2016년 육상 경기
2016 in the sport of athletics2016년 육상 | |
세계의 주요 사건 | 2016년 올림픽 게임 |
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2016년 리우데자네이루 올림픽에서는 최고의 육상 경기가 펼쳐질 것이다.2016년의 다른 두 개의 주요 세계 수준 대회는 세계 실내 선수권 대회와 세계 하프 마라톤 대회이다.
2016년 유럽 육상 청소년 [1]선수권 대회라는 새로운 형태의 대륙 대회 일정이 추가되었다.2016년에 두 개의 장기 대회 이름이 바뀌어 새로운 타이틀로 열렸다.세계주니어육상선수권대회는 2016년 IAAF U20 세계선수권대회가 되었고, IAAF 월드레이스워킹컵은 2016년 IAAF [2]월드레이스워킹팀선수권대회로 열렸다.
세계반도핑법 [3][4]위반으로 전러시아체육연맹이 중단됨에 따라 이 두 행사의 개최가 재개될 수밖에 없었다.육상 경기의 주요 국가로서, 러시아의 금지는 많은 세계 정상급 선수들이 경기에 불참하는 것을 의미했다.또 다른 주요 국가인 케냐는 도핑 방지 기구의 자체 인프라를 개선하기 위한 세계반도핑기구(WADA)의 계획에 따라 국제 [5]행사로부터 배제되었다.
메이저 대회
계절 이벤트
세계 기록
이벤트 | 선수 | 국가 | 결과 | 위치 | 날짜. |
남자 500m | 압델랄라 하룬 | 카타르 | 59.83 | 스웨덴 스톡홀름 | 2월 17일 |
남자 1000m | 아얀레 술레이만 | 지부티 | 2:14.20 | 스웨덴 스톡홀름 | 2월 17일 |
여자 마일 달리기 | 겐제베디바바 | 에티오피아 | 4:13.31 | 스웨덴 스톡홀름 | 2월 17일 |
여자 장대높이뛰기 | 제니퍼 수어 | 미국 | 5.03 m | 브록포트(미국) | 2월 23일 |
이벤트 | 선수 | 국가 | 결과 | 위치 | 날짜. |
남자 400m | 웨이드 반 니에커크 | 남아프리카 공화국 | 43.03 | 브라질 리우데자네이루 | 8월 14일 |
여자 10,000m | 알마즈 아야나 | 에티오피아 | 29:17.45 | 브라질 리우데자네이루 | 8월 12일 |
여자 100m 허들 | 켄드라 해리슨 | 미국 | 12.20 | 영국 런던 | 7월 22일 |
여자 3000m 장애물 경주 | 루스 제벳 | 바레인 | 8:52.78 | 프랑스 파리 | 8월 27일 |
여자 해머던지기 | 아니타 브워다르치크 | 폴란드 | 82.98 m | 폴란드 바르샤바 | 8월 28일 |
상 | 승리자. |
IAAF 올해의 선수 | 우사인 볼트 (JAM ) |
육상 뉴스 올해의 선수 | 웨이드 반 니에커크 (RSA ) |
유럽 올해의 선수 트로피 | 모파라 (GBR ) |
유럽 육상 라이징 스타 | Max Heß (GER ) |
바우어맨 | 재리온 로슨 (USA ) |
상 | 승리자. |
IAAF 올해의 선수 | 알마즈 아야나 (ETH ) |
올해의 육상 선수 | 아니타 브워다르치크 (POL ) |
유럽 올해의 선수 트로피 | 루스 베이티아 (ESP ) |
유럽 육상 라이징 스타 | 나피사투 티암 (BEL ) |
바우어맨 | 코트니 오콜로 (USA ) |
올해 첫 출전정지 징계는 아시아 실내 [7]타이틀을 차지한 카자흐스탄 허들 선수 아나스타시야 소프루노바였다.2008년 하계 올림픽과 2012년 하계 올림픽에서 새로운 방법을 사용하여 채취한 샘플을 다시 테스트한 결과 러시아의 [8][9]주요 메달리스트를 포함한 몇몇 유명 육상 선수들이 긍정적인 결과를 얻었다.
2016년 하계 올림픽
- 5월 14일~16일 리우데자네이루 2016 이베로아메리카육상선수권대회(올림픽 테스트 [10]이벤트)
- 브라질은 금메달과 종합 메달 집계를 모두 따냈다.
- 2016년 8월 12일~21일 리우데자네이루 올림픽 주앙 아벨랑주
- 남자들
- 남자 100m: 우사인 볼트, 저스틴 개틀린, 안드레 드 그라세
- 남자 200m: 우사인 볼트, 안드레 드 그라세, 크리스토프 레미트르
- 남자 400m: 웨이드 반 니커크(WR), 키라니 제임스, 라숀 메리트
- 남자 800m: 데이비드 루디샤, 타우픽 마클루피, 클레이튼 머피
- 남자 1,500m: 매튜 센트로위츠 주니어; 타우픽 마클루피; 닉 윌리스
- 남자 5000m: 모파라, 폴 킵케모이 첼리모, 하고스 게브리웨트
- 남자 10,000m: 모파라, 폴 타누이, 타미랏 톨라
- 남자 110m 허들: 오마르 맥레오드, 올란도 오르테가, 디미트리 바스쿠
- 남자 400m 허들: 케론 클레멘트; 보니파체 무체루 투무티;야스마니 코펠로
- 남자 3,000m 장애물경주: 콘세슬루스 키프루토(OR); 에반 제이거; 마히딘 메키시-베나바드
- 남자 도보 20km: 왕젠, 차이젤린, 데인 버드 스미스
- 남자 도보 50km : 마테이토스, 재러드 탈렌트, 아라이 히로키
- 남자 높이뛰기: 데릭 드루인, 무타즈 에사 바르심, 보단 본다렌코
- 남자 장대높이뛰기: 티아고 브라즈 다 실바(OR), 레너드 라빌레니, 샘 켄드릭스
- 남자 멀리뛰기: 제프 헨더슨, 루보 만용가, 그레그 러더포드
- 남자 세단뛰기: 크리스찬 테일러, 윌 클레이, 동빈
- 남자 포환던지기: 라이언 크로저(OR), 조 코박스, 토마스 월시
- 남자 원반던지기: 크리스토프 하팅; 표트르 마우쇼스키; 다니엘 자신스키
- 남자 해머던지기: 딜쇼드 나자로프; 이반 치칸; 보이치히 노비키
- 남자 창던지기: 토마스 뢰흘러, 줄리어스 예고, 케손 월콧
- 남자 10종 경기: 애쉬튼 이튼(OR); 케빈 메이어; 데미안 워너
- 남자 400m 계주: 자메이카(JAM); 일본(JPN); 캐나다(캔)
- 남자 400m 계주: 미국(미국); 자메이카(JAM); 바하마(BAH)
- 남자 마라톤: Eliud Kipchoge; 페이자 리레사;갤런 럽
- 여성들.
- 여자 100m: 일레인 톰슨; 토리 보위; 쉘리 앤 프레이저 프리스
- 여자 200m: 일레인 톰슨; 대프네 쉬퍼스; 토리 보위
- 여자 400m: 쇼나에 밀러, 앨리슨 펠릭스, 셰리카 잭슨
- 여자 800m: 캐스터 세메냐, 프랜신 니욘사바, 마가렛 윔부이
- 여자 1500m 페이스키예곤, 겐제베 디바바, 제니퍼 심슨
- 여자 5000m 비비안 체루요트(OR), 헬렌 온산도 오비리, 알마즈 아야나
- 여자 10,000m : 알마즈 아야나 (WR), 비비안 체루요트, 티루네시 디바바
- 여자 100m 허들: 브리아나 롤린스; 니아 알리; 크리스티 카스틀린
- 여자 400m 허들 달리라 무함마드 사라 피터슨 애슐리 스펜서
- 여자 3,000m 장애물경주: 루스 제벳, 히빈 젭케모이, 엠마 코번
- 여자 도보 20km: 류홍, 마리아 과달루페 곤살레스, 뤼슈지
- 여자 높이뛰기: 루스 베이티아, 미렐라 데미레바, 블랑카 블라시치
- 여자 장대높이뛰기: 에카테리니 스테파니디, 산디 모리스, 일라이자 매카트니
- 여자 멀리뛰기: 티아나 바르톨레타;브리트니 리스;이바나 슈파노비치
- 여자 세단뛰기: 카테린 이바르귀엔, 율리마르 로하스, 올가 리파코바
- 여자 포환던지기: 미셸 카터; 발레리 애덤스; 아니타 마르튼
- 여자 원반던지기: 산드라 페르코비치, 멜리나 로버트 미천, 데니아 카바예로
- 여자 해머던지기 : 아니타 브워다르치크(WR), 장원슈, 소피 히촌
- 여자 창던지기: 사라 콜락, 수네트 빌요엔, 바르보라 슈포타코바
- 여자 7종 경기: 나피사투 티암, 제시카 에니스 힐, 브리안 테센 이튼
- 여자 400m 계주: 미국(미국); 자메이카(JAM); 영국(GBR)
- 여자 400m 계주: 미국(미국); 자메이카(JAM); 영국(GBR)
- 여자마라톤 제미마 섬공 유니스 키르와 마레 디바바
세계 육상 선수권 대회
- 3월 11일~13일 : 2016년 카시노[11] 세계대학크로스컨트리선수권대회
- 남자 10.7km 우승자: 히참 암하르
- 여자 6.2km 우승자: 세빌레이 아이테미스
- 3월 17일~20일 오리건주[12] 포틀랜드에서 열린 2016 IAAF 세계실내선수권대회
- 미국은 금메달과 종합 메달 집계를 모두 따냈다.
- 2016년 3월 26일 카디프[13] 세계하프마라톤선수권대회
- 남자 우승자 : Geoffrey Kipsang Kamworor
- 여자 우승자 : 페레스 젭치르치르
- 남자 단체전 우승자: 케냐
- 여자 단체전 우승자: 케냐
- 5월 7일과 8일: 2016년 로마에서[14] 열린 IAAF 세계육상선수권대회
- 7월 19일~24일: 2016년 비드고시츠에서[15] 열린 IAAF U20 세계육상선수권대회
2016년 세계 마라톤 메이저 대회
- 2016년 2월 28일 : 도쿄 마라톤[16]
- 2016년 4월 18일 보스턴 마라톤[17]
- 수상자 : 레미 베르하누 하일레(m) / 아세데 베이사(f)
- 4월 24일 : 2016 런던[18] 마라톤
- 수상자 : Eliud Kipchoge(m) / Jemima Sumgong(f)
- 9월 25일 : 2016 베를린[19] 마라톤
- 10월 9일 : 2016 시카고[20] 마라톤
- 수상자 : 아벨 키루이(m) / 플로렌스 키프라가트(f)
- 11월 6일 : 2016 뉴욕 마라톤 (최종)[21]
- 수상자 : Ghirmay Ghebresslassie (m) / Mary Jepkosgei Keitany (f)
2016 IAAF 로드레이스 라벨 이벤트(골드)
- 1월 2일 : 샤먼국제마라톤[22]
- 1월 17일: 홍콩 마라톤[23]
- 수상자 : Mike Kiprotich Mutai (m) / Letebrhan Haylay Gebreslasea (f)
- 1월 22일 : 두바이[24] 마라톤
- 2월 28일: 세계 최고의 10K[25]
- 3월 6일 비와호 마라톤(남자만)[26]
- 3월 13일: 로마-오스티아 하프[27] 마라톤
- 수상자 : Solomon Kirwa Yego (m) / Workenesh Degefa (f)
- 3월 13일 : 나고야 여자 마라톤 (여자만)[28]
- 3월 20일 : 서울국제마라톤[29]
- 3월 20일: 리스본 하프[30] 마라톤
- 4월 2일: 프라하 하프[31] 마라톤
- 4월 3일 파리 마라톤[32]
- 수상자 : 사이프리아 키무르고르 코투트(m) / 비실린 젭케쇼(f)
- 4월 10일: 로마[33] 마라톤
- April 10: Vienna City Marathon[34]
- Winners: Robert Chemosin (m) / Shuko Genemo (f)
- April 10: Rotterdam Marathon[35]
- April 24: Yangzhou Jianzhen International Half Marathon[36]
- Winners: Mosinet Geremew (m) / Peres Jepchirchir (f)
- May 8: Prague Marathon[37]
- Winners: Lawrence Cherono (m) / Lucy Karimi (f)
- May 21: Karlovy Vary Half Marathon[38]
- Winners: Abraham Akopesha (m) / Joyceline Jepkosgei (f)
- May 22: Great Manchester Run[39]
- Winners: Kenenisa Bekele (m) / Tirunesh Dibaba (f)
- May 28 & 29: Ottawa Race Weekend[40][41]
- Men's 10K winner: Mohammed Ziani
- Women's 10K winner: Peres Jepchirchir
- Men's Marathon winner: Dino Sefir
- Women's Marathon winner: Koren Jelela
- June 4: České Budějovice Half Marathon[42]
- Winners: Barselius Kipyego (m) / Ashete Bekere (f)
- June 25: Olomouc Half Marathon[43]
- Winners: Stanley Biwott (m) / Mary Jepkosgei Keitany (f)
- July 3: Gold Coast Marathon[44]
- Winners: Kenneth Mburu Mungara (m) / Misato Horie (f)
- July 31: Bogotá Half Marathon[45]
- Winners: Tadese Tola (m) / Purity Rionoripo (f)
- September 10: Prague Grand Prix[46]
- Winners: Abraham Kipyatich (m) / Violah Jepchumba (f)
- September 17: Ústí nad Labem Half Marathon[47]
- Winners: Barselius Kipyego (m) / Peres Jepchirchir (f)
- September 17: Beijing Marathon[48]
- Winners: Mekuant Ayenew (m) / Meseret Mengistu (f)
- September 18: Sydney Marathon[49]
- October 2: Lisbon Marathon[50]
- Winners: Alfred Kering (m) / Sarah Chepchirchir (f)
- October 2: Portugal Half Marathon[50]
- Winners: Nguse Tesfaldet (m) / Genet Yalew (f)
- October 16: Amsterdam Marathon[51]
- Winners: Daniel Wanjiru (m) / Meselech Melkamu (f)
- October 16: Toronto Waterfront Marathon[52]
- Winners: Philemon Rono (m) / Shure Demise (f)
- October 23: Valencia Half Marathon[53]
- Winners: Stephen Kosgei Kibet (m) / Peres Jepchirchir (f)
- October 30: Frankfurt Marathon[54]
- Winners: Mark Korir (m) / Mamitu Daska (f)
- October 30: Shanghai Marathon[55]
- Winners: Stephen Mokoka (m) / Roza Dereje (f)
- November 13: Istanbul Marathon
- Winners: Ali Kaya (m) / Violah Jepchumba (f)
- November 20: Maraton Valencia Trinidad Alfonso[56]
- December 4: Fukuoka Marathon (co-final & men only)[57]
- Winner: Yemane Tsegay
- December 4: Singapore Marathon (co-final)[58]
2016 IAAF Road Race Label Events (Silver)
- January 31: Osaka International Ladies Marathon (women only)[59]
- Winner: Kayoko Fukushi
- February 7: Kagawa Marugame Half Marathon[60]
- Winners: Goitom Kifle (m) / Eunice Kirwa (f)
- April 3: Daegu Marathon[61]
- Winners: James Kwambai (m) / Caroline Kilel (f)
- April 10: Great Ireland Run[62]
- Winners: Andy Maud (m) / Fionnuala McCormack (f)
- April 10: Hannover Marathon[63]
- Winners: Lusapho April (m) / Edinah Kwambai (f)
- April 17: DOZ Marathon Lodz with PZU[64]
- Winners: Abraraw Misganaw (m) / Racheal Mutgaa (f)
- April 24: Madrid Marathon[65]
- Winners: Peter Kiplagat Chebet (m) / Askale Alemayehu (f)
- April 24: Warsaw Marathon[66]
- Winners: Artur Kozłowski (m) / Kumesci Sichala (f)
- May 8: Yellow River Estuary International Marathon[67]
- Winners: Dickson Kipsang Tuwei (m) / Eunice Chumba (f)
- May 15: Gifu Seiryu Half Marathon[68]
- Winners: Patrick Mwaka (m) / Eunice Kirwa (f)
- September 18: Cape Town Marathon[69]
- September 18: Dam tot Damloop[70]
- Winners: Edwin Kiptoo (m) / Alice Aprot Nawowuna (f)
- September 18: Copenhagen Half Marathon[71]
- October 30: Marseille-Cassis 20km[72]
- November 13: Saitama International Marathon (women only)[73]
- Winner: Flomena Cheyech Daniel
- November 13: Beirut Marathon[74]
- December 18: Corrida de Houilles[75]
- Winners: Cornelius Kangogo (m) / Viola Kibiwot (f)
- December 31: San Silvestre Vallecana (final)[76]
- Winners: Nguse Tesfaldet (m) / Brigid Chepchirchir Kosgei (f)
2016 IAAF Road Race Label Events (Bronze)
- January 17: Houston Marathon[77]
- Winners: Gebo Burka (m) / Biruktayit Degefa Eshetu (f)
- February 14: Mitja Marató de Barcelona[78]
- Winners: Vincent Kipruto (m) / Florence Kiplagat (f)
- February 21: Seville Marathon[79]
- Winners: Cosmas Kiplimo Lagat (m) / Paula González (f)
- March 13: Barcelona Marathon[80]
- Winners: Dino Sefir (m) / Valerie Aiyabei (f)
- March 20: Taipei International Marathon[81]
- Winners: William Chebon Chebor (m) / Olha Kotovska (f)
- March 20: Chongqing International Marathon[82]
- Winners: Kelkile Gezahegn (m) / Liu Ruihuan (f)
- April 3: Milano City Marathon[83]
- Winners: Ernest Kiprono Ngeno (m) / Brigid Kosgei (f)
- April 17: Nagano Olympic Commemorative Marathon[84]
- Winners: Jairus Chanchima (m) / Shasho Insermu (f)
- April 17: Brighton Marathon[85]
- Winners: Duncan Maiyo (m) / Grace Momanyi (f)
- April 24: Istanbul Half Marathon[86]
- Winners: Ali Kaya (m) / Violah Jepchumba (f)
- May 7: Okpekpe International 10 km Road Race[87]
- Winners: Simon Cheprot (m) / Polline Njeru (f)
- May 8: Geneva Marathon[88]
- Winners: Julius Chepkwony (m) / Jane Kiptoo (f)
- May 15: Riga Marathon[89]
- Winners: Dominic Kangor (m) / Shitaye Gemechu (f)
- May 29: Edinburgh Marathon[90]
- Winners: Boaz Kiprono (m) / Eddah Jepkosgei (f)
- June 11: Lanzhou International Marathon[91]
- Winners: Robert Kwambai (m) / Tsehay Desalegn (f)
- June 18: Corrida de Langueux[92]
- Winners: Robert Kaptingei (m) / Meskerem Amare (f)
- June 26: B.A.A. 10K[93]
- Winners: Daniel Kipchumba Chebii (m) / Shalane Flanagan (f)
- August 28: Mexico City Marathon
- Winners: Emmanuel Mnangat Chamer (m) / Diana Lobačevskė (f)
- September 25: Warsaw Marathon[94]
- October 2: Bournemouth Marathon[95]
- October 2: Košice Peace Marathon[96]
- Winners: David Kemboi Kiyeng (m) / Chaltu Tafa Waka (f)
- October 2: Cardiff Half Marathon[97]
- Winners: Shedrack Korir (m) / Violah Jepchumba (f)
- October 23: Venice Marathon[98]
- Winners: Julius Chepkwony Rotich (m) / Priscah Jepleting Cherono (f)
- November 13: French Riviera Marathon[99]
- November 20: Boulogne-Billancourt Half Marathon[100]
- November 20: Delhi Half Marathon[101]
- Winners: Eliud Kipchoge (m) / Worknesh Degefa (f)
- December 11: Guangzhou Marathon (final)[102]
European Athletics Association (EAA)
- July 6 – 10: 2016 European Athletics Championships in Amsterdam[103]
- Poland won the gold medal tally. Germany and Great Britain won 16 overall medals each.
- July 14 – 17: 2016 European Athletics Youth Championships in Tbilisi (debut event)[104]
- Great Britain won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- December 11: 2016 European Cross Country Championships in Chia, Italy[105]
- Men's winner: Aras Kaya
- Women's winner: Yasemin Can
Confederation of African Athletics (CAA)
- March 12: 2016 African Cross Country Championships in Yaoundé[106]
- Senior Men: James Gitahi Rungaru
- Senior Women: Alice Aprot Nawowuna
- Junior Men: Isaac Kipsang
- Junior Women: Miriam Cherop
- June 20 – 26: 2016 African Championships in Athletics in Durban[107]
- South Africa won both the gold and overall medal tallies.[108]
- March 4 & 5: 2016 NACAC Cross Country Championships in Vargas[109]
- Men's winner: Donald Cowart
- Women's winner: Allison Grace Morgan
- June 17 – 19: 2016 Central American Championships in Athletics in San Salvador[110]
- Overall winners: Guatemala (110.50 points), 2. Costa Rica (102.50 points), 3. El Salvador (86 points)
- July 13 – 18: 2016 NACAC Under-23 Championships in Athletics in San Salvador
- The United States won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- April 10: 2016 South American Marathon Championships in Montevideo
- Men's winner: Aguelmis Rojas[111]
- Women's winner: Gladys Machacuay
- May 29: 2016 South American Half Marathon Championships in Asunción[112]
- Men's winner: Ferdinan Pacheco
- Women's winner: Joziane da Silva
- September 24 & 25: 2016 South American Under-23 Championships in Athletics in Lima[113]
- Brazil won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- November 12 & 13: 2016 South American Youth Championships in Athletics in Concordia, Entre Ríos[114]
- Brazil won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
Asian Athletics Association (AAA)
- February 19 – 21: 2016 Asian Indoor Athletics Championships in Doha
- February 29: 2016 Asian Cross Country Championships in Manama[115]
- Men: Albert Kibichii Rop
- Women: Eunice Chumba
- Junior Men: Ali Abdi
- Junior Women: Dalila Abdulkadir
- June 2 – 6: 2016 Asian Junior Athletics Championships in Ho Chi Minh City[116]
- Japan won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
Oceania Athletics Association (OAA)
- Note: The Oceania Athletics Championships were divided into Polynesian, Micronesian, and Melanesian regional athletics championships.
- April 7 – 9: 2016 Polynesian Regional Championships in Athletics in Papeete (indoor)
- For results, click here.[permanent dead link]
- June 3 – 5: 2016 Micronesian Regional Championships in Athletics in Pohnpei
- For results, click here.[permanent dead link]
- July 2 & 3: 2016 Oceania Marathon and Half Marathon Championships in Gold Coast, Queensland[117]
- For the regular marathon results, click here.
- Men's Half Marathon winner: Duer Yoa
- Women's Half Marathon winner: Cassie Fien
- July 7 – 9: 2016 Melanesian Championships in Athletics in Suva
- Australia won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- August 7: 2016 Oceania Cross Country Championships in Auckland[118]
- Men's 10 km CC: Nicholas Wightman
- Women's 10 km CC: Laura Nagel
2016 IAAF Diamond League
- Note: The Adidas Grand Prix event in New York City has been replaced by Rabat here.
- May 6: Qatar Athletic Super Grand Prix in Doha[119]
- The United States won the gold medal tally. Kenya won the overall medal tally.
- May 14: Shanghai Golden Grand Prix in China[120]
- China, Kenya, and the United States won 3 gold medals each. China won the overall medal tally.
- May 22: Meeting International Mohammed VI d'Athlétisme de Rabat in Morocco (debut event)[121][122]
- Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, the United States, and Jamaica won 2 gold medals each. Kenya won the overall medal tally.
- May 28: Prefontaine Classic in Eugene, Oregon[123]
- The United States won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- June 2: Golden Gala in Rome[124]
- South Africa won the gold medal tally. Kenya won the overall medal tally.
- June 5: British Grand Prix in Birmingham[125]
- The United States won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- June 9: Bislett Games in Oslo[126]
- Kenya won the gold medal tally. The United States won the overall medal tally.
- June 16: Stockholm Bauhaus Athletics in Sweden[127]
- Sweden won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- July 15: Herculis in Fontvieille, Monaco[128]
- Kenya won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- July 22 & 23: London Grand Prix in Great Britain[129]
- Great Britain won the gold medal tally. The United States won the overall medal tally.
- August 25: Athletissima in Lausanne[130]
- The United States won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- August 27: Meeting Areva in Saint-Denis[131]
- The United States won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- September 1: Weltklasse Zürich in Switzerland[132]
- The United States won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- September 9: Memorial Van Damme (final) in Brussels[133]
- The United States won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
2016 IAAF World Indoor Tour
- Note: The Russian Winter Meeting event, scheduled for February 14, has been suspended, due to WADA's reports and the IAAF votes against the ARAF.
- February 6: Weltklasse in Karlsruhe in Germany[134]
- The United States won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- February 14: New Balance Indoor Grand Prix in Roxbury, Boston[135]
- The United States won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- February 17: XL Galan in Stockholm[136]
- Eight nations won a gold medal each. Ethiopia won the overall medal tally.
- February 20: Sainsbury's Glasgow Indoor Grand Prix (final) in Great Britain[137]
- Great Britain won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
2016 IAAF Cross Country Permit
- November 15, 2015: Cross de Atapuerca in Atapuerca, Province of Burgos[138]
- Winners: Imane Merga (m) / Belaynesh Oljira (f)
- January 6: Campaccio in San Giorgio su Legnano[139]
- Winners: Imane Merga (m) / Alice Aprot (f)
- January 16: Antrim International Cross Country in Antrim, County Antrim[140]
- Winners: Aweke Ayalew (m) / Alice Aprot (f)
- January 17: Cross Internacional de Itálica in Seville[141]
- Winners: Tamirat Tola (m) / Faith Kipyegon (f)
- January 24: Cross Internacional Juan Muguerza in Elgoibar[142]
- Winners: Aweke Ayalew (m) / Irene Chepet Cheptai (f)
- January 31: Cinque Mulini in San Vittore Olona[143]
- Winners: Jairus Birech (m) / Faith Kipyegon (f)
- February 13: IAAF Permit/Athletics Kenya Cross Country in Nairobi[144]
- Winners: Geoffrey Kipsang (m) / Alice Aprot (f)
- March 13: Almond Blossom Cross Country (final) in Albufeira[145]
- Winners: Nelson Cruz (m) / Carla Salome Rocha (f)
2016 IAAF Race Walking Challenge
- February 21: Oceania 20 km Race Walk Championships in Adelaide[146]
- Men's winner: Dane Bird-Smith
- Women's winner: Rachel Tallent
- March 6: Circuito Internacional de Marcha 2016 in Ciudad Juárez[147]
- Men's 50 km walk winner: Andrés Chocho
- Men's 20 km walk winner: Horacio Nava
- Men's 10 km walk winner: Andrés Olivas
- Women's 20 km walk winner: María Guadalupe González
- Women's 10 km walk winner: Valeria Ortuño
- March 19: IAAF Race Walking Challenge Permit Meeting Dudinska 50 in Dudince[148]
- Men's 50 km walk winner: Rafał Augustyn
- Men's 20 km walk winner: Tom Bosworth
- Women's 20 km walk winner: Eleonora Giorgi
- March 20: Asian 20 km Race Walking Championships in Nomi, Ishikawa[149]
- Men's winner: Daisuke Matsunaga
- Women's winner: Wang Na
- April 3: South American Race Walking Cup in Guayaquil[150]
- Men's winner: Andrés Chocho
- Women's winner: Érica de Sena
- April 9: 25º Grande Prémio Internacional de Rio Maior em Marcha Atlética in Portugal[151]
- Men's winner: Álvaro Martín
- Women's winner: Qieyang Shenjie
- April 23: 2016 IAAF Race Walking Challenge in Taicang[152]
- Men's winner: Pedro Daniel Gomez
- Women's winner: Wang Yingliu
- May 28: XXX Gran Premio Cantones de La Coruña in Spain[153]
- June 22 – 26: Part of the 2016 African Championships in Athletics (final) in Durban[107]
- Men's winner: Samuel Ireri Gathimba
- Women's winner: Grace Wanjiru
2016 IAAF Combined Events Challenge
- March 31 & April 1: Oceania Combined Events Championships in Sydney[154]
- Decathlon winner: Cedric Dubler (8,114 points)
- Heptathlon winner: Sophie Stanwell (5,572 points)
- April 2 & 3: African Combined Events Championships in Moka (Réduit)[155]
- Decathlon winner: Guillaume Thierry (7,481 points)
- Heptathlon winner: Marthe Koala (5,771 points)
- April 29 & 30: 29th Multistars - Trofeo Zerneri Acciai in Florence[156]
- Decathlon winner: Lars Vikan Rise (7,868 points)
- Heptathlon winner: Vanessa Spínola (6,100 points)
- May 28 & 29: 42nd Hypo-Meeting in Götzis[157]
- Decathlon winner: Damian Warner (8,523 points)
- Heptathlon winner: Brianne Theisen-Eaton (6,765 points)
- June 10 & 11: 10th TNT Express Meeting in Kladno[158]
- Decathlon winner: Lars Vikan Rise (7,925 points)
- Heptathlon winner: Kateřina Cachová (6,328 points)
- June 17 – 19: 2016 Pan American Combined Events Cup in Ottawa[159]
- Decathlon winner: Filip Scott (7,726 points)
- Heptathlon winner: Quintunya Chapman (6,035 points)
- June 25 & 26: 20th Mehrkampf-Meeting Ratingen in Germany[160]
- Decathlon winner: Arthur Abele (8,605 points)
- Heptathlon winner: Jessica Ennis-Hill (6,733 points)
- July 1 – 10: Part of the U.S. Olympic Trials in Eugene, Oregon
- Decathlon winner: Ashton Eaton (8,750 points)
- Heptathlon winner: Barbara Nwaba (6,494 points)
- July 6 – 10: Part of the 2016 European Athletics Championships in Amsterdam
- Decathlon winner: Thomas Van der Plaetsen (8,218 points)
- Heptathlon winner: Anouk Vetter (6,626 points)
- September 17 & 18: Décastar (final) in Talence[161]
- Decathlon winner: Oleksiy Kasyanov (8,077 points)
- Heptathlon winner: Nadine Broersen (6,377 points)
2016 IAAF World Challenge & IAAF Hammer Throw Challenge
- Note: The event for Rabat here has been promoted to the 2016 IAAF Diamond League.[121]
- March 5: Melbourne Track Classic in Australia[162]
- World Challenge: Australia won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- Hammer Throw winner: Matthew Denny
- May 7: Jamaica International Invitational in Kingston, Jamaica[163]
- World Challenge: The United States won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- Hammer Throw winner: Gwen Berry
- May 8: Golden Grand Prix in Kawasaki, Kanagawa (World Challenge only)[164]
- World Challenge: The United States won the gold medal tally. Japan won the overall medal tally.
- May 18: IAAF World Challenge Beijing in China[165]
- World Challenge: China won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- Hammer Throw winner: Zhang Wenxiu
- May 19 & 20: Golden Spike Ostrava in the Czech Republic[166]
- World Challenge: Poland won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- Men's Hammer Throw winner: Paweł Fajdek
- Women's Hammer Throw winner: Anita Włodarczyk
- May 22: Fanny Blankers-Koen Games in Hengelo (World Challenge only)[167]
- World Challenge: China and Ethiopia won 3 gold medals each. The Netherlands won the overall medal tally.
- May 25: Meeting Grand Prix IAAF de Dakar in Senegal[168]
- World Challenge: The United States won the gold medal tally. The United States and South Africa won 5 overall medals each.
- Men's Hammer Throw winner: Pavel Bareisha
- Women's Hammer Throw winner: Zalina Marghieva
- June 18: Janusz Kusociński Memorial in Szczecin (Hammer Throw Challenge only)[169]
- Men's Hammer Throw winner: Paweł Fajdek
- Women's Hammer Throw winner: Anita Włodarczyk
- June 19: Grande Premio Brasil Caixa de Atletismo in São Bernardo do Campo[170]
- World Challenge: Brazil won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- Women's Hammer Throw winner: Jennifer Dahlgren
- June 23: Meeting de Atletismo Madrid in Spain (World Challenge only)[171]
- World Challenge: Spain won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- June 29: Paavo Nurmi Games in Turku (Hammer Throw Challenge only)[172]
- July 18: István Gyulai Memorial in Székesfehérvár (Hammer Throw Challenge only)
- September 3: ISTAF Berlin in Germany (World Challenge only)[173]
- World Challenge: Germany won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- September 6: Hanžeković Memorial (final) in Zagreb (World Challenge only)[174]
- World Challenge: The United States won both the gold and overall medal tallies.
- September 11: Rieti Meeting in Italy
- Event cancelled.
Athlete | Nation | Occupation | Age | Date | Ref |
John Disley | United Kingdom | Steeplechaser | 87 | February 8 | [175] |
Yuriy Dumchev | Russia | Discus thrower | 57 | February 10 | [176] |
Dick Brown | United States | Coach | 78 | February 27 | [177] |
Iolanda Balas | Romania | High jumper | 79 | March 11 | [178] |
Edmund Piątkowski | Poland | Discus thrower | 80 | March 28 | [179] |
Carlo Monti | Italy | Sprinter | 96 | April 7 | [180] |
Ferenc Paragi | Hungary | Javelin thrower | 62 | April 21 | [181] |
Mike Agostini | Trinidad and Tobago | Sprinter | 81 | May 12 | [182] |
Mark Ouma | Uganda | Journalist | 55 | July 10 | [183] |
John Holt | United Kingdom | Athlete and administrator | 77 | November 17 | [184] |
Cecil Smith | Canada | Administrator | 80 | December 2 | [185] |
Miruts Yifter | Ethiopia | Distance runner | 72 | December 22 | [186] |
- ^ About Championships. Tbilisi2016. Retrieved on 2016-05-28.
- ^ IAAF World Race Walking Team Championships Rome 2016 Facts & Figures. IAAF (2016). Retrieved on 2016-05-07.
- ^ Rome and Bydgoszcz to host reallocated 2016 IAAF World Athletics Series events. IAAF (2016-01-07). Retrieved on 2016-05-28.
- ^ Athletics doping scandal: Russia federation accepts IAAF ban. BBC Sport (2016-11-26). Retrieved on 2016-05-28.
- ^ Kenya changes anti-doping laws in bid to avoid Olympic ban. BBC Sport (2016-05-27. Retrieved on 2016-05-28.
- ^ 2nd Mediterranean U23 Championships. Mediterranean Athletics Union. Retrieved on 2016-05-28.
- ^ Kazakh hurdler Soprunova banned 4 years for doping. ESPN (2016-04-28). Retrieved on 2016-05-28.
- ^ Riach, James (2016-05-24). 14 Russians guilty of doping at Beijing Olympics, suggests state media . Guardian. Retrieved on 2016-05-28.
- ^ Russia says eight athletes positive in London 2012 re-tests. Reuters (2016-05-28). Retrieved on 2016-05-28.
- ^ 2016 Ibero-American Championships in Athletics Website
- ^ 2016 World University Cross Country Championships Website
- ^ 2016 IAAF World Indoor Championships Website
- ^ "2016 IAAF World Half Marathon Championships Website". Archived from the original on 2016-03-30. Retrieved 2016-07-19.
- ^ IAAF's 2016 World Race Walking Team Championships Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 World U20 Championships in Athletics Page
- ^ Kiprop wins Tokyo Marathon with course record, Lilesa takes men's title
- ^ Ethiopian double at Boston Marathon with wins for Hayle and Baysa
- ^ Kipchoge runs 2:03:05 to win the London Marathon, second fastest time ever
- ^ Bekele gets back to his brilliant best at Berlin Marathon
- ^ Kiplagat and Kirui prevail in Chicago
- ^ Keitany romps to third New York City Marathon crown, Ghebreslassie takes men’s win
- ^ Kipruto and Edesa triumph at Xiamen Marathon
- ^ Mutai defies downpour to triumph in Hong Kong
- ^ Ethiopia’s Abera and Tsegaye triumph at Dubai Marathon
- ^ Karoki and Wacera regain World’s Best 10K titles in Puerto Rico
- ^ Rotich wins Lake Biwa Marathon as Kitajima boosts Olympic selection chances
- ^ Kirwa Yego runs world-leading 58:44 at Rome-Ostia half marathon
- ^ Kirwa retains Nagoya title while Tanaka wins Olympic qualifying race
- ^ Loyanae gets course record at the Seoul International Marathon
- ^ Kitwara wins Lisbon Half Marathon in 59:47
- ^ Jepchumba joins the greats at Prague Half Marathon
- ^ Jepkesho and Kotut reign supreme at the Paris Marathon
- ^ Kipruto triumphs in Rome in his marathon debut
- ^ Genemo and Chemosin win in windy conditions at the Vienna City Marathon
- ^ Kipserem scores upset victory at Rotterdam Marathon
- ^ World champion Jepchirchir sets course record at Yangzhou Half Marathon
- ^ Kenya's Cherono and Karimi the champions at Prague Marathon
- ^ Records fall despite difficult conditions in Karlovy Vary
- ^ Dibaba begins comeback with a third victory in Manchester 10K
- ^ Sefir and Jelela lead Ethiopian dominance at Ottawa Marathon
- ^ Jepchirchir and Ziani beat the heat to prevail at Ottawa 10K
- ^ Kipyego and Bekere prevail at Ceske Budejovice Half Marathon
- ^ Biwott and Keitany beat stifling conditions to take Olomouc Marathon titles
- ^ Mungara leaves it late to retain title at Gold Coast Marathon
- ^ Tola and Rionoripo triumph at the Bogota Half Marathon
- ^ Jepchumba clocks 30:24 in Prague 10km, second fastest ever
- ^ Kipyego sizzles 59:15 in Usti nad Labem
- ^ Ayenew and Mengistu cruise to Beijing Marathon victories
- ^ Tanigawa and Harun victorious in Sydney
- ^ a b Chepchirchir breaks marathon course record in Lisbon
- ^ Wanjiru breaks Amsterdam course record
- ^ Rono overcomes accident to win Toronto Waterfront Marathon
- ^ Kibet and Jepchirchir take the spoils in Valencia
- ^ Korir and Daska take Frankfurt Marathon titles
- ^ Mokoka and Dereje victorious at Shanghai Marathon
- ^ Aiyabei and Kipchirchir score convincing victories at Valencia Marathon
- ^ Tsegay beats the rain in Fukuoka
- ^ Kirwa and Chesir continue Kenyan dominance at Singapore Marathon
- ^ Fukushi wins Osaka Women's Marathon by more than six minutes in 2:22:17
- ^ Kifle and Kirwa win Marugame Half Marathon
- ^ Kwambai and Kilel sprint to victory in Daegu Marathon
- ^ McCormack and Maud take maiden wins at Great Ireland Run
- ^ April gets record third win at the Hannover Marathon
- ^ Misganaw and Mutgaa prevail at Lodz Marathon
- ^ Kiplagat and Alemayehu victorious at the Madrid Marathon
- ^ Kozlowski and Sichala take Warsaw Marathon titles
- ^ Kenya's Tuwei sets course record at Yellow River Estuary International Marathon
- ^ Kirwa breaks her own course record at Gifu Seiryu Half Marathon
- ^ Negewo breaks South African all-comers record in Cape Town
- ^ Kiptoo and Aprot take Dam tot Damloop titles
- ^ Wangari clocks 59:07 in Copenhagen half
- ^ Kiplagat and Jepkosgei prevail in Marseille Cassis 20km
- ^ Cheyech returns to winning ways in Saitama
- ^ Girma and Kiptoo victorious at Beirut Marathon
- ^ Kangogo collects third title in Houilles as Kibiwot impresses in 10km debut
- ^ Amlosom and Kosgei enjoy successful farewell to 2016 in Madrid
- ^ Burka and Eshetu take the honours in Houston
- ^ Third consecutive win but no third world half marathon record for Kiplagat in Barcelona
- ^ Kiplimo Lagat regains Seville Marathon title with course record
- ^ Aiyabei sets Spanish all-comers' record at the Barcelona Marathon
- ^ Chebor clocks course record at New Taipei City Wan Jin Shi Marathon
- ^ Liu and Woldaregay win at the Chongqing International Marathon
- ^ Ngeno and Kosgei show their class in Milan
- ^ Chanchima and Insermu victorious in windy Nagano
- ^ Maiyo retains Brighton Marathon title
- ^ Kaya and Jepchumba cruise to Istanbul Half Marathon titles
- ^ Cheprot, Njeru extend Kenyan dominance at Okpekpe
- ^ Chepkwony and Jeptoo reign supreme at Geneva Marathon
- ^ Course record for Kangor the highlight at Riga Marathon
- ^ Jepkosgei and Kiprono take Edinburgh Marathon titles
- ^ Kwambai and Desalegn reign at Lanzhou International Marathon
- ^ Kaptingei and Amare win at the Corrida de Langueux
- ^ Flanagan breaks US 10km record in Boston
- ^ Omullo and Kibiwot claim titles at Warsaw Marathon
- ^ Bett and Jepkosgei a class apart in Bournemouth
- ^ In warm conditions, Kiyeng and Waka take Kosice titles
- ^ Jepchumba dominates in Cardiff
- ^ Jepleting and Chepkwony dominate in Venice
- ^ Kipchirchir and Tilahun the winners of the Marathon des Alpes Maritimes
- ^ Munene and Ayele beat the winds in Boulogne-Billancourt
- ^ Kipchoge cruises to 59:44 victory at Delhi Half Marathon
- ^ Bounasr and Kassahun triumph in Guangzhou
- ^ EAA's 2016 European Athletics Championships Page
- ^ "EAA's 2016 European Athletics Youth Championships Page". Archived from the original on 2016-07-21. Retrieved 2016-07-19.
- ^ EAA's 2016 European Cross Country Championships Page
- ^ "Kenya rules at African Cross Country Championships". Archived from the original on 2016-03-15. Retrieved 2016-07-19.
- ^ a b "2016 African Championships in Athletics Website". Archived from the original on 2016-07-01. Retrieved 2016-07-19.
- ^ "2016 African Championships in Athletics Medal Count Page". Archived from the original on 2016-07-01. Retrieved 2016-07-19.
- ^ "Morgan and Cowart Crowned Pan American Cross Country Champions". Archived from the original on 2016-03-10. Retrieved 2016-07-19.
- ^ Memoria Final[permanent dead link]
- ^ 2016 South American Marathon Championships Men's Final Results Page
- ^ Pacheco y Da Silva conquistan Sudamericano de Media Maratón en Asunción
- ^ CONSUDATLE's 2016 South American Under-23 Championships in Athletics Page
- ^ 2016 South American Youth Championships in Athletics Page
- ^ "BAHRAIN DOMINATE AS ROP AND CHUMBA TAKE ASIAN CROSS COUNTRY TITLES". Archived from the original on 2016-07-16. Retrieved 2016-07-19.
- ^ "Japan emerge on top - 17th Asian Junior Athletics 2016". Archived from the original on 2017-07-08. Retrieved 2016-07-19.
- ^ 2016 Oceania Marathon and Half Marathon Championships Website
- ^ 2016 OAA Results Page
- ^ IAAF's Doha 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's Shanghai 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ a b Rabat to become first African host of IAAF Diamond League competition after replacing New York
- ^ IAAF's Rabat 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's Eugene 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's Rome 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's Birmingham 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's Oslo 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's Stockholm 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's Herculis 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's London 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's Lausanne 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's Saint-Denis 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's Zürich 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's Memorial Van Damme 2016 Diamond League Results Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 Weltklasse Results Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 New Balance Indoor Grand Prix Results Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 XL Galan Results Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 Sainsbury's Glasgow Indoor Grand Prix Results Page
- ^ Merga and Oljira are repeat winners at Atapuerca, opening IAAF Cross Country Permit meeting
- ^ Merga and Aprot take Campaccio titles in San Giorgio su Legnano
- ^ Aprot and Ayalew victorious in Antrim
- ^ Tola and Kipyegon produce impressive wins in Seville
- ^ Ayalew and Cheptai take the spoils in Elgoibar
- ^ Kenya's Birech and Kipyegon triumph at the Cinque Mulini cross country races
- ^ Kamworor and Aprot win at penultimate IAAF Cross Country Permit meeting in Nairobi
- ^ Cruz and Rocha win at the Almond Blossom Cross Country meeting
- ^ Bird-Smith gets IAAF Race Walking Challenge off to a flying start in Adelaide
- ^ Chocho sets South American 50km race walk record in Ciudad Juarez
- ^ Augustyn hat-trick in Dudinska 50, Bosworth and Giorgi win 20km races
- ^ IAAF's Asian 20 km Race Walking Championships Results Page
- ^ Chocho and de Sena shine at South American Race Walking Cup in Guayaquil
- ^ Qieyang and Martin take the honours in Rio Maior
- ^ Gomez and Wang get surprise wins in Taicang
- ^ Liu and Wang again provide Chinese double triumph in La Coruna
- ^ Dubler makes decathlon breakthrough in Sydney
- ^ Decathlon victory for Thierry on home soil in Reduit
- ^ Rise and Spinola victorious at the Multistars meeting in Florence
- ^ Canada's Warner and Theisen-Eaton win again in Gotzis
- ^ Cachova and Rise show their class with wins in Kladno
- ^ USA's Filip and Chapman win at the Pan American Combined Events Cup
- ^ Ennis-Hill and Abele prevail in Ratingen
- ^ Kasyanov and Broersen prevail in Talence thrillers
- ^ IAAF's 2016 Melbourne World Challenge Results Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 Jamaica International Invitational Results Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 Golden Grand Prix Results Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 World Challenge Beijing Results Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 Golden Spike Ostrava Results Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 Fanny Blankers-Koen Games Results Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 Meeting Grand Prix IAAF de Dakar Results Page
- ^ Wlodarczyk throws 79.61m in Szczecin, Licwinko over world-leading 1.99m
- ^ IAAF's 2016 Grande Premio Brasil Caixa de Atletismo Results Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 Meeting de Atletismo Madrid Results Page
- ^ Rohler improves javelin world lead to 91.28m in Turku
- ^ IAAF's 2016 ISTAF Berlin Results Page
- ^ IAAF's 2016 Hanžeković Memorial Results Page
- ^ John Disley, co-founder of the London Marathon, dies . IAAF (2016-02-08). Retrieved on 2016-12-28.
- ^ Former discus world record-holder Dumchev dies . IAAF (2016-02-10). Retrieved on 2016-12-28.
- ^ Renowned US coach Dick Brown passes away. IAAF (2016-02-28). Retrieved on 2016-12-28.
- ^ High jump legend Balas dies. IAAF (2016-03-11). Retrieved on 2016-12-28.
- ^ Nie żyje Edmund Piątkowski (in Polish). PZLA. Retrieved on 2016-05-28.
- ^ Addio a Carlo Monti. FIDAL (2016-04-07). Retrieved on 2016-05-28.
- ^ Former javelin world record-holder Paragi dies. iAAF (2016-04-21). Retrieved on 2016-12-28.
- ^ Trinidadian sprint legend Agostini dies. IAAF (2016-12-28). Retrieved on 2016-12-28.
- ^ Athletics journalist Mark Ouma dies. IAAF. Retrieved on 2016-07-13.
- ^ Former IAAF General Secretary John Holt dies. IAAF (2016-11-21). Retrieved on 2016-12-28.
- ^ Canadian athletics administrator Smith dies. IAAF (2016-12-02). Retrieved on 2016-12-28.
- ^ Ramsak, Bob (2016-12-23). Ethiopian running legend Miruts Yifter dies. IAAF. Retrieved on 2016-12-28.
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to 2016 in athletics.