위키백과:위키프로젝트 수학/수학 기사 목록(Y)
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Y-Δ transform -- Y and H transforms -- Y-homeomorphism -- Y-intercept -- Yamabe flow -- Yamabe invariant -- Yamabe problem -- Yamamoto's reciprocity law -- Yamartino method -- Yan tan tethera -- Yang–Baxter equation -- Yang–Mills equations -- Yang–Mills existence and mass gap -- Yang–Mills–Higgs equations --Yang–Mills theory -- Yangian -- Yao graph -- Yao's principle -- Yarrow algorithm -- Yates's correction for continuity -- Yau's conjecture -- Yau's conjecture on the first eigenvalue -- Yavanajataka -- YBC 7289 -- Yellow River Map -- Yen's algorithm -- Yetter–Drinfeld category -- Yff center of congruence --Yigu Yanduan -- Yoneda 보조정리 -- Yoneda 제품 --
요루바 숫자 -- 유덴의 J 통계 -- Young-Deruyts 개발 -- Young-Fibonacci 격자 -- Young-Laprace 방정식 -- Young-Laprace 방정식 -- Young symmetrizer -- Young's convolution 불평등 -- Young's 불평등 -- Youncil oper -- Youncil for youncil for youncil for youncil for youncil for youncil for youncil for youncil for youncil for youncilYoung의 격자 -- Yuktibhaṣa -- Yule-Simon 분포 -- Yupana --