2013년 피츠버그 파이리츠 시즌

2013 Pittsburgh Pirates season
2013년 피츠버그 파이리츠
내셔널 리그 와일드 카드
Pittsburgh Pirates logo 2014.svg
메이저 리그 소속
기록.94–68 (.580)
분할 장소두 번째
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지역 텔레비전루트 스포츠 피츠버그
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피츠버그 파이리츠 라디오 네트워크
(스티브 블래스, 그렉 브라운, 팀 네버렛, 워크, 존 웨너)
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2013년 피츠버그 파이리츠 시즌은 내셔널리그의 127번째 시즌이자 PNC 파크에서의 132번째 시즌이었다.정규시즌은 4월 1일 시카고 컵스와의 경기에서 패배하면서 홈에서 시작되었고 9월 29일 신시내티 레즈와의 그레이트 아메리칸파크에서 승리로 끝났다.1992년 이후 첫 우승 시즌에서 파이어리츠는 94승 68패로 내셔널 리그 센트럴 디비전에서 2위를 차지했다.

파이어리츠는 9월 9일 시즌 82승째를 거두며 1992년 이후 팀의 첫 승을 확정짓고 북미 프로 스포츠 역사상 가장 긴 패배 시즌인 20승을 거두었다.비록 세인트루이스지만. 루이스 카디널스는 내셔널리그 센트럴 디비전에서 우승했고, 파이어리츠는 9월 23일 내셔널리그 와일드카드 두 자리 중 한 곳에서 1992년 이후 처음으로 플레이오프 진출을 확정지었다.와일드카드 게임에서 파이어리츠는 신시내티 레즈를 꺾고 1992년 내셔널리그 챔피언십 시리즈 6차전 이후 첫 포스트시즌 승리를 거머쥐었다.이로써, 팀은 2013년 내셔널 리그 디비전 시리즈에 진출하였고, 그곳에서 그들은 결국 내셔널 리그 챔피언인 카디널스에게 5 게임 패배하여 2013 포스트 시즌에서 탈락하였다.

2013년 파이리츠의 5명이 올스타전에서 내셔널 리그를 대표하기 위해 선발되었다.이밖에 클린트 허들 감독은 파이리츠에서 3년째 2013년 내셔널리그 올해의 감독상을, 중견수 앤드루 매커첸은 내셔널리그 최우수선수, 투수 프란시스코 리리아노는 내셔널리그 올해의 복귀선수, 3루수 페드로 알바레스는 내셔널리그 3 홈런 공동 1위에 올랐다.6.

시즌 순위

내셔널 리그 센트럴

NL 센트럴 W L PCT GB 집입니다 도로
세인트루이스 카디널스 97 65 0.599 54–27 43–38
피츠버그 파이리츠 94 68 0.580 3 50–31 44–37
신시내티 레즈 90 72 0.556 7 49–31 41–41
밀워키 브루어스 74 88 0.457 23 37–44 37–44
시카고 컵스 66 96 0.407 31 31–50 35–46

내셔널 리그 플레이오프 순위

부문 수상자 W L PCT
세인트루이스 카디널스 97 65 0.599
애틀랜타 브레이브스 96 66 0.593
로스앤젤레스 다저스 92 70 0.568

와일드 카드 팀
(톱2 포스트시즌 출전권 획득)
피츠버그 파이리츠 94 68 0.580 +4
신시내티 레즈 90 72 0.556
워싱턴 내셔널스 86 76 0.531 4
애리조나 다이아몬드백스 81 81 0.500 9
샌디에이고 파드리스 76 86 0.469 14
샌프란시스코 자이언츠 76 86 0.469 14
콜로라도 로키스 74 88 0.457 16
밀워키 브루어스 74 88 0.457 16
뉴욕 메츠 74 88 0.457 16
필라델피아 필리스 73 89 0.451 17
시카고 컵스 66 96 0.407 24
마이애미 말린스 62 100 0.383 28

기록 vs.

애리조나 주 2–4 4–3 3–4 12–7 10–9 4–2 6–1 3–4 3–4 3–3 7–12 7–12 4–3 2–4 11–9
애틀랜타 4–2 5–1 4–3 6–1 5–2 13–6 2–4 10–9 11–8 4–3 1–5 3–4 4–3 13–6 11–9
시카고 3–4 1–5 5–14 3–3 1–6 4–3 6–13 3–3 3–3 7–12 3–4 4–3 7–12 3–4 13–7
신시내티 4–3 3–4 14–5 2–4 4–3 6–1 10–9 4–2 4–2 8–11 3–3 6–1 8–11 3–4 11–9
콜로라도 7–12 1–6 3–3 4–2 10–9 3–4 4–2 3–4 3–4 4–2 12–7 9–10 3–4 3–4 5–15
로스앤젤레스 9–10 2–5 6–1 3–4 9–10 5–2 4–2 5–1 5–2 4–2 11–8 8–11 4–3 5–1 12–8
마이애미 2–4 6–13 3–4 1–6 4–3 2–5 1–5 11–8 7–12 2–4 3–4 4–3 2–4 5–14 9–11
밀워키 1–6 4–2 13–6 9–10 2–4 2–4 5–1 4–3 5–2 7–12 3–4 5–2 5–14 3–4 6–14
뉴욕 4–3 9–10 3–3 2–4 4–3 1–5 8–11 3–4 10–9 2–5 4–3 4–2 2–5 7–12 11–9
필라델피아 4–3 8–11 3–3 2–4 4–3 2–5 12–7 2–5 9–10 3–4 4–2 3–3 2–5 8–11 7–13
피츠버그 3–3 3–4 12–7 11–8 2–4 2–4 4–2 12–7 5–2 4–3 3–4 4–3 10–9 4–3 15–5
샌디에이고 12–7 5–1 4–3 3–3 7–12 8–11 4–3 4–3 3–4 2–4 4–3 8–11 2–4 2–5 8–12
샌프란시스코 12–7 4–3 3–4 1–6 10–9 11–8 3–4 2–5 2–4 3–3 3–4 11–8 2–4 3–3 6–14
세인트루이스 3–4 3–4 12–7 11–8 4–3 3–4 4–2 14–5 5–2 5–2 9–10 4–2 4–2 6–0 10–10
워싱턴 4–2 6–13 4–3 4–3 4–3 1–5 14–5 4–3 12–7 11–8 3–4 5–2 3–3 0–6 11–9

상세 기록

정규 시즌


그럴지도 모른다

2013 내셔널리그 MVP 앤드류 매커첸이 5월 3일 내셔널스전에서 타석에 섰다.
  • 5월 11일 – 투수 프란시스코 리리아노뉴욕 메츠와의 경기에서 5.2이닝 동안 9탈삼진 1실점하며 파이리츠에 데뷔한다.이는 리리아노의 내셔널리그 올해의 복귀 선수 첫 출전이었다.
  • 제이슨 그릴리는 시즌 두 번째인 5월 배달원상을 수상했다.
  • 파이어리츠는 신시내티 레즈와 함께 내셔널리그 센트럴에서 공동 2위, 1루수 2.0게임으로 34승 21패로 한 달을 마감한다.


  • 6월 11일 – 선발 투수 게릿 콜은 샌프란시스코 자이언츠와의 홈경기에서 8-2로 승리하기 위해 상대하는 첫 타자를 3구째 삼진 아웃시키고 2타점 안타를 기록하며 6.1이닝을 던지는 MLB 데뷔를 한다.
  • 6월 24일페드로 알바레즈는 6월 23일까지의 주의 내셔널리그 선수로 선정되었습니다.
  • 6월 29일 – MLB에서 최고의 기록을 가진 파이리츠는 2013년 시즌에 50승을 달성한 첫 번째 팀이 된다.
  • 파이리츠는 9연승으로 한 달을 마무리하며 51승 30패의 승리와 함께 메이저 리그 최고의 기록으로 내셔널리그 센트럴에서 1위를 차지했다.


  • 7월 7일 – 페드로 알바레즈(3B), 제이슨 그릴리(P), 제프 로크(P), 앤드류 매커첸(OF), 마크 멜란콘(P)이 내셔널리그 올스타팀에 선정되었다.파이어리츠는 1972년 이후 올스타전에 5명의 선수를 보내지 않았다.
  • 7월 14일 – 파이리츠는 56승 37패의 승패 기록으로 올스타 브레이크에 진입하여 내셔널리그 센트럴에서 2위이자 세인트루이스에서 한 경기 뒤진다. 루이 카디널스.
  • 파이어리츠는 65승 42패의 승패 기록으로 한 달을 마쳐 메이저 리그 최고의 기록으로 내셔널리그 센트럴에서 1위를 차지했다.


  • 8월 1일 – 파이리츠는 세인트루이스와의 경기에서 더블헤더 스윕을 포함한 5경기 중 4경기를 승리합니다. 내셔널리그 센트럴에서 1위를 고수하는 루이스 카디널스
  • 8월 5일 – Francisco Liriano는 8월 4일까지의 주의 NL 선수로 선정되었습니다.
  • 8월 28일 – 최근 영입된 외야수 말론 버드는 해적으로서의 첫 경기에서 3점 홈런을 치며 밀워키 브루어스와의 홈경기에서 7-1로 승리하는데 기여했다.
  • 파이어리츠는 정규 시즌의 마지막 달을 79승 56패로 마쳐 내셔널리그 센트럴에서 1위를 차지한 카디널스를 한 게임 앞섰다.


  • 9월 9일 – 4연패 후, 파이어리츠는 원정 경기에서 텍사스 레인저스를 꺾고 1992년 이후 첫 승을 확정지었다.
  • 9월 20일 - 투수 프란시스코 리리아노는 신시내티 레즈와의 연장전에서 통산 1,000번째 삼진을 기록했다.
  • 9월 23일 – 파이어리츠는 원정 경기에서 시카고 컵스를 꺾고 1992년 이후 내셔널리그 와일드카드로서의 첫 플레이오프 진출권을 확보했습니다.
  • 9월 28일 – 파이리츠는 신시내티 레즈를 상대로 6개의 홈런을 치는데, 이 중 2개는 닐 워커가 8-3으로 이겼다.
  • 9월 29일 – 파이어리츠는 내셔널 리그 와일드 카드 경기에서 홈필드 우위를 차지하기 위해 레즈의 3경기 원정 완승을 거두며 정규 시즌을 마칩니다.
  • 게릿 콜은 9월 네 번의 선발 경기에서 각각 승리를 거두며 신인 시즌 승패 기록을 10승 7패로 늘린 9월 내셔널리그 신인왕으로 선정되었다.
  • 시즌이 끝날 때 파이리츠는 94승 68패를 기록하여 내셔널리그 센트럴에서 세인트루이스에 이어 2위를 하였다. 루이 카디널스.

게임 로그

2013 게임 로그: 94–68 (홈: 50–31, 부재중: 44–37)[2]
4월 15일~12일(홈: 8~4, 부재중: 7~8일)
# 날짜. 상대 스코어 당첨되다 손실 절약하다 출석 기록.
1 4월 1일 컵스 1–3 사마르자 (1-0) 버넷(0~1) 후지카와 (1) 39,078 0–1
2 4월 3일 컵스 3–0 로드리게스 (1-0) 잭슨 (0-1) 그릴리 (1) 27,667 1–1
3 4월 4일 컵스 2–3 목재(1~0) 맥도날드 (0-1) 마르몰 (1) 11,634 1–2
4 4월 5일 @ 다저스 0–3 그레이크 (1 ~0) 산체스 (0-1) 리그 (1) 40,607 1–3
5 4월 6일 @ 다저스 0–1 커쇼 (2-0) 버넷(0~2) 리그 (2) 39,446 1–4
6 4월 7일 @ 다저스 2–6 (1-1) 로크 (0-1) 52,503 1–5
7 4월 8일 @ 다이아몬드백 5–3 고메스 (1~0) 카힐 (0~2) 그릴리 (2) 21,392 2–5
8 4월 9일 @ 다이아몬드백 6–5 맥도날드 (1-1) 매카시 (0-1) 그릴리(3) 19,872 3–5
9 4월 10일 @ 다이아몬드백 2–10 마일리 (2 ~0) 산체스 (0-2) 17,769 3–6
10 4월 12일 빨강 6–5 왓슨 (1 ~0) 후버 (0 ~ 3) 그릴리(4) 24,366 4–6
11 4월 13일 빨강 3–1 로크 (1-1) 시몬 (0-1) 그릴리(5) 25,118 5–6
12 4월 14일 빨강 10–7 휴즈 (1-0) 브록스턴 (0-1) 19,239 6–6
13 4월 15일 카디널스 6–10 (2-0) 맥도날드(1~2) 10,539 6–7
4월 16일 카디널스 연기(비) 메이크업: 7월 30일
14 4월 17일 카디널스 5–0 버넷(1~2) 밀러 (2–1) 9,570 7–7
15 4월 18일 브레이브스 4–6 바르바로 (1-0) 휴즈 (0-1) 킴브렐(7) 11,288 7–8
16 4월 19일 브레이브스 6–0 로드리게스 (2-0) 허드슨 (2–1) 18,705 8–8
17 4월 20일 브레이브스 3–1 맥도날드 (2~2) 마홈 (3-1) 그릴리(6) 29,313 9–8
18 4월 21일 브레이브스 4–2 윌슨 (1-0) 메들렌(1~2) 그릴리(7) 20,873 10–8
19 4월 22일 @ 필리스 2–3 발데스 (1 ~0) 휴즈 (1~2) 파펠본(4) 35,385 10–9
20 4월 23일 @ 필리스 2–0 로크 (2-1) 하멜 (0 ~ 3) 그릴리(8) 31,002 11–9
21 4월 24일 @ 필리스 5–3 마자로 (1-0) 애덤스(1~2) 그릴리(9) 32,158 12–9
22 4월 25일 @ 필리스 6–4 윌슨 (2-0) 오몽 (1 ~ 3) 왓슨 (1) 33,443 13–9
23 4월 26일 @ 카디널스 1–9 (4-0) (4-0) 산체스 (0-3) 44,090 13–10
24 4월 27일 @ 카디널스 5–3 버넷(2~2) 켈리(0-1) 그릴리(10) 40,909 14–10
25 4월 28일 @ 카디널스 9–0 로크 (3-1) 밀러(3~2) 41,470 15–10
26 4월 29일 @ 양조장 4–10 가야르도 (3-1) 로드리게스 (2-1) 21,255 15–11
27 4월 30일 브루어스 @ 8–12 고젤라니 (1-0) 모리스 (0-1) 24,154 15–12
5월 19일~9일(홈: 12~6일, 부재중: 7~3일)
# 날짜. 상대 스코어 당첨되다 손실 절약하다 출석 기록.
28 5월 1일 @ 양조장 6–4 모리스 (1-1) Axford (0 ~ 3) 그릴리(11) 26,079 16–12
29 5월 3일 전국. 3–1 버넷(3~2) Detwiler (1 ~ 3) 그릴리(12) 26,404 17–12
30 5월 4일 전국. 4–5 클리퍼드 (2 ~1) 왓슨(1-1) 소리아노(10) 29,975 17–13
31 5월 5일 전국. 2–6 곤잘레스 (3-2) 로드리게스 (2-2) 24,186 17–14
32 5월 7일 매리너스 4–1 고메스 (2-0) 하랑(1~4) 그릴리(13) 12,973 18–14
33 5월 8일 매리너스 1–2 에르난데스 (5-2) 버넷(3-3) 빌헬름센 (9) 18,877 18–15
34 5월 9일 @ 메츠 2–3 파넬 (4-0) (4-0) 그릴리 (0-1) 20,147 18–16
35 5월 10일 @ 메츠 7–3 로드리게스 (3-2) 마르쿰 (0 ~ 3) 그릴리(14) 25,123 19–16
36 5월 11일 @ 메츠 11–2 리리아노 (1-0) 니제(2~4) 31,160 20–16
37 5월 12일 @ 메츠 3–2 윌슨 (3-0) (1~2) 그릴리(15) 28,404 21–16
38 5월 13일 양조장 1–5 에스트라다 (3~2) 버넷(3~4) 11,872 21–17
39 5월 14일 양조장 4 ~ 3 (12) 마자로 (2-0) 피어스(0~2) 11,556 22–17
40 5월 15일 양조장 3–1 로드리게스 (4-2) 가야르도 (3-3) 그릴리(16) 13,554 23–17
41 5월 16일 양조장 7–1 리리아노 (2-0) 부르고스(1~2) 16,434 24–17
42 5월 17일 애스트로스 5–4 윌슨 (4-0) 곤살레스 (0-1) 29,743 25–17
43 5월 18일 애스트로스 2 ~ 4 (11) 시스네로 (1~0) 모리스(1~2) 베라스(6) 32,925 25–18
44 5월 19일 애스트로스 1–0 로크(4-1) 하렐 (3 ~5) 그릴리(17) 28,471 26–18
45 5월 21일 컵스 5–4 로드리게스 (5-2) 러셀 (0-1) 그릴리(18) 16,092 27–18
46 5월 22일 컵스 1–0 리리아노 (3-0) 사마르자 (2~6) 멜란콘 (1) 12,675 28–18
47 5월 23일 컵스 4–2 마자로 (3-0) 잭슨(1~7) 그릴리(19) 24,552 29–18
48 5월 24일 @ 양조장 1–2 에스트라다 (4~2) 버넷(3-5) 로드리게스 (1) 33,874 29–19
49 5월 25일 브루어스 @ 5–2 로크 (5-1) 피어스(1~3개) 40,410 30–19
50 5월 26일 브루어스 @ 5–4 로드리게스 (6-2) 가야르도 (3-5) 그릴리(20) 44,626 31–19
51 5월 27일 @ 타이거즈 5–6 벌랜더 (6-4) 리리아노 (3-1) 발베르데(6) 41,416 31–20
52 5월 28일 @ 타이거즈 1~0 (11) 멜란콘 (1 ~0) 오르테가(0~2) 그릴리(21) 33,473 32–20
53 5월 29일 타이거즈 5–3 모리스(2~2) 산체스 (5-5) 그릴리(22) 19,980 33–20
54 5월 30일 타이거즈 1~0 (11) 모리스(3~2) 풋코넨 (1-1) 20,834 34–20
55 5월 31일 빨강 0–6 쿠에토 (3-0) 로드리게스 (6-3) 35,730 34–21
6월 17일~9일(홈: 8~3일, 부재중: 9~6)
# 날짜. 상대 스코어 당첨되다 손실 절약하다 출석 기록.
56 6월 1일 빨강 0–2 리크(5~2) 리리아노 (3-2) 채프먼(14) 33,912 34–22
57 6월 2일 빨강 5 ~ 4 (11) 윌슨 (5-0) 시몬(4~2) 29,407 35–22
58 6월 3일 @ 브레이브스 2–7 메들렌(2~ 버넷(3~6) 19,526 35–23
59 6월 4일 @ 브레이브스 4~5(10) 바르바로 (3-0) 멜란콘 (1-1) 28,861 35–24
60 6월 5일 @ 브레이브스 0–5 테헤란 (4~2) 로드리게스 (6-4) 28,703 35–25
61 6월 7일 @ 컵스 2–0 리리아노 (4~2) 목재(5~4) 그릴리(23) 31,614 36–25
62 6월 8일 @ 컵스 6–2 버넷(4~6) 사마르자 (3~7) 38,405 37–25
63 6월 9일 @ 컵스 1–4 잭슨(2~8세) 윌슨 (5-1) 그레그(7) 31,858 37–26
64 6월 11일 자이언츠 8–2 (1 ~ 0) 린스쿰 (4~6) 30,614 38–26
65 6월 12일 자이언츠 12–8 리리아노 (5-2) Zito (4 ~5) 19,966 39–26
66 6월 13일 자이언츠 0–10 카인 (5-3) 모튼(0-1) 22,532 39–27
67 6월 14일 다저스 3–0 로크(6-1) 파이프(1~2) 그릴리(24) 36,878 40–27
68 6월 15일 다저스 3 ~ 5 (11) 모일란 (1~0) 마자로 (3-1) 리그(14) 36,941 40–28
69 6월 16일 다저스 6–3 (2 ~ 0) 그레인키(3~2) 그릴리(25) 37,263 41–28
70 6월 17일 @ 빨간색 1–4 리크(7-3) 리리아노 (5-3) 채프먼(18) 28,892 41–29
71 6월 18일 @ 빨간색 4–0 모튼 (1-1) 라틴계 (6-1) 28,993 42–29
72 6월 19일 @ 빨간색 1 ~ 2 (13) 파라 (1 ~ 1) 마자로 (3-2) 36,567 42–30
73 6월 20일 @ 빨간색 5–3 모리스(4~2) 시몬 (5-3) 왓슨 (2) 40,929 43–30
74 6월 21일 @ 엔젤스 5–2 (3-0) 직조기(1~4) 그릴리(26) 40,136 44–30
75 6월 22일 @ 엔젤스 6–1 리리아노 (6-3) 윌리엄스 (5-3) 41,114 45–30
76 6월 23일 @ 엔젤스 10 ~ 9 (10) 멜란콘 (2–1) 젭슨(0~2) 35,069 46–30
77 6월 25일 @ 매리너스 9–4 로크 (7-1) 손더스(5~8개) 21,074 47–30
78 6월 26일 @ 매리너스 4–2 마자로 (4~2) 퍼부시 (1~4) 멜란콘 (2) 21,265 48–30
79 6월 28일 양조장 10–3 (4-0) Hellweg (0 ~ 1) 리드 (1) 36,875 49–30
80 6월 29일 양조장 2–1 리리아노 (7-3) (0~1) 그릴리(27) 38,438 50–30
81 6월 30일 양조장 2-1(14) 왓슨(2–1) 로드리게스 (1-1) 35,351 51–30
7월 14일~12일(홈: 8~5일, 부재중: 6~7)
# 날짜. 상대 스코어 당첨되다 손실 절약하다 출석 기록.
82 7월 2일 필리스 1–3 페티본 (4-3) 컴튼 (0-1) 파펠본(16) 30,301 51–31
83 7월 3일 필리스 6–5 로크(8-1) 란난 (1 ~ 3) 그릴리(28) 33,197 52–31
84 7월 4일 필리스 4–6 하멜(3~11) (4-1) 파펠본(17) 35,328 52–32
85 7월 5일 @ 컵스 6–2 리리아노 (8-3) 사마르자 (5-8) 38,615 53–32
86 7월 6일 @ 컵스 1–4 잭슨(5~10) 모튼(1~2) 그레그(15) 36,590 53–33
87 7월 7일 @ 컵스 3 ~ 4 (11) 게리어(3~4) 모리스(4-3) 33,146 53–34
88 7월 8일 육상 경기 1–2 콜론 (12-3) 로크(8~2) 발푸어(23) 23,743 53–35
89 7월 9일 육상 경기 1–2 스트레이틀리(6~2) (4~2) 발푸어(24) 24,560 53–36
90 7월 10일 육상 경기 5–0 리리아노 (9-3) 밀론(8~8) 23,474 54–36
91 7월 12일 메츠 3 ~ 2 (11) 마자로 (5-2) 제르멘 (0-1) 39,036 55–36
92 7월 13일 메츠 4–2 윌슨(6-1) 버크(0~2) 그릴리(29) 39,173 56–36
93 7월 14일 메츠 2–4 Gee(7~7) (4 ~ 3) 파넬(17) 37,490 56–37
올스타 브레이크 (7월 15일 ~ 18일)
94 7월 19일 @ 빨간색 3–5 리크(9~4) 리리아노 (9~4) 채프먼(22) 40,831 56–38
95 7월 20일 @ 빨간색 4–5 라틴계 (9 ~ 3) 버넷(4~7) 채프먼(23) 34,728 56–39
96 7월 21일 @ 빨간색 3–2 로크(9~2) 베일리(5~9) 그릴리(30) 40,824 57–39
97 7월 22일 @ 전국 6–5 모튼(2~2) 하렌(4~11) 마자로 (1) 29,200 58–39
98 7월 23일 @ 전국 5–1 (5 ~ 3) 요르단 (0 ~ 3) 32,976 59–39
99 7월 24일 @ 전국 4–2 리리아노 (10~4) 스트라스부르크 (5-8) 멜란콘(3) 33,636 60–39
100 7월 25일 @ 전국 7–9 Krol (1 ~0) 모리스(4~4) 38,862 60–40
101 7월 26일 @ 마린 0–2 알바레스 (1-1) 로크(9-3) 시섹(21) 18,718 60–41
102 7월 27일 @ 마린 7–4 모튼(3~2) 쾰러(2~6) 멜란콘(4) 22,410 61–41
103 7월 28일 @ 마린 2–3 페르난데스 (7-5) (5~4) 시섹(22) 24,207 61–42
104 7월 29일 카디널스 9–2 리리아노 (11~4) 웨스트브룩 (7-5) 32,084 62–42
105 7월 30일 카디널스 2-1 (11) 마자로 (6-2) 시그리스트 (0-1) 없음 63–42
106 7월 30일 카디널스 6–0 컴튼 (1-1) 라이온(2~4) 33,861 64–42
107 7월 31일 카디널스 5–4 왓슨(3-1) 로젠탈(1~2) 멜란콘(5) 31,679 65–42
8월 14일 ~ 14일 (홈 : 9 ~6일, 부재 : 5 ~ 8일)
# 날짜. 상대 스코어 당첨되다 손실 절약하다 출석 기록.
108 8월 1일 카디널스 0–13 켈리 (2 ~ 3) 모튼(3-3) 31,999 65–43
109 8월 2일 록키 2–4 차신 (10-5) Cole (5 ~5) 형제 (8) 37,487 65–44
110 8월 3일 록키 5–2 리리아노 (12~4) 데라 로사 (10~6) 멜란콘(6) 38,424 66–44
111 8월 4일 록키 5–1 버넷(5~7) 니카시오(6~6) 37,980 67–44
112 8월 6일 마린스 4–3 모리스 (5~4) (2 ~ 3) 27,907 68–44
113 8월 7일 마린스 4–2 모튼(4-3) 쾰러(3~7) 멜란콘(7) 28,173 69–44
114 8월 8일 마린스 5~4(10) 휴즈 (2~2) 에임(0~1) 33,646 70–44
115 8월 9일 @ 록키 1–10 데라 로사 (11~6) 리리아노 (12-5) 37,444 70–45
116 8월 10일 @ 록키 4–6 로페스 (2~4) 버넷(5-8) 형제(9) 40,728 70–46
117 8월 11일 @ 록키 2–3 Corpas (1 ~2) 모리스(5~5세) 형제(10) 44,657 70–47
118 8월 13일 @ 카디널스 3~4(14) 프리먼 (1 ~0) 휴즈 (2-3) 40,243 70–48
119 8월 14일 @ 카디널스 5–1 리리아노(13-5) 밀러(11-8) 40,644 71–48
120 8월 15일 @ 카디널스 5~6(12) 시그리스트 (1-1) 모리스(5~6) 41,502 71–49
121 8월 16일 다이아몬드백 6–2 (6~5) 매카시(2~7) 39,091 72–49
122 8월 17일 다이아몬드백 5–15 카힐(4~10) 로크(9~4) 37,982 72–50
123 8월 18일 다이아몬드백 2 ~ 4 (16) 지글러 (7-1) 존슨 (0-1) 퍼츠(6) 37,518 72–51
124 8월 19일 @ 파드리스 3–1 리리아노 (14-5) 캐시너(8~8) 멜란콘(8) 24,850 73–51
125 8월 20일 @ 파드리스 8–1 버넷(6-8) 로스(3~6) 21,381 74–51
126 8월 21일 @ 파드리스 1–2 케네디 (5~9) (6~6) 거리(24) 19,126 74–52
127 8월 22일 자이언츠 @ 10–5 고메스 (3-0) 모스코소(1~2) 41,733 75–52
128 8월 23일 자이언츠 @ 3–1 모튼 (5-3) 범가너(11-8) 멜란콘(9) 41,583 76–52
129 8월 24일 자이언츠 @ 3–6 린스쿰 (7~13) 리리아노 (14~6) Romo(31) 42,059 76–53
130 8월 25일 자이언츠 @ 0–4 보겔송(3~4) 버넷(6~9) 41,815 76–54
131 8월 27일 양조장 6–7 우텐 (3-0) 모리스(5~7) 헨더슨(22) 23,801 76–55
132 8월 28일 양조장 7–1 모튼(6-3) 고젤라니(3~6) 20,634 77–55
133 8월 29일 양조장 0–4 가야르도 (10~9) (6~7) 23,747 77–56
134 8월 30일 카디널스 5–0 리리아노(15~6) 밀러(12~9) 38,026 78–56
135 8월 31일 카디널스 7–1 버넷(7~9) (13~9) 39,514 79–56
9월 : 15일 ~ 12일 (홈 : 5 ~7일, 부재 : 10 ~5)
# 날짜. 상대 스코어 당첨되다 손실 절약하다 출석 기록.
136 9월 1일 카디널스 2–7 켈리(7-3) 존슨(0~2) 37,912 79–57
137 9월 2일 @ 양조장 5–2 모튼 (7-3) 손부르크 (1-1) 멜란콘(10) 23,252 80–57
138 9월 3일 @ 양조장 4–3 마자로 (7-2) 헨더슨(3~5세) 멜란콘(11) 25,558 81–57
139 9월 4일 @ 양조장 3–9 페랄타 (9~14) 리리아노(15~7) 29,041 81–58
140 9월 6일 @ 카디널스 8–12 켈리 (8 ~ 3) 버넷(7~10) 무지카(36) 40,608 81–59
141 9월 7일 @ 카디널스 0–5 Wainwright (16–9) Locke (9–5) 45,110 81–60
142 Sep 8 @ Cardinals 2–9 Wacha (3–0) Morton (7–4) 40,156 81–61
143 Sep 9 @ Rangers 1–0 Cole (7–7) Darvish (12–8) Melancon (12) 33,243 82–61
144 Sep 10 @ Rangers 5–4 Liriano (16–7) Perez (9–4) Melancon (13) 36,313 83–61
145 Sep 11 @ Rangers 7–5 Burnett (8–10) Garza (3–4) Farnsworth (1) 30,629 84–61
146 Sep 12 Cubs 3–1 Locke (10–5) Rusin (2–4) Melancon (14) 23,541 85–61
147 Sep 13 Cubs 4–5 Villanueva (6–8) Grilli (0–2) Gregg (32) 35,962 85–62
148 Sep 14 Cubs 2–1 Cole (8–7) Russell (1–6) Melancon (15) 37,534 86–62
149 Sep 15 Cubs 3–2 Farnsworth (3–0) Strop (2–5) Melancon (16) 36,559 87–62
150 Sep 16 Padres 0–2 Cashner (10–8) Burnett (8–11) 20,633 87–63
151 Sep 17 Padres 2–5 Stults (9–13) Locke (10–6) Gregerson (4) 22,520 87–64
152 Sep 18 Padres 2–3 Thayer (3–5) Melancon (2–2) Street (31) 27,640 87–65
153 Sep 19 Padres 10–1 Cole (9–7) Kennedy (6–10) 26,242 88–65
154 Sep 20 Reds 5–6 (10) Hoover (5–5) Farnsworth (3–1) Chapman (38) 37,940 88–66
155 Sep 21 Reds 4–2 Burnett (9–11) Bailey (11–11) Grilli (31) 39,425 89–66
156 Sep 22 Reds 3–11 Arroyo (14–11) Locke (10–7) 38,699 89–67
157 Sep 23 @ Cubs 2–1 Melancon (3–2) Gregg (2–6) Grilli (32) 32,289 90–67
158 Sep 24 @ Cubs 8–2 Cole (10–7) Rusin (2–6) 34,138 91–67
159 Sep 25 @ Cubs 2–4 Arrieta (5–4) Liriano (16–8) Gregg (33) 26,171 91–68
160 Sep 27 @ Reds 4–1 Burnett (10–11) Bailey (11–12) Grilli (33) 40,107 92–68
161 Sep 28 @ Reds 8–3 Mazzaro (8–2) Arroyo (14–12) 40,707 93–68
162 Sep 29 @ Reds 4–2 Cumpton (2–1) Reynolds (1–3) Farnsworth (2) 40,142 94–68
Legend: = Win = Loss = Postponement
Bold = Pirates team member


Wild Card Game

Pre-game festivities before the October 1 Wild Card game at PNC Park.
  • October 1 – National League Wild Card game – This game marked the first Pirates postseason appearance since 1992 and the first postseason game ever played at PNC Park. After a scoreless first inning and a half, the Pirates secured the first runs of the game with home runs by Marlon Byrd and Russell Martin in the bottom of the 2nd inning.[3] In the bottom of the third, Pedro Alvarez hit a sacrifice-fly to Shin-Soo Choo, which allowed Andrew McCutchen to score. In the top of the fourth, with Choo and Ryan Ludwick on base, Jay Bruce hit a groundball single to Pirates left-fielder Starling Marte, allowing Choo to score. In the bottom of the fourth, Marte and Neil Walker scored off RBI hits by Walker and Byrd, respectively. In the bottom of the 7th inning, Russell Martin hit a solo home run. The Reds could only further respond with a Choo home run off of Tony Watson. The Pirates held on to win with Jason Grilli closing the game, setting the Pirates up to face the St. Louis Cardinals in the NLDS.[4][5]

Division Series

  • October 3 – Game one – The Cardinals set a new NLDS record with seven runs in an inning,[6] highlighted by Carlos Beltrán's three-run home run (443 feet), his 15th in post-season play tying Babe Ruth for eighth place on the list. Only Derek Jeter (20) and Albert Pujols (18) among active players had more at the time.[7]
  • October 4 – Game two – The Pirates scored first with two outs in the second inning as Gerrit Cole drove in Pedro Álvarez with a single after Jordy Mercer was intentionally walked. Alvarez hit his second home run of the series in the third, a two-run line drive. The Pirates added to their lead with two runs in the fifth inning as Marlon Byrd drove home Justin Morneau with a double and Russell Martin plated Byrd with a single. The Cardinals finally got on the board with a solo home run from Yadier Molina in their half of the fifth inning. It was his third post-season home run. The Pirates added runs in the seventh inning as Martin plated Byrd again, this time via a sacrifice fly.
  • October 6 – Game three – The Pirates opened up their first non-Wild Card postseason home game in 21 years by scoring two runs in the first inning. The Cardinals would later tie the game in the fifth with a two-out RBI single by Carlos Beltrán. The Pirates responded by scoring the next inning on a Russell Martin sacrifice fly, which was later answered by a Carlos Beltrán home run in the eighth. The Pirates would retake the lead in the bottom of the 8th and win the game by the score of 5-3.
  • October 7 – Game four – Game 4 featured a quality start from St. Louis Cardinals rookie Michael Wacha. Wacha held the Pirates to just three base runners (one hit, two walks) through 7+13 innings pitched. It was the longest no-hitter length by a rookie pitcher since Jeff Tesreau went 5+13 innings with no hits allowed for the 1912 New York Giants.[8] Pedro Alvarez broke up Wacha's no-hitter in the eighth with his third home run of the series. Matt Holliday hit a two-run home run in the sixth, providing the Cardinals' margin of victory. Charlie Morton went 5+23 innings pitched, allowing just two runs.
  • October 9 – Game five – Game 5 pitted Game 1 winner Adam Wainwright against the Pirates' rookie Gerrit Cole. The Cardinals got on the board first in the bottom of the second inning as Jon Jay walked with two-outs and David Freese broke the tie with a two-run home run. The Cardinals added to their lead in the sixth as Jay singled home Matt Holliday to make it 3–0. The Pirates rallied with two outs in the top of the seventh as Justin Morneau, Marlon Byrd and Pedro Alvarez all singled (the last driving home Morneau), but Wainwright was able to get Russell Martin to ground out to end the threat. Entering the bottom of the eighth and with the Cardinals leading 3–1, they put the game out of reach as Matt Adams hit a two-run home run off of Mark Melancon to make it 5–1. They added another run on a Pete Kozma single. Wainwright finished the complete game by striking out Alvarez with two runners on base to end the Pirates' season.

Game log

2013 Postseason Game Log [9]
2013 NL Wild Card Game: vs. Cincinnati Reds (1–0)
# Date Opponent Score Win Loss Save Attendance Series
1 Oct 1 Reds 6–2 Liriano (1–0) Cueto (0–1) 40,487 1–0
2013 NL Division Series: vs. St. Louis Cardinals (2–3)
# Date Opponent Score Win Loss Save Attendance Series
1 Oct 3 @ Cardinals 1–9 Wainwright (1–0) Burnett (0–1) 45,693 STL leads 1–0
2 Oct 4 @ Cardinals 7–1 Cole (1–0) Lynn (0–1) 45,999 Tied 1–1
3 Oct 6 Cardinals 5–3 Melancon (1–0) Martinez (0–1) Grilli (1) 40,489 PIT leads 2–1
4 Oct 7 Cardinals 1–2 Wacha (1–0) Morton (0–1) Rosenthal (1) 40,493 Tied 2–2
5 Oct 9 @ Cardinals 1–6 Wainwright (2–0) Cole (1–1) 47,231 STL wins 3–2
Legend: = Win = Loss = Postponement
Bold = Pirates team member


2013 Pittsburgh Pirates
Pitchers Catchers





Opening Day lineup

Opening Day Starters
Name Position
Starling Marte LF
Garrett Jones RF
Andrew McCutchen CF
Pedro Álvarez 3B
Gaby Sánchez 1B
Neil Walker 2B
Russell Martin C
Clint Barmes SS
A. J. Burnett SP

Notable achievements


2013 Major League Baseball All-Star Game[10]

NL Player of the Week

MLB Delivery Man of the Month Award

NL Rookie of the Month

The Sporting News Comeback Player of the Year Award

The Sporting News Manager of the Year Award

NL Comeback Player of the Year

NL Manager of the Year




  • Stats reflect time with the Pirates only.

– Denotes player was acquired mid-season.
– Denotes player was relinquished mid-season.


The Pirates were involved in the following transactions during the 2013 season:

  • Black line marks the transition between off season and regular season


November 28, 2012[26] To Kansas City Royals:

Luis Rico
Luis Santos

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Vin Mazzaro
Clint Robinson

November 28, 2012[26] To Boston Red Sox:

PTBNL (Kyle Kaminska)

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Zach Stewart

November 30, 2012[27] To Baltimore Orioles:

Yamaico Navarro

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Jhondaniel Medina

November 30, 2012 [28] To Oakland Athletics:

Chris Resop

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Zack Thornton

December 5, 2012 [29] To Detroit Tigers:

Ramón Cabrera

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Andrew Oliver

December 26, 2012[30] To Boston Red Sox:

Joel Hanrahan
Brock Holt

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Mark Melancon
Stolmy Pimentel
Iván DeJesús, Jr.
Jerry Sands

January 9, 2013[31] To Cleveland Indians:

Quincy Latimore

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Jeanmar Gómez

March 20, 2013[32] To Arizona Diamondbacks:

PTBNL or Cash

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

John McDonald

March 29, 2013[33] To Cleveland Indians:


To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Brian Jeroloman

April 24, 2013[34] To Atlanta Braves:

Román Colón

To Pittsburgh Pirates:


May 17, 2013[35] To Washington Nationals:

Brian Jeroloman

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

PTBNL (Brian Bocock)[36]

May 31, 2013[37] To Kansas City Royals:


To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Atahualpa Severino

May 31, 2013[38] To Boston Red Sox:


To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Graham Godfrey

June 10, 2013[39] To Cleveland Indians:

John McDonald

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

PTBNL or Cash

July 12, 2013[40] To Baltimore Orioles:

Tim Alderson

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Russ Canzler

July 31, 2013[41] To Seattle Mariners:

PTBNL or Cash

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Robert Andino

August 18, 2013 To Miami Marlins:

PTBNL or Cash

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Doug Mathis

August 27, 2013[42] To New York Mets:

Dilson Herrera
PTBNL or Cash (Vic Black)[43]

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

John Buck
Marlon Byrd

August 31, 2013[44] To Minnesota Twins:

Alex Presley
PTBNL or Cash (Duke Welker)

To Pittsburgh Pirates:

Justin Morneau

Free agents

Player Acquired from Lost to Date Contract terms
Darren Ford[45] Seattle Mariners November 6, 2012 minor-league contract
Jared Goedert[45] Cleveland Indians November 7, 2012 minor-league contract
Ryan Reid[45] Tampa Bay Rays November 9, 2012 minor-league contract
Tim Wood[46] Minnesota Twins November 10, 2012 1 year/$675,000[47]
Eric Fryer[46] Minnesota Twins November 11, 2012 minor-league contract
Dan Meyer Baltimore Orioles November 12, 2012 unknown
Daniel McCutchen Baltimore Orioles November 12, 2012 unknown
Jo-Jo Reyes Los Angeles Angels November 13, 2012 unknown
Nick Evans Los Angeles Dodgers November 19, 2012 unknown
Félix Pie[48] Atlanta Braves November 19, 2012 minor-league contract
Tom Boleska Minnesota Twins November 20, 2012 unknown
Alex Valdez[48] Atlanta Braves November 21, 2012 minor-league contract
Brooks Brown[48] Detroit Tigers November 21, 2012 minor-league contract
David Bromberg[48] Minnesota Twins November 21, 2012 minor-league contract
Erik Cordier[48] Atlanta Braves November 21, 2012 minor-league contract
Luis Sanz[48] Detroit Tigers November 21, 2012 minor-league contract
Jeff Clement Minnesota Twins November 26, 2012 minor-league contract
Russell Martin[49] New York Yankees November 29, 2012 2 year/$17 million[50]
Mike Zagurski[51] Arizona Diamondbacks December 1, 2012 minor-league contract
Drew Sutton Boston Red Sox December 3, 2012 minor-league contract
Kevin Correia[52] Minnesota Twins December 10, 2012 2 year/$10 million[53]
Logan Kensing[54] Colorado Rockies December 11, 2012 minor-league contract
Brandon Boggs[55] Minnesota Twins December 11, 2012 minor-league contract
Dallas McPherson[56] Los Angeles Dodgers January 9, 2013 minor-league contract
Lucas May[57] New York Mets January 10, 2013 minor-league contract
Brad Hawpe[58] Texas Rangers January 17, 2013 minor-league contract
Chad Qualls[59] Miami Marlins January 25, 2013 1 year/$1.15 million[60]
Kyle Waldrop[61] Minnesota Twins January 29, 2013 minor-league contract
Jonathan Sánchez[62] Colorado Rockies February 6, 2013 1 year/$1.375 million[63]
Rod Barajas Arizona Diamondbacks February 8, 2013 1 year/$800,000[64]
Francisco Liriano[65] Chicago White Sox February 8, 2013 1 year/$1 million[66]
Brandon Inge[67] Oakland Athletics February 12, 2013 1 year/$1.25 million[68]
Michael Crotta Washington Nationals February 13, 2013 minor-league contract
Brett Carroll[69] Washington Nationals February 16, 2013 minor-league contract
Román Colón[69] Kansas City Royals February 16, 2013 minor-league contract
José Contreras[70] Philadelphia Phillies February 23, 2013 minor-league contract
Jolbert Cabrera New York Mets March 27, 2013 minor-league contract
Jeremy Farrell Chicago White Sox April 5, 2013 unknown
Mike Colla Tampa Bay Rays June 8, 2013 unknown


Player Claimed from Lost to Date
Chad Beck[71] Toronto Blue Jays January 4, 2013
Zach Stewart[72] Chicago White Sox January 24, 2013
Clint Robinson[73] Toronto Blue Jays March 29, 2013
Hunter Strickland[74] San Francisco Giants April 2, 2013


Player Date Contract terms
Anderson Hernández[45] November 9, 2012 minor-league contract
Kris Johnson[45] November 9, 2012 minor-league contract
Jeff Larish[45] November 9, 2012 minor-league contract
Stefan Welch[45] November 9, 2012 minor-league contract
Wyatt Toregas November 11, 2012 minor-league contract
Philippe Valiquette[75] November 26, 2012 minor-league contract
Charlie Morton[76] November 30, 2012 1 year/$2 million[77]
Jason Grilli[78] December 10, 2012 2 year/$6.75 million[79]
Miles Durham[80] January 4, 2012 unknown
Jeff Karstens[81] January 15, 2013 1 year/$2.5 million[82]
Gaby Sánchez[83] January 18, 2013 1 year/$1.75 million[84]
Garrett Jones[83] January 18, 2013 1 year/$4.5 million[85]
Miguel Pérez January 20, 2013 minor-league contract
James McDonald[86] January 31, 2013 1 year/$3.025 million[87]
Neil Walker[86] January 31, 2013 1 year/$3.3 million[88]
Devin Ivany[89] February 16, 2013 minor-league contract
Alex Presley[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Andrew Oliver[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Bryan Morris[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Chase d'Arnaud[90] March 1, 2013 1 year/$493,000[91]
Chris Leroux[90] March 1, 2013 1 year/$502,000[92]
Clint Robinson[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Duke Welker[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Hunter Strickland[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Jared Hughes[90] March 1, 2013 1 year/$542,500[93]
Jeanmar Gómez[90] March 1, 2013 1 year/$500,000[94]
Jeff Locke[90] March 1, 2013 1 year/$497,500[95]
Jerry Sands[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Jordy Mercer[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Josh Harrison[90] March 1, 2013 1 year/$503,000[96]
Justin Wilson[90] March 1, 2013 1 year/$493,500[97]
Kyle McPherson[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Mark Melancon[90] March 1, 2013 1 year/$493,500[98]
Michael McKenry[90] March 1, 2013 1 year/$505,000[99]
Phil Irwin[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Starling Marte[90] March 1, 2013 1 year/$500,000[100]
Stolmy Pimentel[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Tony Sanchez[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Tony Watson[90] March 1, 2013 1 year/$505,500[101]
Travis Snider[90] March 1, 2013 1 year/$505,000[102]
Vic Black[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Vin Mazzaro[90] March 1, 2013 1-year contract
Kurt Yacko[103] April 11, 2013 minor-league contract
Jeff Gibbs[104] May 4, 2013 minor-league contract
Gerardo Navarro June 1, 2013 minor-league contract
Jesus Perez June 1, 2013 minor-league contract
Cody Dickson[105] June 13, 2013 Signed 2013 4th round pick ($375,000 signing bonus)
Chad Kuhl[105] June 13, 2013 Signed 2013 9th round pick ($145,200 signing bonus)
Beau Wallace[105] June 13, 2013 Signed 2013 12th round pick
Justin Topa[105] June 13, 2013 Signed 2013 17th round pick
Jeff Roy[105] June 13, 2013 Signed 2013 18th round pick
Brett McKinney[105] June 13, 2013 Signed 2013 19th round pick
Adam Landecker[105] June 13, 2013 Signed 2013 21st round pick
Cameron Griffin[105] June 13, 2013 Signed 2013 23rd round pick
Justin Maffei[105] June 13, 2013 Signed 2013 25th round pick
Michael Fransoso[105] June 13, 2013 Signed 2013 27th round pick
Blake Taylor[106] June 14, 2013 Signed 2013 2nd round pick ($750,000 signing bonus)
Trae Arbet[106] June 14, 2013 Signed 2013 5th round pick ($425,000 signing bonus)
Shane Carle[106] June 14, 2013 Signed 2013 10th round pick ($100,000 signing bonus)
Danny Collins[106] June 14, 2013 Signed 2013 13th round pick
Max Rossiter[106] June 14, 2013 Signed 2013 15th round pick
Henry Hirsch[107] June 17, 2013 Signed 2013 22nd round pick
José Contreras[108] June 17, 2013 minor-league contract
Reese McGuire[109] June 18, 2013 Signed 2013 1st round pick ($2,369,000 signing bonus)
Neil Kozikowski[107] June 21, 2013 Signed 2013 8th round pick ($425,000 signing bonus)
Austin Meadows[110] June 28, 2013 Signed 2013 1st round pick ($3,029,600 signing bonus)
Nick Buckner[111] June 29, 2013 Signed 2013 14th round pick ($135,000 signing bonus)
Billy Roth[111] June 29, 2013 Signed 2013 16th round pick ($190,000 signing bonus)
Will Kendall[111] June 29, 2013 Signed 2013 30th round pick
JaCoby Jones[112] July 1, 2013 Signed 2013 3rd round pick ($612,000 signing bonus)
Jerry Mulderig[113] July 2, 2013 Signed 2013 28th round pick
Adam Frazier[114] July 3, 2013 Signed 2013 6th round pick ($240,600 signing bonus)
Andrew Dennis[115] July 3, 2013 Signed 2013 37th round pick
Buddy Borden[116] July 8, 2013 Signed 2013 7th round pick ($180,400 signing bonus)
Erich Weiss[117] July 10, 2013 Signed 2013 11th round pick ($305,000 signing bonus)
Jeremias Portorreal[118] August 9, 2013 1 year/$375,000
Kelly Shoppach[119] August 12, 2013 minor-league contract
Luis Escobar[120] August 14, 2013 unknown
Kyle Farnsworth[121] August 16, 2013 minor-league contract


Name Date Details
Hisanori Takahashi October 29, 2012 Released
Dave Jauss[122] October 31, 2012 Hired to coaching staff
Jay Bell[122] October 31, 2012 Hired as hitting coach
Rick Sofield[122] October 31, 2012 Hired as first base coach
Carlos Berroa[123] November 28, 2012 Hired as professional scout
John Kosciak[123] November 28, 2012 Hired as professional scout
Ricky Bennett[123] November 28, 2012 Hired as professional scout
Ron Hopkins[123] November 28, 2012 Hired as professional scout
Elevys Gonzalez[124] December 6, 2012 lost in Rule 5 AAA draft (to Dodgers)
Tom Boleska December 6, 2012 lost in Rule 5 AAA draft (to Orioles)
Ethan Hollingsworth[124] December 6, 2012 claimed in Rule 5 AAA draft (from Royals)
Rick VandenHurk[125] January 5, 2013 Released
Clint Hurdle[126] February 18, 2013 Re-signed to a 1-year contract extension
Wyatt Toregas February 22, 2013 Released
Aaron Poreda[127] March 12, 2013 Released
Brad Hawpe[128] March 23, 2013 Released
Jeremy Farrell[129] April 7, 2013 Released
Alex Valdez[130] April 19, 2013 Released
Jonathan Sánchez[131] May 8, 2013 Released
José Contreras[132] July 18, 2013 Released
Brandon Inge July 30, 2013 Released
Kelly Shoppach[133] August 28, 2013 Released

Draft picks

2013 Top 10 Rounds Draft Picks[134]
Round Pick Player Position School Signed
1 9 Austin Meadows CF Grayson HS June 28, 2013
1 14 Reese McGuire C Kentwood HS June 18, 2013
2 51 Blake Taylor LHP Dana Hills HS June 14, 2013
3 87 JaCoby Jones CF LSU July 1, 2013
4 119 Cody Dickson LHP Sam Houston State June 13, 2013
5 149 Trae Arbet SS Great Oak HS June 14, 2013
6 179 Adam Frazier SS Mississippi State July 3, 2013
7 209 Buddy Borden RHP UNLV July 8, 2013
8 239 Neil Kozikowski RHP Avon Old Farms School June 21, 2013
9 269 Chad Kuhl RHP Delaware June 13, 2013
10 299 Shane Carle RHP Long Beach State June 14, 2013

Farm system

Level Team League Manager
AAA Indianapolis Indians International League Dean Treanor
AA Altoona Curve Eastern League Carlos García
A Bradenton Marauders Florida State League Frank Kremblas
A West Virginia Power South Atlantic League Michael Ryan
A-Short Season Jamestown Jammers New York–Penn League Dave Turgeon
Rookie GCL Pirates Gulf Coast League Milver Reyes
Rookie DSL Pirates 1 Dominican Summer League Gerardo Alvarez
Rookie DSL Pirates 2 Dominican Summer League Keoni De Renne


  1. ^ From 1882 to 1906, the team played in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, which became annexed by Pittsburgh as the North Side in 1907.
  2. ^ "2013 Pittsburgh Pirates Sortable Schedule pirates.com: Schedule". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  3. ^ "Meet me in St. Louis! Pirates roll into NLDS after ripping Reds 6-2 in wild-card win". Washington Post. October 2, 2013. Archived from the original on February 12, 2019. Retrieved October 2, 2013.
  4. ^ "Pirates cruise past Reds in playoff return". USA Today. October 2, 2013. Retrieved October 2, 2013.
  5. ^ "Pirates advance to NLDS". MLB.com. October 2, 2013. Retrieved October 2, 2013.
  6. ^ KMOX announcer John Rooney
  7. ^ "Beltran ties Ruth with 15th postseason homer: Cardinals All-Star belts three-run shot to ignite seven-run third inning". MLB.com. October 3, 2013.
  8. ^ Bernie Miklasz (October 8, 2013). "Bernie: Wacha delivers incredible show of poise". St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
  9. ^ "2013 Postseason pirates.com: Schedule". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  10. ^ "First-place Pittsburgh Pirates earn four All-Star Game nods". MLB.com. pirates.com. July 7, 2013. Retrieved July 7, 2013.
  11. ^ "Russell Martin of the Pittsburgh Pirates named National League Player of the Week" (Press release). MLB. April 29, 2013.
  12. ^ "Pedro Alvarez of the Pittsburgh Pirates named NL player of the week" (Press release). MLB. June 24, 2013.
  13. ^ "Francisco Liriano of the Pittsburgh Pirates named National League Player of the Week MLB.com: News" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. August 5, 2013.
  14. ^ "Jason Grilli of the Pittsburgh Pirates named the Major League Baseball Delivery Man of the Month for April" (Press release). MLB. May 3, 2013.
  15. ^ "Jason Grilli of the Pittsburgh Pirates named the Major League Baseball Delivery Man of the Month for May" (Press release). MLB. June 3, 2013.
  16. ^ "Gerrit Cole of the Pittsburgh Pirates voted National League Rookie of the Month for September". MLB.com.
  17. ^ "Sporting News Names Liriano As NL Comeback Player Of The Year". www.cbsnews.com.
  18. ^ Pirates' Clint Hurdle named winner of NL Manager of the Year award Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
  19. ^ "Francisco Liriano, Mariano Rivera win 2013 MLB Comeback Player of the Year Awards". MLB.com.
  20. ^ "Pirates' Clint Hurdle named 2013 NL Manager of the Year – CBSSports.com".
  21. ^ White, Paul. "Pirates' Andrew McCutchen wins NL MVP by a landslide". USA TODAY.
  22. ^ "Major League Baseball Stats pirates.com: Stats". Pittsburgh Pirates. Archived from the original on October 12, 2014. Retrieved April 13, 2013.
  23. ^ "Major League Baseball Stats pirates.com: Stats". Pittsburgh Pirates. Archived from the original on October 12, 2014. Retrieved April 13, 2013.
  24. ^ "Major League Baseball Stats pirates.com: Stats". Pittsburgh Pirates. Archived from the original on October 12, 2014. Retrieved April 13, 2013.
  25. ^ "Major League Baseball Stats pirates.com: Stats". Pittsburgh Pirates. Archived from the original on October 12, 2014. Retrieved April 13, 2013.
  26. ^ a b Singer, Tom (November 28, 2012). "Pirates acquire Clint Robinson and Vin Mazzaro from Royals, Zach Stewart from Red Sox". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  27. ^ "Pirates acquire Medina in exchange for Navarro" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. November 30, 2012.
  28. ^ "Pirates acquire RHP Zach Thornton from Oakland in exchange for RHP Chris Resop pirates.com: News". November 30, 2012. Archived from the original on June 18, 2013.
  29. ^ Singer, Tom (December 5, 2012). "Pirates acquire versatile pitcher Oliver from Tigers". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  30. ^ "Pirates and Red Sox make six-player deal" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. December 26, 2012.
  31. ^ "Pirates acquire RHP Jeanmar Gomez from Indians" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. January 9, 2013.
  32. ^ "Pirates acquire infielder John McDonald" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. March 20, 2013.
  33. ^ Roberts, Quinn (March 29, 2013). "Indians trade Brian Jeroloman to Bucs for cash". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  34. ^ Williams, Tim (April 24, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Trade Roman Colon to the Braves". Pirates Prospects.
  35. ^ Williams, Tim. "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Trade Brian Jeroloman to the Nationals". Pirates Prospects.
  36. ^ Williams, Tim (July 10, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Minor Moves: Pirates Acquire Brian Bocock From Nationals". Pirates Prospects.
  37. ^ Williams, Tim (May 31, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Acquire Atahualpa Severino From the Royals". Pirates Prospects.
  38. ^ Williams, Tim (May 31, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Acquire Graham Godfrey From the Red Sox". Pirates Prospects.
  39. ^ Bastian, Jordan (June 10, 2013). "Indians get infielder McDonald from Pirates". Cleveland Indians.
  40. ^ Williams, Tim (July 12, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Acquire Russ Canzler For Tim Alderson". Pirates Prospects.
  41. ^ Santelli, James (July 31, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Acquire Infielder Robert Andino From Mariners". Pirates Prospects.
  42. ^ "Pirates acquire Marlon Byrd and John Buck from the New York Mets pirates.com: News" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. August 27, 2013.
  43. ^ "Pirates Trade Pitcher Vic Black To the Mets pirates.com: News" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. August 29, 2013.
  44. ^ "Pirates acquire Justin Morneau from Minnesota pirates.com: News" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. August 31, 2013.
  45. ^ a b c d e f g Singer, Tom (November 9, 2012). "Pirates reach deals with seven Minor Leaguers". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  46. ^ a b Bollinger, Rhett (November 12, 2012). "Twins sign reliever Wood, catcher Fryer to Minors deals". Minnesota Twins.
  47. ^ "Tim Wood Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  48. ^ a b c d e f Singer, Tom (November 21, 2012). "Outfielder Felix Pie among Pirates' six Minor League signings". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  49. ^ "Pirates sign free agent catcher Russell Martin" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. November 30, 2012.
  50. ^ "Russell Martin Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  51. ^ "Pirates sign Minor League free agent pitcher Mike Zagurski" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. December 1, 2012.
  52. ^ Bollinger, Rhett (December 13, 2012). "Twins add to rotation, sign Correia to two-year deal". Minnesota Twins.
  53. ^ "Kevin Correia Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  54. ^ Harding, Thomas (December 11, 2012). "Rockies ink Kensing, McClendon to Minors deals". Minnesota Twins.
  55. ^ Berry, Adam (December 12, 2012). "Olmedo among eight players signed by Twins". Minnesota Twins.
  56. ^ Gurnick, Ken (January 9, 2013). "Dodgers sign seven Minor League free agents". Los Angeles Dodgers.
  57. ^ Dreker, John (January 10, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Sign Lucas May". Pirates Prospects.
  58. ^ Williams, Tim (January 17, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Sign Brad Hawpe, Invite Cole and Taillon to Spring Training". Pirates Prospects.
  59. ^ Frisaro, Joe (January 25, 2013). "Marlins reportedly sign reliever Qualls". Miami Marlins. Archived from the original on January 31, 2013.
  60. ^ "Chad Qualls Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  61. ^ Singer, Tom (January 29, 2013). "Pirates' non-roster invitees list includes familiar names pirates.com: News". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  62. ^ Berry, Adam (February 6, 2013). "Bucs ink Sanchez to Minors deal with camp invite". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  63. ^ "Jonathan Sánchez Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  64. ^ "Rod Barajas Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  65. ^ "Pirates sign free agent LHP Francisco Liriano" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. February 8, 2013.
  66. ^ "Francisco Liriano Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  67. ^ "Pirates, Inge agree on Minor League deal" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. February 13, 2013.
  68. ^ "Brandon Inge Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  69. ^ a b Williams, Tim (February 16, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Add Two Minor League Free Agents". Pirates Prospects.
  70. ^ Dreker, John (February 23, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Sign Jose Contreras". Pirates Prospects.
  71. ^ Browne, Ian (January 4, 2013). "Blue Jays claim righty Chad Beck off waivers bluejays.com: News". Toronto Blue Jays.
  72. ^ Meisel, Zack (January 24, 2013). "White Sox claim Zach Stewart off waivers from Pirates whitesox.com: News". Chicago White Sox.
  73. ^ Radano, Mike (March 29, 2013). "Blue Jays claim Burnett, Robinson off waivers bluejays.com: News". Toronto Blue Jays.
  74. ^ Dreker, John (April 2, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Giants Claim Hunter Strickland". Pirates Prospects.
  75. ^ Williams, Tim (November 26, 2012). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Sign Philippe Valiquette to Minor League Deal". Pirates Prospects.
  76. ^ Singer, Tom (December 1, 2012). "Bucs sign Charlie Morton, tender contracts to five others". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  77. ^ "Charlie Morton Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  78. ^ "Pirates sign free agent RHP Jason Grilli" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. December 12, 2012.
  79. ^ "Jason Grilli Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  80. ^ Williams, Tim (January 4, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Minor Moves: Pirates Bring Back Miles Durham". Pirates Prospects.
  81. ^ "Pirates Sign Free Agent RHP Jeff Karstens" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. January 17, 2013.
  82. ^ "Jeff Karstens Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  83. ^ a b Singer, Tom (January 18, 2013). "Bucs cut arbitration list in half with two deals". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  84. ^ "Gaby Sánchez Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  85. ^ "Garrett Jones Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  86. ^ a b Singer, Tom (January 31, 2013). "Bucs avoid arbitration with Walker, McDonald". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  87. ^ "James McDonald Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  88. ^ "Neil Walker Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  89. ^ Williams, Tim (February 16, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Sign A Minor League Catcher". Pirates Prospects.
  90. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Williams, Tim (March 1, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Agree to Terms With Their League Minimum Players". Pirates Prospects.
  91. ^ "Chase d'Arnaud Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  92. ^ "Chris Leroux Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  93. ^ "Jared Hughes Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  94. ^ "Jeanmar Gomez Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  95. ^ "Jeff Locke Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  96. ^ "Josh Harrison Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  97. ^ "Justin Wilson Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  98. ^ "Mark Melancon Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  99. ^ "Michael McKenry Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  100. ^ "Starling Marte Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  101. ^ "Tony Watson Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  102. ^ "Travis Snider Contracts, Salaries, Cap Hits, & Transactions". Spotrac.
  103. ^ Williams, Tim (April 11, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Sign Kurt Yacko". Pirates Prospects.
  104. ^ Williams, Tim (May 4, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Sign Jeff Gibbs". Pirates Prospects.
  105. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Singer, Tom (June 13, 2013). "Pirates sign fourth-round Draft pick, nine others pirates.com: News". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  106. ^ a b c d e "Pirates sign five more players from 2013 Draft pirates.com: News" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. June 14, 2013.
  107. ^ a b Singer, Tom (June 21, 2013). "Bucs sign two more Draft picks". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  108. ^ Williams, Tim (June 17, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Sign Jose Contreras to a Minor League Deal". Pirates Prospects.
  109. ^ Petrella, Steven (June 18, 2013). "Pittsburgh Pirates sign first-round Draft pick Reese McGuire pirates.com: News". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  110. ^ Petrella, Steven (June 28, 2013). "Pirates, first-rounder Meadows come to terms". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  111. ^ a b c "Pirates sign three more players from 2013 Draft pirates.com: News" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. June 29, 2013.
  112. ^ Mastrodonato, Jason (July 1, 2013). "Pirates ink third-round Draft pick JaCoby Jones pirates.com: News". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  113. ^ "Pirates sign 28th round selection Jerry Mulderig pirates.com: News" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. July 2, 2013.
  114. ^ Petrella, Steven (July 3, 2013). "Bucs ink sixth-round Draft pick Frazier pirates.com: News". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  115. ^ "Pirates sign two more players from 2013 Draft pirates.com: News" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. July 3, 2013.
  116. ^ "Pirates sign seventh-round selection Buddy Borden pirates.com: News" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. July 8, 2013.
  117. ^ "Pirates sign 11th round selection Erich Weiss pirates.com: News". Pirates Prospects (Press release). July 10, 2013.
  118. ^ Williams, Tim (August 9, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Sign Dominican Outfielder Jeremias Portorreal". Pirates Prospects.
  119. ^ Singer, Tom (August 12, 2013). "Catching depth bolstered as Bucs sign Shoppach pirates.com: News". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  120. ^ Dreker, John (August 14, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Sign Colombian Pitcher Luis Escobar". Pirates Prospects.
  121. ^ Singer, Tom (August 16, 2013). "Pirates sign reliever Farnsworth to Minors deal pirates.com: News". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  122. ^ a b c "Jay Bell named Pirates hitting coach; Rick Sofield and Dave Jauss also named to Major League Staff" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. October 31, 2012.
  123. ^ a b c d Singer, Tom (November 28, 2012). "Bucs bolster scouting staff with hiring of quartet". Pittsburgh Pirates.
  124. ^ a b Williams, Tim (December 6, 2012). "Pirates Prospects » 2012 Rule 5 Draft Results: Pirates Pass; Pick One and Lose One in Triple-A Phase". Pirates Prospects.
  125. ^ Dreker, John (January 5, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Release Rick VandenHurk". Pirates Prospects.
  126. ^ "Pirates extend the contract of manager Clint Hurdle" (Press release). Pittsburgh Pirates. February 19, 2013.
  127. ^ "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Release LHP Aaron Poreda". Pirates Prospects. March 12, 2013.
  128. ^ Williams, Tim (March 23, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Release Brad Hawpe". Pirates Prospects.
  129. ^ Williams, Tim (April 7, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Release Jeremy Farrell". Pirates Prospects.
  130. ^ Williams, Tim (April 19, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Release Alex Valdez". Pirates Prospects.
  131. ^ Dreker, John (May 8, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Release Jonathan Sanchez". Pirates Prospects.
  132. ^ Williams, Tim (July 18, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Pirates Release Jose Contreras". Pirates Prospects.
  133. ^ Williams, Tim (August 28, 2013). "Pirates Prospects » Minor Moves: Kelly Shoppach Released; Carlos Paulino Promoted". Pirates Prospects.
  134. ^ "Draft Tracker 2013 First-Year Player Draft". MLB.

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