빅스 노트

Vix Note

The Vix Note or Vyx Note (Hungarian: Vix-jegyzék or Vyx-jegyzék) was a communication note sent by Fernand Vix [hu] (or Vyx), a French lieutenant colonel and delegate of the Entente, to the government of Mihály Károlyi of the First Hungarian Republic of the alliance's intention to make Hungary evacuate and withdraw from more territory than agreed in베오그라드의 휴전이 노트는 궁극적으로 제1공화국의 몰락과 헝가리 소비에트 공화국의 성립에 기여했으며, 트란실바니아 지역을 둘러싼 헝가리 통치에 종지부를 찍는 현상으로 인정받고 있다.[1][2][3][4]

참고 항목


  1. ^ Pastor, Peter (1970). "The Vix Mission in Hungary, 1918-1919: A re-examination". Slavic Review. 29 (3): 481–498. doi:10.2307/2493161. JSTOR 2493161.
  2. ^ Pastor, Peter (1974). "Franco-Rumanian Intervention in Russia and the Vix Ultimatum: Background to Hungary's Loss of Transylvania" (PDF). The Canadian-American Review of Hungarian Studies. 1 (1–2): 12–28.
  3. ^ Szász, Zoltán (2002). "The End of Hungarian Rule in Transylvania". History of Transylvania. Vol. 3. Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Science. pp. 1–787.
  4. ^ Szász, Zoltán (2002). "The Socialist Alternative: A Soviet Republic". History of Transylvania. Vol. 3. Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Science. pp. 1–787.