52°27′12″N 1°51′57″W / 52.453362°N 1.865753°W / 52.453362; -1.865753
c. 1929 (1929) William Bloye Bas-relief pub sign Designed by Bloye, sculpted by his assistant, Tom Wright[1]
The Mermaid, Sparkhill.jpg The Mermaid (Formerly) The President Restaurant – Stratford Road, Sparkhill

52°27′25″N 1°52′08″W / 52.456861°N 1.868761°W / 52.456861; -1.868761
c. 1960 (1960) William Bloye Bas-relief pub sign The President Restaurant burnt down twice.[126] The sculpture is no longer on the building


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Stirchley Gorilla (51934314754).jpg
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Stirchley Gorilla 1424 Pershore Rd, Stirchley

52°25′36″N 1°55′19″W / 52.426700909466895°N 1.9220024338076445°W / 52.426700909466895; -1.9220024338076445
2015 (2015) At a factory in the Philippines Sculpture Fibreglass 10 foot high JJs Flooring Services Made for Birmingham business owner Mohammed Khan. Based on the much mised King Kong statue. It sits on top of his firms Stirchley base.The statue was made at a factory in the Philippines who were making Kong statues for a film at the time[127]

Stockland Green

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Dove of Peace sculpture at Brookvale Park (49278937766).jpg
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Peace Dove Brookvale Park

52°31′18″N 1°52′08″W / 52.521530°N 1.868958°W / 52.521530; -1.868958
2004 (2004) Michael Scheuermann Sculpture Stone Birmingham City Council Referred to as "Peace Monument" on the artist's website.[128][129]
Duck and Reed sculptures at Brookvale Park (49279018331).jpg
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Duck and Reed sculptures Brookvale Park

52°31′00″N 1°51′41″W / 52.516584°N 1.861267°W / 52.516584; -1.861267
() Sculpture Steel Birmingham City Council

Sutton Coldfield

Image Title / subject Location and
Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Sutton Coldfield Library - mural (32356633701).jpg
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Sutton Coldfield Library Mural Sutton Coldfield Library - Red Rose Centre

52°33′44″N 1°49′23″W / 52.562269°N 1.823012°W / 52.562269; -1.823012
1974 (1974) Mural Birmingham City Council
Sutton town hall war memorial.jpg
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War Memorial Sutton Coldfield Town Hall, King Edward's Square, Sutton Coldfield

52°33′58″N 1°49′27″W / 52.566067°N 1.824304°W / 52.566067; -1.824304
1922 (1922) Francis William Doyle Jones War memorial statue Bronze Grade II listed[130] Birmingham City Council
Sutton Coldfield Station - Cycle Park - sculpture (31654231203).jpg Cycle Park Sutton Coldfield Station

52°33′54″N 1°49′31″W / 52.565024°N 1.825351°W / 52.565024; -1.825351
Sculpture Network West Midlands
Vesey Gardens - Sutton Coldfield - coat of arms (31670909853).jpg Sutton Coldfield coat of arms Vesey Gardens, Sutton Coldfield

52°33′52″N 1°49′19″W / 52.564515°N 1.821853°W / 52.564515; -1.821853
Coat of arms The arms were officially granted in 1935. They were later incorporated into Birmingham from 1974 [131]
Nicola Dixon Memorial - Trinity Hill, Sutton Coldfield (36385051866).jpg
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Nicola Dixon Memorial Trinity Hill, Sutton Coldfield

52°33′50″N 1°49′17″W / 52.563817°N 1.821294°W / 52.563817; -1.821294
2001 (2001) Sculpture Birmingham City Council Nicola Dixon was a 17 year old school girl murdered on New Year's Eve 1996. The memorial was unveiled by her parents in 2001 based on one her own pieces of artwork [132]
Newhall Walk Retail Park - Sutton Coldfield - sculptures between shops (32326813472).jpg Between The Parade and Newhall Walk Retail Park, Sutton Coldfield

52°33′41″N 1°49′27″W / 52.561359°N 1.824128°W / 52.561359; -1.824128
The Rollerskaters Hollyfield Primary School, Sutton Coldfield

52°33′43″N 1°48′03″W / 52.562065°N 1.800926°W / 52.562065; -1.800926
1982 (1982) John Robinson Statue Bronze Previously in the Gracechurch shopping centre [133]
Wyndley Swimming Baths statue - 2000-10-04 - Andy Mabbett - 02.jpg
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Wyndley Swimming Baths 1921 (1921) Statue Bronze Plaque reads: "This statue which formerly stood in Sutton Park, was presented to the borough in 1921 by the Boldmere Swimming Club in memory of club members who fell in the 1914-1918 war".

Winson Green

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Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Winson Green Interchange.JPG
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The Traveller Summerfield Community Centre – Dudley Road, Winson Green

52°29′12″N 1°56′20″W / 52.486599°N 1.938775°W / 52.486599; -1.938775
2001 (2001) Juginder Lamba Public transport interchange Wood West Midlands Network [134] An arm has been missing since 2015 or 2016.
James Watt's Mad Machine - Winson Green Outer Circle Tram Stop (48800549752).jpg
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James Watt's Mad Machine Winson Green Outer Circle Tram Stop

52°29′56″N 1°56′17″W / 52.498959°N 1.937968°W / 52.498959; -1.937968
1998 (1998) Tim Tolkien et al sculpture West Midlands Network
Icarus Norman Street, Winson Green

52°29′29″N 1°56′05″W / 52.491456°N 1.934709°W / 52.491456; -1.934709
1990 (1990) Juginder Lamba and Tony Phillips Sculpture Portland stone and wood The Centre of the Earth [135][136]

Yardley Wood

Image Title / subject Location and
Date Artist / designer Type Material Dimensions Designation Owner / administrator Notes
Yardley Wood Library Bloye 05.jpg
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Spirit of Knowledge Yardley Wood Library, Highfield Road, Yardley Wood

52°25′07″N 1°51′35″W / 52.41856°N 1.85970°W / 52.41856; -1.85970
1936 (1936) William Bloye Relief Sculpture Stone Birmingham City Council [1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Noszlopy, George T. (1998). Public Sculpture of Birmingham including Sutton Coldfield. Public Sculpture of Britain. Vol. 2. Liverpool University Press. ISBN 0-85323-682-8.
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