1964년 미국 선거

1964 United States elections
1964년 미국 선거
1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 →
대통령 선거의 해
선거일11월 3일
현직 대통령린든 B.존슨 (민주)
차기 의회89번째
대통령 선거
당파적 통제민주당 홀드
인기 투표율민주당 +22.6%
선거인단 투표
린든 B. 존슨(D)486
배리 골드워터(R)52
1964 United States presidential election in California1964 United States presidential election in Oregon1964 United States presidential election in Washington (state)1964 United States presidential election in Idaho1964 United States presidential election in Nevada1964 United States presidential election in Utah1964 United States presidential election in Arizona1964 United States presidential election in Montana1964 United States presidential election in Wyoming1964 United States presidential election in Colorado1964 United States presidential election in New Mexico1964 United States presidential election in North Dakota1964 United States presidential election in South Dakota1964 United States presidential election in Nebraska1964 United States presidential election in Kansas1964 United States presidential election in Oklahoma1964 United States presidential election in Texas1964 United States presidential election in Minnesota1964 United States presidential election in Iowa1964 United States presidential election in Missouri1964 United States presidential election in Arkansas1964 United States presidential election in Louisiana1964 United States presidential election in Wisconsin1964 United States presidential election in Illinois1964 United States presidential election in Michigan1964 United States presidential election in Indiana1964 United States presidential election in Ohio1964 United States presidential election in Kentucky1964 United States presidential election in Tennessee1964 United States presidential election in Mississippi1964 United States presidential election in Alabama1964 United States presidential election in Georgia1964 United States presidential election in Florida1964 United States presidential election in South Carolina1964 United States presidential election in North Carolina1964 United States presidential election in Virginia1964 United States presidential election in West Virginia1964 United States presidential election in the District of Columbia1964 United States presidential election in Maryland1964 United States presidential election in Delaware1964 United States presidential election in Pennsylvania1964 United States presidential election in New Jersey1964 United States presidential election in New York1964 United States presidential election in Connecticut1964 United States presidential election in Rhode Island1964 United States presidential election in Vermont1964 United States presidential election in New Hampshire1964 United States presidential election in Maine1964 United States presidential election in Massachusetts1964 United States presidential election in Hawaii1964 United States presidential election in Alaska1964 United States presidential election in the District of Columbia1964 United States presidential election in Maryland1964 United States presidential election in Delaware1964 United States presidential election in New Jersey1964 United States presidential election in Connecticut1964 United States presidential election in Rhode Island1964 United States presidential election in Massachusetts1964 United States presidential election in Vermont1964 United States presidential election in New HampshireElectoralCollege1964.svg
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1964년 대통령 선거 결과빨간색은 골드워터가 이긴 주를 나타내고 파란색은 존슨이 이긴 주를 나타냅니다.숫자는 각 후보가 얻은 선거인단을 나타냅니다.
상원의원 선거
전체적인 관리민주당 홀드
경쟁 의석100석 중 35석
(33석 2석 + 특별선거 [1]3석)
넷 시트 체인지민주 +2
1964 United States Senate special election in Oklahoma1964 United States Senate special election in Tennessee1964 United States Senate election in Arizona1964 United States Senate election in California1964 United States Senate election in Connecticut1964 United States Senate election in Delaware1964 United States Senate election in Florida1964 United States Senate election in Hawaii1964 United States Senate election in Indiana1964 United States Senate election in Maine1964 United States Senate election in Maryland1964 United States Senate election in Massachusetts1964 United States Senate election in Michigan1964 United States Senate election in Minnesota1964 United States Senate election in Mississippi1964 United States Senate election in Missouri1964 United States Senate election in Montana1964 United States Senate election in Nebraska1964 United States Senate election in Nevada1964 United States Senate election in New Jersey1964 United States Senate election in New Mexico1964 United States Senate election in New York1964 United States Senate election in North Dakota1964 United States Senate election in Ohio1964 United States Senate election in Pennsylvania1964 United States Senate election in Rhode Island1964 United States Senate election in Tennessee1964 United States Senate election in Texas1964 United States Senate election in Utah1964 United States Senate election in Vermont1964 United States Senate election in Virginia1964 United States Senate election in Washington1964 United States Senate election in West Virginia1964 United States Senate election in Wisconsin1964 United States Senate election in Wyoming1964 United States Senate elections results map.svg
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1964년 상원 선거 결과

민주적 이득 민주당 홀드

공화당의 이익 공화당의 홀드
하원 선거
전체적인 관리민주당 홀드
경쟁 의석435명 전원 투표
인기 투표율민주당 +14.7%
넷 시트 체인지민주당 +37
1964 United States House Elections.png
1964년 중의원 선거 결과

민주적 이득 민주당 홀드

공화당의 이익 공화당의 홀드
도지사 선거
경쟁 의석25
넷 시트 체인지공화당 +1
1964 Rhode Island gubernatorial election1964 Illinois gubernatorial election1964 Wisconsin gubernatorial election1964 Iowa gubernatorial election1964 Arkansas gubernatorial election1964 Kansas gubernatorial election1964 Texas gubernatorial election1964 New Mexico gubernatorial election1964 Arizona gubernatorial election1964 Florida gubernatorial election1964 Massachusetts gubernatorial election1964 Michigan gubernatorial election1964 Nebraska gubernatorial election1964 South Dakota gubernatorial election1964 Delaware gubernatorial election1964 Indiana gubernatorial election1964 Missouri gubernatorial election1964 Montana gubernatorial election1964 New Hampshire gubernatorial election1964 North Carolina gubernatorial election1964 North Dakota gubernatorial election1964 Utah gubernatorial election1964 Vermont gubernatorial election1964 Washington gubernatorial election1964 West Virginia gubernatorial election1964 United States gubernatorial elections results map.svg
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1964년 도지사 선거 결과

민주적 이득 민주당 홀드

공화당의 이익 공화당의 홀드

1964년 미국 선거는 11월 3일에 실시되어 제89대 미국 의회 의원과 제45대 대통령 선거의 의원을 선출했다.민주당은 대통령직을 유지했고 상하 양원에서 의석을 추가했다.이번 대선은 워싱턴 D.C.[2]에 선거인단 투표권을 부여한 수정헌법 23조의 비준 이후 첫 번째 대통령 선거였다.

민주당의 현직 대통령 린든 B. 존슨(1963년 11월 22일 전임자 존 F. 사망 후 취임) 케네디)는 [3]애리조나주 출신의 공화당 상원의원 배리 골드워터를 누르고 정상을 차지했다.존슨은 애리조나주와 딥사우스주제외한 모든 주에서 승리했다.존슨은 1820년 이래 가장 많은 61%를 득표했다.골드워터는 1차 투표에서 윌리엄 스크랜턴 펜실베이니아 주지사와 넬슨 록펠러 뉴욕 주지사를 누르고 공화당 후보로 지명됐다.

민주당은 하원에서 37석, 상원에서 2석을 차지해 양원에서 거부권을 행사할 수 있는 초강수를 확보했다.

주지사 선거에서 공화당이 한 의석을 순증했다.

「 」를 참조해 주세요.


  1. ^ 뉴멕시코의 1급 상원 의석에서는 정기선거와 특별선거가 동시에 치러졌다.그 특별 선거는 "경선된 의석"의 일부로 계산되지 않는다.
  2. ^ "Statistics of the Presidential and Congressional Election of November 3, 1964" (PDF). U.S. House of Reps, Office of the Clerk. Retrieved 10 April 2017.
  3. ^ "1964 Presidential Election". The American Presidency Project. Retrieved 26 December 2011.