Barbara Bergmann
Barbara Bergmann | |
Born | 20 July 1927 |
Died | 5 April 2015 | (aged 87)
Nationality | American |
Spouse(s) | Fred Bergmann |
Institution | Brandeis University Brookings Institution University of Maryland American University |
Field | Economics, Feminist economics |
Alma mater | Cornell University, Harvard University |
Influences | Gunnar Myrdal |
Awards | 2004 Carolyn Shaw Bell Award |
Barbara Rose Bergmann (20 July 1927 – 5 April 2015)[1][2] was a feminist economist. Her work covers many topics from childcare and gender issues to poverty and Social Security. Bergmann was a co-founder and President of the International Association for Feminist Economics, a trustee of the Economists for Peace and Security, and Professor Emerita of Economics at the University of Maryland and American University.
Bergmann's parents and grandparents, fleeing anti-Semitism, immigrated to the United States from Europe in 1914. She was born in 1927 to a Romanian-born mother and Polish-born father in the Bronx.[3] Her parents worked instead of finishing school, but they expected Barbara to adhere to the standards and traditions of American life and eventually go to college. At the age of five, she started formulating ideas about feminism, pursuing equality for men and women, because she wanted to be an independent person when she grew up, and that required money and equality. During the Great Depression, Bergmann developed a strong belief that the government should provide resources and help to individuals who faced uncontrollable circumstances or did not have the resources and knowledge to provide for themselves.
Bergmann received a scholarship to Cornell University and majored in mathematics. While in college pursuing her love for “creating models of simple processes that might or might not resemble what goes on in the actual economy,” she discovered Gunnar Myrdal’s book An American Dilemma that told of the racial inequality in the South. Myrdal's book ignited an interest in race discrimination that eventually developed into a concern for sex discrimination and followed Bergmann throughout her career.
After Bergmann graduated with a B.A. in 1948, the recession, discrimination against Jews, and workplace sex segregation made it difficult to find a job that was interesting.[4] Bergmann took a job with the federal government in the New York Office of the Bureau of Labor Statistics where she fielded public inquiries; she was head of the inquiries unit after a year. A firsthand experience with the discrimination of a black employee at the Bureau of Labor Statistics illuminated how real and pervasive race discrimination was at the time. Harvey Purdy was the only black employee at the New York office and, when Barbara managed to get him promoted, he was demoted shortly after and the job was given to someone else.
Bergmann received her Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1959[5] and developed an interest in computer simulated economics, realizing that economics should be based more on observation and field research than solely theorizing. Research and experience has led Barbara Bergmann to develop theories and ideas about government policy, the implementation of observation into economics, and racial and gender equality.[6]
Organizational involvement
During the Kennedy administration Barbara Bergmann was a senior staff member of the President's Council of Economic Advisors and she was a Senior Economic Adviser with the Agency for International Development. She also served as an advisor to the Congressional Budget Office and the Bureau of the Census.
In 1965 she joined the University of Maryland, teaching there until 1988. From 1988 until 1997 she taught economics at American University.[2]
Bergmann was also involved in numerous national and international organizations that promote advancement and equality. She served as chair of the American Economic Association Committee on the Status of Women in Economic Professions, and president of the Eastern Economic Association, the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, the American Association of University Professors (1990-1992),[7] and the International Association for Feminist Economics (1999-2000).[8]
바바라 버그만은 2004년 캐럴린 쇼 벨상을 경제학에서 여성의 지위를 높이고 여성이 학문 분야에서 어떻게 발전할 수 있는지에 대한 이해를 불러일으킨 공로로 받았다.[9]
버그만은 경제에 크게 두 가지 기여를 했다. 첫째, 그녀는 차별이 노동시장의 만연한 특징이라고 주장해왔다. 둘째, 그녀는 일련의 비현실적인 가정으로부터 결론을 이끌어내는 전통적인 경제 방법론에 반대해 왔다.[5]
베르그만은 "나쁜 것 중 많은 것은 자본주의에서 나오지만, 그것은 적절한 정부 규제와 중요한 서비스와 안전망에 대한 관대한 정부 제공에 의해 고쳐질 수 있다"고 주장한다. 그러나 선하고 불가결한 것 중 많은 것은 자본주의에서도 나온다"[6]고 말했다.
버그만은 하버드 대학교에서 미시경제학의 유사성에 기초하여 만들어진 거시변수의 방정식을 가진 모델을 제공하는 컴퓨터 생성 시뮬레이션으로 미시적 시뮬레이션을 공부했다. 그녀는 마이크로시뮬레이션이 "더 많은 경험적 조사에 의해 드러난 복잡성을 사업 활동에 통합하는 능력, 현실성, 그리고 능력을 제공한다"[6]고 믿는다. 하버드 대학의 에드워드 체임벌린 교수와의 수업에서, 버그만은 경제 이론이 그것의 독창성이나 그 분야의 유행을 떠나 실제로 현실과 다른 경제를 그려낼 수 있다는 것을 발견했다. 버그만이 개인에 대한 실제 관찰에 의해 경제 이론이 영향을 받을 필요가 있다고 믿기 시작한 것은 체임벌린의 반에서 이루어진 시장 실험에서였다. 경제학에 대한 그녀의 개인적인 견해 중 하나는 "진정한 일화들은 그들의 사무실에 앉아 있는 경제학자들이 꾸며낸 이야기들 외에는 아무 것도 아닌 경제학자들의 이론보다 세상 사물의 상태에 대한 더 가치 있는 정보를 잘 담고 있을 수 있다"는 것이다.[6]
버그만은 관찰과 경험적 증거가 항상 현실에서 효과가 있는 것은 아닌 종이에 이론을 만들어내는 대신 실제로 인간의 행동을 반영하는 이론으로 이어질 수 있다고 주장한다. 그녀는 거시경제학이 많은 사회문제를 해결할 수 있고 경제정책은 개인의 삶을 향상시키는데 사용될 수 있다고 주장하지만 경제학자들은 정치적 제휴에 너무 설득되어 공동의 목표를 향해 일하지 못하고 있다.[10]
Barbara Bergmann은 역사적으로 남성과 여성 사이의 경제적, 사회적 분업화가 문명 전반에 걸쳐 존재하지는 않았다고 지적한다. 노동시장에 여성이 유입되고 남성이 가사노동을 더 많이 하고 있지만 여전히 남녀 간 경제분열이 존재한다. Bergmann은 평등을 위한 가장 좋고 실현 가능한 옵션은 여성이 주로 수행하는 많은 가정 과제와 육아활동이 조직과 개인에게 아웃소싱되는 "높은 상품화"라고 본다. "높은 상품화"에는 육아에 대한 정부 보조금과 결혼한 부부 및 미혼모에 대한 보조금이 포함될 것이다. 버그만은 상품성 증가만으로는 평등을 가져올 수 없다고 생각하지만, 또한 "고용에 있어서의 차별, 여성의 높은 경쟁적 행동, 자녀를 양육하고 있는 가정을 위한 정부로부터의 추가 자원의 종식"이 필요하다. 버그만은 양성평등에 대한 열정을 가지고 있으며, 직장에서 여성에 대한 공평한 대우를 위한 정부 조항을 보고 싶어한다.[11]
바바라 버그만은 2015년 4월 5일 메릴랜드 베데스다의 자택에서 자살로 사망했다.[12] 그녀는 헴록 협회의 오랜 회원이었고 자살 방조 옹호자였다. 그녀의 유족으로는 아들 데이비드 마틴 버그만과 딸 사라 넬리 버그만, 그리고 세 명의 손자가 있다. 1965년 결혼한 남편 프레드 H. 버그만 국립보건원 미생물학자는 2011년 세상을 떠났다.[2]
국제페미니스트경제학회는 소셜미디어를 통해 "최근 바바라 버그만의 죽음을 알고 안타까웠다"[13]고 보도하며 바바라 버그만 펠로우십 펀드에 기부해 추모의 뜻을 기려야 한다고 촉구했다.[14]
참고 문헌 목록
- Berman (Bergmann), Barbara R.; Chinitz, Benjamin; Hoover, Edgar M. (1961). Projection of a metropolis: technical supplement to the New York Metropolitan region study. Harvard: Harvard University Press. OCLC 1647143.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Wilson, George W.; Hirsch, Leon V.; Klein, Martin S. (1967). The impact of highway investment on development. Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution for the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration - Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. OCLC 237483.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Kaun, David E. (1967). Structural unemployment in the United States. Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution for the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration - Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. OCLC 232411.
- Bergmann, Barbara R; Eliasson, Gunnar; Orcutt, Guy H (1980). Micro simulation - models, methods, and applications: proceedings of a Symposium on Micro Simulation Methods, in Stockholm, September 19-22, 1977. Stockholm: Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research Distributor, Almqvist & Wiksell International. ISBN 9789172041141.
- Bergmann, Barbara R; Bennett, Robert L (1986). A microsimulated transactions model of the United States economy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 9780801828782.
- Bergmann, Barbara R (1986). The economic emergence of women. New York: Basic Books. OCLC 924693274. (새 에드: )
- Bergmann, Barbara R; Folbre, Nancy; Agarwal, Bina; Floro, Maria (1993). Women's work in the world economy. Houndmills, Basingstoke England: Macmillan in association with the International Economic Association. ISBN 9780333592946.
- Bergmann, Barbara (1996). In defense of affirmative action. New York: HarperCollins Canada / BasicBooks. ISBN 9780465098330.
- Bergmann, Barbara R (1996). Saving our children from poverty: what the United States can learn from France. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. ISBN 9780871541147.
- Bergmann, Barbara R (author); Bush, Jim (illustrator) (2000). Is social security broke?: a cartoon guide to the issues. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ISBN 9780472067435.
- Bergmann, Barbara R; Helburn, Suzanne W (2003). America's child care problem: the way out. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781403962119.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (1985), "The economic case for comparable worth", in Hartmann, Heidi I. (ed.), Comparable worth: new directions for research, Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, ISBN 9780585142845.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (1995), "Occupational segregation, wages and profits when employers discriminate by race or sex", in Humphries, Jane (ed.), Gender and economics, Aldershot, England Brookfield, Vermont: USA Edward Elgar, pp. 309–316, ISBN 9781852788438.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (2006), "A Swedish-style welfare state or basic income: Which should have priority?", in Ackerman, Bruce; Alstott, Anne; Van Parijs, Philippe (eds.), Redesigning distribution: basic income and stakeholder grants as alternative cornerstones for a more egalitarian capitalism, London New York: Verso, ISBN 9781844675173.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (2005), "Gender in public expenditure reviews", in Shah, Anwar (ed.), Public expenditure analysis, Washington, D.C: World Bank, ISBN 9780821361443.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (2007), "Discrimination through the economist's eye", in Crosby, Faye; Stockdale, Margaret S.; Ropp, S. Ann (eds.), Sex discrimination in the workplace: multidisciplinary perspectives, Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 213–234, ISBN 9781405134507.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (2009), "Long leaves, child well-being, and gender equality", in Gornick, Janet C.; Meyers, Marcia (eds.), Gender equality: transforming family divisions of labor, London New York: Verso, ISBN 9781844673254.
저널 기사
1965 - 1969
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (September 1969). "The urban economy and the "urban crisis"". The American Economic Review. 59 (4): 639–645. JSTOR 1813235.
1970 - 1974
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (March–April 1971). "The effect on white incomes of discrimination in employment". Journal of Political Economy. 79 (2): 294–313. doi:10.1086/259744. JSTOR 1832111. S2CID 153417625.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Lyle, Jerolyn R. (Autumn 1971). "The occupational standing of negroes by areas and industries". The Journal of Human Resources. 6 (4): 411–433. doi:10.2307/144883. JSTOR 144883.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Krause, William R. (April 1972). "Evaluating and forecasting progress in racial integration of employment". Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 25 (3): 399–409. doi:10.2307/2521322. JSTOR 2521322.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Atkinson, Lloyd C. (Autumn 1972). "The prospect of equality of incomes between white and black families under varying rates of unemployment: a comment". The Journal of Human Resources. 7 (4): 545–547. doi:10.2307/144757. JSTOR 144757.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (May–June 1973). "The economics of women's liberation". Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 16 (2): 11–17. doi:10.1080/05775132.1974.11469970. JSTOR 40720738.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Weintraub, Andrew (July–August 1973). "Women's lib: Who gets what? [with responds]". Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 16 (3): 69. JSTOR 40719131.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Adelman, Irma (September 1973). "The 1973 report of the president's Council of Economic Advisers: the economic role of women". The American Economic Review. 63 (4): 509–514. JSTOR 1808844.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (September 1973). "Combining microsimulation and regression: A "prepared" regression of poverty incidence on unemployment and growth". Econometrica. 41 (5): 955–963. doi:10.2307/1913816. JSTOR 1913816.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (April 1974). "Occupational segregation, wages and profits when employers discriminate by race or sex". Eastern Economic Journal. 1 (2): 103–110. JSTOR 40315472.
1975 - 1979
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (May 1975). "Combining microsimulation and regression: A reply". Econometrica. 43 (3): 529–530. doi:10.2307/1914284. JSTOR 1914284.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Maxfield, Jr., Myles (October 1975). "How to analyze the fairness of faculty women's salaries on your own campus". AAUP Bulletin. 61 (3): 262–265. doi:10.2307/40224875. JSTOR 40224875.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Bennett, Robert L. (February 1977). "Macroeconomic effects of a Humphrey-Hawkins type program". The American Economic Review. 67 (1): 265–270. JSTOR 1815914.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (March–April 1978). "Economists and the real world". Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 21 (1): 9–10. doi:10.1080/05775132.1978.11470389. JSTOR 40720825.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Vickery, Clair; Swartz, Katherine (May 1978). "Unemployment rate targets and anti-inflation policy as more women enter the workforce". The American Economic Review. 68 (2): 90–94. JSTOR 1816668.
1980 - 1984
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Radlinski Devine, Judith; Gordon, Patrice; Reedy, Diane; Sage, Lewis; Wise, Christina (Summer 1980). "The effect of wives' labor force participation on inequality in the distribution of family income". The Journal of Human Resources. 15 (3): 452–455. doi:10.2307/145295. JSTOR 145295.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (April 1981). "Social relations, productivity, and employer discrimination". Monthly Labor Review. 104 (4): 47–49. JSTOR 41841611.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (May 1981). "The share of women and men in the economic support of children". Human Rights Quarterly. 3 (2): 103–112. doi:10.2307/761862. JSTOR 761862.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (May 1981). "The economic risks of being a housewife". The American Economic Review. 71 (2): 81–86. JSTOR 1815697.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (March–April 1983). "Women's plight: Bad and getting worse". Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 26 (1): 22–26. doi:10.1080/05775132.1983.11470823. JSTOR 40720121.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (July–August 1983). ""Comparable Worth" for professors". Academe. 71 (4): 8–10. JSTOR 40249461.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (September–October 1983). "Feminism and economics". Academe. 69 (5): 22–25. doi:10.2307/40249061. JSTOR 40249061.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (July–August 1984). "The growlery: Feminism and economics". Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 27 (3): 46–49. doi:10.1080/05775132.1984.11470936. JSTOR 40720250.
1985 - 1989
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Berga, Sarah L.; Sherman, Frederick S. (August 1986). "The economic well-being of women". Science. 233 (4763): 510. doi:10.1126/science.233.4763.510. JSTOR 1697603. PMID 17820456.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (Spring 1987). ""Measurement" or finding things out in economics". Journal of Economic Education. 18 (2): 191–201. doi:10.1080/00220485.1987.10845207. JSTOR 1182755.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (Spring 1987). "Comment on Higgins's "Women in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Legal, Social, and Ideological Changes"". Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 12 (3): 606–607. doi:10.1086/494355. JSTOR 3174348. S2CID 143902408.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (May–June 1987). "Pay equity—surprising answers to hard questions". Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 30 (2): 45–51. doi:10.1080/05775132.1987.11471160. JSTOR 40720578.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (Autumn 1987). "Women's roles in the economy: Teaching the issues". Journal of Economic Education. 18 (4): 393–407. doi:10.1080/00220485.1987.10845230. JSTOR 1182120.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (November–December 1987). "A fresh start on welfare reform". Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 30 (5): 44–50. doi:10.1080/05775132.1987.11471200. JSTOR 40720533.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (Winter 1989). "Does the market for women's labor need fixing?". The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 3 (1): 43–60. doi:10.1257/jep.3.1.43. JSTOR 1942964.
1990 - 1994
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Kliever, Lonnie D.; Weistart, John C.; Mason, Henry L. (January–February 1990). "The role of faculty in the governance of college athletics: A report of the special committee on athletics". Academe. 76 (1): 43–47. doi:10.2307/40249664. JSTOR 40249664.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (Fall–Winter 1990). "Women's roles in the economy: teaching the issues". Women's Studies Quarterly. 18 (3–4): 6–22. JSTOR 40003170.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (Fall–Winter 1990). "Feminism and economics". Women's Studies Quarterly. 18 (3–4): 68–74. JSTOR 40003175.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (Winter 1990). "Micro-to-macro simulation: A primer with a labor market example". The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 4 (1): 99–116. doi:10.1257/jep.4.1.99. JSTOR 1942834.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (January–February 1991). "Do sports really make money for the university?". Academe. 77 (1): 28–30. doi:10.2307/40251010. JSTOR 40251010.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (May–June 1991). "Perspective: Professors should back national health insurance". Academe. 77 (3): 62. JSTOR 40251010.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (November–December 1991). "Bloated administration, blighted campuses". Academe. 77 (6): 12–16. JSTOR 40250269.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Renwick, Trudi J. (Winter 1993). "A budget-based definition of poverty: with an application to single-parent families". The Journal of Human Resources. 28 (1): 1–24. doi:10.2307/146086. JSTOR 146086.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (May 1994). "Curing child poverty in the United States". The American Economic Review. 84 (2): 76–80. JSTOR 2117805.
1995 - 1999
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (1995). "Becker's theory of the family: preposterous conclusions". Feminist Economics. 1 (1): 141–150. doi:10.1080/714042218.
- 다음과 같이 다시 인쇄됨:
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Hartmann, Heidi (July 1995). "A welfare reform based on help for working parents". Feminist Economics. 1 (2): 85–89. doi:10.1080/714042236.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Hartmann, Heidi (July 1995). "Get real! Look to the future, not the past". Feminist Economics. 1 (2): 109–119. doi:10.1080/714042241.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Wetchler, Sherry (Fall 1995). "Child support awards: state guidelines vs. public opinion". Family Law Quarterly. 29 (3): 483–493.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (September–October 1996). "Real welfare reform: Help for working parents". Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 39 (5): 34–37. doi:10.1080/05775132.1996.11471923. JSTOR 40721705.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (January 1997). "Government support for families with children in the United States and France". Feminist Economics. 3 (1): 85–94. doi:10.1080/135457097338825.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (January–February 1997). "Selections from in defense of affirmative action". Academe. 83 (1): 29–34. doi:10.2307/40251560. JSTOR 40251560.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (1998). "The only ticket to equality: total androgyny, male style". Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues. 9: 75–86.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Steiner, Peter O.; Poston, Muriel E. (May–June 1998). "Academic freedom and tenure: University of the district of Columbia: Massive terminations of faculty appointments". Academe. 84 (3): 46–55. doi:10.2307/40251266. JSTOR 40251266.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (Autumn 1998). "Two cheers for CSWEP?". The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 12 (4): 185–189. doi:10.1257/jep.12.4.185. JSTOR 2646902.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (March–April 1999). "Abolish the Nobel Prize for economics". Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 42 (2): 52–57. doi:10.1080/05775132.1999.11472090. JSTOR 40721934.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (May 1999). "Making child care "affordable" in the United States". Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 563 (1): 208–219. doi:10.1177/0002716299563001013. JSTOR 1048949.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (Summer 1999). "Correspondence: Women at NBER: a correction". The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 13 (3): 240. doi:10.1257/jep.13.3.235. JSTOR 2647003.
2000 - 2004
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (January 2000). "Subsidizing child care by mothers at home". Feminist Economics. 6 (1): 77–88. doi:10.1080/135457000337688. S2CID 153822042.
- Bergmann, Barbara R.; Gray, Mary (September–October 2003). "Student teaching evaluations: Inaccurate, demeaning, misused". Academe. 89 (5): 44–46. doi:10.2307/40253388. JSTOR 40253388.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (March 2004). "A Swedish-style welfare state or basic income: Which should have priority?". Politics & Society. 32 (1): 107–118. doi:10.1177/0032329203261101. S2CID 154939934.
- Bergmann, Barbara; Himmelweit, Susan F.; Green, Kate; Albelda, Randy P.; Women's Committee of One Hundred; Koren, Charlotte (July 2004). "Lone mothers: What is to be done?". Feminist Economics. 10 (2): 237–264. doi:10.1080/1354570042000217793. S2CID 154744396.
2005 - 2009
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (April 2005). "Could social security go broke?". The Economists' Voice. 2 (1): 1–4. doi:10.2202/1553-3832.1012.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (July 2005). "The current state of economics: needs a lot of work". The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 600 (1): 52–67. doi:10.1177/0002716205276731. S2CID 154752384.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (Fall 2005). "Pushing for a more humane society". The American Economist. 49 (2): 11–15. doi:10.1177/056943450504900202. JSTOR 25604321. S2CID 220082021. Archived from the original on 2015-04-12.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (July–August 2006). "Bad trade". Foreign Affairs. 85 (4): 202. doi:10.2307/20032061. JSTOR 20032061.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (November–December 2006). "The nurse shortage is a crime". Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 49 (6): 93–102. doi:10.2753/0577-5132490606. JSTOR 40722416. S2CID 154658279.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (Winter 2006). "Reducing inequality: merit goods vs. income grants". Dissent. 53 (1): 67–72. doi:10.1353/dss.2006.0012. S2CID 154218339.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (March 2007). "Needed: a new empiricism". The Economists' Voice. 4 (2): 1–4. doi:10.2202/1553-3832.1228.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (Winter 2009). "The economy and the economics profession: both need work". Eastern Economic Journal. 35 (1): 2–9. doi:10.1057/eej.2008.49. S2CID 152443560.
2010 - 2015
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (September–October 2010). "Is prosperity possible without growth?". Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 53 (5): 49–56. doi:10.2753/0577-5132530504. JSTOR 27896616. S2CID 154352496.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (February 2011). "Sex segregation in the blue-collar occupations: Women's choices or unremedied discrimination? Comment on England". Gender and Society. 25 (1): 88–93. doi:10.1177/0891243210389813. JSTOR 25789924. S2CID 145286509.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (17 August 1986). "Affirmative action via the back door". Los Angeles Times. California.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (20 September 1987). "After much clipping away, it's time to close pay gap". Los Angeles Times. California.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (26 October 1987). "Attuned to the rich, Bush offers a warmed-over 'voodoo economics'". Los Angeles Times. California.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (31 July 1988). "It's 'demogrant' reborn, not day care". Los Angeles Times. California.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (22 September 1991). "Personal perspective - I 'disgraced' the school by calling a star athlete a fake student". Los Angeles Times. California.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (4 February 1993). "Column left - A safety net for children in poverty - The Clinton team has the drive to push programs supplementing work efforts of single mothers". Los Angeles Times. California.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (10 August 2007). "No tax, no spend". The Times Literary Supplement. London.
- Bergmann, Barbara R. (2008). The economic consequences of the decline of marriage. Johannes Kepler University of Linz. Working Paper 0818. Archived from the original on 2015-04-13. Retrieved 2015-04-13. PDF.
참고 항목
추가 읽기
- "Special issue: Barbara Bergmann". Feminist Economics. 4 (3). January 1998.
- 기사 목록:
- Strober, Myra H. (January 1998). "Introduction: This one's for you, Barbara". Feminist Economics. 4 (3): 1. doi:10.1080/135457098338266.
- Ferber, Marianne A. (January 1998). "Barbara Bergmann: Scholar, mentor and activist". Feminist Economics. 4 (3): 3–4. doi:10.1080/135457098338275.
- Strober, Elizabeth A. (January 1998). "Interview with Barbara Bergmann". Feminist Economics. 4 (3): 5–6. doi:10.1080/135457098338284.
- Modigliani, Franco (January 1998). "Lessons learned from Barbara". Feminist Economics. 4 (3): 143–144. doi:10.1080/135457098338347.
- Presser, Harriet B. (January 1998). "Decapitating the U.S. Census Bureau's "Head of Household": Feminist mobilization in the 1970s". Feminist Economics. 4 (3): 145–158. doi:10.1080/135457098338356. PMID 12294932.
- Folbre, Nancy (January 1998). "Barbara, the market, and the state". Feminist Economics. 4 (3): 159–168. doi:10.1080/135457098338365.
- Hartmann, Heidi (January 1998). "The economic emergence of women: Bergmann's six commitments". Feminist Economics. 4 (3): 169–180. doi:10.1080/135457098338374.
- McCloskey, Deirdre (January 1998). "Simulating Barbara". Feminist Economics. 4 (3): 181–186. doi:10.1080/135457098338383.
- Riach, Peter A.; Rich, Judith (January 1998). "Of chicken entrails, anthropology, and a realistic social science". Feminist Economics. 4 (3): 187–191. doi:10.1080/135457098338392.
- ^ Cicarelli, James; Cicarelli, Julianne, eds. (2003), "Barbara Rose Bergmann (1927–)", Distinguished women economists, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, pp. 26–30, ISBN 9780313303319
- ^ a b c Schwartzapril, Nelson D. (11 April 2015). "Barbara Bergmann, trailblazer for study of gender in economics, is dead at 87". The New York Times. New York. Retrieved 12 April 2015.
- ^ Olson, Paulette I.; Emami, Zohreh (2003). Engendering economics conversations with women economists in the United States. London New York: Routledge. p. 55. ISBN 9780415205566.
- ^ Szenberg, Michael; Ramrattan, Lall B. (2004). Reflections of eminent economists. Cheltenham, UK Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar. p. 65. ISBN 9781845423636.
I had graduated in the midst of the first post-World War II recession and jobs were scarce. I had two other strikes against me in finding one. In those days, there was discrimination against Jews, and the want ads were segregated by sex under 'Help Wanted, Male' and "Help Wanted, Female'.
- ^ a b Pressman, Steven (1999). Fifty major economists. London New York: Routledge. p. 182. ISBN 9780415134811.
- ^ a b c d Barbara Bergmann과 Tara Griggg의 이메일 인터뷰. 2007년 3월 28일.
- ^ "Presidents of the AAUP". AAUP. Retrieved 2017-06-24.
- ^ "Bergmann in". Retrieved 2017-06-26.
- ^ "Barbara R. Bergman receipt of the 2004 Carolyn Shaw Bell Award" (PDF) (Press release). Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP), American Economic Association. Archived from the original (PDF) on 7 February 2012. Retrieved 7 April 2015.
- ^ Bergmann, Barbara R. (July 2005). "The current state of economics: needs a lot of work". The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 600 (1): 52–67. doi:10.1177/0002716205276731. S2CID 154752384.
- ^ Bergmann, Barbara R. (1998). "The only ticket to equality: total androgyny, male style". Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues. 9: 75–86.
- ^ Weil, Martin (2015년 4월 13일) "성별경제학의 선두주자인 바르바라 베르그만은 87세로 사망한다." 워싱턴 포스트(워싱턴 포스트: 워싱턴 포스트 컴퍼니). 2015년 4월 16일 회수
- ^ "International Association for Feminist Economics". Facebook account. Retrieved 7 April 2015.
- ^ "Announcing the Barbara Bergmann Fellowship Fund". College of Arts & Sciences, American University. Retrieved 7 April 2015.
외부 링크
- 프로필: 미국 대학교의 바바라 버그만 예술 및 과학 대학
- 홈페이지 국제페미니스트경제학회(IAFFE)
- 홈페이지 페미니스트 경제학 저널
- 2004년 캐럴린 쇼벨상 발표위원회(CSWEP)