SS 그라함

SS Grahame
SS 그라함
SS Grahame at, Fort McMurray, in 1899.jpg
SS 그라함, 포트 맥머레이 1899년
이름틀:축구단 그라함
소유자허드슨 베이 컴퍼니
빌더존 W. 스미스
일반적 특성

SS 그라함은 1882–1883년 허드슨 베이 컴퍼니아타바스카 강, 하부 평화 , 클리어워터 강, 상부 노예 강에서 서비스를 위해 아타바스카 구 치페위안 요새에 건설한 목제 선미선이다.[1][2]

그라함은 이 지역에서 최초의 증기선이었다.[3]

엔진은 남쪽에 제작되어 육지로 운송되었다. 이 배는 길이가 135피트(41m)로 140~150t의 화물을 실을 수 있었다.[4] 1882년 8월 존 W. 스미스(John W. Smith)의 지시로 공사가 시작되었고, 그라하메는 1883년 9월에 완공되어 1884년 여름부터 이 지역에서 정기적인 서비스를 시작하였다.[5]

이 선박은 1899년 제1국과의 조약 8을 협상하기 위해 캐나다 연방정부로부터 공식 대표단을 수송했다.[4]


  1. ^ McCormack, Patricia Alice (2010). Fort Chipewyan and the Shaping of Canadian History, 1788-1920s. UBC Press. pp. 75, 80, 128, 141, 199, 286. ISBN 9780774816687. The Hudson's Bay Company launched the Grahame at Fort Chipewyan in 1883 for service on the Athabasca, lower Peace, and upper Slave rivers. This ship could carry 140 tons. According to the Edmonton Bulletin, "The Indians were terribly astonished at their first sight of a steamboat". It ran from Fort McMurray to Smith's Landing, up the Clearwater River to the Methye Portage, and up the Peace River to the Vermilion Chutes.
  2. ^ Danylchuk, Jack (2007). "Back on the River". Up Here. Archived from the original on 2012-11-29. McKay's father had worked as a deckhand on the Grahame, a Hudson's Bay Co. sternwheeler built in Fort Chipewyan with milled lumber, its furnace and boilers hauled north from Edmonton. Launched in 1883, the Grahame picked up freight and passengers below the rapids on the Athabasca, churning between Fort McMurray, Fort Chip and Fort Smith.
  3. ^ "Fort McMurray tourism". Archived from the original on 2011-08-09. The Hudson's Bay Company sternwheeler steamer, the SS Grahame, made its first trips on the Athabasca and Clearwater Rivers in 1883 marking the arrival of sternwheeler travel to the area. The trip from Athabasca for river to Fort McMurray was an adventurous and extremely dangerous one as scows and later paddle steamers had to traverse the Grand Rapids.
  4. ^ a b Fumoleau, René (2004). "As Long As This Land Shall Last: A History of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, 1870-1939". University of Calgary Press. pp. 11, 89. ISBN 9781552380635. Transportation in the North was further changed by the appearance in 1883 of the steamboat Grahame. Built by the Hudson's Bay Company at Fort Chipewyan, the Grahame was a 135-foot vessel capable of carrying 150 tons of freight. It travelled the Athabasca and Slave rivers between Fort McMurray and Smith's Landing (Fort Fitzgerald).
  5. ^ 1884년 6월 21일 에드먼턴 회보