별칭UPB1, BUP1, 베타-uredopropionase 1
외부 IDOMIM: 606673 MGI: 21435 호몰로진: 9471 GeneCard: UPB1






위치(UCSC)Cr 22: 24.49 – 24.53MbCr 10: 75.4 – 75.44Mb
PubMed 검색[3][4]
인간 보기/편집마우스 보기/편집

베타-uredopropionase는 인간에게 UPB1 유전자에 의해 암호화된 효소다.[5][6]null

이 유전자는 CN 하이드롤라제 계열에 속하는 단백질을 인코딩한다.베타-ureidopropionase는 피리미딘 분해 경로의 마지막 단계를 촉진한다.피리미딘 염기 우라실(yuracil)과 티민(tymine)은 각각 dhydropyrimidine detrogenase(DHPDH), dhydropyrimidinase(DHP), 베타-uredopropionase(UP)를 베타-alanine베타-am 일리노이부티르산(byric acyritic acy.UP결함은 N-카르바밀-베타-아미노산뇨증과 관련이 있으며 신경활동의 이상을 초래할 수 있다.[6]null

대화형 경로 지도

각 기사에 연결하려면 아래의 유전자, 단백질, 대사물을 클릭하십시오.[§ 1]

FluoropyrimidineActivity_WP1601go to articlego to articlego to articlego to pathway articlego to pathway articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to PubChem Compoundgo to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to pathway articlego to pathway articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to WikiPathwaysgo to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to article
FluoropyrimidineActivity_WP1601go to articlego to articlego to articlego to pathway articlego to pathway articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to PubChem Compoundgo to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to pathway articlego to pathway articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to WikiPathwaysgo to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to articlego to article
alt=Fluorouracil(5-FU) Activity edit]]
Fluorouracil(5-FU) 활동 편집
  1. ^ 대화형 경로 맵은 WikiPathways에서 편집할 수 있다."FluoropyrimidineActivity_WP1601".


  1. ^ a b c GRCh38: 앙상블 릴리스 89: ENSG00000100024 - 앙상블, 2017년 5월
  2. ^ a b c GRCm38: 앙상블 릴리스 89: ENSMUSG000033427 - 앙상블, 2017년 5월
  3. ^ "Human PubMed Reference:". National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  4. ^ "Mouse PubMed Reference:". National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  5. ^ Vreken P, van Kuilenburg AB, Hamajima N, Meinsma R, van Lenthe H, Gohlich-Ratmann G, Assmann BE, Wevers RA, van Gennip AH (Dec 1999). "cDNA cloning, genomic structure and chromosomal localization of the human BUP-1 gene encoding beta-ureidopropionase". Biochim Biophys Acta. 1447 (2–3): 251–7. doi:10.1016/s0167-4781(99)00182-7. PMID 10542323.
  6. ^ a b "Entrez Gene: UPB1 ureidopropionase, beta".

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