
Fingerling potato
파이크 플레이스 마켓에서 온 러시아 바나나 새끼손가락들

핑글링 감자는 작고 뭉툭한 손가락 모양의 감자로, 어떤 전통 감자 품종일지 모른다. 손가락질은 자연적으로 작고 좁아지는 품종이다. 수확할 때 완전히 숙성되어 새 감자와 혼동해서는 안 된다. 인기 있는 손가락질 감자로는 노란 껍질의 러시아 바나나,[1][2] 분홍 껍질, 노란 살갗의 프렌치 핑거링,[3][4] 퍼플 페루인,[5][6] 스웨덴 땅콩 핑거링이 있다.[7][8] 다른 감자에 비해 몸집이 크고 비용이 많이 들기 때문에 보통 손가락은 반으로 나누어 반찬으로 볶거나 샐러드에 사용된다.


  1. ^ Hugh Acheson (12 May 2015). The Broad Fork: Recipes for the Wide World of Vegetables and Fruits. Potter/TenSpeed/Harmony. pp. 527–. ISBN 978-0-385-34503-3.
  2. ^ Allan A. Swenson (2008). Great Growing at Home: The Essential Guide to Gardening Basics. Taylor Trade Publishing. pp. 74–. ISBN 978-1-58979-265-4.
  3. ^ Rosalind Creasy (15 March 1999). The Edible French Garden. pp. 51–. ISBN 978-1-4629-1759-4.
  4. ^ Hielke De Jong; Walter De Jong; Joseph B. Sieczka (25 April 2011). The Complete Book of Potatoes: What Every Grower and Gardener Needs to Know. Timber Press. pp. 53–. ISBN 978-1-60469-307-2.
  5. ^ Roy Navarre; Mark J Pavek (15 December 2014). The Potato: Botany, Production and Uses. CABI. pp. 41–. ISBN 978-1-78064-280-2. Common fingerling varieties are: Russian Banana, French, Rose Finn Apple, and Purple Peruvian (WSU, 2012). Purples and blues These colorful potatoes are an eye-catching addition to the dinner table, and come in a range of hues of blue, ...
  6. ^ Wayne Gisslen; Mary Ellen Griffin; Le Cordon Bleu (2006). Professional Cooking for Canadian Chefs. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 584–. ISBN 978-0-471-66377-5. The two most common purple-fleshed potatoes are Peruvian Blue, also called Purple Peruvian, with dark violet flesh that lightens somewhat when cooked, and All-Blue, with purple or reddish purple flesh that becomes lavender when cooked.
  7. ^ Sue Stickland (1998). Heirloom Vegetables: A Home Gardener's Guide to Finding and Growing Vegetables from the Past. Fireside Books. pp. 151–. ISBN 978-0-684-83807-6. Swedish Peanut Fingerling A dry golden-fleshed late season variety, grown by Swedish settlers in about 1900. Crescent shaped potatoes are great baked or roasted, they set and store well, and are ...
  8. ^ Growing for Market: News and Ideas for Market Gardeners. Fairplain Publications. 2000. pp. 143–. Swedish Peanut Fingerling also has an interesting history. "This variety was brought to Alaska by Swedish Settlers in 1910–15, and was called Mandelpotatis," related Gerritsen. "I received seed for Swedish Peanut Fingerling from a friend, Bill ...

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