
Lycopene beta-cyclase
EC 번호5.5.1.19
CAS 번호.220801-82-1
인텐츠IntEnz 뷰
브렌다브렌다 입력
엑스퍼시나이스자이메 뷰
케그KEG 입력

리코펜 베타-사이클로아제(EC, CrtL, CrtL-b, CrtY)는 카로티노이드 베타-엔드 그룹 리아제(decyclizing)라는 체계적인 이름을 가진 효소다.[1][2][3][4][5][6]이 효소는 다음과 같은 화학 반응을 촉진한다.

카로티노이드 psi-end 그룹 카로티노이드 베타-end 그룹

이 효소는 NAD(P)H를 필요로 한다.리코펜(2psi 끝)을 베타-카로틴(2 베타 끝)으로 변환한다.


  1. ^ Cunningham FX, Chamovitz D, Misawa N, Gantt E, Hirschberg J (August 1993). "Cloning and functional expression in Escherichia coli of a cyanobacterial gene for lycopene cyclase, the enzyme that catalyzes the biosynthesis of beta-carotene". FEBS Letters. 328 (1–2): 130–8. doi:10.1016/0014-5793(93)80980-9. PMID 8344419. S2CID 86704801.
  2. ^ Cunningham FX, Sun Z, Chamovitz D, Hirschberg J, Gantt E (August 1994). "Molecular structure and enzymatic function of lycopene cyclase from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp strain PCC7942". The Plant Cell. 6 (8): 1107–21. doi:10.1105/tpc.6.8.1107. JSTOR 3869889. PMC 160505. PMID 7919981.
  3. ^ Hugueney P, Badillo A, Chen HC, Klein A, Hirschberg J, Camara B, Kuntz M (September 1995). "Metabolism of cyclic carotenoids: a model for the alteration of this biosynthetic pathway in Capsicum annuum chromoplasts". The Plant Journal. 8 (3): 417–24. doi:10.1046/j.1365-313x.1995.08030417.x. PMID 7550379.
  4. ^ Pecker I, Gabbay R, Cunningham FX, Hirschberg J (February 1996). "Cloning and characterization of the cDNA for lycopene beta-cyclase from tomato reveals decrease in its expression during fruit ripening". Plant Molecular Biology. 30 (4): 807–19. doi:10.1007/bf00019013. PMID 8624411. S2CID 10470698.
  5. ^ Hornero-Méndez D, Britton G (March 2002). "Involvement of NADPH in the cyclization reaction of carotenoid biosynthesis". FEBS Letters. 515 (1–3): 133–6. doi:10.1016/s0014-5793(02)02453-5. PMID 11943208. S2CID 25408239.
  6. ^ Maresca JA, Graham JE, Wu M, Eisen JA, Bryant DA (July 2007). "Identification of a fourth family of lycopene cyclases in photosynthetic bacteria". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104 (28): 11784–9. doi:10.1073/pnas.0702984104. PMC 1905924. PMID 17606904.

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