자폐성 용융

Autistic meltdown

자폐증 용해는 자폐 스펙트럼에 있는 몇몇 사람들의 압도적인 상황에 대한 강렬하고 통제할 수 없는 반응을 설명하기 위해 사용되는 용어입니다.

자폐증을 가진 사람들의 분노 폭발은 울음, 고함, 공격성 또는 [2]: 14 자해를 포함할 수 있는 강력한[1]: 2561–2562 반응으로 나타나는 붕괴로 언급됩니다.그들은 예상치 못한 변화, 압도적인 사회적 상황, 또는 감각 [3]: 35–38 [4]: 2034 과부하로 인한 괴로움으로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다.

분노와는 달리 용해는 비자발적인 것으로 간주됩니다.분노는 종종 아이가 울거나 소리를 지르면 원하는 것을 얻을 수 없다는 것을 알게 되면 조작적인 동기를 갖게 됩니다.반대로,[2]: 22–24 [5]: 61 [6]: 13 자폐증 용해는 조작적이지 않으며 고통에서 발생합니다.붕괴 사고는 최초 대응자와 법 집행관에 의해 잘못 해석되어 [4]: 2033–2034 상황이 확대될 수 있습니다.


  1. ^ Sukhodolsky, Denis G.; Gladstone, Theresa R.; Marsh, Carolyn L. (2021). "Irritability in Autism". In Volkmar, Fred R. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (2nd ed.). Cham: Springer. pp. 2561–2564. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91280-6_102263. ISBN 978-3-319-91279-0. S2CID 242421013. Historically, the term irritability was used in ASD literature as an umbrella category for severe disruptive behaviors including temper tantrums, aggression, and non-compliance ... anger outbursts in ASD have been described as 'immature' with labels such as 'meltdowns' being used to reflect the uncontrollable nature of these behaviors.
  2. ^ a b Colvin, Geoffrey T.; Scheehan, Martin R. (2012). "The Nature of Meltdowns". Managing the Cycle of Meltdowns for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Corwin. pp. 14–26. ISBN 9781412994033.
  3. ^ Colvin, Geoffrey T.; Scheehan, Martin R. (2012). "A Six-Phase Model of the Meltdown Cycle". Managing the Cycle of Meltdowns for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Corwin. pp. 27–60. ISBN 9781412994033.
  4. ^ a b Beardon, Luke; Chown, Nick; Cossburn, Kleio (2021), "First Responders and Autism", in Volkmar, Fred R. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (2nd ed.), Cham: Springer, pp. 2031–2039, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91280-6_102159, ISBN 978-3-319-91279-0, Many autistic people experience meltdowns. The public often finds it hard to tell meltdowns and temper tantrums apart, but they are different things. A meltdown is an intense response to a situation an autistic person finds overwhelming. To cope with such a situation, the autistic person may need to engage in repetitive body movements (stimming). Interrupting this may increase levels of anxiety exacerbating the situation. Some possible scenarios that could lead to incorrect initial perceptions on the part of first responders include [...]
  5. ^ Habermann, Lisa; Kißler, Christian (2022). "Von der Überlastung zum "Wutausbruch"" [From overload to "tantrum"]. Das autistische Spektrum aus wissenschaftlicher, therapeutischer und autistischer Perspektive (in German). Wiesbaden: Springer. pp. 61–70. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-37602-4_3. ISBN 978-3-658-37601-7. Insbesondere bei Menschen mit Autismus ist zu unterscheiden, ob es sich tatsächlich um einen Wutausbruch, oder vielmehr um einen Meltdown handelt. Ein so genannter Meltdown, der die Folge eines Overloads sein kann, wird häufig mit einem Wutausbruch verwechselt. Es ist jedoch für die pädagogische Praxis wichtig, Meltdowns von Wutausbrüchen zu unterscheiden, da Wutausbrüche und Meltdowns aus der Sicht des autistischen Menschen jeweils etwas vollkommen anderes bedeuten und unterschiedliche Ursachen haben.
    [Particularly in autistic people it has to be distinguished whether something is a tantrum, or rather a meltdown. A so-called meltdown, which can be the cause of [sensory] overload, is often confused with a tantrum. However, for pedagogical practice, it is important to distinguish meltdowns from tantrums, as tantrums and meltdowns are something completely different from the autistic person's perspective and have different causes.]
  6. ^ Richards, Hope; Lipsky, Deborah (2009). Managing Meltdowns: Using the S.C.A.R.E.D. Calming Technique with Children and Adults with Autism. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. ISBN 9781846429170.
