툰턴 농촌구

Taunton Rural District
툰턴 농촌구
• 191171,620 에이커 (1972.2km2)[1]
• 196170,534 에이커(285.44km2)[1]
• 191117,834[2]
• 196122,204[2]
• 생성됨1894
• 폐지됨1974

타운턴은 1894년부터 1974년까지 영국 서머셋농촌 지역이었다.

1894년 「지방자치법」에 따라 만들어졌다.

1974년 타운톤 데인 지구의 일부가 되면서 1972년 지방정부법에 따라 폐지되었다.

The parishes which were in the rural district included Ash Priors, Bickenhall, Bishop's Hull, Bishops Lydeard, Burrowbridge, Cheddon Fitzpaine, Churchstanton, Combe Florey, Comeytrowe, Corfe, Cothelstone, Creech St Michael, Curland, Durston, Halse, Hatch Beauchamp, Kingston St Mary, Lydeard St Lawrence, North Curry, Norton Fitzwarren, Orchard Portma, Otterford, Pitminster, Ruishton, Stafflegrove, Stoke St Gregory, Stoke St Mary, Thornfalcon, Talland, Somerset, Trull, West Bagborough, West Hatch, West Monkton.


  1. ^ a b "Area". Taunton Rural District. Britain Through Time. Retrieved 15 November 2009.
  2. ^ a b "Population". Taunton Rural District. Britain Through Time. Retrieved 15 November 2009.

좌표:51°01′08″N 3°06′00″W/51.019°N 3.1°W/ 51.019; -3.1