Józef Gazy

Józef Gazy, professor Kazimierz Michałowski and Barbara Lewandowska in a conservation laboratory of the National Museum in Warsaw. Frescoes from the Faras Cathedral in the background.

Józef Gazy (1910–1998) was a Polish artist, sculptor and restorer. Author of several monuments set in public space in various cities in Poland. In the 1960s he served as the leader of a team responsible for removal, maintenance, conservation and restoration of frescoes from the cathedral of Faras.


Józef Gazy was born in 1910.[1] In 1937, he graduated from Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts.[2]

In 1945 he joined the Office for the Reconstruction of the Capital (BOS). As part of his work there he was one of the creators of Warsaw's Monument to Brotherhood in Arms;[3] he was also the sculptor to re-create the missing elements of the Sigismund's Column destroyed by the Germans during World War II.[4][5] In the 1940s he was also one of the sculptors responsible for the decoration of the buildings of Marszałkowska Residential District in Warsaw.[6] In 1951 he authored the Monument of Polish-Soviet Brotherhood of Arms in Legnica; during Stalinist period he created four additional monuments, similar to the one in Legnica, for various cities in Poland.

Socialist-realist Polish-Soviet Brotherhood in Arms Monument in Legnica is one of the best-known sculptures by Józef Gazy

In 1962 Józef Gazy became a member of the Polish archaeological expedition of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw conducting the excavations at Faras.[7] He led the field team of art restorers which dealt with securing frescoes discovered in the cathedral of Faras, preserving them, removing them from the walls and preparing them for transport.[8][9] A big part of the work on the site he carried out personally, aided by Marta Kubiak.[10] He remained part of the team until the very end of excavations, and left it only with the last group of Polish archaeologists, together with professor Michałowski, Stefan Jakobielski, Tadeusz Dzierżykray-Rogalski, Marek Marciniak, Antoni Ostrasz and photographer of the expedition, Andrzej Dziewanowski, soon before the Faras site was flooded by the waters of newly-constructed Lake Nasser.[7] His skills and ingenuity allowed for more that 120 frescoes to be rescued from the site.[11] While working in Egypt, Gazy also helped William Y. Adams with maintenance and restoration of frescoes at the nearby archaeological site of Meinarti.[11]

1972년으로 [11]예정된 누비안 그림의 첫 상설 전시회 준비를 담당했던 카르툼 국립박물관.폴란드로 돌아오자 그는 한나 예드르제예프스카가 이끄는 [11]파라스 컬렉션의 폴란드 부분 전시를 준비하는 복원가 팀에 합류했다.파라스 갤러리는 [11]1974년에 대중에게 개방되었다.누비아 미술을 구하기 위한 그의 업적으로, 특히 수단 [11]훈장을 받았습니다.

1970년대 중반, Jozef Gazy는 10여 년 전에 [11]중단되었던 그의 조각 경력으로 돌아왔다.그는 전문가이자 관리자로서 폴란드 지중해 고고학 센터와 계속 접촉했다.다른 프로젝트들 중에서, 그는 폴란드 고고학자들이 팔미라[11]알-라트 신전에서 발견한 사자와 영양의 조각품 복원을 감독했다.

1988년 교황 요한 바오로 2세의 기념비자모이치 대성당 앞에 공개되었고, 이는 [12]세계 최초의 요한 바오로 2세 기념비하나였다.

유제프 가지씨는 [13]1998년에 사망했다.



  1. ^ Baumgartner 1998, 페이지 427. 오류:: 1998
  2. ^ Godlewski 1998, 페이지 9. 오류:: 1998
  3. ^ Giergo® 2004, s.v. "Autorzy.". 오류:: ™ 2004
  4. ^ Sygietyska 1978, 페이지 105. 오류:: 1978
  5. ^ Gorski 1988, 페이지 420. (도움말
  6. ^ Olszewski 1988, 페이지 87. 오류:: CITEREFOlszewski
  7. ^ a b Dzieryykray-Rogalski 1982, 페이지 280, 285. 오류:: 1982
  8. ^ § Wukasiewicz 1976, 페이지 . : 없음:(도움말)
  9. ^ Jakobielski 2002, 페이지 51-56. 오류:: 2002
  10. ^ Jdrdrzejewska 1965, 페이지 253. 오류:: (
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h Godlewski 1998, 페이지 10. 오류:: 1998
  12. ^ Jaworska 1993, 페이지 37. 오류:: 1993
  13. ^ Godlewski 1998, 페이지 9-10. 오류:: 1998

참고 문헌

  • Gabriele Baumgartner, ed. (1998), Polski indeks biograficzny (in Polish, German, and English), München: Saur, ISBN 3598345062, OCLC 75935502
  • Tadeusz Dzierżykray-Rogalski (1982), "W dwudziestolecie polskiego sukcesu w Faras: dziennik terenowy uczestnika polskiej ekspedycji", Kwartalnik Historii Nauki I Techniki (in Polish), Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe., 2 (27): 249–290
  • Paweł Giergoń (2004), "Pomnik Braterstwa Broni - sztuka.net", www.sztuka.net, archived from the original on 2016-03-04, retrieved 2016-06-23
  • Włodzimierz Godlewski (1999), Iwona Zych, "Obituary: Józef Gazy (1910-1998)", Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean (Research 1998), Warszawa: Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw, X: 9–10, ISSN 1234-5415
  • Jan Górski (1988), Warszawa w latach 1944-1949: odbudowa (in Polish), Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk., ISBN 9788301033224
  • Hanna Jędrzejewska (1965), "Konserwacja dwóch malowideł ściennych z Faras", Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego W Warszawie, Warszawa: Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie (9): 217–258, retrieved 2016-09-08
  • Stefan Jakobielski (2002), "Die Rettung der Wandgälde von Faras", in Wilfried Seipel (ed.), Faras die Katedrale aus dem Wüstensand (in German), Wien: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, pp. 51–56
  • Janina Jaworska (1994), Michał Jagosz (ed.), "Jan Paweł II sztuce polskiej", Materiały XV sesji Stałej Konferencji Archiwów, Bibliotek i Muzeów Polskich na Zachodzie, 23-26. 9. 1993 (in Polish), Rzym: Fundacja Jana Pawła II, Ośrodek Dokumentacji Pontyfikatu
  • Maciej Łukasiewicz (1976), Co nowego w starożytności? (in Polish), Iskry
  • Andrzej K. Olszewski (1988), Dzieje sztuki polskiej 1890-1980 w zarysie (in Polish), Interpress, ISBN 9788322321249
  • Hanna Sygietyńska (1978), Kamień w architekturze i rzeźbie Warszawy, Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe