장 루스 애덤스

Jean Ruth Adams

장 루스 애덤스
죽은2004년 7월 12일 (2004-07-12) (75-76세)
교육1962년 럿거스 대학에서 엔토몰로지 박사, 1950년 럿거스 대학에서 농업연구학 학사학위

Jean Ruth Adams (1928–2004)는 곤충 병원체, 특히 바이러스의 전자 현미경 검사를 전문으로 하는 미국의 곤충학자였다.[1][2][3]

주목할 만한 작품

  • Adams, Jean Ruth (1961). The location and histology of the contact chemoreceptors of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans L. Rutgers University. OCLC 1087154986.. 박사학위 논문.
  • Adams, Jean Ruth (1992). Insect potpourri: adventures in entomology. Sandhill Crane Press. ISBN 978-1-877743-09-2. OCLC 757682353.
  • Adams, Jean Ruth; Bonami, Jean-Robert (2018). Atlas of invertebrate viruses. ISBN 978-1-138-55765-9. OCLC 1108875806.


  1. ^ Lynn, Dwight E. (Fall 2004). "Obituaries - Dr. Jean Ruth Adams" (PDF). American Entomologist. 50 (3): 182. Retrieved 6 March 2020. Her long, distinguished career with the USDA included over 70 publications and the discovery of numerous insect pathogens. As the premier electron microscopist working in insect pathology, she was regularly sought by collaborators from around the world for helping identifying the cause of insect deaths.
  2. ^ "ADAMS, JEAN RUTH (Age 75)". Washington Post. 14 July 2004. Retrieved 6 March 2020.
  3. ^ "OBITUARIES" (PDF). The SIP Newsletter. 37 (3). November 2004. Retrieved 6 March 2020.