이슬람 유산 부활의 사회
Society of the Revival of Islamic HeritageThe Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage (Arabic: ﺟﻤﻌﻴﺔ اﺣﻴﺎء اﻟﺘﺮاث اﻻﺳﻼﻣﻲ) (RIHS) is a Kuwait-based NGO with branches in a number of countries.
스페인 정보기관 CNI에 따르면 쿠웨이트는 RIHS 자회사 지부를 통해 스페인의 이슬람 연합회와 회합에 자금과 지원을 제공했다. 쿠웨이트는 이렇게 해서 레우스와 토레뎀바라에 있는 이슬람 사원에 자금을 지원했는데, 이들은 이슬람교도들이 스페인 사회에 통합되고 비무슬림들에 대한 증오를 조장하는 것에 반하는 이념을 퍼뜨렸다.[1]
파키스탄 및 아프가니스탄 지사
부패와 테러
파키스탄과 아프가니스탄의 지부는 알카에다 조직원에 의해 부패한 것으로 알려져 있다; 그 두 지부는 2002년 1월 9일 미국에 의해 금지되었다.[2][3] 러시아 정부는 RIHS가 러시아 내 어디에서나 운영되지 못하도록 금지했으며, 이 사회를 테러 조직으로 간주해 왔다.[4]
재무부 공보실은 압드 알 무신 알-리비의 지휘를 받는 파키스탄 사무소가 자신의 보호 하에 있는 고아들의 수를 부풀렸다고 주장했다.[5]
미국은 OFAC SDN 리스트(이슬람 유산 사회 부흥 관리 위원회)에 등재된 기구를 두고 있어 미국 시민과 영주권자의 이 기구와의 거래를 금지하고 있다.
RIHS와의 연계를 통해 구금이 정당화된 관타나모 포로들
관타나모 수용소 수감자들의 지속적인 구금은 부분적으로 이슬람 유산 협회 부활과의 연계를 통해 정당화되었다.
살림 마흐무드 아뎀 모하메드 바니 아미르 |
사미 모히 엘 딘 무하메드 알 하지 | |
함마드 알리 암노 가달라 |
모하메드 페니텔 모하메드 알 다이하니 |
- ^ Cembrero, Ignacio (2011-07-31). "El CNI alerta de que seis países musulmanes financian al islamismo". EL PAÍS (in Spanish). Retrieved 2017-08-16.
- ^ "O'Neill Reports Progress Against Terrorist Financing (Blocks assets of two more organizations)". U.S. Dept. of State Washington HYPER File. U.S. Treasury Office of Public Affairs. Archived from the original on 19 August 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
The order targets the Afghan Support Committee (ASC) and the Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS). According to U.S. officials, the ASC was set up by bin Laden and has offices in Peshawar, Pakistan, and Jalalabad, Afghanistan. The RIHS is a Kuwaiti-based non-governmental organization whose offices in Pakistan and Afghanistan are associated with the ASC. The Treasury action affects the society's offices in Pakistan and Afghanistan but not in Kuwait. O'Neill said the two groups have portrayed themselves as legitimate charitable organizations but have defrauded donors by diverting money to support terrorist activities.
- ^ 유엔의 알카에다와 탈레반의 계열사 목록
- ^ "'Terror' list out; Russia tags two Kuwaiti groups". Arab Times. Kuwait. Archived from the original on 11 March 2007. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Two Kuwaiti organizations are on a list of 17 terrorist groups published by Russia on Friday. This list, carried by “Rossiikaya gazeta “ and signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov, includes the Social Reform Society and the Society for Revival of Islamic Heritage. According to an announcement made by Russia these organizations are banned in Russia and acknowledged as terrorist organizations in the Russian Federation.
- ^ "FACT SHEET: The Continuing War on Terrorist Assets". United StatesDepartment of the Treasury. U.S. Treasury Press Center. Retrieved 15 August 2014.
Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS) The RIHS is a Kuwaiti-based non-governmental organization. In Pakistan and Afghanistan it is affiliated with ASC. The Peshawar, Pakistan office director for RIHS is Abd al-Muhsin Al-Libi, who also serves as the ASC manager in Peshawar. Al-Libi has provided Usama bin Laden and his associates with facilities in Peshawar, and has carried money and messages on behalf of Usama bin Laden. The Pakistan office defrauded RIHS donors to fund terrorism. In order to obtain additional funds from the Kuwait RIHS headquarters, the RIHS office in Pakistan padded the number of orphans it claimed to care for by providing names of orphans that did not exist or who had died. Funds then sent for the purpose of caring for the non-existent or dead orphans were instead diverted to al-Qaida terrorists. There is no evidence at this point that this financing was done with the knowledge of RIHS in Kuwait.
- ^ Salim Mahmoud Adem Mohammed Bani Amir의 전투원 지위 검토 재판소 요약본(.pdf) - 73-76페이지
- ^ "Sami Mohy El Din Muhammed Al Hajj's Administrative Review Board" hearing (entry 20382) " (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 31 July 2006.
- ^ "Summary of Evidence (.pdf)] prepared for Hammad Ali Amno Gadallah Combatant Status Review Tribunals - December 14, 2004 - page 46" (PDF). 16 November 2004. Archived from the original (PDF) on 19 August 2006.
- ^ "Guantanamo Bay Detainees Classifed [sic] as 'No Longer Enemy Combatants'". Washington Post. Archived from the original on 11 August 2006.
- ^ OARDEC (2008-10-09). "Consolidate chronological listing of GTMO detainees released, transferred or deceased (see page 5 of 9)" (PDF). United States Department of Defense. Archived from the original (PDF) on 20 December 2008. Retrieved 2008-12-28.
- ^ a b OARDEC (22 September 2004). "Summary of Evidence for Combatant Status Review Tribunal --Al Daihani, Mohammed Fenaital Mohamed" (PDF). United States Department of Defense. pp. 52–53. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 February 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-12.