로버트 클라크 존스

Robert Clark Jones
로버트 클라크 존스
태어난(1916-06-30)1916년 6월 30일
미국 톨레도
죽은2004년 4월 26일 (2004-04-26) (87세)
로 알려져 있다.존스 미적분학
특정 검출도
과학 경력

R. 클라크 존스(R. Clark Jones, 1916년 6월 30일 ~ 2004년 4월 26일)는 광학 분야에서 일하는 미국의 물리학자였다. 그는 하버드 대학에서 공부했고 1941년에 박사학위를 받았다. 1944년까지 그는 벨 연구소에서 일했고 이후 1982년까지 폴라로이드 사에서 일했다. 1941년과 1956년 사이의 일련의 출판물에서 그는 일관성 있는 빛의 양극화, 즉 존스 미적분학을 설명하는 수학 모델을 시연했다.

윌리엄 슈클리프편광: 생산과 사용(Production and Use)을 저술할 때 그는 서문에서 "존스 미적분학의 창시자인 R. 클라크 존스 박사에게 저자가 진 빚은 헤아릴 수 없을 만큼 많다. 스톡스 벡터, 뮬러 미적분, 존스 미적분 등을 다루는 부분은 그가 오래도록 고심하는 코칭이 없었다면 쓸 수 없었을 것이라고 말했다.[1]


  • Jones, R. Clark (1939). "On The Relativistic Doppler Effect". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 29 (8): 337–338. doi:10.1364/JOSA.29.000337.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1939). "The Koremetron: An Instrument for Measuring Pupillary Diameters". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 29 (12): 531–534. Bibcode:1939JOSA...29..531J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.29.000531.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1941). "A new calculus for the treatment of optical systems, I. Description and Discussion of the Calculus". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 31 (7): 488–493. Bibcode:1941JOSA...31..488J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.31.000488.
  • Hurwitz, Henry; Jones, R. Clark (1941). "A new calculus for the treatment of optical systems, II. Proof of three general equivalence theorems". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 31 (7): 493–499. Bibcode:1941JOSA...31..493H. doi:10.1364/JOSA.31.000493.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1941). "A new calculus for the treatment of optical systems, III The Sohncke Theory of optical activity". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 31 (7): 500–503. Bibcode:1941JOSA...31..500J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.31.000500.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1942). "A new calculus for the treatment of optical systems, IV". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 32 (8): 486–493. Bibcode:1942JOSA...32..486J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.32.000486.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1946). "Steady-State Load Curves for Semi-Conductor Bolometers". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 36 (8): 448–454. Bibcode:1946JOSA...36..448J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.36.000448.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1947). "A new calculus for the treatment of optical systems, V. A more general formulation and description of another calculus". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 37 (2): 107–110. Bibcode:1947JOSA...37..107J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.37.000107.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1947). "A new calculus for the treatment of optical systems, VI. Experimental determination of the matrix". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 37 (2): 110–112. Bibcode:1947JOSA...37..110J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.37.000110.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1947). "The Ultimate Sensitivity of Radiation Detectors". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 37 (11): 879–888. doi:10.1364/JOSA.37.000879. PMID 18896762.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1948). "A New Calculus for the Treatment of Optical Systems. VII. Properties of the N-Matrices". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 38 (8): 671–683. Bibcode:1948JOSA...38..671J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.38.000671.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1949). "A New Classification System for Radiation Detectors". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 39 (5): 327–341. Bibcode:1949JOSA...39..327J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.39.000327. PMID 18131432.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1949). "Erratum: The Ultimate Sensitivity of Radiation Detectors". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 39 (5): 343. doi:10.1364/JOSA.39.000343.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1949). "Factors of Merit for Radiation Detectors". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 39 (5): 344–356. Bibcode:1949JOSA...39..344J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.39.000344. PMID 18144695.
  • Jones, R. Clark; Jones, R. Clark (1949). "The Trapping of Fluorescent Light Produced within Objects of High Geometrical Symmetry". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 39 (11): 912–916. Bibcode:1949JOSA...39..912S. doi:10.1364/JOSA.39.000912.
  • 웨스트, CD, 존스, R. 클라크(1951년)."에 특성 편광 요소로 사용에 광학 기기.나 기초적 Considerations".저널이 광학 협회. 41(12):976–980. doi:10.1364/JOSA.41.000976.* 존스, R. 클라크, 웨스트, CD(1951년)."에 특성 편광 요소로 사용에 광학 기기.II. 관하Modulators".저널이 광학 협회. 41(12):982–984. doi:10.1364/JOSA.41.000982.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1955). "New Method of Describing and Measuring the Granularity of Photographic Materials". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 45 (10): 799–808. Bibcode:1955JOSA...45..799J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.45.000799.
  • Jones, R. Clark; West, C. D. (1951). "On the Properties of Polarization Elements as Used in Optical Instruments. II. Sinusoidal Modulators". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 41 (12): 982–984. Bibcode:1951JOSA...41..982J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.41.000982.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1953). "The General Theory of Bolometer Performance". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 43 (1): 1–10. Bibcode:1953JOSA...43....1J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.43.000001.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1953). "On Reversibility and Irreversibility in Optics". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 43 (2): 138–143. doi:10.1364/JOSA.43.000138.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1953). "On the Relation between the Speed of Response and the Detectivity of Lead Sulfide Photoconductive Cells". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 43 (11): 1008–1013. Bibcode:1953JOSA...43.1008J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.43.001008.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1956). "New Calculus for the Treatment of Optical Systems. VIII. Electromagnetic Theory". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 46 (2): 126–131. Bibcode:1956JOSA...46..126J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.46.000126.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1956). "Transmittance of a Train of Three Polarizers". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 46 (7): 528–533. Bibcode:1956JOSA...46..528J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.46.000528.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1958). "On the Point and Line Spread Functions of Photographic Images". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 48 (12): 934–937. Bibcode:1958JOSA...48..934J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.48.000934.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1959). "Quantum Efficiency of Human Vision". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 49 (7): 645–653. Bibcode:1959JOSA...49..645J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.49.000645. PMID 13655161.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1960). "Energy detectable by radiation detectors". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 50 (9): 883. Bibcode:1960JOSA...50..883J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.50.000883.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1960). "Proposal of the Detectivity D** for Detectors Limited by Radiation Noise". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 50 (11): 1058–1059. doi:10.1364/JOSA.50.001058.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1960). "Information Capacity of Radiation Detectors". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 50 (12): 1166–1169. doi:10.1364/JOSA.50.001166.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1961). "Information Capacity of Photographic Films". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 51 (11): 1159–1171. Bibcode:1961JOSA...51.1159J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.51.001159.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1962). "Information Capacity of a Beam of Light". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 52 (5): 493–501. Bibcode:1962JOSA...52..493J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.52.000493.* Jones, R. Clark (1962). "Immersed Radiation Detectors". Applied Optics. 1 (5): 607–613. Bibcode:1962ApOpt...1..607J. doi:10.1364/AO.1.000607.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1962). "Ultimate Performance of Polarizers for Visible Light". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 52 (7): 747–750. Bibcode:1962JOSA...52..747J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.52.000747.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1962). "Information Capacity of Radiation Detectors. II". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 52 (11): 1193–1200. Bibcode:1962JOSA...52.1193J. doi:10.1364/JOSA.52.001193.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1963). "Terminology in Photometry and Radiometry". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 53 (11): 1314–5. doi:10.1364/JOSA.53.001314. PMID 14082111.
  • Bird, George R.; Jones, R. Clark (1965). "Estimation of the Spectral Response Functions of the Human Cone Pigments". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 55 (12): 1686–1691. Bibcode:1965JOSA...55.1686B. doi:10.1364/JOSA.55.001686. PMID 5888122.
  • Bird, George R.; Jones, R. Clark; Ames, Allan E. (1969). "The Efficiency of Radiation Detection by Photographic Films: State-of-the-Art and Methods of Improvement". Applied Optics. 8 (12): 2389–2405. Bibcode:1969ApOpt...8.2389B. doi:10.1364/AO.8.002389. PMID 20076051.
  • Jones, R. Clark (1994). "Polarizers, Torpedoes, and Bombs". Optics and Photonics News. 5 (10): 18. Bibcode:1994OptPN...5...18J. doi:10.1364/OPN.5.10.000018.

참고 항목


  1. ^ 윌리엄 셔클리프(1962) 극광: 생산과 사용, 하버드대 출판부

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