
Structure of a Mafia crime family

A soldato or soldier is the first official level of both the American Mafia and the Sicilian Mafia in the formal Mafia hierarchy or cadre. The promotion to the rank of soldier is an elevation in the chain of command from the associate level. The associate, who is not an initiated member of the Mafia, must prove himself to the family and take the oath of Omertà in order to become an initiated made man and therefore rise to the rank of soldato.

Picciotto (plural: picciotti) is often used to refer to a lower-level mafioso or soldato, but it usually indicates a younger, inexperienced soldato and may even be used loosely to refer to a closely connected, up-and-coming associate who is not necessarily a made man yet (and therefore not yet officially a "soldato"). "Picciotti" usually perform simple tasks such as beatings, money collection, and robbery.[citation needed]

Duties and advantages

An associate can only be promoted to soldier after a period of being "on record" with an incumbent member of a family. He must be sponsored by the incumbent soldier's caporegime (capo or captain), and personally cleared by the family's boss. Once inducted into the Mafia, a soldier is now part of a crew, a collection of soldiers and associates working under a capo. A soldier's main responsibility is to earn money and give a portion of his profits up to his capo. Under most circumstances, a soldier never receives orders directly from the boss. Rather, the boss passes orders down the chain of command to the soldiers.[citation needed]

They also serve as muscle of their crime family. Like an associate, he can also be relied on to commit acts of intimidation, threats, violence and murder. The soldier is obliged to obey orders from his capo to commit murder for his crime family. As a made man, he is bound by the Mafia code of omertà and must serve loyally for life. Although a soldier ranks at the lowest level of the family, he has several advantages over an associate. Most notably, he is considered untouchable in the criminal underworld. If another mobster wants to kill a soldier, it is compulsory that he gets permission from the soldier's boss, and only then for an egregious violation of Mafia rules. In contrast, an associate can be killed solely on a soldier's whim. For example, when Philadelphia crime family associate Nicodemo Scarfo, Jr. was almost killed by a warring faction of the family, his father, Nicodemo "Little Nicky" Scarfo, Sr., pulled some strings to get him inducted into the Lucchese crime family, protecting him from any possible attacks in the future.[1] Killing a soldier without getting the boss's permission is considered taboo in mob circles and can lead to the perpetrator of the murder getting killed himself. The lone exception to this rule is when the boss himself calls a soldier in; this may be because the soldier's capo has fallen into disfavor and the boss wants him killed.[citation needed]

A soldier has the responsibilities of all made men. He must vow to stay loyal to the Mafia for life and earn his superiors money. Whenever he is called for by his superiors, he must oblige without reservation. He must also never cooperate with authorities in any way and must serve out prison sentences without complaint. In exchange for their loyalty they have full access to their crime family's protection, power and connections. His organization is also expected to look after his family and sometimes pay for legal fees if he serves a prison sentence.[citation needed]

Like an associate, a soldier is required to pay tribute to the captain for the privilege of being able to operate. However, he does not have to give as much money from his criminal endeavors as an associate.[2] He must have enough success in his schemes to remain in favor with his superiors and avoid becoming a liability. Some associates become soldiers because of their usefulness in strong arm work, but even they must demonstrate an ability to earn money. A soldier will be given profitable rackets to run by his superiors, but for the most part they must also generate money on their own.[citation needed]

모든 군인이 가족 내에서 동등하게 대우받는 것은 아니다. 군인은 자신의 라켓이 창출하는 이익과 가족에게 보여주는 충성심에 따라 존중받고 대우받는다. 콜롬보 범죄 가문알퐁스 페르시코처럼 상사의 아들은 군인일 수도 있지만, 다른 집안의 모든 가족과 폭도들은 일찍부터 그가 더 큰 일에 대해 단련되고 있다는 것을 알고 있다.[3] 다른 군인은 감비노 범죄 가족 군인 로버트 디베르나르도처럼 돈을 잘 벌어 상사에게 직접 보고할지도 모른다. 1950년대 시카고 아웃핏의 필 알데리시오와 같은 다른 사람들은 교활한 무자비함으로 크게 존경받는다.[3]

군인들은 사실상 파산할 수 있고, 매일매일 살 수 있는 충분한 현금을 벌 수 있을 뿐이다.[3] 그들에게 주어지는 어떤 라켓(범죄 가족의 힘에 따라 수익성이 달라질 수 있음)과는 별도로, 그들은 종종 그들 자신의 수단으로 살아남도록 남겨진다. 상사와는 달리, 그들은 자신들을 위해 수익을 창출하기 위해 자신들 밑에 있는 사람들을 만들지 않았다. 하지만, 그들은 이제 그들 자신의 동료 집단과 그들의 가치를 증명하려는 열망자들을 조직하고 이끌 수 있는 더 좋은 위치에 있다.[2] 종종 그들은 합법적인 돈을 저축하지 않으면서 사치스럽고 사치스러운 생활을 한다. 그들은 또한 수감이나 경찰의 감시에 의해 그들의 수입 능력이 좌절되는 동안 변호사 수임료에 터무니없이 많은 돈을 쓸 수도 있다. 그들은 또한 그들 가족의 사업/정치적 연계에 완전히 접근하여 그들 자신의 권리로 권력을 만들면서 그들 자신의 능력을 통해 백만장자가 될 수 있다. 예를 들어, Lucchese 범죄 가족의 군인 John Baudanza는 그의 동료들과 함께 펌프와 덤프 사기를 운영함으로써 수백만 달러를 벌 수 있었다. 콜롬보 범죄 가족의 군인 랄프 스코포는 건설업에서 핵심 노조를 장악했고 오패밀리가 운영하는 수백만 달러의 공갈 계획의 주역이었다.[3] 이에 앞서 노동쟁의꾼이자 노조 간부인 앤서니 '토우 토니' 아나스타시오는 만가노 범죄 가족(지금의 감비노 가족)의 군인으로서 30년간 브루클린 수변지역을 철권통치하고 노조비, 장물, 보상의 리베이트를 통해 수백만 달러를 군중에게 전달했다.[4]

자신이 속한 가족의 권력에 따라 '노쇼 일자리'(직장에 취업해 출근하지 않고 급여 수표를 받는 것)도 받을 수 있는데, 이는 범죄 가족이 건설, 폐기물 관리 등 합법적인 사업을 잠식했기 때문이다. 궁극적으로 버는 돈의 액수는 군인마다 크게 다르다.[5]

참고 항목


  1. ^ Anastasia, George (January 11, 2010). "Scarfo pal's conviction offers glimpse into mob". Archived from the original on May 3, 2010.
  2. ^ a b Selwyn Raab미국 마피아 제국의 부흥, 쇠퇴, 부활. 맥밀런, 2005년 ISBN 0-312-30094-8, ISBN 978-0-312-30094-4.
  3. ^ a b c d 카피, 제리. 마피아에 대한 완벽한 바보의 안내서. 인디애나폴리스: 알파 북스, 2002. ISBN 0-02-864225-2
  4. ^ Jacobs, James B. (2006). Mobsters, unions, and feds the Mafia and the American labor movement ([Online-Ausg.]. ed.). New York: New York University Press. pp. 49. ISBN 0-8147-4273-4. Anthony Anastasio.
  5. ^ Rashbaum, William K. (December 10, 2013). "Some Made Men Struggle to Make Ends Meet". The New York Times.