탈레브 알레마이

Taleb Alrefai

Taleb Alrefai(Taleb Alrefai, 1958년 출생)는 쿠웨이트 언론인이자 작가다.An employee of Kuwait’s National Council for Culture, Arts, & Letters, and the monthly tabloid Jaridat Al-Fonoon, a monthly arts tabloid, his novels include Shade of the Sun (Dar Al-Sharqiyyat) (1998), Samar's Words (Dar al-Mada) (2006) and The Nejdi (al-Najdi) (2017).그의 작품은 바니팔 잡지를 발행했다.[1]


Ici meme, traduit de l'arabe (Koweït) par Mathilde Chébre[fr], Actes Sud, 2016, 160 p. ( ) ISBN978-2-330-05789-3)
