
설립.1947년; 75년 전 (연방)
설립자잭 헤네스
없어졌다2004년 4월 23일 (2004-04-23)[1]
운명.Fuji Film [1]Australia가 됨, 하니멕스사명 단종료[2]
웹 사이트Hanimex Australia at the Wayback Machine (아카이브 2004-03-27)
하니멕스 110 KF 포켓 카메라

Hanimex는 주로 사진 [4]장비와 관련된 호주의 유통업체이자 [3]제조업체였습니다.



이 회사는 Jack Hannes(1923-2005)에 의해 설립되었습니다.독일에서 태어나 영국에서 교육을 받은 Hannes의 가족은 [3]1939년 독일을 떠나 호주로 갔다.제2차 세계대전 후 몇 년 동안 사진 제품의 수입에 종사하게 된 Hannes는 [1][3]1947년 Hannes "IMport" "EXPORT"[3]의 줄임말인 "Hannes"를 설립하였다.

하니멕스는 1954년부터[5] 2004년 후지필름이 인수할 때까지 호주에서 후지필름 제품의 총판이었다.


1950년대 중반에는 호주의 수입 제한으로 인해 Hanimex는 현지에서 프로젝터를 제조하기 시작했고 1970년대 초에는 세계에서 [3]두 번째로 큰 슬라이드 프로젝터 제조업체가 되었습니다.

하니멕스제 28mm 카메라 렌즈

하니멕스는 프라크티카, 탑콘 등 자사 명의의 카메라를 대거 보급했고, 결국 단순한 리브랜딩을 넘어 제품 [6]디자인에 상당한 영향을 미칠 정도로 영향력이 커졌다.

Hanimex "퐁 스타일" 전용 게임 콘솔

1970년대 후반과 1980년대 초반, 하니멕스는 또한 여러 개의 퐁 스타일의 비디오[7] 게임 콘솔(홍콩 제조사 사운딕의 [8]디자인을 다시 적용)과 "하니멕스 펜슬 II" 가정용 컴퓨터(Soundic도 [9]디자인)를 판매했다.

한네스의 퇴임 이후

잭 하네스는 호주 산업에 대한 공로로 퀸즈상을 수상했으며, 국제 우호와 [3]번영을 도모한 공로로 일본 사진 산업 협회로부터 평생 공로상을 받았다.그는 1982년[3] 당시 대주주가 임명한 이사회와의 불화로 [6]회사를 마음대로 운영할 수 없게 되자 사임했다.2005년, 스위스에서 휴가를 보내던 중,[6] Hannes는 81세의 나이로 사망했다.

1985년 하니멕스는 비비타를 [4]인수했다.

1989년, 하니멕스는 게스테트너[10]의해 인수되었고,[11] 1995년에는 리코에 의해 인수되었다.

2004년 후지필름은 리코로부터 [6]하니멕스를 인수하여[5] 후지필름 오스트레일리아 Pty [1]Ltd.로 알려지게 되었고, 하니멕스라는 이름은 [2]폐지되었다.

「 」를 참조해 주세요.


  1. ^ a b c d e "Company Profile: FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd". Archived from the original on 2021-01-24. FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd came into existence on 23 April 2004 following the sale of the Hanimex Group to Fuji Photo Film Co. Ltd. [..] Previously, Hanimex Pty Ltd had been the sole distributor of FUJIFILM products in Australia since 1954. Hanimex was founded in 1947 by Jack Hannes, [as] an import and export company
  2. ^ a b "The Argus Slide Projector Raffle". Archived from the original on 2021-03-02. By 1958 Hanimex was a major player in the importing and distribution of photographic equipment in Australia. [..] Hanimex was acquired by Fuji Photo in 2004 and the use of the Hanimex name was discontinued.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Paul Curtis. "JACK HANNES: 1923-2005: Hanimex and the Founding Distributor of Fujifilm in Australia". Archived from the original on 2021-01-15. Jack Dieter Hannes was born in Berlin on April 12, 1923 [..1934..] sent to Buxton College in Derbyshire England [..1939..] family fled Germany [for] Australia. [Soon after WW2 Hannes] commenced [imports from Italy including] sunglasses and Durst Duca cameras and Durst enlargers this was the beginning of his involvement in the photographic industry. [..1947..] [Hannes founded Hanimex, named] from the first three letters of his name and the words IMport and EXport. [..1956..] [Australian import restrictions led to Hanimex beginnning] local manufacturing of slide projectors [By early 70s] Hanimex was the second largest manufacturer of slide projectors in the world [..] In 1982 Jack Hannes resigned from the company. [..] [Awarded] Queens medal for services to Australian industry, [lifetime achievement recipient from] Japanese Photo Industry Association [for] promotion of international friendship and prosperity
  4. ^ a b James F. Peltz (1993-01-05). "Yet Another Buyer Sets Its Sights on Vivitar". LA Times. Archived from the original on 2021-05-06. in 1985, [Vivitar] was bought by Hanimex Group, an Australian photo products concern that, in turn, was owned by a big Australian real estate developer named Chase Group.
  5. ^ a b "Fujifilm Acquires its Distributor in Australia and New Zealand". Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. April 2004. Archived from the original on 2005-06-17. Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. has [agreed] to acquire 100% shares of Hanimex Australasia Pty Ltd., the holding company of the Hanimex Group that acts as the distributor for Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. in Australia and New Zealand.
  6. ^ a b c d Paul Burrows (2012-10-05). "The Australian Way". Archived from the original on 2014-02-01. Hanimex became [influential] enough to move beyond [mere imports] to having [design input on] Hanimex-branded cameras. There were some simple rebranding exercises [but] by the mid-1960s Hanimex had its own design department. [..] The Hanimex brand appeared on [cameras] by [Praktica, Topcon, Regula (Germany), Royal Camera (Japan), Finetta (Germany) and Dacora (Germany)] [and on] exposure meters made by Sekonic [..] [Hannes resigned in 1982 after] majority shareholder [..] stacked the board against him and [he] could no longer run Hanimex [how he wanted] on gut instinct and quick responses [to the market] [..] It was from Ricoh that Fujifilm subsequently purchased Hanimex Australasia Pty Ltd in 2004. [..] Hannes died in January 2005, aged 81, while on holiday [in] Switzerland
  7. ^ "Hanimex". Old-Computers.com. Archived from the original on 2020-11-25.
  8. ^ "Hanimex HMG-7900". Archived from the original on 2020-11-28.
  9. ^ "Hanimex Pencil II". Archived from the original on 2020-10-26. This Australian computer was in fact built and conceived in Hong Kong by Soundic Electronics, which produced a lot of low-end products at that time.
  10. ^ Roger Burrows. "Jack Hannes......and a couple of Box Cameras" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2020-10-22. In 1989 Gestetner Corp. bought the company and in 1996 it was Ricoh.
  11. ^ "Our history". Ricoh UK. Archived from the original on 2021-01-25. 1995 : Acquired the NRG Group PLC (Nashuatec, Rex-Rotary, Gestetner, formerly Gestetner Holdings PLC) in the UK

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