기하학적 도형 확장

Geometric Shapes Extended
기하학적 도형 확장
(암호 코드 포인트)
기호 집합웨빙
맡겨진102 코드 포인트
사용되지 않음26개의 예약된 코드 포인트
유니코드 버전 기록
7.0 (2014)85 (+85)
11.0 (2018)89 (+4)
12.0 (2019)101 (+12)
14.0 (2021)102 (+1)

기하학적 형상 확장(Gyomical Shape Extended)은 웹딩/윙딩 기호, 정사각형, 십자, 염화물의 무게, 그리고 이모지의 다양색깔의 사각형과 원을 포함하는 유니코드 블록이다.

기하학적 형상 확장 블록에는 13개의 이모지가 포함되어 있다. U+1F7E0–U+1F7EB 및 U+1F7F0.[3][4]

기하학적 도형 확장[1][2]
공식 유니코드 컨소시엄 코드 차트(PDF)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+1F78x 🞀 🞁 🞂 🞃 🞄 🞅 🞆 🞇 🞈 🞉 🞊 🞋 🞌 🞍 🞎 🞏
U+1F79x 🞐 🞑 🞒 🞓 🞔 🞕 🞖 🞗 🞘 🞙 🞚 🞛 🞜 🞝 🞞 🞟
U+1F7Ax 🞠 🞡 🞢 🞣 🞤 🞥 🞦 🞧 🞨 🞩 🞪 🞫 🞬 🞭 🞮 🞯
U+1F7Bx 🞰 🞱 🞲 🞳 🞴 🞵 🞶 🞷 🞸 🞹 🞺 🞻 🞼 🞽 🞾 🞿
U+1F7Cx 🟀 🟁 🟂 🟃 🟄 🟅 🟆 🟇 🟈 🟉 🟊 🟋 🟌 🟍 🟎 🟏
U+1F7Dx 🟐 🟑 🟒 🟓 🟔 🟕 🟖 🟗 🟘
U+1F7Ex 🟠 🟡 🟢 🟣 🟤 🟥 🟦 🟧 🟨 🟩 🟪 🟫
U+1F7Fx 🟰
1.^ 유니코드 버전 14.0 기준
2.^ 회색 영역은 할당되지 않은 코드 포인트를 나타냄


다음의 유니코드 관련 문서는 기하학적 도형 확장 블록에 특정 문자를 정의하기 위한 목적과 과정을 기록한다.

버전 최종코드 포인트[a] 카운트 L2 ID WG2 ID 문서
7.0 U+1F780..1F7D4 85 L2/11-052R Suignard, Michel (2011-02-15), Wingdings and Webdings symbols - Preliminary study
L2/11-149 Suignard, Michel (2011-05-09), Proposal to add Wingdings and Webdings symbols
L2/11-196 N4022 Suignard, Michel (2011-05-21), Revised Wingdings proposal
L2/11-247 N4115 Suignard, Michel (2011-06-08), Proposal to add Wingdings and Webdings Symbols
L2/11-344 N4143 Suignard, Michel (2011-09-28), Updated proposal to add Wingdings and Webdings Symbols
N4103 "10.2.1 Wingdings/Webdings additions", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 58, 2012-01-03
L2/12-130 N4239 Suignard, Michel (2012-05-08), Disposition of comments on SC2 N 4201 (PDAM text for Amendment 1.2 to ISO/IEC 10646 3rd edition)
N4363년 Suignard, Michel (2012-10-13), Status of encoding of Wingdings and Webdings Symbols
L2/12-368 N4384 Suignard, Michel (2012-11-06), Status of encoding of Wingdings and Webdings Symbols
L2/12-086 N4223 Requests regarding the Wingdings/Webdings characters in ISO/IEC 10646 PDAM 1.2, 2012-12-27
11.0 U+1F7D5..1F7D8 4 L2/16-108 N4719 West, Andrew (2016-04-21), Proposal to encode symbols for Go game notation
L2/16-121 Moore, Lisa (2016-05-20), "B.", UTC #147 Minutes
L2/16-185 N4719R West, Andrew (2016-07-11), Proposal to encode symbols for Go game notation
L2/16-216 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew; Iancu, Laurențiu; Moore, Lisa (2016-07-30), "15. Go Notation Symbols", Recommendations to UTC #148 August 2016 on Script Proposals
L2/16-203 Moore, Lisa (2016-08-18), "E.5", UTC #148 Minutes
N4873R(pdf, doc) "10.3.3, M65.08a", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 65, 2018-03-16
12.0 U+1F7E0..1F7EB 12 L2/18-141R2 Davis, Mark; et al. (2018-05-01), Emoji Colors (revised)
L2/18-143R2 N4960 Davis, Mark; et al. (2018-05-03), ESC Recommendations 2018Q2 (revised)
L2/18-115 Moore, Lisa (2018-05-09), "Consensus 155-C16 and 155-C18", UTC #155 Minutes
L2/18-191 Buff, Charlotte (2018-05-31), Comments on Emoji 12.0 Candidates
L2/18-219 West, Andrew (2018-07-11), Feedback on ESC recommendations for draft candidates for Emoji 12.0 (L2/18143R2)
L2/18-234 N5008년 Everson, Michael (2018-07-18), Feedback on draft candidates for Emoji 12.0 (L2/18-143R2)
L2/18-246 Silva, Eduardo Marín (2018-07-20), Response to Andrew West on feedback on emoji submissions (L2/18-219)
L2/18-253 Davis, Mark (2018-08-21), Comments on accumulated feedback on Unicode 12.0 draft candidates
L2/18-183 Moore, Lisa (2018-11-20), "Consensus 156-C13", UTC #156 Minutes
N5020(pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2019-01-11), "10.3.13", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 67
14.0 U+1F7F0 1 L2/20-225 Krenek, Christian (2019-12-31), Proposal for Emoji: Equal Sign
L2/20-237 Moore, Lisa (2020-10-27), "Consensus 165-C23", UTC #165 Minutes
L2/20-242R2 Daniel, Jennifer (2020-10-07), Recommendations for Emoji, Unicode 14.0
  1. ^ 제안된 코드 포인트 및 문자 이름은 최종 코드 포인트 및 이름과 다를 수 있음


  1. ^ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
  2. ^ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
  3. ^ "UTR #51: Unicode Emoji". Unicode Consortium. 2020-02-11.
  4. ^ "UCD: Emoji Data for UTR #51". Unicode Consortium. 2021-08-26.