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사용자:Ego Sum

User:Ergo Sum

2021년 10월 4일 월요일 03:30 (UTC)

User:Ergo Sum
User talk:Ergo Sum
User:Ergo Sum/sandbox
Special:Contributions/Ergo Sum




내 사용자 페이지 시작. 알고 싶다면, 내 관심사와 기여는 꽤 다양하다. 나는 법과 철학을 즐기고, 큰 역사광이다. 나는 실수를 하지 않기 위해 최선을 다하지만 인간으로서 나는 과오를 범할 수 있다. 만약 내가 실수로 행동했다고 믿거나 그냥 인사하고 싶다면, 내 토크 페이지에 들러라. 일반화한다면, 나는 포용주의자일 뿐만 아니라 증분주의자일 뿐, 두 가지 모두에 대한 예외는 분명히 있다.

This user wrote "William Matthews (priest)", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "Georgetown Car Barn", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "Thomas F. Mulledy", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "William McSherry", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "Charles H. Stonestreet", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "David Hillhouse Buel (priest)", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "Samuel Mulledy", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "James A. Ryder", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "John W. Beschter", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "Joseph A. Lopez", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "Bernard A. Maguire", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "William Feiner", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "James A. Doonan", which was certified for a Four Award. This user wrote "J. Havens Richards", which was certified for a Four Award.
This user helped "William Matthews (priest)" become a featured article. This user helped "Georgetown Car Barn" become a featured article. This user helped "Thomas F. Mulledy" become a featured article. This user helped "William McSherry" become a featured article. This user helped "Charles H. Stonestreet" become a featured article. This user helped "David Hillhouse Buel (priest)" become a featured article. This user helped "Samuel Mulledy" become a featured article. This user helped "James A. Ryder" become a featured article. This user helped "John W. Beschter" become a featured article. This user helped "Joseph A. Lopez" become a featured article. This user helped "Bernard A. Maguire" become a featured article. This user helped "John Early (educator)" become a featured article. This user helped "William Feiner" become a featured article. This user helped "James A. Doonan" become a featured article. This user helped "List of presidents of Georgetown University" become a featured article. This user helped "Patrick Francis Healy" become a featured article. This user helped "Giovanni Antonio Grassi" become a featured article. This user helped "J. Havens Richards" become a featured article.
This user wrote "William Matthews (priest)", which became a good article. This user wrote "Our Lady of Pompeii Church (Manhattan)", which became a good article. This user wrote "Statue of John Carroll", which became a good article. This user wrote "Georgetown Car Barn", which became a good article. This user wrote "James A. Doonan", which became a good article. This user wrote "William McSherry", which became a good article. This user wrote "Thomas F. Mulledy", which became a good article. This user wrote "John W. Beschter", which became a good article. This user wrote "Alphonsus J. Donlon", which became a good article. This user wrote "Charles H. Stonestreet", which became a good article. This user wrote "Manresa Island", which became a good article. This user wrote "William Feiner", which became a good article. This user wrote "Samuel Mulledy", which became a good article. This user wrote "Joseph J. Himmel", which became a good article. This user wrote "David Hillhouse Buel (priest)", which became a good article. This user wrote "Jerome Daugherty", which became a good article. This user wrote "John D. Whitney", which became a good article. This user wrote "Joseph A. Lopez", which became a good article. This user wrote "Enoch Fenwick", which became a good article. This user wrote "Lawrence C. Gorman", which became a good article. This user wrote "John B. Creeden", which became a good article. This user wrote "James A. Ryder", which became a good article. This user wrote "Arthur A. O'Leary", which became a good article. This user wrote "Bernard A. Maguire", which became a good article. This user wrote "William Francis Clarke", which became a good article. This user wrote "Thomas I. Gasson", which became a good article. This user wrote "William J. Devlin", which became a good article. This user wrote "Joseph A. Canning", which became a good article. This user wrote "Francis X. Talbot", which became a good article. This user wrote "Francis Dzierozynski", which became a good article. This user wrote "J. Hunter Guthrie", which became a good article. This user wrote "Charles W. Lyons", which became a good article. This user wrote "J. Havens Richards", which became a good article. This user wrote "Edward I. Devitt", which became a good article. This user wrote "Richard J. Daronco", which became a good article. This user wrote "Giovanni Antonio Grassi", which became a good article. This user wrote "John Early (educator)", which became a good article. This user wrote "Robert Molyneux", which became a good article. This user wrote "Robert Plunkett", which became a good article. This user wrote "Anthony Kohlmann", which became a good article. This user wrote "Thomas H. Stack", which became a good article. This user wrote "Edward B. Bunn", which became a good article. This user wrote "W. Coleman Nevils", which became a good article. This user wrote "Francis Neale", which became a good article. This user wrote "Gerard J. Campbell", which became a good article. This user wrote "Leonard Neale", which became a good article. This user wrote "Benedict Joseph Fenwick", which became a good article. This user wrote "Robert J. Henle", which became a good article. This user wrote "Timothy S. Healy", which became a good article. This user wrote "Stephen Larigaudelle Dubuisson", which became a good article.
This user wrote "Peter Verhaegen", which became a good article. This user wrote "John J. DeGioia", which became a good article. This user wrote "Leo J. O'Donovan", which became a good article. This user wrote "Patrick Francis Healy", which became a good article. This user wrote "Louis William Valentine DuBourg", which became a good article. This user wrote "Joseph B. O'Hagan", which became a good article. This user helped "Presidents of Georgetown University" become a good topic.
This user helped get "Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "William Matthews (priest)" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Angelo De Donatis" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Guardia Lombardi" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Pecorino di Carmasciano" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Episcopal Seminary of Fiesole" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Church of Santa Maria Primerana" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Andrea L. Thompson" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Old North Building" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Sanctuary of San Gerardo Maiella" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Our Lady of Pompeii Church (Manhattan)" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Pietro Bandini" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Adam Marshall (priest)" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Georgetown Car Barn" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "St. Peter's Pro-Cathedral" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Jesuit Community Cemetery" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Statue of John Carroll" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Stephen L. Dubuisson" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Alphonsus J. Donlon" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Bernard A. Maguire" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "James A. Ryder" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Thomas F. Mulledy" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "James A. Doonan" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Joseph A. Sellinger" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church (Frederick, Maryland)" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "William McSherry" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "John W. Beschter" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Bowen v. Georgetown University Hospital" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Georgetown Neighborhood Library" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "St. John's Episcopal Church, Georgetown" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "William Feiner" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Charles H. Stonestreet" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Samuel Mulledy" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Manresa Island" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "David Hillhouse Buel" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Joseph J. Himmel" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Jerome Daugherty" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Joseph A. Lopez" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Church of the Gesú (Philadelphia)" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Ross T. McIntire" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "John B. Creeden" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Enoch Fenwick" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "John D. Whitney" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Arthur A. O'Leary" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Lawrence C. Gorman" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "St. Charles College (Louisiana)" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "William Francis Clarke" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "James A. Ward" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "William J. Devlin" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "David Hillhouse Buel (soldier)" listed at Did You Know on the main page.
This user helped get "Thomas I. Gasson" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Francis Dzierozynski" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Francis X. Talbot" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Agreement Concerning the Shipwrecked Vessel RMS Titanic" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Fordham University Cemetery" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Joseph A. Canning" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Edward I. Devitt" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "J. Havens Richards" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "J. Hunter Guthrie" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Richard J. Daronco" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Charles W. Lyons" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Giovanni Antonio Grassi" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "John Early (educator)" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Robert Molyneux" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Basilica of Sant'Alessandro" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Robert Plunkett" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Thomas H. Stack" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Edward B. Bunn" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Anthony Kohlmann" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Timothy S. Healy" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Leo J. O'Donovan" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Robert J. Henle" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "W. Coleman Nevils" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Francis Neale" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Peter Verhaegen" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Gerard J. Campbell" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Leonard Neale" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Benedict Joseph Fenwick" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "John J. DeGioia" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Patrick Francis Healy" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Vorau Abbey" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Louis William Valentine DuBourg" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Luigi Fugazy" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Filiberto Avogadro di Collobiano" listed at Did You Know on the main page. This user helped get "Niccolò Paccanari" listed at Did You Know on the main page.

내 사용자 이름으로

에르고 섬이라는 이름은 프랑스 철학자 레네 데카르트의 유명한 명제인 "코기토, 에르고섬"에서 유래되었는데, 라틴어에서 "나는 생각한다, 그러므로 나는 존재한다"로 번역된다. 이 진술은 사고적 존재로서의 자아 존재의 증명에 대한 그의 주장의 결론이었고, 따라서 철학적 회의론 문제를 개선시켰다(데카르트 자신은 이 문제를 방법론적 회의론으로만 다루었지만). 이 간단한 진술의 엄청난 힘은 지식의 존재를 허용하고 인식론적 노력을 검증한다. 수많은 철학자들이 이 논쟁의 다양한 측면에 도전하기 위해 나아갔지만, 카트리지안 영향은 오늘날에도 여전히 철학 분야에 만연해 있다.

다음 질문은 "이것이 위키피디아와 무슨 관계가 있는가?" 입니다. 맞아. 백과사전으로서 위키피디아는 (이론적으로) 인간 지식의 보고인 즉, 사실의 모든 것, 그리고 그것만을 담고 있다. 어떤 추론의 진실성은 경험적으로나 비유적으로 시험될 수도 있지만(Hume유도 문제 때문에 후자가 논리적으로 필요한 것) 모든 문의는 사실 지식의 습득이 가능하다는 전제하에 이루어진다. 이와 같이 지식에 대한 방법론적 연구인 인식론에 대한 조사조직은 데카르트에게 영원히 빚지고 있다.

적어도 정의는 아니더라도 철학의 본질인 현실에 대한 엄격하고 체계적인 연구를 소중히 여기는 사람들에 의해 데카르트만이 찬사를 받을 자격이 있는 것은 아니라는 점에 유의해야 한다.

사람들은 친절했다.


작성된 문서

다음은 내가 만든 글과 다른 페이지들로, 내가 주로 기고했지만 작성하지 않은 몇 가지 페이지들이다.



데일리 위키백과

유용한 링크


Committed identity: c91580840e99daa0d5637593c4a24a05f3d313b39e0dca792f83435f1bdb803bbd6e516554e1e6eb95175e78674­a8f482521a722dbc3d967ef1193cda15eca21 is an SHA-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.