수렌드라나트 티피스

Surendranath Tipnis

수렌드라나트 티피스는 1900년대 초 마하드 자치구의 대통령이자 사회 운동가였다. 그는 마라티 CKP 가정에서 태어났다. A.V.와 같은 당대의 다른 진보적인 사회 운동가들과 함께. 치트레와 치트파완 브라만 G. N. 사하스라부데, 마하드 사티아그라하바바사헤프 암베드카르를 돕는 데 공헌했다. 그는 마하드의 공공장소가 만질 수 없는 곳에 열려 있다고 선언하고 암베드카르를 초대하여 1927년 마하드에서 회의를 열었다. 후에 그는 암베드카르의 독립 노동당의 MLA가 되었다. 그는 '달리트미트라'(달리트의 친구)와 '나나사헵'[1][2][3][4]이라는 칭호를 받았다.


  1. ^ Omvedt, Gail (30 January 1994). Dalits and the Democratic Revolution: Dr Ambedkar and the Dalit Movement in Colonial India. p. 138. ISBN 9788132119838. G.N. Sahasrabudhe, a Brahman of the Social Service Legue, and Surendranath Tipnis, another CKP who was president of the Mahad municipality; Chitre and Tipnis were later to be elected as MLAs in Ambedkar's Independent Labour Party, while Sahasrabudhe went on to become the editor of Ambedkar's weekly Janata.
  2. ^ Shailaja Paik (11 July 2014). Dalit Women's Education in Modern India: Double Discrimination. ISBN 9781317673309.
  3. ^ Jayashree Gokhale (1993). From Concessions to Confrontation: The Politics of an Indian Untouchable Community. popular prakashan. p. 91. ...satyagraha was the Samata Sangh (Equality League), an association founded by Ambedkar in 1926-27. The leadership of the Samata Sangh was largely upper caste-Hindu, and included some leaders of the non-Brahman movement in Maharashtra. Indeed it was through the help of Surendranath Tipnis (later known as Dalitmitra Nanasaheb Tipnis), a major caste Hindu lieutenant of Ambedkar, that the Depressed Classes Conference was convened From Self-Reform to Satyagraha
  4. ^ Chatterjee, N. (2011). The Making of Indian Secularism: Empire, Law and Christianity, 1830-1960. p. 66. ISBN 9780230298088.