1996년 미국 하원의원 선거
1996 United States House of Representatives elections![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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미국 하원의 435석 전석 과반수에 218석 필요 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() 결과: 민주당 홀드 민주적 이득 공화당의 홀드 공화당의 이익 인디펜던트 홀드 독립 이득 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1996년 미국 하원의원 선거는 1996년 11월 5일 치러진 하원의원 선거로, 빌 클린턴 대통령의 재선과 동시에 치러졌다.민주당은 거의 60,000표(0.07%)의 지지를 얻어 공화당으로부터 2석을[3][4] 얻었지만, 공화당은 1928년 이후 처음으로 하원 전체 의석의 과반수를 유지했다.
비록 공화당이 3석을 잃었지만, 그들 중 한 명은 그들과 함께 모여서 공화당으로 전향할 무소속 의원도 포함되었습니다.이로써 공화당은 227표, 민주당은 208표, 무소속 당원대회도 포함됐습니다.1994년 공화당 혁명으로 당선된 총 12명의 신입생 공화당원들은 선거에서 패배했다.이번 선거는 1952년 선거와 비슷하지만 총 투표수 면에서는 이 결과가 미국 역사상 가장 근접한 결과 중 하나로 남아 있다.
이번 선거는 공화당이 뉴저지 대표단의 과반 의석을 차지한 마지막 선거로 남아 있다.
특별 선거
구 | 현존재 | 파티 | 초선 | 결과 | 후보 |
캘리포니아 37 | 월터 R.터커 3세 | 민주적인 | 1992 | 현직은 1995년 12월 15일 캘리포니아 콤프턴 시장 재임 중 스캔들로 사임했다. 1996년 3월 26일에 선출된 새 회원. 민주주의 홀드. |
메릴랜드 7 | 쿠이시 음푸메 | 민주적인 | 1986 | 현직은 1996년 2월 15일 사임하여 NAACP의 총재가 되었다. 1996년 4월 16일에 선출된 새 회원. 민주주의 홀드. |
오리건 3 | 론 와이든 | 민주적인 | 1980 | 현직은 1996년 2월 6일 미국 상원의원으로 선출되면서 사임했다. 1996년 5월 21일에 선출된 새 회원. 민주주의 홀드. |
캔자스 2 | 샘 브라운백 | 공화당원 | 1994 | 현직은 1996년 11월 27일 미국 상원의원으로 선출되었을 때 사임했다. 1996년 11월 5일에 선출된 새 회원. 수상자는 다음 임기에도 선출됩니다(아래 참조). 공화당의 홀드. | |
미주리 8 | 빌 에머슨 | 공화당원 | 1980 | 현직은 1996년 6월 22일 사망했다. 1996년 11월 5일에 선출된 새 회원. 공화당의 홀드. 수상자는 다음 임기에도 선출됩니다(아래 참조). |
결과 요약
↓206 | 2 | 227 |
민주적인 | [b] | 공화당원 |
파티 | 좌석 | 좌석. 퍼센티지 | 투표 퍼센티지 | 인기있는 투표 | |||
1994 | 선출. | 그물 바꾸다 | |||||
공화당 | 230 | 227 | ![]() | 52.4% | 48.15% | 43,447,962 | |
민주당 | 204 | 206 | ![]() | 47.4% | 48.22% | 43,507,586 | |
자유당 | 0 | 0 | ![]() | 0.0% | 0.7% | 651,448 | |
독립적인 | 1 | 2 | ![]() | 0.2% | 0.6% | 572,746 | |
자연법률당 | 0 | 0 | ![]() | 0.0% | 0.6% | 518,413 | |
개혁당 | 0 | 0 | ![]() | 0.0% | 0.2% | 178,475 | |
미국 납세자당 | 0 | 0 | ![]() | 0.0% | 0.1% | 54,054 | |
독립당 | 0 | 0 | ![]() | 0.0% | 0.1% | 48,272 | |
평화자유당 | 0 | 0 | ![]() | 0.0% | 0.1% | 48,136 | |
다른이들 | 0 | 0 | ![]() | 0.0% | 1.3% | 1,206,375 | |
합계 | 435 | 435 | ![]() | 100.0% | 100.0% | 90,233,467 |
출처 : 선거통계– 사무국
퇴직하는 현직자
50명의 현직 의원이 은퇴했습니다.29명의 민주당 의원과 21명의 공화당 의원이 공화당 의원에게 6석을 순증했습니다.
민주당 홀드
- 아칸소주 제1선거구: 블랑쉬
- 아칸소 제2구:레이 손턴
- 캘리포니아의 24번째 지역:앤서니 베일렌슨
- 콜로라도 제1구: 팻 슈로더
- 플로리다 2구역: 피트 피터슨
- 플로리다 11구: 샘 기븐스
- 플로리다의 19번째 지역:해리 존스턴
- 일리노이 7구 : 카디스 콜린스
- 인디애나 주 10구:앤드류 제이콥스 주니어
- 매사추세츠 10구: 게리 스터즈
- 뉴저지 9번 지역구: 로버트 토리첼리, 미국 상원의원 출마
- 노스캐롤라이나 7구역:찰리 로즈
- 로드아일랜드 제2선거구 : 잭 리드, 미국 상원의원 출마
- 테네시 제9구:해롤드 포드 시니어
- 텍사스 제1선거구: 짐 채프먼, 미국 상원의원 출마
- 텍사스의 두 번째 지역:찰리 윌슨
- 텍사스 15구: 키카 데 라 가르자
- 텍사스의 16번 구역: 로널드 D. 콜먼
- 버지니아 5구역:루이스 F. 페인 주니어
공화당의 이익
- 앨라배마주 제3선거구 글렌 브라우더, 미국 상원의원 출마
- 앨라배마 주의 4번째 지역:톰 베빌
- 일리노이주 20번 지역구:딕 더빈, 미국 상원의원 출마
- 루이지애나 5구:클레오 필드
- 미시시피 3구: 소니 몽고메리
- 몬태나 주의 광역구:릭 힐
- 오클라호마 제3구:윌리엄 K. 브루스터
- 사우스다코타의 광역구:팀 존슨, 미국 상원의원 출마
- 텍사스 5번 지역구: 존 브라이언트, 미국 상원의원 출마
- 텍사스 12구역: 피트 게렌
공화당의 홀드
- 아칸소 제3구:팀 허친슨, 미국 상원의원 출마
- 캘리포니아의 27번째 구역: 카를로스 무어헤드
- 콜로라도의 4번째 지역:웨인 앨러드, 미국 상원의원 선거에 출마하다
- 인디애나 7구역: 존 마이어스
- 캔자스 제1선거구: 팻 로버츠, 미국 상원의원 출마
- 캔자스 제2선거구: 샘 브라운백, 미국 상원의원 출마
- 캔자스 제3구: 얀 마이어스
- 미주리 7구역:멜 핸콕
- 네바다주 제2선거구: 바바라 부카노비치
- 뉴햄프셔 제1선거구: 주지사 선거에 출마하는 빌 젤리프
- 뉴저지 12구역:딕 짐머, 미국 상원의원 선거에 출마하다
- 오리건 주의 두 번째 지역:웨스 쿨리
- 펜실베이니아 5구 : 빌 클링거
- 펜실베니아 16구역: 로버트 스미스 워커
- 테네시 제1구: 지미 퀼런
- 텍사스 8구: 잭 필즈
- 유타주 제2지구: 이니드 그린
민주적 이득
- 아이오와주 제3선거구: 짐 로스 라이트풋, 미국 상원의원 출마
- 루이지애나주 7번 지역구: 지미 헤이스, 미국 상원의원 출마
- 위스콘신 제3구:스티브 건더슨
- 위스콘신 제8구:토비 로스
현직 의원 패배
프라이머리 선거의 경우
11월 선거에서 21석이 정당을 바꾸면서 민주당은 공화당에 15석을 순증했다.
- 캘리포니아의 10번째 구역:윌리엄 P. 베이커는 엘렌 타우셔에게 졌다.
- 캘리포니아의 22번째 지역:안드레아 시스트랜드가 월터 캅스에게 패했다.
- 캘리포니아 46번 지역구: 밥 도넌이 로레타 산체스에게 패함
- 코네티컷 5구:게리 프랭크스는 제임스 H. 말로니에게 졌다.
- 일리노이 주 5구:마이클 패트릭 플래너건이 로드 블라고예비치에게 패했다.
- 메인주 제1선거구: 제임스 B. 롱리 주니어가 톰 앨런에게 졌다.
- 메사추세츠의 3번째 지역구: 피터 1세. 블루트가 짐 맥거번에게 졌다.
- 매사추세츠의 6번째 지역구: 피터 G. 토르킬센은 존 F에게 졌다. 티어니
- 미시간 8구:딕 크라이슬러 데비 스타브노우에게 패하다
- 뉴저지 제8구:윌리엄 J. 마티니가 빌 패스크렐에게 졌다.
- 뉴욕 4구 : 댄 프리사가 캐롤린 매카시에게 패하다
- 노스캐롤라이나 2구 : 데이비드 펀더버그가 밥 에더리지에게 패함
- 노스캐롤라이나 제4구:프레드 하이네만은 1994년 선거에서 데이비드 프라이스에게 패했다.
- 오하이오 6구 : 프랭크 크레먼스가 테드 스트릭랜드에게 패함
- 오하이오 10번 지역구: 마틴 호크가 데니스 쿠치니치에게 패배
- 오리건주 5구역: 짐 번이 달린 헐리에게 패함
- 텍사스 제9구:스티브 스톡맨은 닉 램프슨에게 졌다.
- 워싱턴 9구: 랜디 테이트가 애덤 스미스에게 패하다
» | ★★★★ | 레이스 ★★★★★★ | |||
, 대표님. | ★★ | ★★ | ★★★ | » | |
1 ★★★★★★★★1★★ | 1984 | 현직 재선. |
| ||
앨라배마 | 1992 | 현직 재선. | |||
3★★★★★★★★★★3 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1989년 (스페셜) | 현직은 미국 상원의원에 출마하기 위해 은퇴했다. 이치노 공화당이 득세하다. | ||
앨라배마 4분 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1966 | 직은퇴퇴 퇴퇴퇴다다 이치노 공화당이 득세하다. | ||
5★★★★★★★★★★★★5 | E. | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1990 | 현직 재선. | |
앨라배마 주 6일 | 1992 | 현직 재선. | |||
앨라배마 주 7일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1992 | 현직 재선. |
» | ★★★★ | 레이스 ★★★★★★ | |||
, 대표님. | ★★ | ★★ | ★★★ | » | |
전체 | ★★ | 1973년 (스페셜) | 현직 재선. |
» | ★★★★ | 레이스 ★★★★★★ | |||
, 대표님. | ★★ | ★★ | ★★★ | » | |
1 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ | Salmon ★★★★★ | 1994 | 현직 재선. |
| |
2 ★★★★★★★★★★★ | Pastor | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1991년 (스페셜) | 현직 재선. | |
주 3★★★★★★★★★★★★★ | 스텀프 | 1976 | 현직 재선. |
| |
주 4★★★★★★★★★★★ | 1994 | 현직 재선. | |||
5★★★★★★★★★★★★★★5 | 1984 | 현직 재선. |
| ||
주 6월 6일 | J. D. 이이 d d | 1994 | 현직 재선. |
» | ★★★★ | 레이스 ★★★★★★ | |||
, 대표님. | ★★ | ★★ | ★★★ | » | |
주 1★★★★★★★★1★★★★ | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1992 | 직은퇴퇴 퇴퇴퇴다다 이치노 민주주의 홀드. |
| |
아칸소 주 ★★★★★★★★★★2 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1972년, 1990 | 직은퇴퇴 퇴퇴퇴다다 이치노 민주주의 홀드. | ||
주 3★★★★★★★★★★3 | 1992 | 현직은 미국 상원의원에 출마하기 위해 은퇴했다. 이치노 공화당의 홀드. |
| ||
주 4★★★★★★★★★★4 | 1992 | 현직 재선. |
» | ★★★★ | 레이스 ★★★★★★ | |||
, 대표님. | ★★ | ★★ | ★★★ | » | |
1 ★★★★★★★★★ 1 | 1990/1980년 | 현직 재선. | |||
2주 | 1986 | 현직 재선. | |||
주 3월 3일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1978 | 현직 재선. | ||
4개 주 | 1990 | 현직 재선. | |||
주 5월 5일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1978 | 현직 재선. |
| |
주 6월 6일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1992 | 현직 재선. |
| |
주 7월 7일 | 밀러 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1974 | 현직 재선. |
주 8월 8일 | 펠로시 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1987년 (특수) | 현직 재선. | |
주 9월 9일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1970 | 현직 재선. |
| |
주 10월 10일 | P. | 1992 | 현직은 재선에 실패했다. 이치노 민주적 이득. | ||
11월 11일 | 1992 | 현직 재선. | |||
주 12월 12일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1980 | 현직 재선. | ||
주 13일 13일 | 스타크 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1972 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 14 | 안나 에슈 | 민주적인 | 1992 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 15 | 톰 캠벨 | 공화당원 | 1988/1984년 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 16 | 조 로프그렌 | 민주적인 | 1994 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 17 | 샘 팔 | 민주적인 | 1993 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 18 | 게리 콘딧 | 민주적인 | 1989 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 19 | 조지 라다노비치 | 공화당원 | 1994 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 20 | 칼 둘리 | 민주적인 | 1990 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 21 | 빌 토머스 | 공화당원 | 1978 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 22 | 안드레아 시스트란트 | 공화당원 | 1994 | 현직은 재선에 실패했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 민주적 이득. |
캘리포니아 23 | 엘튼 갤리 | 공화당원 | 1986 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 24 | 앤서니 베일렌슨 | 민주적인 | 1976 | 현직은 퇴직했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 민주주의 홀드. |
캘리포니아 25 | 벅 매킨 | 공화당원 | 1992 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 26 | 하워드 버먼 | 민주적인 | 1982 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 27 | 카를로스 무어헤드 | 공화당원 | 1972 | 현직은 퇴직했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 공화당의 홀드. | |
캘리포니아 28 | 데이비드 드레이어 | 공화당원 | 1980 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 29 | 헨리 왁스먼 | 민주적인 | 1974 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 30 | 자비에 베케라 | 민주적인 | 1992 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 31 | 매튜 G. 마르티네스 | 민주적인 | 1982 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 32 | 줄리언 딕슨 | 민주적인 | 1978 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 33 | 루실 로이발 알라드 | 민주적인 | 1992 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 34 | 에스테반 에드워드 토레스 | 민주적인 | 1982 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 35 | 맥신 워터스 | 민주적인 | 1990 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 36 | 제인 하먼 | 민주적인 | 1992 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 37 | 후아니타 밀렌더 맥도날드 | 민주적인 | 1996년 (스페셜) | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 38 | 스티브 혼 | 공화당원 | 1992 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 39 | 에드 로이스 | 공화당원 | 1992 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 40 | 제리 루이스 | 공화당원 | 1978 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 41 | 제이 킴 | 공화당원 | 1992 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 42 | 조지 브라운 주니어 | 민주적인 | 1962 1970년 (퇴직) 1972 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 43 | 켄 캘버트 | 공화당원 | 1992 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 44 | 소니 보노 | 공화당원 | 1994 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 45 | 다나 로라바허 | 공화당원 | 1988 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 46 | 밥 도넌 | 공화당원 | 1976년/1976년 | 현직은 재선에 실패했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 민주적 이득. | |
캘리포니아 47 | 크리스토퍼 콕스 | 공화당원 | 1988 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 48 | 론 패커드 | 공화당원 | 1982 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 49 | 브라이언 빌브레이 | 공화당원 | 1994 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 50 | 밥 필너 | 민주적인 | 1992 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 51 | 커닝햄 공작 | 공화당원 | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
California 52 | Duncan L. Hunter | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Colorado 1 | Pat Schroeder | Democratic | 1972 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Colorado 2 | David Skaggs | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Colorado 3 | Scott McInnis | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Colorado 4 | Wayne Allard | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Colorado 5 | Joel Hefley | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Colorado 6 | Daniel Schaefer | Republican | 1983 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Connecticut 1 | Barbara B. Kennelly | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Connecticut 2 | Sam Gejdenson | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Connecticut 3 | Rosa DeLauro | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Connecticut 4 | Chris Shays | Republican | 1987 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Connecticut 5 | Gary Franks | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Connecticut 6 | Nancy Johnson | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Delaware at-large | Mike Castle | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Florida 1 | Joe Scarborough | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 2 | Pete Peterson | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Florida 3 | Corrine Brown | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 4 | Tillie Fowler | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 5 | Karen Thurman | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 6 | Cliff Stearns | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 7 | John Mica | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 8 | Bill McCollum | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 9 | Michael Bilirakis | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 10 | Bill Young | Republican | 1970 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 11 | Sam Gibbons | Democratic | 1962 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Florida 12 | Charles T. Canady | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 13 | Dan Miller | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 14 | Porter Goss | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 15 | Dave Weldon | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 16 | Mark Foley | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 17 | Carrie Meek | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 18 | Ileana Ros-Lehtinen | Republican | 1989 (Special) | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 19 | Harry Johnston | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Florida 20 | Peter Deutsch | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 21 | Lincoln Diaz-Balart | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 22 | Clay Shaw | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Florida 23 | Alcee Hastings | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Georgia 1 | Jack Kingston | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 2 | Sanford Bishop | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 3 | Mac Collins | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 4 | Cynthia McKinney Redistricted from the 11th district | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 5 | John Lewis | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 6 | Newt Gingrich | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 7 | Bob Barr | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 8 | Saxby Chambliss | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 9 | Nathan Deal | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 10 | Charlie Norwood | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 11 | John Linder Redistricted from the 4th district | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Hawaii 1 | Neil Abercrombie | Democratic | 1986 (Special) 1988 (Lost renomination) 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Hawaii 2 | Patsy Mink | Democratic | 1964 1976 (Retired) 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Idaho 1 | Helen Chenoweth | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Idaho 2 | Mike Crapo | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Illinois 1 | Bobby Rush | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 2 | Jesse Jackson Jr. | Democratic | 1995 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 3 | Bill Lipinski | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 4 | Luis Gutiérrez | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 5 | Michael Patrick Flanagan | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Illinois 6 | Henry Hyde | Republican | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 7 | Cardiss Collins | Democratic | 1973 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Illinois 8 | Phil Crane | Republican | 1969 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 9 | Sidney R. Yates | Democratic | 1948 1962 (Retired) 1964 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 10 | John Porter | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 11 | Jerry Weller | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 12 | Jerry Costello | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 13 | Harris W. Fawell | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 14 | Dennis Hastert | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 15 | Thomas W. Ewing | Republican | 1991 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 16 | Don Manzullo | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 17 | Lane Evans | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 18 | Ray LaHood | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 19 | Glenn Poshard | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 20 | Dick Durbin | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Republican gain. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Indiana 1 | Pete Visclosky | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 2 | David M. McIntosh | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 3 | Tim Roemer | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 4 | Mark Souder | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 5 | Steve Buyer | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 6 | Dan Burton | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 7 | John T. Myers | Republican | 1966 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Indiana 8 | John Hostettler | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 9 | Lee H. Hamilton | Democratic | 1964 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 10 | Andrew Jacobs Jr. | Democratic | 1964, 1974 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Iowa 1 | Jim Leach | Republican | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Iowa 2 | Jim Nussle | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Iowa 3 | Jim Ross Lightfoot | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Iowa 4 | Greg Ganske | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Iowa 5 | Tom Latham | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | Party | First elected | Result | Results |
Kansas 1 | Pat Roberts | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator.. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Kansas 2 | Sam Brownback | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Kansas 3 | Jan Meyers | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Kansas 4 | Todd Tiahrt | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | Party | First elected | Result | Results |
Kentucky 1 | Ed Whitfield | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kentucky 2 | Ron Lewis | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kentucky 3 | Mike Ward | Democratic | 1994 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Republican gain. |
Kentucky 4 | Jim Bunning | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kentucky 5 | Hal Rogers | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kentucky 6 | Scotty Baesler | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Louisiana 1 | Bob Livingston | Republican | 1977 (Special) | Incumbent re-elected. |
Louisiana 2 | William J. Jefferson | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Louisiana 3 | Billy Tauzin | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Louisiana 4 | Jim McCrery Redistricted from the 5th district | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Louisiana 5 | Cleo Fields Redistricted from the 4th district | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican gain. |
Louisiana 6 | Richard Baker | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Louisiana 7 | Jimmy Hayes | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Maine 1 | James B. Longley Jr. | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Maine 2 | John Baldacci | Democratic | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Maryland 1 | Wayne Gilchrest | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 2 | Bob Ehrlich | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 3 | Ben Cardin | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 4 | Albert Wynn | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 5 | Steny Hoyer | Democratic | 1981 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 6 | Roscoe Bartlett | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 7 | Elijah Cummings | Democratic | 1996 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 8 | Connie Morella | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Massachusetts 1 | John Olver | Democratic | 1991 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 2 | Richard Neal | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 3 | Peter I. Blute | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Massachusetts 4 | Barney Frank | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 5 | Marty Meehan | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 6 | Peter G. Torkildsen | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Massachusetts 7 | Ed Markey | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 8 | Joseph P. Kennedy II | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 9 | Joe Moakley | Democratic | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 10 | Gerry Studds | Democratic | 1972 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Michigan 1 | Bart Stupak | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 2 | Pete Hoekstra | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 3 | Vern Ehlers | Republican | 1993 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 4 | Dave Camp | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 5 | James A. Barcia | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 6 | Fred Upton | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 7 | Nick Smith | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 8 | Dick Chrysler | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Michigan 9 | Dale Kildee | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 10 | David Bonior | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 11 | Joe Knollenberg | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 12 | Sander Levin | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 13 | Lynn N. Rivers | Democratic | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 14 | John Conyers | Democratic | 1964 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 15 | Barbara-Rose Collins | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent lost renomination. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Michigan 16 | John Dingell | Democratic | 1955 (Special) | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | Party | First elected | Result | Results |
Minnesota 1 | Gil Gutknecht | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Minnesota 2 | David Minge | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Minnesota 3 | Jim Ramstad | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Minnesota 4 | Bruce Vento | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Minnesota 5 | Martin Olav Sabo | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Minnesota 6 | Bill Luther | Democratic | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Minnesota 7 | Collin Peterson | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Minnesota 8 | Jim Oberstar | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Mississippi 1 | Roger Wicker | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Mississippi 2 | Bennie Thompson | Democratic | 1993 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Mississippi 3 | Sonny Montgomery | Democratic | 1966 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican gain. |
Mississippi 4 | Michael Parker | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Mississippi 5 | Gene Taylor | Democratic | 1989 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Missouri 1 | Bill Clay | Democratic | 1968 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 2 | Jim Talent | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 3 | Dick Gephardt | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 4 | Ike Skelton | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 5 | Karen McCarthy | Democratic | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 6 | Pat Danner | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 7 | Mel Hancock | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Missouri 8 | Bill Emerson | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent died June 22, 1996. New member elected. Independent gain. |
Missouri 9 | Harold Volkmer | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Republican gain. |
- Jo Ann Emerson was elected as a Republican in a special to serve the remaining months of the term and was elected as an Independent caucusing with Republicans due to Missouri state law. She later switched to the Republican Party a few days after the start of the new Congress.
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Montana at-large | Pat Williams | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican gain. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Nebraska 1 | Doug Bereuter | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Nebraska 2 | Jon Lynn Christensen | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Nebraska 3 | Bill Barrett | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Nevada 1 | John Ensign | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Nevada 2 | Barbara Vucanovich | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
New Hampshire
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
New Hampshire 1 | Bill Zeliff | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent retired to run for Governor of New Hampshire. New member elected. Republican hold. |
New Hampshire 2 | Charles Bass | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
New Jersey 1 | Rob Andrews | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 2 | Frank LoBiondo | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 3 | Jim Saxton | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 4 | Chris Smith | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 5 | Marge Roukema | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 6 | Frank Pallone | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 7 | Bob Franks | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 8 | William J. Martini | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
New Jersey 9 | Robert Torricelli | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
New Jersey 10 | Donald M. Payne | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 11 | Rodney Frelinghuysen | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 12 | Dick Zimmer | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Republican hold. |
New Jersey 13 | Bob Menendez | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Mexico
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
New Mexico 1 | Steven Schiff | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Mexico 2 | Joe Skeen | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Mexico 3 | Bill Richardson | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
New York 1 | Michael Forbes | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 2 | Rick Lazio | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 3 | Peter T. King | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 4 | Dan Frisa | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
New York 5 | Gary Ackerman | Democratic | 1983 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 6 | Floyd Flake | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 7 | Thomas J. Manton | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 8 | Jerry Nadler | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 9 | Chuck Schumer | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 10 | Edolphus Towns | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 11 | Major Owens | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 12 | Nydia Velázquez | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 13 | Susan Molinari | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 14 | Carolyn Maloney | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 15 | Charles Rangel | Democratic | 1970 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 16 | José E. Serrano | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 17 | Eliot Engel | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 18 | Nita Lowey | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 19 | Sue W. Kelly | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 20 | Benjamin Gilman | Republican | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 21 | Michael R. McNulty | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 22 | Gerald Solomon | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 23 | Sherwood Boehlert | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 24 | John M. McHugh | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 25 | James T. Walsh | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 26 | Maurice Hinchey | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 27 | Bill Paxon | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 28 | Louise Slaughter | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 29 | John J. LaFalce | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 30 | Jack Quinn | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 31 | Amo Houghton | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
North Carolina 1 | Eva Clayton | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 2 | David Funderburk | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
North Carolina 3 | Walter B. Jones Jr. | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 4 | Fred Heineman | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
North Carolina 5 | Richard Burr | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 6 | Howard Coble | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 7 | Charlie Rose | Democratic | 1972 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
North Carolina 8 | Bill Hefner | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 9 | Sue Myrick | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 10 | Cass Ballenger | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 11 | Charles H. Taylor | Republican | 1990 | Re-elected |
North Carolina 12 | Mel Watt | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Dakota
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
North Dakota at-large | Earl Pomeroy | Democratic-NPL | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Ohio 1 | Steve Chabot | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 2 | Rob Portman | Republican | 1993 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 3 | Tony P. Hall | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 4 | Mike Oxley | Republican | 1981 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 5 | Paul Gillmor | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 6 | Frank Cremeans | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Ohio 7 | Dave Hobson | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 8 | John Boehner | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 9 | Marcy Kaptur | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 10 | Martin Hoke | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Ohio 11 | Louis Stokes | Democratic | 1968 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 12 | John Kasich | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 13 | Sherrod Brown | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 14 | Thomas C. Sawyer | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 15 | Deborah Pryce | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 16 | Ralph Regula | Republican | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 17 | James Traficant | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 18 | Bob Ney | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. | |
Ohio 19 | Steve LaTourette | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Oklahoma 1 | Steve Largent | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oklahoma 2 | Tom Coburn | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oklahoma 3 | William K. Brewster | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican gain. |
Oklahoma 4 | J. C. Watts | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oklahoma 5 | Ernest Istook | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oklahoma 6 | Frank Lucas | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Oregon 1 | Elizabeth Furse | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oregon 2 | Wes Cooley | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Oregon 3 | Earl Blumenauer | Democratic | 1996 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oregon 4 | Peter DeFazio | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oregon 5 | Jim Bunn | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Pennsylvania 1 | Thomas M. Foglietta | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 2 | Chaka Fattah | Democratic | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 3 | Robert A. Borski Jr. | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 4 | Ron Klink | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 5 | William F. Clinger Jr. | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Pennsylvania 6 | Tim Holden | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 7 | Curt Weldon | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 8 | James C. Greenwood | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 9 | Bud Shuster | Republican | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 10 | Joseph M. McDade | Republican | 1962 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 11 | Paul Kanjorski | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 12 | John Murtha | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 13 | Jon D. Fox | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 14 | William J. Coyne | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 15 | Paul McHale | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 16 | Robert Smith Walker | Republican | 1976 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Pennsylvania 17 | George Gekas | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 18 | Mike Doyle | Democratic | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 19 | William F. Goodling | Republican | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 20 | Frank Mascara | Democratic | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 21 | Phil English | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Rhode Island
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Rhode Island 1 | Patrick J. Kennedy | Democratic | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Rhode Island 2 | Jack Reed | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
South Carolina
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
South Carolina 1 | Mark Sanford | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
South Carolina 2 | Floyd Spence | Republican | 1970 | Incumbent re-elected. |
South Carolina 3 | Lindsey Graham | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
South Carolina 4 | Bob Inglis | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
South Carolina 5 | John Spratt | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
South Carolina 6 | Jim Clyburn | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
South Dakota
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
South Dakota at-large | Tim Johnson | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Republican gain. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Tennessee 1 | Jimmy Quillen | Republican | 1962 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Tennessee 2 | Jimmy Duncan | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 3 | Zach Wamp | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 4 | Van Hilleary | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 5 | Bob Clement | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 6 | Bart Gordon | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 7 | Ed Bryant | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 8 | John S. Tanner | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 9 | Harold Ford Sr. | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Texas 1 | Jim Chapman | Democratic | 1985 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Texas 2 | Charlie Wilson | Democratic | 1972 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Texas 3 | Sam Johnson | Republican | 1991 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 4 | Ralph Hall | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 5 | John Wiley Bryant | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Republican gain. |
Texas 6 | Joe Barton | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 7 | Bill Archer | Republican | 1970 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 8 | Jack Fields | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Texas 9 | Steve Stockman | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Texas 10 | Lloyd Doggett | Democratic | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 11 | Chet Edwards | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 12 | Pete Geren | Democratic | 1989 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican gain. |
Texas 13 | Mac Thornberry | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 14 | Greg Laughlin | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent lost renomination. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Texas 15 | Kika de la Garza | Democratic | 1964 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Texas 16 | Ronald D. Coleman | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Texas 17 | Charles Stenholm | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 18 | Sheila Jackson Lee | Democratic | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 19 | Larry Combest | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 20 | Henry B. González | Democratic | 1961 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 21 | Lamar Smith | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 22 | Tom DeLay | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 23 | Henry Bonilla | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 24 | Martin Frost | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 25 | Ken Bentsen Jr. | Democratic | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 26 | Dick Armey | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 27 | Solomon P. Ortiz | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 28 | Frank Tejeda | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 29 | Gene Green | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 30 | Eddie Bernice Johnson | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Utah 1 | James V. Hansen | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Utah 2 | Enid Greene Waldholtz | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Utah 3 | Bill Orton | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Republican gain. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Vermont at-large | Bernie Sanders | Independent | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Virginia 1 | Herbert H. Bateman | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 2 | Owen B. Pickett | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 3 | Bobby Scott | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 4 | Norman Sisisky | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 5 | Lewis F. Payne Jr. | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Virginia 6 | Bob Goodlatte | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 7 | Thomas J. Bliley Jr. | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 8 | Jim Moran | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 9 | Rick Boucher | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 10 | Frank Wolf | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 11 | Tom Davis | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Note: VR=Virginia Reform Party |
As of 2022[update], these were the last elections in which the Republican Party won a majority of congressional districts from Washington.
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Washington 1 | Rick White | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 2 | Jack Metcalf | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 3 | Linda Smith | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 4 | Doc Hastings | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 5 | George Nethercutt | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 6 | Norm Dicks | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 7 | Jim McDermott | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 8 | Jennifer Dunn | Republican | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 9 | Randy Tate | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
West Virginia
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
West Virginia 1 | Alan Mollohan | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
West Virginia 2 | Bob Wise | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
West Virginia 3 | Nick Rahall | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Wisconsin 1 | Mark Neumann | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 2 | Scott L. Klug | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 3 | Steve Gunderson | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Wisconsin 4 | Jerry Kleczka | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 5 | Tom Barrett | Democratic | 1992 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 6 | Tom Petri | Republican | 1979 (Special) | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 7 | Dave Obey | Democratic | 1969 (Special) | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 8 | Toby Roth | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Wisconsin 9 | Jim Sensenbrenner | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Wyoming at-large | Barbara Cubin | Republican | 1994 | Incumbent re-elected. |
See also
- ^ a b "Archived copy". Archived from the original on October 25, 2011. Retrieved October 19, 2010.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) - ^ a b "Congress Profiles – US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives". history.house.gov.
- ^ "The 1996 House Elections: Reaffirming the Conservative Trend".
- ^ "Warning signals for House Democrats".
- ^ 1996 special election results
- ^ "Our Campaigns – KS District 2 Race – Nov 05, 1996". www.ourcampaigns.com.
- ^ "Our Campaigns – MO District 8 – Special Election Race – Nov 05, 1996". www.ourcampaigns.com.