1990년 미국 하원의원 선거
1990 United States House of Representatives elections
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미국 하원의 435석 전석 과반수에 218석 필요 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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결과: 민주당 홀드 민주적 이득 공화당의 홀드 공화당의 이익 독립 이득 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1990년 미국 하원의원 선거는 1990년 조지 H. W. 부시 대통령의 임기 중반에 치러진 하원의원 선거이다.대부분의 중간선거에서와 마찬가지로, 대통령의 공화당은 민주당에 의석을 빼앗겨 원내에서 민주당의 다수를 약간 늘렸다.그러나 양당이 무소속 후보뿐 아니라 자유당 등 제3당에 표를 빼앗긴 것은 드문 일이다.
2022년 현재 원내 의석의 60%를 차지한 정당은 이번이 마지막이다.
특별 선거
선거는 날짜 및 지역별로 나열됩니다.
구 | 현존재 | 이 레이스 | |||
대표. | 파티 | 초선 | 결과. | 후보 | |
뉴욕 18 | 로버트 가르시아 | 민주적인 | 1978년 (특수) | 현직은 1990년 1월 7일 웨드테크 스캔들 연루에 대한 재판에 이어 사임했다. 1990년 3월 20일 신규 회원 민주주의 홀드. 수상자는 그 후 11월에 재선되었다. | |
뉴욕 14 | 가이 몰리나리 | 공화당원 | 1980 | 현직은 1989년 12월 31일 사임했다. 1990년 3월 20일에 선출된 새 회원. 공화당의 홀드. 수상자는 그 후 11월에 재선되었다. | |
뉴저지 1 | 제임스 플로리오 | 민주적인 | 1974 | 현직은 1990년 1월 16일 뉴저지 주지사가 되기 위해 사임했다. 1990년 11월 6일에 선출된 새 회원. 민주주의 홀드. 수상자도 같은 날 다음 임기로 선출되었습니다.아래를 참조해 주십시오. | |
하와이 2 | 다니엘 아카카 | 민주적인 | 1976 | 현직은 1990년 5월 15일 사임하여 미국 상원의원이 되었다. 1990년 11월 6일에 선출된 새 회원. 민주주의 홀드. 수상자도 같은 날 다음 임기로 선출되었습니다.아래를 참조해 주십시오. |
선거의 개요
267 | 1 | 167 |
민주적인 | [a] | 공화당원 |
파티 | 좌석 | 바꾸다 | 공유하다 | 투표 퍼센티지 | 인기있는 투표 | |
민주당 | 267 | 7 | 61.4% | 52.1% | 32,463,372 | |
공화당 | 167 | 8 | 38.4% | 44.3% | 27,596,256 | |
자유당 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.6% | 396,131 | ||
독립적인 | 1 | 1 | 0.2% | 0.6% | 367,603 | |
평화자유당 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.2% | 127,924 | ||
보수당 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.1% | 105,294 | ||
포퓰리즘 정당 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.1% | 51,894 | ||
구명당권 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.1% | 50,769 | ||
연대당 | 0 | 0.0% | 0.1% | 34,636 | ||
다른이들 | 0 | 0.0% | 1.9% | 1,160,974 | ||
합계 | 435 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 62,354,853 |
출처 : 선거통계– 사무국
재선 탈락자
- 캘리포니아 1: 더글러스 H. 보스코
- 캘리포니아 44: 짐 베이츠
- 메릴랜드 1: 로이 다이슨
- 노스캐롤라이나 11: 제임스 M. 클라크
- 펜실베이니아 18: 더그 월그렌
- 위스콘신 2: 로버트 카스텐마이어
- 캘리포니아 17: 칩 파샤얀
- 플로리다 2: 제임스 W. 그랜트
- 인디애나 3: 존 P. 힐러
- 미네소타 7: 알란 스텐젤랜드
- 미주리 2: 잭 뷰치너
- 뉴햄프셔 2: 찰스 더글러스 3세
- 오리건 5: 데니 스미스
- 버몬트 전체:피터 플림튼 스미스
- 버지니아 8: 스탠퍼드 패리스
재선에 도전하지 않은 대의원은 민주당원 10명과 공화당원 16명으로 총 26명이었다.
- 앨라배마 5: 로니 플리포
- 캘리포니아 29: 아우구스투스 호킨스
- 코네티컷 3: 브루스 모리슨
- 플로리다 11: 빌 넬슨
- 루이지애나 2: 린디 보그스
- 메인 1: 조지프 E. 브레넌
- 미시간 13: 조지 크로켓 주니어.
- 오하이오 1: 톰 루켄
- 오클라호마 3: 웨스 왓킨스
- 텍사스 11: 마빈 리스
- 아칸소 2: 토미 F. 로빈슨
- 캘리포니아 14: 노먼 D. 썸웨이
- 콜로라도 4: 행크 브라운
- 코네티컷 5: 존 G. 롤랜드
- 하와이 1: 팻 사이키
- 아이다호 1: 래리 크레이그
- 일리노이 16: 린 몰리 마틴
- 아이오와 2: 톰 타우크
- 캔자스 5: 밥 휘태커
- 미시간 10: 빌 슈에트
- 미네소타 3: 빌 프렌젤
- 네브래스카 3: 버지니아 D. 스미스
- 뉴햄프셔 1: 밥 스미스
- 뉴저지 12: 짐 코트
- 오하이오 7: 마이크 드와인
- 로드 아일랜드 2: 클라우딘 슈나이더
앨라배마 주
구 | 현존재 | 이 레이스 | |||
대표. | 파티 | 초선 | 결과. | 후보 | |
앨라배마 1호 | 소니 캘러한 | 공화당원 | 1984 | 현직 재선. |
앨라배마 2 | 윌리엄 루이 디킨슨 | 공화당원 | 1964 | 현직 재선. |
앨라배마 3 | 글렌 브라우더 | 민주적인 | 1989년 (스페셜) | 현직 재선. |
앨라배마 4 | 톰 베빌 | 민주적인 | 1966 | 현직 재선. |
앨라배마 5 | 로니 플리포 | 민주적인 | 1976 | 현직은 앨라배마 주지사 선거에 출마하기 위해 은퇴했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 민주주의 홀드. | |
앨라배마 6 | 벤 에르트라이히 | 민주적인 | 1982 | 현직 재선. | |
앨라배마 7 | 클로드 해리스 주니어 | 민주적인 | 1986 | 현직 재선. |
구 | 현존재 | 이 레이스 | |||
대표. | 파티 | 초선 | 결과. | 후보 | |
알래스카 전체 | 돈영 | 공화당원 | 1973년 (스페셜) | 현직 재선. |
애리조나 주
구 | 현존재 | 이 레이스 | |||
대표. | 파티 | 초선 | 결과. | 후보 | |
애리조나 1호 | 존 제이콥 로즈 3세 | 공화당원 | 1986 | 현직 재선. |
애리조나 2 | 모우달 | 민주적인 | 1961 | 현직 재선. |
애리조나 3 | 밥 스텀프 | 공화당원 | 1976 | 현직 재선. |
애리조나 4 | 존 킬 | 공화당원 | 1986 | 현직 재선. | |
애리조나 5 | 짐 콜베 | 공화당원 | 1984 | 현직 재선. |
아칸소 주
구 | 현존재 | 이 레이스 | |||
대표. | 파티 | 초선 | 결과. | 후보 | |
아칸소 1호 | 윌리엄 볼리 알렉산더 주니어 | 민주적인 | 1968 | 현직 재선. | |
아칸소 2 | 토미 F.로빈슨 | 공화당원 | 1984 | 현직은 아칸소 주지사 선거에 출마하기 위해 은퇴했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 민주적 이득. | |
아칸소 3 | 존 폴 해머슈미트 | 공화당원 | 1966 | 현직 재선. |
아칸소 4 | 베릴 앤서니 주니어 | 민주적인 | 1978 | 현직 재선. |
구 | 현존재 | 이 레이스 | |||
대표. | 파티 | 초선 | 결과. | 후보 | |
캘리포니아 1 | 더글러스 H. 보스코 | 민주적인 | 1982 | 현직은 재선에 실패했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 공화당이 득세하다. | |
캘리포니아 2 | 월리 허거 | 공화당원 | 1986 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 3 | 밥 마쓰이 | 민주적인 | 1978 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 4 | 빅 파지오 | 민주적인 | 1978 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 5 | 낸시 펠로시 | 민주적인 | 1987 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 6 | 바바라 복서 | 민주적인 | 1982 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 7 | 조지 밀러 | 민주적인 | 1974 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 8 | 론 델럼스 | 민주적인 | 1970 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 9 | 피트 스타크 | 민주적인 | 1972 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 10 | 돈 에드워즈 | 민주적인 | 1972 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 11 | 톰 랜토스 | 민주적인 | 1980 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 12 | 톰 캠벨 | 공화당원 | 1988 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 13 | 노먼 미네타 | 민주적인 | 1974 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 14 | 노먼 D.썸웨이 | 공화당원 | 1978 | 현직은 퇴직했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 공화당의 홀드. | |
캘리포니아 15 | 게리 콘딧 | 민주적인 | 1989 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 16 | 리언 파네타 | 민주적인 | 1976 | 현직 재선. |
캘리포니아 17 | 칩 파샤얀어 | 공화당원 | 1978 | 현직은 재선에 실패했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 민주적 이득. | |
캘리포니아 18 | 리처드 H. 리먼 | 민주적인 | 1982 | 현직 재선. | |
캘리포니아 19 | 로버트 J. 라고마르시노 | 공화당원 | 1974 | 현직 재선. | |
20 californ캘리 20 20 20 | 1978 | 현직 재선. |
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21일 | 1986 | 현직 재선. | |||
주 22일 | 1972 | 현직 재선. |
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23일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1976 | 현직 재선. | ||
주 24일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1974 | 현직 재선. |
| |
주 25일 | R. | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1962 | 현직 재선. | |
주 26일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1982 | 현직 재선. | ||
주 27일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1982 | 현직 재선. |
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주 28일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1978 | 현직 재선. |
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주 29일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1962 | 직은퇴퇴 퇴퇴퇴다다 이치노 민주주의 홀드. |
| |
주 30일 | G. | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1982 | 현직 재선. | |
주 31일 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1982 | 현직 재선. | ||
32도 | M. | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1968 | 현직 재선. | |
33도 33도 33지 | 1980 | 현직 재선. | |||
34도 | 에드워드 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1982 | 현직 재선. |
35도 | 루이스 | 1978 | 현직 재선. |
| |
주(州) 36도 | 조지 브라운 주니어 | ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 | 1962 1970년 (퇴직) 1972 | 현직 재선. |
37도 37도 | 1982 | 현직 재선. | |||
38도 | 1976년/1976년 | 현직 재선. | |||
주(州 39도 | 1978 | 현직 재선. |
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주(州) 40도 | 콕스 | 1988 | 현직 재선. |
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41도 | 1980 | 현직 재선. |
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42도 | 1988 | 현직 재선. |
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43도 43분 | 1982 | 현직 재선. |
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주 44개 주 | 민주적인 | 1982 | 현직은 재선에 실패했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 공화당이 득세하다. | ||
캘리포니아 45 | 던컨 L.헌터 | 공화당원 | 1980 | 현직 재선. |
구 | 현존재 | 이 레이스 | |||
대표. | 파티 | 초선 | 결과. | 후보 | |
콜로라도 1 | 팻 슈뢰더 | 민주적인 | 1972 | 현직 재선. |
콜로라도 2 | 데이비드 스카그스 | 민주적인 | 1986 | 현직 재선. | |
콜로라도 3 | 벤 나이트호스 캠벨 | 민주적인 | 1986 | 현직 재선. |
콜로라도 4 | 행크 브라운 | 공화당원 | 1980 | 현직은 미국 상원의원에 출마하기 위해 은퇴했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 공화당의 홀드. | |
콜로라도 5 | 조엘 헤플리 | 공화당원 | 1986 | 현직 재선. | |
콜로라도 6 | 대니얼 셰퍼 | 공화당원 | 1983 | 현직 재선. |
구 | 현존재 | 이 레이스 | |||
대표. | 파티 | 초선 | 결과. | 후보 | |
코네티컷 1 | 바바라 B.케넬리 | 민주적인 | 1982 | 현직 재선. |
코네티컷 2 | 샘 게인슨 | 민주적인 | 1980 | 현직 재선. | |
코네티컷 3 | 브루스 모리슨 | 민주적인 | 1982 | 현직은 코네티컷 주지사 선거에 출마하기 위해 은퇴했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 민주주의 홀드. | |
코네티컷 4 | 크리스 셰이즈 | 공화당원 | 1987 | 현직 재선. |
코네티컷 5 | 존 G. 롤랜드 | 공화당원 | 1984 | 현직은 코네티컷 주지사 선거에 출마하기 위해 은퇴했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 공화당의 홀드. | |
코네티컷 6 | 낸시 존슨 | 공화당원 | 1982 | 현직 재선. |
구 | 현존재 | 이 레이스 | |||
대표. | 파티 | 초선 | 결과. | 후보 | |
델라웨어 전체 | 톰 카퍼 | 민주적인 | 1982 | 현직 재선. |
구 | 현존재 | 이 레이스 | |||
대표. | 파티 | 초선 | 결과. | 후보 | |
플로리다 1 | 얼 허토 | 민주적인 | 1978 | 현직 재선. |
플로리다 2 | 제임스 W. 그랜트 | 공화당원 | 1986 | 현직은 재선에 실패했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 민주적 이득. | |
플로리다 3 | 찰스 E.베넷 | 민주적인 | 1948 | 현직 재선. |
플로리다 4 | 크레이그 제임스 | 공화당원 | 1988 | 현직 재선. |
플로리다 5 | 빌 매콜럼 | 공화당원 | 1980 | 현직 재선. | |
플로리다 6 | 클리프 스턴스 | 공화당원 | 1988 | 현직 재선. | |
플로리다 7 | 샘 기븐스 | 민주적인 | 1962 | 현직 재선. |
플로리다 8 | 빌 영 | 공화당원 | 1970 | 현직 재선. |
플로리다 9 | 마이클 빌리라키스 | 공화당원 | 1982 | 현직 재선. | |
플로리다 10 | 앤디 아일랜드 | 공화당원 | 1976 | 현직 재선. |
플로리다 11 | 빌 넬슨 | 민주적인 | 1978 | 현직은 플로리다 주지사 선거에 출마하기 위해 은퇴했다. 새로운 멤버가 선출되었습니다. 민주주의 홀드. | |
플로리다 12 | 톰 루이스 | 공화당원 | 1982 | 현직 재선. |
플로리다 13 | 포터 고스 | 공화당원 | 1988 | 현직 재선. |
플로리다 14 | 해리 존스턴 | 민주적인 | 1988 | 현직 재선. | |
플로리다 15 | 클레이 쇼 | 공화당원 | 1980 | 현직 재선. |
플로리다 16 | 로렌스 J. 스미스 | 민주적인 | 1982 | 현직 재선. | |
플로리다 17 | 윌리엄 리먼 | 민주적인 | 1972 | 현직 재선. |
플로리다 18 | 일리아나 로스레티넨 | 공화당원 | 1989 | 현직 재선. | |
플로리다 19 | 단테 파셀 | 민주적인 | 1954 | 현직 재선. |
조지아 주
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Georgia 1 | Lindsay Thomas | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 2 | Charles Floyd Hatcher | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 3 | Richard Ray | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 4 | Ben Jones | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 5 | John Lewis | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 6 | Newt Gingrich | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 7 | George Darden | Democratic | 1983 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 8 | J. Roy Rowland | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 9 | Ed Jenkins | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Georgia 10 | Doug Barnard Jr. | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Hawaii 1 | Pat Saiki | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Hawaii 2 | Daniel Akaka | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent resigned May 15, 1990 to become U.S. senator. New member elected. Democratic hold. Winner also elected the same day to finish the current term. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Idaho 1 | Larry Craig | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Idaho 2 | Richard H. Stallings | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Illinois 1 | Charles Hayes | Democratic | 1983 (Special) | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 2 | Gus Savage | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 3 | Marty Russo | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 4 | George E. Sangmeister | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 5 | Bill Lipinski | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 6 | Henry Hyde | Republican | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 7 | Cardiss Collins | Democratic | 1973 (Special) | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 8 | Dan Rostenkowski | Democratic | 1958 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 9 | Sidney R. Yates | Democratic | 1964 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 10 | John Porter | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 11 | Frank Annunzio | Democratic | 1964 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 12 | Phil Crane | Republican | 1969 (Special) | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 13 | Harris W. Fawell | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 14 | Dennis Hastert | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 15 | Edward Rell Madigan | Republican | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 16 | Lynn Morley Martin | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Illinois 17 | Lane Evans | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 18 | Robert H. Michel | Republican | 1956 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 19 | Terry L. Bruce | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 20 | Dick Durbin | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 21 | Jerry Costello | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Illinois 22 | Glenn Poshard | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Indiana 1 | Pete Visclosky | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 2 | Philip Sharp | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 3 | John P. Hiler | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Indiana 4 | Jill Long Thompson | Democratic | 1989 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 5 | Jim Jontz | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 6 | Dan Burton | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 7 | John T. Myers | Republican | 1966 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 8 | Frank McCloskey | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 9 | Lee H. Hamilton | Democratic | 1964 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Indiana 10 | Andrew Jacobs Jr. | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Iowa 1 | Jim Leach | Republican | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Iowa 2 | Tom Tauke | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Iowa 3 | David R. Nagle | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Iowa 4 | Neal Edward Smith | Democratic | 1958 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Iowa 5 | Jim Ross Lightfoot | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Iowa 6 | Fred Grandy | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Kansas 1 | Pat Roberts | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kansas 2 | Jim Slattery | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kansas 3 | Jan Meyers | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kansas 4 | Dan Glickman | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kansas 5 | Bob Whittaker | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Kentucky 1 | Carroll Hubbard | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kentucky 2 | William Natcher | Democratic | 1953 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kentucky 3 | Romano Mazzoli | Democratic | 1970 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kentucky 4 | Jim Bunning | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kentucky 5 | Hal Rogers | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kentucky 6 | Larry J. Hopkins | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Kentucky 7 | Chris Perkins | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Louisiana 1 | Bob Livingston | Republican | 1977 (Special) | Incumbent re-elected. |
Louisiana 2 | Lindy Boggs | Democratic | 1973 (Special) | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Louisiana 3 | Billy Tauzin | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Louisiana 4 | Jim McCrery | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Louisiana 5 | Jerry Huckaby | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Louisiana 6 | Richard Baker | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Louisiana 7 | Jimmy Hayes | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Louisiana 8 | Clyde C. Holloway | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Maine 1 | Joseph E. Brennan | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent retired to run for Maine Governor. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Maine 2 | Olympia Snowe | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Maryland 1 | Roy Dyson | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Republican gain. |
Maryland 2 | Helen Delich Bentley | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 3 | Ben Cardin | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 4 | Tom McMillen | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 5 | Steny Hoyer | Democratic | 1981 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 6 | Beverly Byron | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 7 | Kweisi Mfume | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Maryland 8 | Connie Morella | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Massachusetts 1 | Silvio O. Conte | Republican | 1958 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 2 | Richard Neal | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 3 | Joseph D. Early | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 4 | Barney Frank | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 5 | Chester G. Atkins | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 6 | Nicholas Mavroules | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 7 | Ed Markey | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 8 | Joseph P. Kennedy II | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 9 | Joe Moakley | Democratic | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 10 | Gerry Studds | Democratic | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Massachusetts 11 | Brian J. Donnelly | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Michigan 1 | John Conyers | Democratic | 1964 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 2 | Carl Pursell | Republican | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 3 | Howard Wolpe | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 4 | Fred Upton | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 5 | Paul B. Henry | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 6 | Milton Robert Carr | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 7 | Dale Kildee | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 8 | J. Bob Traxler | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 9 | Guy Vander Jagt | Republican | 1966 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 10 | Bill Schuette | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Michigan 11 | Robert William Davis | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 12 | David Bonior | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 13 | George Crockett Jr. | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Michigan 14 | Dennis Hertel | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 15 | William D. Ford | Democratic | 1964 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 16 | John Dingell | Democratic | 1955 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 17 | Sander Levin | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Michigan 18 | William Broomfield | Republican | 1956 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Minnesota 1 | Tim Penny | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Minnesota 2 | Vin Weber | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Minnesota 3 | Bill Frenzel | Republican | 1970 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Minnesota 4 | Bruce Vento | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Minnesota 5 | Martin Olav Sabo | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Minnesota 6 | Gerry Sikorski | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Minnesota 7 | Arlan Stangeland | Republican | 1977 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Minnesota 8 | Jim Oberstar | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Mississippi 1 | Jamie Whitten | Democratic | 1941 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Mississippi 2 | Mike Espy | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Mississippi 3 | Sonny Montgomery | Democratic | 1966 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Mississippi 4 | Michael Parker | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Mississippi 5 | Gene Taylor | Democratic | 1989 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Missouri 1 | Bill Clay | Democratic | 1968 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 2 | Jack Buechner | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Missouri 3 | Dick Gephardt | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 4 | Ike Skelton | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 5 | Alan Wheat | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 6 | Tom Coleman | Republican | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 7 | Mel Hancock | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 8 | Bill Emerson | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Missouri 9 | Harold Volkmer | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Montana 1 | Pat Williams | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Montana 2 | Ron Marlenee | Republican | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Nebraska 1 | Doug Bereuter | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Nebraska 2 | Peter Hoagland | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Nebraska 3 | Virginia D. Smith | Republican | 1974 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Nevada 1 | James Bilbray | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Nevada 2 | Barbara Vucanovich | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Hampshire
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
New Hampshire 1 | Bob Smith | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Republican hold. |
New Hampshire 2 | Charles Douglas III | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
New Jersey
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
New Jersey 1 | Vacant | James Florio (Democratic) resigned January 16, 1990 to become Governor. New member elected. Democratic hold. Winner also elected-->elected to finish the current term. |
| ||
New Jersey 2 | William J. Hughes | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 3 | Frank Pallone | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 4 | Chris Smith | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 5 | Marge Roukema | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 6 | Bernard J. Dwyer | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 7 | Matthew John Rinaldo | Republican | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 8 | Robert A. Roe | Democratic | 1969 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 9 | Robert Torricelli | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 10 | Donald M. Payne | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 11 | Dean Gallo | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 12 | Jim Courter | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Republican hold. |
New Jersey 13 | Jim Saxton | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Jersey 14 | Frank Joseph Guarini | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Mexico
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
New Mexico 1 | Steven Schiff | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Mexico 2 | Joe Skeen | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New Mexico 3 | Bill Richardson | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
New York 1 | George J. Hochbrueckner | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 2 | Thomas Downey | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 3 | Robert J. Mrazek | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 4 | Norman F. Lent | Republican | 1970 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 5 | Raymond J. McGrath | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 6 | Floyd Flake | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 7 | Gary Ackerman | Democratic | 1983 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 8 | James H. Scheuer | Democratic | 1964 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 9 | Thomas J. Manton | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 10 | Chuck Schumer | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 11 | Edolphus Towns | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 12 | Major Owens | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 13 | Stephen Solarz | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 14 | Susan Molinari | Republican | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 15 | Bill Green | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 16 | Charles Rangel | Democratic | 1970 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 17 | Theodore S. Weiss | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 18 | José E. Serrano | Democratic | 1990 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 19 | Eliot Engel | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 20 | Nita Lowey | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 21 | Hamilton Fish IV | Republican | 1968 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 22 | Benjamin Gilman | Republican | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 23 | Michael R. McNulty | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 24 | Gerald Solomon | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 25 | Sherwood Boehlert | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 26 | David O'Brien Martin | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 27 | James T. Walsh | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 28 | Matthew F. McHugh | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 29 | Frank Horton | Republican | 1962 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 30 | Louise Slaughter | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 31 | Bill Paxon | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 32 | John J. LaFalce | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 33 | Henry J. Nowak | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
New York 34 | Amo Houghton | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
North Carolina 1 | Walter B. Jones Sr. | Democratic | 1966 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 2 | Tim Valentine | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 3 | Martin Lancaster | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 4 | David Price | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 5 | Stephen L. Neal | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 6 | Howard Coble | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 7 | Charlie Rose | Democratic | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 8 | Bill Hefner | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 9 | Alex McMillan | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 10 | Cass Ballenger | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
North Carolina 11 | James M. Clarke | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Republican gain. |
North Dakota
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
North Dakota at-large | Byron Dorgan | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Ohio 1 | Tom Luken | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Ohio 2 | Bill Gradison | Republican | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 3 | Tony P. Hall | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 4 | Mike Oxley | Republican | 1981 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 5 | Paul Gillmor | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 6 | Bob McEwen | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 7 | Mike DeWine | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent retired to run for Ohio Lt. Governor. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Ohio 8 | Buz Lukens | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent lost renomination and later resigned. New member elected. Republican hold. |
Ohio 9 | Marcy Kaptur | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 10 | Clarence E. Miller | Republican | 1966 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 11 | Dennis E. Eckart | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 12 | John Kasich | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 13 | Donald J. Pease | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 14 | Thomas C. Sawyer | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 15 | Chalmers Wylie | Republican | 1966 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 16 | Ralph Regula | Republican | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 17 | James Traficant | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 18 | Douglas Applegate | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 19 | Ed Feighan | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 20 | Mary Rose Oakar | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Ohio 21 | Louis Stokes | Democratic | 1968 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Oklahoma 1 | Jim Inhofe | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oklahoma 2 | Mike Synar | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oklahoma 3 | Wes Watkins | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent retired to run for Oklahoma Governor. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Oklahoma 4 | Dave McCurdy | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oklahoma 5 | Mickey Edwards | Republican | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oklahoma 6 | Glenn English | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Oregon 1 | Les AuCoin | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oregon 2 | Robert Freeman Smith | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oregon 3 | Ron Wyden | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oregon 4 | Peter DeFazio | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Oregon 5 | Denny Smith | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Pennsylvania 1 | Thomas M. Foglietta | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 2 | William H. Gray III | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 3 | Robert A. Borski Jr. | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 4 | Joseph P. Kolter | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 5 | Richard T. Schulze | Republican | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 6 | Gus Yatron | Democratic | 1968 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 7 | Curt Weldon | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 8 | Peter H. Kostmayer | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 9 | Bud Shuster | Republican | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 10 | Joseph M. McDade | Republican | 1962 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 11 | Paul Kanjorski | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 12 | John Murtha | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 13 | Lawrence Coughlin | Republican | 1968 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 14 | William J. Coyne | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 15 | Donald L. Ritter | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 16 | Robert Smith Walker | Republican | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 17 | George Gekas | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 18 | Doug Walgren | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Republican gain. |
Pennsylvania 19 | William F. Goodling | Republican | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 20 | Joseph M. Gaydos | Democratic | 1968 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 21 | Tom Ridge | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 22 | Austin Murphy | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Pennsylvania 23 | William F. Clinger Jr. | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Rhode Island
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Rhode Island 1 | Ronald Machtley | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Rhode Island 2 | Claudine Schneider | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent retired to run for U.S. Senator. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
South Carolina
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
South Carolina 1 | Arthur Ravenel Jr. | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
South Carolina 2 | Floyd Spence | Republican | 1970 | Incumbent re-elected. |
South Carolina 3 | Butler Derrick | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
South Carolina 4 | Liz J. Patterson | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
South Carolina 5 | John Spratt | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
South Carolina 6 | Robin Tallon | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
South Dakota
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
South Dakota at-large | Tim Johnson | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Tennessee 1 | Jimmy Quillen | Republican | 1962 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 2 | Jimmy Duncan | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 3 | Marilyn Lloyd | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 4 | Jim Cooper | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 5 | Bob Clement | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 6 | Bart Gordon | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 7 | Don Sundquist | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 8 | John S. Tanner | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Tennessee 9 | Harold Ford Sr. | Democratic | 1974 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Texas 1 | Jim Chapman | Democratic | 1985 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 2 | Charlie Wilson | Democratic | 1972 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 3 | Steve Bartlett | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 4 | Ralph Hall | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 5 | John Wiley Bryant | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 6 | Joe Barton | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 7 | Bill Archer | Republican | 1970 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 8 | Jack Fields | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 9 | Jack Brooks | Democratic | 1952 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 10 | J. J. Pickle | Democratic | 1963 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 11 | Marvin Leath | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Texas 12 | Pete Geren | Democratic | 1989 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 13 | Bill Sarpalius | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 14 | Greg Laughlin | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 15 | Kika de la Garza | Democratic | 1964 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 16 | Ronald D. Coleman | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 17 | Charles Stenholm | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 18 | Craig Washington | Democratic | 1989 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 19 | Larry Combest | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 20 | Henry B. González | Democratic | 1960 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 21 | Lamar Smith | Republican | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 22 | Tom DeLay | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 23 | Albert Bustamante | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 24 | Martin Frost | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 25 | Michael A. Andrews | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 26 | Dick Armey | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Texas 27 | Solomon P. Ortiz | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Utah 1 | James V. Hansen | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Utah 2 | Wayne Owens | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Utah 3 | Howard C. Nielson | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent retired. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
District | Incumbent | Party | First elected | Result | Candidates |
Vermont at-large | Peter Plympton Smith | Republican | 1988 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Independent gain. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Virginia 1 | Herbert H. Bateman | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 2 | Owen B. Pickett | Democratic | 1986 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 3 | Thomas J. Bliley Jr. | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 4 | Norman Sisisky | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 5 | Lewis F. Payne Jr. | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 6 | Jim Olin | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 7 | D. French Slaughter Jr. | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 8 | Stanford Parris | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Democratic gain. |
Virginia 9 | Rick Boucher | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Virginia 10 | Frank Wolf | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Washington 1 | John Miller | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 2 | Al Swift | Democratic | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 3 | Jolene Unsoeld | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 4 | Sid Morrison | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 5 | Tom Foley | Democratic | 1964 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 6 | Norm Dicks | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 7 | Jim McDermott | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Washington 8 | Rod Chandler | Republican | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
West Virginia
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
West Virginia 1 | Alan Mollohan | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
West Virginia 2 | Harley O. Staggers Jr. | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
West Virginia 3 | Bob Wise | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
West Virginia 4 | Nick Rahall | Democratic | 1976 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Wisconsin 1 | Les Aspin | Democratic | 1970 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 2 | Robert Kastenmeier | Democratic | 1958 | Incumbent lost re-election. New member elected. Republican gain. |
Wisconsin 3 | Steve Gunderson | Republican | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 4 | Jerry Kleczka | Democratic | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 5 | Jim Moody | Democratic | 1982 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 6 | Tom Petri | Republican | 1979 (Special) | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 7 | Dave Obey | Democratic | 1969 (Special) | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 8 | Toby Roth | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Wisconsin 9 | Jim Sensenbrenner | Republican | 1978 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
Wyoming at-large | Craig L. Thomas | Republican | 1989 | Incumbent re-elected. |
Non-voting delegates
District | Incumbent | This race | |||
Representative | Party | First elected | Results | Candidates | |
American Samoa | Eni Faleomavaega | Democratic | 1988 | Incumbent re-elected. |
District of Columbia | Walter Fauntroy | Democratic | 1970 | Incumbent retired to run for mayor. New member elected. Democratic hold. |
Guam | Vicente T. Blaz | Republican | 1984 | Incumbent re-elected. |
U.S. Virgin Islands | Ron de Lugo | Democratic | 1980 | Incumbent re-elected. |
- ^ 1 Independent was elected.