
Cedarbridge Academy
Cedarbridge Lane 1개

데번셔 교구

좌표32°18°09°N 64°46′02″w/32.3026°N 64.7672°W/ 32.3026; -64.7672좌표: 32°18°09°N 64°46 02 02 ww / 32 . 3026 °N 64.7672 °W / 32.3026 、 - 64.7672
학교 유형상급 학교
웹 사이트schools.moed.bm/CBA/default.aspx

Cedarbridge Academy는 버뮤다 데번셔 패리시에 있는 고등학교입니다.[1]학교는 1997년에 개교한 버뮤다의 두 공립 고등학교 중 하나이다.1990년대 버뮤다 정부가 중등교육수준을 에뮬라의 중등교육수준과 고등교육수준으로 분할하기로 결정함에 따라 프로스펙트 중등교육학교가 있던 옛 육군병영 대신 옛 군사기지 프로스펙트캠프 내에 건설되었다모든 공립 및 보조 중등학교가 중학교로 [2]전환되고 단일 고등학교가 있는 미국 학교 시스템의 운영:시더브릿지 아카데미.이 계획은 매우 인기가 없었지만 정부는 그것을 강행했다.이에 따라 지원받던 중등교육기관 워릭아카데미는 공교육에서 벗어나 사립학교로 돌아갔고, 공립학교 제도에 만족하던 학부모들도 4개 사립학교(워릭아카데미, 솔터스그래머 스쿨, 버뮤다 여고) 중 하나로 자녀를 전학시켰다.세인트루이스에 있습니다.아그네스 아카데미와 몬테소리 아카데미) 또는 해외 [3][4]사립학교에 보내 버뮤다 아이들의 40%가 사립학교에 다니게 되고 사립학교를 다닐 형편이 안 되는 부모들만 공립학교에 [5]보낸다는 인식을 갖게 된다.정부는 중등학교인 버클리 [6]연구소를 시더브릿지 아카데미를 보충하는 고등학교로 유지함으로써 계획을 수정했다.

Cedarbridge Academy 체육관은 비상대책기구의 공식 허리케인 전 대피소 역할을 하며, 일반적으로 심한 [7][8]폭풍이 오기 전에 문을 엽니다.


  1. ^ "시더브릿지 아카데미"버뮤다 정부.2016년 9월 14일 취득.
  2. ^ Parker Trott, Carol (8 February 2011). "Teachers' concerns to get rare hearing". The Royal Gazette. Bermuda. Retrieved 7 July 2022. Government is renovating several of its schools as part of education reform. Sandys Secondary, Warwick Secondary, Dellwood, St. George's Secondary, and Whitney Institute are being converted to middle schools. They will be known as the middle school at Sandys, Spice Valley Middle School, Dellwood Middle School, and Clearwater Middle School, respectively. Whitney will not be changing its name. Government is also converting Northlands to a primary school and finishing work on Cedar Bridge Academy, its new senior secondary school at Prospect. Work on the middle schools, which began this summer, are expected to be phased in. And Cedar Bridge officials have moved into the facility this week while work continues.
  3. ^ Joseph L. Christopher (1 June 2015). Historical Context of Education in Bermuda Volume 1: Historical Context of Education in Bermuda: Perspectives of a Participant Observer (PDF) (Report). Bermuda College. p. 13. As a result of these changes, the Montessori Academy (1991), now Somersfield Academy, was established as a private school. Warwick Academy (1993), an historically white school, decided to forego government financial assistance and become a fully private school. Thus two additional private schools were made available.
  4. ^ O'Connor, Colin (3 February 2011). "Overseas education options on show". The Royal Gazette. Bermuda. Retrieved 7 July 2022. BERMUDIAN and resident parents and their children contemplating an overseas education will be spoiled for choice at next week's Secondary School Fair, when representatives of 31 US boarding schools will be in Bermuda for an "Informal Reception".
  5. ^ Zuill, Lilla (3 February 2011). "Butterfield: Island cannot afford failure in education". The Royal Gazette. Bermuda. Retrieved 7 July 2022. Mr. Butterfield, who is chairman of the Board of Education, said he was concerned that Bermuda “apparently finds it acceptable that 40 percent of schoolchildren here are in private schools”. He made his comments as guest speaker at the Bermuda Employers' Council's AGM. Mr. Butterfield - a Bermudian who has spent much of his adult life outside of Bermuda having only returned to the Island in 2000 as the bank's chief administration officer - said the rate of private education seen here was one of the highest in the world and that it could result in a rift between classes. “The deepening divisions between those in the private system, with predominately middle class students, and the public system, with predominately working class students, is being left to become a basic, almost natural fact of life here”.
  6. ^ "On right track? We have come a mighty long way, says principal of CedarBridge". The Royal Gazette. Bermuda. 3 February 2011. Retrieved 7 July 2022. EVEN before it opened, CedarBridge Academy was a centre of some controversy. Many parents were unhappy about the building of what was, by Bermuda's historical standards, a mega-school. Instead of attending parish schools, nearly 1,000 pupils were expected to travel to the Prospect campus from all parts of the island. Opponents of the project were convinced that such a large comprehensive school would be at best mediocre and at worst chaotic, and that the students, many from disadvantaged backgrounds, would cover too wide a range of academic ability to fit easily under one roof.The early years, marred as they were by anti-social behaviour and violence, seemed to support those who had low expectations.... ....(Berkeley principal) Mrs. (Michelle) Gabisi and I work closely together, and we talk on a regular basis, and we are looking at more of an alignment of the schools. Even the boards are communicating.The goal is for both schools to be outstanding in what they offer and what they do, which I think is important. It is more collaborative than competitive, and there is a desire to keep it that way. The choice is open to children right now, and I think that both schools will do the best that they can in terms of what they are delivering, and then parents and children will choose accordingly.
  7. ^ "Emergency shelters and medical centres". Government of Bermuda. Retrieved 27 February 2020.
  8. ^ "Approved Emergency Shelters". Bernews. Retrieved 27 February 2020.

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