
피하 주사
ATC 코드
  • 없음
CAS 번호
펍켐 CID
화학 및 물리적 데이터
어금질량3367.954 g·1994−1
3D 모델(JSmol)
  • InChI=1S/C152H252N44O42/c1-22-79(15)118(194-125(214)84(20)171-135(224)107(68-115(206)207)181-124(213)81(17)169-126(215)91(155)65-87-41-45-89(201)46-42-87)147(236)189-106(66-86-34-25-24-26-35-86)141(230)196-120(85(21)200)149(238)180-99(51-54-114(158)205)132(221)190-111(72-199)145(234)185-105(67-88-43-47-90(202)48-44-88)140(229)178-96(40-33-59-168-152(164)165)128(217)177-94(37-28-30-56-154)133(222)193-117(78(13)14)146(235)187-100(60-73(3)4)134(223)170-82(18)123(212)175-97(49-52-112(156)203)130(219)183-103(63-76(9)10)138(227)191-109(70-197)143(232)172-83(19)122(211)174-95(39-32-58-167-151(162)163)127(216)176-93(36-27-29-55-153)129(218)182-102(62-75(7)8)137(226)184-101(61-74(5)6)136(225)179-98(50-53-113(157)204)131(220)186-108(69-116(208)209)142(231)195-119(80(16)23-2)148(237)188-104(64-77(11)12)139(228)192-110(71-198)144(233)173-92(121(159)210)38-31-57-166-150(160)161/h24-26,34-35,41-48,73-85,91-111,117-120,197-202H,22-23,27-33,36-40,49-72,153-155H2,1-21H3,(H2,156,203)(H2,157,204)(H2,158,205)(H2,159,210)(H,169,215)(H,170,223)(H,171,224)(H,172,232)(H,173,233)(H,174,211)(H,175,212)(H,176,216)(H,177,217)(H,178,229)(H,179,225)(H,180,238)(H,181,213)(H,182,218)(H,183,219)(H,184,226)(H,185,234)(H,186,220)(H,187,235)(H,188,237)(H,189,236)(H,190,221)(H,191,227)(H,192,228)(H,193,222)(H,194,214)(H,195,231)(H,196,230)(H,206,207)(H,208,209)(H4,160,161,166)(H4,162,163,167)(H4,164,165,168)/t79-,80-,81+,82-,83-,84-,85+,91-,92-,93--,94---,95-,96-,97-,98-,99-,100-100-101-,190-,190-,190-,19,1950-,1950-,1950-,1950-,11,19,19,195,1

CJC-1295(DAC라고도 함):GRF(약물 친화성 복합체:성장호르몬 방출인자의 줄임말)는 성장호르몬 방출호르몬(GRRH)과 성장호르몬 분비물(GRF)의 합성 아날로그로, 콘켐바이오테크놀로지스가 개발한 성장호르몬 분비물(GHS)이다.[1][2][3]특히 반감기와 관련하여 약동학이 개선된 GHRH(1-29)의 변형 형태다.[1][2][3][4]

CJC-1295는 동물과 사람 모두에서 혈장 성장 호르몬(GH)과 인슐린 유사 성장 인자 1(IGF-1) 수치를 눈에 띄게 증가시킨다.[1][2][3][5]인체 대상에서는 CJC-1295가 1회 주사로 6일 이상 혈장 GH를 2배~10배, 9~11일 동안 혈장 IGF-1 수준을 0.5배~3배 높인다.[3]그 약은 인간의 반감기가 약 6일에서 8일로 추정된다.[3]CJC-1295의 복수 선량으로, IGF-1 수준은 인간에서 최대 28일 동안 상승된 상태를 유지하는 것으로 밝혀졌다.[3]

CJC-1295는 성장호르몬 1-29의 반감기와 생체이용률을 연장하고 인슐린 같은 성장인자 1 분비를 자극하는 것으로 나타났다.생체공학에 의해 연기요원의 반감기를 증가시킨다.[6]

CJC-1295는 지피성혈증성장호르몬 결핍증 치료로 조사를 받고 임상 2상에 도달했으나 임상 대상자 중 한 명이 사망하면서 중단됐다.[7][8]재판 주치의는 이 사건의 가장 유력한 해명이 명판 파열과 폐색 등으로 증상이 없는 관상동맥질환을 앓고 있다는 점과 CJC-1295와의 치료와 무관하다는 점이라고 봤다.[8]어떤 경우에도 예방 차원에서 연구가 종료되었다.[8]CJC-1295는 네덜란드와 같은 일부 국가에서 보디빌딩을 위한 회색 시장 사용이 불법이라는 것을 발견했다.[7][9]

참고 항목


  1. ^ a b c Jetté L, Léger R, Thibaudeau K, Benquet C, Robitaille M, Pellerin I, et al. (July 2005). "Human growth hormone-releasing factor (hGRF)1-29-albumin bioconjugates activate the GRF receptor on the anterior pituitary in rats: identification of CJC-1295 as a long-lasting GRF analog". Endocrinology. 146 (7): 3052–8. doi:10.1210/en.2004-1286. PMID 15817669.
  2. ^ a b c Alba M, Fintini D, Sagazio A, Lawrence B, Castaigne JP, Frohman LA, Salvatori R (December 2006). "Once-daily administration of CJC-1295, a long-acting growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) analog, normalizes growth in the GHRH knockout mouse". American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 291 (6): E1290-4. doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00201.2006. PMID 16822960.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Teichman SL, Neale A, Lawrence B, Gagnon C, Castaigne JP, Frohman LA (March 2006). "Prolonged stimulation of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor I secretion by CJC-1295, a long-acting analog of GH-releasing hormone, in healthy adults". The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 91 (3): 799–805. doi:10.1210/jc.2005-1536. PMID 16352683.
  4. ^ Thorner MO (June 2008). "The discovery of growth hormone-releasing hormone: an update". Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 20 (6): 653–4. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2826.2008.01740.x. PMID 18601685. S2CID 29788809.
  5. ^ Ionescu M, Frohman LA (December 2006). "Pulsatile secretion of growth hormone (GH) persists during continuous stimulation by CJC-1295, a long-acting GH-releasing hormone analog". The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 91 (12): 4792–7. doi:10.1210/jc.2006-1702. PMID 17018654.
  6. ^ "Current Research Findings Regarding CJC-1295". Neo Scientific. 2 June 2015. Archived from the original on 7 April 2019. Retrieved 3 August 2015. The reason why CJC1295 possesses the ability to lengthen the half-life within the active agent has to do with the scientific process known as bioconjugation. This technology, which is relatively new in nature, is defined by its ability to take a reactive group and bond it to a peptide (Aslam and Dent). This attachment causes a reaction with a nucleophilic unit; a typically partially molecule that is found within the bloodstream of an animal test subject. This reaction in turn causes a more stable bond to occur. This specific peptide has an especially high attraction to albumin, a globular protein that is soluble in water. This affinity prohibits natural degradation, which in turn increases the peptide’s half-life (Hermanson). Additionally, clinical research performed on animal test subjects has thus far shown that there have been no signs of DPP-IV degradation present when CJC-1295 was introduced (Gonzalez, US Peptide Articles).
  7. ^ a b Hartvig RA, Holm NB, Dalsgaard PW, Reitzel LA, Müller IB, Linnet K (2014). "Identification of peptide and protein doping related drug compounds confiscated in Denmark between 2007-2013". Scandinavian Journal of Forensic Science. 20 (2): 42–49. doi:10.2478/sjfs-2014-0003. ISSN 2353-0707.
  8. ^ a b c ConjuChem (August 2006). "Patient Died in Lipodystrophy Drug Study".
  9. ^ Henninge J, Pepaj M, Hullstein I, Hemmersbach P (2010). "Identification of CJC-1295, a growth-hormone-releasing peptide, in an unknown pharmaceutical preparation". Drug Testing and Analysis. 2 (11–12): 647–50. doi:10.1002/dta.233. PMID 21204297.

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