Khatana하타나(Khatana[1][2][3][4][5])는 인도, 아프가니스탄, 파키스탄의 구자르(Gujjjar) 공동체의 주요한 고대 씨족입니다.그들은 힌두교와[1] 이슬람교를 포함한 몇몇 종교를 따르며, 몇몇은 시크교를 따르기도 합니다.
그들은 인도와 파키스탄의 독립적인 영지와 삼타르 왕자국,[6] 카이버 파크툰크화의 스와트 왕자국을[7] 포함한 일부 왕자국에서 통치했습니다.
삼타르 주(샴셔가르)의 카타나 구르자르족의 기록에 따르면, 그들은 알렉산더 대왕에 맞서 싸웠고 펀자브에서 통치했던 라자 케다르 라이의 후손들이며, 후에 카타나 통치자들은 서기 930년에[8] 카나우즈의 배들이었습니다.
하타나 구자르어군에는 [9]다음과 같은 하위 클랜/하위 섹션이 있습니다.
그들은 아프가니스탄의 카불, 칸다하르, 누리스탄, 파미르, 나가르하르, 카피사, 자불 지방에 삽니다.그들은 잠무와 카슈미르, 히마찰 프라데시, 우트라칸드, 하리아나, 우타르 프라데시, 마디아 프라데시, 라자스탄, 구자라트, 마하라슈트라, 동부 펀자브와 델리를 포함한 12개 이상의 인도 주에서 살고 있습니다.펀자브 동부에는 거의 대부분의 지역(로파르, 호시아르푸르, 파리드코트, 피로즈푸르, 카푸르탈라, 아타리, 다리왈, 구르다스푸르, 잘란다르, 루디아나, 파티알라, 찬디가르 등)[10]에 살고 있습니다.
그들은 펀자브, 신드, 발로치스탄, 카이버 파크툰크와, 하자라, 길기트-발티스탄, 아자드 카슈미르, 이슬라마바드 수도 테리를 포함한 파키스탄의 모든 지역과 지방에서 발견됩니다.파키스탄 펀자브의 구자라트 지역에서만:펀자비 하타나 구자르족에는 40개의 [11]마을이 있습니다.
- ^ a b Pal, Vijay Kumar. Black Dots of Terrorism. Rudra Publications. p. 92. ISBN 978-93-90835-65-2.
3. Chauhan surname is very common in Hindu and Muslims. 4. Nirvan a clan in Gurjar community, both IN Hindus and Muslims both. 5. KHATANA clan of Gurjar is in both Hindus and Muslims.
- ^ Manku, Darshan Singh (1986). The Gujar Settlements: A Study in Ethnic Geography. Inter-India Publications. p. 117. ISBN 978-81-210-0072-7.
Paharpur village was settled by three Gujar clans namely, Bhoomla, Kalas, and Khatana, who came from different villages and areas. They divided the land of the mauza into three tarfs and established three hamlets in their respective tarfs.
- ^ Rahi, Javaid. The Gujjars -Vol 04 (Gujjars History & Culture) by Dr. Javaid Rahi. Jammu and Kashmir Acacademy of Art, Culture , Languages , Jammu. p. 398.
The names of the gotras are common to Hindu Gujjars, Sikh Gujjars and Muslim Gujjars in the Indian sub- continent. Members of some gotras while claiming their ancestory to the legendary figures, philosophers and warriors also assert the superiority of their gotra over others. A few prominent gotras are Khatana, Hakla, Bajjar, Chechi, Rathore, Chauhan, Bhatti, Rana, Thekria, Noon, Bhadana, Gorsi, Bagri, Kasana, Bajran, Kohli, Khari and some others.
- ^ Contributions to Indian Sociology: Volume 23, Issue 2 (2nd ed.). Mouton. 1989. p. 293.
- ^ Lidhoo, Moti Lal (1988). Kashmir Tribals: Child Rearing and Psycho-social Development. Minakshi Publishers. p. 54.
- ^ Rahi, Javaid (2012-01-01). The Gujjars Vol: 01 and 02 Edited by Dr. Javaid Rahi. Jammu and Kashmir Acacademy of Art, Culture , Languages , Jammu. p. 594.
The name Samthar is a corruption of Shamsher Gadh by which the capital is still known."___ The rulers of Shamsher Gadh belonged to Khatana sub-caste of the Gurjar race. The native place of the family was Northwest Punjab-Gandhara territory in ancient times where Kaid Rai, one of their ancestors fought against Alexandra. Chandra Pal son of Jai Pal Khatana, fought against Subuktgin at Kabul in 997 A.D. Mahmud Ghaznavi defeated Jai-Pal and Anand Pal and the territory from Kabul to Lahore became a part of Ghaznative Kingdom in 1018 A.D. The Khatanas took refuge in Mardan, Swat, Hazara etc. and Triloehan Pal, son of Arland Pal, himself retired to Jammu Hills from where he attacked Punjab till he died. Some Khatana families migrated south of Sutlej and reached upto Malwa and Gwalior and in the east upto upper Gangetie valley.
- ^ Rahi, Javaid (2012-01-01). The Gujjars Vol: 01 and 02 Edited by Dr. Javaid Rahi. Jammu and Kashmir Acacademy of Art, Culture , Languages , Jammu. p. 612.
Swat_____The originator of the present famous family of Swat was a Muslim saint Abdul Ghafoor a Khatana Gujjar of Hazara district from where he went to Buner territory. He was a pious man and the people respected him so greatly that they called him AKHUND SAHIB (S.C. page 398 and 399, T and C of N.W.F.P by Ibbetson page 11 etc.)____ Towards the mid years of nineteenth century A.D. Muslim tribes were fighting against each other for the possession of Swat valley. On the intervention of honourable Akhund Sahib killing was stopped and such was his saintly influence that the chiefs of all tribes unanimously made him the ruler of the Swat valley. Akhund Sahib administrated the valley according to Muslim Laws... Akhund Sahib had two sons by his wife who belonged to Nikbi Khel.___ After the death of Akhund Sahib, the tribal chiefs again started fighting and killing which continued for years. Finally the tribal chiefs agreed to give the control of the valley into hands of Honourable Gul Shahzada Abdul Wadood, the son of Mian Gul Abdul Khaliq who was son of Akhund Sahib... Swat valley was annexed to Frontier province and the ruler of Swat thus went under of the Britishers.____ During the rule of Mian Gul Muhammad, Abdul Haq Jehanzeb the son of Mian Abdul Wadood the state acceded to Pakistan in 1947 A.D.
- ^ Rahi, Javaid (2012-01-01). The Gujjars Vol: 01 and 02 Edited by Dr. Javaid Rahi. Jammu and Kashmir Acacademy of Art, Culture , Languages , Jammu.
The Gurjar rulers of Kabul Som Pal, Jag Pal, Sat Pal and Jai Pal ruled there successively from the Punjab. They were in the genealogical line of Lakhan. However the record of Shamsher Gadh reveals that the Khatanas were the descendants of Kedar Rai who had fought against Alexander the Great and that the Khatana rulers were vassals of Qanauj upto 930 A.D. Khatana Anand Pal and Chandra Pal were brothers who fought against Mahmud. Alberuni has stated about the rulers of Kabul thus: Kallar, Samand, Kamlu, Bhim and Jaipal. Kallar is Lallya and Samand is Samant. In fact Lallya, Samant, Kamlu and Bhim were Brahman governors of Kabul under, Som Pal, Jag Pal and Sat Pal of the Punjab. When Jai Pal was the king of Punjab his capital was Lahore and the officer incharge of Kabul was Ispahbad. Alberuni states, "When Kabul was conquered by the Muslims and Ispahbad of Kabul adopted Islam, he stipulated that he should not be bound to eat..."
- ^ Bharadwaj, A. N. (1994). History and Culture of Himalayan Gujjars. Jay Kay Book House. p. 74.
These Khatanas are not only leading Gujjars clan but have many offshoots as the minor sections ( sub - clans ) such as Awana, Amrana, Bukkan, Bhand, Topa, Gajgahi...
- ^ Khari, Rahul (2007). Jats and Gujars: Origin, History and Culture. Reference Press. pp. 79 and 80. ISBN 978-81-8405-031-8.
In Himachal Pradesh, Gujars are just like those of Jammu and Kashmir, but they are said to have moved from Punjab to Himachal Pradesh...Khatana Gujars They constitute a small part of the total population . They are basically found in Ropar , Hoshiarpur , Faridkot , Firozpur , Kapurthala , Atari , Dhariwal , Gurdaspur , Jalandhar , Ludhiana , Patiala , Chandigarh . The Gujars are ...
- ^ Rahi, Javaid (2012-01-01). The Gujjars Vol: 01 and 02 Edited by Dr. Javaid Rahi. Jammu and Kashmir Acacademy of Art, Culture , Languages , Jammu. p. 651.
In district Gujrat (West Punjab), there are forty villages of Khatana Gujars whose Headmen informed me in 1951 that by tradition they being mor Khatana are heirs of Jaipal who fought against Mahmud of Ghazni.