브래드 W. 세서

Brad W. Setser
브래드 W. 세서
기관대외 관계 위원회
모교하버드 대학교 (BA)
옥스퍼드 대학교 (MA, 박사)
웹사이트브래드 W. 세서

브래드 W. 세서는 미국의 경제학자였으며 전 재무부 직원 이코노미스트였다. 루비니 글로벌 이코노믹스 모니터("RGE")에서 글로벌 리서치 담당 이사로 일하면서 누리엘 루비니와 함께 '베일아웃스(Bailouts or Bail-ins)'라는 책을 공동 저술했다.[1]


2007년 RGE를 떠난 세서는 대외관계위원회(CoFR)에서 국제경제학 펠로(PoFR)가 되었다. 2009년에는 국제경제국장으로 국가경제위원회(NEC)에 자리를 잡았다. 2011년 재무부 차관으로 자리를 옮겨 유럽 재정위기, 미국 통화정책, 금융제재, 상품쇼크, 푸에르토리코 부채위기 등을 담당하다 2015년 스티븐 A로 복귀했다. 타난바움 대외관계위원회 국제경제 선임연구원. 그는 지난 2016년 워싱턴포스트가 "경제블로그스피어(blogople)를 꼭 읽어야 할 책"[2]이라고 표현한 세계 경제 불균형을 다룬 인기 경제 블로그 '팔로우 더 머니(follow the money)'의 저자다.[3]

세서는 월스트리트저널(WSJ)과 파이낸셜타임스(FT) 등 미국 국제경제 이슈에 관한 금융 간행물에서 인터뷰한 바 있다.[4][5][6][7]

세서는 또한 뉴욕 타임즈월스트리트 저널에 미국의 국제 경제 정책에 관한 의견서를 작성했다.[8][9]

세서는 2020년 11월 미국 무역대표부(Office of USTR)[10]와 관련된 인수인계 노력을 지원하기 위해 조 바이든 대통령직인수위원회(Office of Trade Agency) 검토팀의 일원으로 임명됐다.

참고 문헌 목록

  • Roubini, Nouriel; Setser, Brad (2004). Bailouts or Bail-ins?: Responding to Financial Crises in Emerging Economies. Pearson. ISBN 978-0881323719.
  • Rosenberg, Christoph; Setser, Brad (2005). Debt-Related Vulnerabilities and Financial Crises. International Monetary Fund (IMF). ISBN 978-1589064256.
  • Setser, Brad (2008). U.S. External Debt and Power (Council Special Report). Council on Foreign Relations. ISBN 978-0876094150.

참고 항목


  1. ^ 누리엘 루비니, 브래드 세서: 구제금융인가, 구제금융인가?: 신흥 경제국 금융 위기 대응, 2004; ISBN 978-0-88132-371-9
  2. ^ "Council on Foreign Relations: Brad W. Setser" (PDF). Council on Foreign Relations. 2018.
  3. ^ Daniel W. Drezner (26 May 2016). "When is transparency a form of economic statecraft?". The Washington Post. Retrieved 25 February 2019. Back in the day, Brad Setser was the go-to guy when it came to debates about cross-border financial flows, macroeconomic imbalances, what China was doing to keep its currency undervalued and whether other countries holding large amounts of U.S. debt was a thing or not. His Council on Foreign Relations blog was a must-read for those in the economics blogosphere who cared about these matters. Then Setser had to go and get a job in the Obama administration. The rest of us were left wandering in the political economy desert.
  4. ^ Inti Pacheco; Theo Francis. "Apple Rattled Markets With Warning About China. Who's Next?". The Wall Street Journal. U.S. companies competing in China’s consumer markets tend to target wealthier customers, where the slowdown is more pronounced, said Brad Setser, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who was deputy assistant Treasury secretary for international economic analysis in the Obama administration.
  5. ^ Mike Bird. "IMF Shows Risks in China's Debt Markets as Global Popularity Booms". The Wall Street Journal. Brad Setser, an economist at the Council on Foreign Relations, noted that foreign demand for Chinese bonds exceeded foreign demand for U.S. bonds in the second quarter of 2018.
  6. ^ Colby Smith (February 2019). "A potential new snag in US China Trade". Financial Times. If “stable” means the renminbi continues to trade within a band set by officials at China's central bank on a daily basis, then according to Brad Setser at the Council on Foreign Relations, this isn't such a large ask from the US. In fact, China has committed to this kind of policy for many years now — most aggressively since September as Setser's chart shows.
  7. ^ Matthew C Klien (9 February 2018). "Brad Setser explains how corporate tax policy affects the balance of payments". Financial Times. Retrieved 24 February 2019.
  8. ^ Brad Setser, Council on Foreign Relations (6 February 2019). "The Global Con Hidden in Trump's Tax Reform Law, Revealed". The New York Times. Retrieved 24 February 2019.
  9. ^ Brad Setser (8 October 2018). "Puerto Rico Needs a Better Debt Deal". Bloomberg Finance. Retrieved 25 February 2019.
  10. ^ "Agency Review Teams". President-Elect Joe Biden. Retrieved 10 November 2020.

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