스태퍼드셔 헬멧
Staffordshire helmet스태퍼드셔 헬멧은 스태퍼드셔 호더지의 일부로 2009년에 발견된 앵글로색슨 헬멧이다.이것은 영국에서 가장 큰 발견의 한 부분으로, 4000개 이상의 귀중한 파편들이 들어있으며, 그 중 약 3분의 1이 높은 상태의 헬멧 하나에서 나온 것이다.[1]뱅티 그랜지, 서튼 후, 코퍼게이트, 월라스턴, 쇼웰에서 발견된 헬멧에 이어 앵글로색슨 헬멧으로는 여섯 번째에 불과하다.
헬멧은 전체 사재기와 함께 버밍엄 미술관과 포토리 미술관이 공동 구매해 현재 보존 작업이 진행 중이다.2012년 두 번째 광경 보호대를 포함한 금속 공작물의 두 번째 발견이 원래 장소에서 이루어졌다.
이 헬멧은 AD 600-650년경에 제작된 것으로 추정된다.[1]버밍엄과 스토크의 박물관에 전시하기 위해 두 개의 볏모 복제품이 만들어졌다.[2]
- ^ a b "Staffordshire Hoard Helmets Revealed for Public Display". Staffordshirehoard.org.uk. Retrieved 23 November 2018.
- ^ Addley, Esther (23 November 2018). "Ornate gold helmet from Staffordshire hoard recreated". The Guardian. Retrieved 23 November 2018.
참고 문헌 목록
- Blakelock, Eleanor S. (20 February 2014). "XRF Analysis of Silver Foils from the Staffordshire Hoard" (PDF). Staffordshire Hoard Research Reports. British Museum (8).
- Blakelock, Eleanor S. (2015). "XRF Study of Silver Objects from the Staffordshire Hoard" (PDF). Staffordshire Hoard Research Reports. British Museum (19).
- Blakelock, Eleanor S. (2016). "The Analysis and Documentation of Niello Objects in the Staffordshire Hoard" (PDF). Staffordshire Hoard Research Reports. British Museum (21).
- Butterworth, Jenni; Fregni, Giovanna; Fuller, Kayleigh & Greaves, Pieta (2016). "The importance of multidisciplinary work within archaeological conservation projects: assembly of the Staffordshire Hoard die-impressed sheets". Journal of the Institute of Conservation. Institute of Conservation. 39 (1): 29–43. doi:10.1080/19455224.2016.1155071.
- Fern, Chris & Speake, George (2014). Beasts, Birds and Gods: Interpreting the Staffordshire Hoard. Warwickshire: West Midlands History. ISBN 978-1-905036-20-2.
- Fern, Chris; Dickinson, Tania & Webster, Leslie, eds. (2019). The Staffordshire Hoard: An Anglo-Saxon Treasure. Research Report of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Vol. 80. London: Society of Antiquaries of London. ISBN 978-1-5272-3350-8.
- Hilts, Carly (April 2019). "Crowning Glory: Reconstructing the Staffordshire Hoard helmet". Current Archaeology. Current Publishing (349): 36–41. ISSN 0011-3212.
- Magnoler, Deborah L. (3 November 2011). "K453 and the 'Cheek piece' Group". Staffordshire Hoard. Retrieved 26 May 2017.
- "New finds discovered in Staffordshire Hoard field". Staffordshire Hoard. 18 December 2012. Retrieved 27 January 2017.
- "New Secrets of Staffordshire Hoard Revealed". Popular Archaeology. 23. Summer 2016.
- Pilkington, Andrew (19 October 2012). "The Staffordshire Hoard Horseman Helmet Foil". Staffordshire Hoard. Retrieved 27 January 2017.
- Ramirez, Janina (2 April 2019). "Staffordshire Hoard Helmet" (Podcast). Art Detective.
- "School of Jewellery helps to reconstruct Staffordshire Hoard Helmet". Birmingham City School of Jewellery. 23 November 2018. Retrieved 9 December 2019.
- Shearman, Fleur; Camurcuoglu, Duygu; Hockey, Marilyn & McArthur, Graeme (October 2014). "Investigative Conservation of the Die-impressed Sheet from the Staffordshire Hoard" (PDF). Staffordshire Hoard Research Reports. British Museum (17).