아델 반지

Adele ring

수학에서 지구영역아델 링(역시 아델릭 링, 아델링또는 아델링 [1])은 대수적이론의 한 분야인 계급장 이론의 중심 대상이다.글로벌 분야의 모든 완성품제약제품으로, 자기이중 위상학적 고리의 한 예다.

아델의 고리는 2차적 상호주의 및 유한 분야에 대한 다른 상호주의 법칙의 광대한 일반화인 아르틴 상호주의 법칙을 우아하게 묘사할 수 있게 한다.또한 에 대한 대수곡선의 G -번들(bundles)을 환원군 에 대한 아델(adel)의 관점에서 설명할 수 있는 것이 Weil로부터의 고전적인 정리다


을(를) 전역 필드( 의 유한 확장 또는 유한 필드 위에 있는 곡선 X/Fq 함수 필드)로 한다. 아델 링이 서브링이다.

consisting of the tuples where lies in the subring for all but finitely many places . Here the index ranges over all글로벌 필드 은(는) 해당 평가에서 완료되고 평가 링에서는 완료된다.


아델의 링은 합리적인 숫자 에 대해 "실행"하는 기술적 문제를 해결한다 이전에 사람들이 사용한 "클래식" 솔루션은 메트릭 완성 R 에 전달하고 거기서 분석 기법을 사용하는 것이었다.그러나 나중에 알게 된 바와 같이 유클리드 거리 외에 더 많은 절대값이 존재하는데, 오스트로우스키가 분류한 황금수 에 각각 하나씩 있다 로 표시된 유클리드 절대값은 여러 가지 중 하나일 뿐이므로ad 아델의 고리는 절충을 가능하게 하고 모든 가치를 한 번에 사용할 수 있게 한다.이것은 분석 기법에 접근하는 동시에 제한된 무한 제품에 의해 구조물이 내장되기 때문에 프리타임에 대한 정보를 보유할 수 있는 장점이 있다.

왜 제한된 제품인가?

제한된 무한 생산물은 숫자 Q{\(를 {\의 내부에 격자 구조를 부여하기 위해 필요한 기술 조건으로서 아델릭한 설정에서 푸리에 분석 이론을 구축할 수 있다.이것은 대수적 수장의 정수 링이 내장되어 있는 대수적 수 이론의 상황과 완전히 유사하다.

격자로푸리에 분석의 새로운 이론의 힘으로 테이트는 L 기능의 특별한 등급을 증명할 수 있었고 복잡한 평면에서는 데데킨드 제타 기능메로모르픽이었다.이러한 기술적 조건이 유지되는 또 다른 자연적인 이유는 아델의 링을 링의 텐서 제품으로 구성함으로써 직접 볼 수 있다.적분 아델 의 링을 링으로 정의하면

그러면 아델의 링은 다음과 같이 동등하게 정의될 수 있다.

제한된 제품 구조는 이 링의 명시적 요소를 보고 투명해진다.If we take a rational number we find . For any tuple we have the follo날개 계열의 등가.

Then, for any we still have for , but for / p p 의 역동력이 있기 때문에이것은 이 새로운 아델의 링에 있는 어떤 요소도 미세하게 많은 p p의 요소를 가질 수 있다는 것을 보여준다

이름의 유래

지역 계급장 이론에서는 지역 영역의 단위 집단이 중심적인 역할을 한다.글로벌 클래스 필드 이론에서 이데클 클래스 그룹이 이 역할을 맡는다.용어 "이상"(프랑스어: idelle)은 프랑스의 수학자 Claude Chevalley(1909–1984)의 발명으로 "이상적 요소"(약칭: id.el.)를 의미한다."에델"이라는 용어는 첨가된 이념을 의미한다.

아델 반지의 아이디어는 의 모든 보완을 한꺼번에 살펴보는 것이다.얼핏 보면 까르테시안 제품이 좋은 후보가 될 수 있다.그러나 아델 링은 제한된 제품으로 정의된다.이에 대한 두 가지 이유가 있다.

  • 의 각 요소에 대해 거의 모든 장소, 즉 한정된 숫자를 제외한 모든 장소에 대해 0이 평가된다.그래서 글로벌 분야는 제한 제품에 내장할 수 있다.
  • 제한된 제품은 국소적으로 좁은 공간인 반면, 데카르트 제품은 그렇지 않다.따라서 우리는 카르테시안 제품에 조화 분석을 적용할 수 없다.

합리적인 숫자에 대한 아델의 고리

이성애자 K=Q는 (Kν,Oν)=(Qp,Zp)로 모든 소수 p에 대한 평가와 Q=R로 하나의 무한 평가 을 가진다.따라서 의 한 요소

p-adic 합리성과 함께 실제 숫자로 p-adic 정수를 제외한 모든 p-adic 정수를 의미한다.

투영 라인의 함수 필드용 아델 링

두 번째로 유한한 필드 위에 투사선의 함수 필드 K=Fq(P1)=Fq(t)를 취한다.그것의 가치는 X=P1 X 포인트, 즉 Spec Fq 대한 지도에 해당한다.

예를 들어, SpecFqP1 형식의 q+1 지점이 있다. 이 경우 O==은νX,x x(즉, x의 공식적인 인접 지역에 대한 함수)에서 구조물의 피복의 완성된 줄기가 되며 K=KνX,x 그 분수장이 된다.그러므로,

제한 제품이 x∈X의 모든 포인트에 걸쳐 있는 유한한 영역에 걸친 매끄러운 적절한 곡선 X/F에도q 동일한 조건이 적용된다.

관련 개념

아델 링에 있는 유닛들의 그룹을 이데르 그룹이라고 부른다.

부분군 KII×K 의한 공칭의 인수를 이데클 클래스 그룹이라고 한다.

일체형 아델은 서브링이다.


아르틴 상호주의 표현

아르틴 상호주의 법은 글로벌 분야 K에 대해

여기서 Kab K의 최대 아벨리아 대수적 확장이며(… )^ {\은 그룹의 확실한 완성을 의미한다.

곡선 피카르 그룹의 아델릭 공식화

X/Fq 매끄러운 적절한 곡선일 경우 해당[2] Picard 그룹은

그리고 그것의 구분 그룹은 Div(X)=AK×/O이다K×.마찬가지로, G가 반이행 대수 그룹(예: SLn, GLn 보유)이라면 Weil 균일화는 다음과[3] 같이 말한다.

이것을 G=Gm 적용하면 피카르 그룹에 대한 결과가 나온다.

테이트의 논문

A에는K 지수 AK/K가 콤팩트한 토폴로지가 있어 조화분석을 할 수 있다.존 테이트는 논문 '숫자 분야 푸리에 분석과 헤케스 제타 기능'[4]에서 아델 링과 이데르 그룹에 푸리에 분석을 이용한 디리클레 L 기능 결과를 입증했다.따라서 아델 링과 이데르 그룹이 적용되어 리만 제타 기능과 보다 일반적인 제타 기능과 L-기능을 연구하게 되었다.

부드러운 곡선에서 Serre 이중성 입증

X복잡한 숫자에 대한 매끄러운 적절한 곡선인 경우, 함수 필드 C(X)의 아델을 유한장 케이스와 정확하게 정의할 수 있다.존 테이트세레의 이중성X에 있다는 것을[5] 증명했다.

아델 링 AC(X) 작업하면 추론할 수 있어여기 LX에 줄다발이다.

표기법 및 기본정의

전역 필드

Throughout this article, is a global field, meaning it is either a number field (a finite extension of ) or a global function field (a finite extension of for prime and }.정의에 따르면 글로벌 영역의 한정된 확장은 그 자체로 글로벌 영역이다.


평가 대해서는 v K v{\ v Kv {\displaystystyleyled인 경우, 한다.Ov.{\displaystyle O_{v}의 최대 이상을 위해\displaystyle K_{v}}과 결제 v{\displaystyle{\mathfrak{m}}_{v}}.}우리는 π v.{\displaystyle \pi_{v}.}한non-Archimedean 평가 v<>로 쓰여 있는uniformizing 요소를 의미한다 만약 이것이 교장 이상, ∞{\displaystyle v<,\infty}또는.v Archimedious as v 우리는 모든 평가액이 비경쟁적이라고 가정한다.

평가와 절대값을 일대일로 파악하는 것이 있다.상수 > , 평가 에 다음과 같이 정의된 절대값 이 할당됨:

반대로 절대값에는 다음과 같이 정의된 v , 이(가) 할당된다.

의 장소는 비 아르키메데스적 평가(또는 절대값)에 해당하는 곳을 유한이라고 하고, 아르키메데스적 평가(Archimedeal 평가)에 해당하는 곳을 무한이라고 한다.글로벌 필드의 무한한 장소 집합은 유한하며, 는 이 집합을 P에 의해 나타낸다.

^^= < O {{v하고 O {\{\O을 그 단위 그룹으로 두십시오.그러면 ^= <<O .


Let be a finite extension of the global field Let be a place of and a place of We say lies above denoted by , w 로 제한된 절대값⋅ w . 의 동등성 클래스에 있는 경우 정의

두 제품 모두 유한하다는 점에 유의하십시오.

v w이면 L . 를 삽입할 수 있다. 따라서 v. 에 대각선으로 K displaystyle L_{v}}을(를) 삽입할 수 있다. 이 v 에 대한 정류 대수학이다.

아델 반지

글로벌 필드 , K 유한한 아델 집합은 : }}}}에 대해 , ,{\ { 을 나타내는 제한된 제품으로 정의된다

제한된 개방 직사각형에 의해 생성되는 토폴로지인 제한된 제품 토폴로지를 갖추고 있으며, 이 토폴로지는 다음과 같은 형태를 가지고 있다.

여기서 (완료) 장소의 유한 집합이며 v v 은(는) 열려 있다.성분별 덧셈과 A 가 있는도 링이다.

글로벌 필드 아델 링의 장소에서 제품으로 정의된다.무한 장소의 수는 유한하며, 완성도는 또는 이다 요약하면:

성분으로 정의되는 덧셈과 곱셈으로 아델 링은 반지 입니다.아델 반지의 원소를 K라고 하는데, 다음과 같이 쓴다.

비록 이것이 일반적으로 제한된 제품은 아니지만.

비고. 글로벌 기능 분야는 무한한 공간이 없기 때문에 한정된 아델 링은 아델 링과 같다.

보조정리. 대각선 지도가 { 스럽게 내장되어 있다

증명. 만약 (가) 거의 모든 에 대해 이(가)가 잘 정의되어 있음을 보여준다. v K{\을(를) 내장하는 것이 v .{\ v에 대해 주입하기 때문에 주입이 가능하다.

비고. 대각선 지도 아래 함께 K {\을(를) 식별함으로써 우리는 이를 . 하위으로 간주한다

정의. 을(를) . 위치 집합으로 하십시오

더 나아가 우리가 정의한다면

we have: = K S × A {\AK}=\ {}\time \{K

이성애자들의 아델 반지

By Ostrowski's theorem the places of are where we identify a prime with the equivalence class of the -adic absolute value and 절대값 의 동등 등급이 다음과 같이 정의된

The completion of with respect to the place is with valuation ring For the place the completion is 따라서 다음과 같다.

아니면 간단히 말하면

A { {의 시퀀스를 사용하여 제한 제품과 제한되지 않은 제품 토폴로지의 차이를 설명하겠다

보조정리. A 의 다음 순서를 고려하십시오
제품 위상에서는 ( ,로 수렴한다 {\ 스타일(1 제한된 제품 토폴로지에 수렴하지 않는다.

증명. 제품 위상 수렴에서 각 좌표의 수렴에 해당하며, 이는 시퀀스가 정지하기 때문에 사소한 것이다.The sequence doesn't converge in restricted product topology, for each adele and for each restricted open rectangle we have: for and therefore for all 으로 n U) 모든 위치 집합의 유한 하위 집합으로 간주된다. 이 고려에서 F{\

숫자 필드에 대한 대체 정의

정의(확실한 정수).우리는 무한정 정수 순서 n m {\ /의 확실한완료로 정의한다. 즉, 부분 순서 n m ≥ n m


증명. 이것은 중국 잔존 정리(Chinese Legacy Organization에서 따온 것이다.


증명. 우리는 텐서 제품의 보편적 특성을 사용할 것이다. - 이선 함수 정의

This is well-defined because for a given with co-prime there are only finitely many primes dividing Let be another -module with a -bilinear map We have to show factors through uniquely, i.e., there exists a unique -linear map such that We define as follows: for a given there exist and such that for all Define One can show is well-defined, -linear, satisfies and is unique with these properties.

코롤러리.Define Then we have an algebraic isomorphism


lema. 숫자 필드 의 경우 K= K{Q}\

Remark. Using where there are summands, we give the right side the product topology 및 이 토폴로지를 A K. 로 전송하십시오

유한확장의 아델 링

If be a finite extension then is a global field and thus is defined and We claim can be identified with a subgroup of Map to where for Then is in the subgroup if for w = 모든 에 대한 . 동일한 v 위에 놓여 있음

보조정리. / L/이(가) 유한한 확장인 경우

이러한 이형성의 도움으로 A A 이(가) 포함되어 있다.

또한 A 의 주요 아델은 지도를 통해 L 의 주요 아델의 하위 그룹으로 식별할 수 있다.

증명.[6] ,… , (를) K{\ 에 L 을(를) 기본으로 한다. 그러면 거의 v, ,

게다가 다음과 같은 이형성이 있다.

두번째로 우리는 지도를 사용했다:

여기서 : → L (는) 표준 임베딩이며 w w ~: 에 대한 제한 제품을 양쪽에 맡는다.

코롤러리.As additive groups where the right side has summands.

The set of principal adeles in is identified with the set where the left side has summands and we consider as a subset of

벡터 스페이스와 알헤브라의 아델 링

보조정리. (가) {\의 유한 집합이라고 가정하고 정의한다.
토폴로지를 A ( ) 에 장착하고 추가 및 곱셈 구성요소를 정의하십시오.그러면 ( ) (는) 로컬 컴팩트 위상학적 링이다.

Remark. If is another finite set of places of containing then is an open subring of

Now, we are able to give an alternative characterization of the adele ring. The adele ring is the union of all sets :

Equivalently is the set of all so that for almost all The topology of is induced by the requirement that all be open subrings of Thus, is a locally compact topological ring.

Fix a place of Let be a finite set of places of containing and Define


Furthermore, define

where runs through all finite sets containing Then:

via the map The entire procedure above holds with a finite subset instead of

By construction of there is a natural embedding: Furthermore, there exists a natural projection

The adele ring of a vector-space

Let be a finite dimensional vector-space over and a basis for over For each place of we write:

We define the adele ring of as

This definition is based on the alternative description of the adele ring as a tensor product equipped with the same topology we defined when giving an alternate definition of adele ring for number fields. We equip with the restricted product topology. Then and we can embed in naturally via the map

We give an alternative definition of the topology on Consider all linear maps: Using the natural embeddings and extend these linear maps to: The topology on is the coarsest topology for which all these extensions are continuous.

We can define the topology in a different way. Fixing a basis for over results in an isomorphism Therefore fixing a basis induces an isomorphism We supply the left hand side with the product topology and transport this topology with the isomorphism onto the right hand side. The topology doesn't depend on the choice of the basis, because another basis defines a second isomorphism. By composing both isomorphisms, we obtain a linear homeomorphism which transfers the two topologies into each other. More formally

where the sums have summands. In case of the definition above is consistent with the results about the adele ring of a finite extension


The adele ring of an algebra

Let be a finite-dimensional algebra over In particular, is a finite-dimensional vector-space over As a consequence, is defined and Since we have a multiplication on and we can define a multiplication on via:

As a consequence, is an algebra with a unit over Let be a finite subset of containing a basis for over For any finite place we define as the -module generated by in For each finite set of places, we define

One can show there is a finite set so that is an open subring of if Furthermore is the union of all these subrings and for the definition above is consistent with the definition of the adele ring.

Trace and norm on the adele ring

Let be a finite extension. Since and from Lemma above we can interpret as a closed subring of We write for this embedding. Explicitly for all places of above and for any

Let be a tower of global fields. Then:

Furthermore, restricted to the principal adeles is the natural injection

Let be a basis of the field extension Then each can be written as where are unique. The map is continuous. We define depending on via the equations:

Now, we define the trace and norm of as:

These are the trace and the determinant of the linear map

They are continuous maps on the adele ring and they fulfil the usual equations:

Furthermore, for and are identical to the trace and norm of the field extension For a tower of fields we have:

Moreover, it can be proven that:[8]

Properties of the adele ring

Theorem.[9] For every set of places is a locally compact topological ring.

Remark. The result above also holds for the adele ring of vector-spaces and algebras over

Theorem.[10] is discrete and cocompact in In particular, is closed in

Proof. We prove the case To show is discrete it is sufficient to show the existence of a neighbourhood of which contains no other rational number. The general case follows via translation. Define

is an open neighbourhood of We claim Let then and for all and therefore Additionally, we have and therefore Next, we show compactness, define:

We show each element in has a representative in that is for each there exists such that Let be arbitrary and be a prime for which Then there exists with and Replace with and let be another prime. Then:

Next we claim:

The reverse implication is trivially true. The implication is true, because the two terms of the strong triangle inequality are equal if the absolute values of both integers are different. As a consequence, the (finite) set of primes for which the components of are not in is reduced by 1. With iteration, we deduce there exists such that Now we select such that Then The continuous projection is surjective, therefore as the continuous image of a compact set, is compact.

Corollary. Let be a finite-dimensional vector-space over Then is discrete and cocompact in
Theorem. We have the following:
  • is a divisible group.[11]
  • is dense.

Proof. The first two equations can be proved in an elementary way.

By definition is divisible if for any and the equation has a solution It is sufficient to show is divisible but this is true since is a field with positive characteristic in each coordinate.

For the last statement note that as we can reach the finite number of denominators in the coordinates of the elements of through an element As a consequence, it is sufficient to show is dense, that is each open subset contains an element of Without loss of generality, we can assume

because is a neighbourhood system of in By Chinese Remainder Theorem there exists such that Since powers of distinct primes are coprime, follows.

Remark. is not uniquely divisible. Let and be given. Then

both satisfy the equation and clearly ( is well-defined, because only finitely many primes divide ). In this case, being uniquely divisible is equivalent to being torsion-free, which is not true for since but and

Remark. The fourth statement is a special case of the strong approximation theorem.

Haar measure on the adele ring

Definition. A function is called simple if where are measurable and for almost all

Theorem.[12] Since is a locally compact group with addition, there is an additive Haar measure on This measure can be normalized such that every integrable simple function satisfies:
where for is the measure on such that has unit measure and is the Lebesgue measure. The product is finite, i.e. almost all factors are equal to one.

The idele group

Definition. We define the idele group of as the group of units of the adele ring of that is The elements of the idele group are called the ideles of

Remark. We would like to equip with a topology so that it becomes a topological group. The subset topology inherited from is not a suitable candidate since the group of units of a topological ring equipped with subset topology may not be a topological group. For example the inverse map in is not continuous. The sequence

converges to To see this let be neighbourhood of without loss of generality we can assume:

Since for all for large enough. However as we saw above the inverse of this sequence does not converge in

Lemma. Let be a topological ring. Define:
Equipped with the topology induced from the product on topology on and is a topological group and the inclusion map is continuous. It is the coarsest topology, emerging from the topology on that makes a topological group.

Proof. Since is a topological ring, it is sufficient to show that the inverse map is continuous. Let be open, then is open. We have to show is open or equivalently, that is open. But this is the condition above.

We equip the idele group with the topology defined in the Lemma making it a topological group.

Definition. For a subset of places of set:

Lemma. The following identities of topological groups hold:
where the restricted product has the restricted product topology, which is generated by restricted open rectangles of the form
where is a finite subset of the set of all places and are open sets.

Proof. We prove the identity for the other two follow similarly. First we show the two sets are equal:

In going from line 2 to 3, as well as have to be in meaning for almost all and for almost all Therefore, for almost all

Now, we can show the topology on the left hand side equals the topology on the right hand side. Obviously, every open restricted rectangle is open in the topology of the idele group. On the other hand, for a given which is open in the topology of the idele group, meaning is open, so for each there exists an open restricted rectangle, which is a subset of and contains Therefore, is the union of all these restricted open rectangles and therefore is open in the restricted product topology.

Lemma. For each set of places, is a locally compact topological group.

Proof. The local compactness follows from the description of as a restricted product. It being a topological group follows from the above discussion on the group of units of a topological ring.

A neighbourhood system of is a neighbourhood system of Alternatively, we can take all sets of the form:

where is a neighbourhood of and for almost all

Since the idele group is a locally compact, there exists a Haar measure on it. This can be normalised, so that

This is the normalisation used for the finite places. In this equations, is the finite idele group, meaning the group of units of the finite adele ring. For the infinite places, we use the multiplicative lebesgue measure

The idele group of a finite extension

Lemma. Let be a finite extension. Then:
where the restricted product is with respect to
Lemma. There is a canonical embedding of in

Proof. We map to with the property for Therefore, can be seen as a subgroup of An element is in this subgroup if and only if his components satisfy the following properties: for and for and for the same place of

The case of vector-spaces and algebras


The idele group of an algebra

Let be a finite-dimensional algebra over Since is not a topological group with the subset-topology in general, we equip with the topology similar to above and call the idele group. The elements of the idele group are called idele of

Proposition. Let be a finite subset of containing a basis of over For each finite place of let be the -module generated by in There exists a finite set of places containing such that for all is a compact subring of Furthermore, contains For each is an open subset of and the map is continuous on As a consequence maps homeomorphically on its image in For each the are the elements of mapping in with the function above. Therefore, is an open and compact subgroup of [14]

Alternative characterisation of the idele group

Proposition. Let be a finite set of places. Then
is an open subgroup of where is the union of all [15]
Corollary. In the special case of for each finite set of places
is an open subgroup of Furthermore, is the union of all

Norm on the idele group

We want to transfer the trace and the norm from the adele ring to the idele group. It turns out the trace can't be transferred so easily. However, it is possible to transfer the norm from the adele ring to the idele group. Let Then and therefore, we have in injective group homomorphism

Since it is invertible, is invertible too, because Therefore As a consequence, the restriction of the norm-function introduces a continuous function:

The Idele class group

Lemma. There is natural embedding of into given by the diagonal map:

Proof. Since is a subset of for all the embedding is well-defined and injective.

Corollary. is a discrete subgroup of

Defenition. In analogy to the ideal class group, the elements of in are called principal ideles of The quotient group is called idele class group of This group is related to the ideal class group and is a central object in class field theory.

Remark. is closed in therefore is a locally compact topological group and a Hausdorff space.

Lemma.[16] Let be a finite extension. The embedding induces an injective map:

Properties of the idele group

Absolute value on and -idele

Definition. For define: Since is an idele this product is finite and therefore well-defined.

Remark. The definition can be extended to by allowing infinite products. However these infinite products vanish and so vanishes on We will use to denote both the function on and

Theorem. is a continuous group homomorphism.

Proof. Let

where we use that all products are finite. The map is continuous which can be seen using an argument dealing with sequences. This reduces the problem to whether is continuous on However, this is clear, because of the reverse triangle inequality.

Definition. We define the set of -idele as:

is a subgroup of Since it is a closed subset of Finally the -topology on equals the subset-topology of on [17][18]

Artin's Product Formula. for all

Proof.[19] We prove the formula for number fields, the case of global function fields can be proved similarly. Let be a number field and We have to show:

For a finite place for which the corresponding prime ideal does not divide we have and therefore This is valid for almost all We have:

In going from line 1 to line 2, we used the identity where is a place of and is a place of lying above Going from line 2 to line 3, we use a property of the norm. We note the norm is in so without loss of generality we can assume Then possesses a unique integer factorisation:

where is for almost all By Ostrowski's theorem all absolute values on are equivalent to the real absolute value or a -adic absolute value. Therefore:

Lemma.[20] There exists a constant depending only on such that for every satisfying there exists such that for all
Corollary. Let be a place of and let be given for all with the property for almost all Then there exists so that for all

Proof. Let be the constant from the lemma. Let be a uniformizing element of Define the adele via with minimal, so that for all Then for almost all Define with so that This works, because for almost all By the Lemma there exists so that for all

Theorem. is discrete and cocompact in

Proof.[21] Since is discrete in it is also discrete in To prove the compactness of let is the constant of the Lemma and suppose satisfying is given. Define:

Clearly is compact. We claim the natural projection is surjective. Let be arbitrary, then:

and therefore

It follows that

By the Lemma there exists such that for all and therefore proving the surjectivity of the natural projection. Since it is also continuous the compactness follows.

Theorem.[22] There is a canonical isomorphism Furthermore, is a set of representatives for and is a set of representatives for

Proof. Consider the map

This map is well-defined, since for all and therefore Obviously is a continuous group homomorphism. Now suppose Then there exists such that By considering the infinite place we see proving injectivity. To show surjectivity let The absolute value of this element is and therefore

Hence and we have:


we conclude is surjective.

Theorem.[23] The absolute value function induces the following isomorphisms of topological groups:

Proof. The isomorphisms are given by:

Relation between ideal class group and idele class group

Theorem. Let be a number field with ring of integers group of fractional ideals and ideal class group We have the following isomorphisms
where we have defined

Proof. Let be a finite place of and let be a representative of the equivalence class Define

Then is a prime ideal in The map is a bijection between finite places of and non-zero prime ideals of The inverse is given as follows: a prime ideal is mapped to the valuation given by

The following map is well-defined:

The map is obviously a surjective homomorphism and The first isomorphism follows from fundamental theorem on homomorphism. Now, we divide both sides by This is possible, because

Please, note the abuse of notation: On the left hand side in line 1 of this chain of equations, stands for the map defined above. Later, we use the embedding of into In line 2, we use the definition of the map. Finally, we use that is a Dedekind domain and therefore each ideal can be written as a product of prime ideals. In other words, the map is a -equivariant group homomorphism. As a consequence, the map above induces a surjective homomorphism

To prove the second isomorphism we have to show Consider Then because for all On the other hand, consider with which allows to write As a consequence, there exists a representative, such that: Consequently, and therefore We have proved the second isomorphism of the theorem.

For the last isomorphism note that induces a surjective group homomorphism with

Remark. Consider with the idele topology and equip with the discrete topology. Since is open for each is continuous. It stands, that is open, where so that

Decomposition of and


Proof. For each place of so that for all belongs to the subgroup of generated by Therefore for each is in the subgroup of generated by Therefore the image of the homomorphism is a discrete subgroup of generated by Since this group is non-trivial, it is generated by for some Choose so that then is the direct product of and the subgroup generated by This subgroup is discrete and isomorphic to

For define:

The map is an isomorphism of in a closed subgroup of and The isomorphism is given by multiplication:

Obviously, is a homomorphism. To show it is injective, let Since for it stands that for Moreover, it exists a so that for Therefore, for Moreover implies where is the number of infinite places of As a consequence and therefore is injective. To show surjectivity, let We define and furthermore, we define for and for Define It stands, that Therefore, is surjective.

The other equations follow similarly.

Characterisation of the idele group

Theorem.[24] Let be a number field. There exists a finite set of places such that:

Proof. The class number of a number field is finite so let be the ideals, representing the classes in These ideals are generated by a finite number of prime ideals Let be a finite set of places containing and the finite places corresponding to Consider the isomorphism:

induced by

At infinite places the statement is obvious so we prove the statement for finite places. The inclusion ″″ is obvious. Let The corresponding ideal belongs to a class meaning for a principal ideal The idele maps to the ideal under the map That means Since the prime ideals in are in it follows for all that means for all It follows, that therefore


Finiteness of the class number of a number field

In the previous section we used the fact that the class number of a number field is finite. Here we would like to prove this statement:

Theorem (finiteness of the class number of a number field). Let be a number field. Then

Proof. The map

is surjective and therefore is the continuous image of the compact set Thus, is compact. In addition it is discrete and so finite.

Remark. There is a similar result for the case of a global function field. In this case, the so-called divisor group is defined. It can be shown, that the quotient of the set of all divisors of degree by the set of the principal divisors is a finite group.[25]

Group of units and Dirichlet's unit theorem

Let be a finite set of places. Define

Then is a subgroup of containing all elements satisfying for all Since is discrete in is a discrete subgroup of and with the same argument, is discrete in

An alternative definition is: where is a subring of defined by

As a consequence, contains all elements which fulfil for all

Lemma 1. Let The following set is finite:

Proof. Define

is compact and the set described above is the intersection of with the discrete subgroup in and therefore finite.

Lemma 2. Let be set of all such that for all Then the group of all roots of unity of In particular it is finite and cyclic.

Proof. All roots of unity of have absolute value so For converse note that Lemma 1 with and any implies is finite. Moreover for each finite set of places Finally Suppose there exists which is not a root of unity of Then for all contradicting the finiteness of

Unit Theorem. is the direct product of and a group isomorphic to where if and if [26]
Dirichlet's Unit Theorem. Let be a number field. Then where is the finite cyclic group of all roots of unity of is the number of real embeddings of and is the number of conjugate pairs of complex embeddings of It stands, that

Remark. The Unit Theorem is a generalisation of Dirichlet's Unit Theorem. To see this let be a number field. We already know that set and note Then we have:

Approximation theorems

Weak Approximation Theorem.[27] Let be inequivalent valuations of Let be the completion of with respect to Embed diagonally in Then is everywhere dense in In other words, for each and for each there exists such that:
Strong Approximation Theorem.[28] Let be a place of Define
Then is dense in

Remark. The global field is discrete in its adele ring. The strong approximation theorem tells us that, if we omit one place (or more), the property of discreteness of is turned into a denseness of

Hasse principle

Hasse-Minkowski Theorem. A quadratic form on is zero, if and only if, the quadratic form is zero in each completion

Remark. This is the Hasse principle for quadratic forms. For polynomials of degree larger than 2 the Hasse principle isn't valid in general. The idea of the Hasse principle (also known as local–global principle) is to solve a given problem of a number field by doing so in its completions and then concluding on a solution in

Characters on the adele ring

Definition. Let be a locally compact abelian group. The character group of is the set of all characters of and is denoted by Equivalently is the set of all continuous group homomorphisms from to We equip with the topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets of One can show that is also a locally compact abelian group.

Theorem. The adele ring is self-dual:

Proof. By reduction to local coordinates it is sufficient to show each is self-dual. This can done by using a fixed character of We illustrate this idea by showing is self-dual. Define:

Then the following map is an isomorphism which respects topologies:

Theorem (algebraic and continuous duals of the adele ring).[29] Let be a non-trivial character of which is trivial on Let be a finite-dimensional vector-space over Let and be the algebraic duals of and Denote the topological dual of by and use and to indicate the natural bilinear pairings on and Then the formula for all determines an isomorphism of onto where and Moreover, if fulfils for all then

Tate's thesis

With the help of the characters of we can do Fourier analysis on the adele ring.[30] John Tate in his thesis "Fourier analysis in number fields and Heckes Zeta functions"[4] proved results about Dirichlet L-functions using Fourier analysis on the adele ring and the idele group. Therefore, the adele ring and the idele group have been applied to study the Riemann zeta function and more general zeta functions and the L-functions. We can define adelic forms of these functions and we can represent them as integrals over the adele ring or the idele group, with respect to corresponding Haar measures. We can show functional equations and meromorphic continuations of these functions. For example, for all with

where is the unique Haar measure on normalized such that has volume one and is extended by zero to the finite adele ring. As a result the Riemann zeta function can be written as an integral over (a subset of) the adele ring.[31]

Automorphic forms

The theory of automorphic forms is a generalization of Tate's thesis by replacing the idele group with analogous higher dimensional groups. To see this note:

Based on these identification a natural generalization would be to replace the idele group and the 1-idele with:

And finally

where is the centre of Then we define an automorphic form as an element of In other words an automorphic form is a functions on satisfying certain algebraic and analytic conditions. For studying automorphic forms, it is important to know the representations of the group It is also possible to study automorphic L-functions, which can be described as integrals over [32]

We could generalize even further by replacing with a number field and with an arbitrary reductive algebraic group.

Further applications

A generalisation of Artin reciprocity law leads to the connection of representations of and of Galois representations of (Langlands program).

The idele class group is a key object of class field theory, which describes abelian extensions of the field. The product of the local reciprocity maps in local class field theory gives a homomorphism of the idele group to the Galois group of the maximal abelian extension of the global field. The Artin reciprocity law, which is a high level generalisation of the Gauss quadratic reciprocity law, states that the product vanishes on the multiplicative group of the number field. Thus, we obtain the global reciprocity map of the idele class group to the abelian part of the absolute Galois group of the field.

The self-duality of the adele ring of the function field of a curve over a finite field easily implies the Riemann–Roch theorem and the duality theory for the curve.



  1. ^ Groechenig, Michael (August 2017). "Adelic Descent Theory". Compositio Mathematica. 153 (8): 1706–1746. arXiv:1511.06271. doi:10.1112/S0010437X17007217. ISSN 0010-437X. S2CID 54016389.
  2. ^ Geometric Class Field Theory, notes by Tony Feng of a lecture of Bhargav Bhatt (PDF).
  3. ^ Weil uniformization theorem, nlab article.
  4. ^ a b Cassels & Fröhlich 1967.
  5. ^ Residues of differentials on curves (PDF).
  6. ^ This proof can be found in Cassels & Fröhlich 1967, p. 64.
  7. ^ The definitions are based on Weil 1967, p. 60.
  8. ^ See Weil 1967, p. 64 or Cassels & Fröhlich 1967, p. 74.
  9. ^ For proof see Deitmar 2010, p. 124, theorem 5.2.1.
  10. ^ See Cassels & Fröhlich 1967, p. 64, Theorem, or Weil 1967, p. 64, Theorem 2.
  11. ^ The next statement can be found in Neukirch 2007, p. 383.
  12. ^ See Deitmar 2010, p. 126, Theorem 5.2.2 for the rational case.
  13. ^ This section is based on Weil 1967, p. 71.
  14. ^ A proof of this statement can be found in Weil 1967, p. 71.
  15. ^ A proof of this statement can be found in Weil 1967, p. 72.
  16. ^ For a proof see Neukirch 2007, p. 388.
  17. ^ This statement can be found in Cassels & Fröhlich 1967, p. 69.
  18. ^ is also used for the set of the -idele but we will use .
  19. ^ There are many proofs for this result. The one shown below is based on Neukirch 2007, p. 195.
  20. ^ For a proof see Cassels & Fröhlich 1967, p. 66.
  21. ^ This proof can be found in Weil 1967, p. 76 or in Cassels & Fröhlich 1967, p. 70.
  22. ^ Part of Theorem 5.3.3 in Deitmar 2010.
  23. ^ Part of Theorem 5.3.3 in Deitmar 2010.
  24. ^ The general proof of this theorem for any global field is given in Weil 1967, p. 77.
  25. ^ For more information, see Cassels & Fröhlich 1967, p. 71.
  26. ^ A proof can be found in Weil 1967, p. 78 or in Cassels & Fröhlich 1967, p. 72.
  27. ^ A proof can be found in Cassels & Fröhlich 1967, p. 48.
  28. ^ A proof can be found in Cassels & Fröhlich 1967, p. 67
  29. ^ A proof can be found in Weil 1967, p. 66.
  30. ^ For more see Deitmar 2010, p. 129.
  31. ^ A proof can be found Deitmar 2010, p. 128, Theorem 5.3.4. See also p. 139 for more information on Tate's thesis.
  32. ^ For further information see Chapters 7 and 8 in Deitmar 2010.
