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파와르(Pawar[1])[2][3][1]마하라슈트라마라타족, 마하르족 또는 콜리족에서 발견되는 인도의 성씨입니다.그들은 Rajput의 [4]Parmar 씨족의 후손이라고 주장합니다.

주목할 만한

이 성(Paur/Pawar)을 가진 사람들은 다음을 포함합니다.

참고 항목


  1. ^ a b Apte, Usha Mukund (1982). Vedic, Hindu, and Tribal Marriage: A Study in Culture Change. New Delhi, India: AWARE (Action for Welfare and Awakening in Rural Environment). pp. 201: the Koli - clans names like Cavan, Bhosle, Pavar etc. are of part - Kshatriya origin.
  2. ^ Tulasīdāsa Viṭhūjī Geḍāma (1999). Untouchability and Its Origin. Yugantar Education Society. p. 158. In Maharashtra we find surnames of Jadhav, Chavan, Pawar, Gaikwad, Thorat etc. among the Maratha caste as well as Mahar caste
  3. ^ K. S. Singh (1996). Communities, Segments, Synonyms, Surnames and Titles. Anthropological Survey of India. ISBN 978-0-19-563357-3.
  4. ^ A. Aiyappan; L. K. Bala Ratnam (1956). Society in India. Social Sciences Association. p. 41. Retrieved 21 December 2012.