2012년 하계 패럴림픽 영국 선수단

Great Britain at the 2012 Summer Paralympics
영국 선수단
2012년 하계 패럴림픽
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
NPC영국 패럴림픽 협회
웹 사이트www.paralympics.org.uk
경쟁 제품288명(및 13명의 [3]팀원)
깃발 주자피터 노퍽(개막)[1]
사라 스토리데이비드 위어(마감)[2]
하계 패럴림픽 출전(개요)

영국은 2012년 8월 29일부터 9월 9일까지 영국 런던에서 열린 2012년 하계 패럴림픽에 참가했다.총 288명의 선수들이 시각 가이드와 같은 13명의 다른 팀원들과 경쟁하기 위해 선발되었다.한국은 금메달 34개, 은메달 43개, 동메달 43개로 중국과 러시아에 이어 메달 순위에서 3위를 차지했다.사이클 선수 사라 스토리와 휠체어 선수 데이비드 위어(각각 금메달 4개), 수영선수 스테파니 밀워드(총 5개)가 다수 메달에 올랐다.스토리는 또한 패럴림픽 역사상 가장 많은 종합 메달인 22개와 가장 많은 금메달인 11개를 획득한 영국 선수가 되었다.

2012년 패럴림픽과 올림픽에서 금메달을 딴 각 선수의 업적을 기념하기 위해, 로열 메일보통 선수의 고향에 있는 우체통을 금색으로 칠했다.


기수 피터 노퍽이 이끄는 개막식 동안 경기장에 입장하는 선수들.

영국 전역에서 온 선수들로 구성된 팀임에도 불구하고, 그들은 1908년 국제올림픽위원회(IOC)가 IOC 국가 코드 GBR과 함께 1908년 하계 올림픽을 위해 처음 지정한 이름이고, 나중에 국제 패럴림픽 위원회가 패럴림픽 게임을 위해 사용했다.이 팀은 '패럴림픽스GB'[4]라고도 불립니다.위임된 북아일랜드 정부의 대표들은 북아일랜드는 영국 팀의 일부가 아니라는 인식을 심어주며 팀명을 [5][6]영국팀으로 바꿀 것을 요구했다.


각 금메달리스트들은 그들의 업적을 [7]기리기 위해 Royal Mail에서 금색으로 칠한 우체통을 가지고 있었는데, 보통 그들의 고향에 위치해 있었다.금메달을 딴 개인이나 팀을 그린 1등급 우표도 [7][8]제작됐다.

다음 영국 선수들은 [9]올림픽에서 메달을 땄다.아래의 '종목별' 섹션에서 메달리스트의 이름은 굵은 글씨로 표시됩니다.

스테파니 밀워드는 수영 종목에서 4개의 은메달과 1개의 동메달을 땄다.

한 팀 이다.

름 name 。 ★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★★
트라이얼 500m
30일 ~ 8월 30일
9일 1시
5일 5시
9일 6시
★★5000m T54
800800m T54
자 men t T54
9일 (2 월 2 일
9일 4시
9일 6시
9일 (9월 9일)
시험 Ia
9일 (2 월 2 일
9일 (2 월 2 일
9일 ~9월 4일
400m S6
200m SM6

S6 50m 자 S6
9일 1시
9일 3시
8일 8시
9일 ~9월 4일
★★ 등급
9일 1시
9일 3시
100 100m T34
200m T34
31일 ~ 31일
9일 6시
S8 100m 8 S8

9일 4시
31일 ~ 31일
9일 6시
9일 ~9월 7일
웰스 ★★★
등급 IV
시험 IV
9일 (2 월 2 일
9일 (2 월 2 일
9일 ~9월 4일
9일 (2 월 2 일
9일 (2 월 2 일
9일 ~9월 4일
추월 자자 C1
트라이얼 1km
31일 ~ 31일
30일 ~ 8월 30일
9일 5시
200m SM8
400m S8
S8 100m 8 S8
5일 5시
31일 ~ 31일
9일 ~9월 4일
피어슨 ★★★
9일 (2 월 2 일
9일 1시
9일 3시

바니 스토리 (파일럿)
트라이얼 B 1 1km B
스프린트 B 자 men men men men B
9일 1시
9일 ~2 일

9일 (2 월 2 일
~ 31일
trial mixed T1-2
8일 8시
9일 5시
100m영 S9 women
400m S9
200m SM9

31일 ~ 31일
9일 4시
9일 6시
7일 (7월 7일)
9일 3시
앨런 ★★★
트라이얼 1 1km 임 C4-5
추월 자자 C5
31일 ~ 31일
9일 1시
9일 ~2 일

50m자 S9 women

200m SM9
5일 5시
7일 (7월 7일)
9일 3시
9일 6시

9일 1시
7일 (7월 7일)
9일 3시
러셀 ★★★

m 400m 12 S12 women
100m영 S12 women
30일 ~ 8월 30일
9일 (2 월 2 일
9일 5시
9일 (2 월 2 일
9일 ~9월 7일
블레이크 ★★★
400 400m T36
800 800m T36
9일 4시
9일 6시
케니 ★★★
추월 자자 C3
31일 ~ 31일
9일 ~2 일

헬렌 스콧(조종사)
트라이얼 B 자 1km B
추월 B 자 women women b b
31일 ~ 31일
9일 ~2 일
★★★ 엎드린 자세 SH1R3-10m SH1
자세 R6-50m SH1
9일 1시
9일 ~9월 4일
8일 8시
9일 ~9월 4일
200m T37
계주 4× 400m T35-38
5일 5시
9일 ~9월 4일

9일 3시
9일 3시
9일 6시

800 800m T12
9일 4시
9일 5시

엘리트 스포츠에 대한 국가 복권 자금의 분배를 책임지고 있는 영국 스포츠는 영국 팀을 적어도 12개의 다른 스포츠에서 103개의 메달을 획득하는 것을 목표로 설정했다.목표는 2008년 베이징 하계 패럴림픽에서 획득한 메달보다 한 개 더 많은 메달이었다.게다가 영국 스포츠는 [10]베이징으로부터 메달 순위 2위를 유지하기를 원했다.


2011년 9월 9일 영국은 스토크 맨더빌 인터내셔널에서 이미 보유하고 있던 [11]6개 외에 7개의 자리를 확보했다.20명의 영국 궁수들이 [3]13명의 최종 선수단을 결정하기 위해 2단계 선발 과정에 참가했다.

여자 컴파운드 오픈 부문에서는 대니얼 브라운이 영국 결승에서 마지막 화살로 멜 클라크를 꺾고 2008년 우승 타이틀을 유지했다.[12]케니 앨런이 남자 리커브 [13]스탠딩 랭킹 라운드에서 패럴림픽 신기록을 세웠음에도 불구하고 다른 영국 궁수들은 개인전에서 8강까지 진출하지 못했다.남자 대표팀은 동메달 결승에 오른 후 4위를 차지했고,[14] 이 대회에서 중국에게 패했다.

★★★ ★★★ 라운드 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 32도 16º ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」
★★★★★ ★★ ★★★
를 매기다
를 매기다
를 매기다
를 매기다
를 매기다
컴파운드 W1Ind. ★★ W1 616 7 쉴즈(미국)(10)
W 7 – 1
Fabry(미국) (2)
L 1~7
하지 않다
Ind. 컴파운드 오픈 640 16 Klich(CZE)(17)
L 4 ~ 6
하지 않다
669 4 ~ 로드리게스(ESP)(13)
L 4 ~ 6
하지 않다
W2 Ind. 복 w W1/W2 598 9 매트 살레(MAS)(24)
W 6 ~ 0
사위키(POL) (8)
W 6 ~ 4
Tseng(TPE) (1)
L 4 ~ 6
하지 않다
651 PR 1 ~ Korkmaz(TUR)(17)
L 4 ~ 6
하지 않다
630 3 ~ 폴라트(TUR)(19)
L 4 ~ 6
하지 않다
542 24 셰스타코프(RUS) (9)
L 0 ~ 6
하지 않다

리커브 1879 1 ~ 중화 타이베이(TPE) (8)
W 195~179
L 190~197
중국(CHN) (3)
L 193 ~ 206
★★★ ★★★ 라운드 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 32도 16º ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★」
★★★★★ ★★ ★★★
를 매기다
를 매기다
를 매기다
를 매기다
를 매기다
Ind. 컴파운드 오픈 641 8 루비오(ESP) (9)
L 4 ~ 6
하지 않다
676 1 ~ 루비오(ESP) (9)
W 6 ~ 4
W 6 ~ 2
클라크(GBR) (3)
W 6 ~ 4
1st place, gold medalist(s)
648 3 ~ 나가노(JPN)(11)
W 6 ~ 4
아르타키노바(RUS) (2)
W 6 ~ 0
브라운(GBR) (1)
L 4 ~ 6
2nd place, silver medalist(s)
머레이 W2 Ind. 복 w W1/W2 533 8 ~ 기리슈멘(TUR) (9)
L 1~7
하지 않다
549 6 ~ Buyanjargal (MGL) (11)
W 6 ~ 2
Yan(CHN) (3)
L 0 ~ 6
하지 않다
467 18 자바마드(IRI)(15)
W 6 ~ 0
올제프스카(POL) (2)
L 1~7
하지 않다

리커브 1549 6 한국(KOR) (3)
L 153~188
하지 않다

2012년 7월 10일, 영국 패럴림픽 협회는 49명의 선수단을 영국 육상 대표팀에 임명하였으나,[15] 앤디 카는 부상으로 인해 기권하였다.2008년 하계 패럴림픽에서 영국의 유일한 육상 금메달을 딴 데이비드 위어와 6번째 [16]패럴림픽에 출전한 트레이시 힌튼도 선수단에 포함됐다.

  • 참고-트랙 이벤트에서 부여되는 랭킹은 선수 회전에만 적용된다.
  • Q = 다음 라운드에 참가할 수 있는 자격
  • = 가장 빠른 패자로 다음 라운드에 진출할 수 있는 자격
  • WR = 세계 기록
  • PR = 패럴림픽 기록
  • EU = 럽 eu eu eu
  • NR = " " "
  • =되지 않습니다.N/A = 라운드는 적용되지 않습니다.
  • =가 없다 = 라운드에 출전할 필요가 없다.
리처드 화이트헤드는 T42 200m에서 금메달을 땄다.
★★★ ★★★ » ★★★
★★★★★ ★★ ★★★★★ ★★ ★★★★★ ★★
100 m T46 11.21 1분기 11.23 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
200 m T46 23.26 7 하지 않다
100 m T36 12.68 2분기 12.24 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
200 m T36 25.20 4
블레이크 400 m T36 54.22 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
m m T366 2:08.24 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
100 m T53 14.86 1분기 14.75 PR 1st place, gold medalist(s)
200 m T53 26.73 EU 3분기 26.32 EU 4
카터 100 m T34 17.75 6 하지 않다
200 m T34 30.85 5분기 30.94 8
800 m T12 1:55.97 1분기 1:58.72 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
1500 m T13 3:55.95 5분기 3:49.79 EU 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
100 m T35 13.75 4분기 13.69 7
200 m T35 DNS 하지 않다
100 m T37 12.19 5 하지 않다
200 m T37 24.39 5분기 24.68 8
밀러 1500 m T37 4:21.57 7
모리스 1500 m T20 4:02.50 6
100 m T51 23.40 5
100 m T44 11.08 = PR 1분기 10.90 PR 1st place, gold medalist(s)
100 m T35 13.92 5 하지 않다
200 m T35 28.75 4 하지 않다
100 m T36 12.35 2분기 12.37 6
200 m T36 24.83 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
800 m T54 1:37.09 1분기 1:37.63 1st place, gold medalist(s)
1500 m T54 3:11.35 3분기 3:12.09 1st place, gold medalist(s)
5000 m T54 11:2888 1분기 11:07.65 1st place, gold medalist(s)
T54 t T54 1:30:20 1st place, gold medalist(s)
100 m T42 12.97 3분기 12.99 7
200 m T42 24.38 WR 1st place, gold medalist(s)
★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★
F34 9.84m 14
원반 EU 46.14m EU 1st place, gold medalist(s)
13.78 m
961 포 9
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
771 포인트
듀크 38.64m 8
F40 11.24m 5
원반 59.01m 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
밀러 F31/32 F31/32/51 26.70 m
837 인 8
45.30m 7
F57-58 37.09 m
828 포 8
34F3233/34 원반 m 29.05 m EU
925 인 9
F34 11.37 7
972 포 9
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
T34 100m 예선 한나 바퀴벌레프트
★★★ ★★★ » ★★★
★★★★★ ★★ ★★★★★ ★★ ★★★★★ ★★
100 m T38 14.21 3분기 14.42 5
200 m T38 29.75 5분기 30.22 8
샐리 브라운 100 m T46 13.67 3분기 13.74 6
200 m T46 27.78 4 전진하지 않았다
리비 클레그
Mikail Huggins(가이드)
100 m T12 12.17 WR 1분기 12.23 1분기 12.13 EU 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
200 m T12 25.10 2 전진하지 않았다
한나 바퀴벌레프트 100 m T34 18.24 PR 1분기 18.06 PR 1st place, gold medalist(s)
200 m T34 33.20 PR 1분기 31.90 PR 1st place, gold medalist(s)
카트리나 하트 100 m T37 14.71 4분기 14.41 6
200 m T37 31.04 5 전진하지 않았다
트레이시 힌튼
Steffan Hughes(가이드)
100 m T11 13.43 3 전진하지 않았다
200 m T11 27.26 3분기 27.38 3 전진하지 않았다
제이드 존스 400 m T54 59.14 6 전진하지 않았다
800 m T54 1:56.16 5 전진하지 않았다
1500 m T54 3:32.60 5분기 3:39.03 10
소피 카멜리쉬 100 m T44 14.11 4분기 13.98 5
200 m T44 29.62 3분기 29.08 6
제니 맥로플린 100 m T37 14.48 2분기 14.48 7
200 m T37 29.73 3분기 30.08 5
멜리사 니콜스 100 m T34 22.41 5 전진하지 않았다
200 m T34 39.41 4분기 40.00 7
스테파니 리드 100 m T44 13.98 3분기 14.25 8
200 m T44 28.97 4분기 28.62 4
헤이즐 롭슨 100 m T36 15.41 4분기 15.23 7
200 m T36 32.03 3분기 32.46 4
소피아 워너 100 m T35 16.90 4
200 m T35 35.25 4
쉘리 우즈 800 m T54 1:56.39 3 전진하지 않았다
1500 m T54 3:42.12 1분기 3:37.97 6
5000 m T54 13:12.25 3분기 12:29.26 8
마라톤 T54 1:46:34 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
베시 우드워드 200 m T37 29.50 EU 2분기 29.65 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
올리비아 브린
카트리나 하트
제니 맥로플린
베시 우드워드
4 × 100 m 릴레이 T35-T38 56.08 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Athlete Events Result Rank
Hollie Arnold Javelin F46 36.27 m 5
Beverley Jones Discus F37 30.99 m 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Shot put F37 9.85 m 7
Maxine Moore Club throw F31/32/51 13.53 m
708 pts
Josie Pearson Club throw F31/32/51 13.42 m
919 pts
Discus F51–53 6.58 m WR
1122 pts
1st place, gold medalist(s)
Gemma Prescott Club throw F31/32/51 20.50 m EU
1015 pts
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Shot put F32/33/34 4.19 m
535 pts
Stefanie Reid Long jump F42-44 5.28 m PR
1023 pts
2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Claire Williams Discus F11-12 39.63 m
908 pts
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)


Nine British boccia players were selected to compete in London, five of whom made their Paralympic debuts.[3] In the individual events, David Smith won silver in the BC1 event after losing to Pattaya Tadtong of Thailand in the final.[17] The 2008 gold medal-winning BC1-2 team lost to Thailand in the semi-finals[18] and went on to defeat Portugal in the bronze medal final.[19]

Athlete Event Seeding matches Round of 32 Round of 16 Quarterfinals Semifinals Final / BM
David Smith Mixed individual BC1 Bye Shibayama(JPN)
W 6–4
W 5–2
W 5–2
L 0–7
2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Dan Bentley Mixed individual BC2 Bye Gonçalves(POR)
L 1–4
Did not advance
Nigel Murray Bye Hirose(JPN)
W 8–0
L 1–3
Semi-final 5–8
L 0–11
Playoff 7–8
W 7–2
Zoe Robinson Bye Dukovich(CAN)
L 5–5
Did not advance
Scott McCowan Mixed individual BC3 Bye Rodriguez(ESP)
W 11–0
L 1–6
Did not advance
Jacob Thomas Bye Pamies(ESP)
W 8–1
L 1–5
Did not advance
Peter McGuire Mixed individual BC4 Bye Dispaltro(CAN)
W 4–3
L 3–3
Semi-final 5–8
L 4–6
Playoff 7–8
L 3–3
Stephen McGuire Bye Streharsky(SVK)
W 6–1
W 5–3
L 0–12
dos Santos(BRA)
L 3–5
Pairs and teams
Athlete Event Pool matches Quarterfinals Semifinals Final / BM
Rank Opposition
Dan Bentley
Nigel Murray
Zoe Robinson
David Smith
Mixed team BC1-2 Argentina(ARG)
W 8–4
W 5–4
1 Hong Kong(HKG)
W 11–3
L 1–18
W 7–5
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Jessica Hunter
Scott McCowan
Jacob Thomas
Mixed pairs BC3 Greece(GRE)
L 0–5
South Korea(KOR)
L 2–6
W 9–1
3 Did not advance
Peter McGuire
Stephen McGuire
Mixed pairs BC4 Slovakia(SVK)
W 11–0
L 1–4
W 8–0
2 Brazil(BRA)
L 2–3
L 2–8


Great Britain named a 19-member cycling squad for the Games, made up of 15 riders and 4 pilots. The team included seven riders who won gold medals at the 2008 Games.[20]

British cyclists won a total of 22 medals, eight of which were gold, to finish top of the cycling medal table.[21] This was two more medals than the team won in Beijing, although fewer gold medals were won. Sarah Storey won four gold medals in track and road events to become the most successful British Paralympian with 22 career medals, and equal the 11 total golds of Tanni Grey-Thompson and David Roberts.[22]

Jody Cundy won a bronze medal in the men's C4 individual pursuit, but was controversially not allowed a restart after a problem with his start in the men's C4-5 time trial.[23] Former RAF technician Jon-Allan Butterworth, competing in his first Paralympics, won the silver medal in that event along with two other silver medals in the men's C5 individual pursuit and as part of the C1-5 sprint team.[24] In the men's B time trial, the tandem of Anthony Kappes and pilot Craig MacLean twice had a mechanical problem with their chain and were not allowed a second restart. Neil Fachie and pilot Barney Storey won the gold medal in a world record time.[25] Both pairings met in an all-British final in the men's B sprint event, where Kappes and MacLean won the gold medal after breaking the world record time during the qualification round.[26] Mark Colbourne set two new world records on the way to gold in the men's C1 individual pursuit,[27] while David Stone won gold in the T1-2 road race, defending the title he won in 2008.[28]

In the women's H1-3 road race, Karen Darke and Rachel Morris finished together in the same time holding hands. Although the two wanted to share the bronze, Morris was awarded the medal having crossed the line slightly ahead.[29]


Athlete Event Time Rank
Jon-Allan Butterworth Men's road race C4-5 DNF
Men's time trial C5 36:56.39 13
Mark Colbourne Men's road race C1-3 1:53:22 24
Men's time trial C1 25:29.37 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Karen Darke Women's road race H1-3 1:43.08 4
Women's time trial H1-2 33:16.09 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Crystal Lane Women's road race C4-5 1:54:50 6
Women's time trial C5 27:33.44 9
Shaun McKeown Men's road race C1-3 1:43:52 21
Men's time trial C3 24:44.37 6
Rachel Morris Women's road race H1-3 1:43.08 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Women's time trial H3 36:38.97 5
David Stone Mixed road race T1-2 45.17 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Mixed time trial T1-2 14:25.66 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Sarah Storey Women's road race C4-5 1:40:36 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Women's time trial C5 22:40.66 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Lora Turnham
Fiona Duncan (pilot)
Women's road race B 2:13:00 8
Women's time trial B 36:29.27 7


Athlete Event Qualification Final
Time Rank Opposition
Mark Colbourne Men's individual pursuit C1 3:53.970 WR 1 Q Li(CHN)
W 3:53.881 WR
1st place, gold medalist(s)
Darren Kenny Men's individual pursuit C3 3:37.977 4 Q Nicholas(AUS)
W 3:35.257 WR
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Shaun McKeown 3:36.427 2 Q Berenyi(USA)
L 3:38.637
2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Jody Cundy Men's individual pursuit C4 4:42.005 3 Q Dueñas(COL)
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Jon-Allan Butterworth Men's individual pursuit C5 4:35.026 2 Q Gallagher(AUS)
L 4:39.586
2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Aileen McGlynn
Helen Scott (pilot)
Women's individual pursuit B 3:36.930 3 Q Turnham/Duncan(GBR)
W 3:40.138
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Lora Turnham
Fiona Duncan (pilot)
3:37.085 4 Q McGlynn/Scott(GBR)
L 3:41.147
Crystal Lane Women's individual pursuit C5 3:59.220 4 Q Southorn(NZL)
L 4:02.773
Sarah Storey 3:32.170 WR[30] 1 Q Harkowska(POL)
1st place, gold medalist(s)

Key: OVL – Win by overtaking

Athlete Event Qualification Quarterfinals Semifinals Final
Time Rank Opposition
Neil Fachie
Barney Storey (pilot)
Men's individual sprint B 10.165 2 Q Nattkemper/Ithurrart(ARG)
W 11.659, W 12.064
W 11.990, W 11.332
L, L
2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Anthony Kappes
Craig MacLean (pilot)
10.050 WR 1 Q Bye Oshiro/Ito(JPN)
W 10.817, W 11.344
W 10.473, W 10.714
1st place, gold medalist(s)
Jon-Allan Butterworth
Darren Kenny
Rik Waddon
Mixed team sprint C1-5 49.808 2 Q China(CHN)
L 49.519
2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Time trial
Athlete Event Time Rank
Neil Fachie
Barney Storey (pilot)
Men's 1km time trial B 1:01.351 WR 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Anthony Kappes
Craig MacLean (pilot)
Mark Colbourne Men's 1km time trial C1-2-3 FT: 1:08.471
AT: 1:16.882
2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Darren Kenny 1:10.203 4
Rik Waddon 1:11.394 9
Jon-Allan Butterworth Men's 1km time trial C4-5 1:05.985 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Jody Cundy DNF
Aileen McGlynn
Helen Scott (pilot)
Women's 1km time trial B 1:09.469 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Lora Turnham
Fiona Duncan (pilot)
1:11.479 4
Sarah Storey Women's 500m time trial C4-5 36.997 1st place, gold medalist(s)

Key: FT – Factor time; AT – Actual time


The only equestrian events held in the Paralympic Games are in the Dressage discipline. Great Britain sent a team of five riders to the Games.[31] Nine-time gold medal winner Lee Pearson took part in his fourth Paralympic Games.[32] Also selected were Deborah Criddle, Sophie Christiansen, Sophie Wells and Natasha Baker.[31] British riders won medals in every event winning five gold medals, five silver and one bronze.[33] Sophie Christiansen won three gold medals, with two individual golds in the grade Ia championship and freestyle events in addition to the team gold.[34] Natasha Baker won both the individual grade II events in her first appearance at the Paralympics.[35] Lee Pearson, previously unbeaten in Paralympic competition, won silver and bronze in the grade Ib individual events as well as his tenth gold in the team event.[36]

Athlete Horse Event Total
Score Rank
Natasha Baker Cabral Individual championship test grade II 76.857 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Individual freestyle test grade II 82.800 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Deborah Criddle LJT Akilles Individual championship test grade III 71.267 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Individual freestyle test grade III 78.550 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Sophie Christiansen Janeiro 6 Individual championship test grade Ia 82.750 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Individual freestyle test grade Ia 84.750 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Lee Pearson Gentleman Individual championship test grade Ib 75.391 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Individual freestyle test grade Ib 74.200 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Sophie Wells Pinocchio Individual championship test grade IV 76.323 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Individual freestyle test grade IV 81.150 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Athlete Horse Event Individual score Total
TT CT Total Score Rank
Sophie Christiansen See above Team 83.765 82.750 166.515* 468.817 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Lee Pearson 74.682 75.391 150.073*
Deborah Criddle 72.926 71.267 144.173
Sophie Wells 75.906 76.323 152.229*

* Indicates the three best individual scores that count towards the team total.

Football 5-a-side

5-a-side football is for vision-impaired athletes. All competitors wear eyeshades to account for varying levels of sight, except for the goalkeeper who may be sighted. The squad was announced on 16 April 2012.[37] The team lost their final group match to Iran, having missed four penalties in a match that they needed to win by two goals in order to advance to the semi-finals.[38] Captain David Clarke scored in his final international match as Britain defeated Turkey 2–0 to win the classification playoff for seventh place.[39]

The following is the Great Britain squad in the football 5-a-side tournament of the 2012 Summer Paralympics.[40]

No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 GK Lewis Skyers 28
3 DF William Norman 33
4 DF Keryn Seal 30
5 DF Daniel English 21
6 MF Robin Williams 24
7 FW David Clarke 41
8 MF Lee Brunton 18
9 MF Roy Turnham 27
10 MF Darren Harris 39
13 GK Dan James 25
Group play
Pos Team Pld W D L GF GA GD Pts Qualification
1 Spain (ESP) 3 1 2 0 3 1 +2 5 Qualified for the medal round
2 Argentina (ARG) 3 1 2 0 2 0 +2 5
3 Iran (IRI) 3 1 0 2 1 4 −3 3 Qualified for the classification round
4 Great Britain (GBR) 3 0 2 1 1 2 −1 2
Great Britain 1–1 Spain
Clarke 22' Report Martín Gaitán 20' (pen.)
Attendance: 2,630
Referee: Lucio Morgado (Brazil)
Argentina 0–0 Great Britain
Attendance: 2,179
Referee: François Carcouët (France)
Great Britain 0–1 Iran
Report Ardekani 21' (pen.)
Attendance: 2,273
Referee: François Carcouët (France)
Semi-final 5–8
China 1–1 (a.e.t.) Great Britain
Li 40' (pen.) Report English 47'
Li soccer ball with check mark
Wang soccer ball with check mark
2–1 soccer ball with red X Clarke
soccer ball with check mark English
soccer ball with red X Seal
Attendance: 1,893
Referee: Juan Carlos Paule (Spain)
Classification 7–8
Turkey 0–2 Great Britain
Report Seal 5'
Clarke 48'
Attendance: 969
Referee: Germinal Lubrano (Argentina)

Football 7-a-side

7-a-side football is for cerebral palsy sufferers. Athletes who classify as C5-C8 can take part in this sport, with C5 being most disabled. At least one C5 or C6 player, and no more than three C8 players, may be on the field at a given time. The squad was announced on 16 April 2012 and included Martin Sinclair, the brother of 2012 Olympian Scott Sinclair; the pair became the first siblings to represent Great Britain at a Paralympic and Olympic Games in the same year.[37][41][42] Britain were eliminated at the group stage after defeats to Brazil and defending champions Ukraine.[43] The team went on to defeat the US after scoring two goals in extra time in the classification playoff for seventh place.[44]

The following is the Great Britain squad in the football 7-a-side tournament of the 2012 Summer Paralympics.[45]

No. Pos. Player Age Club
1 GK Craig Connell 23
2 DF Blair Glynn 26
3 MF Matthew Ellis 32
4 DF Matthew Dimbylow 41
5 MF James Richmond 32
6 FW Alistair Patrick-Heselton 29
7 FW Michael Barker 25
8 DF Martin Sinclair 26
9 MF George Fletcher 17
10 MF Jonny Paterson 24
11 MF Ibrahima Diallo 19
13 GK Billy Thompson 29
Group play
Pos Team Pld W D L GF GA GD Pts Qualification
1 Ukraine (UKR) 3 2 1 0 17 2 +15 7 Qualified for the medal round
2 Brazil (BRA) 3 2 1 0 12 1 +11 7
3 Great Britain (GBR) 3 1 0 2 5 10 −5 3 Qualified for the classification round
4 United States (USA) 3 0 0 3 0 21 −21 0
Great Britain 0–3 Brazil
Report Almeida 10'
Silva 13'
Dos Santos 24'
Attendance: 13,247
Referee: Barry Huizinga (NED)
Ukraine 7–1 Great Britain
Antoniuk 1', 47'
Shevchyk 9', 10'
Devlysh 15', 54'
Ponomaryov 58'
Report Diallo 41'
Attendance: 9,329
Referee: Álvaro Azeredo (BRA)
United States 0–4 Great Britain
Report Richmond 20'
Fletcher 44'
Diallo 53'
Paterson 60+2'
Attendance: 12,274
Referee: Álvaro Azeredo Quelhas (BRA)
Semi-final 5–8
Great Britain 3–4 (a.e.t.) Argentina
Diallo 14'
Dimbylow 27'
Patrick-Heselton 78'
Report Lugrin 29'
Vivot 40', 69', 73'
Attendance: 9,942
Referee: Barry Huizinga (NED)
Classification 7–8
United States 1–3 (a.e.t.) Great Britain
Renteria 20' Report Barker 29'
Diallo 70'
Fletcher 74'
Attendance: 10,561
Referee: Barry Huizinga (NED)


As hosts, Great Britain were entitled to enter a team in the men's and women's goalball tournaments,[46] and competed for the first time since the 2000 Games. The women's team advanced from the group stage with victories over Brazil and Denmark. They were defeated by Sweden in their quarter-final after conceding a goal in overtime.[47] The men's team finished sixth in their group, taking their first point in Paralympic competition with a draw against Sweden.[48]

Men's tournament

Squad list[3] Group stage Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals
Rank Opposition
From: Lithuania
L 1–11
6 Did not advance
L 1–7
D 3–3
L 3–7
L 1–7
Group play
Qualified for the quarterfinals
Pld W D L GF GA GD Pts
Turkey 5 4 1 0 26 6 +20 13
Brazil 5 3 0 2 30 20 +10 9
Lithuania 5 2 2 1 33 20 +13 8
Finland 5 2 0 3 16 24 −8 6
Sweden 5 1 2 2 16 25 −9 5
Great Britain 5 0 1 4 9 35 −26 1
30 August 2012
Lithuania 11 – 1 Great Britain Copper Box, London
Referees: Bülent Kimyon (TUR), Kimberly Anderson (USA)
Pavliukianec 4
Zibolis 3
Juchna 2
Panovas 2
Report Sharkey 1
31 August 2012
Great Britain 1 – 7 Turkey Copper Box, London
Referees: Vilma Venckutonyte (LTU), Janne Ahokas (FIN)
Sharkey 1 Report Karakaya 4
Alkan 2
Düzgün 1
1 September 2012
Sweden 3 – 3 Great Britain Copper Box, London
Referees: Bülent Kimyon (TUR), Kimberly Anderson (USA)
Hultqvist 2
Seremati 1
Report Graham 1
Knott 1
Sharkey 1
2 September 2012
Great Britain 3 – 7 Finland Copper Box, London
Referees: Warrick Jackes (AUS), Yasser Omar (EGY)
Knott 3 Report Mattila 4
Montonen 1
Miinala 1
Posio 1
4 September 2012
Great Britain 1 – 7 Brazil Copper Box, London
Referees: Janne Ahokas (FIN), Vilma Venckutonyte (LTU)
Knott 1 Report Marques 4
Celente 2
Silvestre 1

Women's tournament

Squad list[3] Group stage Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals
Rank Opposition
From: China
L 1–7
2 Q Sweden
L 1–2
Did not advance
D 1–1
W 3–1
W 5–0
Group play
Qualified for the quarterfinals
Pld W D L GF GA GD Pts
China 4 4 0 0 28 4 +24 12
Great Britain 4 2 1 1 10 9 +1 7
Brazil 4 2 0 2 8 15 −7 6
Finland 4 1 1 2 10 13 −3 4
Denmark 4 0 0 4 3 18 −15 0
30 August 2012
China 7 – 1 Great Britain Copper Box, London
Referees: Janned Ahokas (FIN), Dawna Christy (CAN)
Wang R. 4
Chen 2
Lin 1
Report Sharkey 1
31 August 2012
Finland 1 – 1 Great Britain Copper Box, London
Referees: Morten Hammershoi (DEN), Ali Aldarsony (KSA)
Leppänen 1 Report Luke 1
2 September 2012
Great Britain 3 – 1 Brazil Copper Box, London
Referees: Ali Aldarsony (KSA), Morten Hammershoi (DEN)
Sharkey 2
Luke 1
Report de Souza 1
4 September 2012
Great Britain 5 – 0 Denmark Copper Box, London
Referees: Kimberly Anderson (USA), Shinji Mizuno (JPN)
Sharkey 3
Luke 1
Ottaway 1
5 September 2012
Great Britain 1 – 2 Sweden Copper Box, London
Referees: Carla Da Matta (BRA), Thomas Baerz (GER)
Sharkey 1 Report Gustavsson 2


Five British judokas qualified for the Games. Two sets of brothers were selected: Dan and Marc Powell, as well as Joe and Sam Ingram.[49] Sam Ingram and Ben Quilter competed at the 2008 Games, with Ingram winning a bronze medal. All events were for visually impaired athletes. Sam Ingram won a silver medal in the –90 kg category, narrowly losing the gold medal contest to Jorge Hierrezuelo Marcillis of Cuba by a yuko.[50] No other British judoka reached the semifinals, but Ben Quilter advanced through the repechage contest to win a bronze medal in the –60 kg category after defeating Japan's Takaaki Hirai by ippon.[51]

Athlete Event Preliminaries Quarterfinals Semifinals Repechage
First round
Final / BM
Joe Ingram Men's –100 kg Rees(CAN)
W 111–0001
L 0011–0132
Did not advance Bye Upmann(GER)
L 000–100
Did not advance
Sam Ingram Men's –90 kg Bye Crockett(USA)
W 100–000
W 0101–0003
Bye Marcillis(CUB)
L 000–001
2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Dan Powell Men's –81 kg Krieger(GER)
L 0003–1121
Did not advance Pereira(BRA)
W 1001–000H
L 000–100
Did not advance
Marc Powell Men's –73 kg Bye Solovey(UKR)
L 000–111
Did not advance Ali Shanani(IRI)
L 0101–1103
Did not advance
Ben Quilter Men's –60 kg Bye Noura(ALG)
L 000–1021
Did not advance Aajim(MGL)
W 100–000
W 022–0002
W 100–000
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)


Six powerlifters were named in the GB team,[52] although Paul Efayena was barred from participating due to a previous criminal conviction.[53] Natalie Blake, Jason Irving, Ali Jawad and Anthony Peddle had all competed at previous Games, with Peddle making his seventh appearance in 2012. Zoe Newson won a bronze medal in the women's –40 kg category, Britain's only medal of the Games, by successfully lifting 88 kg with her final attempt.[54] Ali Jawad narrowly missed out on a medal in the men's –56 kg category with two attempts at 189 kg judged to be unsuccessful. He finished fourth having weighed in heavier than third placed Jian Wang of China, after both competitors finished on 185 kg.[55]

Athlete Event Total lifted Rank
Natalie Blake Women's –52 kg DNF
Jason Irving Men's –60 kg 163 kg 8
Ali Jawad Men's –56 kg 185 kg 4
Zoe Newson Women's –40 kg 88 kg 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Anthony Peddle Men's –48 kg 140 kg 8


The mixed adaptive double crew of Captain Nick Beighton and Sam Scowen qualified for London 2012 at the World Rowing Championships.[56] 2008 gold medallist Tom Aggar qualified in the men's single sculls.[57] The mixed coxed four of Naomi Riches, Pam Relph, David Smith, James Roe and cox Lily van den Broecke, who won gold at the 2011 World Rowing Championships, were also selected.[58] Britain's only medal of the regatta was a gold won by the mixed coxed four crew. Nick Beighton and Sam Scowen came fourth in the mixed double sculls, missing out on bronze in a photo finish.[59] Tom Aggar finished in fourth place in the final of the men's single sculls, his first defeat in five years of international racing.[60]

Athlete(s) Event Heats Repechage Final
Time Rank Time Rank Time Rank
Tom Aggar Men's single sculls 4:56.65 1 FA Bye 4:58.08 4
Sam Scowen
Nick Beighton
Mixed double sculls 4:03.23 2 R 4:05.91 1 FA 4:05.77 4
Lily van den Broecke (cox)
Naomi Riches
Pam Relph
James Roe
David Smith
Mixed coxed four 3:23.59 1 FA Bye 3:19.38 1st place, gold medalist(s)

Qualification Legend: FA=Final A (medal); FB=Final B (non-medal); R=Repechage


Great Britain entered the same three crews that had competed in 2008. On 8 August 2011, five sailors became the first people to be named on the 2012 Paralympic team. John Robertson, Hannah Stodel and Stephen Thomas were selected in the three-person Sonar competition. Also announced in the team were current SKUD 18 World Champions, Niki Birrell and Alex Rickham.[61] Helena Lucas was subsequently selected in the 2.4 mR class.[62]

Great Britain won their first ever medals in the sport since its introduction at the 2000 Paralympic Games.[63] The final day of racing was cancelled due to lack of wind, with Helena Lucas in gold medal position in the 2.4 mR class and the SKUD 18 crew in bronze medal position after ten races. The three-person Sonar crew were given a four-point penalty for breaking the boat maintenance rules, moving them from third to fifth position overall.[64]

Athlete Event Race Total points Net points Rank
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Helena Lucas 2.4 mR – 1 person keelboat 2 1 3 (11) 1 1 1 4 8 5 CAN 37 26 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Niki Birrell
Alex Rickham
SKUD 18 – 2 person keelboat 2 1 4 2 1 3 4 2 3 (5) CAN 27 22 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
John Robertson
Stephen Thomas
Hannah Stodel
Sonar – 3 person keelboat 4 8 4 5 4 (13) 10
4 4 2 CAN 58 45 5

Note: (#) denotes the highest points finish which does not count towards the final net points total.


A squad of twelve competitors were selected to take part in the shooting events including 2008 gold medal winner Matt Skelhon and Di Coates, who first competed at the 1984 Games, making her eighth Paralympic appearance.[65] Matt Skelhon won silver in the 10 m air rifle prone SH1 event that he won in 2008. James Bevis won a bronze medal in the 10 m air rifle prone SH2 event, losing a shootoff to Raphaël Voltz of France 10.4–10.5 after both scored a total of 705.9.[66] Matt Skelhon went on to win bronze in the 50 m rifle prone SH1 event, which he first took part in eighteen months previously.[67]

Athlete Event Qualification Final
Score Rank Score Rank
James Bevis Mixed R5–10 m air rifle prone SH2 600 =WR 8 Q 705.9 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Adrian Bunclark Men's P1–10 m air pistol SH1 537 30 Did not advance
Karen Butler Women's R2–10 m air rifle standing SH1 384 12 Did not advance
Women's R8–50 m rifle 3 positions SH1 559 7 Q 650.8 6
Mixed R6–50 m rifle prone SH1 581 23 Did not advance
Georgina Callingham Mixed R5–10 m air rifle prone SH2 600 =WR =5 Q 705.2 7
Di Coates Women's R2–10 m air rifle standing SH1 389 9 Did not advance
Mixed R3–10 m air rifle prone SH1 590 42 Did not advance
Ryan Cockbill Mixed R4–10 m air rifle standing SH2 592 21 Did not advance
Mixed R5–10 m air rifle prone SH2 598 17 Did not advance
Richard Davies Mixed R4–10 m air rifle standing SH2 596 16 Did not advance
Adam Fontain Mixed R4–10 m air rifle standing SH2 593 20 Did not advance
Ben Jesson Mixed R6–50 m rifle prone SH1 566 47 Did not advance
Nathan Milgate Men's R1-10 m air rifle standing SH1 588 10 Did not advance
Mixed R3–10 m air rifle prone SH1 599 11 Did not advance
Mandy Pankhurst Women's R2–10 m air rifle standing SH1 380 16 Did not advance
Matt Skelhon Mixed R3–10 m air rifle prone SH1 600 =WR =1 Q 706.4 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Mixed R6–50 m rifle prone SH1 589 7 Q 693.2 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Men's R1–10 m air rifle standing SH1 579 18 Did not advance

Sitting volleyball

The British Paralympic Association announced that the men's and women's teams would take up their home quota places in September 2011 and March 2012 respectively.[68] The women's team, including 7 July 2005 London bombings survivor Martine Wright, finished eighth without winning a set.[69] The men's team also finished eighth, having advanced to the quarter-final stage after defeating Morocco.[70]

Men's tournament


The following is the British roster in the men's volleyball tournament of the 2012 Summer Paralympics.[71]

Head coach: Ian LeGrand

Name Date of birth Position 2012 club
1 Netra Rana 9 December 1983 L United Kingdom Battle Back Phoenix
2 Justin Phillips 31 August 1990 WS United Kingdom Malory Eagles
3 Samuel Scott 3 January 1991 WS United Kingdom FDSW Celtic Dragons
4 John Munro 4 May 1972 M United Kingdom London Lynx
5 Benjamin Thomas Hall 18 September 1985 UN United Kingdom Surrey Gators
6 John Worrall 30 March 1983 UN United Kingdom London Lynx
7 Robert Richardson 17 May 1982 SE United Kingdom Surrey Gators
8 Anton Raimondo 17 May 1978 UN United Kingdom London Lynx
9 Richard Dobell 12 August 1967 SE United Kingdom Malory Eagles
10 Charles Walker 28 February 1980 M United Kingdom Surrey Gators
11 James Roberts 11 May 1986 UN United Kingdom FDSW Celtic Dragons
Group play
Pts Matches Sets Points
Rank Team W L W L Ratio W L Ratio
1 Germany 8 4 0 12 3 4.000 340 266 1.278
2 Russia 7 3 1 11 5 2.200 356 275 1.295
3 Egypt 6 2 2 9 6 1.500 424 402 1.055
4 Great Britain 5 1 3 3 9 0.333 230 276 0.833
5 Morocco 4 0 4 0 12 0.000 157 300 0.523
30 August 2012
Great Britain 0–3 Russia ExCeL London, London
Referees: Ronaldo Chaves (BRA), Benno Meijer (NED)
(14–25, 18–25, 20–25)
31 August 2012
Great Britain 0–3 Egypt ExCeL London, London
Referees: Joe Campbell (GBR), Dariusz Jasinski (POL)
(15–25, 17–25, 22–25)
2 September 2012
Great Britain 3–0 Morocco ExCeL London, London
Referees: Sari Mannersuo (FIN), Stephen Giugni (AUS)
(25–20, 25–19, 25–12)
3 September 2012
Great Britain 0–3 Germany ExCeL London, London
Referees: Masoud Yazdanpanah (IRI), Xin Xia (CHN)
(19–25, 16–25, 14–25)
5 September 2012
Great Britain 0–3 Iran ExCeL London, London
Referees: Dimosthenis Kostopoulos (GRE), Ute Fisher (GER)
(18–25, 13–25, 15–25)
5th–8th place semi-final
6 September 2012
Brazil 3–0 Great Britain ExCeL London, London
Referees: Amin Al-Traifi (KSA), Dariusz Jasinski (POL)
(25–20, 25–16, 25–15)
7th–8th place match
7 September 2012
China 3–0 Great Britain ExCeL London, London
Referees: Toomas Murulo (EST)
(25–14, 25–16, 25–22)

Women's tournament


The following is the British roster in the women's volleyball tournament of the 2012 Summer Paralympics.[72]

Name Date of birth Position 2012 club
1 Julie Rogers 2 November 1998 United Kingdom Loughborough Lions
2 Victoria Widdup 18 April 1987 United Kingdom London Lynx
3 Jessica Frezza 21 September 1993 United Kingdom Loughborough Lions
4 Samantha Bowen 21 March 1986 United Kingdom FDSW Celtic Dragons
5 Andrea Green 29 May 1970 United Kingdom Loughborough Lions
6 Emma Wiggs 14 June 1980 United Kingdom Portsmouth
7 Martine Wright 30 September 1972 United Kingdom London Lynx
8 Amy Brierly 30 September 1989 United Kingdom FDSW Celtic Dragons
9 Nicole Hill 4 September 1980 United Kingdom Portsmouth
10 Jessica O'Brien 16 May 1992 United Kingdom FDSW Celtic Dragons
11 Claire Harvey 19 February 1974 United Kingdom London Lynx
Group play
Pts Matches Sets Points
Rank Team W L W L Ratio W L Ratio
1 Ukraine 6 3 0 9 1 9.000 241 167 1.443
2 Netherlands 5 2 1 7 4 1.750 251 201 1.249
3 Japan 4 1 2 4 6 0.667 190 218 0.872
4 Great Britain 3 0 3 0 9 0.000 129 225 0.573
31 August 2012
Great Britain 0–3 Ukraine ExCeL London, London
Attendance: Report
Referees: Adnan Kolos (BIH), Sari Mannersuo (FIN)
(9–25, 20–25, 14–25)
1 September 2012
Great Britain 0–3 Netherlands ExCeL London, London
Referees: Mourad El-Baroudy (EGY), Xin Xia (CHN)
(13–25, 12–25, 15–25)
2 September 2012
Great Britain 0–3 Japan ExCeL London, London
Referees: Dariusz Jasinski (POL), Anton Probst (GER)
(11–25, 21–25, 14–25)
Semi-final 5–8
4 September 2012
Brazil 3–0 Great Britain ExCeL London, London
Referees: Stephen Giugni (AUS), Masoud Yazdanpanah (IRI)
(25–19, 25–10, 25–7)
Classification 7–8
6 September 2012
Great Britain 0–3 Japan ExCeL London, London
Referees: Dimosthenis Kostopoulos (GRE), Janko Plesnik (SLO)
(23–25, 19–25, 13–25)


British Swimming selected 44 swimmers[3] for the Paralympic Games based on qualifying times set at trial events in London and Sheffield in March and April 2012 respectively.[73] Selection of the first sixteen competitors was confirmed by the British Paralympic Association in April 2012,[74] with a further 28 selected in May on confirmation of available slots by IPC Swimming.[75]

British swimmers won seven gold, sixteen silver and sixteen bronze medals in total. In the women's S6 events, Eleanor Simmonds set new world record times in the 400 m freestyle and 200 m individual medley SM6 to win two gold medals,[76][77] in addition to silver in the 100 m freestyle and bronze in the 50 m freestyle events.[78] S7 swimmers Josef Craig and Jonathan Fox both posted new world record times on the way to gold in the 400 m freestyle and 100 m backstroke respectively.[79][80] Jessica-Jane Applegate won the women's 200 m freestyle S14 setting a new Paralympic record in the final.[81] Gold medals were also won by S8 swimmers Heather Frederiksen in the women's 100 m backstroke[82] and Oliver Hynd, who set a new European record in the men's 200 m individual medley SM8.[83] Stephanie Millward won five medals, the most of any ParalympicsGB competitor, in both individual and relay events.[84]

James Clegg won a bronze medal in the men's 100 m butterfly S12.
Athlete Events[85] Heats Final
Time Rank Time Rank
James Anderson 50 m freestyle S2 1:10.61 10 Did not advance
100 m freestyle S2 2:27.43 7 Q 2:31.33 8
50 m backstroke S2 1:07.17 3 Q 1:07.30 4
Jack Bridge 100 m backstroke S10 1:09.38 16 Did not advance
100 m breaststroke SB9 1:10.01 4 Q 1:10.40 4
200 m individual medley SM10 2:21.35 11 Did not advance
James Clegg 50 m freestyle S12 25.52 =7 Q 25.20 6
100 m freestyle S12 56.05 7 Q 55.94 8
100 m butterfly S12 59.99 3 Q 1:00.00 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Josef Craig 50 m freestyle S7 29.48 7 Q 29.39 7
100 m freestyle S7 1:04.00 4 Q 1:02.20 4
400 m freestyle S7 4:45.79 WR 1 Q 4:42.81 WR 1st place, gold medalist(s)
James Crisp 100 m freestyle S9 1:00.76 17 Did not advance
400 m freestyle S9 4:26.03 8 Q 4:26.61 8
100 m backstroke S9 1:04.01 2 Q 1:03.62 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
100 m breaststroke SB8 1:15.84 5 Q 1:15.71 6
200 m individual medley SM9 2:22.09 3 Q 2:21.10 5
Graham Edmunds 50 m freestyle S10 25.28 10 Did not advance
100 m freestyle S10 56.01 13 Did not advance
100 m butterfly S10 1:05.48 19 Did not advance
Jonathan Fox 50 m freestyle S7 29.38 6 Q 28.87 6
100 m freestyle S7 1:02.47 2 Q 1:02.26 5
400 m freestyle S7 4:49.91 2 Q 4:48.03 4
100 m backstroke S7 1:09.86 WR 1 Q 1.10.46 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Sean Fraser 50 m freestyle S8 28.20 11 Did not advance
100 m freestyle S8 1:00.78 6 Q 1:00.58 7
100 m backstroke S8 1:10.02 5 Q 1:09.67 5
100 m butterfly S8 1:05.94 7 Q 1:05.99 6
James Hollis 100 m backstroke S10 1:06.40 13 Did not advance
100 m butterfly S10 59.98 10 Did not advance
Oliver Hynd 400 m freestyle S8 4:36.40 3 Q 4:27.88 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
100 m backstroke S8 1:08.59 3 Q 1:08.35 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
100 m butterfly S8 1:07.62 12 Did not advance
200 m individual medley SM8 2:27.95 2 Q 2:24.63 EU 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Sam Hynd 100 m freestyle S8 1:05.21 14 Did not advance
400 m freestyle S8 4:33.25 1 Q 4:32.93 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
100 m breaststroke SB8 1:16.80 7 Q 1:16.64 7
200 m individual medley SM8 2:28.88 3 Q 2:28.03 4
Sascha Kindred 50 m freestyle S6 33.36 10 Did not advance
50 m butterfly S6 33.19 6 Q DSQ
100 m breaststroke SB7 1:23.59 4 Q 1:23.53 4
200 m individual medley SM6 2:44.29 1 Q 2:41.50 EU 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Aaron Moores 100 m backstroke S14 1:04.80 3 Q 1:04.44 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
100 m breaststroke SB14 1:11.10 6 Q 1:10.46 6
Andrew Mullen 50 m freestyle S5 37.40 8 Q 38.08 8
50 m backstroke S5 39.69 4 Q 39.54 4
50 m butterfly S5 39.71 4 Q 40.04 4
James O'Shea 100 m breaststroke SB5 1:39.88 5 Q 1:38.30 4
Daniel Pepper 200 m freestyle S14 2:01.94 4 Q 2:03.27 7
100 m breaststroke SB14 1:11.27 7 Q 1:12.64 7
Morgyn Peters 100 m backstroke S9 1:05.12 4 Q 1:04.79 5
Ben Procter 200 m freestyle S14 2:01.97 5 Q 2:03.30 8
100 m backstroke S14 1:06.01 7 Q 1:05.88 5
Craig Rodgie 200 m freestyle S14 2:05.59 9 Did not advance
100 m backstroke S14 1:07.03 12 Did not advance
Anthony Stephens 50 m freestyle S5 35.59 7 Q 35.74 6
100 m freestyle S5 1:19.05 4 Q 1:17.23 5
200 m freestyle S5 2:51.42 4 Q 2:49.83 4
50 m backstroke S5 43.60 11 Did not advance
50 m butterfly S5 DNS Did not advance
Matthew Walker 50 m freestyle S7 28.59 2 Q 28.47 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
50 m butterfly S7 33.06 6 Q 33.93 7
Robert Welbourn 100 m freestyle S10 55.45 10 Did not advance
400 m freestyle S10 4:17.13 5 Q 4:08.18 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
100 m butterfly S10 1:01.96 15 Did not advance
200 m individual medley SM10 2:19.80 10 Did not advance
Matthew Whorwood 50 m freestyle S6 33.91 13 Did not advance
100 m freestyle S6 1:11.47 7 Q 1:11.21 7
400 m freestyle S6 5:17.28 3 Q 5:11.59 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
100 m breaststroke SB6 1:36.09 10 Did not advance
200 m individual medley SM6 2:53.82 5 Q 2:53.08 5
Thomas Young 50 m freestyle S8 27.81 =7 Q 27.71 7
100 m freestyle S8 1:01.85 8 Q 1:00.53 6
400 m freestyle S8 4:34.16 2 Q 4:33.57 4
100 m backstroke S8 1:09.54 4 Q 1:08.91 4
100 m breaststroke SB7 1:24.90 5 Q 1:23.69 5
200 m individual medley SM8 2:35.98 11 Did not advance
Sean Fraser
Sam Hynd
Robert Welbourn
Thomas Young
4 × 100 m freestyle relay 34pts 3:57.87 1 Q 3:56.38 5
Jack Bridge
Jonathan Fox
James Hollis
Thomas Young
4 × 100 m medley relay 34pts 4:22.79 1 Q 4:20.54 5

Qualifiers for the latter rounds (Q) of all events were decided on a time only basis, therefore positions shown are overall results versus competitors in all heats.

Jessica-Jane Applegate (centre) after winning a gold medal in the women's 200 m freestyle S14 event.
Athlete Events[85] Heats Final
Time Rank Time Rank
Gemma Almond 100 m freestyle S10 1:07.40 13 Did not advance
400 m freestyle S10 5:07.43 11 Did not advance
100 m butterfly S10 1:14.07 8 Q 1:13.24 8
200 m individual medley SM10 2:41.28 7 Q 2:42.16 8
Jessica-Jane Applegate 200 m freestyle S14 2:14.31 1 Q 2:12.63 PR 1st place, gold medalist(s)
100 m backstroke S14 1:10.32 3 Q 1:09.58 4
Claire Cashmore 100 m freestyle S9 1:06.81 9 Did not advance
100 m butterfly S9 1:13.26 6 Q 1:14.56 8
100 m breaststroke SB8 1:22.90 1 Q 1:20.39 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
200 m individual medley SM9 2:39.75 4 Q 2:38.08 4
Chloe Davies 200 m freestyle S14 2:18.10 9 Did not advance
100 m backstroke S14 1:09.22 1 Q 1:10.10 5
Heather Frederiksen 50 m freestyle S8 32.34 6 Q 31.93 6
100 m freestyle S8 1:07.53 2 Q 1:08.07 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
400 m freestyle S8 4:58.29 2 Q 5:00.50 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
100 m backstroke S8 1:17.63 1 Q 1:17.00 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Rhiannon Henry 50 m freestyle S13 29.06 5 Q 29.41 7
100 m freestyle S13 1:01.87 4 Q 1:02.00 4
200 m individual medley SM13 2:35.83 4 Q 2:32.84 4
Charlotte Henshaw 400 m freestyle S8 5:42.19 12 Did not advance
100 m breaststroke SB6 1:39.64 PR 1 Q 1:39.16 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Emma Hollis 100 m freestyle S8 1:25.35 18 Did not advance
400 m freestyle S8 6:02.84 14 Did not advance
100 m breaststroke SB7 DNS Did not advance
200 m individual medley SM8 3:28.90 13 Did not advance
Liz Johnson 100 m breaststroke SB6 1:41.09 2 Q 1:40.90 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
200 m individual medley SM6 3:28.22 7 Q 3:25.64 6
Natalie Jones 50 m freestyle S6 38.74 10 Did not advance
100 m freestyle S6 1:22.74 8 Q 1:22.64 7
400 m freestyle S6 6:03.95 7 Q 6:02.02 7
50 m butterfly S6 41.97 10 Did not advance
200 m individual medley SM6 3:16.41 2 Q 3:14.29 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Nyree Kindred 100 m backstroke S6 1:27.96 PR 1 Q 1:26.23 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Harriet Lee 50 m freestyle S10 29.97 10 Did not advance
100 m breaststroke SB9 1:19.44 3 Q 1:19.53 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
200 m individual medley SM10 2:38.06 6 Q 2:39.42 7
Amy Marren 50 m freestyle S9 31.02 10 Did not advance
400 m freestyle S9 4:53.04 4 Q 4:50.79 4
100 m backstroke S9 1:14.21 5 Q 1:14.31 5
Natalie Massey 200 m freestyle S14 2:16.21 4 Q 2:15.35 6
100 m backstroke S14 1:11.89 7 Q 1:12.87 7
100 m breaststroke SB14 1:26.56 9 Did not advance
Stephanie Millward 400 m freestyle S9 4:46.00 2 Q 4:40.01 EU 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
100 m backstroke S9 1:10.81 2 Q 1:11.07 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
100 m butterfly S9 1:12.32 4 Q 1:12.01 5
200 m individual medley SM9 2:38.47 2 Q 2:36.21 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Susie Rodgers 50 m freestyle S7 34.74 5 Q 34.08 4
100 m freestyle S7 1:12.86 2 Q 1:12.61 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
400 m freestyle S7 5:22.08 EU 2 Q 5:18.93 EU 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
100 m backstroke S7 1:26.09 3 Q 1:26.03 6
50 m butterfly S7 37.45 3 Q 37.54 4
Hannah Russell 50 m freestyle S12 28.32 4 Q 28.07 4
100 m freestyle S12 1:02.22 1 Q 1:02.38 6
400 m freestyle S12 4:41.25 1 Q 4:38.60 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
100 m backstroke S12 1:11.18 1 Q 1:10.15 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
100 m butterfly S12 1:08.57 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Eleanor Simmonds 50 m freestyle S6 36.45 4 Q 36.11 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
100 m freestyle S6 1:16.68 2 Q 1:14.82 EU 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
400 m freestyle S6 5:24.64 PR 1 Q 5:19.17 WR 1st place, gold medalist(s)
200 m individual medley SM6 3:06.97 WR 1 Q 3:05.39 WR 1st place, gold medalist(s)
Lauren Steadman 50 m freestyle S9 31.04 11 Did not advance
100 m freestyle S9 1:05.98 8 Q 1:06.07 8
400 m freestyle S9 4:56.23 7 Q 4:55.17 6
Louise Watkin 50 m freestyle S9 29.35 1 Q 29.21 2nd place, silver medalist(s)
100 m freestyle S9 1:04.63 3 Q 1:04.45 5
100 m breaststroke SB9 1:25.48 10 Did not advance
200 m individual medley SM9 2:39.21 3 Q 2:37.79 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Claire Cashmore
Stephanie Millward
Susie Rodgers
Louise Watkin
4 × 100 m freestyle relay 34pts 4:24.71 EU 3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Claire Cashmore
Heather Frederiksen
Stephanie Millward
Louise Watkin
4 × 100 m medley relay 34pts 4:53.98 2nd place, silver medalist(s)

Qualifiers for the latter rounds (Q) of all events were decided on a time only basis, therefore positions shown are overall results versus competitors in all heats.

Table tennis

Thirteen athletes competed for GB in table tennis.[3] Athletes in classes 1 to 5 compete in wheelchairs, while classes 6 to 10 compete standing. Lower numbered classes indicate a higher severity disability. Athletes with intellectual disabilities compete in class 11.

Will Bayley won a silver medal in the class 7 men's singles, losing to Jochen Wollmert of Germany in the final.[86] Paul Davies, competing in his first Paralympics, won a bronze medal in the class 1 men's singles.[87] In the team events, both the men's class 6-8 team and the women's class 1-3 team won bronze medals with victories over Germany and Italy respectively.[88]

Athlete Event Preliminaries Quarterfinals Semifinals Final / BM
Rank Opposition
Paul Davies Singles class 1 Borgato(ITA)
W 3–0
W 3–2
1 Nikelis(GER)
L 0–3
W 3–2
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Rob Davies Quinlan(IRL)
W 3–0
L 2–3
2 Did not advance
Scott Robertson Singles class 5 Cao(CHN)
L 1–3
L 0–3
3 Did not advance
David Wetherill Singles class 6 Alecci(ITA)
W 3–2
L 1–3
3 Did not advance
Will Bayley Singles class 7 Namsaga(THA)
W 3–0
W 3–0
1 Bye Nikolenko(UKR)
W 3–1
L 1–3
2nd place, silver medalist(s)
Paul Karabardak Kim(KOR)
W 3–0
L 0–3
2 Did not advance
Aaron McKibbin Singles class 8 Sun(CHN)
L 0–3
L 2–3
3 Did not advance
Ross Wilson Bye Skrzynecki(POL)
W 3–1
L 2–3
L 0–3
Kim Daybell Singles class 10 Carbinatti(BRA)
W 3–0
L 2–3
2 Did not advance
Will Bayley
Aaron McKibbin
Ross Wilson
Team class 6-8 Bye Italy(ITA)
W 3–0
L 2–3
W 3–0
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Athlete Event Preliminaries Quarterfinals Semifinals Final / BM
Rank Opposition
Jane Campbell Singles class 3 Sigala(MEX)
W 3–2
W 3–1
1 Ahlquist(SWE)
L 0–3
Did not advance
Sara Head Choi(KOR)
W 3–2
W 3–2
1 Pintar(SLO)
W 3–2
L 0–3
L 1–3
Susan Gilroy Singles class 4 Ahmed(EGY)
W 3–0
L 1–3
2 Did not advance
Victoria Bromley Singles class 11 Kosacheva(RUS)
L 0–3
L 0–3
3 Did not advance
Jane Campbell
Sara Head
Team class 1-3 Bye Turkey(TUR)
W 3–2
South Korea(KOR)
L 0–3
W 3–2
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)

Wheelchair basketball

As hosts Great Britain automatically qualified one men's team and one women's team in wheelchair basketball.[89] Competing athletes are given an eight-level-score specific to wheelchair basketball, ranging from 0.5 to 4.5 with lower scores representing a higher degree of disability. The sum score of all players on the court cannot exceed 14.[90]

The men's team were defeated by Canada in the semi-final and went on to finish fourth after losing the bronze medal final to the US.[91] The women's team were knocked out of the competition at the quarter-final stage by Germany.[92] They finished seventh after winning their classification final against Mexico.[93]

Men's tournament

The following is the Great Britain roster in the men's wheelchair basketball tournament of the 2012 Summer Paralympics.[3]

Players Coaches
Pos. No. Name Age – Date of birth Pts. Club Ctr.
4 Gaz Choudhry 27 – (1985-06-23)23 June 1985 Capital City Aces United Kingdom
5 Dan Highcock 30 – (1981-12-05)5 December 1981 Wolves Rhinos United Kingdom
6 Matt Sealy 30 – (1982-06-21)21 June 1982 Capital City Aces United Kingdom
7 Terry Bywater 29 – (1983-02-28)28 February 1983 Sheffield Steelers United Kingdom
8 Simon Munn 44 – (1968-01-31)31 January 1968 Capital City Aces United Kingdom
9 Jon Pollock 35 – (1977-05-11)11 May 1977 Wolves Rhinos United Kingdom
10 Abdi Jama 29 – (1982-11-01)1 November 1982 Wolves Rhinos United Kingdom
11 Matt Byrne 37 – (1974-10-08)8 October 1974 Wolves Rhinos United Kingdom
12 Ian Sagar 30 – (1982-03-29)29 March 1982 Thamside Owls United Kingdom
13 Peter Finbow 37 – (1975-05-17)17 May 1975 Thamside Owls United Kingdom
14 Jon Hall 30 – (1982-03-13)13 March 1982 Thamside Owls United Kingdom
15 Ade Orogbemi 34 – (1978-05-11)11 May 1978 Capital City Aces United Kingdom

  • Club – describes last
    club before the tournament
  • Age – describes age
    on 30 August 2012
Group stage[94] Quarterfinal Semifinal Final
Rank Opposition
L 72–77
3 Q Turkey
W 75–70
L 52–69
Bronze final
United States
L 46–61
L 54–70
W 81–41
W 87–58
W 71–55
Group play
Pld W L PF PA PD Pts
Canada 5 5 0 362 280 +82 10
Germany 5 4 1 339 303 +36 9
Great Britain 5 3 2 365 301 +64 8
Poland 5 2 3 327 341 −14 7
Japan 5 1 4 273 330 −57 6
Colombia 5 0 5 223 334 −111 5
30 August 2012
Great Britain 72–77 (OT) Germany
Scoring by quarter: 10–21, 17–13, 23–13, 16–19, Overtime: 6–11
Pts:Munn 21
Rebs:Munn 14
Asts:Bywater 9
Pts:Passiwan 26
Rebs:Bienek 11
Asts:Bienek 12
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Juan Uruñuela (ESP)
31 August 2012
Canada 70–54 Great Britain
Scoring by quarter: 20–11, 14–18, 18–7, 18–18
Pts:Anderson 29
Rebs:Anderson 10
Asts:Anderson 14
Pts:Choudhry 11
Rebs:Highcock 7
Asts:Orogbemi 6
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Max Kindervater (GER)
1 September 2012
Great Britain 81–41 Colombia
Scoring by quarter: 25–13, 21–8, 18–11, 17–9
Pts:Bywater 21
Rebs:Sagar 11
Asts:Bywater 8
Pts:Sanz Londoño 14
Rebs:Hawkins 12
Asts:Leep Ipema, Chaparro 3
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Shu Fei Hsieh (TPE)
2 September 2012
Poland 58–87 Great Britain
Scoring by quarter: 10–22, 14–23, 19–25, 15–17
Pts:Balcerowski 11
Rebs:Filipski 7
Asts:Filipski 5
Pts:Bywater 22
Rebs:Sagar 8
Asts:Hall 6
Basketball Arena, London
Referees: Rui Marques (BRA)
3 September 2012
Japan 55–71 Great Britain
Scoring by quarter: 14–25, 10–21, 13–14, 18–11
Pts:Fujimoto 20
Rebs:Kozai, Fujimoto 5
Asts:Kozai 7
Pts:Bywater 19
Rebs:Munn 9
Asts:Bywater, Pollock 5
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Matt Wells (AUS)
5 September 2012
Turkey 70–75 Great Britain
Scoring by quarter: 14–16, 16–16, 15–22, 25–21
Pts:Gürbulak 28
Rebs:Ercan 10
Asts:Gürbulak 9
Pts:Bywater 23
Rebs:Pollock 9
Asts:Bywater 13
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Juan Uruñuela (ESP)
6 September 2012
Great Britain 52–69 Canada
Scoring by quarter: 16–21, 11–12, 10–24, 15–12
Pts:Orogbemi 14
Rebs:Bywater, Sagar 5
Asts:Pollock 5
Pts:Anderson 17
Rebs:Johnson 14
Asts:Anderson 11
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Mati Quintana (ARG)
Bronze medal match
8 September 2012
United States 61–46 Great Britain
Scoring by quarter: 17–10, 12–10, 10–13, 22–13
Pts:Serio 20
Rebs:Scott 8
Asts:Serio 8
Pts:Bywater 14
Rebs:Bywater 12
Asts:Orogbemi 5
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Matt Wells (AUS)

Women's tournament

The following is the Great Britain roster in the women's wheelchair basketball tournament of the 2012 Summer Paralympics.[3]

Players Coaches
Pos. No. Name Age – Date of birth Pts. Club Ctr.
4 Caroline Maclean 37 – (1975-04-19)19 April 1975 Essex Outlaws United Kingdom
5 Sarah Grady 28 – (1984-04-25)25 April 1984
6 Clare Strange 32 – (1979-09-18)18 September 1979 Milton Keynes Aces United Kingdom
7 Helen Freeman 22 – (1989-11-23)23 November 1989 UIC Flames United States
8 Laurie Williams 20 – (1992-02-04)4 February 1992 Nottingham Coyotes United Kingdom
9 Judith Hamer 21 – (1990-12-03)3 December 1990
10 Amy Conroy 19 – (1992-10-22)22 October 1992 Aylesbury Aces United Kingdom
11 Maddie Thompson 17 – (1995-03-29)29 March 1995 Nottingham Coyotes United Kingdom
12 Helen Turner 34 – (1977-10-15)15 October 1977 Aspire Force Wheelchair Basketball Club United Kingdom
13 Louise Sugden 28 – (1984-07-20)20 July 1984 Aylesbury Aces United Kingdom
14 Natasha Davies 21 – (1990-12-06)6 December 1990 Loughborough University United Kingdom
15 Sarah Mcphee 32 – (1980-02-13)13 February 1980 Tameside Owls United Kingdom
Head coach
  • Club – describes last
    club before the tournament
  • Age – describes age
    on 30 August 2012
Group stage[94] Quarter-final Semi-final Final
Rank Opposition
L 35–62
4 Q Germany
L 44–55
5th–8th place

L 55–72
7th/8th place

W 59–37
L 24–51
W 42–37
L 50–67
Group play
Pld W L PF PA PD Pts Tiebreaker 1 Tiebreaker 2
Australia 4 3 1 211 180 +31 7 +2 1–0
Netherlands 4 3 1 236 194 +42 7 +2 0–1
Canada 4 3 1 248 231 +17 7 −4
Great Britain 4 1 3 151 217 −66 5
Brazil 4 0 4 190 214 −24 4
30 August 2012
Netherlands 62–35 Great Britain
Scoring by quarter: 8–8, 12–6, 18–10, 24–11
Pts:Bejer 26
Rebs:Bejer 19
Asts:Huitzing 9
Pts:Conroy 15
Rebs:Freeman 12
Asts:Freeman 6
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Max Kindervater (GER)
31 August 2012
Great Britain 24–51 Australia
Scoring by quarter: 5–11, 6–14, 3–14, 10–12
Pts:Hamer 8
Rebs:Strange 7
Asts:three players 2
Pts:Merritt 10
Rebs:Crispin 7
Asts:Gauci 4
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Nureddin Bilmez (TUR)
1 September 2012
Brazil 37–42 Great Britain
Scoring by quarter: 5–9, 16–10, 10–8, 6–15
Pts:Guimarães da Costa 16
Rebs:De Nazaré Santos 11
Asts:Guimarães da Costa 3
Pts:Conroy 18
Rebs:Freeman 8
Asts:Freeman 11
Basketball Arena, London
Referees: Saskia Warmerdam (NED)
3 September 2012
Great Britain 50–67 Canada
Scoring by quarter: 16–14, 9–20, 11–21, 14–12
Pts:Freeman 18
Rebs:Freeman, Conroy 7
Asts:Freeman 5
Pts:Harnock 20
Rebs:McLachlan 15
Asts:Ouellet, Ferguson 8
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Valerie Farrugia (FRA)
4 September 2012
Germany 55–44 Great Britain
Scoring by quarter: 8–12, 14–9, 12–12, 21–11
Pts:Zeyen 25
Rebs:Schünemann 5
Asts:Schünemann 14
Pts:Freeman 19
Rebs:Sugden 7
Asts:Freeman 8
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Sébastien Gauthier (CAN)
5th–8th place semi-final
6 September 2012
China 72–55 Great Britain
Scoring by quarter: 17–10, 17–10, 15–11, 23–24
Pts:Cheng 19
Rebs:Cheng 14
Asts:Long 10
Pts:Freeman 22
Rebs:Freeman 9
Asts:Freeman 9
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Matt Wells (AUS)
7th/8th place match
7 September 2012
Mexico 37–59 Great Britain
Scoring by quarter: 11–6, 8–12, 7–22, 11–19
Pts:Estrada Bernal, Pérez Pacheco 9
Rebs:Pérez Pacheco 4
Asts:Estrada Bernal 6
Pts:Conroy 22
Rebs:Freeman 9
Asts:Freeman 9
North Greenwich Arena, London
Referees: Matt Wells (AUS)

Wheelchair fencing

Great Britain named a squad of seven fencers[95] competing across five events. The squad included 14-year-old Gabi Down as well as 1992 bronze medallist David Heaton who returned to the sport having retired after the 2004 Paralympics.

Tom Hall-Butcher advanced from the opening qualification pools but lost to Cheong Meng Chai of Hong Kong in the last 16 round.[96] Justine Moore was eliminated in the qualification rounds in both the women's individual foil and épée events.[97] Both men's and women's teams finished eighth without winning a match.[98][99]

Athlete Event Qualification Round of 16 Quarterfinal Semifinal Final / BM
Opposition Score Rank Opposition
Tom Hall-Butcher Men's individual sabre A Tsedryk (UKR) W 5–1 11 Q Cheong(HKG)
L 10–15
Did not advance
Noble (FRA) L 1–5
Cheong (HKG) L 4–5
Tian (CHN) L 2–5
Justine Moore Women's individual épée B Makrytskaya (BLR) W 5–2 11 Did not advance
Briese-Baetke (GER) L 1–5
Jana (THA) L 0–5
Dani (HUN) L 1–5
Vasileva (RUS) L 3–5
Women's individual foil B Mishurova (RUS) L 2–5 10 Did not advance
Briese-Baetke (GER) L 0–5
Palfi (HUN) W 5–4
Zhou (CHN) L 2–5
Lukianenko (UKR) L 4–5
David Heaton
Craig McCann
Simon Wilson
Men's team open Hong Kong(HKG)
L 19–45
Semi-final 5–8
L 15–45
Classification 7–8
L 12–45
Gemma Collis
Gabi Down
Justine Moore
Women's team open Hong Kong(HKG)
L 26–45
Semi-final 5–8
L 28–45
Classification 7–8
L 33–45

Note: Ranks from qualification pools were given as an overall ranking against all other competitors.

Wheelchair rugby

The British wheelchair rugby team in action against the United States in their opening match.

Great Britain qualified to compete in wheelchair rugby as host nation. A squad of 11 was named with five athletes returning from the 2008 Games, where the team finished fourth.[100] The team did not advance to the semi-finals after defeats to the United States and Japan in the group stage.[101] Britain went on to win their classification matches against Belgium and Sweden to finish in fifth place in the competition.[102]

Squad list[3] Group stage[103] Semifinals Finals
Rank Opposition
From: United States
L 44–56
3 Semi-final 5–8
W 54–49
Classification 5–6
W 59–47
W 57–50
L 39–51
Group play
Qualified for the semifinals
Pld W D L G GA GD Pts
United States (USA) 3 3 0 0 190 136 +54 6
Japan (JPN) 3 2 0 1 164 159 +5 4
Great Britain (GBR) 3 1 0 2 140 157 –17 2
France (FRA) 3 0 0 3 150 192 –42 0
United States 56 – 44 Great Britain
Aoki 14
Groulx 9
Team 7
McBride 6
Sumner 5
A. Cohn 5
Scaturro 3
Helton 2
Delagrave 2
Regier 1
C. Cohn 1
Springer 1
Report Phipps 16
Anthony 11
Brown 5
Morrison 5
Barrow 3
Kerr 2
Sehmi 1
Team 1
Attendance: 8,273
Referee: Pierre-Alexandre Brière (CAN), Chris van de Riet (NED)
Great Britain 57 – 50 France
Attendance: 5,186
Referee: Motoko Izumiya (JPN), Darren Roberts (USA)
Great Britain 39 – 51 Japan
Attendance: 8,458
Referee: Mitch Carr (USA), Philip Washbourn (NZL)
Semi-final 5–8
Great Britain 54 – 49 Belgium
Attendance: 1,567
Referee: Pierre-Alexandre Brière (CAN), Philip Washbourn (NZL)
Classification 5–6
Great Britain 59 – 47 Sweden
Attendance: 2,484
Referee: Mitch Carr (USA), Alexander Schreiner (GER)

Wheelchair tennis

Of the ten athletes selected to compete in wheelchair tennis, seven had competed in 2008,[104] including double Paralympic quad singles champion Peter Norfolk. In the singles events, no British competitor advanced past the quarter-final stage. Defending quad singles champion Peter Norfolk was defeated in the quarter-finals by Shraga Weinberg of Israel in three sets,[105] while ninth seed Gordon Reid and eighth seed Lucy Shuker reached the quarter-finals in the men's singles and women's singles respectively.

Peter Norfolk and Andy Lapthorne won a silver medal in the quad doubles, losing the final against defending champions Nicholas Taylor and David Wagner of the US in three sets.[106] Lucy Shuker and Jordanne Whiley won a bronze medal in the women's doubles having lost the first set and saved a match point in the bronze medal final against Thailand's Sakhorn Khanthasit and Ratana Techamaneewat.[107]

Athlete (seed) Event Round of 64 Round of 32 Round of 16 Quarterfinals Semifinals Final / BM
Alex Jewitt Men's singles Saida(JPN) (13)
L 2–6, 0–6
Did not advance
David Phillipson Dembe(CAN)
W 6–2, 6–2
Legner(AUT) (15)
W 6–3, 6–2
Kunieda(JPN) (2)
L 0–6, 2–6
Did not advance
Marc McCarroll Egberink(NED) (14)
L 4–6, 3–6
Did not advance
Gordon Reid (9) Miki(JPN)
W 6–1, 6–2
W 6–0, 6–0
Olsson(SWE) (6)
W 7–5, 6–4
Scheffers(NED) (3)
L 3–6, 3–6
Did not advance
Louise Hunt Women's singles Kamiji(JPN)
L 1–6, 1–6
Did not advance
Lucy Shuker (8) Lauro(ITA)
W 6–2, 6–1
W 6–0, 6–2
Griffioen(NED) (3)
L 4–6, 2–6
Did not advance
Jordanne Whiley Khanthasit(THA)
L 3–6, 4–6
Did not advance
Jamie Burdekin Quad singles Gershony(ISR) (2)
L 6–3, 3–6, 3–6
Did not advance
Andy Lapthorne (4) Hard(SWE)
L 7–5, 3–6, 3–6
Did not advance
Peter Norfolk (3) Moroishi(JPN)
W 6–0, 6–0
L 6–3, 5–7, 0–6
Did not advance
Alex Jewitt
David Phillipson
Men's doubles Avanthey,
W 6–3, 6–2
Jeremiasz(FRA) (1)
L 0–6, 2–6
Did not advance
Marc McCarroll
Gordon Reid (7)
W 6–3, 6–1
W 6–4, 6–3
Peifer(FRA) (4)
L 6–7(4–7), 4–6
Did not advance
Lucy Shuker
Jordanne Whiley (3)
Women's doubles Bye Ellerbrock,
W 6–3, 6–3
Van Koot(NED) (2)
L 4–6, 3–6
W 6–7(8–10), 7–6(7–2), 6–3
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)
Andy Lapthorne
Peter Norfolk (1)
Quad doubles Bye Kawano,
W 6–2, 6–2
Wagner(USA) (2)
L 2–6, 7–5, 2–6
2nd place, silver medalist(s)

Victory parade

A celebratory parade took place on 10 September 2012 commemorating the Olympic and Paralympic Games.[108][109]

See also


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