미국 주 예산 목록

List of U.S. state budgets
2017년 1월 기준 S&P 글로벌 국가채무 신용등급

이것은 각 주의 입법부가 제정한 미국 정부 예산 목록이다. 많은 주가 2년 또는 3년 예산을 가지고 있다는 점에 유의하십시오(예: 켄터키 주(州), 다른 주(州)는 1년 예산이 있지만(예: 매사추세츠 주).

예산(청구서 달러)[note 1] FY 참조 1인당 예산($[note 1] 단위) 2017년[1] 1월 S&P 신용등급
앨라배마 주 32.1 2019 [2] 6,577 AA 201
알래스카 8.3 2020 [3] 11,254 211 AA+
애리조나 주 43.4 2020 [4] 6,050 AA 201
아칸소 주 31.8 2018 [5] 10,585 AA 201
캘리포니아 214.8 2019-20 [6] 5,430 AA-191
콜로라도 35.5 2019-20 [7] 6,236 AA 201
코네티컷. 21.5 2020 [8] 6,025 AA-191
델라웨어 주 4.5 2020 [9] 4,603 AAA 221호
플로리다 주 91.1 2020 [10] 4,277 AAA 221호
조지아 48.7 2020 [11] 4,634 AAA 221호
하와이 15.4 2020 [12] 10,810 211 AA+
아이다호 7.9 2018 [13] 4,601 211 AA+
일리노이 주 40.1 2020 [14] 3,147 141BBB
인디애나 주 21.0 2020 [15] 3,147 AAA 221호
아이오와 주 8.9 2020 [16][17] 2,815 AAA 221호
캔자스. 18.4 2020 [18] 6,320 AA-191
켄터키 주 36.6 2020 [19] 8,069 181 A+
루이지애나 35.4 2018 [20] 7,591 AA 201
메인 주 8.0 2020-21 [21] 5,962 AA 201
메릴랜드 주 51.2 2020 [22][23] 8,475 AAA 221호
매사추세츠 주 41.9 2019[note 2] [25] 6,068 211 AA+
미시간 주 56.8 2018-19 [26] 5,680 AA-191
미네소타 23.9 2020 [27] 4,268 211 AA+
미시시피 21.1 2020 [28] 7,059 AA 201
미주리 주 30.0 2020 [29] 4,898 AAA 221호
몬태나 주 5.1 2020 [30] 4,793 AA 201
네브라스카 9.7 2019-20 [31] 5,024 AAA 221호
네바다 주 26.3 2017–19 [32] 8,772 AA 201
뉴햄프셔 주 6.0 2019[note 3] [34] 4,398 AA 201
뉴저지 주 55.4 2020 [35] 6,224 A-161
뉴멕시코 19.1 2020 [36] 9,101 211 AA+
뉴욕 177 2020 [37] 9,087 211 AA+
노스캐롤라이나 23.9 2018-19[note 4] [39] 2,303 AAA 221호
노스다코타 주 14.7 2019-21 [40] 19,328 211 AA+
오하이오 주 69 2019-21 [41] 5,902 211 AA+
오클라호마 8.1 2020 [42] 2,062 211 AA+
오리건 주 75.7 2017–19[note 5] [44] 18,273 211 AA+
펜실베이니아 34.0 2019-20 [45] 2,655 AA-191
로드아일랜드 10.0 2020 [46] 9,430 AA 201
사우스캐롤라이나 주 29.5 2019-20 [47] 5,810 211 AA+
사우스다코타 주 4.9 2020 [48] 5,575 AAA 221호
테네시 주 38.6 2019-20 [49] 5,695 AAA 221호
텍사스 107.9 2019 [50] 3,759 AAA 221호
유타 주 21.0 2020 [51] 6,648 AAA 221호
버몬트 주 6.0 2020 [52] 9,580 211 AA+
버지니아 주 63.9 2020 [53] 7,499 AAA 221호
워싱턴 118.4 2019-21 [54] 15,707 211 AA+
웨스트버지니아 주 13.8 2020 [55] 7,652 AA-191
위스콘신 주 40.1 2019-20 [56] 6,901 AA 201
와이오밍 주 8.9 2019-20 [57] 15,419 AAA 221호
  1. ^ a b 어떤 수치는 근사하다.
  2. ^ FY 2020년 매사추세츠 연방 예산은 아직 통과되지 않았다.[24]
  3. ^ FY 2020년 뉴햄프셔 주 예산은 입법부가 통과시킨 것으로 주지사에 의해 거부권을 행사했다.[33]
  4. ^ 입법부가 통과시킨 노스캐롤라이나 주의 2020 회계 예산은 주지사에 의해 거부당했다.[38]
  5. ^ 입법부는 2020-21 회계연도의 오리건 주 예산안을 통과시켰지만, 아직 주지사에 의해 서명되지 않았다.[43]

참고 항목


  1. ^ "Rainy Day Funds and State Credit Ratings" (PDF). Pew Charitable Trusts. May 18, 2017. pp. 10–12. Retrieved 24 May 2018.
  2. ^ Fulford, Kirk (2019). Budget Fact Book – FY 2019 (PDF). Montgomery, Ala.: Alabama Legislative Fiscal Office. p. 1. Retrieved 3 July 2019.
  3. ^ Alaska Office of Management and Budget (28 June 2019). "Fiscal Year 2020 Enacted Budget Summary" (PDF). Retrieved 3 July 2019.
  4. ^ FY 2020 Appropriations Report (PDF). Phoenix, Ariz.: Arizona Joint Legislative Budget Committee. June 2019. p. BH-21. Retrieved 3 July 2019.
  5. ^ "FY 2018 Authorized Appropriation" (PDF). Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration. Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration. 15 August 2017. p. 7. Retrieved 11 June 2018.
  6. ^ "Governor Newsom Signs 2019-20 State Budget" (Press release). Sacramento: California Office of the Governor. 27 June 2019.
  7. ^ Budget in Brief: Fiscal Year 2019–20 (PDF). Denver, Colo.: Colorado Joint Budget Committee. 2019. p. 5. Retrieved 3 July 2019.
  8. ^ Connecticut General Assembly Office of Fiscal Analysis (2019). "Fiscal Note for HB-7424 - AN ACT CONCERNING THE STATE BUDGET FOR THE BIENNIUM ENDING JUNE THIRTIETH, 2021, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS THEREFOR, AND IMPLEMENTING PROVISIONS OF THE BUDGET" (PDF). Connecticut General Assembly. Retrieved 3 July 2019.
  9. ^ Section 1, House Bill No. 225 of 2019. Delaware General Assembly. p. 58. Retrieved 3 July 2019.
  10. ^ Section 102, Act No. 115 of 2019. Florida Legislature. p. 433. Retrieved 3 July 2019.
  11. ^ House Bill No. 31 of 2019 (PDF). Georgia General Assembly. p. 3. Retrieved 3 July 2019.
  12. ^ "EXEC HB2 CD1 Worksheets" (PDF). Hawaii State Legislature. Hawaii State Legislature. p. 933. Retrieved 3 July 2019.
  13. ^ 2017 Legislative Fiscal Report (PDF). Boise, Idaho: Idaho Legislative Services Office. 2017. p. 33. Retrieved 11 June 2018.
  14. ^ "Gov. Pritzker Signs Bipartisan Balanced Budget, Fair Tax Rates" (Press release). Springfield: Illinois Office of the Governor. 5 June 2019. Retrieved 3 July 2019.
  15. ^ Indiana Legislative Services Agency (30 April 2019). "Fiscal Impact Statement for HB 1001" (PDF). Indiana General Assembly. p. 8. Retrieved 4 July 2019.
  16. ^ "Summary Data - General Fund" (PDF). Iowa Legislature. 27 April 2019. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  17. ^ "Summary Data - Other Funds" (PDF). Iowa Legislature. 27 April 2019. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  18. ^ Kansas Legislative Research Department (2019). 2019 Summary of Legislation (PDF). Topeka, Kan.: Kansas Legislative Research Department. p. 145.
  19. ^ 2018–2020 Budget of the Commonwealth – Budget in Brief (PDF). Frankfort, Ky.: Kentucky Office of the State Budget Director. 2018. p. 17. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  20. ^ Carpenter, John D.; Brasseaux, Evan (2019). FY 20 Budget Executive Summary (PDF). Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana Legislative Fiscal Office. p. 10. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  21. ^ "Governor Mills Signs State's Two-Year Budget Into Law" (Press release). Maine Office of the Governor. 17 June 2019. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  22. ^ "Operating - Fiscal Year 2020". General Assembly of Maryland. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  23. ^ "Capital - Fiscal Year 2020". General Assembly of Maryland. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  24. ^ Norton, Michael; Lisinski, Chris (2019-07-08). "A state budget doesn't seem urgent to Mass. lawmakers". Lowell Sun. State House News Service. Retrieved 2019-07-08.
  25. ^ "FY 2019 Budget - All Government Areas - Summary". FY 2019 Budget Summary. 10 August 2019. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  26. ^ FY 2018-19 Appropriations Report – Part II – Initial Appropriations (PDF). Lansing, Mich.: Senate Fiscal Agency. 2018. p. 2. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  27. ^ "Overall GF Budget, FY 2020-21 - Appropriation Tracking, Conference Jurisdictions - First Special Session, 2019 Regular Session" (PDF). Minnesota State Senate. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  28. ^ Budget Bulletin – FY 2020 (PDF). Jackson, Miss.: Mississippi Legislative Budget Office. 2019. p. 21. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  29. ^ "FY 2020 Totals by Department" (PDF). Missouri Division of Budget and Planning. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  30. ^ "General Appropriations Act of 2019". Chapter No. 483 of 2019 (PDF). Montana State Legislature. pp. E-6. Retrieved 8 July 2019.
  31. ^ "All Fund Type Functional Summary, 2019‐2021 Biennium" (PDF). Nebraska State Budget Division. 2019. Retrieved 9 July 2019.
  32. ^ "Statewide Expenditure Summary by Function". Open Budget. Nevada Budget Division. Retrieved 11 June 2018.
  33. ^ Ramer, Holly (28 June 2019). "As expected, Sununu vetoes New Hampshire budget". WCAX. Associated Press. Retrieved 2019-07-09.
  34. ^ Section 1.07, Chapter No. 155 of 2017 (PDF). New Hampshire General Court. p. 833. Retrieved 9 July 2019.
  35. ^ Chapter No. 150 of 2019 (PDF). New Jersey Legislature. pp. 204, 234. Retrieved 9 July 2019.
  36. ^ "General Appropriation Act of 2019". Section 4, HB No. 2 of 2019 (PDF). New Mexico Legislature. p. 173. Retrieved 9 July 2019.
  37. ^ FY 2020 Enacted Budget Fiscal Plan (PDF). Albany, N.Y.: New York State Division of Budget. 2019. p. 7. Retrieved 22 June 2019.
  38. ^ Moomey, Liz (2019-07-08). "Political Notebook: General Assembly again considering budget after veto". Salisbury Post. Retrieved 2019-07-09.
  39. ^ "Where the Money Goes" (PDF). North Carolina General Assembly Fiscal Research Division. 1 August 2018. Retrieved 9 July 2019.
  40. ^ "Final Budget Status Report - Appropriations by Department" (PDF). North Dakota Legislature. 21 May 2019. Retrieved 9 July 2019.
  41. ^ "Belated state budget heads to governor". The Vindicator. Youngstown. Associated Press. 18 July 2019. Retrieved 25 July 2019.
  42. ^ Tygert, Mark (16 May 2019). "Fiscal Impact Report - HB 2765" (PDF). Oklahoma Legislature. p. 1. Retrieved 10 July 2019.
  43. ^ Gregg, Katharine (8 July 2019). "The 7 States That Started the New Fiscal Year Without a Final Budget". Governing. Tribune News Service. Retrieved 2019-07-09.
  44. ^ Rocco, Ken (2018). 2017–19 Budget Highlights Update (PDF). Salem, Ore.: Oregon Legislative Fiscal Office. p. 1. Retrieved 12 June 2018.
  45. ^ Pennsylvania Office of the Budget. "General Fund Tracking Run" (PDF). p. 10. Retrieved 10 July 2019.
  46. ^ Article 1, H No. 5175Aaa of 2019 (PDF). Rhode Island General Assembly. p. 30. Retrieved 10 July 2019.
  47. ^ "General Appropriations Act, 2019-20". Section 115, H No. 4000 of 2019. South Carolina General Assembly. p. 262. Retrieved 10 July 2019.
  48. ^ Clark, Liza (2019). State of South Dakota Budget in Brief: Fiscal Year 2020 (PDF). Pierre, S.Dak.: South Dakota Bureau of Finance and Management. p. 59. Retrieved 10 July 2019.
  49. ^ "2019-20 Budget Summary" (PDF). Tennessee General Assembly. Tennessee Office of Legislative Budget Analysis. 5 March 2019. p. 1. Retrieved 10 July 2019.
  50. ^ "General Appropriations Act for the 2018-19 Biennium". SB No. 1 of 2017 (PDF). Texas General Assembly. p. xi. Retrieved 10 July 2019.
  51. ^ "Compendium of Budget Information for the 2019 General Session". Retrieved 10 July 2019.
  52. ^ Bradley, Pat (19 June 2019). "Vermont Governor Signs 2020 State Budget". WAMC. Retrieved 10 July 2019.
  53. ^ "Budget Bill". Chapter No. 854 of 2016. Virginia General Assembly. Retrieved 10 July 2019.
  54. ^ "2019-21 Budget". Washington State Fiscal Website. Washington State Legislature. Retrieved 10 July 2019.
  55. ^ "Budget, Foster Care Bills Passed by Senate" (Press release). Charleston, W.Va.: West Virginia Legislature. 8 March 2019. Overall, the total appropriations for the bill rests at $13,818,886,210
  56. ^ Section 124, Act No. 9 of 2019 (PDF). Wisconsin Legislature. p. 5. Retrieved 10 July 2019.
  57. ^ 2019 Budget Fiscal Data Book (PDF). Cheyenne, Wyo.: Wyoming Legislative Service Office. 2018. p. 100. Retrieved 10 July 2019.

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